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Hogwarts:  Year 1

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


a part of Hogwarts: Year 1, by Mr. Baneling Squishy.


Mr. Baneling Squishy holds sovereignty over Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is a part of Hogwarts: Year 1.

7 Characters Here

Albus Severus Potter [22] The Second Son of Harry and Ginny Potter.
Rose Weasley [22] "She's the brightest witch of her age!"
Felix Quncie Nott [13] "Have you seen my rat?"
Victoria Gray [12] "Mind you, I may be a slytherin, but I'm no different then you."
Tara "Tyler'' Tieran [7] ''Call me Tyler if you like.''
Dioda [3] ''Don't stand in my way!''
Olivia Rose [2] "Breathless"

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Character Portrait: Victoria Gray Character Portrait: Felix Quncie Nott
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Felix smiled as he heard what the girl, Victoria, had said her name was. Victoria. Victoria. Felix thought the name over in his head for a moment. Such a lovely name. He continued in thought. He became puzzled as he saw Victoria act a little bit out of Slytherin character then go stiff. Was it strange, a Slytherin showing traits of a total opposite character? Well, yes, maybe a little, but Felix didn't mind. To him, it was a burst of fresh air. Everyone he's ever known; father, grandfather, even playmates his father had gotten him, we're only cold and cruel, loyal to only the Dark Lord and the many gangs they've join and their family's. But, this, a first year Slytherin girl with a beautiful name of Victoria, showing kind hearted traits, felt amazing to Felix making his small smirk turn into a kind smile, even if it was just a hint of kindness mixed with the normal Slytyerin look he always wore.

He was took out of thought at the sound of Victorias voice, how nice it sounded in Felix's ears making him stare a moment as he thought back to the classes he has. "Huhm…I have Potions first. Tyen Defense against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration after that, Magical Creatures after that, Herbology, then Magical Histories." Felix stated, reciting his whole schedule. "What are your classes, Madame Victoria?" He added, saying the last part a little jokingly to break the tension that seemed to be filling the air, then gave a small bow, adding to the jokingly voice with a small chuckle. Then he stood up straight and smiled, a rather kind smile for Felix, and traced "Nott", that was stitched on the inside left forearm of his grandfathers robe, with his right index finger as he stared and smiled at Victoria.

(now you know I have no creative skills & just took the schedule from the front page haha)

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Character Portrait: Dioda Character Portrait: Tara "Tyler'' Tieran
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Checking the door to the common room of Slytherin, she held her wand close to her side and entered the room, heading straight back for her bedroom. She entered her bedroom and closed the door, then locked it to make sure no one would enter now and ruin her plan. Bending down, she grabbed the box from underneath her bed and puts it on the bed, then opened it. Toad still sitting on the egg, Dioda closed the box and shove it back under her bed. She spoke another charm to hide it out of eye and left the bedroom after unlocking it and opening it. She closed the door and locked it, and left the common room as well. She left, needing to do more then only hatch the egg.

Tara went back to the common room of Hufflepuf and to her bedroom. She was tired, after exploring the Castle and getting lost few times, who wouldn't get tired. She puts her cap off and laid it on the other side of her pillow, then dressed in her pyjamas, quietly not to wake anyone who was sleeping up. She laid down in bed and stared at the ceiling, thinking. It had been an amazing day, with Tara being sorted into Hufflepuf, and before that the journey with the train, and how the food just appeared. She had to send a letter to her mother and father tomorrow telling them everything was alright and that she had a lot of fun already today. With a smile, Tara closed her eyes and fell asleep, dreaming about how tomorrow would look.

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Character Portrait: Victoria Gray Character Portrait: Felix Quncie Nott
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She blinked in surprise as she watched his small smirk, melting into a..kind smile and Joy of realization flooded her mind, as she felt like he was okay with her multi personality, though at the same time, she felt herself fluster, hopefully it wasent too noticeable. "Huhm…I have Potions first. Tyen Defense against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration after that, Magical Creatures after that, Herbology, then Magical Histories." Felix stated, reciting his whole schedule. "What are your classes, Madame Victoria?" Again it was her turn once more to feel surprise and again flustered by his chuckle. 'what a coincidence..' And she felt a little giggle escape her, as Felix bowed down mockingly, but in a comical way. Her eyes twinkled with mischievous, and she curtsied back, liking the free tension around them. "Well my good Sir Felix, it seems like we have the same classes, coincidence isnt it~?" Victoria followed his hand as he fingered his stitched surname and noticed it looking familar, but she didnt know how. 'hm..?' Dropping the curiousity, she decided to focus on her walking companion, by making direct eye contact, which was easy with her straight forward and blunt personality. Although it seemed a bit hard this time, and she found herself glancing around as if she was trying to distract herself. It irked her, but she let it slide. 'I'm not not shy..'

[Ah its fine XD you can see that i have no real imagination either :D]

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Character Portrait: Albus Severus Potter Character Portrait: Rose Weasley
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Albus tried to keep up, and barely managed to do so. However, he then pointed out "Wait, are we going the right way?". They had to get some books from their chests, and Albus needed to feed Saber. That's when they reached The tower. He quickly ran to get his books, got Saber some food, who then jumped onto Albus' shoulder as he left with his books, Saber, and a few other books. He went out, and asked, out loud, hoping Rose was nearby, "Where is the Potions room exactly? Where is the dungeon, for that matter?". Albus was, truly, horrid when it came to directions.

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Olivia walked to dungeons for potions slowly not wanting to get lost incase she had one of those old fashioned harsh teachers that yelled at you if you coughed and also she didn't want to be late. Before she got to the stairs to go down so many floors to the dungeon she looked for a window. There wasn't one and Nezzera was in her pocket still. "Shoot." she muttered. Oh well she'd have to hope that Nezzera may just be quite enough for the owl to go un notced by anyone in the room. She kept walking until she was half certain she was standing outside the potions room. She stood on her tiptoes to see through a crack in the door and sure enough desks with cauldrons and glass bottles filled the room. She let out a sigh of relief and waited for someone else to turn up. Whilst she was waiting she gently rubbed Nezzera's head with her finger discretly.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Albus Severus Potter Character Portrait: Rose Weasley
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Rose quickly let Knockshire out, placing some food down before getting into a fresh pair of robes and brushing her hair. She glanced at her schedule, noting that it was potions first. She walked down into the common room, where Albus was.

"Where is the Potions room exactly? Where is the dungeon, for that matter?" Al asked. Rose smiled slightly, it was just like Albus.

"Well, seeing as it's a dungeon, I would presume the bottom floor.." she contemplated. "Err, I don't know. Do you still have that map you found on the floor when James was, err, hurt?" Though she was unaware it was a Marauders map, she had seen that it did have something to do with the school grounds.

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Character Portrait: Dioda
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Dioda opened her eyes and stretched. She narrowed her eyes, having fallen asleep in a chair with a large book. It was about horcruxes. Dioda got up and hided the book in her cloak, then left the library. She went to the Slytherin common room, and entered her room. The girl closed her bedroom door and knelt down beside her bed. Dioda grabbed the box and opened it, and a bright yet evil smile spread across her face. It has hatched, the basilisk had hatched. Dioda looked at the toad and then at the basilisk, her new pet could do with the toad what the pet wanted. She stroke along the body of the basilisk, then closed the box again and laid down on bed. Dioda summoned the book from the cloak and started reading again.

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Character Portrait: Albus Severus Potter Character Portrait: Rose Weasley
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Albus was slightly embarrassed when she answered. "Well.....uh.....I meant the way into the dungeons.....". His face had gone somewhat red from that. He looked back towards the door, then at Rose. "Oh! Right! He took out the map, and both of their names were in the Griffindor Common Room. "Cool. Better keep this a secret, or risk the wrath of James when he wakes up...." Now THAT was a scary thought. He would rather not repeat the Incident Last Christmas, with the "Clothes Eating Present", or the time he turned him blue for a month.....and then red for another month after that....Hugo never let him forget that one whenever possible.

Albus looked at the map, and found the potions room. "All right, lets go!". This time, he had a running start.

(Shouldnt there at least a mention of a Toad there Tornado? Remember, it hatches from a chickens egg, under a toad, and it takes powerful magic, last time i checked)

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Albus Severus Potter Character Portrait: Rose Weasley
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Albus took one glance at the map, before yelling, "All right, lets go!" and running off. Rose laughed, no idea where she was heading as she followed her cousin along the corridor, running just to keep up with him. "Where..are we.. going?" Rose half yelled, half panted as she ran after her cousin.

She had just caught up to him when her bag fell, and as she hadn't been bothered to zip it up the majority of her books tumbled out with it. Rose slowed down, sighing, before waving her wand and yelling, "Packis, Upis!" This, though, was apparently not a spell, as nothing happened. Rose grumbled under her breath as she knelt down and packed her books up, before zipping her bag up and racing after Al.

"Hey..Al..wait up!" she yelled as she ran, her red hair bobbing up and down and her bag trailing along behind her.