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Kane Lanshier

"Let just try and get through this."

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a character in “Hollow House”, as played by Made.of.Concrete



Name: Kane Aries Lanshier

Nickname: Ari <sister mainly uses.

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Birthday: December 21st

Heir: Witch Prince

>Practicing with his magic
>Spending long hours outside around nature
>Spending time alone

>Large crowds of people
>Un-needed destroying of nature
>Other witches abusing their powers
>His sister going off by herself
>People disturbing his reading

Losing his sister is the most painful thing for Kane to even imagine, this fear pierces his heart constantly when she goes off alone without telling anyone. Sometimes he just wishes for her to be more like himself.

Kane is the exact opposite to his twin sister, quiet and reserved. He does his best to be what he is supposed to be, a respectable witch. Strong, responsible, fair and understandable like his older family members. But sometimes being something you're not isn't easy, sometimes trying too hard to be that other person changes who you really are -something Kane couldn't stand himself become. He was who he was and did not wish to change just for respectability and the image his family tried so hard to portray. But alas the youngest witch prince knew better than to ever succumb to his own wish to be free and fearless of what his parents and family would think of him. He just wanted to be himself, the person he knew he was -is. But alas that was something Kane knew he would never be able to be, instead Kane continues to please the others around him to make life easier. Even if it wasn't easier for him, that's just the type of person the witch is, he thinks more for others than he does himself.

Being five minutes later than his sister Agatha has never been much of a problem with Kane. Contrary to what others might think, Kane has never had a problem with being the youngest of his siblings, he's actually enjoyed it for the most.

At a young age he's learnt that pleasing others will always be better and have a better after math than making yourself happy. Unlike his older sister, Kane sees everything as a stepping stone and once reaching higher, other door opens. Every moment in his life has been a stepping stone and large factor in his life. Be it successfully growing an orchard, losing his pet cat or even reading a new book; everything helps him grow. Life has shaped Kane into the young man his father has always wanted and dreamed of. It's also given him a larger prospective of the world around.

Kane has always had some idea of the ongoing dislike between races, he often finds himself listening to his father ramblings and opinions on each one. Personally Kane can't see why his parents have such a large hates for certain races, he understands that sometimes someone can dislike other more than another, but he just can't see why one must hate a certain other more.

Reaction to being sent to Hollow House?
Fear? No. Excitement? Maybe. Kane isn't exactly sure what he thinks of the idea of the Hollow House, all he knows at the moment is that while being locked up there he can at least keep an eye on his sister. Maybe this'll help his understand her a little better.

Which race will you get along with best? Elves and Genies seem to bring a small smile to Kane's face. The idea of meeting these two races gives him the feeling of excitement and something akin to curiosity. To be able to meet the top race and the bottom one has always been a want of his. Elves being strong, collected and calm while genies are brave, strong-willed and all around fascinating. Plus, Kane feels he is closer to the genies with their own type of magic.

Which race do you dislike most? Demons and werewolves. Just hearing the names of two such horrid species is enough to send chills down the princes spine. The two night walking races have always been a hate of Kane, the way the two could transform into hideous monsters that terrorised the night worried him to no end.

Other: Umbreon.

So begins...

Kane Lanshier's Story


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Character Portrait: Kane Lanshier Character Portrait: Agatha Lanshier
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#, as written by Caille
Agatha Lanshier

Agatha was sleeping in that morning, she did not care what so ever what others thought or what her parents though, what her brother thought. Agatha hated mornings and disliked being up early. They'd have to drag this witch out of bed and go through living hell before she was to get out, everyone knew not to wake Agatha before she woke up herself. It just wasn't practical. Several witches in her coven tried waking her up before but only ended up with burned off hair or drenched clothes or anything else. Point being just don't wake her from her slumber. Sooner or later a stupid bird had woken her from her slumber, she picked up a rock from her rock bowl she had and chucked it at the damn thing that had wings, it sickened her, not everyone was a morning riser like them, they needed to be more considerate of who was in their presence.

She got out of bed and her feet didn't make the slightest sound as she walked down the hall and finally came into the kitchen they had. She opened the pantry hoping to find something to eat, this was useless. She slammed the pantry shut and then paced the kitchen back and forth a few times. Wasn't something supposed to go on today? Some was indeed, whether it was important or not Agatha didn't know and didn't care. Most days her family would tell her to come out at least wearing pants but point being she wore underwear, something was covering that general area and they didn't see it so why complain, at least she found the decency to wear a shirt downstairs. Agatha rightly didn't care, they were family and wearing underwear and a bra wasn't going to hurt anyone, it's not like she offended someone, she'd look the same if she was wearing a bikini, daft people just didn't quite understand her hardships. Agatha had freedom and when they told her she couldn't wear that downstairs they took away her freedom.

Agatha sighed and went upstairs to just lounge on her bed and read the book of spells. She managed to find her calender on her bed side and saw what today's plan was and groaned. Why did she have to leave today? Yes indeed it'd be the most joy she'd have in bothering some people and making them do as she pleases but too early in the morning like so could alter her mood. She did a rocking motion to help herself get off her bed and then she finished packing her bag and made sure to keep her book of spells in there, although she kept it hidden. Agatha quickly put a spell on it to make it appear to any other race that it indeed was not a spell book it was just a simple book on histories, which caused less drama for her in the long run. Without her spell book to guide her she wouldn't be anything and her potion recipes were in that book as well, although they didn't look like much just pointless stuff really considering she gave everything her own code.

Finally at once Agatha pulled on some pants and a blouse that would look quite nice, she didn't want to look like she just came from the dumps but then again she never really did. In short matter of time she had her hair and make-up done to her liking and then she slipped on some shoes, although she preferred to be shoeless and run with bare feet but that wasn't too appealing to most people.

Grabbing her bag, shutting her light off, and shutting her door she went down the hall took a left and then took a right and went down a flight of stairs. She then took a left in the middle of the stairs where the wall was and she shifted the bricks and opened a secret passage. She walked inside the hall and then walked down a small narrow stair case and it went down in a spiral. She then took more turns and all that and ended up on the other side of their stone castle. Agatha then went through a secret door to go out into the main area again. She went up the main stairs and then took a right and kept following it and entered a door and then found a new set of stairs and after going up those she knocked on the first door on her left. This was the room she had believed was her twin brother's. She hadn't remembered exactly where his room was but she could only guess this was it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skyla Halloway Character Portrait: Damian Alexander Holloway Character Portrait: Kane Lanshier Character Portrait: Agatha Lanshier
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Skyla Halloway -]Demon Princess

Without shilly-shallying and little thought, Skyla slowly stepped into the portal (gateway of doom) after her brother. It was bizarre thinking of how this was all supposed to pan out, the blonde had never really heard of something so odd as her current predicament. But then again, why would someone have ever sought for such an happening to take place in the beginning? Every race has its own position in this fraudulent society and altering the nature of it all would most definitely finish in strife.

As the blonde demon was pulled from her thoughts all she could wonder was why it was so damn bright. Did no one think of every species when they decided to chuck them all together? The only answer she had for herself involved a large assortment of colourful language that consisted of words numerous found appalling and vulgar. "I already dislike this place," she muttered distastefully, already continuing after her brothers incline. "Too much sand." Taking little notice of the already arriving others , Skyla slowed down a few paces to allow for Damian to catch up, she knew he had just as much dislike for the sun as she did herself. Maybe it's a twin thing.

Kane Lanshier - Witch Prince


"Agatha, so glad you could finally make it." The strong and tasteless voice of one Witch Queen spilled out of the young Princes room like bitter waves beating against a wall of sand. Kane stood to the side of his mother, the handle to his bed room door clenched firmly in his hand. Kane was uncertain as to what had kept his older sister from arriving on time, but he was sure her rebellious needs and want to sleep in were the culprits to such tardiness. He was unsure their mother would see her late arrival just an inconvenience as he was convincing himself. "Mother-," Kane tried once again. "Agatha, I hope you have a good reason for such disobedience of my set time for your send-off. As I've told you for the past week, I will not put up with such inconveniences as I have before. This little gathering is important and I will not allow for you to be the one who shames our family name if you do not make it in time." The bitter woman looked down at her offspring, flat dark hair framed high cheek bones and hollow eyes, making her unfeasibly pale face seem to glow that portion more. "As for you Kane," pupiless eye set onto the youngest of the three, "I expected much more from you. You of all people should know how vital this agreement is, I would have thought you would have taken more precautions into making sure your elder sister arrived on time." Guilt began to well up inside the Witch Prince, making him direct his eyes to the ground shamefully. Nothing hurt more than his mothers displeasure. Said woman gazed unfeelingly at her son, she would not take anything less than perfect and Kane was aware of this. "I apologise for my failing initiative mother. It won't happen again." It was times like these Kane just wished he didn't sound so controlled and obedient, why didn't his mother just refer to him as 'dog'? "As for you young lady I'll deal with you when you return, as for now you're both behind schedule as it is and must hurry."

The Queen Witch turned on her heel and waltzed back out of the door, pushing past Agatha with little more than a glance and continued her way down one of the numerous halls that founded the house. "Follow, children."
"Come now, Agatha, we mustn't keep mother any longer. Let's not leave on too bad a note..." Gently, Kane pulled the door closed and placed a hand on his twins shoulder.

Kane followed his mother and came to a halt a little ways behind her, the light of the portal momentarily blinding him. "Well, what are you waiting for?" The elder witch questioned irritably. He didn't waste any more time and stepped into what was sure to lead to nothing but disaster.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kane Lanshier Character Portrait: Agatha Lanshier
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#, as written by Caille
Agatha Lanshier

When Agatha's mother went on and on about how her being late wasn't tolerated Agatha rolled my eyes. Her mother could go on and pretend she had perfect little children and the perfect kingdom all she wanted but everyone knew it was quite the opposite, her mother didn't except the fact that Agatha wasn't the high and mature child she wanted. Agatha wasn't meant for royalty and that was plain and simple. When their mother started to beat down on her little brother that wasn't okay, it wasn't his fault she was late and she wasn't his responsibility, no sibling should be forced to watch after the other like some mutt. Agatha slept in all of the time and therefore it was never his fault but alas they all had to be blamed for not being the bestest of the best children. Kane didn't need thier mother telling him that he should know better, even if he tried to Agatha up it'd be hopeless considering the fact that Agatha could never wake up early and it was just plain and simple.

As they walked down the hall, Agatha kept behind everyone else, she didn't want to be near their mother who would surely back hand her if she really wanted to. Agatha sighed, why did things have to be like this? As soon as she saw the portal she squinted her eyes. "Did it have to be so bright, it's hurting my eyes." She said groaning. After their mother kept going on about none sense words it was time for them to go in the portal, some other siblings may have held hands but these two didn't hold each others. Aggy did care for her brother but holding hands was not part of the plan.

Stepping into the portal Agatha came up onto a beach. She looked under her feet and looked at the grainy like solid. She had only seen merely pictures of it and saw it from a distance because where she came from they didn't have much of this sand it wasn't easy to find. How ever behind them was a big ocean, water. That was her first thought. Why? Oh maybe because we had water lovers such as the mermaids here as well. Most likely that was the case. Agatha was quite interested in meeting the other races and having a little fun, even turning siblings on each other would be a blast and she knew it. The other sets of twins were mostly already here and that placed a smirk on Aggy's face. Great all the prey gathered in one area. She looked up at the building her and her twin would be staying in and she sighed a bit. This was the place she was to stay for quite some time.

Agatha looked around at the twin sets and figured she'd just observe each and every single one of them while she could and make mental notes. After that she'd twist in her plans working loops in her brain. The one pair of twins she didn't want to get close to was the Phoenix race. They were controllers of fire and well Agatha and fire don't get along well at all. She shifted her weight to one foot and leaned casually, her arms then crossed as she looked around at her surroundings taking it all in.