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Hope never dies

Hope never dies


The world is dying can you stop it?

1,429 readers have visited Hope never dies since projectdarkeden created it.


The world is dying and there is nothing that can stop that ....or is there.


This is the world you live in the world known as Terra. The people of this planet abused their power sucking away the gifts the planet gave them. They lost touch with the voice of the planet to the point that they couldn't even here it cry for its children. Three hundred years ago was known as the day of "Rebirth" The planet grew tired of their lack of respect and lashed out leaving nothing but chaos and ruin in the world only a chosen few were still blessed by the Goddess of the planet "Terras" which created the floating nations.


But the people did not learn form their past those of the floating nations waged war on the surface dwellers creating a even more chaos so now the Goddess will tear her power from the world leaving the world to crumble and die. But she still offers a chance to those who listen to the song of the planet a chance to revive the power and bring forth peace again. Standing in their way will be monsters, bandits, and demons Will they survive for the sake of the world they must.

Now a team will be forged through blood, sweat, and tears. They will become the new legends of this world as the bring about a new Rebirth

the chosen team

(this is the main team does not mean i won't take more if they fit the story)

no god modding
romance is cool just don't go over board
try and post atleast once a day though i understand if you can't

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Apperance: (pic)
Theme song: optional

Please enjoy...

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors

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Senal stood back up and shook his head he saw Erin had finished making a bomb. "Hmm if you wait for my singal we might be able to walk out of here." He drew Shana from his back "Freedom mode." he tossed shana into the air splitting into five blades that landed in different areas around the now formed battlefield. He ran at full speed clashing his sword with Sol's blade.

Sol laughed at the brave fool that engaged into the fight. "So you are Senal I have heard much about you." He pushed Senal back with ease. "How your parents were killed right infront of you. You alone have obtained a holy relic gifted by the sister goddess of Solas But can you even use it right." He rasied his sword down with crashing speed onto Senal who quickly blocked.

"I'll show you how to use it. FLAME IMPACT." he pulled the trigger unleashing a vortex of fire that wrapped around Sol.

Sol reaction to this was not favorable He laughed as he was in the fire and moved as if it wasn't their. "Hehe I guess I should have told you I who have been chosen by the sun can no longer be hurt by magic." Sol's fist flew out of the fire impacting Senal in the gut sending him flying into a building.

Senal landed on the ground coughing up blood. "Such insane power ..." Senal staggered to get up breathing heavy as blood fell from his lips. "Everyone run I'll hold him off he is too powerfull for us to fight here." He reached out his left hand and one of the other blades rushed into it. Black energy fluxed around his body this energy wasn't like magic which was distorted mana allowing unquie control this energy was more like pure mana that can be toxic to the user in large amount. "Forgive me Terras I might have to use it."

Don't the voice carried on the wind.

Sol almost looked terrified of the black energy that flowed from "How can you use that?! That power is reserved for the gods a lowly human shouldn't be able to use it." He rushed Senal.

Don't the voice echoed in the mind of chosen

Senal dodged Sol causing the energy to stop 'What was I thinking I can't use that here."
Sol countered Senal's dodge by moving his blade catching Senal knocking him back down to the ground.
"Erin now." Senal said as his back slammed against the ground.

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#, as written by Smiley
Dyardin attempted to hold his ground when the sudden wind burst flared up, and quickly aimed his pistols around, searching for a target. He quickly recognized one, that being Sol, a demigod he had heard about only through legend. He knew they wouldn't possibly stand a chance at the moment, but that sure didn't stop Senal from trying.

Dyardin watched as Senal fought Sol, and Senal told everyone to run. Psh, as if. Dyardin thought to himself, aiming his dual pistols at Sol and preparing an attack. He waited for an opening to show, but between Sol's attacks and Senal being in the way, there was none.

Dyardin saw that Sol had pushed Senal down. An opening! Dyardin thought, then suddenly rushing at Sol, guns to his sides. He quickly leapt into the air and crossed arms, both guns now aimed at Sol, then he yelled, "Twilight Impact!" Twilight Impact was a very difficult move to pull off, since it damaged both the user and target, and used much of the user's energy.

Dyardin's guns made direct contact with Sol, and Dyardin pulled the trigger. An immense, black explosion went off, flinging Dyardin away from Sol. He landed a good distance away and landed hard, but quickly tried to regain composure and stand upright again, just in case the attack had no effect on Sol.

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Sol moved from the smoke twilight impact made completely unharmed. "Wow I felt that one it was kinda like a feather." Sol raised his blade once more "I'll show you an attack. CRIMSON BREAKER." A red burst of energy rushed towards Dyardin.

Lunus stayed in the distant watching the fight go on. "That Sol never knowing when to let up and to think he is acctully using a 10% power limiter and these chosen are dropping like flies." a cold smirk appeared across his face. "Well brother enjoy yourself out there just don't kill our cousin ok."

"FIRAGA" Senal slashed his sword through the air throwing off Crimson breaker of Dyardin. His strength was almost completly sapped.

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"Senal!", called out Chiana, she did flips and cartwheels to avoid attacks and landed next to him. Her daggers ready to strike if an attack was thrown Senal's way. "I have to protect him", she said in her head. "Erin do you have any healing herbs!", she called. "I hope you do cause Senal needs and energy boost if you know what I mean".

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You cannot attack him, only strong Physical and chaotic attacks can. You are not useless, be a fast turtle, use it's shell.

Daniel just sat on the ground with his shell on himself. Without saying anything, his shell went back to the ground, revealing himself. "What is this guy's problem? Is he just being stupid?" he said as he was just at the side of the battle field. He disappeared and appeared again on a building to avoid being hit by any physical attacks. "Ok let's try this," he said smiling, " he raised his hands, at the same time walls of cement that made up of the sky city surrounded Sol, making what sort of a cage. It was not to trap him, but to see how much strength he can have.

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#, as written by Smiley
Dyardin looked up just in time to see the Crimson Breaker, and covered himself, waiting for his untimely death... which never came. He looked back up to see Senal, who had apparently blocked the attack for him. Dyardin stood up and regained his composure, then ran over to Senal and said, "Thanks." He was about to rush back in and attack Sol again, when it seemed Sol was encased in a cement cage. Dyardin knew it probably wouldn't last, so he quickly started to reload his guns, making sure they were full on ammo for when the battle resumed.

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Sol screamed in anger "Unlock 50%" suddenly the ground began to shake uncontrolably as the cement cage around him turned to ash. "You will all burn in the fury of the sun!!" he raised his sword high into the air "SOLAR DESTRUCTION!!!!!!" He smashed his sword into the ground causing a massive white beam to rush towards everyone.

"Mirror barrier" a protective barrier appeared around the chosen sheilding them from the blast as Lunus appeared inbetween the Sol and everyone else. "Sol you have gone to far this time."

A look of fear appeared on Sol's face. "I'm sorry brother I should have had more control please forgive me."

"It's fine we just can't go against the will of the sun and moon." Lunus turned to the chosen "We will not finish this here for it is not the will of the three gods." he looked at Senal who could barely stand let alone attack. "You dancer watch over that one." He said as he pointed to Senal. "Farewel cousin" as he looked at Senal with a smile "...lets go brother we have things to attend to." A beam of light surrounded to two and the vanished.

Senal opened his eyes to see Chiana near him but all he could do was smile then passed out.

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"That was close," Daniel said to himself as he stood there with his hand on his standing staff. He appeared and disappeared right in front of Erin. "Hello, you ok?" he asked and smiled seeing that nobody got hurt, not in a major way anyway. He looked behind him. "Anyway, the guards will soon notice that Sol is no longer here, we'll need to get away from this place. I think I know a great place for us to rest," he said walking towards the passed out fellow Senal. "Come on guys, before they come," he said waving his staff, "Hurry, I am now teleporting, get into the light if you wanna come along, which I think you do". A white light surrounds them as he continued waving his staff in the air slowly, Left to right, left to right.

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#, as written by Smiley
Dyardin would have fired off another shot, but he was frozen with fear when Sol fired off the Solar Descrution move. He thought for sure that it would have been the end, but then a shield came up and blocked the move. Someone else appeared, who seemed to be Lunus, and Dyardin had also learned about this person in legend. The two had a short conversation then vanished, and Lunus had called Senal his cousin. Dyardin thought about this for a moment, before Daniel told them that they would be teleporting, and to get into the light, so Dyardin got into the light and waited.

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"Senal can you stand?", asked Chiana, she said with a worried look in her eyes. She knew that she had just met him but she just couldn't help but be protective of him. She brushed his dark bang out of his eyes, "Senal if you can't I'll carry you if I have to", she said.

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#, as written by Kiri711
Erin turned to Senal, he was badly beaten. She for only a moment letting the ingredents fill her head, once more she pulled her backpack off and began to work. Making the remedy was the easy part remembering it afterwards was the part she could never do.

"Here make him drink this, it want stop the pain but it'll at least get his strength back." She handed the remedy to Chiana.

"Oh and I would drink it yourself if i were you because for a healthy person it could turn them into a old man or something. I just know it'll help him."

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Senal's eyes opened up with a blur but he could tell Chiana a faint blush came across his face as her hand brushed his bangs out of his eyes. "I-I think so." Senal slowly tried to stand but his left leg quickly gave out. His body was screaming at him for using so much power and the few punches Sol threw in didn't help at all. Senal as stuborn as he was didn't attempt to get up again. "Chiana maybe a hand wouldn't be so bad." he gave his trademark goofy smile. "And thank you for looking out for me."

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"Sweet..." was all Daniel said to what looks like a couple before all of them disappeared.

Moments later they returned to the same building he and Erin were at earlier. Actually the roof had a couch, some canned food and other essentials. It was the perfect hiding place, for a person who is alone at least. Being with many people, well it would take some getting used to. "Well, home sweet home, we'll rest here for the night," he said seating down with his back against a balcony wall, "We'll probably need it".

"By the way, I am Daniel, your average mage, at your service, as told by Terra," he said smiling.

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#, as written by Kiri711
Erin sat at the window looking out over the city. Why were the five of them gathered and why did she have to be part of it. Making things out of herbs wasn't something she learned it was just a way of life to her. She thought about how many she had helped in the past but why did thinking of the past make her sad? Was it something to do with her parents?
"There's something about money, happiness, family....Death?!?" The word made her head wither in pain. "AAAAHHHHH, NO, AHHH GET AWAY!"

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Character Portrait: Chiana Remix
0 sightings Chiana Remix played by RolePlayGateway
"I swear I just found it!", ::puts hands up::

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View All » Add Character » 7 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Senal Leonard
Character Portrait: Dyardin Sergius
Character Portrait: Eri Wise
Character Portrait: Sol and Lunus
Character Portrait: Evil NPC


Character Portrait: Evil NPC
Evil NPC

will add more as needed

Character Portrait: Sol and Lunus
Sol and Lunus

We will never die [Final boss]

Character Portrait: Eri Wise
Eri Wise leaves these are hard to find.....why....

Character Portrait: Dyardin Sergius
Dyardin Sergius

"If you're in my sights, stick a fork in yourself, 'cause you're toast.

Character Portrait: Senal Leonard
Senal Leonard

"Hey watch my back and I'll watch yours."


Character Portrait: Senal Leonard
Senal Leonard

"Hey watch my back and I'll watch yours."

Character Portrait: Eri Wise
Eri Wise leaves these are hard to find.....why....

Character Portrait: Evil NPC
Evil NPC

will add more as needed

Character Portrait: Sol and Lunus
Sol and Lunus

We will never die [Final boss]

Character Portrait: Dyardin Sergius
Dyardin Sergius

"If you're in my sights, stick a fork in yourself, 'cause you're toast.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Evil NPC
Evil NPC

will add more as needed

Character Portrait: Sol and Lunus
Sol and Lunus

We will never die [Final boss]

Character Portrait: Senal Leonard
Senal Leonard

"Hey watch my back and I'll watch yours."

Character Portrait: Eri Wise
Eri Wise leaves these are hard to find.....why....

Character Portrait: Dyardin Sergius
Dyardin Sergius

"If you're in my sights, stick a fork in yourself, 'cause you're toast.

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Re: [OOC] Hope never dies


created a new rp if any of you want to check it out please do cause i need 4 more people

Re: [OOC] Hope never dies

Baaahh..... Where are you guys?

Re: [OOC] Hope never dies

Ok sounds good I'll have some up later on today

Re: [OOC] Hope never dies

We should have an NPC for monsters and enemies.... so yeah just a suggestion...

So that we don't use our character to make the monster/enemy too weak or something like that....

Re: [OOC] Hope never dies


Re: [OOC] Hope never dies

we will be starting to day once i get off of work so around 3:00 or 4:00

Re: [OOC] Hope never dies

So not sounding too excited... but when do we start? xD

Re: [OOC] Hope never dies

Yep I think we will have some fun in this rp and who knows a couple broken bones along the way just for some color

Re: [OOC] Hope never dies

;) wouldn't you like to know where she keeps them. You'll just have to figure it out LOL. :P

Re: [OOC] Hope never dies

Hmm well I don't have a problem with an assassin i wanted to leave some creativity to those who wanted to be apart of my role play the only thing i would be concerned about is that no one would trust them unless he can give clear proof that the goddess chose them to fight or something along those lines but i do like you idea so i say go for it

Re: [OOC] Hope never dies

I had a question in regards to the teams. I tend to be attracted to controversial characters and I noticed that there didn't seem to be any. I looked over the introduction a few times trying to see if there was anything around those means but for the most part I couldn't see a clear cut good and evil. I was curious on one main point. In the introduction you state that other teams can be added if they seem to fit. Well I was interested in an assassin bit. I can write up a full class bio on them if need be, but I'd rather not go anywhere with the idea till I see interest from the GM. Nevertheless where I was going with that was an unbias team. As in they don't care what side wins and work for the highest bidder. No friends, the only family they have is each other. And they still would kill each other if the price was high enough. If the idea isn't like thats fine. Never hurts to ask. Well thats my question... well massive statement rather.

Re: [OOC] Hope never dies

I will be starting the Role play Monday around three o'clock Eastern time

Re: [OOC] Hope never dies

Fighter is the only one that is free as of now sorry man

Re: [OOC] Hope never dies

Um, I would reserve the healer since it says x2 but if it isn't available I'll take the fighter.

Re: [OOC] Hope never dies

Soo i'm just gonna go ahead and ask it where does Chiana Remix keep her lock picks or do i have to get my character to ask. lol

Re: [OOC] Hope never dies

Done... if you want me to add anything, just let me know and I'll go do it...