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House of Cards

House of Cards


Strange things have been happening in the town of Ashwood. Good thing the ladies of The Delancey House for Gifted Woman are here to help. With their psychic abilities, no crime is unsolvable. [Full]

3,877 readers have visited House of Cards since xXxCryptic-AngelxXx created it.




XE tXN a r r a t u s...
XXXXXXLong before the town was founded by settlers, a different kind of being roamed. Spirits moved about the trees, either lost in the after life, or right where they wanted to be. When humans found the area, they hadn't noticed the lost souls, but the forest of Ash trees. For you see, the source of wood meant houses, wagons, and more to the humans. To the spirits, the human presence was either hope to move on or a nuscance. Quickly, the town of Ashwood, named for the ash trees that made up the town and forest, became a difficult place to be.

For Abigale Delancey, the town was an adventure every day. You see, Abigale had a gift. She could see spirits. For a long time, these beings were her friends. They made her laugh and they played games with her, but they also asked her to help them. And they told her that there was a door to the spirit world, a thin veil that spirits can move through to enter the world of the living. A doorway. At the time, she didn't know how she could help or where the door was. She was just a kid after all. As she grew up, she spoke to the ghosts, did research, and traveled all over to speak with experts in the paranormal.

And finally, she realized that there were different ways to help them cross, each more personal than the next.

Along her journey for the answer, she made many friends with different skills and gifts. When it came time to help the many spirits surrounding her home, friendly and aggressive, she called upon those bonds and they came to help. After The Great Relocation, they found they didn't want to leave. They fell in love with the town just as Abigale had. Abigale decided to open her home to them, left to her by her parents, and called it The Delancey House for Gifted Women. Those who lived there were given the responsibility to aid in the relocation of spirits and the protection of the veil between worlds.

A few centuries have passed, and the woods have been quiet. The town itself, however, was experiencing strange phenomena and crimes no one could explain. People being murdered behind locked doors. Objects going missing. Objects being found far from where they were last seen. People disappearing. The ladies of the Delancey House have taken up another responsibility. This one is to protect the town. And solve these mysterious crimes before the town empties.

Pick a Tarot card that you feel best represents your character. You can pick skills from these pages. Please.

Name Stella Ambrose
Faceclaim Kimmy Schram
Skill Psychometrist
Hex #25596D
The Star represents hope and positivity in the face of an unpleasant situation. A person classified by the Star are usually rather positive and upbeat, light-hearted and full of confidence in themselves and others.
Played by xXxCryptic-AngelxXx


Name Kaleido Shaw
Faceclaim Ksenia Solo
Skill Clairvoyance
Hex #5E5369
They are often very positive and introspective-- nearly to the point of being almost philisophical in nature. They often give someone guidance when needed. But at the same time, they are also very lost themselves. They don't know "where" they are, or what they're doing, making them rather isolated and alone.
Played bySatatyaUno


Faceclaim katherine mcnamara
Skill Medium
Despite the grim name, Death is less about dying, and more about change, and the transition from an end to a beginning. Those under the Death Arcana are trying to find their way, and are trying to discover more about themselves. At the same time, may be adverse and against the changes in their life, and will find themselves unable to move away from the past.
Played bythenotsoinnocent


Faceclaim Nathalie Emmanuel
The Lovers can represent naΓ―vete where there are definite consequences to coming to the wrong conclusions. Those under the Lovers card must trust themselves and make their decisions with certainty. If they falter, bearers of the Lovers can become trapped in indecisiveness and a breakdown in communication can occur, fracturing their bonds with others.
Played by ☿Urania☿


Name Lina Protsenko
Faceclaim Aurora Aksnes
Skill Intuition
Hex #330033
The Priestess symbolizes wisdom and mental fortitude. Highly intelligent, wise, and patient with plenty of hidden potential within them. Priestesses are deeply intuitive and can trust their inner understanding of the universe to guide them. Those under the Priestess Arcana may be shy, reserved and modest. They are introspective and in-touch with their emotions. Serene and discerning, Priestesses are good at being sensitive yet objective at the same time. Possessing a keen sense of foresight, they are good judges of character and are able to perceive details about situations that many others might have missed.
Played byElectric


Name Gerry Pemberton
Faceclaim Porcelain Black
Skill Empath
Judgement depicts absolution and realization. At best, Judgement represents a person who has found their calling in life, and is on their way to their true calling. But at worst, this also depicts a person who is in doubt-- unsure if the path that they're going on is the right one at all, leading to self-unawareness.
Played byUnicorns.Are.Real


Faceclaim Emma Watson
Skill Death Echo
The Magician archetype is that of an opportunist and a showman. The Magician is a charmer, one who knows how to use the energy found within the world around them and their own internal energy to achieve their dreams.
Played byKlockwork0reo


Faceclaim Leigh Anne Pinnock
Skill Lucid Projector
Hex #936DD5
The Empress is a queen--a powerful woman who deals discipline and enforces rules, but can also be a warm guiding hand to those beneath her. The Empress represents maturity, elegance, and also strongly embodies the archetype of motherhood, maternal feelings and instincts.
Played bySimple_Imperfection


Name Ravana Cherbog
Faceclaim Dakota Johnson
Skill Clairsentience
Hex #8A0707
The Devil symbolizes addiction, lust, and a will to gain. Those under the Devil Arcana, on the upside, are rather task-oriented and focused, but for a more personal gain. The Devil is one about seeking something, or being tempted. This may include finding more power or letting their impulses control them, to simple greed and arrogance.
Played byLvdwilt2000


Name Evanora Whitmore
Faceclaim Lily James
Skill Psycophoner
Hex #9f5769
The Sun, the Arcana of youth, vitality, and warmth. Most of the time, a person under the Sun Arcana are youthful and child-like-- positive, optimistic, energetic, and happy.
Played bySerqet


Name Krista Straub
Faceclaim Laura Rakhman-Kidd
Skill Psychokinesis
Hex #9AA462
The Strength Arcana, represents discipline and... strength. The Strength is shown by courage, self-control, patience, and honesty.
Played bySpiritDancer

ImageImageXE tXP r a e c e p t a...
I. No Godmodding or Metagaming. Just because you know something out of character, doesn't mean you know something in character unless you've worked out with their player that your character knows.

II. Keep the OOC separate of IC and vice versa. If you have problems with other players, come to me about it or take it up with them via PM and don't let it interfere with the story. We're writers. We're better than that.

III. You have a week to post. I will message you at that point and you have a week to get back to me. If I don't hear from you in those two weeks, I will remove your character and look for a replacement. I really want to keep this thing alive and to do that, I need active and interested players. If you can't post for whatever reason, if you're waiting for someone, or whatever the situation is, let me know so I don't kick you. Do we have an accord? Aiming for posts about once a week.

IV. Romance is accepted, however, not necessary.

V. Adult themes may play a part in the RP so if that bothers you... You've been warned.

VI. Only female characters are accepted for this particular RP. They can be of any age and sexual orientation.

VII. Contact me on the discord server with your character's Tarot card, skill set [may have a major gift and minor gift. For example: reading the past through touch for major gift and empathy through a minor gift], FC, Hex, and name. I'll get the character personality description from the tarot card pages. [And I can edit as we go.]

VIII. I am the GM for this RP and I have the last say. Always. I have the right to alter rules or allow exceptions. However, I do try my best to make decisions based on the group.

IX. Please avoid duplication of skills and Tarot. You can make someone's major skill your minor or their minor skill your major. Just try to avoid doing the same thing.

X. Have fun! Please PM me if you have any questions.

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βœ“ List of likes


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-- [color=#hex1][b]strength[/b][/color]:
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βœ— list of dislikes


[color=#hex2][b]F E A R S || [/b][/color]
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[color=#hex2][b]W E A K N E S S E S || [/b][/color]
-- [color=#hex1][b]weakness[/b][/color]:
-- [color=#hex1][b]weakness[/b][/color]:
-- [color=#hex1][b]weakness[/b][/color]:

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[center]| Positive  - Negative - Positive - Negative- Positive - Negative|[/center]
Description of personality. [b]Bold[/b] character traits.

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Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors

10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Levi Cherry Character Portrait: Lina Protsenko Character Portrait: Kaleido Shaw Character Portrait: Ravana Cherbog Character Portrait: Krista Straub Character Portrait: Evangeline Blackwood Character Portrait: Stella Ambrose Character Portrait: Acadia Banks Character Portrait: Gerry Pemberton Character Portrait: Able Erelise
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0.00 INK


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XXXIf one knew Stella at all, they would not be surprised to find her to be a morning person. As the sun peeked its rays over the horizon, Stella was up and throwing open her curtains. Golden light filled the room and made the orange walls glow with gold. "It's Tricentennial Day." She said to herself with a grin as she gazed out at the town. Then, she grabbed her yoga mat and changed into her workout gear before planting herself on the second-floor balcony for her salutations to the sun.

Once she was finished, she ventured back inside for a quick shower before donning the dress she chose for the day. With her silver hair wrapped up in a towel and the skirt of her dress swishing as she walked, she made her way down the stairs and into the kitchen to prepare herself some Tea. As she made her descent, she was greeted by the sounds of cooking as Eva was preparing the house breakfast. "Good Morning, Eva!" Stella said brightly. "Happy Tricentennial Day." She filled the kettle with water, placed it on the stove, and set it to high. While she waited, she watched Eva cook. "What's for breakfast? I bet whatever it is will be delicious! Your food is always the best." She planted a soft kiss on her friend's cheek just as the kettle started its screaming. She grabbed a mug and a teacup and placed them on an antique silver tray. She slienced the kettle and poured water into each before adding the tea and sugar.

"Let me know when it's breakfast time!" she said as she exited the kitchen. "I'll wake everyone up." This wasn't a typical morning for the girls of the Delancey House. It was Ashwood's 300th birthday today. The Tricentennial. It always amazed Stella that her town was older than most towns in America. There were a few important exceptions but those places were markers of history. Her small town was unknown to most people. When she had first come across this town with her mother those years ago, she felt drawn to it. Like she had finally found a home. After they left, this places was a welcome haunt in her life. When her mother decided if was time for Stella to find her own way, she immediately came here. And here in Ashwood she stayed. Everyone knew her here. She was greeted with smiles and welcoming hugs. It sucked her in the way Stars Hollow did for Loralai Gilmore. Only if she was anyone from Gilmore Girls it would have to be Sookie. Only Stella didn't cook much. She did enjoy baking from time to time.

Anyway, this was not the typical day in the Delancey House. Usually everyone did their own thing. Not today. Today they were a family. Everyone in this town was to be a family. And that meant waking up and eating breakfast for everyone. And speaking of waking up her housemates... She raised her hand to knock on Kali's door and realized she forgot her gloves. She placed the tray on a nearby table and pulled her gloves from her dress's pockets. Yes her dress had pockets. She's quite proud. She picked up the tray once more and brought her knuckles down against the wood of Kali's door. She waited a moment before opening it, tray in hand, and entered. "Good morning, Kali!" She greeted. "Happy Tricentennial! I have a surprise for you later but for now I have some tea. Just the way you like it. I thought maybe today we could have tea on the balcony if you're up for it. They say that fresh air does the body good."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ravana Cherbog Character Portrait: Stella Ambrose
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0.00 INK


It had been a long night for Ravana. When was the last time she had really stayed the night and slept in her own bed here at the Delancey house. As her heels hit the pavement as she walked back to the house she watched carefully.

She wasn't overly tired but she was used to such a life. She liked to hang out with men or women have a bit of fun, get into some trouble. It was fun to be out and just feel normal. Living in a house full of people like her that weren't as normal she yearned for something better.

She was the type of person who kept to herself except a night when she was able to get out and play like a party animal. As she walked in quietly trying not to wake anyone up. She heard Stella's voice. Hearing her voice Ravana sighed. That girl wasn't someone she overly loved she was totally different than her but she was special because she was different. If that makes sense. Ravana had an attraction for her and wouldn't mind to have her in her bed. But that was just who Ravana was.

Ravana was the type of woman she relied on human contact. Touch was important to her it could be one of the main reasons she loved and had an addiction to the sexual world. She needed to feel something to have it be real. As she decided to head to her bedroom she thought it would be best not to go past Stella. She didn't feel like having to walk past that like this.

She decided the living room would be much better. As she sat gently on the sofa and tried not to make a sound she wondered if Stella had even tried to see if she would wake up. She probably knew she wasn't even in her room. Regardless she was tempted to see if anyone noticed she was home now.

But she recalled it was some important bullshit type of day. A memorial or anniversary of something. Ravana really didn't care. She was there with women and people she semi-liked. Something would come importantly from this thing. She knew it. As she sat on the sofa she waited. Soon she would be bamboozled by Stella or another one of the peppy, bright and bubbly women and have it ruin her mood.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaleido Shaw Character Portrait: Stella Ambrose
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0.00 INK



Last night had been a fairly normal one. Actually, Kaleido would argue it was a bit on the better side. Hardly any visions came to her in the night. It may have been one of the most peaceful sleeps she’s had in quite some time. As she woke up, her eyes opened. She couldn't see a thing, but she could feel the warmth of the sun shinning through the window as she laid on her bed beneath her soft warm blankets. Her mind was adjusting to being awake when she heard soft footsteps.

Listening carefully, Kali heard the footsteps come and stop outside her door. She had come accustomed to the near constant footsteps and overall all the sounds of the house. She propped herself up on an elbow and put her head in her hand, turning her ear to the where she was sure the door and the sound was coming from and listened closely. After a short delayed moment of hearing something be set down then another delay than a knock, she was sure she knew who it had been. As she heard the door open and a greeting from Stella came, she smiled to herself at being right.

"And a good morning to you, Stella. And happy tricentennial to you as well!" Kali said back with a small laugh and smile. That smile stayed on her face as she listened to Stella talk. While the younger woman talked, Kali sat up carefully to make sure she was decent. She pulled her straight hair over one shoulder once she was sitting up and Stella finished talking. The thought of just sitting with someone and having tea made Kali smile. Plus she knew it'd be great for the morning. "Tea sounds lovely. That and the fresh air will be just the thing to wake me up," Kali giggled as she stretched her arms over her head then relaxed again. "Be a dear and go get the tea set up while I get dressed?" She then listened as Stella's footsteps left the room before standing up carefully.

The mental map of her room sketched itself in Kali's mind. With each day, it's become more and more easier to remember the layout of her room. If anything, she could be considered an expert at this point. But she still thinks it's important to take a moment and make sure all is in order. To get to the rack and wardrobe where her clothing was housed, she'd need to cross the room and head to the corner. With her fingers reached out slightly to gently brush her finger tips along her furniture, she felt her top bed coverings, soft but slightly rough like it's worn with age. Then she felt her bedside table, definitely not real wood and a roughness in one spot where the previous owner had forgone the use of coasters. Making her way diagonally in the she was sure her clothing was, she reached her hand out just in time to put it against the door of the wardrobe before she had ran into it. She paused a moment here as she gained her baring's. "I must be a bit more tired than I thought," she thought to herself then went about finding herself something to wear.

Stepping slightly to the side to feel the rack where some clothing hanged, Kali felt over each of the fabrics. Some were a bit rough and lacey while others were soft and silky. She settled on one that felt alright to wear for today then took her other hand down it to check the length. With a small smile and a nod, she took the dress off the hanger and got changed. Once dressed, she pulled her long hair back into a pony tail to get it out of the way for the morning. Then it was off to find Stella and the tea.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ravana Cherbog Character Portrait: Evangeline Blackwood Character Portrait: Stella Ambrose
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0.00 INK

{ evangeline blackwood }


{ dialogue:#936DD5 || outfit: here }

Evangeline woke up the same way she wakes up every morning; one and half hours after sunrise. She could feel the sun against her skin as it came through the window. It was a welcomed feeling that always helped jumpstart her day. Glancing over to the side, she could see an empty bed. Despite being roommates with Ravana, it was as if Evangeline had the entire room to herself. She must have been out again last night. Shaking the thoughts of the trouble the girl could have been in, Eva pulled herself out of the bed to get ready for the day. She figured the other girls in the house might have still been asleep. Only her and Stella were true early birds. It is nice, however, to take in the silence since most of the day is filled with chatter and various noises throughout the house. Evangeline didn’t take very long in the shower, nor did she take very long getting dressed. Her outfit of choice, of course, was heels and a bodycon dress. It seemed as though she was dressing up for the special occasion, but she wasn’t. Eva dressed like this everyday. After a thoroughly brushing her hair and adjusting her outfit in the mirror, she was off to the kitchen.

This was the empresses’ favorite part of the day. Cooking. She loved the creativity, hard-work, and dedication it took to make a dish. She loved it even more when others enjoyed the taste of her food. Eva pulled out various pots and pans to cook from. Today was Tricentennial day, so this breakfast deserved to be a bit special. Eva pulled out ingredients from the fridge as she was greeted by her own personal ray of sunshine followed by a kiss on the cheek. ”Good morning to you too. And happy tricentennial.” It was obvious, how excited Stella was for the day. Eva started prepping the breakfast that Stella was inquiring about. ”I decided to go with french toast, bacon, sausage, eggs, hash browns, and a fruit salad. Since today is a special day.” Hopefully the girls like it, even though they usually never complained about the food. She wanted to make sure that there was enough food for everyone in the house and that there was something for everyone to eat. Breakfast just happens to be one of those meals where it is easier to do that.

After Stella ran off, Evangeline focused on her cooking. She didn’t want to burn anything since she was cooking most of the dishes all at the same time. Cooking this way meant that all the food would finish at the same time and remain hot. It wasn’t long before all the food was on serving dishes, keeping warm underneath aluminum foil. Next she moved to set the table. She didn’t think that everyone would actually sit around the table and eat breakfast together, but Eva set the table anyway. She set it the way her mother taught with all the unnecessary cutlery surrounding the plates and cups. ”Stella!” Evangeline called out in a sing-song voice. ”Could you wake everyone else up and tell them breakfast is ready?” She set all of the food in the center of the table in a buffet style. She then made her way back to the kitchen to start the coffee pot for those that enjoy coffee, and bring out the orange juice for those that prefer it.

10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Levi Cherry Character Portrait: Lina Protsenko Character Portrait: Kaleido Shaw Character Portrait: Ravana Cherbog Character Portrait: Krista Straub Character Portrait: Evangeline Blackwood Character Portrait: Stella Ambrose Character Portrait: Acadia Banks Character Portrait: Gerry Pemberton Character Portrait: Able Erelise
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XXXStella grinned broadly as her friend agreed with her idea to have tea out on the balcony. After all, it was a nice summer day. It was bound to warm up as the sun rose, but for now, it was cool and breezy. Just the way Stella liked it. "Of course. See you in a bit, Kali." She turned and made her way out onto the balcony. Just inside the doors leading to the balcony was a small foldable table Stella was able to grab it and open it with one hand and one quick movement. With her other hand, she placed the tray on top. She stared at it a moment and wondered if they should grab chairs but ultimately decided against it. Eva would have breakfast ready soon and the less Stella had to clean up, the sooner she could get everyone to the table.

Stella had just turned to retrieve her friend when she saw her dark head stumbling around in the dark. Well, the house was full of sunshine, but everything was dark to Kali. Stella raced forward to take her hand and lead her away. Someone had shifted the coffee table in the upstairs sitting room too far forward and she was about to bang her shin on it. "Look out!" She maneuvered her around it and once Kali was safely on the balcony, she returned to right it. Kali allowed Stella to help, but she knew that she wouldn't be happy if Stella was constantly doing everything for her. Kali was her own person after all. All Stella really needed to do was just be supportive.

She handed Kali the teacup and picked up her own mug of tea. It was sweet just the way she liked it. And it had cooled from scalding hot from the kettle to nice and warm. A part of her wished it was winder and she was wrapped in layers and drinking hot chocolate. That's what the warmth from the tea always reminded her of. That and her mother's car heater never worked in the winter time so that was the only way they could keep warm on cold days. She sipped at her tea and sighed contentedly. "This tea is delicious. I'm so glad I bought it." She turned to her friend. "What do you think?" She listened to her friend's response before turning her attention back out to the town below. It was getting later now and the shopkeepers were opening up and putting out decorations and signs for special sales. They would be open until 5:00 p.m. today and then the real festivities began.

"Mr. Jameson's putting up patriotic decorations." She said, talking about the owner of their town's general store. These days, he had bought an entire storefront to make it his own. There were so many things the town needed as a "general goods" nowadays. It was the only way he could keep up. "Oh and there's Charlie bringing the newspapers." She waved to the little boy as he tossed the paper up by their door. He was an excellent shot. He never threw so softly it landed at the bottom of the steps, but he also never threw so hard it slammed into their doors. "Oh and Miss Jenny at the parlor is giving a discount for Tricentennial makeovers. Hair, face, and nails for a discounted price." Stella sighed dreamily. "I wonder if we'd be able to do it." She knew she probably sounded like a school girl, but this was her first (and only) Tricentennial and she was just so excited. Granted the town did something similar for the fourth of July and the town's normal birthdays, but there was just something about today that made everything feel more special. "Getting pampered might be nice for once."

Movement nearby caught her eye and she turned her head and gasped audibly. "Oh my gosh its Mrs. Norris. You know? The pregnant woman. Well I mean the pregnant woman with rumors. I heard in town the other day that the baby doesn't belong to Mr. Norris but Chip the guy from the auto shop." She laughed. "I don't think its true of course. Those two are crazy for each other. This town just likes a good story."

Stella heard Eva calling her from downstairs. She must have finished breakfast by now. "Breakfast is ready! Just wait til you smell it, Kali. She cooked us a real feast down there." She took her friend's hand after placing the teacup on the silver tray and lead her to the stairs. Kali was nearly an expert on those stairs, but Stella still liked to keep watch to make sure she didn't trip or slip. Hell, Stella can see and she still trips from time to time. The only difference is, Stella knows where to grab on to catch herself. Kali doesn't. When Kali made it to the bottom, she went back for the rest of their tea, determined to finish it with breakfast, and brought down the tray. When Stella saw the food, she nearly dropped the tray! It was a whole buffet! "Holy cheese-puffs, Eva! You made us a feast fit for kings today!" She set down the teacup and pulled out a chair for Kali to sit down on and enjoy her tea. "A chair for the beautiful lady," she said brightly, followed by, "I'll go wake the others." She gave Eva a thank you peck on the cheek before going room to room to wake everyone.

She knocked on Eva and Ravana's door, but there was no answer. Stella frowned, wondering if Ravana would still be off on... well on whatever she does all night. (She's sure she's heard one of the girls call it "Ravana's Sexcapades" but Stella likes to give her the benefit of the doubt.) With a shrug, she went out the side door to knock on the garage-turned-bedroom's two doors. There was one on each side of each room. The first belonged to Gerry and Able. "Good Morning and happy Tricentennial you two!" She called out. "Eva's made us a feast fit for Kings so if you want any, you'd better get up!" She moved to the door that leads to Acadia and Krista's room and repeated herself. This time, however, her words were met but quiet noises. Stella figured it was probably Acadia practicing her craft. (Stella's way of saying her Voodoo.)

Then she returned to the house to wake Levi and Lina--the only two girls left--before making her way back down the stairs. She was just about to make her way to the table when she heard a sound in the other room. Confused, she made her way into the living room where she found Ravana sprawled out on the cushions looking exhausted and... wearing the same thing she was wearing yesterday. Stella cleared her throat, her cheeks red with the implications of her outfit and said, "I'm sure you've heard, but Eva's got breakfast on the table." She turned to leave but turned back and said, "I'm glad you made it home safe."

She made her way back to the table and sat beside Kali. "Okay I'm back what did I miss?" She wasn't going to touch the food until the others had joined them. Or at the very least, they were more than five minutes late because she wasn't waiting any longer than that.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaleido Shaw Character Portrait: Ravana Cherbog Character Portrait: Evangeline Blackwood Character Portrait: Stella Ambrose Character Portrait: Gerry Pemberton
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0.00 INK

ImageG E R R Y
ImageGerry didn’t need to strain her ears to hear Stella’s voice in the kitchen, she could feel the cheerfulness radiating through the door. She cringed and took a long drag of her cigarette. Whilst it wasn’t unusual for the empath to be up at this hour of dawn, she was hardly a morning person. The cheerful vibes from inside the house and the bright sun was enough to do her head in. It was more an inability to find sleep that got Gerry up in the mornings than desire.

Last night Gerry had stayed up all hours watching late night cartoons until she found sleep, only to arise this morning with the sun. So she’d dragged herself out of bed and headed into town to collect the local paper, the Ashwood Chatterer, since they tried to stay in the town loop and keep an eye out for local phenomena. Or at least that was her cover story for heading out to grab a pack of smokes. Three weeks ago she declared to the entire house that she’d quit the habit. Hence why she was hiding out outside to finish her cigarette.

Gerry took one last drag before stubbing her cigarette butt into the ashtray she’d hidden behind the bird fountain. Walking in, she headed straight for the kitchen where Eva was hovering about the coffee pot, looking like the queen she was. β€œJesus, it's way too chirpy in here for this time of morning,” She said wrinkling her nose as if smelling a rotting corpse. The happiness and cheer seemed to cling to the walls. β€œYou can tell Ravana hasn’t made an appearance in here yet.” Gerry always appreciated Ravana’s presence because she could always be counted on to make things exciting. Or at least give a recount of her latest sexcapade.

β€œWas just out fetching the paper. Wanna hear the big scoop of the day?” Gerry pulled the paper out from where she’d tucked it under her arm and slapped it on to the bench with a wry grin. β€œMr. Norris caught a 7kg brown trout, breaking the town record.” Gerry sighed and shrugged, she supposed that was small town life. Her life now. β€œMaybe that’ll make up for the baby not being his. I ran into the very pregnant Mrs. Norris the other day, the guilt of the affair was practically dripping off her.”

Then Gerry circled the kitchen counter to, rudely, grab the coffee pot out of Eva’s hands. β€œGod, you always make the best coffee, I swear.” She said whilst grabbing herself a mug and pouring herself a cup. A nice, strong, black cup of coffee was the only breakfast she craved so she headed to the table and snagged herself a seat. "Morning ladies."

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaleido Shaw Character Portrait: Ravana Cherbog Character Portrait: Evangeline Blackwood Character Portrait: Stella Ambrose Character Portrait: Gerry Pemberton
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Ravana felt tired and was not excited about how chipper everyone would be. It just made it more difficult.
She watched as Stella came into the living room. She looked hot. She always knew how to dress. Sometimes was a bit too sunshine and bright but she could put up with it.

As she heard her comment she let a small hopefully unheard sigh out. "Morning Stella,"
She looked at her and then decided she would reply to the comment "Yes, I am fine, thank you for caring." She said trying to be polite it was difficult she was really thinking more along the lines of "Just like always I am fine and thanks for your-ever-burning concern."
She knew Stella did care but sometimes it was so tough.

Ravana was not perfect, she never could be and was sometimes disappointed in herself for her behaviour but sometimes you just have to get over it. She watched as Stella left knowing the different sounds of all the voices she walked to her bedroom. Opening the door no one was in there which was a relief. She could change in peace and only have Stella know her old outfit. She almost should bring a change of clothes with her.

Going to her closet, she pulled out a grey short dress. Looking at it she decided that is what she would wear. Putting the dress on she looked in the mirror and tried to style her hair. She always tried to look amazing.

As she walked out into the hallway she glanced at the kitchen. A wonderful smell came out of the kitchen and entered her nostrils admiring the wonderful cooking, she knew Evangeline must be wide awake and cooking again. Entering the kitchen she noticed the faces of all the people she lived with.

As she entered the kitchen she noticed Stella was beside Kali. Stella probably like Kali and vice-versa and that always felt a bit deep inside Ravana but she got over it putting her shield up to prevent any hurt or pain. Looking at the room she noticed Eva in the kitchen. "Smells good, Coffee I need it!" She exclaims as she walks over and pours herself a hot coffee. She was thirsty and the night was wearing on her. Luckily makeup covered all bags under her eyes. Noticing all the women in the room she glanced over at Stella. "So what is today's big thing. I can't keep up with all the different nonsense events we plan."

With a small wave towards Gerry, she sat down and looked at the yummy food. "I am famished thank you Eva."

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lina Protsenko Character Portrait: Kaleido Shaw Character Portrait: Ravana Cherbog Character Portrait: Evangeline Blackwood Character Portrait: Stella Ambrose Character Portrait: Gerry Pemberton
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L I N AX| | Xintuition & crystals

| Outfit |
| #330033 |
Image Image
Lina awoke to the smell of bacon wafting up the house stairs and slowly reached up to stretch, her palms grazing the short ceiling of her small room. There was a little window near her head where her crystals sat, refracting sunlight onto the walls of her little room, creating rainbows above her feet and on the door.

It smelled delicious. Lina could feel the pattering of feet on the floors below her, the house was becoming a hub of activity, more so than usual because of the Tricentennial celebration. There would be much celebration today, and she suspected that most people would be in a cheerful and nostalgic mood, except the few who started the day off on the wrong foot. There was the vibration of a knock at her door, and Lina heard the cheery tones of Stella through the muffled door. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood on wobbly, still tired legs. In a moment she had stripped herself of her pajamas and stepped into a pair of old jeans and a nice blouse. It seemed like the type of day to dress up a little bit, perhaps she’d put on a dress later. After brushing her teeth and running a comb through her hair, she returned to her room to put on her hearing aid and put the quartz necklace she wore to balance her energies around her neck.

As she made her way towards the delicious smell of the kitchen, no doubt from the glorious cooking of Eva, she hummed under her breath. Quickly, she slipped out the back door and into the garden, picking out some purple and yellow flowers as she went, it was time for new arrangements throughout the house, and she decided this morning, this anniversary of Ashwood, would be the perfect time to freshen up the house arrangements, beginning with that on the center dining table. The morning sunlight danced over her hands as she picked flowers, and she turned her face up to the sky, grateful for the warmth. Holding two fists full of flowers, she made her way back into the house and into the dining room where a few women already sat. Gerry seemed to be winding down a story, and food was being brought out to the already full table. Lina grinned at all the delicious breakfast food.

β€œGood morning!” She set the flowers down on her chair and went to replace the vase in the center of the table, throwing the old flowers into the compost. She brought the vase back to the table and began arranging flowers on her chair while sitting next to it on the floor, grabbing a piece of bacon every now and then. When she was finished, she stood and placed it delicately between the platters back onto the center of the table and sat on her chair to begin to eat a regular meal, turning towards Eva as she did. β€œYes, thank you for all this, it looks lovely, Π‘ΡƒΠ΄ΡŒΠΌΠΎ (cheers), let’s eat!”

Looking around the table, she could sense the general mood of everyone present, from the still tired and hungover to the cheerful and bright, everyone had distinctive morning personalities that was for sure, but Lina was just grateful that there were more people here for breakfast on this special day. It made her feel as though this was a family, and that made her feel safe.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lina Protsenko Character Portrait: Kaleido Shaw Character Portrait: Ravana Cherbog Character Portrait: Krista Straub Character Portrait: Evangeline Blackwood Character Portrait: Stella Ambrose Character Portrait: Gerry Pemberton
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krista straub

Krista was probably the furthest thing you could from an early bird, and she was very much looking forward to sleeping in today after staying up for ungodly late hours. However, she had forgotten that today was also the Tricentennial celebration, a thought that she was aptly reminded of whenever she heard a knocking on her bedroom door that roused her from her sleep, and a telltale cheeriness that could only have come from Stella. She opened her eyes with much protest from them, as they burned the way they usually do when you've spent far too much time awake and not properly resting.

Reluctantly, she grabbed her glasses from the night stand beside her and slipped them on, bringing the blurry objects and blended colors into focus as she stood up and stretched, before heading into the bathroom to freshen up a little bit in preparation for the rest of the day. Time would certainly start to drag given how tired she was, and she didn't imagine that she was going to stick around too long for Tricentennial celebrations, if she had any say in it. Even so, it was far more likely that she'd be persuaded to stay by someone in the house.

With her hair still the controlled mess that it was when she woke up, she made her way towards the kitchen. She could already hear the voices of the others gathered there and the smell of freshly cooked food, which was undoubtedly Eva's doing. She didn't exactly check to make sure whether or not Acadia was awake, but she had a slight inkling that she'd be joining them soon anyhow. Krista was still wearing her pajamas, a pair of sweats and a simple t-shirt, since she figured there'd be plenty of time to change into something fitting of the special occasion later. The only thing she was concerned about right now was getting some food into her stomach. "Mornin', everyone." she said with a hoarse voice and small wave. She was hoping that her eyes did look nearly as red as she thought they were.

The first thing she did was pour herself a cup of coffee, no cream or sugar, downed all of it as fast as possible, before proceeding to poor herself another cup. It was something that was sorely needed to try to curb the tiredness that was insistently urging her body to go back sleep, and she'd probably pour herself a third cup before they headed out into the town. The events that would be going had also slipped her mind, but she supposed that she'd find out soon enough, and she let the thought slip her mind.

Krista took a seat at the table and began piling her plate with as much french toast and bacon that could reasonably fit on it, before turning towards Lina, "You did a good job putting together that arrangement, those colors work well together."

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lina Protsenko Character Portrait: Kaleido Shaw Character Portrait: Ravana Cherbog Character Portrait: Krista Straub Character Portrait: Evangeline Blackwood Character Portrait: Stella Ambrose Character Portrait: Gerry Pemberton Character Portrait: Acadia Banks
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Kali was a bit surprised when she heard Stella yell look out, but was also glad for the help. Feeling the gentle breeze once on the balcony, she breathed in the fresh air with a smile on her face. "Why thank you," Kali said with a smile as Stella handed her the tea cup. Carefully, she bright it close to her face and breathed in the scent. Satisfied with how it smelt, she took a small sip and let out a quiet mmm at it's taste. "This is quite delicious! You have a good taste," Kali replied with a smile, a nod, and a small laugh. Then she listened to Stella talk.

Listening to people talk, no matter what it was, was like listening to a radio show with no advertisements. Or well, with advertisements sometimes. Because you'll always have someone trying to sell you on something. Whether it be that you need to upgrade your phone or that you should get a pet. It's always something you need. At least, that's how Kali saw things most of the time. Sometimes it's just a conversation and sometimes it's like today listening to Stella talk where Kali was getting updates in town and the local rumors.

When breakfast was brought up after Eva called, Kali was more than ready to move downstairs. She let herself be lead by Stella to the stairs and carefully yet fastly made her way down. As she went down the steps, she could smell the deliciousness of breakfast. ”It smells delicious, Eva!” Kali added after Stella's comment on the kings feast Eva had made for breakfast. She then sat down in the chair Stella pulled out for her with a ”Why, thank you,” and sipped on her tea as Stella went to wake the others. Kali wanted to wait until most of the others made it to breakfast before eating. She listened to the conversations and greeted everyone who made their presence known with a ”Good morning.” part of her wondered how many would actually make it to breakfast today.




It had been a long night, like all nights for Ms. Acadia Banks. As everything settled the night before, she went to work. Acadia may be many things, and tonight she was for sure being extremely superstitious. It was for a good cause, however, as she just wanted everyone to enjoy the celebrations the next day.. In her own way, of course. She was using her knowledge of bone magick and her practice of voodoo to try and make it where they'd be protected from anything negative the following day.

As she kneeled in front of her small workplace on the floor, trying her best not to disturb her roommate, she whispered her incantations. Her hand was held over the top of a small wooden cup that was a quarter full of various animal bone fragments along with small crystals. The cup seemed to begin emitting a soft glow as she gently shook the cup, saying the incantations under her breath slowly. The glow grew as she shook the cup faster, and as she shook the cup faster she said the words coming out of her mouth faster and a bit louder until she reached her natural speaking volume. Then she lifted her hand from the lid of the cup and rose it, tilting it slightly. Just as the first bone fragment was rolling off of the cup, a couple crystals there with it, there was a knock on the door and listened to Stella's voice as she let the rest of the bones fall onto her circular work space. As they fell from the cup, the light from within it faded then vanished, leaving nothing but an empty, plan, old wooden cup. And with the last bone hitting the circle, it let out a small spark.

"I was expecting something a bit more.. extravagant," Acadia mumbled then looked to the small doll near her circular work area and shrugged. "There's always next time," She said with a shrug, almost like she was talking to it.

Shortly after her roommate had made her exit, though Acadia didn't pay her much mind, Acadia made her exit as well. Though she was sure to put out any candles that were lit. Entering the house, the smell of breakfast hit her. It did smell awfully good. Good enough to eat, that is. Following the smell to the kitchen, she stood in the doorway for a second with narrowed eyes as she examined the room and those who were in it. Her eyes seemed to narrow more as they counted how many blue eyed demons were in the room.

"Morning everyone.. and demons.." Acadia muttered the last part as she climbed into a seat furthest away from everyone. "Did you just call us demons?" Kali questioned with a slightly confused smile on her face."Yes, yes I did," Acadia replied point blank then looked across the table at all the food. "The food looks and smells great, Mama," She said towards Eva then went about getting her a plate full of a bit of everything.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lina Protsenko Character Portrait: Kaleido Shaw Character Portrait: Ravana Cherbog Character Portrait: Evangeline Blackwood Character Portrait: Stella Ambrose Character Portrait: Gerry Pemberton Character Portrait: Acadia Banks
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0.00 INK

{ evangeline blackwood }


{ dialogue:#936DD5 || outfit: here }

Evangeline could hear her sunshine running around the different rooms to wake everyone for breakfast. She knew that some of the people wouldn't appreciate woken up, but they will get over it after they eat. With the coffee brewing on the pot, it was time to clean the kitchen. Cooking for so many people tended to cause a big mess. Eva started with the dishes, scrubbing each of them with care. She hummed to herself as she washed, rinsed, and set aside each pot, pan, and spoon that she used to make everyone's breakfast. The empress knew that everyone was just going to make another mess when they were done with their food, but it was nice to try and get most of the kitchen cleaned before that. Just as she finished Stella and Kali sat at the table. Taking a break from cleaning, she walked into the dining room. "Thank you Kali, but it tastes even better."

Eva piled some of the food on Kali's plate for her. "Okay, so your plate has pancakes, eggs, sausage, bacon, and hash browns. There is a bowl of fruit on the table, but Stella can help you get some if you want it." Evangeline prided herself on explaining what exactly was on Kali's plate for most meals. Sometimes she would even go as far as explaining the location of the food on the plate. But Stella was sitting right next to her, so she could assist with that. Moving back into the kitchen, her heels echoing as she walked on the tile, she resumed cleaning. She was wiping down the counters and oven. Gerry was next to appear in the kitchen. Not as cheery as Stella, but still a ray of sunshine in her own way. For example, reading the morning paper and exploiting everyone's secrets in the neighborhood. Gerry seemed amused by it and knew that others in the table couldn't care less. But Evangeline appreciated the news. Keeping up with the neighborhood was important for her job. β€œGod, you always make the best coffee, I swear.” She rolled her eyes at the rude way she took hold of the coffee pot. "I also make the best breakfast and appreciate manners in the morning. Eva stated before she skipped off to the dining room to join the others.

Ravana was next to appear in the kitchen, but it was just for the coffee. Evangeline finished wiping down everything and tossed the dirty materials aside to be washed later. More of the girls appeared in the dining room. Lina created a beautiful flower arrangement. Krista took the last of the coffee from the pot before making her way to the dining room. Evangeline quickly started another pot of coffee for the rest of the girls and for seconds. Acadia entered the dining room. Just the comment she made was enough to know that it was Acadia. Eva poured herself a cup of coffee and she made her way out to the dining room. "You're welcome, everyone." She took her seat next to Acadia. "Let's play nice with everyone, Acadia. It's a special day." She stated, referring to the demon comment. Evangeline sipped her coffee and started piling food on her own plate. "Does anyone know what the town plans on doing today for Tricentennial Day?"

9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Levi Cherry Character Portrait: Lina Protsenko Character Portrait: Kaleido Shaw Character Portrait: Ravana Cherbog Character Portrait: Krista Straub Character Portrait: Evangeline Blackwood Character Portrait: Stella Ambrose Character Portrait: Acadia Banks Character Portrait: Gerry Pemberton
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Levi had woken up an hour before sunrise. She always awoke an hour before sunrise since she was assigned chores at Mr. Cherry’s farm. She hadn’t been on that farm in a while, but she couldn’t bring herself to change her sleeping schedule. As soon as she woke up, she made a quick breakfast and cleaned up. Levi knew it was Tricentennial Day today and was not happy about it. Her plan was to avoid everyone and stay home. She doubted that would happen. Levi had come to the town at night three years ago. The town had been celebrating Ashwood’s birthday. There were so many people and she didn’t get back on the bus only because of her mother. A sad smile graced her lips as she thought of her mother. She knew she was now in a better place, but she still missed her.

She had been able to avoid the others so far. It was likely because it was so early. She made sure to be as quiet as a mouse. After she had eaten breakfast and cleaned up, she went for her morning walk. It was more of a speed walk. Although recently, she had worked up to jogging. Levi did four miles in total to and from the house. When she made it back, she was glad no one was out and about. Levi did glance at the time and knew Eva would be up soon. Levi showered, shaved, and washed her hair. She did it as quickly as possible before sneaking off to her bedroom. Out of habit, Levi locked her bedroom door. She moved about to pick out her clothing and do her hair. Levi picked out a rather feminine outfit today. Once she dried her hair with some help from a towel, she brushed it out.

When Stella had knocked on the door to wake her, she had just finished painting the pinky of her left foot. β€œI'll be down soon Stella,” she called out. Levi was only going to head downstairs because Stella mentioned Eva made breakfast. She didn’t want to be rude and not go. Her fingernails were dry, so luckily, she could do her makeup and head down. She painted her toenails with her footwear on, so she would be down soon. Carefully, she stood and walked over to the small vanity in the corner of her room. Levi kept her makeup simple for right now. She simply did black cat eyes with eyeliner and put on black mascara. Levi wanted to put lipstick on, but she settled for honey lip balm. The last thing she needed was to mess up her lipstick while at breakfast.

Her plan was to have a cup of coffee and some yummy food. She was still satisfied from the meal she had in the morning, but she would eat something. She did appreciation that Eva cooked. Levi left her pink purse on her bed before she headed downstairs. Levi walked into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee, well more like a cup of cream. Her β€œcup of coffee” consisted of about 75% cream, 24.5% coffee, 0.5% of sugar. She entered the dining room just as Eva had asked her question about Tricentennial Day. Levi had no answer, so she stayed quiet. Levi placed her cup near a place at the table. Levi made sure the seat was as far from Gerry as possible. The woman always made her feel a bit fearful. She pushed the reason of why away and grabbed a small portion of hash browns. Levi slid into her seat and ate.

9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Levi Cherry Character Portrait: Lina Protsenko Character Portrait: Kaleido Shaw Character Portrait: Ravana Cherbog Character Portrait: Krista Straub Character Portrait: Evangeline Blackwood Character Portrait: Stella Ambrose Character Portrait: Acadia Banks Character Portrait: Gerry Pemberton
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0.00 INK

ImageG E R R Y
ImageAs Gerry place her empty coffee cup back on the table she felt a sharp stabbing in the back of her head. She couldn’t exactly place the feeling, like most feelings that crossed into her mind from a distance, it was blurry and vague. It wasn’t particularly spiteful. Definitely resembling irritation. And perhaps a bit of pain laced in. Then the feeling vanished and the pressure in Gerry’s skull lessened.

The feeling had been stuffed down. Hidden from Gerry’s empathy, though a simple touch would bring it careening back.

She scanned the faces around the table. Stella and Kali were smiling at each other, and their joy seemed genuine. Gerry could feel the peace and happiness radiating off them. It was more sickeningly sweet than Eva’s French toast, so, not them. Then Gerry heard footstep and looked up to see Ravana tossing her a small wave.

Gerry raised an eyebrow deciding that the unpleasant feeling had definitely radiated from the brunette. She waved back all the same. "So what is today's big thing. I can't keep up with all the different nonsense events we plan."

Gerry snorted at Ravana’s comment, before returning it with a smirk. β€œThat’s small town living for ya chicky. Tricentennial day.” The whole town had a real bee in its bonnet about celebrating every little thing. Just going to get the paper this morning Gerry had been assaulted by decorations and the beginnings of festivities. Gerry leaned back and examined Ravana, the negative feelings were non-existent, or at least well covered up. β€œNow, girly, do you care to share what’s bothering you this cheerful morning?”

Gerry didn’t get any more questioning in as the table begun filling up rapidly. Not that Gerry cared about divulging people’s emotions in front of a crowd. But rather a new, fresh wave of emotions distracted her.

Placing the emotions was like playing a guessing game. The feeling of peace seemed to waft in with Lina, or perhaps Krista. The wariness, bordering on repulsion, as usual belonged to, Acadia, she seemed to always bring with her. Gerry smirked, and had to appreciate that at least she was honest and didn’t hide it. Acadia called a spade a spade, and a demon a demon.

Next was Eva’s distinctive warmth, as she settled next to Acadia. β€œYes, do be a dear today of all days.” The addition to Eva’s words, completely unnecessary, but said anyway.

Then the most interesting emotion of all appeared. Small and weak, but definitely present below all the others emotions that clogged the room, was an emotion almost akin to fear. It was like a nervousness that wavered on the border of fear. Gerry narrowed her eyes at Levi, who sat with a small posture down the other end of the table. Due to their years spent together at the house, Gerry knew this wasn’t a coincidence, the girl had things she didn’t want Gerry to know. Which only peaked Gerry’s interest, so she leaned forward to call down the table. β€œMorning Levi.” Another unnecessary comment, but then again, most everything Gerry says is unnecessary.

Then Gerry turned back to Eva. β€œGood question. Pray tell, what joys are in store for us today?” She asked the table.

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Levi Cherry Character Portrait: Lina Protsenko Character Portrait: Kaleido Shaw Character Portrait: Ravana Cherbog Character Portrait: Evangeline Blackwood Character Portrait: Stella Ambrose Character Portrait: Gerry Pemberton Character Portrait: Acadia Banks
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This was awful. There was becoming a lot more people here then she anticipated. She enjoyed the house, food to eat, people to see, a wonderful town full of people. But man-oh-man. The people, yes they were okay but she got quickly annoyed with too many people. She didn't know how long she would be here before she checked out of even the conversation.

Watching as one woman after another came she looked around. She was on okay standings with most of them. Well, she hoped at least. There was Stella she was... interesting. There was something sometimes she wondered what it was all about. Lina was in a cheerful mood in seemed and it being this early and not really in the mood with all these people, her cheerful mood was annoying.

Krista, she didn't know much about but hey she wasn't being bothered so she was cool. As she continued to look around she noticed Kalido poor thing was blind. She had nothing wrong with her even though her relationship with Stella was strange. Technically if no one else was around she could stick her tongue out at her and she wouldn't even realize. Which would be a shame everyone should know when a tongue is being stuck out at them.

When Acadia made her wonderful present she didn't even try to lift a smile to her face. When she spoke about a devil she wondered if it was directed at her. She hoped not because this was going to become nasty. But she decided that she was not going to bother. Even though she should mention it.

Turning her attention to Eva she watched as she worked silly. It was strange how they were all just random people living together. Yet she put so much work into helping everyone. If everyone was normal they would make their own breakfast instead of using her as a slave. She was grateful for her thoughts. A place where instead of saying it she could just think it pretending she was saying things allowed. It was a place of solitude where she could be left alone to think about her accumulating feelings.

As Levi came in next she found it hard to believe. That girl seemed quiet and kept to herself which was always interesting. This place was sure to be filled with big drama some day and she wondered when that would be the nicest thing.

As she looked at Gerry who spoke about her comment a tad earlier she looked blank at her. "Nothing is wrong Gerry. I am fine, you're fine, well all live a fine life." She said daring not to say another word.

"What about you all, what do you think of this day? What for wonderful things will we do? Crafts? Some magical festival, I am ready for all the schedule.

9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Levi Cherry Character Portrait: Lina Protsenko Character Portrait: Kaleido Shaw Character Portrait: Ravana Cherbog Character Portrait: Krista Straub Character Portrait: Evangeline Blackwood Character Portrait: Stella Ambrose Character Portrait: Acadia Banks Character Portrait: Gerry Pemberton
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XXXStella took bites of the different dishes Eva had prepared for them all throughout breakfast. Her favorite was definitely the french toast, but honestly, she was a sucker for bacon. She nibbled at another piece, listening to Gerry read from the paper. She was discussing the rumor about poor Mrs. Norris. According to the paper, it was a fact, but Stella still had her doubts. She tried not to let the story dim her mood too much.

Then Lina strode in carrying a beautiful bouquet of flowers she had pulled from the garden. Stell beamed. "Those flowers are gorgeous, Lina! They really brighten up the room, but not as much as your smiling face!" She said cheerily. Stella reached out to gently caress a petal. "The roses look lovely." Her face softened as she stared at the hydrangeas. They were her mother's favorite flower and to this day, the image made her miss her terribly. She'd have to remember to write another letter soon.

Next came Krista and Acadia and finally Levi. They were still missing once, but Stella was sure she'd be around shortly.

When Eva had questioned the festivities for the day and Stella placed a finger to her cheek and thought. She talked to pretty much everyone in town at some point in time about the festival. Based on what she understood..."I think there's supposed to be a parade through town center. There are discounts all over town if anyone wants to do some shopping. I think there's also going to be a pageant later in the afternoon for Mr. and Mrs. Ashwood. I think there's a couple food eating contests. The grade school kids will put on a play later about the founding day. There are carnival ride by the lakeside. And tonight there's a potluck for everyone in town with music, dancing, and fireworks at the very end!" She shrugged. "That's what I heard."

She reached out for another strip of bacon and nibbled on it. "I was thinking of running for Mrs. Ashwood. I haven't been here that long, but I thought it would be fun to participate." Then she remembered something. "Oh! Kali! They're doing an 'Open Mic' hour before the pot luck. Maybe you could play piano for everyone! I could sing with you if you're nervous." They had a mean Take Me Home Country Road duet. Then she had an idea. "What if we did a booth? We could use our talents to answer questions for the townspeople." Not that Stella would be too much help there. She can only see things based on objects. Typically people didn't bring objects with them when they wanted their future told. "Lina could make flower crowns for everyone!" The wheels in her head were turning now, desparate to have everyone enjoy the day.

Stella was probably just a little over excited, but she had always loved this town and wanted to be a part of it as much as possible.

9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Levi Cherry Character Portrait: Lina Protsenko Character Portrait: Kaleido Shaw Character Portrait: Ravana Cherbog Character Portrait: Krista Straub Character Portrait: Evangeline Blackwood Character Portrait: Stella Ambrose Character Portrait: Acadia Banks Character Portrait: Gerry Pemberton
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L I N AX| | Xintuition & crystals

| Outfit |
| #330033 |
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Lina was in a mood unlike one she had ever had before. There was a general anticipation in the air, good from most people now seated around the table, though some seemed less than enthused to be up and among their housemates. She blushed at the compliments given to her and the flowers and mumbled her thanks, listening to the little conversations happening around her, and avoiding the gaze of anyone who thought her evil. It was a casual breakfast, but felt more formal because it wasn’t often they all sat together on a day of celebration.

"Thank you Krista, what is your plan for the day?" She turned to see Acadia eyeing her blue eye, and turned her gaze towards her hands again, knowing how the woman felt about her eye color.

She picked at her delicious breakfast, and Levi and Ravana entered the room to join in what Lina felt was warmth and light. She could tell that each person had some thought they were dealing with on this day of celebration. Judgement and wishes swirled around in her mind, and she shook her head for a moment, not wanting to intrude on the truth and feelings of each individual.

Stella began another cheery proclamation, and Lina gave a small smile at her enthusiasm. Her eyes widened at the other woman’s suggestions.

β€œYou mean the people would not be afraid of us if we showed our talents?” She questions, looking around at the other women at the table. She had not had good experiences with people who knew of her abilities in the past. There wasn't much of a chance for her to ever use her abilities for people who willingly wanted to be read, because she often found herself perceiving truths secretly, and was the bearer of secrets that she sometimes wished she had never looked into. "I would be... willing to try this, it is such a beautiful day."

She turned her head and gazed out the window for a moment, immediately wanting to spend the day outside in the sun. If Kali played and Stella sang, though she couldn't hear them that well, they always got a look of such joy on their faces at the sound of music, so she would enjoy seeing that too. She began tapping her fingers on her arms in anticipation. I she could sell or give away flower crowns, that could generate news about the flower business she'd been wanting to start in this town for some time, another thing to keep her busy and avoid stillness.

She heard Ravana's rather sarcastic tone in the background and looked up at the woman. despite her outer attitude, Lina could sense some effort to be liked in the woman's demeanor. She understood how odd a feeling that was. She looked over at Levi too, who was eating quietly at the edge of the table. There was an especially closed-off feeling around her today, and Lina thought perhaps she could use Lina's Tiger's Eye earrings to keep her in positive balance. Perhaps she could bring them down when she was finished with breakfast.

Yes, she decided that despite the mixed feelings within the room, this would be a good, and at least interesting day. It wasn't everyday that a festival was celebrated in this little town, especially in a town with quite a few talented women to make things that much more intriguing.

10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Levi Cherry Character Portrait: Lina Protsenko Character Portrait: Kaleido Shaw Character Portrait: Ravana Cherbog Character Portrait: Krista Straub Character Portrait: Evangeline Blackwood Character Portrait: Stella Ambrose Character Portrait: Acadia Banks Character Portrait: Gerry Pemberton
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Levi smiled as she ate the hash browns. They tasted delicious. Her smile grew as she looked over in Eva’s general direction. The young woman could make the most delicious food. The smile faded when Levi jumped in her seat because of Gerry’s voice. She was thankful she didn’t choke on her food, but her fingers gripped her fork tightly. She ignored how gooseflesh appeared all over her visible skin. Levi kept her gaze on her plate and quickly nodded in response to Gerry. It took her a second before she chewed the rest of her food and swallowed. Slowly she shifted herself, so her body faced away from Gerry slightly. She listened as Gerry and Ravana asked questions.

It seemed as if Tricentennial Day was going to be the subject of the day. Levi kept a smile on her face as she thought of ways she could stay in the house. The house had become her sanctuary. No men lived in the house and everyone in the house had special skills. She grabbed her cup of coffee and took a sip. She wouldn’t dare take more than a sip in case of any surprises. Her eyes focused on the flowers at the center of the table. They were beautiful. Levi could spend all day in a garden, surrounded by plants. Her mind wandered to all the different types of plants she had around her room. She thought of the window boxes she had hang out of each window in her room. They both held bright red flowers.

Just as she thought about needing to water her plants, Stella began to speak. Levi listened, but kept her eyes on the flowers. She was notorious for not making eye contact with anyone. Some were even surprised if she even made eye contact for a second. If she wasn’t looking at some object, she’d looked at a harmless body part on whoever spoke. Her smile faded a bit as she thought of the Fourth Of July carnival Mr. Cherry would always take her and her mother to. It was one day out of the year where he was more decent. Levi always enjoyed the rides and fireworks at the end. She pulled herself out of the bittersweet memories as Stella continued to speak. Levi parted her lips to encourage Stella to participate in the pageant and do the β€˜Open Mic’, but then she mentioned the group doing a booth.

She couldn’t help it when her smile left her lips. Levi’s expression was now blank, a bit somber. Levi didn’t want to be trapped at a booth. Townspeople would stop by. She knew that meant men would appear at the booth. She tensed at the thought. Levi knew she wouldn’t be much help at the booth. She could help set up, but her special skill did require spirits. Levi took to holding her mug in front of her lips to hide her frown. Levi made sure to keep her elbows off the table and tucked against her body. She took a long sip of warm coffee. Her eyes wandered over to Lina’s chin as she spoke. She could sympathize as to why Lina asked her question. Levi was able to bring a small smile to her lips as she placed her cup down. She placed her hands in her lap, lacing her fingers together.

β€œI don’t think they’ll be afraid. This house has been in this town for ages. I think most will be curious,” she paused as she thought of how her mother lived here before she was born, β€œIf you’d like to make some flower crowns, I can help you collect flowers Lina.” She looked at the flower arrangement at the center of the table again. β€œI can run to the grocery store as well if anyone plans on participating in the potluck and needs ingredients,” she added. She picked up her cup again to finish off her coffee. Levi would get more in a few minutes. She’d likely go water her plants once she left the dining room too. Levi didn’t want to get wrapped up in helping with the booth. Levi became distracted by thoughts as she wondered how she could get out of joining the festivities. She had these thought every year and always got caught up in participating.

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Kaleido Shaw Character Portrait: Ravana Cherbog Character Portrait: Krista Straub Character Portrait: Evangeline Blackwood Character Portrait: Stella Ambrose Character Portrait: Gerry Pemberton Character Portrait: Acadia Banks
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Ravana watched as the others around her were busy chit-chattering in front of her. She didn't understand how they could be calm. If she understood correctly they wanted to show people their talents or gifts or curses whatever anyone wants to call them.

She was intrigued by the whole speech thing Stella had done. Mrs. Ashwood contest, open mic, open a booth. This was sounding like a lot more work for the whole day. She watched as Stella seemed overjoyed by it all.

When she brought up flower crowns thats when Ravana had to mention something. "Okay, I am speaking on the risk of sounding like a Scrooge, but flower crowns? Does it really fit into the theme?"

She took a deep breath and looked at them gently. "Also I am speaking on behalf of being wise and safe. We shouldn't be showing our powers what if outsiders come, they take a look, see us, who knows what happens from there on out. I am not trying to stop us from having fun. Heaven forbid but still, I assume you want to make a few more years on the earth. I don't think us setting up a booth will give us that chance. That's my only opinion on it all."

She looked at everyone. Now she was being too mushy she knew it. Trying to look out for them was going to cause problems. If you show you care too much it made her look weak. She needed to be able not to get attached so that if she ever had to leave she just could. And not worry about it.

She began to scratch the back of her thumb, it was a true sign of being antsy she always did it when she was waiting for another's thoughts, or how they were feeling about her. She was getting a bit nervous. So then she spit out something she was going to regret for a long time. "I will wear a flower crown if we don't do the booth. Now it looked like she cared, she would be stuck wearing a crown out of flowers. Only crown she wanted was one made out of diamonds.

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View All » Add Character » 10 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Stella Ambrose
Character Portrait: Lina Protsenko
Character Portrait: Evangeline Blackwood
Character Portrait: Ravana Cherbog
Character Portrait: Kaleido Shaw
Character Portrait: Gerry Pemberton
Character Portrait: Levi Cherry
Character Portrait: Krista Straub
Character Portrait: Acadia Banks


Character Portrait: Acadia Banks
Acadia Banks

"The babe with the power.."

Character Portrait: Krista Straub
Krista Straub

"There's always a message in the way a person treats you. Listen."

Character Portrait: Levi Cherry
Levi Cherry

"The simple act of caring is heroic."

Character Portrait: Gerry Pemberton
Gerry Pemberton

"Judge, Jury and Executioner."

Character Portrait: Kaleido Shaw
Kaleido Shaw

"Seeing without seeing."

Character Portrait: Ravana Cherbog
Ravana Cherbog

When the attention of a body is all you really need.

Character Portrait: Evangeline Blackwood
Evangeline Blackwood

Queening: The art of tastefully embracing your individuality; leading by example; living as a muse

Character Portrait: Lina Protsenko
Lina Protsenko

"All that is gold does not glitter; not all those who wander are lost; the old that is strong does not wither; deep roots are not reached by the frost."

Character Portrait: Stella Ambrose
Stella Ambrose

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.


Character Portrait: Evangeline Blackwood
Evangeline Blackwood

Queening: The art of tastefully embracing your individuality; leading by example; living as a muse

Character Portrait: Gerry Pemberton
Gerry Pemberton

"Judge, Jury and Executioner."

Character Portrait: Stella Ambrose
Stella Ambrose

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.

Character Portrait: Krista Straub
Krista Straub

"There's always a message in the way a person treats you. Listen."

Character Portrait: Ravana Cherbog
Ravana Cherbog

When the attention of a body is all you really need.

Character Portrait: Kaleido Shaw
Kaleido Shaw

"Seeing without seeing."

Character Portrait: Levi Cherry
Levi Cherry

"The simple act of caring is heroic."

Character Portrait: Lina Protsenko
Lina Protsenko

"All that is gold does not glitter; not all those who wander are lost; the old that is strong does not wither; deep roots are not reached by the frost."

Character Portrait: Acadia Banks
Acadia Banks

"The babe with the power.."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Lina Protsenko
Lina Protsenko

"All that is gold does not glitter; not all those who wander are lost; the old that is strong does not wither; deep roots are not reached by the frost."

Character Portrait: Acadia Banks
Acadia Banks

"The babe with the power.."

Character Portrait: Gerry Pemberton
Gerry Pemberton

"Judge, Jury and Executioner."

Character Portrait: Krista Straub
Krista Straub

"There's always a message in the way a person treats you. Listen."

Character Portrait: Stella Ambrose
Stella Ambrose

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.

Character Portrait: Levi Cherry
Levi Cherry

"The simple act of caring is heroic."

Character Portrait: Evangeline Blackwood
Evangeline Blackwood

Queening: The art of tastefully embracing your individuality; leading by example; living as a muse

Character Portrait: Kaleido Shaw
Kaleido Shaw

"Seeing without seeing."

Character Portrait: Ravana Cherbog
Ravana Cherbog

When the attention of a body is all you really need.

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