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Oliver Bale

0 · 631 views · located in The Magic House

a character in “House of Historical Horrors”, as played by Mashotu




Full Name: Oliver Bale

Nicknames: Ollie

Gender: Male

Age: 25


Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Relationship Status: Single

  • Reading
  • Solitude
  • Dark colors
  • Smart ass people
  • Card tricks
  • Gambling

  • Bright colors
  • People who talk
  • Idiots
  • People who are late
  • Animals

Ollie isn't nice. He does not beat around the bush and will not spare your feelings. If he doesn't like you he will tell you and tell you why. He more honest with negative feelings than positive ones. He'd rather avoid any questions dealing with himself or when they come to feelings of love. This causes people to not like his which make him not like people. This is why he prefers sitting alone and reading. Those he does love suckering people out of money as well. And he will use the dirtiest tricks to do so.


Hair Color: Black with a white streak

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 5"6'

Weight: 140

Typical Clothing Style: Victorian (because it amuses him)

Distinct Markings: His hair and giant scar across his back


Ollie has always been good at tricking people and hiding his true feelings. He used to be a gambler ever since he learned how to play cards from his aunt. He made a fake id at the age of 16 (he's always looked older than his age) and was able to pone ass right away. He drew away from any friends he might have made and put his heart in an iron chest. He never had a bad childhood to cause this, he just never liked people. Many people labeled him as goth or weird which he never cared for. His parents worried for him, but could do nothing.

He now lives a life of solitude working at a funeral home~


So begins...

Oliver Bale's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isaac Woods Character Portrait: Casandra Tate Character Portrait: Oliver Bale Character Portrait: Carrie Woods Character Portrait: Dyani Nitsu Character Portrait: Jeremiah Cross
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Carrie Woods

Carrie looked up at what was to be her new home and smiled. She carried her three bags of belongings and her easel into the house. She looked around at the main entrance and staircase and the kitchen and dining room to her right and the living room to her left. She ascended the stairs up to the second floor. Carrie was the first one at the house so she figured she would choose her room first. She chose the room with the most windows, facing the backyard full of flowers. It was perfect for painting--lots of light and lots of inspiration. She set her easel down by the window and threw two of her bags onto her bed. She set the other bag down by her easel, as it was filled with paint, a few canvases, paintbrushes, notebooks, pencils, and oil pastels. Carrie looked around at her room, there was a bed in the center, a closet to the left of the bed, a desk across from the bed, a dresser to the right of the bed, and now her easel standing by the windows. Walking down the hall, Carrie noticed that each of the rooms was furnished more or less the same. There were five other rooms, and she smiled at the thought of the five other people she was going to share this house with. This year was going to be much better than last year, when she had been paired up with some random girl in a dormitory, who turned out to be a mean slob. Carrie walked down the stairs and looked out the window next to the front door, anxious for her the five others to arrive at their new home.


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Character Portrait: Oliver Bale
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#, as written by Mashotu

Ollie walked into the house, dragging most of his luggage with him. His room was in the basement. Which he was happy about 'cause it was the only room down there. He did not need to hear what others were doing throughout the night.

Once everything was in his room and put into their spot, Ollie did a quick look over. He figured he should go talk to his roommates since he would be living with them. He walked into the one place where he assumed someone would be. The kitchen. But... It seems no one was actually in there. Maybe they were all unpacking.

Ollie looked through the cupboards and the fridge. "It seems... I will have to do a bit of shopping... Great." He said, a scowl placed on his lips. He wondered if he would regret coming to this place.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isaac Woods Character Portrait: Oliver Bale
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#, as written by Candy_

Isaac was leaning over the foot of his bed, scanning a violin solo titled "Romance"; he found it quite peculiar, in a unique way, but it was beyond beautiful. The notes seemed to caress each other, working in beautiful chords and floating with triplets. He put the worn book on his bed, pulling his laptop out of it's case, knowing he wouldn't let this piece of music pass. He had never heard of the composer up until this point, but knowing it was a new piece, he was not surprised.

The clicking of the mouse somewhat bothered him, but he continued to transfer the music onto a blank staff, quickly and efficiently. To him it looked better on the parchment paper, where the faded ink tore at the page and kept a look of innocence and age.

As soon as he was done, he put the brown leather pouch on the floor, in a pile he was making of the various books he had already found. Isaac had found it interesting how unsorted it was, and found it in his mind that he needed to sort them out before he could even start playing them.

His focus turned back to the screen, where an automated violin was now playing the tune. It sounds better in my head, I fear, he thought as the notes twirled together, but I'll take this. It's beautiful. He blinked, hearing the cupboards being opened in the kitchen, and paused the music.

It was a short walk to the kitchen, where he saw Oliver, and nearly gasped in surprise. There was, indeed, quite a peculiar man standing there - looking as if he jumped out of a coffin himself. He snorted, trying to hold back a laugh, and looked at his feet.

"I, um... Excuse me, sir, are you trying to rob this house?" He laughed, finally letting it out with the knowledge that he couldn't hold it in any longer. This man just could not be staying at the house with them! Absolute blasphemy. Isaac bit back the laugh after a few moments, decidedly thinking that the man knew his intentions and his feelings.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isaac Woods Character Portrait: Oliver Bale
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#, as written by Mashotu

"I, um... Excuse me, sir, are you trying to rob this house?" Oliver heard a voice. He stopped what he was doing and turned around slowly and looked the man in the eyes. His fingers curled up slowly as he stood up straight. "I do not believe one can steal from their own home... I take it," He looked Isaac up and down, "You are a new roommate of mine."

He walked a few paces towards Isaac and held out a hand. "Oliver Desmond Bale. It's is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isaac Woods Character Portrait: Casandra Tate Character Portrait: Oliver Bale
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"Oliver Desmond Bale. It's is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance." Casandra, who's room was silent as she read, head a voice say from the hall. It was very close, after all, as she had just gone into the first room she could. No one talks like that anymore, she thought as she folded her book under her arm and stood up, the slightly raised letters of 'Germanic Myths' sliding over her hand comfortably. She reached for her door and opened it with the squeak that was music to her ears, as it meant age and history and memories, made within the walls.

She walked the few short steps to the kitchen, her yellow soda fountain dress sliding over her thighs as she took purposeful steps. She didn't really make any noise besides the occasional squeak of a loose board, but it was enough to alert anyone of her presents. She didn't say anything as she entered the room, just took in the other figures in the room- two males, one dressed very out of fashion. While she couldn't exactly say she was in fashion either, what he had on was old. Old old. Victorian-esque in nature. She stepped further into the room, leaning onto a counter and placing the book onto it. She didn't speak, as she didn't feel it necessary, but she did look over the two males. They would be her roommates after all. They did not look immediately imposing, and while one was dressed oddly for the time period, she could overlook it due to her own tastes.

"Hello. I am Casandra. You are free to borrow from my books as long as you tell me first," she said the words like it was practiced, and it was. In the car she had decided that anyone could borrow from her, as that showed hospitality without reaching over the line and would be the amount of friendliness she was comfortable with. She smiled politely to the two, grabbing the edges of her dress and bowing, as she had developed the habit to do. She turned back to her room very soon after, beginning her walk back to her room.

((OCC- for reference, this is the dress))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isaac Woods Character Portrait: Casandra Tate Character Portrait: Oliver Bale
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#, as written by Candy_

"I do not believe one can steal from their own home... I take it, you are a new roommate of mine."

Isaac frowned. "You're... You're kidding me. Honestly? I..." He shook his head. This isn't happening. Some weird roommate? This has to be the last thing I need. "Isakiel Adrian Woods." He shook Oliver's hand, sighing. "And you are right. The pleasure is entirely yours."

He was about to comment on his appearance once more, hoping to make a rude joke out of it, but Isaac heard creaking floorboards and looked around. He saw a girl walking into the room, and dropped to a bow, as he was always taught to do. A wise man steps lighter when there are women about. He straightened slowly, considering momentarily how his dress would have offended his father; light grey sweatpants, and a flannel plaid shirt, unbuttoned still from his drive.

Only momentarily, until Isaac remembered that his father was probably dead or drunk in some hole, and the last person he would care about was precisely that man.

"Hello. I am Casandra. You are free to borrow from my books as long as you tell me first." Isaac smiled, a true grin, because he knew that she would have books he was interested in. Not that I'm one to take advantage of another person, but the offer has been laid on the table, and I'm quite interested.

When she started to walk away, he hurried to follow, casting one last glance over his shoulder at Oliver before leaving the kitchen. "Casandra! I was wondering, uh... I was wondering if you had any books that are music-related." He grinned nervously, running a hand through his hair. "And my name's Isakiel Adrian Woods. B-but call me Isaac," he added hastily. "And I'd also like to thank you for your offer."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isaac Woods Character Portrait: Casandra Tate Character Portrait: Oliver Bale
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#, as written by Mashotu

Ollie already didn't like this male. He seemed quite rude to him.
He ran a hand through his hair as another woman came into the kitchen. He was pleased that she was willing to share her books because he quite liked to read. But... He didn't seem as happy as Isakiel who practically jumped at the idea.

Ollie walked past the two giving Casandra a nod before exiting the house. He wanted to see what the land was like around the house hold. He walked into the backyard to see that there was a wilted and shriveled garden. "May have to fix this thing up..." Ollie muttered to himself. He'd probably wake up to work on it before the people of the house ever woke up. Because he knew that he'd get looks for it. He didn't care, but he got strange enough looks as it was and was quite tired of it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isaac Woods Character Portrait: Casandra Tate Character Portrait: Oliver Bale Character Portrait: Carrie Woods Character Portrait: Jeremiah Cross
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0.00 INK

Jeremiah grinned as he arrived at the old home. This would be where he lived for now, with five new people. The decision was a good one in his opinion. It was a fresh change from his sheltered life and a new place away from the beautiful prison of his parents' home. He was hopeful, especially since his new house mates were sure to be diverse in character. They would keep the days spent together interesting, no doubt.

He parked his red Austin Healey and climbed out of the car. Jeremiah opened the trunk and retrieved his bags from it. He had brought two, along with a backpack that sat on the passenger seat. After retrieving this also, he put the rood back up and locked the car. He hoped nobody would steal it.

Proceeding to the front door, he saw a girl standing and gazing out the window. He nodded to her in case she wished to respond. Upon entering the home he could hear voices coming from the kitchen. He decided he should at least set his stuff down before meeting his new house mates. Climbing the stairs, Jeremiah took a room towards the front of the house. He set his bags on the bed and observed how quaint and plain the room was.

Without further delay, he descended the stairs, wearing a light grey blazer and suit pants. He was used to being dressed formally and found it uncomfortable to wear casual clothes. There was also his scar to hide, which eliminated short sleeved shirts.

He went into the kitchen and found that its previous occupants had departed. He wandered into the living room and heard footsteps on the stairs. However he was too enthralled with a chair that he found rather comfy. Content, he remained where he was and closed his eyes, tilting his head back and daydreaming.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isaac Woods Character Portrait: Casandra Tate Character Portrait: Oliver Bale Character Portrait: Carrie Woods Character Portrait: Jeremiah Cross
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0.00 INK

Casandra's fingers traced over the page of the book before she leaned over and jotted down another note in the spiral bound journal in front of her. She brought the journal up to her knees and reviewed a few of the words and definitions, noting the more important things. She let out a loud sigh as she sat that down on the nightstand and replaced the book on it's proper shelving area. She didn't really wish to read any more, and her legs needed stretching as she had been sitting cross legged on the bed for so long.

Still, she didn't exactly want to go out and mingle- she barely knew the people and they might talk to much, or two little, and she couldn't keep a conversation going on her own. So, she decided to do what she did best- study. Just look about and take notes on appearance, personality, and things like that. She realized that might seem a bit odd- but she had done it before, and she had notes spanning volumes on her parents. Hopefully they would get over any odd feelings about her. At least, she hoped they would.

Cass started a new section in her journal, flipping to a new section and leaving space for notes on the book she had been reading, if she wanted to go back to it. She added a small bookmark to the new section before traveling out of her room, quickly looking in other rooms as she did. She didn't really have to look for long, as someone was in the kitchen and she wasn't exactly far from there. She smiled politely before looking over the figure, jotting down a few notes before she finally straightened her back and said hello. He seemed to be daydreaming, so she prodded him with the end of her pencil as well. She added a note to her journal that read 'daydreamer' and then backed a few feet away, tapping the journal with her fingers. I can take more notes later., she thought to herself. Personality could wait. Appearances were most important after all, and she would get to know the rest later. She waved as she whispered goodbye. Really the only reason she wanted him to open his eyes was so she could note their color, so it would be unimportant to talk to him- right now at least. After that she walked about the home, deciding to not interrupt anyone else. She just noted what she could see, and nothing else, before moving on. She took notes on everyone in the house before she looked over them again. Oh, there is that guy- the one in the odd clothing. His appearance will take a bit of time to note, she thought when she didn't see the name in her journal. She had already looked in the house, so she decided to take her best shot and go outside. She was right in her thinking, as he was looking over the garden.

"Oliver, Correct?" she said as she wrote down the name and the normal parts of his features, or at least the more normal parts. She needed notes on any truly odd/intriguing parts, and while most could easily be explained and put into a category without asking anything, but 'Victorian' wasn't exactly a catagory that counted any longer. Cassandra at least stayed within 50 years with her clothing (though that was mostly of preference only), and she could explain her reasoning behind wanting to wear out of date clothing. It was important to her to know what his excuse for it was. She added another note into the journal before closing it. She didn't want to see very rude, especially if she would be talking with him for more than a minute.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Casandra Tate Character Portrait: Oliver Bale
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#, as written by Mashotu

Ollie was brought out of his thoughts by a voice. "Oliver, Correct?" She asked. Ollie turned to the girl as she wrote down something in a notebook and turned away again.
"Yes." He said as he bent down to pull out a weed that had been bothering him, "And you'd be Cassandra." He didn't know why the girl was there. Maybe she was just curious about the man in weird clothing. He looked at the soil and made a mental note to get nutrients for it.

Ollie stood up and dusted his hands off on his pants. He held out a hand for Cassandra to take. His face held no happiness nor sadness. It was purely blank. "It's a pleasure to meet you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Casandra Tate Character Portrait: Oliver Bale
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"It's a pleasure to meet you." Casandra smiled as he held out his hand. He didn't seem to be showing any emotion behind it though. That was strange. She grasped his hand tightly and curtsied. "Yes, I'm Casandra. You may call me Cass," she smiled as she hugged the journal to her chest.

"I wanted to know why you wear clothing like that," she said politely as she held up the journal. "Notes on everyone in the house," she said before shaking the spiral book, as if everyone kept a journal on their roommates. "I do hate to disturb, but the others are easy to figure out, in looks at least. You, though, are not exactly easy in regards to why you look the way you choose to," she said, looking at him with a confused look on her face before sighing. She did not expect to have to talk so much during her first day- sure, she would have to talk with everyone, at least for a while, but she was good at observing. It bothered her she couldn't even do that without having to ask directly.

As she waited for an answer, she began to look about the 'garden', if it could even be called that. It held traces of beauty, like an old abandoned home. A blooming flower in the center, a trace of what was there before, and rows to even to be nature simply claiming back what it owned. It had potential. She began mumbling to herself, trying to imagine the plants that were there before.

There is a small wilted Dahlia there, and it would have to belong to that bush, so I'd wager that area is pretty in the summer, as well as that patch in the corner that has traces of what looks like Butterfly Ginger bulbs on the ground. Four-o'clocks, too, she thought as she imagined what the garden, when properly cared for and possibly replanted, would look like. Colorful at least. Good to study in at best.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Casandra Tate Character Portrait: Oliver Bale
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mashotu

"I wanted to know why you wear clothing like that. Notes on everyone in the house," Cassandra said, holding up a notebook, "I do hate to disturb, but the others are easy to figure out, in looks at least. You, though, are not exactly easy in regards to why you look the way you choose to."

Ollie raised an eyebrow. "I wear them because it amuses me. People's reactions are usually different. Like our dear roommate Isakiel. He immediately thought I was weird and wanted to avoid me. You, on the other hand, grew curious and confronted me." He ran a hand through his hair, "So far, you're the only tolerable person in this house I've met so far."

Ollie looked back at the lone flower in the middle of the garden. "What is your favorite flower?" He asked Cassandra. He was planning on rebuilding the garden. Might as well add some things other people liked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Casandra Tate Character Portrait: Oliver Bale
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0.00 INK

"I wear them because it amuses me. People's reactions are usually different. Like our dear roommate Isakiel. He immediately thought I was weird and wanted to avoid me. You, on the other hand, grew curious and confronted me." Casandra thought over the words before committing them to memory, so she could write them up later.

"So far, you're the only tolerable person in this house I've met so far." Oliver said, and Casandra grew slightly confused. Sure, she didn't do socialite well, but she did tolerate most people. Aside from the few people who she truly spent time out of her day to dislike, most others were tolerable.

"What is your favorite flower?" Oliver asked, and Casandra thought over for it for a second before answering. "Moonflower," she said quickly thinking it over just to be sure. Moonflowers were among her favorites after all, as they bloomed so very beautiful, and pure-looking with the white flowers.

"But most people like more generic things- Roses, Lilies, Blue Bells, sunflowers. Moonflowers are more mysterious and strange. Makes you think about them," she said, shrugging. "But you should plant Blue bells. If that was what were going to do. Or Roses or Lilies. Something simple," she looked over the garden once more. Something people could look at during the day- most people liked that best. She wouldn't be out of her room that often anyway, unless it was to ask a question or to eat, so unless it was especially pretty she wouldn't see it unless she was studying them. The others would be out more, so what they liked would matter more.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Casandra Tate Character Portrait: Oliver Bale
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mashotu

Ollie thought for a bit. "I'll add blue bells too. But I wanted to add something someone else would like. I haven't met any other people yet, so maybe I'll get their choice later. But, I will add moonflowers. A garden is boring if you only have flowers that people know by heart. 'cause those are no longer interesting." He said, giving her the slightest of smiles, "Simple is boring."

Ollie pulled back his sleeve and looked at his watch (probably one of the only normal thing he had on him) he was supposed to meet up with some friends later for a game of poker. He still had a good few hours to blow. He knew there was great possibility that his friends would cancel (they usually did) but he seriously needed to relax. And by relax, he meant swindle money out of some poor sap.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Casandra Tate Character Portrait: Oliver Bale
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0.00 INK

Casandra listened intently as he said he would plant blue bells and moonflowers as well. He mentioned that a garden would be no fun if everyone could name all the flowers. She agreed with a slight nod in his direction, but her mind was already on other things. What would grow correctly given the climate, how long she, or more likely Oliver, would have to spend out and about just on the upkeep of the place.

"Thank you," she muttered while she wasn't exactly thinking about Oliver being in her general area. She had only said it becuase in the back of her mind she knew he was there and needed a response. Still, becuase she was focused on other things and not talking, she said Thank You again a few moments later, when she came out of her stupor.

Casandra watched as he pulled his arm up to look at a watch, which Casandra noted as the only thing on his person that looked modern. She wondered if he had somewhere to be. After all, she didn't want to be rude. Becuase she had noting else to say really, she unfolded the journal that was still tucked into her arms and began to write more notes down, completeing her study on the looks of everyone in the building.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isaac Woods Character Portrait: Casandra Tate Character Portrait: Oliver Bale Character Portrait: Carrie Woods Character Portrait: Dyani Nitsu Character Portrait: Jeremiah Cross
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0.00 INK

Carrie Woods

Carrie heard all of her roommates arriving and even saw some of them coming in as she looked out the window. Part of her was excited and wanted to go meet them, but part of her was very tired and feeling sort of heavy and sick. She decided she would go and greet everyone later, when she was feeling better and could make a better first impression. For now, she closed her bedroom door. She walked into the small bathroom attached to her room that was also attached to her neighbors room. She looked in the mirror and fixed her hair. Suddenly, she felt extremely dizzy and nauseous. She put her hand on her forehead and closed her eyes for a brief second and then the next she knew, she opened her eyes and she was laying in a bed. She sat up and looked around. Am I dreaming? This can't be real... She thought, as she looked at the room she was in. Carrie rubbed her eyes frantically, knowing this felt all too real to be a dream. Jumping out of the bed, she ran into the bathroom, all the time thinking in the back of her mind that this looked just like one of the first class cabins on the Titanic. She looked in the mirror and nearly screamed as she saw the outfit she was wearing. Carrie ran back out into her room and out into the hallway, searching for one of her new roommates, praying she wasn't alone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Casandra Tate Character Portrait: Oliver Bale Character Portrait: Jeremiah Cross
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#, as written by Mashotu

Ollie nodded and made a move to leave the garden and go to his room. He quickly turned to her and spoke first, "And please. Call me Ollie." And with that, he left her there and went into the house. He walked into the living room to see a man sitting there and day dreaming.

"Hello." He called. He had a feeling this was one of his new roommates. Once the man was snapped out of it, he spoke again. "I'm going to assume you live here now as well?" The male looked quite young. Probably around 20 at most. He evaluated the male silently as he waited for him to speak. He'd met one friendly person so far out of two, maybe the one would be another.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isaac Woods Character Portrait: Casandra Tate Character Portrait: Oliver Bale Character Portrait: Carrie Woods
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mashotu

Ollie had no idea what was going on. He left the other male suddenly to go see if someone was fucking with him. He smelt sea water, but payed it no mind. Somehow, the house was changing, and it was seriously pissing him off. It was pissing him off because it confused him.

It wasn't long until he found the room with the other three inside it. "Can someone please tell me what is going on?" He snapped, lifting his chin a bit. He noticed that everyone was actually a bit scared. The boat jerked roughly but Ollie stood his ground. He glanced down at the people and realized their clothes have changed. But yet, his didn't much. At most, his hair seemed to have brushed itself back into a small ponytail. "Alright... Now either I'm dreaming or going crazy." He turned to the only friendly face he knew. At least he knew these people. Dream or not.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isaac Woods Character Portrait: Oliver Bale
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Candy_

Isaac was sure the two girls would handle it better than him, which was why he was just turning around to leave when he spotted Oliver walking closer. Naturally, his stomach pitted itself against his skin with nervousness. Not a conversation I want to have right now. He waited until he walked closer, and spoke until he said something himself.

"Can someone please tell me what is going on?...Alright... Now either I'm dreaming or going crazy."

"Hey, smart-ass. You don't know where you are? Well, it's the goddamn Titanic." Curb your tongue. You spoke to your dad this way, but this isn't your dad, and remember that. "...Excuse me. It seems I have forgotten where I am, but that is no excuse. Please, I have something to admit to you, and I would rather we do this somewhere more...private." Isaac started walking, without waiting to see if Oliver would follow.

He did not expect him to. But Isaac followed to where he was planning to lead earlier, gently bouncing the violin. The chances of him earning a spot for a song were slim. But, there's still a small chance, isn't there?

His gaze passed over Jolie, hiding back a scream of frustration, where he turned to see if Oliver had decided to follow him or not. But what will you say, if he did?

The truth.

He thought he heard the classical 'Sleeping Beauty Waltz' being played, as a down-scaled size for the small band, and started to softly hum the violin tune as it bounced through the air.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isaac Woods Character Portrait: Oliver Bale
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mashotu

Ollie glared at the other male. He debated following such a rude man. But, he could at least give the man a shot. If he decided to continue to be an ass, then he'd either punch him in the face or point blank tell him he was an ass. He followed Isaac and stayed a good four feet away from him. He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.

"Alright. What do you want?" He asked bitterly, "Because quite frankly, I do not wish to be near someone like you alone for too long or else I'll find myself growing too annoyed." He listened to the music playing but didn't really care for it. But he made not of how Isaac was humming to it. He pulled his hair out of the annoying ponytail only to find that once he did so, another one decided to take its place.
