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Akira Shingo

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a character in “How to Break A Dream”, as played by Ville.Sunfall


Akira Shingo




Soft Blue

5'6 Feet tall

Recording Sounds Around Him
Playing The Electric Key Board
Dressing Punk or really flashy
Tea, he enjoys the bitter or sweet taste of it
Coming up with new beats
Fan members
Acting cute and girly
Enjoys Romance
Grey's cooking only

Sitting still for too long
Watching movies or t.v shows
Arrogantly stupid people
Alcohol, he loathes it
Being pushed to far
Abusive people
Smell of Blood
Being touched by people he doesn't know

He looks like an angle right? A girl even too. Just don't push the wrong buttons with him, he can grin and bare it for only song long before he loses his temper and becomes extremely blunt with his words, maybe even get violent if needed. He's always the type to break the silences or speak up first, he's never shy with his words or expressing himself in anyway. If he ever gets too mad he will start speaking Japanese mixed with Korean. So no one ever fully understands what he says apart from Grey. He's extremely lazy, but that's partly do to Grey and always cleaning up after him, over the years it's just become a habit of theirs.

Background Before the Band:
He grew up without a mother, mainly because his mother died giving birth to him. His father was a drunk who ended up drinking himself to death, which is why he hates whenever Grey drinks. He always gets scared that it might kill him like it did his father. Though, he has never told Grey this and he doesn't wish to either. He just wishes it will stop. Apart from this, he grew up with his grandparents and spent his time helping and taking care of them. His Grandmother is why he is so into fashion and his Grandfather is why he is so into music. Both him and his grandfather are bother composers of sounds and records anything they find nice to listen to or anything that fits the music perfectly.

Over time, with doing this, Aki felt it be better to live on his own to further his talents. But he didn't want to leave Grey by himself, so eventually they moved in together and slowly started to from music with one and another. Of course though at the time Akria was only 15 and his Grandparents would let him live alone unless Grey was there, but they ended up waiting until he was done with school before they moved out. So that's what happen. And surprisingly, living alone worked out for them, even though the place was small, eventually they would get someplace bigger.

THEIR Description of the Band they are in:
My band is what is and there is no changing it. You just got to learn to love us or hate us, either way, you are always thinking of us right? -Winks-

So begins...

Akira Shingo's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hana In Lee Character Portrait: Greyson Jun Character Portrait: Kelis Harrison Character Portrait: Akira Shingo Character Portrait: Alexis Penhold
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#, as written by Chono



I would rather die a meaningful death than to live a meaningless life.


December 12th, 2015. @3:35pm


"Well, this will either end in hilarity or our tragic death. Either way we will be getting on the news." Greyson mutters this under his breath as he leans back into his seat. The image of Japanese people bustling about across the pristine sidewalks of Tokyo Japan reflects over Greyson’s shades. Under the shades is a European nose that brings out the masculine outline of his face and lazy feline grin."This can't be that bad, I survived it once before." so Greyson says. Honestly, he was terrified. The sight of knifes sent the shakes through his spine, but he'd managed to tone it down over the years because of how frequently he had to use them for cooking. But when the attack first happened, no way. His band-mate actually had to cook for the both of them and it was shit. Greyson didn't have to say one word before his buddy set down his own silverware and said, take out?

Sitting beside Greyson is that same friend who appears female to the naked eye. Small compared to Greysons height at 6’1, but the guy is a damn spit fire. His name is Akira Shingo...

and he is fucking pissed.

Why, you might ask? A few minutes before, their manager Mr. Are—who is currently sitting across from them at this tea café, calm and collected in his sharp navy business suit—just told them some news that he just so happen to forget to tell Aki. Greyson knew about it a couple of weeks ago; he was actually the one who suggested taking up the offer. But, the news was fresh to Aki. The two grown men were afraid of getting their heads bit off after Aki heard the news. So, they waited till the last minute, that way even if Aki exploded, he'd have to do it anyway.

Mr. Are took a drink of his tea. The calming aroma surrounded the group, not seeming to calm Aki in the slightest and merely fueling his fire. “A limo is already on the way to pick up the girls and bring them to the new household, Shingo-san.” With a clink, the vibrant red tea cup was set down onto the tailored table. Mr. Are’s piercing gaze shot through his glasses and up at Akira. “What do you want us to do now? Leave the girls in that large household alone?” Mr. Are scoffs, “They will only be in more danger. Plus, the arrangements and your things have already been moved to the new location. Don’t make things more difficult, Shingo-san.”



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hana In Lee Character Portrait: Greyson Jun Character Portrait: Kelis Harrison Character Portrait: Akira Shingo Character Portrait: Alexis Penhold
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#, as written by Anraee
Kelis had been moving out the hotel they had been staying at for the past 2 days. Her stuff was everywhere and they where already running really late right now. The room was a horrible mess as she gathered her stuff and shoved it in her suitcases. It was going to be a wrinkled mess and she already had known it. It wasn't he fault per say... She just slept through her alarm when she was suppose to be getting up and ready to go. They were suppose to be gone a few minutes ago, but everyone seemed to be waiting on her. She sighed sitting down on her suitcase and starting to zip it up.
Once she was finished she headed to the bathroom. Taking a quick shower and getting out a few minutes later to finlly get dressed. Her manager had been pounding on the door and she couldn't keep in the giggles that wanted to escape from her lips. Instead, she let it out and put her hair in a messy bun. She looked at the outfit and laughed to herself. Their stylist always had to pick out the cutest outfits even when they weren't suppose to draw attention to themselves. That would be really bad if they did, they didnt need extra attention. The rising threats coming towards them had been getting worse lately.
The pounding got louder and she sighed, finally opening the door. "Nami-chan don't be so loud!" Kelis laughed trying to walk past the lady. She always seemed to get under Mrs.Nanami's skin even when she didn't try to at all. The lady had her hair pulled into a tight bun and the suit fit her perfectly. Mrs. Nanami looked so professional. Out of her thoughts she felt the lady grab her should, her eye was twitching as she was frustrated. "It's Mrs.Nanami to you young lady! We are over 30 minutes late due to you!" The lady began to talk. The words simply slipped through Kelis' ears and out the other as Mrs. Nanami continued to go on and on. Kelis began to walk towards the door with her suitcase as the lady trailed right behind her. She looked around and saw that the other girls were probably outside and in the car.
Moments later, she had finally gotten down into the car without anyone taking notice of her or them as she should put it. She was glad that they had made it without a huge crowd of people chasing after them in a hury to just get an autograph. Not to mention the people lurking after them, trying to secretly hurt them. Just a few months before, Kelis ending up in the hospital with a broken arm. It would have been far worse if security hadn't showed up. The girl that hurt her had a gang of people and sort of just popped up on Kelis when she was in her own dressing room. Now, she has been on the look out trying to void a situation like that again.
But that didn't mean she didn't exactly like the situation they where put in with the boy band VALENTINE. She had heard of them everywhere. They had been famous far longer than Tainted Memories had been. After all, their band was just starting out. But VALENTINE was a completely different story. Kelis secretly loved them and had every single album they had out. It was in her secret collection she never told anyone about. But she couldn't help but think about how much they seemed to be a real ass at times. The band mate Akira seemed to always be in a bad mood and never seemed to be that interested in anything.
Back to the situation. Basically for protection and such things, they had been placed or put with the boy band. She didn't like it all that much. She is more concerned about how they will react to having her and the others staying with them. They might even think that they where just a bunch of defenseless little girls. But that wasn't the case at all... She didn't want to really explain it at all.
Kelis looked around at the other girls, taking a doughnut that was in the limo. "How are all of you doing today?" She asked them with a bright smile as she looked at them. The limo had just begun to move and their journey was about to begin. She couldn't help but to be a tad bit excited. Well it was probably more than a tad bit excited. Mrs. Nanami looked at the girls pushing her glasses up. "Kelis you are going to be the death of us.." She told them with a sigh. Kelis simply laughed it off and smiled.

(Her outfit: ... 75a8f9.jpg )


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hana In Lee Character Portrait: Greyson Jun Character Portrait: Kelis Harrison Character Portrait: Akira Shingo Character Portrait: Alexis Penhold
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Hana In Lee

What is worst than being forced to move out of your home? Being told that you aren’t allowed to lose face when you begin to live in the said home. What is even worse than that? Your new home is consisting of two boys of which you’ve never met before. It didn’t matter; it wasn’t the fact that they were strangers, more so it was the fact that they were boys.

Hana had tried her best to try and escape the male atmosphere, but being the only sister of six other brothers, it proven to be a challenge. It wasn’t until she was put into this band that she was able to really bond with other girls. It was the first girlfriends she had in what seemed like forever and now that appeared like a dream that was getting further away from her reached as they were about to live with the male gender.

Another reason as to why she didn’t want to move in with this particular band was the fact that their leader, Greyson Jun was stabbed multiple times some years back. Anyone who got injured that bad would be on edge and probably irritable and if it wasn’t him, it would be the other one, Akira Shingo, which Hana had heard from people within the agency that he has a nasty temper on him if he was crossed.

It wasn’t like Hana was all shits and giggles- she would admit she has a mean temper on her too, but Hana figured that she was able to control it more as no one from the agency has really ever seen her true self. Even the members of the band, while they have seen her rather lazy and athletic side, haven’t dwelled deep enough into Hana to actually be able to figure out her true self.

Nonetheless, Hana disliked the idea entirely. Even gently talking it over with Mrs. Nanami seemed useless as she simply disregarded Hana; though Hana couldn’t blame her entirely. The bubbly Kelis always seemed to get underneath her skin. Speaking of which, Kelis, like usual, was running late to get into the car which would explain why Mrs. Nanami wasn’t there.

Like the rest of the girls, Hana was dressed by her stylist and because her role within the group was the cute ‘dancer-next-door’ look, she was dressed in a pink skater dress with a black cardigan and matching street shoes. This certainly didn’t help Hana’s sour mood- especially when Kelis walked into the car in a more comfortable outfit which made Hana bite her tongue from lashing out (see, control).

"How are all of you doing today?"
Hana forged a fake smile, something she has gotten quite good at since she started this business, and took a doughnut as well.
“I’m doing pretty good, how about you?” She said sweetly as the vehicle began to move towards their destination.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hana In Lee Character Portrait: Greyson Jun Character Portrait: Kelis Harrison Character Portrait: Akira Shingo Character Portrait: Alexis Penhold
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Alexis Penhold

The wind seemed to make the world more alive for Alexis as she remembered first entering that car, but now, as Alexis stared into space outside the tinted car window, feeling taken away from the world full of wind and bright colours. She was still in shock at the place they were going to. She didn't mind that there were boys. All she could think about was that they were in danger. That someone wanted to hurt her beloved band.

She could hear the others talking around her as Kelis finally entered the car, marking the commencement of their new journey, but she didn't turn to look. She just kept her attention focused on the trees swirling from the wind. Back.... and Forth.... She was mesmerized by it's beauty.

Alexis grinned then, her eyes widening as she seemed to gain a shine of inspiration in her eyes. That was it! Her next design would include something to do with wind. She could just feel the T-shirt fabric right then as she imagined what design she could make.
I wonder which one of us would be the element of wind? she thought to herself, as she turned her attention back towards her co-members of her band.

Before her thoughts could gear towards elements, they snapped back towards the current situation. The girls looked uneasy, and... well... not very please with the idea. Alexis didn't entirely care, she realized. She just hoped everyone would be happy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Greyson Jun Character Portrait: Akira Shingo
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I've lost those whom are important. I've done what I could in order to be the better person. Yet why this? Why does Death keep playing Ding Dong Ditch at my door and going after those that I love? I fear the future, for it may never come one day for you.


Without a word, Aki got up from the table during the middle of Are's talking. Pissed beyond words, he was even madder at the fact he was told about everything last minute and what was worse, was he knew or had a feeling that Grey was in on it. This hadn't settled things right, so in Aki's mind he had to make things even in order to calm himself completely. So that's just what he did. He was sick of being told things last minute all because those so-called grown men were too afraid of bringing it up. Haven't they learned by now, that lying or keeping things from him only makes his anger over the edge to the point of getting even?

Well for now he had to start with Are's precious car. Silently, he danced his fingers over the hood of Are's car. It was a nice piece of metal, no doubt about that. One look and you could tell that it wasn't a company's car, it was self-owned. Aki didn't know much about cars, nor did he really care, but this was the only way he knew would get to Are 100%. To wipe off that stupidly composed mask off that old man who it wore around everyone.

Lifting his hand from the hood, he looked at his charm bracelet. It had many things hanging from it, things that reminded of the past so that he'd never forget. A few was even given to him from Grey, those charms, he kept around his neck instead of his bracelet. Looking at the charms he picked one that was in a shape of a small knife; one he had got after Grey's accident 5 years ago or so. Taking it, he tilted his head to the side a bit and started to carve right on the hood of it.

It read; In big fancy script font lettering, one of Aki's at most famous word he always uses...


Going back into the said cafe, Aki sat down in a calm, but pleased manner. Taking his cup of tea and sipping it slowly. Once done with the tea he smiled at Are, still holding the cup as it rested now on the table, he blushed a bit to be cute. This seem to make Are relax a bit. Perfect.

"No problem Are-Chan." Letting his smile drop in one instant he gave off a dark expression upon his face. His blue eyes seeming to charm Are to eye him back, his face going pale once he saw Aki's cold eyes. "But, our manager, if anything. And I do mean, anything at all happens to Grey. Don't bother showing your face ever again. You'll also be fired as our manager. Believe me when I say this, my connections stretch out further than yours do."

This was true on the most part. After all, Grey and Aki were the ones who got the Manager to this point. And Aki was already on good terms with the higher ups, this was done behind Grey's and Are's backs. He felt he had to get a good grace with them in order to protect Grey. Last time Grey was hurt, it was Aki who managed to keep the company from firing Are. All it took was a few tears and depression to pull it off.

This was something he'd never tell either of them. It was best this way. His connections weren't that to bother with the band in any way, no, they worked hard all on their own. Everything. Aki wouldn't cheat out like that, it was sure he could, but never once would.

As they left, Grey and Aki took their live in their own little black four seated limo. It had tended windows and it was fit enough for just Aki and Grey to be cozy in the back and not worry about being seen. They can flip someone off and no one would be able to see it. But as of right now they were on their way to meet the ladies band.

Grey was first to break the silence and even though he was muttering under his breath, it was quiet enough to hear him. Specially with Aki's great hearing. He was trained to catch even the quietest of sounds, do to his grandfather, who had taught him at a young age. Pretty much his whole life.

Placing his elbow on the arm of the car door, Aki rested his chin on his folded hand as he looked outside the window, while reaching over, finding Grey's hand and holding it tightly, but not rough or enough to hurt. "Don't lie to me..." He wasn't stupid he knew his friend better than he knew himself. His friend was still surviving. When it came to the two, they were always inside each others heads as if they were twins with a synced one mind. They didn't even have to look at one another to know how the other might react or feel about a situation or even just feel, in general.

He just wasn't in a good mood, he cared about his friend the most. And he was worried. Last time he didn't protect his friend, Grey was almost killed. It damaged and scared Aki in ways only someone who had lost more than one person in their life would under stand. First his parents, and now almost his best friend who he grew up with? No way was he going to let that happen again. Even if the other band mates were only girls, girls can be dangerous too. Specially when they want something bad enough.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hana In Lee Character Portrait: Greyson Jun Character Portrait: Akira Shingo Character Portrait: Alexis Penhold
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#, as written by Anraee
Kelis softly hummed to herself as she waited for a reply. She did that quite often and actually made her quite calm when she had did it. It was peacefully quite outside and you could feel the cold biting onto your skin until the driver turned on the heat. She began to think about the snow. She knew it would snow tonight and she was excited. Majority of the time she wasn't able to see snow due to them always being on the move so she was happy that their new location would have snow.
Kelis didnt exactly know where they were going since Mrs.Nanami refused to give her any information about it besides the fact that it would be snowing there. She pleaded and beefed her for days just to get that much information out the the lady. Out of all three of the girls Kelis would never be the first to know something. Sometimes she thought that the old bat would do that on purpose to annoy her. But Kelis was the type of person to let it slide. Although at timesit would annoy her to the pint where she would want to fire her on the spot. But that decision would be rash and dumb because despite the kladies attitude she was a really good manager.
Finally she looked up to see that Hana had spoken to her. She saw the forced smile on her face but refused to say anything about it. "Thats good to hear! I'm excited for the most part, but then there is that part of me that's nervous of what the two guys will be like...Was it Gray-Chan...and Aki-chan?" She laughed a bit to herself as she created their nicknames already. She had an odd habit of doing that when she would be around people for a while. Then she remembered. "Hana! Alexis! I forgot have nicknames for you two! Hana can I call you Lee-chan? Its seems so cute!" She smiled even more.
After a while she had noticed that Alexis hadn't responded to her to begin with. That was a bit irritating since she happened to do it on more than one occasion. She seemed to be in her own little world that kept her at bay. She didn't really expect her to answer so she kind of sat there still eating her doughnut. The manager had given her a glare to kind of shut up and she sat there awkwardly thinking tobherself after that.
She wondered how everything would turn out. Right now she was excited but that sense of being nervous was still in her. She had heard that Gray-chan had been stabbed a few years back and she didn't know what danger that would put them in. She didn't mind him though. Her main issue was with Akira... She could describe him really... He just had this face that made you kind of want to stay away. She couldn't describe it right to make since. So she but her lip and began to him again!. The car pushing forward as they continued to pass different areas and sceneries. A change was happening and one could only hopenit was for the best.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Greyson Jun Character Portrait: Akira Shingo
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#, as written by Chono



Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody's power and is not easy.



Well, Greyson expected this to happen. The moment Akira shot up from his seat and stormed out of the café, Greyson was on his tail, shooting up from his own seat and striding across the café in a few steps. The chink of the bell resounded as Aki left; Greyson caught the door at the last moment, watching Aki’s back. Although he was frail looking, at this moment his back looked strong.

And in the next moment, it looked terrifying. A sardonic smile spread across Aki’s lips as he examined the charms that dangled from his charm bracelet. Running his slender fingers over the trinket charms, with a sudden stop, his fingers took off one—unable to tell which one it was—and carved into their managers car with one last look of satisfaction. Greyson sucked in a quick breath of air and averted his eyes, pinching his shoulders together.

Aw, fuck

Before Aki finished the deed, Greyson scurried behind the door and rushed back to his seat.

“So, how is he handling it?” Mr. Are asked, tapping his fingers loudly against the table. Greyson leaned back and pressed his palm into his right leg, rubbing it as it was a nervous tick of his.

“Greaaat. He’s doing great.” Greyson coughed, “He uh…about your car…it's a funny story actually!”

Mr. Are raised an eyebrow. “Pardon? What about my car is a funny story?” he narrowed his eyes.

Before Greyson could answer the question, Aki sat down in a calm, but pleased manner. Taking his cup of tea and sipping it slowly. Greyson straightened his back the moment Aki sat down. Every nerve of his body was on edge. The more feminine Aki acts after his fits, the less likely a grudge won’t be held. Once Aki finished his tea, he smiled at Are, still holding the cup as it rested now on the table. Aki blushed a bit to be cute. And Mr. Are relaxed.

Greyson rubbed his temple.

"No problem Are-Chan." Letting his smile drop in one instant, he gave off a dark expression upon his face. His blue eyes seeming to charm Are to eye him back, his face going pale once he saw Aki's cold eyes. "But, our manager, if anything. And I do mean, anything at all happens to Grey. Don't bother showing your face ever again. You'll also be fired as our manager. Believe me when I say this, my connections stretch out further than yours do."

Mr. Are gulped and readjusted his tie. "I would never let anyone lay a single hair on Mr. Jun."

For some reason, the threat didn’t bother Greyson as much. It wasn’t like Aki was mad because of their cowardly action; a tail between their legs whenever approaching Aki. No. Instead, this tingling warmth fluttered around his chest and out to his shoulders. One part of his phrase kept repeating itself in his head.

if anything. And I do mean, anything at all happens to Grey

He’s worried about me… Grey thought. Damn it, kid. Don’t you know a little kid watching over an old man like me is making me look bad?

After the dispute between the two, nothing new to the band dynamic as Aki and Mr. Are always struggled for control over the other; they filed out of the café and into their limo. Mr. Are took his own car, but before VALENTINE’s limo drove off, Greyson saw the frantic hands of Mr. Are from the corner of his eye.

Suddenly a warm hand, gentle yet firm, held his own. “Don’t lie to me…” Through his glasses, Greyson’s eyes followed his own arm down to their hands. Aki’s hands were so small. A slight chuckle escaped his lips.

“I’m sorry…” There was a long pause of silence before the rustle of clothing sliding across the seat and Greysons head rested on Aki’s shoulder. “Mr. Are didn't force this on us, I offered for us to do it...It’s just…helping the girls out is more than just protecting them to me.” The edge of his glasses were pressing into his skull and irritating his skin, so he reached his hand up and took the glasses off; placing them on his lap. Under the shades were crimson red eyes that stopped a person in their tracks. They were not his real eye-color, just contacts, but he always kept them in public or around people. The only one to know his true eye-color was Aki and their manager--Hazel green. But as his eyes looked now, something melancholy pooled.

“When I first started music in high school, I was influenced by the people who were playing guitar around me; that is why I started playing the guitar. I made progress really quickly and I thought, maybe I have some talent in playing the guitar.” He paused, “They fed my talent and helped me persevere.” Trees blurred by, clipping back into the distance between the blurry images of cars. “And when we first started, we hardly knew anything except that we loved music. The business aspect of it gave us more than our fair share of problems, and we had to rely on the senior members of the label and our manager to guide us.” Greyson rolled his hand over, palm faced upward to hold Aki’s hand in a more comfortable way. He intertwined his fingers with his best friend and brother; the man who stayed with him through all the stressful concert preparations, tour mishaps, and the pestering media bugs that never left them alone.

“Finding inspiration was easy for us since I had years of experience before you, but they probably don’t know how to look at inspiration yet. You can look at inspiration in a lot of ways, really. There are many times we are simply eating, sitting in a car like this, or walking outside. Considering all of these, I think that living is about searching somewhere for something, even if you do not know what it is.” Greyson shifted uncomfortably in his seat. With ease, he sat back up, ruffling his hair into a mess. “I guess what I am trying to say is, this isn't just about protecting them, but teaching them about the realities of this business…being their mentors in a sense.” Greyson struggled for words at this point, stuttering one word after the other, "Like, sometimes light can shine in unusual places, just as music can bring people to tears in unusual ways, or art can make even the most cold hearted people melt before its beauty. I want to pass on that light the seniors of PURENESS&Smile INC. gave VALENTINE."



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Greyson Jun Character Portrait: Akira Shingo
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The years that pass by are only because of you. Without you, I don't see much more of those years. We are so close together, but you keep moving farther away. What will I do when you are finally out of my sight? Will you come find me and pull me out of my darkness? Or would you forget about me and move forward?


Aki kept silent as Grey tried to find the right words to say. Aki understood though. Grey wanted to help the new band understand their world. He wanted them to understand that it isn't just about music. Each day was a risk. Especially the days when it involves loads of people. He was worried about those girls, he didn't want them to experiences what he had to go through. Aki understood this, but even so Grey felt this way, it was harder for Aki to accept it. He only knew these girls by their music and what little fame they had. He didn't know anything about how they were outside of the music world. He didn't know them on personal biases. So why now? Why was this even a discussion? Grey was harmed, that was a fact, and another fact was Aki couldn't let go of that.

Turning his head on his hand that it rested on, his temple was now in the palm of his hand as he looked at Grey once he moved back up right. "Grey, if I wanted to be a teacher, I wouldn't have joined this world. It's not my job to babysit them, it's not my job to show them our life. I get what you are trying to say, but it's pointless. I hate the idea, you knew I would, it shouldn't have even been brought up, especially behind my back. If a bad rep lands on me because of everything going on, don't blame me." Aki pulled his hand away and leaned forward in his seat, letting his head hang between his knees.

"Why do I have to do this! If I say no, I look like the bad guy! If I say I want to protect you and flip shit over it, I still look like the bad guy! Now that we will be living with people, I can't be myself even outside of work! This sucks Grey! What sucks most is now, not only do I have to put up with them, but I also have to share your cooking with a bunch of fan band girls that I know hardly anything about!" All he could do was shout, he figured he should just let it all out now while he can.

"Greyson, your such an ass sometimes..." Hugging his legs he fell silent. He was about to say more when the car pulled up to a stop. His head shot right up and he moved his body so it would outstretch over Grey's lap as he looked out the window up at the building they would be staying at. With a sigh, he looked over at Grey with his soft blue eyes and smile gently. "If this is what you want, I'll do it no matter how much I hate it. Just...If I feel you are in danger, I won't be nice, even if they are girls."

Aki opened the door on Grey's side and climbed over him, pulling him by the arm to come with, not letting go of his hand. The lights in the made Aki match the sunset and turned his blue eyes into a firey blue/grey color. In a way, he was a bit excited, but in others he was still angry.

"Do you think we'll get to share a room?" He was so used to Grey being right next to him almost 24/7. This was too much of a big change all at once. Heck even in at his Grandparents home, Grey shared Aki's bedroom. They even ended up getting bunk beds over time. It's just bunk beds wouldn't look nice in their old apartment, it also couldn't fit because the roof was so low, but still the couch that Grey used once in a while was right there. Aki's hand gripped onto Grey's a bit tightly as he stepped back and hid behind the tall man's arm.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Greyson Jun Character Portrait: Akira Shingo
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#, as written by Chono



My brother is one of my true heroes. Steady and sober where I am impulsive and emotional.



The snow crunched beneath Greyson’s feet, along with his heart. In truth, Greyson had been avoiding telling Akira for so long because he knew how selfish this idea of his was. And what made Greyson trash was the fact he kept it behind Aki’s back until now. The two of them have always had each other, the fans second. And now he was asking Aki to change his routine all of a sudden because he wanted to help people he didn’t even know. He wished he could reach across and embrace him in his arms, apologize for his selfishness and go back to the way things used to be. But of course, that wasn't possible. The arrangements were settled now. Greyson had fucked up.

“Do you think we'll get to share a room?" Aki asked, clinging onto his arm. Despite the fact Greyson had lied to Aki straight to his face in months and taken away his comfort, the boy still hung onto him as if at any given moment the wind would pick up and he’d be swept up like paper. Greyson pulled his shades out from his pocket and placed them back on his face.

“We do.” He stated and began to walk towards the house, arm in arm with Aki.


A bridge ran down the side of the house surrounded by serene water dark as coal, but shimmering like gems; it lead to the door of the two story home. A balcony looked down at them from the second floor, it was obvious that would be VALENTINE’s room. It was the most plausible place to break into if a robber decided to storm into the place for the kill. Flora and fauna that sprung to life was hidden under patches of feathery snow. It was as if clouds had come down from the skies and rested down on earth. The place was beautiful, and a tinge of his heartbeat increased a beat. Immediately, Greyson snatched up one of Aki’s hands and shoved it into his large coat pocket. Grey’s other free hand joined the other pocket, it was freezing.

Greyson lifted his legs into a light jog, getting across the bridge in a matter of minutes and standing at the door of their new home. He dug around in his pockets, none. He checked his pants back pocket and pulled out a silver key with a round handle. Hesitantly, Greyson removed his hands from his pocket and wrapped one around the door knob, and the other—holding the key—over the keyhole. It was a centimeter away from its lock, until Greyson stopped suddenly. The hand with the key drooped at his side; his head hung low. No sound sang. The water was dead quiet, and the falling of snow muted the surrounding area of smaller noises that continued throughout the day, but no one ever noticed.

“Aki…I am so sorry.” Grey ran a quick hand through his jet black hair. “You’re right. I am an asshole. No, a douche. No, a dickwad for not even being able to think about the person here by my side, my only family left, before strangers.” He clenched the amount of hair he had run back, the deep red of his eyes dulled to that of a dried red because of the lighting. “I shouldn’t have gone and decided this on my own. I should have come to you and talked to you about it.” Greyson turned to Aki, looking down into those eyes which fires festered and excitement flickered. “Maybe to other dumbfucks like Mr. Are you look like a bad guy, but back there at the café…it made me really happy that you are so concerned about me.” He patted Aki’s head, ruffling his silky hair like a child, “I promise I’ll make this up to you, I know this is all new. I know I am asking you to change your entire lifestyle for these girls, and I hate myself for this. I know I am being put in danger and that scares you, but I promise, I promise Aki-kun, I won’t die.” He stopped patting the boys head and winked. “I am too young and awesome to die.” A chuckle filtered into the air as Greyson turned the key over in his hands.

“I don’t expect you to restrain yourself when it comes to me, even if they are girls, because I’d do the same for you.” He reached over and grabbed the knob once more. “I am sorry for being such an idiot, and so I want to ask you now. Will you move forward with me to help these girls talents bloom into something that will make a difference in this world? Do you trust me?”



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Character Portrait: Greyson Jun Character Portrait: Akira Shingo
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This is the moment when we are going to be starting new. This is the time when things start to change. And even though my soul is here with you, my feet want to run away. It's all happening so fast, without a word of objection it was already moving before me. And no matter how much I scream, it feels as if no one can hear me.


Grey took Aki's hand and shoved it inside his coat pocket. It was cold out because of the snow, but Aki couldn't feel it. He wore nothing but a light thin over the shoulders designed sweater that someone would wear in the summer over his punk rock black loosely worn shirt.. His mind was too far away to noticed his warm skin was starting to grow ice cold. At this point, all he could do was just flow with everything, no matter how unwilling he was, he couldn't leave Grey alone to someplace he didn't know about or with people he didn't trust yet, if there was a yet.

Each light jog they took to the house was the more Aki started to feel like the world was shifting under his feet and the ice cold air was wanting to choke him. When they reached the door, it had felt as if everything around him stopped and gone silent. At that moment, he could tell that maybe Grey felt it too. It was what had come out of this man's mouth that pulled Aki out of his thoughts.

Aki mumbled as Grey gripped his own hair. "You'll go bald." His eyes shift down and looked at the snow under their feet as Grey went on, but when he shifted to face Aki, he automatically looked up. His blue eyes now matching the snow around them, do to the lighting. The overwhelming look in Grey's eyes had Aki a bit on edge. The man wanted this, he wanted this so much he went this far to be selfish on his own terms. In all honesty, Aki was a bit use to this. First with the music and now this. It always pleased him whenever Grey decided to be selfish, but it always pissed him off because he'd never think and just leap ahead. Sometimes at times like this, he felt 10 steps behind him a man who was running ahead, while Aki was just walking.

Aki held his breath once Grey ruffled his hair up. The man's hand was warm and homey like. It was comforting, it almost made him feel better. Until, grey brought everything up again and it made Aki's blood boil once more. "Don't joke about that! His hands balled up into fists, he wanted so badly to hit something, but the house was too nice to destroy.

Grey was an idiot. Asking him to move forward with him. Doesn't he know by now that he was already too much forward, way beyond Aki to even consider catching up. He was a stupid moron, a big tall handsome Baka. Aki rubbed his face with his sleeve, he felt tears forming in his face. "You really are a Baka. And I hate that I can't hate you."

This was bad, he hated being a cry baby with Grey, but it would always come when he least expected it too. Whenever his feelings became too much, he cries no matter if he was sad or pissed or even happy. It didn't matter. He knew he was too close enough to the man as it was. But he'd never full outcry, his eyes will tear up, but it'll never turn into anything more than that.

"If I didn't trust you, you'd never be my friend." He took a deep breath of the cold air and let it out. "Only you can move forward mister lead singer. After all, I'm just your back up, here to always make sure you have a safe landing."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hana In Lee Character Portrait: Greyson Jun Character Portrait: Kelis Harrison Character Portrait: Akira Shingo Character Portrait: Alexis Penhold
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#, as written by Anraee
Kelis had been in a really good mood. She was happy just to be with the other girls and maybe even get to know them a bit better. Nione of them had been really close to it would be a chance for them to bond. She couldn't keep the smile off of her face when she had thought of it that way. It seemed really cute how she was coming up with nicknames for them all. After all they would be spending a lot of time together. So why not? It would be good for them to be able to get to know each other. It'll be awkward if they dont know each other well though.No one will really like to be around someone for really long periods of time and not know each other in the slightest.
Moments later she looked at Hana. She smiled at her sweetly "Then Lee-chan it is! Gosh that sounds soo cute!" She had giggled and couldn't keep the smile off of her face. Finally, they seemed to be getting somewhere. Maybe soon enough they would be good friends of even best friends. It seemed exciting as she just thought about it. May possibilities could seem possible, if they did become best friends she would finally have someone to go shopping with her.
Ifeas filled her mind before she saw Lee-chan move over to Alexis. She looked at Alexis and saw the tears leaking for her eyes. Kelis quickly got up rushing to the other side of her. She wrapped her arms around her and looked at her."W-What did i do wrong?" She asked chewing on her bottom lip.She looked at Lee-chan and shook her head. "Lee-chan don't hit hrr that hard! She's crying!" She stated as if it wasn't obvious at all.
Then something went through her head. It was a story that she had heard that made her laugh. Maybe it would help Alexis in that case. Hopefully it would at least get a smile out of her. She hasn't seen Alexis smile the whole time she maybe it would work.
"I'm sorry if it was my fault...But I would really like to know why you're upset...Though don't have to tell us, by I'm sure it would make you feel better. But I'll tell you a story. It !might help you to feel better.."
She took a deep and shaky breath before she began to talk once again, but she was telling a story this time."Be me a 24 year old living in an apartment facing a lake. One day had a roll of bread that is expired. Toss the bread from the balcony, to the lake below. The ducks swarm and eat the bread. I am Karl king of ducks. Start throwing bnread every, the ducks swarm. A month later 100 ducks swarm for my daily feeding ritual. I am Karl king of ducks.One day you come outside and see two little lids feeding your ducks. The little ants are trying to usurp me! I am Karl king of ducks! Chop up two loaves of bread into a million pieces and throw it from the balcony. I am Karl king of ducks! The ducks double by 2 and swarm the kids trying to eat the bread off of them. Yell 'I am Karl king of ducks!' The kids run off crying. I am Karl king of ducks! Later police show up with the kids. Too bad they only remember shouting...I am Karl king of ducks.." Kelis herself had a wife grin on her face as she told the story. It seemed funny in her opinion. She could only hope that the other girls liked it too, even though it may have been just a little messed up.
Kelis stayed there hugging Alexis after she told the story. She wanted to know what was wrong. Was it her, or the situation they happened to be in. Whatever it was she wanted to see her smile. Even if it was a tiny one. She loved to see others smilke. It was one of the things she loved to do. She wants all of them to be happy not sad. It would make things a bit easier in that case. All of a sudden she heard Mrs.Nanami burst into a fit of laughter. "Kelis sometimes I have no idea what goes through your mind.." Mrs. Nanami told her once she caught her breath. Soon after she had her professional look once again.But even then Kelis just shrugged and smiled trying her hardest not to laugh. She looled at Alexis. "Do you feel better? Even if just a little?" She asked with a small smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Greyson Jun Character Portrait: Akira Shingo
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#, as written by Chono



Friends can help each other. A true friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself - and especially to feel. Or, not feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at the moment is fine with them. That's what real love amounts to - letting a person be what he really is.



Greyson shoved the key into the keyhole and turned, with a click Greyson said, “No, Aki. You’re always by my side shining equally bright.” His arm hooked around Akiras neck and pulled him into his chest as he opened the door and walked into their new home, a new start. The first thing to notice was the space. All of their lives, Aki and Greyson had lived together in a cramped household, cramped room, and next, an apartment of their own. Space was something they never got to have, and Greyson felt like part of that was his fault. If it wasn’t for him, Aki wouldn’t have rushed out from home so soon after high school or had to share everything with him—his grandparents, food, belongings, and room. He felt like he took some of Akis childhood away because of his selfishness to pursue music. Maybe Aki would have lived somewhere better, pursued a life in something else. Yet instead, Aki followed Grey regardless of how he’s always rushing into things, and the two provided a home for the other physically and in their hearts. If Greyson had been alone pursuing his dream towards music, he’d have taken the road nonchalantly and gotten nowhere. Since Akira decided to run after Greyson’s same dream, by his side after high school, failure or taking it easy wasn’t an option. Grey HAD to make VALENTINE into something that Akira could proudly retell to his grandparents.

Still, Greyson wanted more for Aki, just like he wanted more for the girls. Aki deserved a better place to live in after day in and day out because Aki toiled over tinkering with the right sounds for an entire band worth of instrumental music. Usually, those things were split between the band members, but Aki worked on it alone. Greyson did his part with guitar and vocals, but the bass, drums, piano, and other additional sounds were done by the tech savvy Aki. Aki handled the social interactions when Grey felt overwhelmed from all the blaring sounds or social anxiety. On stage, none of that bothered him. But when Greyson became simple, regular-guy off the block Greyson, he was a little tongue tied. He got over that over the years from being exposed to so many people, but it still wasn’t best for him to converse too long with others in regards to business. Greyson practically never lied (he just doesn’t bring up the truth, he says nothing) and his honesty gets him into trouble with those immoral celebrities or higher-ups.

Greyson dragged Aki in by the arm, a rosy flush spreading across his cheeks. A genuine smile stretched across his face as he laughed lightly.


“Come on, Aki. Look!” Out in front of them was only a small part of this huge house. Leather black couches positioned themselves around a table, a flat screen sat up against the wall. Behind the couches, farther back on a sort of small and wooded round stage was an Elvis white knabe piano, joined with a Victorian white bench equal in magnificence. On the bottom of the hood that covers the keys, Akira was carved in silver along with a little message: Don’t stop playing, it’s beautiful. – Grey.



Across from the living room was a gigantic kitchen for Grey to cook Aki all the meals in the world. Everything was slightly old-fashioned with a mixture of modern tendencies. Pots and pans hung over the island in the kitchen. A counter bar split the kitchen from the first living room. Past two living room areas and the door that lead outside into their garden, were the stairs to the second floor.


Grey itched with excitement to show Aki what was up there, it was something he knew he’d love. Maybe Aki would even think about all of this more positively and be happy here once he saw it. He wrung his hands together in an attempt to calm down. While Grey wanted to charge right upstairs and show Aki a surprise, he also wanted to see what Aki thought of the rest of the house and the white piano Grey picked up and specially ordered. He scratched his nose bashfully.

“Heh, what do you think of the piano? It’s pretty nice, right?” he reached over and rested his hand on Aki’s lower back; gently guiding him forward. “Why don’t you play something?”



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Greyson Jun Character Portrait: Akira Shingo
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In that small moment, when you just can't think straight. You let your mind wonder. It's the same moment when you feel your life is crashing down. But what other way, than to play it off as if nothing's wrong. When in fact everything is shattering before you.


Aki would have been surprised by those words if he hadn't of known Grey so well and knew he would protest against Aki's words. This was Grey's dream. It was his dream to be the best and if that meant helping others, he'd be selfish and do it. Aki's dream was to see his best friend happy. Grey might not have known this about him, but if it wasn't for him being around, Aki wouldn't be who he was today. It was hard to him to picture who he would have been. It was as if he was treading on a land of unknown waters and trying to walk on it. He finally had someone to look after like family. Sure he had his Grandparents, but they were adults, it wasn't the same in the slightest.

When Grey suddenly wrapped his arm around Aki's head, that was the surprising part. Sure he was used to Grey touching him every now and then, but it was done so little that it was surprising whenever it did happen. Aki failed though to see what was so exciting about the movie and meeting new people they didn't even know. It was in that same moment of being dragged into the house, that it hit him. Maybe Grey was tired of him of already. Was this the real reason why this was happening? Did Aki fail to see this? Or was he just over-thinking things too much because of this sudden change?

There was a slight throb to his chest that nearly knocked the air right out of him when he started to feel this. It was very unpleasant to have. Never once has he minded Grey by his side, but maybe Grey minded him. What was this feeling inside that hurt so much? Aki understood a lot of things, but when it came down to himself, he always failed to see himself. This wasn't a new feeling for him though, he'd felt it once before, it's just he didn't get what it meant.

Aki glanced over at Grey once he heard a slight laugh escape the man's lips. He was smiling and had a very flushed face. Had Aki missed something again? But when he was told to look at what was ahead of him, he hadn't noticed that they were fully inside of the house, until now. And there behold a white piano. His name was written on it. Along with a special message from Grey. Suddenly when Grey started to guide him closer, it had startled him. He felt his heart thud and drop. So without thinking, he quickly turned and grabbed onto Grey in a tight hug. He doesn't know why, but for a second there, he had thought Grey was going to leave him. He had missed what Grey was talking about. Aki couldn't think straight at all. Quickly though he spoke up finally, his voice was quieter than he had expected.

"Thanks, Grey, that's sweet of you. I'll always treasure it." Softly he touched one of the piano keys and then let his hand drop after it made a ting noise from the high note. He wasn't really in the mood to play though he was grateful for the gift. Smiling softly he rubbed his temple with the palm of his head. "I'll play it next time, that okay? It's just feel extremely tired. I haven't slept for two days now." That was just an excuse, one that sounded too real to believe he was hiding something. Mainly because he played it off a bit well.

Pulling Grey down to his level, Aki kissed him softly on the cheek bone. "You're too sweet for your own good." Letting go, he gave off a tired yawn and smiled. "So, show me the rest, yeah?"



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Greyson Jun Character Portrait: Akira Shingo
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#, as written by Chono




"I'll play it next time, that okay? It's just feel extremely tired. I haven't slept for two days now." Said Aki, smiling softly, he rubbed his temple with the palm of his hand. Grey’s energy deflated slightly. Was the sound of the piano not to Aki’s taste? Or, maybe… was it the color? Grey had spent months preparing the household for the girls, and especially Aki. With the help of Mrs. Nanase, Greyson was able to find out all the things the girls loved or what their past rooms looked like as to decorate it in as much of a familiar, but spacious feel as possible. For Aki, Grey relied on his own knowledge and all the things Aki’s said he ever wanted in his life but for some reason never bought. Other things, like the piano, was just something nice Grey thought Aki would like. The words or any clues to Aki wanting this never met the air, Grey—

Pulling Grey down to his level, Aki kissed him softly on the cheek bone. His eyes widened. Aki hardly showed these types of affections since it made Grey uncomfortable. The strange texture of soft lips touching his cheek unraveled the bitter kisses from his last relationship. For a split second, his lungs felt filled with water to the point of suffocation.

"You're too sweet for your own good." Aki’s voice at that moment caused Grey to ruffle his hair. Dumbass. Aki isn’t her. He’s family, and more than anything something he wants to protect. As Aki let go, he gave off a tired yawn and smiled. ""So, show me the rest, yeah?" he was tired is all. With all this stress involving the move Grey shouldn’t expect the usual up-beat Aki smiling gleefully over his gifts. And even so, Aki did love it. That peck was proof because even if Grey didn’t like it much, he knew what it meant to Aki. Back to normal, Grey chuckled with that idiotic smile all over again.

“My pleasure!” He took Aki by the arm and tugged on it slightly like a child, “It's up here.” up the stairs they went and down the hall to the right. A crimson door was cracked open, a sliver of white light streamed down onto the dark wood floor hallway. “There’s plenty of room in the room and bed!” his free hand slammed against the door, whipping it open a gust of air met their faces, along with a beautifully black and white furnished room.

(OOC: Imagine this room with a little bit more walking space though)

Straight black pillow and a fluffy comforter the same color laid over a king size bed held by a white bedframe. Above the bed, sandy wood shelves were nailed to the walls with stickers taken from all the countries they traveled during tours: San Francisco, Malaysia, Philippines, Montana, Europe, France, Rome, Italy, there country of Japan itself of cities toured and more. Next to the bed was Greyson’s constant companion, his guitar that he always played to compose music (much different than the flashy one he played during concerts). Past it and in the corner of the room painted black, was a walk in closet (OOC: this isn’t in the picture, but I added it.) Next to that was some speakers for when Greyson was too lazy to drag his guitar to the recording studio, his second surprise for Aki that he couldn’t WAIT to show him. Even now, his feet shuffled in excitement. A comfortable desk able to fit too people sitting at it sat by the window that lead to the balcony, a square stacked bookshelf next to it (OOC: added balcony is not in the picture either.) Of course their posters and much more things laid out in the room, but it was organized and beautiful, the best place they’ve ever had to live in.

Greyson patted the bed, “This is our bed. Gone are the days of us falling off the bed or eating each other’s hair.” rolling over the bed like a ninja and landing on his feet, he pushed off the heel of his foot to the balcony sliding glass doors. Quickly, he slid it open and exclaimed, “This is our balcony! We can sit out here when it’s hot in the summer and admire the scenery while working on a song, maybe even eat out here once in a while.” Next to the bookshelf (OOC: also not in picture but I added it) was a door to the bathroom which Greyson then slammed open as well. “This is our bathroom! The tub is fucking huge, literally we can swim in it! And there are two sinks!”
Before Aki could have a chance to stay in here too long Greyson was grabbing his hand again and pulling him to the door right across from their room. It was the same color. The house had different colored doors depending on who the room belonged too. Valentine’s was red, the girl’s black, and shared rooms were white like the entrance of the household.

“But this is what I really want to show you.” Greyson produced an awkward cough, “Back home, we always had to drive all the way to the company and use their tiny studio. It was a hassle, and the place wasn’t all that comfortable to sleep in. So, I decided to get one installed here for you so that way when you work late at nights on our songs we are closer to each other and I am only a few steps away.” It scared Grey to think of Aki driving alone, walking up to the studio alone, and recording alone. Most of the time, Grey tried to be with him. However, there were nights Aki would suddenly bolt out of bed with inspiration and rush to the studio.


When Grey opened the door, Victorian red wallpaper with light red crests imprinted on it flashed in their eyes. All of the guitars and basses Aki and Grey collected were hung up on the wall. Green marble floor dusted with sandy black spots sparkled. A long soundboard stretched across most of the room, a glass sound proof wall stood in front of it. Behind it was all the instruments they could need. And in the part of the room the sound board was, a soft black couch sat in the corner, big enough for Aki to sleep in if he somehow couldn’t walk the extra steps to their room across from here. To finish it all up, a small coffee table sat by the couch for when someone needed to set their snacks somewhere.

“Do you like it?” his heart was thundering against his chest harder than he expected. He wanted Aki to love the place. He wanted the girls to also love their rooms, not that he would tell them he did them. Only would Aki know the effort Grey put into each room, mainly Aki’s. So many nights were spent trying to think up what would make Aki most happy when he should have been sleeping.


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Character Portrait: Greyson Jun Character Portrait: Akira Shingo
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Everything changes for a reason. Whether it be good or bad. All you can do is either try and change the bad, or work with what you have. Either way, it lands on you and no one else. So don't go blaming others, but yourself for your own faults. You'll end up stuck in the land of no-ware."


Aki bit his lip as he watched Grey's face become lively. It was a nice sight to see, especially if one didn't get to see it very often. As Aki was being tugged around by his arm. He couldn't help but stare at Grey's face while they moved up the stairs then into the bedroom. The cold wind that brushed past them caused Aki to shiver and cover his face a bit. The room he shortly after saw before him was unfamiliar and huge. Heck the whole room was bigger than his old apartment all together. Brighter too. The bed was easily fit for three people. It was good because Grey was so tall he made two people. It made Aki want to laugh a bit at what Grey commented on about the bed positions they always had together. But he held it back and just smiled sweetly as his friend.

"At least your hair smelt good enough to eat." He softly joked with Grey.

Quickly Grey jumped from space to space, so it seemed. He was like a kid at an amusement park. Standing on the balcony like he was, Aki just looked out the window and chuckled softly.

"It would make for recording outdoor sounds. Maybe with this view I could get a sunshine sound." He joked about the height being so close to the sun. But he doubted he'll be out there much. Aki wasn't one too keen on heights. In fact, he had a little fear of it.

Shivering he rubbed his arms and moved away from the window, glancing around the room. It was nice to look at, but it didn't feel like home. It was missing that feeling. Aki laughed when Grey spoke about the bathroom.

"If you want to swim we have a pond now. It looks clean enough like a pool. But wait until summer alright? You getting sick is the last thing I want. Me cooking is asking for a death wish." Aki shivered. He was grossed out just thinking about his own cooking. It was terrible, the boy could even burn water. It was nuts.

Not even one chance before he finished his sentence Grey was already pulling him by his arm again to another fire red door. Grey wanted to show Aki this, all this. From every crook and nanny in the house, every foot-board they walked on, Grey wanted Aki to noticed everything. Sure the house wasn't something he was used to. Yet Grey did everything he could to make it enough for Aki to bare.

What was behind this new red door cause Aki to step back. He wanted to make sure he was still inside the house. So he looked down the hall and behind him into their bedroom. Yeah, it was no doubt the same house. It's just the studio felt like a whole newly made world.

"Grey, if you keep giving me things like this, I'd start to miss understand." Aki bit his lip as he touched one of the switches on the audio set up equipment. He looked around taking everything in. It was all really wonderful to finally have. But for some reason it felt like it was too much.

Before he could answer Grey on whether he liked everything or not, the front door bell rang and the sound of the door was opening.

"Akira! You little shit! How dare you touch my car!" Are hollered as you could hear him stomping inside. This caused Aki to rush out and run out of the room and quickly down the steps to meet up with Are.

"I can't say I know what you are talking about."

"Don't joke with me! I know it was you! What? You think I'm stupid?" Are glared down at Aki, who stood fearlessly with his hand on his up, staring right back at Are, but not glaring, a kind of stare that was taunting to the beast.

"Obviously you are. Seeing as we were put in this situation without so much as a bodyguard. I call it Karma. And what that Karma did was bite you in the ass. If you don't like it, then maybe this situation shouldn't have ever happened."

Are, tried to calm himself, but the more Aki spoke the more he found himself wanting to explode. Aki truly was the only one to get Are to lose his cool and snap in 1,000 different ways. "You little shit. Why do you have to be so unreasonable! Why can't you just be more like Grey and act like an Adult for once? You are so childish."

Aki laughed and flipped the thick strand of hair by his shoulder. "I could never be Grey, nor do I wish I was him. No one could be Grey better than he can. How dare you bring him into insulting me? That's insulting him. Shame on you, what kind of manager are you?"

"You are too damn annoying!" Are grabbed Aki by his shirt and pulled him by it so they were just inches apart. "I can't stand you. Why must you be like this?"

Aki clicked his tongue and looked to the side as he wiggled his pink in his ear as if to say Are was making too much noise."Careful Are, if you get any closer we might kiss." Aki moved his arms around Are's neck and smiled seductively. "Oh, unless that's what you really want?'

Are lost his train of thought. his anger seemed to have died down as he was trying to keep his cool and his face from getting red. Clearing his throat, he managed to push up his classes.

Aki laughed and let go. "Just kidding."

"Anyways! The girls should be on their way. Soon, so maybe you two should go cook something for them."



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Character Portrait: Greyson Jun Character Portrait: Akira Shingo
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#, as written by Chono




"Misunderstand what? Do you not like-?" Aki dashed past Grey and down the stairs to bathe in Are's reaction. Grey felt a terrible weight on his shoulders. It was as if a giant boulder was laid on him and he couldn't straighten up or catch his breath entirely. His shoulder leaned down the door frame, a hand to his head. No one would understand Greys feelings if they knew. Aki was entrusted to him by his grandparents. It was his job to take care of him and make him happy. He was his little brother he lost but more like a brother than his own. The two connected on a spiritual wavelength, Aki felt like a part of him. To damage him felt like spraining his ankle. Yet, although Grey knew how selfish this was, knew that going into this Aki opposed (Aki liked his routine, the familiar. And Grey partly thinks Aki loves being so close to him. Grey isnt one to be a cuddler and those sorts of things, but in a small space he has to be. Did Aki miss that?) he knew Aki would hate all of this. However...he still felt excitement and happiness. It disgusted him.

Aki and Mr. Are's arguement trailed on in the background. Grey heard nothing. Ever since he dropped out of high school and was kicked out of the house by his own parents; he wanted to prove to them the mistake they made. That he meant something. He was living a good life, making enough money to put his parents in retirement this minute and they were missing out. This nice and spacious place was another way to rub that in their faces. So many conflicting emotions and reasons added up to why he wanted the place. Maybe a part of him wanted his family to see this and ask for him back, even if it was just for the stuff. In the midst of his thoughts, Grey suddenly noticed what Mr. Are was saying.

"You little shit. Why do you have to be so unreasonable! Why can't you just be more like Grey and act like an Adult for once? You are so childish." Mr. Are was yelling and doing who knows what else. Grey cursed and pushed the thoughts aside, making his way down the stairs. Right now, he needed to focus on making it up to his little brother. By the time Grey got downstairs, Are had Aki by the collar of his shirt and a little too close for comfort. With a peircing glare, Are and Greys eyes met. Obviously, back off was drawn in his eyes. Clearing his throat, Are managed to push up his classes and let go.

"Anyways! The girls should be on their way. Soon, so maybe you two should go cook something for them." Are suggested. Grey came up behind Aki and put his hand on Akis shoulder.

Im sure Aki would love to cook for them and kill them off with his poison so this whole nightmares over, but I'm not quite in the mood to hide three dead bodies." Grey chuckles, letting go of Akis shoulder he walked into the kitchen, kicking off his jacket with his arms and flinging it onto the bar coubter. Picking up a blue and purple criss cross apron with a stitched picture of blueberries at the bottom, Grey put it over his head in one motion and tied it. He rolled up his sleeves."Ill whip something up now, what should I make Aki?"Mr. Are coughed.

"And might I add itd be completely stupid of me to give you no security. VALENTINE has their usual high level security. Its just the guards will be shared with the girls. If the assaultists get past the guards, THAN it is up to you two."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hana In Lee Character Portrait: Greyson Jun Character Portrait: Kelis Harrison Character Portrait: Akira Shingo Character Portrait: Alexis Penhold
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Hana In Lee

When Hana was fourteen, she was given the ‘talk’ from her father and six brothers. It was not only embarrassing but humiliating that he’d even feel the need to tell her this before she set off into the music industry. They sat her down and after an hour of crude hand gestures explaining what happens, Hana was more than scarred as she was jaded from the entire topic. It was these times when she had desperately wished that her mother had lived instead of dying. After that talk, she was completely cautious of the opposite sex although it did not stop her from longing to have a companion to call her boyfriend; however when she did obtain one, Hana not only discovered that he was similar to her brothers, but their relationship was disposable for the promise of fame and fortune.

Some might have deemed her shallow and greedy for what she did to that boy but Hana had convinced herself that if they were really meant to be, then she would not have easily disregarded him as she had done. While still lacking experience in romantic affairs, Hana was determined that fame and fortune was all she needed- trivial dates, things like boyfriends or partners just seemed more of a hassle and not only did she deemed them useless to a successful future, she also didn’t see a particular reason as to why they are necessary to her goal at hand. This attitude, of course has always been hidden, especially from the girls and agency let alone the public. If Hana had so happened to even show a glimmer of her disdain for relationships then the agency would have no choice but to pair her up with another celebrity who was single to keep face.

"What do you guys think of the situations? In all honesty I don't know how to feel about it... I mean they're older and they surely don't want to deal with us. I think theyll just see us as immature brats who don't know anything....I don't want to go..." It was Kelis’ concern and worry that brought Hana out of her thoughts, causing her to stare at Kelis for a few moments before she adjusted herself in her seat.
“They better see you as immature brats.” Hana scuffed a bit, allowing her anger to slightly stir once more. “It’d be troublesome if they thought of you as more than just brats. You may not know it, but you are heading into a wolf’s den and I’d much rather you be pesky bugs than deliciously sweet bunnies.” She crossed her arms over her chest and looked over at the two girls with the queer expression of a father who hadn't the strength to allow his daughters to grow up.

Mrs. Nanami cleared her throat, silently telling Hana to not venture further into such indecent topics and while Hana received the hint, she had to reassure herself. “Please remember your ages while we stay here. Not only is our careers at stake but so is the well being of our hosts so whatever you do, don’t allow yourself to be tricked into be-“
“Oh look, we are near our destination. Please get ready to meet the boys.” Mrs. Nanami interrupted as she nervously clasped her hands together. Hana looked over at her with a concerning look before out of the window.

Sure enough her eyes set themselves on a rather beautiful and big house; it was more extravagant than the apartment they previously stayed at. Hana couldn't but to allow a smile tease the corners of her mouth, biting her lower lip in excitement as the car pulled up to the drive away and came to a full stop. Before Mrs. Nanami could even say anything more, Hana opened the car door and strutted out, allowing the cold snow seep into her shoes.
"Alright girls," Mrs. Nanami said, exiting the car as well with her hand on its hood. "I will meet you inside. I have to greet Mr. Are and further discuss our arrangements." With that, Mrs. Nanami headed inside, leaving the girls outside alone.


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Character Portrait: Greyson Jun Character Portrait: Akira Shingo
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Is cold in here or is it just me? Maybe I need to hug the kitty. KITTY KITTY! WHERE ARE YOU!!


Aki made an odd look when Are told him to go help with the cooking. As if they will happen, but something in his mind thought it was a good idea. Maybe if he scared them away with his cooking, they might not want to stay. But Grey beat him to it and told are it was a bad idea. Biting his lip when Grey walked away and removed his hand, he could still feel the leftover warmth. It was nice, but it also helped him realize that he was freezing his butt off. Shivering a bit Aki rubbed his arms.

"Here." Are turned to the heater, turning it up by pressing some buttons."If you're cold say something."

"Anything is fine..." Though he felt jealous that the girls were going to invade on Grey's cooking. He wanted to object but spoke up once again.

"And might I add it be completely stupid of me to give you no security. VALENTINE has their usual high-level security. It's just the guards will be shared with the girls. If the assaults get past the guards THAN it is up to you two."

"Screw you old man! I shouldn't have been put in this situation in the first place! Last I checked I wasn't anyone babysitter. You really think I can stand up to a person who wants to attack someone? I'm just as frail as those girls." Everyone who stood in this room knew that was a lie. But Aki tried his darnedest to pull it off with a straight face.

It was weird, the only time Aki ever felt cold was when he was getting sick or was sick. Any other time, his skin could be colder than ice and he won't be bothered with it. Rubbing his arms again, he shifted his weight a little. Grey, when they were younger, hand to always get Aki to wear more clothes during the winter, mainly because Aki would wear shorts or short sleeved shirts running through 30 below weather. Even if he did this, he'd never get sick, maybe 2 times a year or once if he was lucky. Maybe this was the time of the year, plus moving into an unknown environment wasn't much help.

Aki looked at Are funny, was he getting sick? He hadn't noticed it before, but he was feeling sluggish during the car ride a bit. But he figured it was because he was in a bad mood and still is. Are walked up to Aki and pressed his hand against his forehead.

"Whatever you say Aki, I'm not going to fight with you. It's too late for that and I'm tired. I suppose you do feel a bit warmer than your normal cold texture. I'll stop by the store and bring some cold medicine back in a bit." Are pulled out his phone and swapped it.

Suddenly the front door opened up and a lady came in through it. This caused Aki to step back in a slight surprise. But whatever happened in the processes of all this, it made him feel worse. He would have feel backwards if it weren't for the couch that just so happened to be near him. Catching himself, he made it look as if he was sitting down normally. He could have sworn he blacked out for a second or two.

"Moww." Chicken pawed at Aki and then jumped up into his arms. Making his way up Aki's shoulders. There he laid as if he was Aki's scarf. It was Chicken's way of comforting Aki.

Are fixed his tie and smiled at the lady who walked in. "I suppose this means your girls are here. Grey! They are here, hurry up and make yourself known. Aki." Are turned to face Aki and glared at him so the woman couldn't see. "Don't just sit there. I am sure the girls would need your help. Go on hop to it."

This pissed Aki off so much. He wanted to badly to punch him in the face, but he never hit people, though he did feel like it at times. In this house, he felt he needed to get a Boxing Bag sometime soon so he wouldn't destroy the place.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hana In Lee Character Portrait: Greyson Jun Character Portrait: Akira Shingo Character Portrait: Alexis Penhold
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#, as written by Chono



When you begin to worry, go find something to do. Get busy being a blessing to someone; do something fruitful. Talking about your problem or sitting alone, thinking about it, does no good; it serves only to make you miserable. Above all else, remember that worrying is totally useless. Worrying will not solve your problem.



Grey glanced over his shoulder, eavesdropping on their conversation while simultaneously reaching up and searching in the tangle of pots and pans above the island for a kettle. The shiny piece of metal glimmered at the brush of his fingers and he grabbed it. After turning on the stove and filling the kettle with water and green tea bags, he set it down over the burner to heat the tea up for Aki.

"Aki, how many times have I told you to wear heavier clothing in winter?" Grey cursed under his breath. He raised his voice higher for the two men to hear his next words, turning his head to look back slightly. "I am making tea now for you Aki! I'll get a blanket for you and then head out to help the girls!" Grey replied as he threw his apron over his coat on the counter.

Grey headed down the hallway and grabbed a black comforter imbedded with gold crests. He chuckled and bent his head at the idea of Mr. Are suddenly worry about Aki like an old father who was trying to be tough on his rebellious son, but caved in the instant things got serious. Mr. Are completed the two boys in a way. Without him they'd be stuck going around in circles, digressing from one song to the next before the first one was even finished. It was still up to Grey to be the big brother and mother though. Both had conflicting interest. A big brother will always have his little brothers back. A mother however is stuck in the middle of everyones sides, for their understanding of all sides of the story extends farther.

One second Grey was in the hallway and the next he was right in front of Aki. There Grey was, towering over Aki and staring down. He hadn't noticed before, but Aki did look more pale than usual. Was this also his fault? Their gaze broke when Grey went to work unraveling the comforter. Next, he bent down stretching the banket out wide and leaning his knee against the couch. A mess of hair fell forward nearly obscuring his intense crimson eyes. Looking into Akis eyes, Grey had forgotten how beautiful they were - snowflakes in disguise that took up his world. He wondered how someone could have eyes so blue? He set the blanket over his frail friend. Taking a deep breath, his gaze shifted to Chicken. His sooty lashes lifted, revealing eyes so red they couldn't be real. Heat rolled off Grey's body.

"I'll take care of the girls. You just stay here and rest, k?" His voice was deep and firm. The kind of voice accustomed to people listening and obeying without question. "Chicken is going to watch over you while I'm busy." the feline meowed and pushed its head against Grey's fingers at his touch. One last pat on the head for the cat and Aki and Grey was walking out the door to meet the girls.

The sound of light footsteps trailed behind him, and then the door was swinging open and he was staring at a limo and familiar female face. Her dark hair was straight and long, reaching her waist. She was tall, thin, and her almost perfect features held a certain innocence. She reminded him of someone, especially those kissable lips and small shoulders. Don't be confused, he's not interested in her, or anyone for that matter. Its just...where has he seen her before?

He sauntered over to her, the only other person out here in the cold snow, or so he thought. A girl with flaming red hair jumped into view, wailing about snow. She stood out like a sunflower in a field of wheat. Unlike the other older woman, firehead wasn't exactly skinny, but the girl wasn't over-weight either. The word curvy fit her better. Grey shook his head. From the looks of both their outfits, Grey could tell they were like Aki - the definition of cold wasn't in their dictionaries. He was one to talk though, Grey wasn't wearing his usual comfortable amount of layers either. All that jumping around his room made him hot. The leather pants hung low on his hips. A slight sliver of skin showed only when he moved his arms too far up. And although his body itself wasn't cold, his fingers already felt like icicles. Shoving his hands into his pockets and finally arriving in front of the girls he spoke.

"Hey." he nodded towards the propped up trunk filled with luggage, "Need a hand?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hana In Lee Character Portrait: Greyson Jun Character Portrait: Kelis Harrison Character Portrait: Akira Shingo Character Portrait: Alexis Penhold
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#, as written by Anraee
Kelis had noticed how everyone seemed to be ignoring her or snapping at her. She hated when this happened. Did she offend them? She asjed herself as she sat there in the car seat. This was all so confusing and she was honestly getting more tan a little hurt about it. Alexis completely ignored her while Hana snapped at her. She didn't really know what to do after that. She had watched everyone get up and out of the car and she simply sat there. Yea right...She actually thought they were going to be friends. I guess not.

She sat in the car for a moment til the others had basically gone away from her and sat there. She got out of the car and instantly began to shiver as she stood out there. Snow. It was everywhere and she was starting to get covered in it. She has looked around and saw everyone. They seemed excited about it. She looked up and tears filled her eyes as she looked at them. Alexis was smiling and happy towards Hana and she stood there awkwardly.

She saw Greyson move over toward them stepping through the snow. A hot tear sprung down her face as she looked up at him. She quickly wiped it away not trying to let it show. Now she really couldn't trust anyone. Finally when she thought she was making friends it crashed and burned. Kelis didn't mean to say that they were brats. But that's how some people viewed them. She honestly didn't it like Hana had taken it.

But what was done was done. Hana officially hurt her. She didn't just call her a brat. She said she was a brat and they better view her as one. She was insulted and she didn't feel needed at all. She felt her eyes swell up and grabbed her bag quickly moving around Greyson and heading into the home they would stay in for the next them?! She looked around sniffling. It looked nice. She went upstairs and looked at her room. She honestly loved it beyond belief. Mrs.Nanami had leplace. She do what she wanted.

Kelis had walked up the cpstarts her feet clicking on the ground. She bit down on her lip hard and continued to walk. When she got to her own room she smiled and set her stuff down?. Finally a place for her to lay out her thoughts and sit alone like she should have done in the first place. She walked over and turned on the heater. She sat on her bed and curled up pulling her knees to her chest. She was used to it by now. She didn't have a family so this wasn't new. But she felt that tiny punch of hope that they would come and talk to her and make sure she was alright. But that was only a dream in her mind. Kelis got her song book and began to write her lyrics that she thought of down.