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Somnium Regis Filia

I am the Princess of Dreamworld, it really sucks.

0 · 336 views · located in Wonderland

a character in “If I Had a World of My Own...”, as played by ThornGood



Name: somnium regis filia (Her name is Latin for Dream Princess or The duaghter of the Dream King)
Nickname: Somi, Regi, Dreamy
Age: 18

Personality: Somi is a confident, polite, quiet and lady like, in front of the important people, her family and their royal aquintances. Sometimes to escape them, she changes her dream form to that of one of the Dreamworld Civilians and ventures out into the world, meeting new and exciting people, tasting different foods and drinks and most importantly living her life as she wants to.

History: Somi was born into the Royal Dream Family, making her the Princess and heiress to the throne, unless her mother bore a son, which happened when Somi reached the age of 6, she wasn't bothered, her youngest sister however was but let's not dwell on that. When she turned 15 she was promised to a Prince, one she did not very much like, but she stayed true to her parents, was kind, polite and warm to him, he had many maids wishing to be his, but he wanted Somi. Somi has strong power over the dream world and can travel through both the Real world and the Dreamworld with ease.

So begins...

Somnium Regis Filia's Story


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Character Portrait: Evangeline Character Portrait: Somnium Regis Filia
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Somi lay in her Royal Purple bed, Dream world never slept, for Humans were always asleep somewhere. She looked outside her Cloud shaped window, everything outside was the eccentric, colourful and bright scenery of Dreamworld. She pushed the window open and felt the cool breeze hit her face. She looked over the lime green ocean, she could see the Isles of Wonderland, but it was very faint. She rested her head on her arms as she watched some birds flew above the Dream Palace. "Today's the day, huh Cloud?" She smiled slightly when her white Cat with the brightest blue eyes, Cloud, formed in front of her. "I suppose it is, Somi, the day you meet your prince." Somi gave him a glare. "I hate you." She walked over to her wardrobe and pulled out her peach frilly full length skirt and sleeveless light brown top. She pulled them on and walked down the Palace hallway, Cloud flying along behind her. "Somnium! What are you wearing?!" She heard her Queen Mother shriek. "I'm wearing clothes, mother." She sighed and kept walking, but of course, Clover, her mother's hand maid was in her way like the snap of a finger. "Fine, I'll put the dress on." She walked back into her room and slammed the door, pulling the Rosy pink dress out from the wardrobe, putting it on and a pair of similar colour shoes. "Why on Earth is it pink?!" She screamed. Cloud laughing at how ridiculous she looked. "I look like a Doll!" She threw a pillow at him, but it just flew through him and out the window. Somi sighed and walked out with a giant frown.

When she finally arrived in Wonderland, she was starstruck by the beauty and randomness of it. "Why can't Dreamworld be like this?" She asked her father, who just laughed and followed the Servants up to the Palace. "I didn't actually think Wonderland even had Royals, well until about 3 years ago, let alone an actual palace." She whispered to Cloud, luckily for both Somi and Cloud he was invisible, otherwise Somi's mother would have had a heart attack. "There isn't very many dreamers around." Cloud pointed out, Wonderland was quiet. "Maybe all the Dreamers are awake now." Somi suggested. "I'm going to go find them." Cloud whispered before he actually was gone, gone into Reality.

Cloud found himself in a street, there was a house just in front of him, it had a number 6 on it. He hopped up onto a windowsill and looked inside, a blond girl was sitting in the kitchen, she had the strange purple aura of a Dreamer. He meowed loudly hoping for her to hear, he may have also head butt the window.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangeline Character Portrait: Somnium Regis Filia Character Portrait: Adande "DreamWeaver" Okihu
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Cloud watched the girl fall asleep. "What a lazy human being." He remarked before vanishing to the next Dreamer. It was a boy, he had ginger hair. A window was open and Cloud climbed through it. He sat on top of the boy and looked at him. "Wake up." He purred and tapped him on the nose.

Somi approached the Palace doors but she noticed a girl in a pink dress just appear, she wandered over to her cautiously. "Hello?" She said, stretching her hand out towards her, she'd seen many Dreamers back in Dreamworld do this as a greeting to other dreamers. She looked back up to the Palace distantly and sighed before smiling back to the girl. "I am Somnium Regis Felia, but you could just call me Somi, Regi or Dreamy. I am the Princess of Dreams and my Father is the King of Dreamworld."


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Character Portrait: Evangeline Character Portrait: Somnium Regis Filia
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Somi's eyes widened. "You, you have control over Wonderland?" She lifted the tiara from Evangeline's head. "You aren't a dreamer, are you Lucid or a Traveler?" She blinked and her eyes changed to look like Cloud's, her aura was purple just like a Dreamers but it was stronger and had some odd form, like purple cloudy ivy wrapped around her skin. She blinked again and her eyes returned to the normal green eyes. She smiled at the girl, her eyes looking over her curiously. "Hmm maybe Cheshire or Cloud would know what you are." She looked back at the carriage she had arrived in, her mother was standing with her arms crossed and her usual scowl on. Somi smiled at the girl, "I must go." She lifted her skirt and ran to her mother, following her into the Palace.


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Character Portrait: Evangeline Character Portrait: Somnium Regis Filia
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(Double Post ignore)


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Character Portrait: Evangeline Character Portrait: Somnium Regis Filia Character Portrait: Adande "DreamWeaver" Okihu
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The Hall of Wonder Palace was a magnificent marble chess board. She saw her Prince and he was smiling to her, the White King and Queen sat upon their thrones with the White Prince beside them. A voice above the door announced their arrival. "The King and Queen of Dreamworld!" Her parents approached the thrones, her father bowed and her mother courtsied. "The Princess of Dreams!" The voice bellowed and Somi walked up the hall to the thrones. She courtsied and went to stand with her parents. "Evangeline, the Dreaming Angel!" The voice called, Somi looked to the door. Her expression filled with confusion. Her mother gasped and her father shook his head at his wife. "What is this? Do you plan to embarrass my Daughter?!" Somi's mother shrieked.

Cloud purred. "Cheshire is my insufferable cousin." He smiled and looked into the boys eyes. "Oh you are very much awake. Once a door has been opened it can be entered either way." Cloud jumped off the bed and flew over to the window sill. "Did something happen in Wonderland? It seems very empty and my lady wishes me to find out more." He licked his paw. "Oh and I am Cloud Cat, it is a pleasure."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangeline Character Portrait: Somnium Regis Filia Character Portrait: Adande "DreamWeaver" Okihu
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Eva looked around her grey blue eyes scanning Evangeline wished the boy was here she felt she could trust him where the others made her nervous. Her Striaght blonde hair framed her face as she looked. She looked at the Princess and smiled at her tapping the Tiara on her head. (Same as the one she wears in her sheet) She courtesies and takes her seat.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangeline Character Portrait: Somnium Regis Filia Character Portrait: Adande "DreamWeaver" Okihu
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Cloud followed the boy back to the house he had just left. "She won't wake up." He grinned materialising beside the boy. "Well unless of course you wake her." He licked the boy's forehead, "Sleep spit, the best sleeping medicine I know of." He waited to see if the boy feel asleep, once he did Cloud would return to his Lady.

Somi approached the thrones, the White Prince, smiling at her. "Your grace," She bowed her head, her brown hair falling before her. The Queen stood and addressed Somi's father. "My son has chosen to marry your daughter, joining Wonderland and Dreamworld together. Your daughter shall become Queen of Wonderland and Princess of Dreams." The Prince stepped forward, his hand outstretched to Somi, Somi took it and took her place beside him. Her mother looked to have calmed down and the Queen was still baffled by her mother's response to Eva's call. Somi looked at Eva and smiled, nodding curtly to her. "Dreaming Angel, may I ask what is the reason you are here?" The Queen asked, Somi looked to her worried that the answer would be Cloud.


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Character Portrait: Evangeline Character Portrait: Somnium Regis Filia
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"Cloud?" The Queen asked looking down at Somi. "Cheshire's cousin?" Somi nodded. "Yes my lady." Somi's mother glared at her. "You brought that blasted cat?!" She yelled, Somi bowed her head shyly, her father was trying to shut her up and the Queen just smiled, as she always did. "Cheshire will be delighted." She clapped her hands lightly and he materialized beside her. "You clapped?" He grinned and looked at the Eva. "I see you turned right, right choice." Somi looked up to Cheshire then down to Eva. "So you and Cheshire have already meet?" She laughed a little. "I bet he started with a riddle."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangeline Character Portrait: Somnium Regis Filia Character Portrait: Avrille
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"If you count screaming at him he was a useless fur ball yes we have met and I can't say I'm glad we did." She have the cat the evil look then looked bavk at Somi. "So what is going on here?" She asked her grey frees was the color of fading ash in the bright light her hair looked lighter too in the light. Her petite features showed off more hercnatrual beauty was admirable in this light.

Avrille was sat side saddle on a beautiful white mare. As she galloped through the town elegantly her hair flying madly behind her eyes the colour or ice fixed on her destination. "Woo!" She screamed in excitement as the hose leot over a falln tree she laughed and patted the horse and slowly slowed into a trot.


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Character Portrait: Evangeline Character Portrait: Somnium Regis Filia
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Somi smiled at Eva. "This my engagement, the joining of Wonderland and the Dreamworld." She noticed the change in light make an impact on Eva's already pretty face. "They were right to call you an angel." Somi complimented. She hummed a slight tune.

Cloud heard Somi hum and returned to Wonderland. "My lady," He smiled and then looked up at his noticeably larger cousin. "What is he doing here?" He said, his smile disappearing. "The Queen summoned him, she thought you would like to see him again." Somi explained to him and then went to Eva. "Have you been here before?" She switched to Cloud eye. "Your aura is very familiar."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangeline Character Portrait: Somnium Regis Filia Character Portrait: Avrille
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"Thanks. I'm sorry but I'm fairly sure I've never been here before." She didn't remember ever being for but her memory easing really reliable. She realised she hadn't congratulated so she did "Congrats by the way." she added quickly feeling bad and stupid. Eva silently thanked the fact that she wasn't a princess being forced to marry not that Somi was being forced as far as Eva could tell anyway.

Avrille started getting up onto her knees on the horse clutching the reigns loosly she stood up she could see her turret bedroom and the rest of the chateau now she bent her knees and jumped striaght through the open second floor window she landed as brunette heap on the floor and the horse had stopped next to the chateau like she was trained too. "AVRILLE!" A booming voice yelled. "No jumping trough windows!" a higher pitched voice pratically screamed.


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Character Portrait: Evangeline Character Portrait: Somnium Regis Filia
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"Cheshire look at her aura, is it me or is it similar to..." Cheshire shushed her and grinned, showing his teeth. "How does one like you know such an aura?" He flew over to Eva and drifted around her. Somi smiled at the congrats. "Thank you." She nodded and looked back to her parents, who were in discussion with the White King and Queen.

She felt someone grip her hand, the White Prince. Somi smiled to him. "My lady, would you like to go on a walk?" He didn't give her time to respond and walked on. Somi mouthed a "Sorry." to Eva and made Cloud wake her up, Cloud flew to her and licked her forhead. "In reality, it makes you dream. In the dream, it brings you back to reality."

(this'll be my last post going to bed now so tired, well night night)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangeline Character Portrait: Somnium Regis Filia
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"You could see her aura, it was similar to Alice's." Somi told Cloud after she had finished her walk with the White Prince. "Do you think Wonderland needs another Champion?" She asked, sitting on the bed in her guest room. "Do you think the Red Queen wants to take Wonderland back?" Cloud shook his head and purred. "Purrrfect ideas, but the Red Queen is trapped in the Outlands and no one there is to say a word to her." Somi looked out the window. "What about the Knave of Hearts?" Somi pointed out. "What about Nightmare Isles?" She pointed out the window. Cloud stood up and walked over to the window. "I hadn't thought of that, should we warn the Queen?" Somi sat on the windowsill. "Accusations that will send the court into panic would not help without solid proof." Somi acknowledged and looked to the moon. "You'll hate me for suggesting, but could you go to the Outlands with Cheshire and find out what's going on?" Cloud stiffened and glared at Somi. "Are you mad?" He tilted his head. "I met another with the same aura, a boy." He told her. "My sleep spit didn't seem to affect him." Somi stood from the windowsill and walked over to the door, opening it a crack to peak outside. "The cost is clear." She grabbed her peach coloured, frilly, full length skirt and sleeveless, light brown top, pulling them on and kicking her heels off. She crept down the hall and out into the Palace Gardens. She sat in a fountain, Cloud in her arms, and closed her eyes, taking a breathe in.

She opened her eyes and was meet by green grass, grey roads and a blue sky. "The 'real' world." She thought out loud. "Stay on the ground, dreamers aren't used to flying things in their reality." She walked down a street along the road, bare foot. "This isn't a meadow." She remarked, looking at the street sign. She continued down the street, Cloud trailing along behind her, she skipped and twirled her way up the street, taking in the 'Real' world. "That was a rather successful dimension jump." Somi smiled down to Cloud.


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Character Portrait: Evangeline Character Portrait: Somnium Regis Filia
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Cloud shook his head at Somi and led her to Eva's house, Eva was sitting at her window. "Hmm, her parents won't let me in and I can't fly." Somi said, looking at Cloud, but he was to busy looking up at Eva to notice, so Somi grabbed him and threw him up, catching him and throwing him again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangeline Character Portrait: Somnium Regis Filia Character Portrait: Adande "DreamWeaver" Okihu
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"Alice is Wonderland's hero." Somi told her. "She's also a queen and the Champion of the White Queen. Killed the Jabbywock for her." She looked at the leaves. "She was only seven when she became Queen, well 7 and 1/2, and 19 when she slayed the Jabbywock." She lifted Cloud from her head. "Next time you arrive in Wonderland, bring your friend to the palace and I'll show you something." She hugged Cloud tight and blinked, disappearing back to Wonderland. "Cloud, protect her." She ordered him and he returned to Eva. "I'm not your pet, I'm your protector."


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Character Portrait: Evangeline Character Portrait: Somnium Regis Filia
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Cloud flew down to her shoulder. "And what would that be?" He smiled. "If you don't mind me asking." He flew to her other shoulder. "I, well when I say 'I' I mean the entire of the Realm, always wondered what happened to Alice, do you know?"

Somnium crept up to the library and found the 'History of Wonderland' and then started to look for 'Alice: The Champion of the White Queen." She took them from the Library and back to her room. "Dum dee dum dee doo." She hummed as she skipped up the hallway, "Yes." She heard 2 voices say simultaneously. "What are you doing here?" She asked the twins as they approached her. "Oh we were just..." Tweedle Dum started, "...following you from the library." Tweedle Dee finished, Dum slapped him and they started to argue. "Why were you following me?" She asked, looking at them with suspicion, but they just run off. Somi thought of following them but decided to just return to her guest room.


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Character Portrait: Evangeline Character Portrait: Somnium Regis Filia
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Cloud nodded thoughtfully, "Of course, Eva." He bowed his head and landed beside her, sitting and watching her. "Do you know where the other Dreamer is? The red haired kid, he seems to have disappeared since I last been here." He asked her.

Somi sat on her bed, reading the books, she felt sleep tug her and she looked outside to see the sun rising just above the horizon, she moaned and lay on her bed. "Another day with my beloved and I haven't slept." She sighed and looked up, Cheshire was floating just above her. "Go away, Cheshire." She swiped at him and remember the books, where he materialised. "Hmm, what is this?" He asked, his grin wide. Somi wasted no time in slamming the book on his tail. "Get out of my room." She growled.


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Character Portrait: Evangeline Character Portrait: Somnium Regis Filia
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Cloud laughed at her when she said I made the wonderland heavens. Cloud looked at her and rolled his eyes. "Child wonderland is as old as this place. No one made it." He scanned the treehouse. "It's not like a house or building, it isn't made. It was born, like me and you." He smiled up to her. "Don't worry, Alice made the same mistake." He lay down on her lap. "I wonder how Lady Somi is doing."

Somi was dressed in a horrible blue dress, sitting in the court watching her betrothed and his family deal with matters of Wonderland, just as they were about to call an end to the court, Somi stood. "My lord, my lady." She called to them. "I have reason to believe that Wonderland may be in danger." She looked to Cheshire. "Alice's daughter has come to Wonderland." She watched the Queen's eye twitch, the court was full of whispers and gasps. "Where is your proof?" She looked to Cheshire. "Cheshire saw it, saw her aura, it was like Alice's." The Queen smiled. "No child, of the danger." Somi nodded. "That was why I'm here. I wish to go to the Outlands. Observe your sister." The queen went stiff.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangeline Character Portrait: Somnium Regis Filia Character Portrait: Avrille
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Somi was standing by the Dream pond, the pond she used to travel to the Human world. Her mother and father were beside the pond, the Queen and her son watched from the front. "If my sister is planning something, don't try and stop her, come straight back her and warn the court." The Queen told her, Somi nodded and just then Avrille appeared, Somi pulled her bare foot back out from the pond and stood beside the Prince.

Cloud wandered around the tree house. "You should get more sleep, you look awfully tired." He admitted to her. "But not now, I have a feeling Wonderland has learned of your arrival as Eva Liddell or Eva Kingleigh, instead of Eva Fray." He nodded and sighed. "I don't mean to be rude, but this place is so boring."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangeline Character Portrait: Somnium Regis Filia Character Portrait: Avrille
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Somi answered for the Queen. "It's her daughter, her name is Evangeline Fray." She informed. "Or Eva, for short. She might be here as another Champion..." The Queen interrupted her and finished. "Somnium is going to the Outlands to find my sister and report whether she is preparing for a war or not."

Cloud rolled his eyes and returned to Wonderland with Eva, "Shall we return to the palace?"