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Eiji Nezawa

0 · 437 views · located in Lyme Key

a character in “If life gives you lemons”, as played by Mashotu


Eiji Nezawa

Name: Eiji Nezawa

Age: 26

Birthday: May 23

Heritage: Japanese

Sexuality: Homosexual


Height: 5"9'

Weight: 150 lb

Appearance: *Look at the pictures!*


Personality: Eiji is usually actually pretty nice to people. Mainly 'cause his job requires him to at least be friendly. Even if he's angry he hold on a fake smile or just says nothing. He allows his anger to boil inside of him and most the time, it comes out at the wrong times. He's the type who knows what he wants though, and if he wants it hard enough, he knows he'll get it. Be it love or war, he has to win.

  • Success
  • Fish
  • Color bluue
  • Ocean
  • Surfing
  • Swimming
  • Sleeping

  • Failing
  • Annoying people
  • Rodents
  • The city
  • War


History: Eiji grew up on a farm until the age of 18 when he finally got to move away. He went to the suburbs but wanted to go visit the city one day since he's never seen it and heard it was an amazing place. All Eiji saw was busy rodes, litter, and big buildings. He also smelt everything. And in his opinion, it smelt worse than a farm. Ever since then he's hated the city.

It wasn't long until his grandfather got sick and had to be hospitalized. His grandfather was originally going to give the inn to Eiji's elder brother, but he didn't want it and instead went off into the army which ended up killing him. But since his elder brother didn't want it, Eiji pretty much had the building plopped into his hands. He hand no idea how to run it, but eventually figured it out with help from the few staff there were. The inn always had a problem of keeping staff and that was something Eiji intended on fixing.

Other: FC: Akio Furukawa: Clannad

So begins...

Eiji Nezawa's Story


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Character Portrait: Tyler Spencer Character Portrait: Eiji Nezawa
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#, as written by S1mon

There is the belief that good things come to those who wait, but to wait for two whole years, endure pain for two years, to merely exist for two whole years, was the wait worth it? It is difficult to express exactly what it was like for such a time and what strong feelings had emerged in this period, but there was nothing else that could of been done. There was a chance that such a wait could of been avoided by merely leaving earlier, but such would mean that his movements would all link to his father so he would know where he is, as well as having the ability to demand his return. However, now that Tyler was no 18, he was officially an adult who could make up his own mind and live his own way, which did not include his father and certainly not his brother who was responsible for all this in the first place.

Out of all places he could have chosen to restart his life, Tyler chose the seaside for places along the coast so that when a time to clear his head was needed, he was not so far from the peaceful sounds of the sea. However, he needed a place to live and he needed work to earn a living, so he only hoped that his workplace would not enquire too much into where he was from, as he was planning to live in a B&B for now as such would deal with his sleeping arrangements as well as dealing with what he was to eat so a B&B seemed to fit the bill wonderfully, which is where Tyler now finds himself, outside the Seashell Inn.

The place looked decent enough and big enough that he felt he may be able to be cheeky and ask if they have work avaliable. He certainly was hoping but beggars can't be choosers, though he certainly did not look like a beggar, not with his brown poncho-styled jumper that he had over his grey and white t-shirt and not forgetting what seemed to be his trademark, the styled hat that sat upon his head as he entered the Inn and approached the desk in the middle which seemed to be bare at the moment so he pressed the bell on the table and awaited service as he looked around and appreciated the decore. Now he only had to hope that the price was decent and most importantly, that there was work here because if not, he had to find one really quick to prevent him being kicked out....


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyler Spencer Character Portrait: Eiji Nezawa
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#, as written by Mashotu
Eiji Nezawa

Eiji came down the steps at the sound of a bell. He'd just gotten done handling a very angry and very drunk lady who was trying to capture small animals and bathe them in her tub. Why, he had no idea. But eventually he had to tell the woman that she needed to leave. She was going around asking all the people if they were keeping their small animals from her. And it just wasn't good.

He really wished that the kids who decided to work at the hotel would stay. 'cause right now he only had about 5 maids, 5 kitchen staff, and 1 him. And it just so happens, that that 1 him had to do most the work. He saw a young boy at the desk, maybe around 16-17 in a brown jumper, a white and grey shirt, and a hat. Why was it people had such weird style? Eiji wore a black suit, red dress shirt and a black tie. Nothing fancy, just appropriate for his job position.

Eiji let out a tired sigh and got behind the counter. "Welcome to Seashell Inn. How may I help you, sir?" He asked in an almost annoyed way. He'd said this line, way too much.

Now that he looked at the boy before him, he noticed he was actually kind cute. His big, innocent blue eyes were something hat could draw someone in from across the room.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyler Spencer Character Portrait: Eiji Nezawa
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0.00 INK

#, as written by S1mon

Leaving home was a decision that was generally hard to make and it was not a decision that was made lightly with all things considered. Afterall, remaining in your family home meant that unless you had a paid job and thereby paid board money to help with bills, you had no expenses to pay and had everything done for you, from your food to your bed, from use of the TV to the heating, electric and gas, essentially everything that functioned in the house was no cost when usually it would be. It wasn't only cost-efficient but to leave home would leave quite alot of memories and not forgetting leaving your family and friends behind. It was a big step.

If asked if it was hard for Tyler to move, he feelings would say no due to all that his brother had put him through as well as his fathers' beatings for the allegation of being gay that his brother had drummed into his head. While things were not so good at home that made it easy to move, it was not easy to move, but the money he had helped get him to Lyme Key which he felt was the perfect place. It was not as popular as other places but it did have a wonderful beach and it was not a place his father would think he'd go. As of now, he pretty much cared little what was going on back home, instead focusing on his new life he was creating.

Looking around he saw photos of the Seashell Inn years ago and how it once looked, clearly showing how much it had grown. His arrival here was merely to find somewhere to sleep for now, but as soon as he saw a young man dressed all smartly before him, the whole venture he was undertaking became more real. Being called "sir" was certainly something to get used to as well, but this is why the B&B was a perfect start for him as he could focus on settling down before he earnt enough money with a stable income to have his own place and do things himself, whereas here he could pretty much lay back and relax, something he hadn't done for awhile thinking about it.

"I would like a room please", Tyler replied, being sure to use his manners, though his curiosity had perked up upon hearing him as such was telling him to encourage the guy to smile, but he was cautious not to get too involved, seeing that last time he got curious and confided in his brother, it had essentially brought all these mixed emotions to home. Despite deciding not to speak up, he instead offered a smile instead so that his suggestion would be conveyed through his own act, while waiting for what the guy would do next, because if they did have a vacancy here for work, then he would need to take note.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyler Spencer Character Portrait: Eiji Nezawa
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mashotu
Eiji Nezawa

"I would like a room please." The boy said. Eiji raised an eyebrow before answering. "I take it," He said, looking at his computer, "You'll want a single bed and at cheapest price?"
He could tell that since this kid looked so young and that he never made any sort of reservation. This was probably just a random decision.

Eiji scrolled trough the list of rooms (that would fit the wishes of the young man) that were open and found most of them actually booked. He realized the only room open was the one where the drunk lady was. It was then that that exact same lady can barreling down the stairs with fury worth of a dragon. "How dare you!" She yelled at him. 'Did she just realize she was kicked out?' Eiji wondered, before turning to the young man. He gave his a sorry nod before turning to the woman.

"I'm sorry Miss Anderson, but you need to leave. Not only were you disturbing the guests, but traumatizing my staff. If you do not leave. Now. I will, call the police." Eiji said. His voice cool and calm the entire time. He hated guests like this.

"I paid for that room!" She yelled at him.

"And I will refund you for the days you have missed." He said.

"I don't want my money! I want my god damn room!" She screamed, getting up in his face. Eiji didn't back up and stood his ground. Even though her breath smelt like fish mixed with ass bathed in vomit and chum.

"Well. You will not receive your, 'god damn room'." Eiji countered, placing his finger underneath the counter, searching for the emergency call button.

"You know what! Fuck you! I will sue your ass!" She screamed, storming out the door without her things.

"And I will be waiting to kick your ass in court." He muttered under his breath before picking up a phone and calling one of his maids. "Alex. Please clean out Miss Anderson's things from room 210 so that it is suitable for a new guest. Now."

And with that he hung up the phone and turned to the young man, hoping it didn't throw him off. "I am so sorry about that."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyler Spencer Character Portrait: Eiji Nezawa
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0.00 INK

#, as written by S1mon

When your mind was occupied, often times than not you tend to forget things. What would of been ideal in Tyler's situation would of course been time to do some research into different coastal areas and different residences to see which place was cheaper. He had no idea how much it would cost him here at the Seashell Inn so he hoped he did not regret coming here on the whim, but he truly gave it no second thought when the opportunity to pack his bags and leave had come. Given the chance to get away from it all, away from his ignorant father and his absent mother and especially from his nasty brother who put him through all this in the first place. He had even told him himself that he'll get him back, so he had yet to do that, but the fact that he had escaped made him a whole lot better.

Course going it all solo made things difficult somewhat so as he spoke to the young man, he was hoping that things would be alright price-wise and not go way over the amount he intended. "I take it...You'll want a single bed and at cheapest price", was his response which made Tyler smile. He didn't even have to say a word, so no doubt it was the impression he gave, or rather it was his appearance since he was young and often commented that he looks younger than he looks, as well as being on his own but he certainly appreciated it and how the man also wished to assist him economically with something he could afford, even if he knew nothing about him. Perhaps it had something to do with the trade itself. "Please", he replied to confirm his assumption.

Taking into account the young man behind the desk, he was curious how old he was. He personally thought that owners of businesses were pretty old and into their 40's yet he did not appear to me, unless he merely worked here. It was then that drama occurred as an old women began yelling as the man offered an apologetic nod before attending to the woman, "I'm sorry Miss Anderson, but you need to leave. Not only were you disturbing the guests, but traumatizing my staff". My staff? so he was the boss around here. While the commotion was going on, he thought about the Inn itself as it surely would boost profit by such services and being near the coast, so it certainly was an investment as well as being hands on which was clearly evident when it concerned...troubled guests.

The man certainly dealt with it well, initially being polite about it, before responding in a similar tone to the old woman while remaining respectful. Tyler couldn't help a smile appearing lightly as he heard him comment, "And I will be waiting to kick your ass in court" as the woman left, before on the comm to arrange the room for a new guest which he believed he was referring to him. Well, it certainly seemed the man had his ups and downs, having some good customers while having the bad ones. Tyler personally was pretty tidy as his room was rarely in clutter since he likes to see where his things are and likes to move about, such that he would do here also, though he had to work out how long he would be here for. Afterall, it wasn't like he was living here for free like back home.

"I am so sorry about that", the young man apologised as Tyler responded, "No need to apologise at all, perfectly okay, well, the whole thing weren't get what I mean", hoping he did so or he was already looking stupid, basically saying that the woman's actions weren't okay as he had no choose to act in the way he did for he couldn't ignore a customer. Having grabbed his interest, he then asked, "Do you um....get many like that?", curious if anymore drama will happen during his stay here, asking politely and asking with a pause so he didn't appear direct in his questioning so if he preferred to not talk about it then it was his choice.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyler Spencer Character Portrait: Eiji Nezawa
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mashotu
Eiji Nezawa

"No need to apologize at all, perfectly okay, well, the whole thing weren't get what I mean." The boy said, trying to find the right words, "Do you um....get many like that?"

"I assure you sir. We do not get many of them. She was a rare case. And... Well alcohol does scary things to a person." Ejij said, thankful the man wasn't scared away. He pulled a receipt out of the machine after he rung up the room.
"Please sign this. And will you be using cash or credit?"

He knew his way of signing in guests was backwards. Usually people ask for money first and then gave the money. But his way worked just as fine.

Eiji looked the boy up and down. Usually people came here with friends if they were as young as he. "Maybe I should ask this first. Are you about the age of 17? 'cause if not I'm afraid I can not give you a room." Eiji said, feeling stupid he never asked earlier.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyler Spencer Character Portrait: Eiji Nezawa
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0.00 INK

#, as written by S1mon

Tyler Spencer

Everything had happened pretty quickly, but what can be expected when you were rushing out and not wishing to miss the opportunity to get out of his messed up life, what with his father on his business trip again and his evil brother round Olivers', it was the perfect chance, hence why he raided his brothers' drawer, even taking some lip-stick and placing on his lips so his brother knew it was him rather than involving the authorities in his getting away letter and how he'll be back someday as he promised. Tyler kept his least in the best way he possibly could, for as the saying goes, don't make promises you can't keep so he does consider them carefully before making them.

Where business were concerned, if you made a promise or even a statement, if such was proven untrue then you faced the risk of being sued. Such was the case of Miss Anderson who had stormed out after being displeased with being thrown out, regardless of her own actions which he had heard about. "I assure you sir. We do not get many of them. She was a rare case. And... Well alchohol does scary things to a person", which was so true, though there was many other scary things which made people mad, made people selfish and spiteful, one of them being love when churned with selfishness, such a concoction which made his brother Ashley when he decided to give Tyler a hard time.

There was a reason of course he asked about his clients, one being that he'd be around them with the place being a B&B at all so would find himself dining with such, not all around the same table and chatting away in which Tyler felt he would have no part of or anything good to add, but they'd still be involved nonetheless. The other reason was that he was on the hunt for work, so if he could live and work here, then that solved all of his problems pretty much, all that was left then was saving up for his own place since he couldn't be hogging up a room forever with how busy it seemed here and of course fulfill his life by finding a special someone. Oh he could imagine Ash's face when he comes home with a hot chick for a girlfriend while he just has Oli or is a loner if he had left him. Oh the latter would be glorious, keeping such humor with himself as he signed the receipt with a smile and passing it back to him, "Thanks".

Tyler was about to answer his question about using cash or credit, when he spoke up again, "Maybe I should ask this first. Are you about the age of 17? 'cause if not I'm afraid I can not give you a room". It was a serious matter but felt hilarious as he chuckled, "Can't blame you for asking, but wouldn't be here if I wasn't", feeling a little peeved that he could of left last year since he thought 18 was the age, but ah well, 18 was cooler as he pulled out his student card, "and here's proof should you need verification", to be all official-like, showing the date of birth on the card which read 23-06-1995, and then pulling out another card which he also displayed on the counter, his bank card to answer his question since words wasn't really needed. Tyler had been pretty busy over the past two years to make sure this whole transaction worked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyler Spencer Character Portrait: Eiji Nezawa
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mashotu
Eiji Nezawa

Eiji smirked and gave Tyler the room. "Very well, sir. Thank you for staying at the hotel in~" He said, giving a cheery smile. He rung a bell that was placed on the desk and waited for a bellboy.

"Al, here will take your things if you have and show you to your room." He said as a young man came up Tyler and bowed, "Thank you for staying at the Sea Shell Inn. Please enjoy your stay. Ring if you need anything."

Eiji then turned to his computer. He had a shit ton of paper work he needed to get done. If he had 30 things to review and sign, he had 60 the next day. Turning away from the device he grabbed a stack of paper work. This would be a lot easier if he had more damn workers! But no. He didn't have more workers, so he had to do all the paper work pretty much by himself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyler Spencer Character Portrait: Eiji Nezawa
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0.00 INK

#, as written by S1mon

Tyler Spencer

Year after year Tyler grew, each year moving into maturity and aiming to live upto that expectation. However, for some reason Tyler wasn't like the other guys. At school, it seemed totally unfair that even those younger than him looked more masculine than he did, their features had grown sharper and they had also grew physically which was pretty obvious in PE as they all changed....not that Tyler was looking, but it was hard to ignore, especially when he was treated as the 'baby' of the class. Tyler wished he knew why, for his skin was still soft and unlike other eighteen-year olds, his facial hair hadn't even come to the surface.

On one side of the coin, he clearly held onto his youth for longer which meant that he didn't have to worry about shaving so soon, nor would he have to worry later down the line when the other guys showed signs of aging while he'd clearly be the youngest which was a nice though. On the flip side however, he was regarded many times as 'cute', constantly reminding him of how young he was, provoking people to ask for his age and having him defend himself all the while which was another problem in itself, defence. It had been this major weakness that had been exploited by his brother, such that led to events that he truly wished to forget. He truly wished he was able to defend himself but he wasn't strong enough and he hated being so weak, making him no different to girls.

Thinking of girls, there were girls that were even tougher than him, truly making him vulnerable when a guy is supposed to be strong. Despite such a weakness, Tyler covered it up with some humor as he usually does, such that he had used with the manager as he asked his age and him responding how he couldn't blame him asking, being completely aware of how young he seemed. People called him 'cute', but he thought he was weird. Clearly how old he was, he should be alot stronger and taller by now, but he was neither which is why being called 'cute' annoyed him so much and why he set out to prove otherwise like the ear piercing he had which you certainly couldn't have if he was as young as he looked.

"Al, here will take your things if you have and show you to your room", as Tyler turned to see a young man behind him who bowed before turning back to the manager who smiled, "Thank you for staying at the Sea Shell Inn. Please enjoy your stay. Ring if you need anything". "Thank you", before taking off the bag from his shoulder and passed to Al. The fact Al here was here for work and had been called, Tyler felt he mightswell be of used, as well as save his back after carrying it from the train station as Al led him to room 210 which Al opened up before setting his things down and giving him the key, once again re-literating what the manager said about ringing if he needed anything, before making his exit.

Finally he could settle down. The room was nice, cosy, perfect for temporarily lodgings and cheap which he was truly grateful for. It was pretty handy that Miss Anderson had been such a difficult client or he wouldn't have this room, which he then begun making it his own as he took his things out to place his clothes on the hangers and in the drawers and putting the rest of his things in the cupboards. Tyler didn't bring that much since his new life simply didn't require what he once had so he only brought what he needed, which really wasn't that much. Once he had finished, he simply sat on the bad and laid back for a few minutes with his eyes closed.

However, a question then came to him, but to ring for someone to come up to answer a question seemed worthless when such a person was better being elsewhere. Deciding not to be a hassle, he took his key into his pocket after locking the door behind him and headed downstairs until he was back at the reception, his arms on the counter as he leaned forward seeing the manager working on the computer. "Excuse me....", he said with a smile as he waited, "Sorry to be a bother....just wondering if you have any scheduled time for breakfast and if you do lunches, dinners also and times for them too", seeing as he'd essentially be relying on the Sea Shell Inn for awhile as he looks for work.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyler Spencer Character Portrait: Eiji Nezawa
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mashotu
Eiji Nezawa

Eiji was ready to rip his paperwork to shreds when the phone rang.

"Sorry to be a bother....just wondering if you have any scheduled time for breakfast and if you do lunches, dinners also and times for them too" He heard the boy speak. Eiji put on an annoyed smile, glad no one saw, "Breakfast is between 5-11 AM, there is no lunch I'm sorry, and dinner is from 5-10 PM. Would that be all, sir?" He asked.

While he held the phone on his shoulder, he read over some of the bills that needed paying. He glared at the raised prices. He was sure he'd cut down on costs. Why would they have gotten higher? He made a mental note to ask his staff what was going on. Maybe call the belling companies.

Eiji hated dealing with people and seriously wished he didn't get stuck with this damn place. He felt bad for his grandchildren (if he even got any) because they too would most likely end up with this hell hole of a place. Maybe, someone would get the sense to burn it do the damn ground. He couldn't, 'cause he had no where else to go.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyler Spencer Character Portrait: Eiji Nezawa
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0.00 INK

#, as written by S1mon

Tyler Spencer

Over time, Tyler merely accepted that he was different to others and though he hated weakness, he felt that being different wasn't all that bad, though to avoid the weakness problem he would need to go to some karate class or something so he could be a match for those with the 'big guns'. Having a positive outlook in life, even in the face of things which wasn't so positive, was in itself a strength so all wasn't so bad as Tyler has much to offer. Right now however, his concerns was with finding work so his new life can be kicked into gear, but the problem was he had little experience and he needed someplace that was willing to try him out rather than complete dismissal. He may not be as strong as other guys, but he certainly was more determined and took care with his work, whereas these tough guys would cat-lick their stuff before finishing for the day and doing what they please.

As far as taking care of his work goes, his results in college were pretty awesome too, though unfortunately not brilliant as he had hoped seeing as he had been preparing for this day for awhile. Tyler was pretty curious what sort of work would be available here at the coast as there was little offices here like the ones he worked in on his summer breaks to keep out the house. He debated asking the manager if he knew any place but why would a manager of a Hotel be looking through wanted ads...that's it! it was a hotel so no doubt had papers delivered daily for their customers so there had to be a list of vacancies at least.

"Breakfast is between 5-11 AM, there is no lunch I'm sorry, and dinner is from 5-10 PM. Would that be all, sir?", the manager replied, as Tyler mentally recorded that in his head while confirming to himself outloud to make sure he got it, "Breakfast 5-11, Dinner 5-10, got it", nodding to himself afterwards. Such might seem strange to some people but it made it easy to remember things if he repeated himself to make sure it was taken to his memory, such a method had served him pretty well in his results so it couldn't be doubted, a method also used by waiters and waitresses when they take an order. Ah! That was something else he could do.

"Errm...", he spoke up, trying to decide whether to ask him about the wanted ads or not, his tongue pressing against the side of his cheek as he tried to make his mind up before seeing no harm in asking, "I wonder if you have any job listings at all? I guess you have papers come through so would like to check through the job wouldn't have one handy would ya? or know where I can get one from?", asking as a precaution incase he didn't have one and having him go outside and not knowing where to go from there. He had yet to get used to Lyme Key, and much to learn. Even in a small place like this, there had to be a job for him somewhere.....


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyler Spencer Character Portrait: Eiji Nezawa
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mashotu
Eiji Nezawa

Why Eiji heard in response to his question was quite odd.
"I wonder if you have any job listings at all? I guess you have papers come through so would like to check through the job wouldn't have one handy would ya? or know where I can get one from?"

Eiji was silent for a second before responding, "Would you mind coming downstairs for a bit so I could interview you properly?" He asked, hoping he didn't sound as relieved and happy as he was. Even if the boy only wanted some work, Eiji would be happy to have the help. But first, he needed to make sure the male was capable.

A person came up to the desk and he waved another person to greet her. He needed to take and keep this call.
Once Tyler had given his answer, Eiji nodded. "Thank you very much sir." He said happily.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyler Spencer Character Portrait: Eiji Nezawa
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0.00 INK

#, as written by S1mon

Tyler Spencer

When the manager did not respond straight away, Tyler was beginning to think that perhaps they didn't have papers come through afterall, that perhaps it was probably the wrong question to ask as no doubt the manager was too occupied with the affairs of his own business rather than the businesses of others....perhaps the better question would of been to ask why the nearest local newsagents were and then find the job listings himself. Afterall, with this whole new life before him, the most important part of his new life was getting a job for income, for without income, without money, he wouldn't be able to keep up with this for long and would be forced to return home which was not what he wished at all.

"Would you mind coming downstairs for a bit so I could interview you properly?". Interview? He had asked for job listings yet this guy wanted an interview with him.....such only meant one thing, that there was work going at the Sea Shell Inn. That was pretty amazing and pretty fortunate. Not only had he solved his bed and food issues, but also work also. Seemed the Sea Shell Inn had all his needs catered for which was pretty amazing, though to do so would mean to mix work and home together which was never a good idea, no longer considered a client but rather a colleague, but least he could start earning. Quicker he got the money he needed, quicker he could get his own place so he had some space for himself. What can he say? privacy was important.

"Sure that'll be cool", he replied, as the manager nodded, "Thank you very much sir", seeming pleased. When he first entered, it didn't seem nothing was wrong staff-wise, but obviously if he was taking staff, then they were under-staffed yet didn't show it, so they must be a pretty good bunch of people. Tyler only hoped that his little experience wouldn't ruin the interview, as well as no difficult questions to reveal where he had come from. He didn't think it would be a question, but never know, though it seemed by his tone, that he was more relieved than anything since he seemed less groggy than at the beginning, awaiting to be taken downstairs for the interview.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyler Spencer Character Portrait: Eiji Nezawa
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mashotu
Eiji Nezawa

Eiji hung up the phone and instructed for a different worked to take the front desk when he left. He spotted a boy try and get into the fish tank that was placed in the middle of the room and strutted over. "Little boy!" He called, "You can not swim there!" Of course though... He was just in time for the boy to actually fall inside. What was wrong with his hotel today! He rubbed his temples as the boy's mother came by and he fished him out of the tank.

"I am so sorry, sir!" She said.

"It's... Fine~" Eiji responded, venom dripping from his voice, "But I would prefer it if you would keep your boy under control. Those fish are actually quite hard to come by and I would prefer it if they didn't die by heart attack."
Eiji turned to they boy, "And you young man! Quite causing trouble for your mother. No one wants to handle a disobedient kid."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyler Spencer Character Portrait: Eiji Nezawa
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#, as written by S1mon

Tyler Spencer

Tyler was certainly quite surprised and relieved when the manager asked him for an interview. Such saved him a huge amount of time of writing cv's, getting references, sending them all out at various places, attending interview after interview and then the long process, long anxious process of waiting for acceptance or what people dread to think about, rejection. There was a time and place when rejection was best to be used, where rejection would of been something that would of brought Tyler peace of mind, but when opportunity knocked to be able to do something that seemed to be an impossibility, there was no hesitation. Jay must of got the idea when Tyler left him after his kiss, that he had just gone and blown his chance to make Tyler happy and that any possible relationship would not happen, but in working with his brother, Jay did manage to show Tyler his love.

The whole thing was disgraceful in Tyler's opinion, but being as weak as he was he could not stop it, though despite how he disliked him being taken advantage of, there was something inside him that did like it. Thinking about it, he didn't know why or how he came to thinking about it, so when he heard the man call "Little boy!", such distracted him and pulled him away from such thoughts, remembering now how he had reached such thoughts since Jay did not reject the chance. It wasn't exactly linked to rejection of a job application, but he hoped that whatever the manager of the Sea Shell Inn had planned was something possible that he could do and that his pay would be sufficient so he wouldn't be stuck here. Not that it was a bad place, but mixing work and home was simply not ideal and he valued peace very much, especially when he was stressed.

Just then he heard a splash as Ty looked over and saw a little boy in the tank of fish, now being pulled out by his father who apologised to the manager. It seemed from what he had witnessed thus far that the guy had his hands full, not counting the duties he was expected to perform, but in dealing with Miss Anderson earlier and now this, he could understand his aggression, "It's... Fine...But I would prefer it if you would keep your boy under control. Those fish are actually quite ahrd to come by and I would prefer it if they didn't die by heart attack...And you young man! Quit causing trouble for your mother. No one wants to handle a disobedient kid", but despite understanding, he didn't exactly agree with it.

In response, Ty walked over to him with a much more pleasant tone, "He's only being curious that's all....aren't you kid?", saying such with a warm smile to the boy, "Just not too much...okay...", seeing as too much curiosity for him had led him into this predicament in the first place, because if he did not ask too much about guys kissing other guys, Ashley would not of set that fateful day up that set off these chain of events. Tyler hoped however that there would be what is called, a siilver lining to all this and that things would get better from here on out. Such seems that it would come to pass since he had much of his boxes ticked here at the Sea Shell Inn already. After speaking to the boy, he then turned to the mother, "If I can suggest something, I suggest going to an aquarium, encourage his curiosity. It may", turning to the amanger before turning back to the mother, "cause trouble now, but later on, it develops into a worthwhile skill", as such enabled you to question things which then encouraged research and increases analytical skills. He only hoped he hadn't stepped out his place and ruined his chances by overstepping his authority. Tyler was however led by his gut, his instinct, his...curiosity....


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyler Spencer Character Portrait: Eiji Nezawa
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#, as written by Mashotu
Eiji Nezawa

Eiji watched as Tyler came up to handle the situation. He certainly was more of a people person than Eiji. The mother smiled at Tyler and thanked him for the idea. The mother took her dripping wet kid back to her room to clean him up. Eiji on the other hand, ran a hand through his hair and moved to a closet after noticing the giant puddle the boy had left. He took off his suit jack, placed it on a hook inside the closet door (it was harder to move with it on), rolled up his sleeves and grabbed a mop.

He quickly got rid of the water and placed a "Floor is Wet" sign next the the tank. He placed the mop back and looked at his poor soaking suit jacket. Pinching the brim of his nose in annoyance, he put it back on anyways. It was harder to tell that the jacket was wet vs. his equally soaking dress shirt.

Once he was fully dressed again he walked to the front desk again, making a hand motion for Tyler to follow him. He made sure the desk was being watched and went to his office. He sat behind his desk while he told Tyler to take a seat in a fluffy chair across from him. He pulled out a sheet of paper and handed it to Tyler. "Fill this out, we'll talk for a bit, and you'll most likely be hired. It may or may not look it, but I am quite understaffed."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyler Spencer Character Portrait: Eiji Nezawa
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#, as written by S1mon

Tyler Spencer

As much as he wanted a job, as much as he needed a job, if it wasn't a job he was comfortable in, nor a job where he can simply be himself, then it wasn't a job worth taking regardless of the consequences. It was such thoughts that occurred to Tyler after he left the managers' side to speak to the boy and his mother, contradictory to what the manager had already told them. However, if there was something he was compelled to do, he would do it without question. If the manager had a problem with it, then he'd soon tell him which would cause Tyler to start job-hunting as he originally planned. It was the smile on the boy's face and that of the mothers' that made it all worthwhile, so if this manager had a problem with it then so be it.

After the mother and her son left, Tyler stood back as the manager wiped the puddle up, before putting the cleaning equipment away and returning to him, motioning him to follow which he did so, before entering the office and taking a seat on the one the manager offered him before he passed him a sheet, "Fill this out, we'll talk for a bit, and you'll most likely be hired. It may or may not look it, but I am quite understaffed". It wouldn't of thought it before, he only got such an expression when the manager first asked for an interview rather than giving him job listings as he originally requested, but it soon became evident when he as a manager cleaned up rather than asking another to do it. Clearly he was multi-tasking quite a bit.

Tyler was pleased that his whole act however hadn't changed his mind and that it didn't change things or step over his line too much. As soon as he took the paper, he glanced over what was needed, before setting it down onto the table to start filling out with a pen that was nearby since he guessed he wouldn't mind. "From where I was standing, you seem to be working pretty well", he complimented as he began writing on the form since it was never good to start with a negative and nor was it in his nature to criticise. Besides, other than the start with Miss Anderson with the rare difficult customer and the fiasco with the tank, everything else seemed to be running smoothly.

However there was a growing concern which Tyler addressed him with, "I really appreciate all this, though I really don't have much experience except working in an office here and there, which is nothing compared to what goes off around here so are you sure? since I really hate messing things up", his eyes looking up from the paper to him after making him aware of the facts. No doubt the rest of the staff have had years behind them of their trade before joining, so how a guy with little experience can be as good as these guys he wasn't quite sure.

(OOC: Cyan was close to his eye color but have made a little darker so better for the eyes :))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyler Spencer Character Portrait: Eiji Nezawa
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#, as written by Mashotu
Eiji Nezawa

"I really appreciate all this, though I really don't have much experience except working in an office here and there, which is nothing compared to what goes off around here so are you sure? since I really hate messing things up." The boy said.

This only made Eiji laugh. "Are you kidding me? Did you not just see how you handled that kid and his mother? You're much more of a people person and we need that. The job wouldn't be hard. You'd either have to just sign people up for rooms, take someone's bags up to their room, clean a room or help me with the paper work. You said you worked in an office? That means you at least have patience. And you need at least some of that for this job." Eiji finished. He was sure that the boy could handle the job. He had an air about him that made Eiji want this boy at this hotel. Who knows, maybe he'd make things better somehow.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyler Spencer Character Portrait: Eiji Nezawa
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#, as written by S1mon

Tyler Spencer

Despite the genuine concern that Tyler had, it seemed that such did not bother the manager when he started laughing. Tyler disliked letting people down which was why he told him how he really hated messing things up and saying it all serious-like, the response he was expecting was not of laughter due to how he felt about, so hearing him laughter made him raise questions until the guy's words put him at ease. "Are you kidding me? Did you not just see how you handled that kid and his mother? You're much more of a people person and we need that", such a statement told him that his earlier actions was accepted because when he acted, he felt he would be stepping out of line since the manager had already spoke, but it seemed that his actions were actually admired and that he was on the right track. Perhaps this job fit him afterall, though he wouldn't always be dealing with nice kids like the kid earlier who reminded him of his younger self.

"The job wouldn't be hard" he explained, "You'd either have to just sign people up for rooms, take someone's bags up to their room, clean a room or help me with the paper work", as he told him the work involved. All of which sounded as he expected as the signing in was just like what he had done with him already with being the first port of call, Tyler was the helpful sort so taking someone's bags would be no big deal, cleaning seemed a second nature due to keeping the house tidy before the day everything changed as well as in the office, the paper work would probably be the hardest part which depended on what the paper work was, though he did say help him so he wouldn't be alone in that.

"You said you worked in an office? That means you at least have patience. And you need at least some of that for this job", the manager finished, all of which had helped Tyler a whole lot better about taking the job. It could of been alot worse, as he could of been asked to do the gardening which he was not so good at, or cooking. Cooking was nice but to make big portions to serve everyone and deal with difficult customers who may not like the way he cooked which he was passionate about, he was glad he wasn't getting himself into that, as that would certainly test his patience.

Feeling better, Tyler continued writing on the form as he filled in what was required before asking, "Other than the duties you've mentioned, each room has a bell where customers can ask for something so what sort of jobs are involved there, is that just generally questions or fetching things I'm guessing", and seeing that his employment here seemed to be a solid yes already, he then added, "Seeing as you'd be my boss, I mightswell introduce myself. My name's Tyler, Tyler Spencer", holding his hand out to him. He probably already knew his name from the signing in card but still, it was polite and would give the manager a chance to give his name.

With introductions finished, Tyler handed him back his form though he hoped such wouldn't raise any questions, especially since he put his address as the Sea Shell Inn which would raise questions if he put himself in the managers' shoes as it would show his stay may be more on a permanent basis rather than a holiday, though he could argue that he'd prefer his things going to where he is staying rather than his home which he is not at. Either way, he was pleased that things were finally getting on track, sure he was curious how much his work was an hour but money was money and had to be minimum wage or above, it was a great start anyhow.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyler Spencer Character Portrait: Eiji Nezawa
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#, as written by Mashotu
Eiji Nezawa

"Other than the duties you've mentioned, each room has a bell where customers can ask for something so what sort of jobs are involved there, is that just generally questions or fetching things I'm guessing. Seeing as you'd be my boss, I mightswell introduce myself. My name's Tyler, Tyler Spencer." Tyler stated.

Eiji took Tyler's and and gave it a firm shake. "You'd get the order and most likely have a bell-boy answer the call." Eiji said, figuring he might as well introduce himself as well. "I am Eiji Nezawa. I am the owner of the Seashell Inn. I am happy to have you on board."

Eiji looked at the resume to make sure everything was fine. He made note of how Tyler decided to live at the inn. This didn't bother him. Many of his workers lived in the hotel. He wrote a number on a piece of paper. It was only a few dollars above minimum wage, but it'd have to do. "Would this work?" He asked.