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Camilla Lewis

I swear I'm the hulk, just without the whole turning green thing.

0 · 2,030 views · located in Aeaea, Greece

a character in “In Demigods We Trust”, as played by Miyer


[url]Song[/url] ✧ [url]Song[/url] ✦ [url]Song[/url] ✧ [url]Song[/url] ✦ [url]Song[/url] ✧ [url]Song[/url]
{"Life's not about how hard of a hit you can give... It's about how many you can take, and still keep moving forward."}
- Sylvester Stallone

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| N A M E |
Camilla Lewis

| N I C K N A M E |
Cami | Cam | Bitch

| A G E |

| B I R T H D A T E |
31st March; Aries

| P A R E N T |

| E T H N I C I T Y |
50% American, 50% Greek

| S E X U A L I T Y |

{"Just cause I have a pretty face, doesn't mean I can't beat you."}

| H E I G H T |

| W E I G H T |

| E Y E C O L O R |
Emerald Green

| H A I R C O L O R |
Cam has layer, corn blonde hair which falls to her mid back.

| O D D I T I E S |
Accent: Cam has a strong Boston accent, which she mixes with Grecian dialect.
Scars: Cam has a knife slash scar from below her left breast to her belly button.

| C L O T H I N G S T Y L E |
Cam prefers to wear cloths which offer maximum mobility for movement, and this often means no leather or tight jeans. Cam can often be seen wearing shorts or leggings, followed by tight shirts and combat boots/converses.

{"I'd rather be hated for who I am, then loved for who I am not."}
- Jory Hancock

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| P E R S O N A L I T Y |
✦ Passionate ✧ Stubborn ✦ Independent ✧ Loyal ✦

Cam got a lot of her father when it comes to her personality, and in all honesty, she hates that. Being the daughter of Ares it is no surprise that she was born with a quick temper and a tendency for aggression, which is only aggravated by the fact Cam is a natural introvert. People tend to annoy her, which angers her, which results in her hitting them. So instead of dealing with that, she just prefers to avoid people in general. The only real interaction Cam has had with other people is her step-father, who is a rude and violent man, It is really no wonder that Cam herself falls into this inappropriate behaviours, such as cussing in public, when she has never really had an outside source from which to learn society’s rules.

Another trait that comes with the Ares package was her impulsive and reckless behaviour. Cam has a tendency to react on instinct, especially when she is angry, not thinking about the possible consequences of her actions. This has resulted in her getting into serious trouble on more than one occasion, and will probably continue to do so well into the future.

However, it wasn’t all bad traits from her father. Cam also got her father’s passion, which is often overlocked as negative because Ares had the passion for war and bloodshed, but it is passion all the same. For Cam, this passion has gone into many different aspects of her life, encouraging to stand up for her beliefs and morals.

On the other end of the spectrum, Cam got her mother’s courage, loyalty and stubbornness. Unlike her father, Cam is not a fearless being, she has fear but she is able to overcome it in order to do what needs to be done, just like her mother did. Now throw in loyalty and stubbornness and you can see where the issue arises. Like her mother, Cam feels incredible loyalty to those who have earned it, and she is willing to die for them, and pair that the persistence that has forced her durability skills to develop in order to stop her from killing herself, it all tends to end with Cam being the person you will always want on your side in life.

Finally, Cam is a very independent and resourceful women who relies on nobody but herself to get the job done. This is due to the fact that after her mother died, she was left alone with her bum of a step-father and she was expected to survive, having to feed herself, cloth herself, and more often than not, take care of the bills for the house. It is not very surprising that Cam battles to trust people with tasks when she has always had to do everything alone.

{"The most intriguing people you will encounter in this life are the people who had insights about you, that you didn't know about yourself."}
- Shannon L Adler

| P O W E R S |
✦SUPER STRENGTH - Cam's strength probably her strongest ability, followed only by her durability. She has gotten to the point where she can best most demi-gods in a battle of strength.

✧DURABILITY - Cam's durability was probably helped along by her stubborness. The girl is unable to lay down even after she has been beaten, and will continue to get up. Her Durability skill improved in response in order to stop her from dying.

✦WEAPON MANIFESTATION - Cam is shit at Weapon Manifestation, absolutely horrid. This is mainly due to the fact that she predominately fights with her fists and isn't trained with many weapons so she sees little use for this ability right now and therefore ignores it in favour of strengthening her other abilities.

| S T R E N G T H S |
✦KICK BOXING - Cam's favourite form of combat.

✧LOYALTY - When you have Cam's loyalty, she will have your back forever.

✦REFLEXES - Cam has trained her reflexes to become lightning quick.

✧RESOURCEFUL - Surprisingly, Cam can get shit done and doesn't rely on others.

✦COURAGE - Cam isn't fearless, but she is able to do something even if it terrifies her.

| W E A K N E S S E S |
✦TEMPER - Cam has a quick temper, and when she get's angry, she gets aggressive.

✧IMPULSIVE - Cam as a tendency to act on instinct, without thought into the consequences.

✦PERSISTENT - Cam takes persistence to the extreme and would be dead if not for her durability.

✧LONER - Cam prefers to avoid people cause they tend to piss her off and then she hits them.

✦RUDE - Cam is quite fluent in the use of curse words and rude language, often at inappropriate moments.

{"Anything that gets your blood racing is probably worth doing."}
- Hunter S Thompson

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| H O B B I E S |
✦KICK BOXING - "I love fighting, I'm not going to deny it, and kickboxing is one of the fighting styles I love."
✧MECHANICS - "If there was one thing that Steve did right, it was teaching me Mechanics. It's oddly relaxing."
✦READING - "Reading tends to be the one thing that calms me down, instead of just punching people that is."

| H A B I T S |
✧LIP BITING - "Apparently I bite my lip when I'm concentrating, I didn't even know until my friend pointed it out."
✦CURSING - "A dirty habit I know, but I just don't realise I'm doing it most of the time."
✧HAIR - "I tend to run my hands through my hair when I'm nervous."

| L I K E S |
✦CARS - I guess I have Steve to thank for that. Whether its tinkering with them or driving them, I love it.
✧LOYALTY - Loyalty is a big thing for me, the same way it was for my mother...
✦FIGHTING - Ares daughter, What I surprise right? But that's not it, fighting is a dance, it's beautiful.
✧QUIET - Noise tends to aggravate me, so I prefer the quiet.
✦CHILDREN - Children are innocent, without judgement and whose only concern if fun.

| D I S L I K E S |
✦FIGHTING - A pre-planned fight is one thing, but hitting someone because I can't control my anger is another.
✧PEOPLE - Don't get me wrong, it's not that I dislike people, it's more I'm scared I'll hurt them if I get angry...
✦SNOBS - "I grew up in a bad neighbourhood, and I hate the shits who think that makes them better then me."
✧ARES - He broke my mom's heart when he fucked off, and I will never forgive him for that.
✦BEING WEAK - This should be self-explanatory, I hate being helpless. End of.

| G O A L S |
✧LEARNING SELF-CONTROL - "I'm sick of my anger ruling my life."
✦BECOME A MOTHER - "My mother always said that I was the one good thing in her life."
✧TRAVEL - "I have been trapped on this island for a long time, I just want to be free."

| F E A R S |
✦HURTING SOMEONE - "Believe it or not, I don't actually enjoy hurting people. I don't fight to cause pain."
✧BEING TRAPPED - "I hate feeling trapped, it's why I learnt to drive early and want to escape this island."
✦DEATH - "Don't we all fear death..."

{"Don't judge a book by it's cover."}
- George Elliot

| B I R T H P L A C E |
Boston, Massachusetts.

| H I S T O R Y |
Cam's mother was a young women when she first met Ares, and though originally they were simply fuck-buddies, Michelle started to form feelings for Ares. Over the years, Ares would come and go, each time returning to 'make love' to her as she liked to think. One day, when she was 27, Michelle found out she was pregnant with Cam. On Ares next visit, Michelle was 5 months pregnant and told him about her pregnancy. He never visited her again after that.

When Cam was born, Michelle was still working at a local bar owned by a family friend. It was a nice job but didn't pay well enough to feed both Michelle and her new born baby. It became clear that she would need a new job, however after 6 months of hunting she still found herself working at the same old bar. That was when Steve walked back into her life, an old flame she knew in high school. Surprisingly, he was alright with the fact that Michelle was pregnant, and offered her his home. A year later, Michelle and Steve were married. 7 years after that, Michelle committed suicide.

Cam was 8 years old when her mother died, and she blamed it all on her wayward father. Up until that point, Cam had lived a happy life with her mother and Steve, being a very outgoing and social child at school. But after the death, Steve changed, without Michelle there to temper him anymore, he became lazy and violent, falling into depression. Cam was left with the responsibility of looking after herself despite having just gone though the same tragedy as her step-father.

When Cam turned 15, that was when Ares walked back into her life. He came, claiming he was here to take her to a school for demi-gods. At first Cam refused, and held deadfast in her refusal. It was only after the incident with Steve that she finally relented and went to the Academy to join her father other children, and the children of the other Greek gods.

A little over a month after Are's had come back, Steve had become more and more violent, taking his anger out on Cam. He had not hit her yet, but he yelled and screamed like he had never done before, and Cam simply took it. But one day, upon returning home she found Steve having sex with another women, right in the middle of the living room and Cam snapped. She threw the women out the house and got into a massive argument with Steve, which ended with him punching her in the face, twice. After that, she left, never looking back as she went to join this Demigods academy.

| F A M I L Y T I E S |
Michelle Lewis | Mother | FC: Jennifer Aniston | Deceased
"My mother was a good women, kind and loyal, courageous and stubborn, and one of the few good things in my life. Once she passed away I was left with Steve and then passed on to Ares... My mother had really shit taste in men."

Steven Lewis | Step-Father | FC: Todd Farmer | Alive
"Steve was an alright bloke, sure he was lazy, violent and rude but he had his moments when he at least pretended to be a dad. Though after that night... Well I can never really look at Steve the same after that..."

Ares | Father | FC: Danny Trejo | Alive
"Don't even get me started on that man. If there is one person on this earth that can get my blood boiling in seconds, it is him. My mother loved him, and he left her. I still blame him for my mom's death."

{"We are all puppets. Someone is pulling our strings, and making us dance."}


| F C |

Amber Heard

| C O L O R |

| P R O T R A Y E D B Y |

So begins...

Camilla Lewis's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Duke Loycen Character Portrait: Alejandra Rivera Character Portrait: Reagan Davenport Character Portrait: Miles Greyson Character Portrait: Talia Grigori Character Portrait: Camilla Lewis
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0.00 INK

#, as written by CutUp
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Blood On My Name
The tower stands as tall as any man made construct, it looms over the island of Aeaea, keeping a watchful eye over the island, and standing as a reminder of the Gods presence to the Demigods that take residence on it's shores, and within it's walls no mortal, human or otherwise, has stepped foot inside of it. At the top of the tower, in it's highest inner sanctum rests the Chamber of Council, a meeting place for the Gods to discuss the state of affairs, and other topics that they deem worthy of their time.

In the Chamber of Council, on the first day of the fall semester for the academy, and the day where most of it's students are returning from summer break, on this day Zeus has called forth a meeting. The inside of the chamber is a large, open clear sky with no sighs of a door, or any sighs that it is in fact a room. "I have gathered you all here today to discuss a disturbing vision Apollo has had. Apollo if you will." Zeus stated, his voice being thunderous, and commanding, as one would expect the king of the Gods to sound.

"Right, thank you for such a stellar introduction." Apollo smirked, but was responded by an annoyed groan by Zeus before he returned to the topic at hand. "Well lads, and lasses, I've recently had a vision that I feel like I should share with the group. You know, as the humans say sharing is caring." "Get to the point idiota!" Ares snarled at him, which was followed by a chuckle by Hermes. Zeus shoot a quick glare at both of them that caused them to shut right up. "Anyways, my vision is about the academy, and I believe that it will come to pass soon."

"I saw blood, a river of it. An invasion of Minotaurs, and iron birds. The sky shattering to pieces, and the tower here crumbling."
Apollo explained. "What bothers me the most is that it was.....hazy, unclear. It reminded me...." Before Apollo finished his sentence he looked over at Zeus, as if asking him permission to go forward. Zeus gave him a nod to proceed. "It reminds me of the fall of' jumbled, and foggy as it was. It was too late when I got my vision about Olympus, I fear it might be too late for Aeaea."

"Minotaurs? That's impossible! They were killed off, me and Artemis made sure of that." Ares stated as he pointed over to Artemis, who merely grunted in agreeance. "And as always Ares you entirely missed the point." Athena chimed in. "This is troublesome. This is obviously related. The question is how. How can these events be related if they are millennia apart?" Athena pondered as she rubbed her chin. "I have been saying it for decades, we need to shore up our defenses! Increase patrols, personal, better weaponry, and equipment!" Ares stated. "If it was up to you dear brother this entire island would become a military compound rather than a place of learning."

"And would that be a bad thing? What are we preparing them for if not to fight in our name?" Artemis chimed in. "War is not something that a civilized people work towards." Athena stated in her ever present cold manner. "Pfft, war is the law of nature. Survival of the fittest, the weak will be rooted out in it's embrace." Ares growled. Before another word could be said shadows suddenly appeared within the center of the room, forming into a doorway that Hades stepped out of.

"Well I hope I didn't miss anything too interesting." Hades said as he took off his red tinted sunglasses, and placed it in his overcoat's pocket. "Nice of you to finally join us brother." Poseidon said in an annoyed tone. "Well you know me little brother, always have to make an entrance." He smirked. "We were discussing a vision I had, about the destruction of the academy, and the island." Apollo stated, bringing him up to speed. "Oh, well that does sound like it may be a problem. Let me know how it turns out for you. I have my own dealings to take care of, the Underworld doesn't run itself you know."

"We must prepare ourselves. Ares, you are correct, we must shore up our defenses. You are also correct Athena, we can not turn this island into a military base, we must not tip off those that work against us that we know something." Zeus ordered as he finally spoke again after taking in everything. "Ares, Hephaestus you two will enhance our defenses, and prepare our security forces for anything that may happen. Artemis, Athena I want you two to help Apollo make sense of his visions. As for the rest of you it shall be business as usual. Keep a watchful eye out for anything that may be out of the ordinary. That is all, you are dismissed."


✧ Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of These) ✦ Clothing: Shirtless with Pajamas Bottoms ✧
"Boom! There goes your head!" "No fair, you always know where the rocket launchers spawn! Cheater!" "I'm sorry you suck so bad." This type of talk went on between a young Jensen, and his little brother Nolan as they played a video game. "So where do you want to lose at next? Beaver Creek?" Jensen then looked over at his brother. Nolan was leaning against the wall in the far back, with a large chunk of his shirt burnt off, and a large burn on his chest. Jensen, on instinct, rushed to his brother's side, who was shaking, and gasping for air.

"Nolan!" Jensen shouted as he got over to his brother. He lightly slapped Nolan on his face, and tried shaking him to wake him up. Then Nolan just completely turned into ash. Jensen stood there in shock as the remains of his brother slipped through his fingers. The surroundings then changed around Jensen, now being in a cemetery, and standing over a grave marked with Nolan's name. Jensen looked down, and at the other graves lined up in the row. The names were familiar. Amanda Cartwright, Isaac Herbert, Grayson Foster, Keo Kealoha, Kai Kealoha, and the list goes on. All people he goes to school with.

Jensen stared at the names, especially Amanda's as he began hyperventilating. Panic then began to set in as he stepped away from the graves. Jensen bumped into something, stopping him from moving backwards. He turned around to see it was Zeus towering over him. "It's only a matter of time Jensen. It's only a matter of time before you destroy everything." Zeus said as he pushed Jensen forward. "Like....You....Always....Do." Zeus said as he poked Jensen in the chest with each word. Jensen then fell back into a open grave, seemingly falling for miles.

Jensen's eyes shot open as he awoke in his bed. He ran his hand down his face, and looked over beside him to see Amanda still asleep. Jensen looked over at his clock on his nightstand, it was nearly seven o'clock now. Jensen sat up as slowly as he could, and got out of bed, trying not to wake Amanda up. He knelled down, and pulled out a suitcase underneath his bed, and opened it up, taking out a couple boxes from it. Presents he got for Amanda during his summer break. Though they were all but boyfriend and girlfriend, just not officially. Jensen likes his privacy, and so they're on the down low, though he's pretty sure most, if not all of the students at the know they are seeing each other.

Jensen looked over at Amanda, and let out a sigh. 'What am I doing?' He wondered to himself as he watched her. Jensen laid down next to Amanda, and wrapped his arm around her, and began kissing her below her ear, and down her neck. "Hey, time to get up." He said, trying to give her as pleasant a wake up call as possible. He placed his hand on her chin, and gently pushed her to face him, and then he passionately kissed her on the lips.

"Oh! I didn't have the time to tell you this last night, but I got you a little something over the break. Well a couple of little things." He said as he placed the boxes he took from his suitcase, and placed them on the bed. He opened them up, one contained a first edition Outlander novel, another had four multi color seashells, and then a smaller box that contained seashell necklace. "Didn't know if you had the book or not, I know you like those romance novels so I got it for you. And I know how much you like shells, so....uh there you go. Hope you like them, not much of a gift giver."

Jensen's phone then made a noise, signaling that he got a text message. Jensen leaned over, and grabbed his phone to read the message.

{From: Thomas Elliot}
{Club meeting at the usual spot. Now.}

Jensen sighed as he closed out of his messages.


✦ Madness In Me ✧ Clothing: Long Sleeved Shirt, Torn Jeans ✦
Isaac's head bobbed up and down as he listened to his music blasting loudly as he worked on a circuit board. He worked on the circuit board with a pair of goggles pushed down on his face to protect his eyes from sparks that would fly off from the circuit. He was in his secret lab where he works on his more sensitive projects. Behind him stood several tall figures each covered with a sheet.

Isaac then heard his phone going off, signaling that he got a text. He sighed as he laid his tools down, and calmly lifted his goggles up to rest on his forehead. Isaac flicked his wrist to bring up his text messages. Though to anyone seeing him, if there was anyone around to see him he'd just look like he was spazing out.

{From: Thomas Elliot}
{Time for a club meeting. Coming to you. The Thunderer will be along shortly.}

Isaac rolled his rolled. The Thunderer, Jensen. Ugh. How he ever got stuck with working with that idiot was beyond him. Though he did have his uses. He was useful as a power source when he needed a lot of energy, and he couldn't very well plug into any old outlet. And Jensen was also rather strong, almost abnormally strong for a Demigod of Zeus. But still, being the only person that he could really work with was rather bothersome.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Camilla Lewis
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Miyer

Cam groaned loudly as a sudden explosion of irritating bleeps woke her from her dreamless sleep. Rolling over, she glanced at the glaring red numbers, informing her that it was time to get her ass out of bed if she wanted to get in some early morning practice. Slamming down her hand onto the electric clock, she winced as the alarm clock went silent and the screen cracked.

"... Crap... That is the third clock this month...", Cam sighed to herself quietly before struggling her way out of her covers and crawling across the floor towards her window, pulling the thick curtains back to let in the early morning sun light. Her eyes scrunched up at the sudden light which filtered into the room. Glancing out onto the school campus, Cam could feel the slow dread starting to rise as she realised that the other demi-gods would be coming back from break.

Unsurprisingly, Cam hadn't returned home for break, and though she had left the island for a time and had gone back packing through Italy, she had returned within a few weeks. It had been nice, being one of the few people occupying the school as it had meant she hadn't really had to interact with anyone on a daily bases, and had spent most of her days either in her room reading for hours on end or practising and strengthening her skills.

"Well, I guess it's back to work...", Cam turned her attention away from the window and looked towards her shared room. Moving towards her wardrobe, she grabbed out her usual shorts, running shoes and tank top as the day promised to be a hot day. Tying her hair up into a messy, blond bun, Cam made her way out of the room without a backwards glance.

After making her way out onto the quad, she took a deep breath, closing her eyes as she simply took in the sound of the wind blowing through the trees, the sound of birds singing in the morning and absorbing the feeling of the sun against her skin. Upon opening her eyes, she began to run.

Following her usual route, Cam followed the route down to the main town street, before going down to the beach and then returning along one of the country paths towards the school. It was a 1 mile route, which dropped her off right in front of the school gymnasium, where she then suited up for her usual kick-boxing practice. It was always difficult to practice fighting on her own, but it wasn't exactly an unusual situation so Cam had found a way to deal with it.

Entering the cool Gym, Cam made her way towards the back room and pulled on a set of boxing gloves before making her way towards on of the smaller back rooms off of the main gym hall, where there were fighting mannequins set up. As Cam got into her regular routine of punch and kicks, she couldn't help but wonder what school would be like this year. If it would simply be a repeat of last year, spent training and avoiding people, or if she would actually spent time with others. It always was a lonely existence, choosing to isolate yourself from others, but then again, Cam never minded the silence and if it meant that no one would get hurt then she didn't mind being alone.