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Dimitri Midnight

Big hearts make big people.

0 · 909 views · located in Aeaea, Greece

a character in “In Demigods We Trust”, as played by Metaloneus


Arsonist’s LullabyeLead Me HomeThe KingI SurviveOats In The WaterNew Divide
{"He who says he can and he who says he can’t are both usually right."}

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| Dimitri Midnight |

| N I C K N A M E |
None, as of yet.
| A G E |
| G E N D E R |
| P A R E N T |
| B I R T H D A T E |
February Twenty-Sixth, Pisces

| E T H N I C I T Y |
| S E X U A L I T Y |

In The Mirror
{"Semper Fidelis." - “Always Faithful.”}
-Motto of the Marine Corps

| H E I G H T |
Five feet, ten inches
| W E I G H T |
170 Pounds
| E Y E C O L O R |
| H A I R C O L O R |
| A P P E A R A N C E |
Dimitri is relatively average, in appearance, for a person his age. The majority of his muscle mass isn’t visibly apparent, but he still is capable of physical feats. His height is somewhat tall, assuming he’ll grow another inch or two in his lifetime. His hair is generally somewhat unkempt, though it’s always cut enough so that it isn’t a hindrance to him. Dimitri, not so uncommon for his age, also grows facial hair. While sentimental to him, he’ll often keep it trimmed down.

Dimitri’s style of clothing in particular is function over fashion. Having grown up in such a small and more old community, it wasn’t common for anyone to dress to accomodate fashion. Dimitri prefers clothing that is comfortable to him, generally preferring jeans, t-shirts, flannel shirts, boots, and jackets. While he’s never in particular worn formal clothing, it’s nothing he’s against. Things like popular fashion and pajamas are practically unheard of by Dimitri.
| O D D I T I E S |
Dimitri has a noticeable southern accent, originated from his adopted parents.

Beneath The Surface
{"You have to be ready, right now. Luck runs out."}
-Rick Grimes

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| P E R S O N A L I T Y |
✦ Naive ✧ Faithful ✦ Trusting ✧ Benevolent ✦

There is nothing average about Dimitri’s personality, whether it be compared to an average teenager or the typical demigod. Dimitri spent the entirety of his youth around primarily adults, which quickly forced his personality to adapt into a more adult-like personality, despite such a young age. Because of this, Dimitri takes on a large role of caring, leadership, and overall responsibility. These traits, to him, are important in being a good part of society as a whole.

Dimitri is honest, sometimes to a fault. The demigod finds it impossible to lie, even when it’s important for him to do so. Related to his honest, Dimitri trusts very easily. If he doesn’t have a reason to believe anything is wrong, he’ll trust another person, even if they’re a stranger. Dimitri is very naive in some aspects, carrying a belief that there is good in all people. This is in part of his lack of experience in dealing with malevolent people.

Dimitri carries dedication, and is a very hard worker. When his mind is set to a goal, he works relentlessly towards it. When it comes to confidence, Dimitri carries no shortage of it. Dimitri’s conviction and beliefs are firm, but not unshakable. With an open mind, Dimitri always carries a risk that something will prove his beliefs wrong, and send them crashing down.

Dimitri is a rapid learner, and loves to learn anything new that he can. While he’s a much better learner hands-on, he picks things up very quickly, though tends to stick to his roots. The demigod is polite, in the most casual sense, staying true to how his adopted parents raised him.

What Makes Me Special
{"You will either step forward into greatness or you will step backwards into safety."}
-Abraham Maslow

| P O W E R S |
✦Aquakinesis - Dimitri has never found anything he is more naturally talented at than aquakinesis and cryokinesis. Dimitri’s ability to make water obey his will is superb, especially when it comes to healing himself and others using it.
✧Seismic Generation - Dimitri is hesitant to train with his earth-related power. While he’s generally emotionally stable, he’s aware that the stronger he gets with seismic generation, the worse it could be if he ever becomes distraught. He’s yet to do much training in this field, though has been known to make tiny vibration for work purposes.
✦Animal Communication - Dimitri is able to communicate fluently with equine species and most aqua-marine life as well. Some life in the sea he still has some trouble communicating with. When it comes to animals, he hasn’t even began attempting to make them obey his will, as it isn’t something he believes in.
| S T R E N G T H S |
✦Gifted With Powers - Dimitri suffers from his lack of combat experience and natural weapons ken. He at least begins to make up for this with his talent for his powers, mostly his gifted nature with his hydrokinesis.
✧Benevolence - Due to his history, Dimitri carries all sorts of traits that, while double as weaknesses, leave him to be a very likeable person.
✦Relentless Conviction - Dimitri works extremely hard, physically and mentally, to achieve what is in his heart. He doesn’t hinder or doubt when he’s in the heat of the moment.
✧Fast Learner - Dimitri picks up on things, very quickly, especially when he’s being taught directly. He learns best when he’s being taught hands on.
✦Natural Leader - To his surprise, Dimitri finds himself comfortable when he’s put in charge of other people. Even without training, Dimitri has found that he’s a natural-born leader.
| W E A K N E S S E S |
✦Inexperienced Combatant - In his youth, Dimitri gained strength, but he never had a reason to practice any form of combat. While he’s a fast learner, mastering combat comes with experience.
✧Lack Of Guile - Dimitri doesn’t have much guile. He’s unable to be secretive or lie, even if the situation is important. Hiding and masking things, physically and mentally, is a challenge for him as well.
✦Naive To A Fault - Naive explains very much about his general actions. He’s never had to deal with genuine bad people, and because of this, he believes there’s good in everyone. His innocence can weigh down on him very much.
✧Selflessness - Dimitri always needs to do what’s right. He doesn’t have it in him to act on his own desires, especially when it hurts other people. Dimitri is always looking out for other people.
✦Stubborn - Although Dimitri has nothing but the highest respect for other people, especially those in charge of him, he can often be very stubborn. This usually only shows up if something is attempting to make him go against what he stands for.
✧Sentiment - Dimitri grows attachment very easily, and holds onto it. He would die for his loved ones, no questions asked. This sentiment can spread to others, and leads him to be very vulnerable in some senses.

What You Should Know
{"The world is the great gymnasium where we come to make ourselves strong."}
-Swami Vivekananda

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| H O B B I E S |
✦Farming - “Anythin’ that reminds me of home, crop or animal.”
✧Practice - Dimitri in particular likes to practice his hydrokinesis, though will practice anything else he feels he needs in his free time.
✦Taking Walks - Whether it’s an area of new exploration or a place he’s seen a thousand times, Dimitri admires architecture and nature, and loves to walk through both.
| H A B I T S |
✧Rubbing Temples - Whether he’s getting emotional, just waking up, or becoming tired, it isn’t uncommon to notice Dimitri rubbing his temples.
✦Shrugging - While extremely rare for Dimitri to just shrug without verbal indication as well, he’ll commonly shrug his shoulders if he’s unsure in a situation.
✧Narrowing Eyes - Generally if there is an issue, confrontation, or conflict, Dimitri’s eyes will narrow towards the person responsible.
| L I K E S |
✦Nature - Dimitri enjoys all things of nature, from wildlife to soil to the vegetation that grows in it.
✧Friends - While Dimitri enjoys the company of people in general, his friends grow on him fast, and he immensely enjoys the time he gets to spend with them.
✦Animals - Dimitri loves animals of all types, though more so when they’re domestic. Having grown up around so many animals, Dimitri has good animal ken.
✧Working - Dimitri enjoys fulfilment, especially in physical terms. He never turns down the opportunity to do something that will benefit others, sometimes he finds himself happy when he’s busy.
✦The Sun - While he’s not a child of Apollo, Dimitri grew up with the knowledge that humanity virtually depended on the sun to survive. He has a much higher respect for the sun than the moon.
| D I S L I K E S |
✦The Gods - To Dimitri, the gods are not good figures. Many of them act out of selfishness, and he doesn’t have any love for any of them.
✧Rudeness - Dimitri doesn’t like people who are rude for the sake of fun. If he suspects someone is acting rude due to stress or other distinguishing circumstances, it doesn’t bother him.
✦Pollution - While Dimitri loves modern architecture, he’s not fond of the pollution many modern cities have.
✧Lies - Tied to his inability to lie to others, Dimitri finds a great level of negativity if he finds out someone is lying to him, or anyone else.
✦Homesickness - If homesickness was a real ailment, Dimitri would have a chronic case of it. He hates the feeling of being away from home constantly.
| G O A L S |
✦Do Good - Dimitri has a deep desire to do good and leave a positive impact on those that he meets.
✧Master His Powers - While Dimitri isn’t too fond of being a demigod, he feels that it’s his responsibility to master his powers, to ensure he’s under full control of them.
✦Travel - Dimitri suffers from homesickness, but it doesn’t change that he also has a desire to see some of what the world has to offer.
| F E A R S |
✧Death Of A Loved One - Dimitri couldn’t bare to see someone he loves die. Especially his parents, it’s something that would haunt him like an eternal hell.
✦Losing His Way - The brutality that Greek mythology holds concerns Dimitri in many lights. He fears that if he does what he has to in order to survive, he might betray his code.
✧Unhappy Ending - Very very few demigod ever had a happy ending in mythology. Most of them died in very cruel ways.

Skeletons In The Closet
{"The secret of getting ahead is getting started."}
-Mark Twain

| B I R T H P L A C E |
Atlantic Ocean, Unknown Sail Ship
| H I S T O R Y |
Dimitri was born on a ship in the atlantic ocean, carried by a woman with a true love for the sea. This woman, Robin Howard, had been at sea for many months with her boyfriend, who she had no idea, was actually Poseidon. The god was there for the birth of his child, though only for a few short months after. Once the couple reached shore once more, Poseidon took off. It wasn’t long until Dimitri’s birth mother gave him away. She didn’t feel responsible or confident enough to raise a child on her own.

Dimitri was given to people her mother knew, but from there, he continued to be handed off until he ended up on a little small community in South Carolina, under two adopted parents.

Dimitri grew up in the tiny community, living on a farm that his parents owned. His bond with them became the strongest he could have ever imagined. Dimitri was instilled with many values that most children weren’t. As far back as he can remember, he was adult-like.

Dimitri helped out with farm chores daily, always enthusiastic to help his parents and spend time with them and the farm animals. He lived a repetitive life, though has many memorable holidays and moments that he cherishes. Having very few children in the community, Dimitri’s best friends consisted of mostly his parents and farm animals, most notably, his favorite horse, Starr. He grew up learning to respect everyone in the community, as most of them had many years on him.

Dimitri’s household was a Christian one, and he adopted the religion out of choice. He learned a large deal of faith in it, and for a long time, regularly attended church with his parents. All of that changed one day when he was gathering water from a lake. His father called to him, and with one rapid turn around, a splash of water bursted from the water. Dimitri could feel the strain in him, and suddenly, he was sure it was him.

Only a single day later, a true rarity happened, a letter addressed to Dimitri arrived. Dimitri, having reached the phase at 16, much older than most demigods, was invited to attend the academy for demigods in Greece. Dimitri didn’t want to go in the slightest, but his parents convinced him it was what was best. He spent a few months there getting catch-up lessons before being able to return home for summer break.
| F A M I L Y T I E S |
Aaron Midnight - Dimitri’s adopted father, he’s in his late fifties, though remains active around the farm without fail. With older features and grey hair, the man has an ethic that he has given to Dimitri. Dimitri respects him more than anyone else in the world, and considers him his one true dad.
Theresa Midnight - Dimitri’s adopted mother, she’s in her mid fifties, though has the energy of someone in their twenties. Her hair remains blonde, even though she doesn’t dye it. She has a sense of joy and livelihood that Dimitri is extremely fond of.
Starr - Dimitri’s horse, when he was a kid she was a newborn foal. He commonly looked out for her, and he spent a lot of time with her. They became best friends, and Dimitri misses her very commonly.

Behind The Scenes
{"Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can."}
-Arthur Ashe

| F C |
Landon Liboiron
| C O L O R |

| P R O T R A Y E D B Y |

So begins...

Dimitri Midnight's Story


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Character Portrait: Dominika Orlov Character Portrait: Dimitri Midnight
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"This is the worst." Dimitri admitted, he could already feel the sensation of homesickness settling in. The entirety of his life rested in the acres he was now standing at the edge of. He'd only ever left to see this school one other time, and now he was going to spend what would feel like an eternity there. Dimitri sighed, the comfort of home was something he cherished deeply. He wasn't afraid of the academy, or even worried or nervous, but his homesickness made up for the other standard bitter feelings most people would be feeling in his shoes.

"I realize you ain't too happy about havin' t'go." Aaron, Dimitri's father, said. His accent was as thick and southern as they came. "But'cha gotta know we're only doin' this for you 'cause it's what's best." Aaron remarked. All it warranted from his adopted son was an uncertain shrug, which was unusual for Dimitri. Dimitri hugged his dad, tightly. He was going to miss everything about the farm, even the hot, beating sun. A lot of emotions surged through Dimitri, and not many moments later, he could begin to feel the earth shaking slightly underneath him.

A jolt of panic caused the demigod to break the hug, and gather himself. The earth promptly stopped shaking, despite how slight it was. "Y'know, I hear that happens a lot in San Francisco." Dimitri's mother, Theresa, chimed in. "Maybe you just have a bunch'a unstable brothers and sisters going to school there?" His mother teased, bringing a small smile to the son of Poseidon.


The goodbyes didn't get any easier, especially when it came to his horse, Starr, who had actively been his best friend his entire life. Despite all of the woes of saying goodbye to home, it wasn't long until a sense of wonder began to distract Dimitri. He had left home so few times that anything outside the small farmer's community was foreign to him. The ride to the airport alone was enough to have Dimitri spotting tall buildings and structures and fields and forests. Let alone the airplane itself, he'd only been on an airplane two times prior.

The flight was boring for most of the passengers, but Dimitri couldn't keep his head away from the window. Even though a good portion of the flight was simply ocean, it was still a world of wonders for Dimitri. It was the exact same route he had flown his last two flights, but it was still incredible. The sense of wonder and exploration in him didn't stop upon arrival. He'd been to the academy before, but his housing situation was temporary and away from other students. The short time he had been there was full of testing, whether it was physical testing, aptitude testing, or the testing of has magical powers. Despite having been here before, it felt like the first time again.


When Dimitri made it to his assigned dorm, he checked the few rooms, having knocked, which was a foreign thing to him still. No one was around, so Dimitri left his bag in the main room. It took him a few minutes of standing in the middle of the room and glancing at everything to get passed how surreal it all was. He had no clue what an apartment even looked like, so grasping that this was home for now was strange to the son of Poseidon. When he was done taking in the breath of new home, and attempting to exhale the abundance of homesickness, Dimitri searched for a pen and paper. He wrote a quick note to his roommate, who he didn't know next to anything about.

Take whichever room you want,
looking forward to meeting you.
- Dimitr

Dimitri left the note in a conspicuous spot, near his bag, so that his roommate would see it. Having taken care of that, Dimitri decided he was eager to freely explore the academy, while he had some time.


The architecture of the building was amazing to Dimitri, not that he actually knew the first thing about architecture. Dimitri passed a lot of people, many in small groups, a few alone, and then there were large groups. He hadn't ever seen so many people around his age in one place, it was odd for him. It didn't stop him from saying greetings to many of them, but the feeling of it all was still strange.

Dimitri was still picking up on the sheer size of the academy. From the inside, he was beginning to understand that navigation wasn't simple. The layout wasn't simple, and on occasion, he'd hit certain halls and have no idea where he was. He was beginning to think a map would be real helpful.

Wherever he was in the halls, it was real empty compared to how the rest of the building had been. For a little while, he wasn't running into anyone at all, until he made a turn and saw a girl sitting on the floor, with her knees hugged to her chest. "Good mornin'." Dimitri said, his southern accent flaring like usual. "What brings you here?" He asked, almost uncertain if the girl was okay.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominika Orlov Character Portrait: Dimitri Midnight
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#, as written by Caille


Dominika had been relieved when she had noticed that Gray hadn't followed her. She didn't want to be rude to him and just tell him it was nothing it didn't work that way, but she couldn't tell him about her past. The only one who knew about that was Talia, but she has known her for about three years now and they were roommates. Nika just knew she could trust her, and so far she wasn't wrong in doing so. Taking her sunglasses off she laid her head on her knees. Just pure quiet and she was alone.

Nika had almost dozed off there for awhile. She desperately tried to cling to other thoughts and other things. She tried to just think of her baby sister, but even that didn't work, because she connected her baby sister to the damn monster that lived in that house. It wasn't fair, she couldn't do anything about it, and since Katrina is Pavel's she has no escape until she's eighteen and moves out. That's still sixteen years from now. Her head spun with all this information and she let go of a heavy sigh.

Hearing footsteps in the distance, the daughter of Zeus knew that someone would be coming by soon. Hopefully they'd just leave her alone, but that wasn't how this world worked was it? No one could have complete peace here. The steps got louder and louder until they stopped and she heard someone say good morning to her, in a strange accent. All her time being in the academy and for some reason she had never came across this particular accent.

She wasn't going to reply at first, but she scowled a bit. Was he asking why she was here in this spot or at the academy? Shaking her head mentally she brought her face up to look at who was speaking to her. She analyzed him for a few moments before she answered his questions. "If you're asking in terms of the academy, well my fathers a whore and a deadbeat. If you're asking in terms of this spot in general, well that's none of your business." She said with bitterness. There was never good men in her life. Pavel was a disgusting pig, her real father was a deadbeat who couldn't keep it in his pants. Both actually seem quite similar now that you think about it, she couldn't even decide which one was worse. They had their own form of evil.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominika Orlov Character Portrait: Dimitri Midnight
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Dimitri's expression changed to a more blank one. In general his family almost never cursed, so it was unusual to the son of Poseidon. However, Dimitri had done his share of studying his Greek deities over the past few months. If he had to take a guess as to who her dad was, it was either a mortal who had their priorities all screwed up or it was... "Zeus?" Dimitri asked, though he realized after why making that guess wasn't a great idea. Dimitri wasn't in particular afraid of Zeus because he wasn't very much on the god's radar at all. But, if this girl wasn't a child of Zeus, then he might have picked his words poorly.

"Not that I'm one to judge..." Dimitri tried to make some brightness in his estimate of her father, though at this point, he didn't feel very good about it. "Sorry, that ain't somethin' that usually happens. Just tryin' to make a good guess from what I've learned." The demigod shrugged slightly, deciding to take the honest path, which was something much more his nature. One of Dimitri's greatest strengths and greatest weaknesses was his lack of ability to comprehend social anxiety or awkwardness. Neither situation had ever appeared in from of him, so he had grown up unaware of their existence.

He was still trying to gather how he felt about the first impression with this girl. She wasn't the most fond of him thus far, but Dimitri had considered that that could just be her usual personality. He hadn't ever heard an accent like hers, and he enjoyed accents foreign to his own a good deal. "I guess it ain't my business." Dimitri agreed. He offered his hand to her to shake, something he was taught to do when meeting a new person. "My name is Dimitri Midnight. I've been told to tell people that the surname is real."