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In Light of Us

In Light of Us


Two sets of half demon, half human twins of the sun and moon prophecy set out to deal with the struggles of the demon world.

2,135 readers have visited In Light of Us since Airy created it.



INx x x x x x x x x x x x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xxxxxxx x x LIGHT x x x x x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxx x x x x x x xxxxxxxxx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x OFx x x x x x x x x x x x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xxxxxxx x x US




Not everyone who walks this earth is human.

Demons have been around as long as human kind. They arrange themselves into four different clans depending on what power they hold -- other than their increased strength, speed, pro-longed life and overall power that comes along with being a demon. The clans are called The Ignis, The Cogitatio, The Spiritus, and The Possideo. Sometimes the clan mix around with one another, but more often then not, there’s an aparent separation between the social circles. There’s often a city court of demons outside many of the major cities around the world, such as London, New York, New Dehli, et cetera. Each court is named after the specific clan of demons who reside there, or what resources they offer. The Demon capital, however, is located right outside of Milan, Italy, and is called Regium. This large court is made up of multiple clans. Of course, Demon’s have a tendency of going rogue and living away from their respective courts, but all Demon kind has their own customs and rules, as well their own clan leaders, councils, and royalty.

All four clans are ruled over by one single royal clan at a time. This royal clan holds a three hundred year reign, until the next clan is to come into power afterwards. The royal clan is decided by a prophecy Demon’s have lived by and celebrated since the beginning of time. 

Every three hundred years, a set of Demon twins is born. One is born during the light of the sun, and the other during the light of the moon. These are the Sun and Moon twins of the prophecy and are always born on the first of January. They are constant reincarnations of themselves. These twins are not ordinary, however, as they are more powerful and more skilled in the respective power they are given depending on what clan they are from. The next royal clan is decided on whatever’s clan they are born into. Their council leader then becomes king, and the twins become princesses or princes, acting simply as figures heads of the clan power. They often are used in battle, constantly being drained of their excessive power. They are tools used by the Royals, bending and breaking with whatever is thrown their way.

This Prophecy is constant, but there was a time in history five thousands years ago in which something went awry. This same issue has now occurred once more, and has thrown Demon kind in chaos.



Once, five thousand years ago, two sets of twins were born instead of just one; one set born from the Ignis clan, the other from the Spiritus clan. This happened as demons from both clans had affairs with human men, making the twins half human and half demon. This is something that was unheard of and thought to be impossible, as half children are very unlikely born. Due to this peculiar situation, there was a huge power struggle as to who was going to be the royal clan, the Ignis or Spiritus. It was then decided that the two council leaders from both clans would rule together. This seemed to work out fine despite the leader’s bitterness of the situation, but that was the least of there worries. Once the sets of twins got older, it soon became apparent that the souls of the reincarnated twins had been split off into each other. The separate Moon children were two halves of the same whole, as where the Sun children. It was also apparent that they didn't simply just hold the power of their respective clans, but each had mastered the power of one of the clans amongst the four of them.

The children were out for power, and were tired of being used and abused by the Royal council., so the four children came up with a plan to overthrow the royal council in order to take power for themselves. However, during the long struggle, they were killed. This threw the whole balance of demons off, and once the next three hundred year cycle was repeated, no set of twins were born. During this time, there was three hundred years of devastation, war, and chaos between all four clans. Thankfully, after the next three hundred years passed, the cycle was settled again with the birth of only one set of twins.

Now demon kind has lived in their peaceful bliss for four thousand years. That was, until, seventeen years ago when a set of twin boys were born- one born in the light of the sun and the other the moon, to a demon mother and a human father. Their mother was a demon of the Cogitatio clan, so the demon’s decision on what to do with the half-set of the prophecy was to just leave it be and have the Cogitatio clan in power, but something was wrong. The twins felt separated by something -- from someone; The other half of their soul. They're powers also never manifested itself, and soon it was realized that the twin boy’s powers could only be manifested once coming in contact with the other set of twins somewhere lost amongst the mundane humans. So off the demon council set, going through all birth records in the world in order to try and find twins born on January 1st, the first born during when the sun was up and the other when the moon was up.

Eventually they tracked down a set of twin girls who resided in Augusta, Maine. Their mother unknowingly had a one night stand with a demon man, who may or may not still be alive. Sadly, their mother died during childbirth, so the girls now hop from foster home to foster home. Now it's up to the twin boys to explain to the girls who and what they are, and bring the girls to their capital court of Regium, and deal with the many impending struggles to come. 

Will history repeat itself, or will new struggles occur?




The Ignis Clan :
This clan is comprised of Demons who can control, create, and manipulate fire in whatever way they please.

The Cogitatio Clan:
This clan is comprised of Demons who can read others thoughts and dream walk, as well as cause pain by the mind-link connection.

The Spiritus Clan:
This clan is comprised of Demons who can talk to the dead, human or demon. The also have healing powers and can read others auras.

The Possideo Clan:
This clan is comprised of Demons who can shift their shape to other animals, people, or demons, as well as being able to possess the bodies of humans.





Female Moon Twin
      A G E - Seventeen
      H E X - #a084aa
      F A C E C L A I M - Clémence Poésy
      P O W E R- Spiritus Clan Power
      P O R T R A Y E D...B Y - Airy


Female Sun Twin
      A G E - Seventeen
      H E X - #00BFFF
      F A C E C L A I M - Indiana Rose Evans
      P O W E R- Possideo Clan Power
      P O R T R A Y E D...B Y - CrimsonFox



Male Moon Twin
      A G E - Seventeen
      H E X - ???
      F A C E C L A I M - Alex Pettyfer
      P O W E R- Cogitatio Clan Power
      P O R T R A Y E D...B Y - (✿◕‿◕)⇢*丑小鸭*⇠(◠‿◠✿)


Male Sun Twin
      A G E - Seventeen
      H E X - #bb0033
      F A C E C L A I M - Chace Crawford
      P O W E R- The Ignis Clan Power
      P O R T R A Y E D...B Y - 猫ババ


R U L E S x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x A N D x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x I N F O R M A T I O N



  • Characters must be seventeen years of age.
  • I prefer real face claims as opposed to anime. Also note, twins are fraternal. Please discuss with your sibling counter part as to who your facelcaims will be, just so ethnicities will match.
  • Once you know your face claim, and hex code, please let me know so I can add it to the front page.
  • Reservations last 48 hours.
  • Feel free to send in a WIP.
  • You have one weeks time from when you submit your WIP to finish your character.
  • If you need any extensions on any of the above, let me know.
  • All basic rules apply, no god modding/mary sues. etc. Flaws make characters fun!
  • Swearing is fine, just don't go overboard.
  • No killing anyones characters or harming them, at least not without their consent.
  • Romance is great! Just don't go into some of the "details" that may occur.
  • Try and include everyone! If you are stuck on a post, just ask me for some ideas~
  • Post should be above 500 words. Post at least once or twice a week.
  • Once all reservations are in, I will discuss what will happen at the start of the role play. Please note, this is a role play that will involve a lot of plots that we all collaboratively come up with together!
  • Please include just general basics in you character sheet. If you want a set CS, I can send you one.
  • If you have any questions at all, please ask! I know it sounds a bit confusing but I'm happy to clear up anything for you guys~


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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eleana Damian Character Portrait: Anastasia Damian Character Portrait: Hunter Mayall Character Portrait: Caleb Mayall
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Airy





(It's quite alright, no need to apologize!
I'm very sorry to hear about your aunt and
mother. I also hope your roomate is okay.
Feel free to message me at anytime if any
of you need to vent or talk!)


As the boy named Caleb introduced him and his brother, who she now knew as Hunter, Anastasia looked down at her feet and gave a small silent laugh to herself at the nickname his brother used for him, covering her mouth in attempts to make it look like a cough. She didn't particularly think she'd call the boy 'Lady Killer' herself, but from his handsome looks she wouldn't doubt that people, other then his brother, had ever called him it to his face either.

Hunter seemed a little more introverted then his clearly more extroverted brother who was using any chance he got to eye and charmingly flirt with her sister. It was obvious her sister was interested, and he seemed like a nice enough guy, but Anastasia still wanted to be careful about the whole situation, no matter how much her instincts told her to trust them, more particularly the introverted one of the brother duo, but then flee at the same time.

As her sister was the one to introduce the two as they climbed into the car, Anastasia stayed silent, trying her best to keep her eyes staring out the window, trying her hardest to ignore how cold she was and how utterly nervous and distracted she felt. Of course at times during the thirty-minute car ride Anastasia took the time to glance over at her even more cold-stricken sister and Hunter, who's eye she caught once or twice before quickly averting them away, but she more or less kept track of any notable scenery outside that she could easily use in order to find her way back to where they had gotten before. It wasn't so much memorizing scenery in case of emergency, it was more or less just a habit for her. There was nothing else to do anyways.

As they pulled into the lot of a rather expensive looking hotel, Anastasia couldn't help but widen her blue eyes in a little bit of surprise. So between the expensive looking hummer and the hotel, and the fact she said they could charge whatever to the penthouse suite, it was safe to assume the brothers came from some sort of money. It wasn't a big deal or anything, but it was odd. Both her and Eleana never had come from money, hell, they never really came from anything to begin with. Anastasia worked a job at a local café that doubled as a used bookstore, and all their deceased mother’s money had gone into them into an account, but it was never much money; just enough that they never felt like they had to burden others. The boy’s life seemed to be quite the contrast to their own.

Anastasia was about to say something to Hunter about how she’d be perfectly fine paying, but her sister asked her, “you don't figure they'd have a gift store or something inside, do you? I'm freezing but having nothing to wear other than these wet clothes," before Anastasia could utter any reluctances to the boy. Finally breaking her eyes away from Hunter, she peered at her sister and gave a small smile, answering, “if there’s not, I’m sure the hotel will be kind enough to let us borrow something.” Anastasia herself, who never was truly bothered by the cold, was now shivering on occasion due to her still not dry clothing.

Making her way in to the hotel's side entrance, Anastasia immediately stopped in her tracks, fully taking into view the modern surroundings. She quickly shook her head however and looked to see Eleana’s reaction. She didn’t want to stand there looking too baffled and shell-shocked from the pretty setting, however, since they didn’t have time to gawk, no matter how much Anastasia may have wanted to aimlessly wander around. Looking over at the left, she saw the restaurant, and made a mental note as to its location, before walking around the corner to the information desk. The woman wearing the deep blue pants suit gave her and Eleana a quick once over, and while she notably took pause as their wet appearance, still asked with a kind smile, “Hello, What can I do for you?” Anastasia smiled back. “Hello, do you perhaps have a gift store or some place that we can purchase a sweater? We had a rather unfortunate situation with a pool tonight,” she explained softly, glancing slightly over at her sister. Really, the situation at first wasn’t unfortunate at all. They’d jumped into the pool on purpose. However, her sister’s second time wasn’t necessary welcome-- that time was under a rather unfortunate and bloody circumstance.

The lady pointed around the corner, offering, “there’s a small shop right around the corner currently It’s not open-“ the woman paused for a moment before snapping her fingers at the man working beside her before continuing, “but Matthew here would be happy to open it up for you considering your circumstance.” The man nodded, before generically smiling at both Anastasia and Eleana, stating, “of course, follow me” before moving from behind the help desk and around the corner to where the presumed gift store was.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eleana Damian Character Portrait: Anastasia Damian Character Portrait: Hunter Mayall Character Portrait: Caleb Mayall
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0.00 INK

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Image Image
Dialogue Color : #bb0033
Thought Color : #e33638
Face Claim : Chace Crawford
Location : Hotel Room
Fall Into Me (feat. Evoke) || Arrient
Played By : 猫ババ

C A L E B . M A Y A L L
OOC: Hey guys I'm so sorry for my absence! I've been really busy with finals and I got really behind on this other role play and had to crack down on that business. Finally it's my spring break so I will be around more! Sorry again guys!

○ ○ ○

The drive back was pure torture. He felt nauseated and sick and he didn't know how much more he could take. The heat was just ridiculous. Thankfully the beautiful Eleana was there to distract him. He wished he could've sat next to her but he understood she needed her sister at the moment. He glanced back over at them to see them both shivering from the cold. He hadn't even considered how wet and cold their clothes must be. "Hey, if you guys find somewhere to get clothes in the hotel, just charge us. It's no big deal, it's mainly my fault you guys got in the water again, so it's on us." He gave a little smile as the car came to a stop at the hotel.

"Don't bitch, we need to talk upstairs first...I don't think they're going anywhere."

Caleb gazed over at his brother and nodded his head. After getting out of the car he called out to the girls, "We will be back, I'll miss you guys!" He gave them a little sly wink.

As him and his brother took the elevator up to the 14th floor, Caleb noticed that his clothes weren't really wet anymore. They were dry and warm, as if they had been in the dryer. Now that can't be right. What the heck... He gave a surprised look to his brother. "Yo, feel my clothes. They are completely dry. I don't know what's happening. I'm burning up. Do I have a fever? Feel my head." He rambled off quickly as the heat he was experiencing was starting to get to his head.

The elevator made a piercing *ding* as they had arrived to the floor. He walked over to the room, #1456, and searched his pockets for his room key. Thankfully the card hadn't fallen out of his pocket when he nearly drowned in the pool. His pant pockets were tight enough to keep a good grip. He however didn't even think about what had happened to his cell phone. Once the door opened Caleb slammed himself onto his bed, his head facing towards the ceiling. He fished for his cell phone and attempted to turn it on. "Shit, brother it's totally busted." He tossed it onto the floor in frustration.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hunter Mayall Character Portrait: Caleb Mayall
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0.00 INK

As his brother flounced down on his bed Hunter would sigh and close the door behind them. He hadn't said anything the whole entire elevator ride up but when he stood in the doorway of his brother's bedroom he'd finally find words to speak.
"Sucks about your phone but what are we going to do with them? Call me stupid but I think going full in with 'Hey, did you know you're actually Demons who have to come back to Europe with us?' might not go over so well."
Hunter would make his way over to the end of his brother's bed and sit down. He was trying to think of something to do, but nothing came to his mind....until he spotted a row of unlit candles on the wall.
"We have to be able to prove to them we're not crazy. We need to be able to use our powers."
The dirty blonde again sighed as he took off his jacket and dropped it in his lap. He had spent years and years under the best teachers, preparing him for this moment, but he still was hesitant as he sat in their penthouse suite. Caleb was visibly excited, but while Hunter was excited internally his exterior showed the emotion he had long been feeling since their arrival to Maine - apprehension.

Hunter wouldn't stay sitting around on his brother's bed for long, and would eventually make his way into his room and change into a pair of black baggy lounge pants, a fitted black tee, and black flip flops. He'd slip his phone and room key into his pockets, along with a few other miscellaneous things before walking out into the full Kitchen and grabbing a cold beer from the refrigerator - downing it in under thirty seconds.
"You ready to go create fire in your palm or some shit?" Hunter called out to Caleb. He knew they had to spend time with the girls, it was the only way they'd be able to trip their power's switch from "off" to "on," but he was uneasy that he would again be sitting across from a girl who made him lose all sense of time as he stared endlessly into her eyes, finding it a struggle to even look away."Or perhaps I can give reading her mind a go..." he'd whisper to himself before heading towards the front door.

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Anastasia Damian
Character Portrait: Eleana Damian
Character Portrait: Hunter Mayall


Character Portrait: Hunter Mayall
Hunter Mayall

The Male Moon Twin

Character Portrait: Eleana Damian
Eleana Damian

"I believe that people are inherently good and that the darkest ones a're merely using clouds to hide their sunlight."

Character Portrait: Anastasia Damian
Anastasia Damian

"Even though people shine brightly, there's always a dark side to their light, just like the moon."


Character Portrait: Eleana Damian
Eleana Damian

"I believe that people are inherently good and that the darkest ones a're merely using clouds to hide their sunlight."

Character Portrait: Hunter Mayall
Hunter Mayall

The Male Moon Twin

Character Portrait: Anastasia Damian
Anastasia Damian

"Even though people shine brightly, there's always a dark side to their light, just like the moon."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Hunter Mayall
Hunter Mayall

The Male Moon Twin

Character Portrait: Eleana Damian
Eleana Damian

"I believe that people are inherently good and that the darkest ones a're merely using clouds to hide their sunlight."

Character Portrait: Anastasia Damian
Anastasia Damian

"Even though people shine brightly, there's always a dark side to their light, just like the moon."

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