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"Keep things to yourself, or don't. You choose"

0 · 390 views · located in Skylar Street, England

a character in “In Skylar Street”, originally authored by Kyren.Laili, as played by RolePlayGateway


Full Name: Kyren Sandoval
Appearance: Unnatural blonde hair. Strange purple-blue eyes, that he tends to hide. Average height, slightly-tan skin.
Job/School Level: Senior, (Job is a secret)


Kyren is usually taken as: "hot-headed", "short tempered"," ignorant". But is this true? He usually keeps to himself, trying not to let go of his past, embarassing as it is. He is stubborn in the way that when people try to get him to open up, he doesn't. Will he ever find anyone who can read him? Anyways, Most of the things he is take for is actually true, but he is also very kind-hearted, and tries to seem all badass while really, he can't help but help others. He is VERY flirty, and tries his best not to cheat on girls. He is charming, and slightly shy aswell. He has no criminal record , and he is clean off of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. But will he stay clean? Or is his record just a cover-up for his past, starting off of a new slate in life.


Small handgun


Kyren lived in Ireland till' this past year, where he has been trying to keep his past to himself as best as he can. But that's not very easy.
Back in Ireland, hid parents weren't sober. EVER. He took care of them since the age of 12, trying to get them off the alcohol. For five years he took care of them, but nothing ever worked, and eventually, he became so stressed. He became insane. He went out to buy a gun. It was hard for him to do, but eventually, he took the gun and went home. That day made him sick. He'd walked inside, hands shaking and knees too. Once his parents had seen him, they almost looked angry. The first expression he'd seen from them that wasn't completely impossible to understand. His father, Marcas, hobbled over to him, and took the gun. Kyren cringed as he was beaten, but honestly, he deserved it. They shunned him and kicked him out. Only later they found out that he'd stolen their money, not only in hope to get them off the alcohol, but to survive alone, aswell. He took an airplane to england, and started life anew( He even dyed his hair blonde). Now he lives alone, an insecure, lost, person. But he's NOT going to let anyone else know that.

So begins...

Kyren's Story

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Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones Character Portrait: Kyren
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#, as written by BOO!
Elizabeth had forgotten her books by the school from earlier that day. It was late afternoon now, around 5 o'clock. The blue sky burned from the bottom up, turning a beautiful shade of orange. She put her jacket on, popped her hands in her pockets, opened the door and put her head down, heading to the building she had seen Aaron at earlier. Something struck her as odd. He had just been standing there when she noticed him. Maybe he was shouting but she surely couldn't hear it. She dismissed this from her mind, noticing a boy with blonde hair walking on the path opposite she had never seen around here before. She, again, dismissed it and walked to the charcoled building. She picked up her books, holding them close to her chest then wandering back to her house looking at the ground as usual. Again, she looked around seeing the blonde boy on the other side of the road. This time, he was sitting on the kurb. "Hey!" She wandered over to him, taking a seat beside him still holding her books close to her chest. She kept herself a decent amount away from him, knowing how awkward she was with the others at school when first meeting them. "Are you new here? I'm Elizabeth. I would shake your hand, but I've kind of got these books.." She laughed lightly. "But anyway, if you're looking for anyone to hang out with, I'll show you the way to The Great Grizzly Hill. It's where all the cool kids around here hang out together."

She nodded to the treehouse, only just visible over the buildings. "There. You'll see all the kids from the block. Aaron, Tessa and Travis. Want me to show you the way?"

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Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones Character Portrait: Kyren
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Kyren was sitting on the curb, trying his best not to look pathetic and lost, because, honesly, he was. Where was the school? He didn't even want to go this year. But descided he had to. "Hey!" He looked up from where he was, immediately snapping out of his daze. A pretty girl was walking over and he tried to straighten his posture. "Are you new here? I'm Elizabeth. I would shake your hand, but I've kind of got these books.." "But anyway, if you're looking for anyone to hang out with, I'll show you the way to The Great Grizzly Hill. It's where all the cool kids around here hang out together." "Oh, o..okay."He stuttered a little, blushing. He stood, looking somewhat of an idiot, standing akwardly. Kyren offered a hand to help her up, with a floppy smile on his face.

"There. You'll see all the kids from the block. Aaron, Tessa and Travis. Want me to show you the way?" "Yeah, sure."He said, Trying not to look her straight in the eyes. He laughed a little when he forgot to mention his name. "Sorry for my missing manners, It's nice to meet you, Elizabeth, I'm Kyren." He almost flinched at his name, his OWN name. Now that he was in a different area, he didn't have to hide from the embarassment. "So, are you one of these 'cool kids' then?" He said, rolling his shoulders in a stretch.

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Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones Character Portrait: Kyren
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#, as written by BOO!
Elizabeth smiled at his blushing, taking his hand while standing. He was pretty cute now she could see him properly. She paused for a moment at his question though, leading him away from the curb. "No... No, I'm not." She admited, trying not too sound all too bothered but it didn't really work. She did want to be popular.. Of course she did! But how could she, of all people, be popular? She didn't even have a friend. One friend! She gestured to her books. "I guess I'm kind of the nerd around here. I don't really talk to many people." She laughed, images of Aaron, Tessa, Travis and her playing together in the old treehouse flashed before her eyes. She set her eyes back on the ground and kept on walking. After a minute or two of them walking, exchanging polite conversation, Elizabeth did the thing she always did when meeting someone new. She mucked it up.

Usually she would have said something stupid or made a nasty comment but no, this time she just made a complete utter fool of herself... bumping into a black lamp post...

...And dropping her books again...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones Character Portrait: Kyren
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Kyren chuckled a little, making sure she was steady before picking up her books. "I can take these, if you want." He said, gesturing to the books in his arms. "You think you're not cool, eh? Well, I want to change that. Lets go." He grinned, following her to wherever it was that they were going again, but he couldn't help but stare at her hair. "You have really nice hair." He said, and only a few minuets later he'd noticed how lame that sounded. "er, it's pretty." He said, fussing with his own hair with one hand before saying "It smells smokey? You been to any bonfires lately?" He asked, watching her carefully.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones Character Portrait: Kyren
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#, as written by BOO!
Elizabeth carried on walking, eyes glued to the ground now. Her face was a very bright shade of scarlet red. "You think you're not cool, eh? Well, I want to change that. Lets go." Elizabeth grinned at him, walking backwards for a moment. "Kyren, that's mission impossible." She chuckled lightly. She turned back around and made sure she could see any lamp posts ahead. God, she hated them now.. "You have really nice hair. Er, it's pretty." She smiled to herself, never usually recieving any compliments. "It smells smokey? You been to any bonfires lately?" She turned again, walking backwards. She nodded to the charcoled building. "There was a fire just a few hours ago." She informed him.

When they actually got to the treehouse, Elizabeth could hear Aaron and Tessa inside. "You better shout up. I'm not exactly their biggest fan. Just say 'Hello' or something." And with that, she walked away, heading home.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones Character Portrait: Kyren
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"How could i forget?" he said smiling as he grabbed both of Tessa's hands, holding them. "Hey I think i should probably head home, I really could stay here all night, but I've got a pretty big date with this hot girl tomorrow" Aaron said as he winked as Tessa.

He let go of her hands as he began to walk away but just as he started to climb down the ladder, he went back up into the tree house. Aaron walked back over to Tessa and gave her another quick kiss on the lips. "Goodnight Tes" he said as he leaned away from her.

He climbed down the ladder smiling ear to ear trying to hold back his excitement, when he saw so kid standing in front of the treehouse with Elizabeth walking away not to far. "It was obvious she'd brought him here, but why'd she just ditch him at the tree house" Aaron thought. Still he was probably some new kid who just moved here because Aaron had never seen him. Aaron looked at the kid for brief moment before yelling "Watzaaaaap?!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones Character Portrait: Kyren
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Kyren frowned when she'd said that the whole 'cool' thing was mission impossible, but he made that his only mission for now. Atleast now he knew that something had been on fire, and that she wasn't out partying. But that would only make is mission harder. When they approached the treehouse, he nodded to what Elizabeth had said, and didn't notice she left. A boy came down from the treehouse, and Kyren smiled a little, smelling the alcohol from here. "Watzaaaaap?!" The guy said, and Kyren breathed through his mouth. He always hated the scent of alcohol. And this stuff wasn't even the stuff that he didn't mind. It was pure booze. Kyren shook his head to clear the stream of thoughts and nodded. "Nothing much." He acted all 'bro-ish' and offered a grin.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Kyren
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"No no no no" Aaron said while waving both his hands in front of him. "You must be new around here. When someone says "Watzaap?!" you say wazaaaap?!. Everyone does it, why don't you give it a try." Aaron said to Kyren, but of course he was lying, Aaron was still trying to get the catchphrase to make a comeback. However if he could get the new kid to say it that would be one more person added to his cause. Aaron stood waiting to see if the new kid would go along with what he'd said.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones Character Portrait: Kyren
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Kyren laughed a bit. "Alright, alright." He took a breath, and said as loud as he could: "Waaatttsssaap?!" He laughed again. "That good enough? By the way, I'm Kyren. Call my Ky." He rolled his shoulders a bit. "So whos that Elizabeth chick? Is she what you guys call hot around here? Or what? She doesn't seem too bad." He sighed a bit, not wanting to get too deep in the subject. He looked around, scanning his surroundings with his purple eyes. "This is a nice little area." He said, suddenly remembering not to let too many people see his eyes. He looked down, and let his eyelids droop.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones Character Portrait: Kyren
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"Now that's what I'm talkin' about!" Aaron said he held his hand up for a bro hug.

"I'm Aaron, nice to meet you Ky and this right here, is the treehouse. You seem cool enough, so after I introduce you to everyone you can come chill here with us if you'd like." Aaron said as he exuded charisma.

It struck him as odd that he asked if Elizabeth was hot. He didn't look at Elizabeth that way either. He had been friends with her, but she had kind of drifted away from everyone. Well he had drifted from people as well, but that was because so many people were always calling him to chill, he was only one guy after all. Aaron afterwards when Kyren asked that question, knowing that Elizabeth and hot didn't go in the same sentence. Elizabeth was attractive, but she kept to herself, she wasn't an outgoing person as far as Aaron could remember. "Yeah, I guess she's okay. I don't really look at her in that way, but I haven't seen much of her. I mean look she walked off and left you here before any of us could say hi to her." Aaron said as he felt a bit guilty like he had done something wrong. Aaron wondered if he did and he also wondered why Elizabeth was so distant at that. "Anyways bro, if you wanna go ahead and go for her, go ahead. It'll be tough but you should go for it bro" Aaron said as he nudged Kyren with his elbow, he automatically knew Kyren liked her, it was as obvious as the sun during the day.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones Character Portrait: Kyren
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Kyren bro-hugged him, and nodded. Aaron seemed like the person he would chill with. When Aaron introduced him to the treehouse, he grinned, and couldn't wait to get some party going on there. Shrugging away the thought, he heard Aaron talking about Elizabeth and tuned in. "Tough? I'm pretty sure I can handle tough." He said, a little too boldly. "So, wanna give me a tour, or do you have your girlfriend that I 'just so happened to see in the treehouse before you saw me' to get back to?" He said, putting a bit of sarcasm in his voice . "Why don't you introduce me to her." Kyren said, wavering his eyebrows.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Kyren
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Aaron looked at Kyren he had gotten a bit bold. If this was how he acted regularly he was sure that Elizabeth would not go for him at all. He didn't tell him that of course cause he didn't want to get involved with that.

Aaron gave Kyren a strange look after he moved his eyebrows. "Yeah...sure" Aaron said as he turned around to head back up to the treehouse

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio Character Portrait: Kyren
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Tes smiled when Aaron called her hot, then kissed her. "Night." She layed in the beanbag chair for awhile, staring out the window up at the night sky. From the top of the hill, you could see the stars instead of the streetlights. A short while later, she heard voices, and stood up to look out the window. It was Aaron and some other guy she had never seen. She saw that they were coming up, so she sat back down in the beanbag to wait for them.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio Character Portrait: Kyren
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Kyren smiled and waved to the girl in the treehouse. "So, is this really the 'Cool, hot-spot' around here? It fun." He said, ignoring the alcohol scent wafting down from the treehouse. "You guys been drinking?" He yawned, trying to keep the edge out of his voice. "How late is it? Wait, I don't have a curfew!" He laughed in excitement. "No curfew, no parents, no dinn-" He stopped himself before he could go on about the alcohol with a hand over his mouth. "Sorry, just, a little excited, is all." He said, casually running a hand through his hair before anyone noticed he had to physically stop himself from continueing. "I talk a lot, sorry. Where's the booze?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio Character Portrait: Kyren
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The boy below was kind of cute. Hmm... NO! Tes had to force the thoughts outta her head. You finally have the guy you wanted since you were 6! Don't fuck it up by being a little slut! You like Aaron, maybe even love him. She waved back at the boy and smiled. "Hi I'm Tessa, or Tes! What's your name?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio Character Portrait: Kyren
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Aaron came back up to the treeshouse and motioned for Kyren to come up. "What are you still doing down there bro?" he said jokingly. He turned to Tessa smiling at her. "It seems that I just can't leave you" Aaron said and then he winked at her. By this time Aaron was beginning to sober up enough to not worry about tripping all over the place.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio Character Portrait: Travis Urio Character Portrait: Kyren
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Aaron turned to see Travis had walked into the treehouse. "Watzaaaaap?!" Aaron called out to Travis who couldn't have been more than a couple of feet away. Aaron suddenly remembered that he had kissed his sister not to long ago. Aaron started to feel guilty because Travis was one of his closest friends. Travis actually looked annoyed, he wondered if he had saw them kissing, he looked awkwardly around the treehouse.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio Character Portrait: Travis Urio Character Portrait: Kyren
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"Uh hey bro. What's up?" Tes said nervously. Prepare to get your ass kicked, she thought. "Me and Aaron were just hanging out and he found a new kid. How was dinner?" She mentally prepared herself for the ass chewing to come.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio Character Portrait: Travis Urio Character Portrait: Kyren
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"Not bad though, turns out mature adults get pretty immature when they get plenty of alcohol in their system." Travis replied though still not looking in Tessa's direction. He probably shouldn't be bitter at her, but couldn't help it. Travis then turned his attention to the new kid,"Hey what's up? I'm Travis. You new around here?" He asked the new person who was in the treehouse. "Ran into Elizabeth on the way here, she's still the same old same old." He chuckled to himself realizing once again that perhaps out of all of them, Elizabeth was the most normal out of all of them. Especially him, she possibly couldn't be holding any secrets like he would.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio Character Portrait: Travis Urio Character Portrait: Kyren
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Aaron looked at his phone to see a text from Tessa. He read it and then he thought of all the possibilities of how he could deal with this situation. He could tell Travis, sit in silence, and make the new kid feel awkward, or he could keep a secret and save it for a later date. Aaron did not want to see Travis' reaction to this, he knew how he felt about his sister flirting with guys and he didn't want to be another one of "those guys".

Aaron texted Tessa back

To Tessa
"Idk about u, but I'm getting tired. Aren't u getting tired? I suppose I should walk u home if u r, walk u far away from ur bro ;)"

When Travis mentioned drunken people he felt like Travis was talking about him, so he began to feel nervous.