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Ismay La Wolfe

"As long as I try and see the beauty, I believe I can block out all the inhumanity."

0 · 1,075 views · located in The Safe Haven

a character in “In The Safe Haven”, as played by AmeliaIsGhostly


Ismay La Wolfe ยฐSuburban War - Arcade Fireยฐ

โ‚Nameโ‚ || "I suppose my name could be worse."
Ismay La Wolfe

โ‚Nicknamesโ‚ || "I'm really fine with being called whatever, except for harsh nicknames."
Some call her Wolfe, and close friends call her May sometimes.

โ‚Roleโ‚ || "What?"
Girl 'The Two' number 1.

โ‚Ageโ‚ || "Legally an adult. It's an odd feeling."

โ‚Genderโ‚ || โ€I'm fairly content with my gender, thank you very much."

โ‚Sexuality & Marital Statusโ‚ || "Oh, uhm. A rather personal question."
Heterosexual and Single

General Appearance ยฐDisappear Always - Wild Nothingยฐ


Face Claim: Lily Collins

โ‚Hair Colorโ‚ || "Not totally boring."
Brunette hair with a small red tinge in bright light.

โ‚Eye Colorโ‚ || "I actually quite like my eyes."

โ‚Height & Weightโ‚ || "I'm a little on the shorter side."
5'3 and 110 lbs.

โ‚Ethnicityโ‚ || "I drink a lot of tea, but it's not because I'm British. Tea is just good. "

โ‚Distinct Marking or Scarsโ‚ || "I don't tend to like to talk about it."
Ismay has a scar across her right shoulder she's self-concious about. She had an abusive foster father who slashed he across the back with a broken beer bottle when she was thirteen.

โ‚Speciesโ‚ || "...Could you really call me human?"

General Information ยฐDo You - Carina Roundยฐ

โ‚Personalityโ‚ || "Oh my, I suppose this is sort of accurate..."

Ismay has a contradictory personality, at least that what she finds. When one doesnโ€™t know her, she appears quiet, sweet and simple, maybe a little sarcastic, but with that oh so mysterious air surrounding her. It was more like this when she had no control of her power, afraid of screwing up, but since sheโ€™s gained a sort of control about it, sheโ€™s a bit more open than her old self. Sheโ€™s very empathetic and compassionate, knowing that all people have problems, and that there are always certain reasons behind good or evil actions. However, despite her being a mind โ€“reader, she canโ€™t seem to quite get a hold of other peopleโ€™s emotions very well, finding it very hard to read other peopleโ€™s faces. Unless its painfully obvious that the other person is feeling, or unless she knows them well enough, peopleโ€™s emotions tend to go over her head. Sheโ€™s someone who almost anyone could get along with. Ismayโ€™s almost too infectious smile and laugh ensures that.

Despite being a nice girl who constantly tries to make sure everyone's included and happy, she is quite an unhappy person herself. Ismay struggles with her depression, and struggles with it alone. She emits the saying that the happiest people are also the most depressed. Yes, people know itโ€™s there if they know her well enough, but she always has a smile on her face as to not have people uncomfortable. Sheโ€™s constantly trying to push herself to do new things, things that she generally wouldnโ€™t do. This leads her to be a tad spontaneous.

She doesnโ€™t trust easily either. Yes, sheโ€™s a nice person to mostly everyone, but youโ€™ll easily know when she trusts you to full extent. She will become stubborn with the person and protective. She will always try to keep those people in her life happy and safe, and will effortlessly feel free to be her true self around them.

โ‚Powerโ‚ || "I've always just wanted to be normal. But then again, what really is normal."
Mind Linking (Psionic Blast) - The ability to make a link between her mind and anyone else, things she can do with this include:
- Causing extreme pain to ones head.
-To access memories of that persons past.
-To read the thoughts of that person, or communicate with them through the link.
-To be able to walk through said persons dreams.
-To be able to make people envision something that isn't there.
-She also, as a side effect of using more of her brain percentage then average humans, has a photographic memory and is very smart.

Often after using her power, depending on the period of time and intensity, she will get serious migraines. She also has insomnia due to her over active brain.[/b]

Useful Facts ยฐSleep Alone - Bat For Lashesยฐ

โ‚Likesโ‚ ||

โ–ฒMusic Imsay most types of music, apart from the generic pop, country and rap that always seems to float around. She finds herself calm when she plays her piano. She does play the guitar, but rarely ever picks it up unless she hums along to it, which she only ever does alone. She also hasa record collection that she barley lets anyone go near.
โ–ฒCulture She's always had a love for history and other cultures. Ismay would like the travel a lot i the future.
โ–ฒReading Often times when she's alone, she will pick up a book. Doesn't really matter what, it's a cool escape for her. She also has a strong appreciation for poetry, but is picky about what she likes.
โ–ฒFighting No, not fighting with people, but just the exercise of it. She has a punching bag she likes to practice on, and doesn't mind the fact that she has good self-defense skills. She enjoys sparing with other people too. It's a way to blow off all the steam she bottles up.
โ–ฒArt Ismay is a skilful painter and sketch artist. She loves drawing and painting people, old building, flowers, animals. Basically everything, really.
โ–ฒRain and the Outdoors Most often of times, Ismay will slip away for a bit just to take a stroll outside, mostly when it's dark. She has been known to fall asleep on the grassy field in the back area where the garden is on multiple occasions while looking at stars. She also can't resist going outside when it rains.

โ‚Dislikesโ‚ ||

โ–ผOverly large crowds Isamy doesn't do well with large crowds or small spaces. Anything that makes her feel overly closed. It's harder for her to keep thought out if her head when there are so many people around.
โ–ผConfrontations Despite Ismay being a rather confrontational person herself, she hates it when others do it to her. She can't handle speaking about her emotions to others in such a free and intense manner.
โ–ผRude people When you were bullied and abused for part of your life, well you tend to have a bit of a dislike for people who are undoubtedly rude with little reason.
โ–ผBlueberries She's allergic. She tends to dislike things that close up her throat to the point of not being able to get oxygen in her lungs.
โ–ผHorror Movies Despite being a bit of a frady cat, she finds the plot lines and characters completely unrealistic. It's defiantly not just because of scary pop ups. Nope. Not that at all.

โ‚Flawsโ‚ ||

โœงScardy Cat: She is terrible when people suddenly surprise scare her, or when things jump out at her. Get's her every time.
โœงPoor Immune System Ismay is very Susceptible to catching colds and fevers, which really doesn't help her when she goes out in the rain as she often does.
โœงImpulsive: Ismay tends to act first, and think second. It not a very strong tactic.

โ‚Strengthsโ‚ ||

โœฆStrong: She can take down most people in a minuite flat, due to her intense training she gave herself.
โœฆConvincing/Manipulative: Due to her being able to realize the inner thoughts of a person, she can convince almost anyone of anything. It borders on being manipulative. She never does however, as she tries her hardest to respect peoples privacy, and their decisions.
โœฆTrustworthy: Ismay is an easy to trust person, and people are naturally drawn to her most of the time.

โ‚Quirksโ‚ ||

รธLip bitter: This is one of many tells Ismay has when she's nervous, scared, or thinking hard.
รธTalks to self: When trying to work through a problem, or is stressed out, Ismay teds to speak her thought out loud to herself finding being in her head that much more stressful.

Useful Facts ยฐDon't go - Bring Me The Horizonยฐ

โ‚Historyโ‚ ||

Ismay led a fairly simple life up until she was seven years old. She had two adoring parents, her mother a school teacher, and her loving father a small clinic doctor. It was a stable life, filled with love. There was no family apart from them, Ismay never having had any siblings, leaving it just the three of them based in a two story home in central London. Her parents knew of her 'condition.' Yes, it was frightful, an anomaly, but they loved her anyways and tried to give her the most normal life that they could conjure up for their tiny daughter. She was happy, but still frightful of her own self and her own uncontrollable power. The young Ismay didn't know why she could see her parents dreams, or hear their every thought. It wasn't normal to her, despite having lived with it since she was born.

It got harder to deal with it when her parents car ran off a bridge and plunged into water when she was seven years old. All she could really recall is the cops coming to her door and her teenage babysitter freaking out because she didn't know what to say to Ismay about her parent being dead. She didn't think she was old enough to understand death, but Ismay had been a bit brighter then the average seven year old, and understood completely. She didn't cry when she heard, she didn't thrash around when child services had to come get her due to there being no extended family left. She was just silent, never talking, but only hearing the echoing thoughts of all who dealt with her, thinking "poor little orphan."

Not long after, she was placed in her first foster home. She was there until she was ten, and it was peaceful. It was a normal family, reminding her a lot of how it previously was. She liked it there, and even started to get in control of her strange power. She no longer slipped into everyones thought stream, and only did it when there were three or more people in the room. But all good things come to an end, and her good thing came to an end when she saw another kid break her friends arm and Ismay, unknowingly, almost put her fellow ten year old class mate in a coma. She really didn't know she had a power to hurt people, and she became her frightened young self again. The school officials couldn't conclude that it was Ismay who did this, but there was no one else around during the incident. Everyone got scared of her, she wasn't talked to. Eventually her foster parents couldn't handle the strange girl anymore, so she was shipped off to the next home. The next three years similar things happened at similar schools. She hopped from four different foster homes until she was thirteen, and that's when child services told her that if she didn't stop 'acting out' they would place the girl in one of those group homes. Ismay knew she couldn't handle living in a house with more then four people. it would overwhelm her, so she tried her best to gain control again, which she did rather well. She just stayed quiet, only speaking when spoken too.

When she was put into her sixth home, it was a crappy little apartment with just her foster father and foster mother. She guessed she was a trial of some sort to see if they could handle a kid of their own, but she concluded it was simply for the money they offered to pay foster parents. She was quiet. She behaved. One day, the fourteen year old got home late at night after having to work on a school project, but her foster father was in a drunken stupor. From what she could gather from his slurred words, the wife had cheated on him with his poker buddy Billy and that they had run off together and that child services was coming to grab her tomorrow. She would have been fine if that had been the end of the conversation, but sadly it wasn't. When Ismay had turned around to go pack her things, she heard the man hit the empty green beer bottle on the coffee table, cracking it open in his frustration. He then went on and stated how Ismay had the same brown hair and green eyes Linda had, his now ex wife, and slashed her right shoulder in his angered state. Needless to say, Ismay ran out of the apartment and called her rep from Child services, who then arrested the man for child abuse.

She was then, from that point, shipped off to America as she had been requested from a foster family. The family was kind, and apparently had a history of taken in what they called, "Tormented and abused orphans." It was great to know that she was labeled as such, but whatever. At that point in time she didn't care about much.

The school she went to was a pretty basic school. It took her a couple of weeks to get used to the new country, but she dealt with it. In school she was silent, focusing on the work and only the work. She had now gained enough control of her power that she could block out thoughts and memories of people, unless she was sick or others where feeling strong emotions. The shitty thing was, is that she was sick a lot. It had been a few months she had been in the school, and despite her clean record so far, she knew something was going to happen that would inevitably end her quietness. She just didn't expect that it would be because she found someone else like her. Accidentally one day, ,she slipped into the thought stream of a boy in her class, Eros, and through such, she figured out that he had a similar power to hers. Well. Not similar, but odd liek hers. He was a shape shifter, and for once she felt not so alone.

Yet, she didn't talk to him. She didn't want to frighten the boy, knowing that he had probably struggled with it like she had her ability.

Except one day when he shifted in school. Not many saw it, but she was one who did. He looked frightened, and scared, like things crumbled before him. No one deserved to feel that way, so she ran after him. It was at that point she confessed to everything. The fact she knew what he was, and that she had an ability such as his. She gained his trust, and he gained hers. It was a nice couple of months, not feeling so alone. She finally felt like her true self, and not so completely closed off.

Until one day, it happened again. The incident that always seems to repeat itself. One day, apparently she caught interest of one of the stupid jocks bullies, and he had been poking fun at the quiet girl. She kept telling him to stop, to leave her alone, but it went too far when he grabbed her arm and shoved her against a locker, knocking the wind out of her lungs. Ismay wasn't one to get mad. But she was pretty pissed. When her emotions went out of control, so did she. A flash appeared in her head, a scene emerged and it was something that reminded her an awful lot of what was happening currently to her self. It was an image of the boys past. Ismay looked the boy dead in the eyes, and told him, "Beating me up is going to do nothing. It did no good three years ago when you almost beat your girlfriend Kelly to death after she kissed some dude at that party. But I'm not going to covere this up and say I was mugged like she had. But then again, you threatened her to do that too hadn't you?" The boys eyes went wide, and his grip loosened. Not from shock, but from the pain Ismay was sending through the link. The boy clutched his head in pain, and Ismay soon tapped out of her angry state, and the boy dropped to his knees. He looked at her, and she ran away, out of the school where multiple people witnessed what had happened. She was in hysterics, not knowing what to do. She was finally happy at a place, and she fucked it up like she did most things.

Well, she wasn't going to be ripped apart once more. So, her and Eros ran, knowing it was the one thing they could do. This is when they started the Haven, and this is when Ismay finally had hope.

โ‚Notesโ‚ ||

-She has a lot of her sketches hanging on her bedroom walls
-She won't let you touch any of her records, or her record player, without permission.
-Ismay can speak French and Italian
-May also has a huge secret, that only Eros knows.
More will be added as role play progresses

Imsay La Wolfe ยฐSuburban War - Arcade Fireยฐ

Let's go for a drive
See the town tonight
There's nothing to do but I'll unwind when I'm with you

This town's so strange
They built it to change
And while we sleep we know the streets get rearranged

With my old friends, it was so different then
Before your war against the suburbs began
Before it began

And now the music divides
Us into tribes
You grew your hair so I grew mine
They said the past won't rest
Until we jump the fence and leave it behind

And my old friends, I can remember when
You cut your hair
We never saw you again
Now the cities we live in
Could be distant stars
And I search for you
In every passing car

The nights so long
Yeah, the nights so long
I've been living in the shadows of your song
Living in the shadows of your

In the suburbs I, I learned to drive
People told me we would never survive
So grab your mother's keys we leave tonight

You started a war
That you can't win
They keep erasing all the streets we grew up in

Now the music divides
Us into tribes
You choose your side I'll choose my side

All my old friends, they don't know me now
All my old friends, are staring through me now
All my old friends, they don't know me now
All my old friends, they don't know me now

All my old friends, wait

So begins...

Ismay La Wolfe's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelyne Krueger Character Portrait: Aaron Johnson Character Portrait: Skylar Faust Character Portrait: Ismay La Wolfe Character Portrait: Aliya Zypher Character Portrait: Simon Faust
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"She wished she could read their thoughts, the thoughts of people from the past. She would prefer it to reading the thoughts of those from the present."

Life is bullshit.

Well, actually, no. That statement is a little dramatic and cynical. To rephrase it, life is sometimes bullshit. Itโ€™s a good thing Ismay was a strong and stubborn believer that from bad things, good things will come in a domino effect. For example, if Ismay never had gone into foster care, being pulled from London to go to America, she would never have met Kayden. If she never had been shoved against a locker by that kid, she would never had run away and founded the Safe Haven with Kayden. If there was no Haven, Ismay wouldnโ€™t met all the people she grew to love. In turn, all of that stuff never would have happened if she hadnโ€™t had been born with her power. She didnโ€™t like her power. Itโ€™s not that she necessarily found it as a burden in itself, but more or less the thing that caused the burdens, that caused the hurt people felt. If an opportunity were to ever arise in which she could get rid of it, her ability, she would take it. Reading peoples thoughts, causing killer migraines and walking though peopleโ€™s dreams wasnโ€™t all it was cracked out to be; It wasnโ€™t at like how those fantasy teen books illustrated it like- then again those where usually fluffed up by romances- but that was besides the point. Ismay honestly had no idea how Edward Cullen didnโ€™t just rip his brain right out of his head, as Ismay wanted to herself after reading the book, with all those thoughts constantly flowing in and out of his own thought stream, or why he didnโ€™t just run away forever to bask in the sunlight in all his glorious sparkle. At least May had the choice to turn it off, to an extent. It was difficult to get people to trust Ismay, fully at least. Often times when people found out about her power, they would be hesitant, constantly seeming like they tip toed around her. May always told them that she didn't snoop in their head, that she could turn it off. She respected peoples privacy, knowing that it was perfectly normal to not want some thing to be shared. She had a secret she didn't like to share, and she wasn't going to disregard that other people would too. No one wants someone who knows all there business. If Ismay were in their place, she probably wouldn't trust herself either. But, just because she didn't like her ability didn't mean the whole world and her life was bullshit.

What was bullshit was the fact that she had only gotten two hours of sleep due to her persistent insomnia, and that she sat in the attic at 5:32 in the bloody morning. Nothing good would come out of that.

It was about five o'clock when Ismay snuck out of her basement room and slugged her way up the stoney steps of the main floor and up the rickety wooden ones into the attic room. Not many of the people in the house came up there often, as the house was filled with rooms more unique and interesting. Basically the attic was just stock piled full of old stuff the previous owners of the now abandoned house had left behind or forgotten. It now acted as an old furniture shop for the residents of the Haven to pick from if they needed anything. May liked coming up there. There was a large window and a chair she had set in front of it. This is where she came to be alone, whenever she got the chance too. Now was one of those times. In her pale and petite hands she held an old photograph, one she though to be from the late 19th century. She found it after rummaging through one of the paint chipped desks pushed against the wall. It was a family portrait. She saw a father dressed up in his suit, with his almost too perfectly groomed mustache. A mother, looking snooty and high class, trying her best to look dignified. There was also a little girl, soft brown ringlets spilling over her shoulders as she wore a frilly dress. They were probably old residents of the home, which in its time was probably as beautiful as any of the renovated mansions out and about the world. She had an odd curiosity about them, as she often did with any piece of history. She wanted to know the details of there lives. What the father did, whether the mother sat in the den at nights and read books. She wanted to know what the little girl was like, whether she grew up to be like her mom, or if she fully embraced the playful glint that lay in her eye. She wanted to know how they died, their tragedies. She wished she could read their thoughts, the thoughts of people from the past. She would prefer it to reading the thoughts of those from the present.

Imsay set the photo down, sinking herself into the cushioned seat more as she averted her green gaze out the tall glass paned window, seeing the sun just start peeking out from behind the mountains. She didn't want to dwell on history. She found it unhelpful. She shouldn't crave to know, or crave to change anything from the past. It hurt too much.

Standing up, trying her best to have that sort of spring in the step that always seemed to be a constant thing in Disney movies, she outstretched her arms and yawned. There was a lot to do today, and she needed a lot of caffeine in order to do them. Making her way down the splintered wood steps that would probably need fixing eventually, she peeked down the hallways in which the majority of the bedrooms lied. All the doors seemed to be shut, so she assumed that everyone was still asleep. It was now around 6:00 A.M. so it wasn't odd at all. Making her way back downstairs to her basement room, she shut her door.

Her room was a little large, and a little bare. She had chosen to take up residence in the basement only because she didn't want to take the risk of sleeping in close proximity to those also in the home. Despite having a fairly good handle on controlling her power, she didn't have as great of defenses when she was sleeping, so she had issues with being pulled into other peoples dreams, and other people being pulled into hers. It was just better for everyone this way. In her room lay a bed with a white canopy draping over it. There was a single dresser with an old record player ontop, a makeshift closet, a chair, and then against the far right wall, a stack of hundreds of records piled high. It was her treasure, and her baby. Ismay had one rule, and that was to not touch it without her permission. There was also a punching bag that hung down from her ceiling that some find odd, but it was one of May's favorite things. Why she didn't just place it in another room however, she doesn't know.

Stripping off her Pajamas, which was really just exerciser shorts and a tattered batman T-shirt she got from one of her past foster brothers, she pulled some clothes out from her drawers and put them on, completing her outfit. She tried to wear something a tad comfy, as she would actually be moving around a lot today. First on her list was to go pick up Simon and Skylar at the airport, the new comers to the house. The clock now read 6:30, and she had to be there in forty five minutes.

Running back up the steps, trying her hardest not to make any noise, she made her way into the ever popular kitchen. Filling the kettle with running water from the tap, she put it on the stove element, heating it up in preparations for her morning tea. This had been the most constant thing in her life. Even when she was fostered, every morning she would have to have tea. She had the feeling that if she didn't, she'd feel completely unbalanced all day, which was probably a ridiculous notion. But, none the less, it was her routine and she was to stick too it. After a few minutes, the metal kettle started to whistle and steam spilled out of the spout. May ran towards it quickly, moving it off the element as she mumbled to herself "Hope that didn't wake any one up," small worry being heard in her soft, british toned voice. Poaring the hot water into her white porcelain mug, she dunked her green tea bag until her clear water turned a soft opaque jade. She really didn't have much time to drink it as casually as one should, so she sucked it all back in the span of a minute and a half. Ismay put the cup down in the sink, saying to herself "Well that was a bloody stupid idea," her tongue and throat feeling as it had been set on fire due to the scalding water. Groaning, she had no time to worry about it, she had to get the the airport. Grabbing a piece of paper from the note pad held up on the fridge by a magnet, she jotted down a quick note, and stuck it on the counter.


It was obvious. Her hand writing wasn't the best in the world, and it took a keen eye to be able to decipher the light and pretty scribbles. At least one of them in the house was bound to know what it said, and even if they didn't she did mention the night before about her being away in the morning as to pick Simon and Skylar up. If none of them remembered that, well, she had her barley ever used cellphone with her so they could contact her.

Walking out the large wooden oak doors of The Safe Haven, she began her excursion to the ever painful stone steps down the hill. It took a solid ten minutes to get up and down them, the one painful thing that often kept Ismay from gong into the city unless necessary. The one good thing however was that it kept outsiders from wanting to walk the ever trudging steps. As she reached the bottom, she found herself in the common dirt clearing area. In the area, sat a car. Not a nice car, but a working car at least. The exterior red color she found herself hating was slowly turning to rust at the bottom, but the fact that it was a compact vehicle was a god send in Rome. The car was barley ever used. There was market and cafe's and such that was a five minute walk from the point she was at now. It was a walkable distance. The Airport, however, was twenty minutes away, something that she would most defiantly need the car for. With her set of keys, May quickly started the car, and pulled out of the dirt area and onto the un-busy road, heading straight towards the large airport, something she dreaded.

Finally arriving at the airport, she headed towards the parking lot labeled for pick ups. She had to pay a ticket, but it wasn't much at all considering she didn't plan to be there for too long. Ismay mentally braced herself for the amount of people she was about to run into. She could block out thoughts, yes, but not a hundred at a time. It got a little overwhelming for the girl to be in crowds, but she braved through it as she always did, always keeping that one goal in mind.

Entering the airport, she made her way down to where she was to meet Skylar and Simon, sitting down in the ridiculously uncomfortable plastic hairs.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Faust Character Portrait: Ismay La Wolfe Character Portrait: Simon Faust
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"So, I guess we are who we are for alot of reasons.
And maybe we'll never know most of them. But even
if we don't have the power to choose where we come
from, we can still choose where we go from there. We
can still do things. And we can try to feel okay about
โ€” Stephen Chbosky


Skylar decidedly wasn't a fan of flying.

It wasn't the sensation of flying itself that was the problem so much as it was the other passengers, and being confined to an inescapable metal tube with wings hundreds of thousands of feet in the air. At any moment, her brother next to her could get an itchy nose and sneeze himself right out of the aircraft to find he was suddenly skydiving without a parachute...but we're jumping ahead of ourselves here.

The siblings boarded the plane and found their, undoubtedly, cheap seats; clamped on their lap belts and waited patiently. They were fortunate enough to have seating side by side, Simon with the window seat naturally, which was a relief as Skylar felt that she might've scratched the eyes out of any poor slub that got the least bit sleepy and leaned his fat head onto her shoulder. Personal space, dude. And she didn't want to be separated from Simon even for a second, appreciative at being able to keep a firm eye on her sullen sibling who still had no insight as to why Skylar had agreed to this trip in the first place, that she was so concerned about his current condition that she'd concede to live at some school overseas for the genetically weird and freakish. The plane gave a shudder, pulled back and taxied slowly to the runway. There it stopped for a few moments and then with a terrifying amount of speed, lifted off.

The buoyant feeling that followed was incredible.

Her nails dug into the arm rest between her brother and herself, not out of fear but merely adrenaline. Her younger sibling still took her hand as to comfort her, and she squeezed it back gratefully in gesture. Despite being effectively trapped, she felt as free as a bird...for about all of 3.5 seconds. As the plane climbed in smooth steps, she could see past her brothers tension drawn, square shoulders through the window to the airport building and the waiting planes below as they grew smaller and smaller in the distance until they looked like model toys. The city lied glittering beneath them, dropping further back every moment along with the only life they had ever known. She slid a sidelong glance at Simon, gauging his reaction and he seemed alright, not fearful nor in awe, simply annoyed and vaguely pejorative; looking out at the soft boughs of the clouds like he were a contemplative character from something Hemmingway. He had always had a flare for the dramatic. It figured. Skylar tried to imagine how peaceful flying might've been were she alone and not worrying about her brother, the sole passenger, in first class...or perhaps piloting the flight herself...but daydreaming was silly and impractical, things like that were never to be a reality. Not for someone like her.

She huffed out a sigh and glared at a baby in her mothers arms across the isle from her seat that seemed Hell bent on crying the entire miserable trip, obviously uncomfortable with the close proximity to the strange passengers as Sky was. She only looked away when her depreciative expression didn't seem to be effective...and because she could sympathize, but she wasn't a crier and never had been. To her left, Simon began humming some Metallica, a smirk dancing across his lips. He knew how to keep his sister calm. She stifled a snort in response.

A few excruciating and nerve wracked hours, like roughly sixteen or so, and they'd be landing in Rome. Leaving the country was a big deal to the impoverish pair, Sky had never even traveled outside of New York, barring that one time she took Simon on a day trip out to Ellis Island just hoping to see him smile for once--a glimmer of that rakish boy she knew at seven years old that despite being half the size of other boys his age bore the most temerity of them all. All she had in her possession was a army rucksack from the Goodwill, slight enough to fit over her narrow shoulders, full of clothes in the over head bin; and the bags under her eyes from a restless night before. It wasn't much to be bringing into a new life, but it was all she could manage. She couldn't afford to waste energy worrying about such details.

The aircraft touched down at the Roman terminal not a second too soon; the plane barely had time to roll to a complete stop before Sky was out of her seat and had her bag down and her brother by the arm, pulling him past the grumpy and stiff passengers dawdling in their seats while she took two rows at a time in stride. They were funneled into the airport amidst a tempest of travelers to be overwhelmed by the scope of it all. Dorothy and Toto weren't in Kansas anymore. Not that New York wasn't sizable, it was huge, but this was...just different. Trying to put that difference there into words was like handing a monkey a typewriter and asking it to produce Shakespeare. It could not be done. She traversed past three help desks before getting effectively lost so she had to double back to the gate. It was there she spotted a waifish girl hunched over in a plastic chair that fit this elusive Ismay's description. Skylar wandered over, still clutching her brother's coat sleeve, and cleared her throat, steeling herself for any weirdness.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Faust Character Portrait: Ismay La Wolfe Character Portrait: Simon Faust
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"I think the saddest people try their hardest to make
people happy because they know what it's like to feel
absolutely worthless and they don't want anyone
else to feel like that."
โ€” Robin Williams


Simon's story has no beginning or end, no one's story does; arbitrarily one chooses that moment of experience from which to look back or from which to look ahead. For his sister, this was a new start, an answered prayer to begin a new chapter, a better life. Regardless of what she chose to call it, Simon didn't see it that way. He wasn't so ignorant to believe that Skylar actually wanted to go to this supposed "safe haven." He knew that the only reason she agreed to it was because of him. And he hates the way she's been looking at him recently, like she had to walk on eggshells, like he would crumble at one misspoken word. It was as if she didn't know who she was looking at anymore and it hurt him more than his own self-deprecation ever could. To see him with a bottle of bourbon in his hand or a cigarette between his lips was akin to a parent hearing that their child had been doing the same. She was everything to him: a mother, a father, a sister, and a friend. But sometimes he just wished she would just stick to being his friend. It's true what they say, that those that care about you are the most annoying people in the world when they know something's wrong. Because Simon was all she had, Skylar seemed to go above and beyond to provide for him and make sure he was alright. The truth of the matter is that he hasn't been alright for a very long time. He can't even muster up the strength to fake a smile anymore when it'd been so easy before. It's that selfishness that coaxed him into robbing that bank. He'd felt so guilty that he couldn't put on a happy face for her that he decided he'd make it up to her, bring some extra payroll into their not-so-steady income of petty theft. He'd never used his power to pop up on the other side of a steel vault before and it showed. One bloodied nose later and Simon woke up after three days of unconsciousness just to find out that they were boarding a plane to Rome as soon as possible. They packed up what little they had and left for the airport the next night.

Despite what Simon had jokingly referred to as their "new acclimated fortune", the siblings ended up in coach. From America to Rome, they used up most of their money, having spent the last bit on buying more clothing for themselves in preparation for whatever climate they'd have to face. The clothes on their backs just so happened to be new, a vain attempt on Skylar's part to convince the other members of the house that they weren't to be pitied. Meandering down the aisle at a leisurely pace left Simon with naught to do but itch at his neck. He'd never owned a button up shirt before and the starched cotton collar was literally rubbing him the wrong way. Once they'd gotten to their row, Skylar wordlessly insisted he take the window seat, which didn't come as much of a surprise. Of course she'd give him the best seat, not to mention it put her between him and whomever was meant to join them. He knew it was her way of protecting him, had become accustomed to it by now, so he didn't argue.

Even though it being his first time on an airplane, Simon wasn't nervous in the slightest. He approached this new experience as he did with everything else, with a cold indifference. When the plane took off the ground, he barely even noticed. What he did notice was the slight groan of thick plastic at his side. Glancing down, he saw his sister's hand on the armrest, gripping it so tightly her knuckles had gone pale from the exertion. He doesn't think twice before he grabs her hand, lacing his fingers through hers in a sign of comfort. Dragging the pad of his thumb back and forth against the back of her hand, he felt her slowly deflate in her seat, her adrenaline rush waning at the familiar anchor he provided her. When turbulence came and she tightened her grip, Simon couldn't help but huff a chuckle, squeezing her hand in reassurance before he began humming Metallica just loud enough for her to hear. From the corner of his eyes, he sees the corner of his sister's lip perk at the sound, and she slowly begins to relax again.

Fifteen hours and forty-five minutes. That's how long it took. Almost an entire day had past and neither of them had gotten any sleep at all. Both of them were too keyed up, albeit for very different reasons. While he cannot speak for his sister, Simon was dreading the experience. He didn't want to go to Safe Haven before and the prolonged journey sure as hell didn't change his mind. If anything being on the plane for so long left him a bit stir crazy. Throughout the endeavor, Simon tried to remain as still as he could lest Skylar become paranoid that he would try and teleport out of the plane. As melodramatic as it seemed, Simon had begun to warm up to the idea after the first ten hours. Plummeting to your death was definitely better than being suspended in the air, having to put all your faith and trust into two engines and a pilot. Nevertheless, he bore it with a calm and collected countenance. He was almost thankful when he overheard a voice on the speaker system alert everyone to buckle their seat-belts and prepare for their descent. Scratch that, he thought as he finally stood, collecting his carry on, the same duffle-bags they've had for years, Very thankful.

Simon followed Skylar out of the terminal towards the gate. He paid little attention to where they were going because he assumed Skylar would know the way. Without a doubt she'd probably spoke to the person meeting them here and received all the details. Instead, Simon cast his attention to the bags in their hand, getting drug around by his coat whilst he thought morosely how sad it was that their whole lives could fit into two battered bags. When he finally looked up again, he saw her. Skylar had approached someone sitting alone, a young woman not much older than himself with dark hair and even darker eyes. With steely determination, the elder sibling cleared her throat as they stood before the girl. Simon just stood, looking for all the world like he did not want to be there, waiting for the introductions and welcome to come. The faster they got acquainted, the faster he could get out of this airport.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Johnson Character Portrait: Skylar Faust Character Portrait: Ismay La Wolfe Character Portrait: Simon Faust
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#, as written by Dumisa

Aaron Johnson


It was really hard for Aaron to be waking up in yet another foster home.

Aaron sat up in his bed, with his back pushing up against the array of pillows behind him, as he reached over to the nightstand and grabbed his journal and a pen. It was something new that he was trying. Maybe if he wrote down his thoughts, his mind wouldn't be so cluttered up and cause himself to be even more depressed than he already was. Aaron eyes went towards the clock and it had just turned seven o'clock in the morning. He hasn't had a good night sleep since coming to the house and probably won't be able to until he was really comfortable - Despite being there for nearly two weeks now.

After writing in his journal, he slipped from his bed and walked over to his mirror, examining his so called amazing physique. He flexed his muscles and did a couple of bam's and pow's while smiling afterwards. If someone was to walk in on him, they would probably be surprised that he only had his boxer briefs, which were tight fitted. Aaron never slept fully clothed but he had his own room so it didn't matter anyway. Aaron had figured that he was the only one up so really without caring, he left out of his room and walked down the stairs, going towards the kitchen. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a piece of paper on the counter and went over to read it. It was, of course, Ismay's sloppy handwriting and he tried to make out what it was saying. The only thing he really understood was Simon and Skylar, must be two new people of the house, and that she took the car.

Aaron shrugged his shoulders and threw the piece of paper back down on the counter then went over to the fridge, grabbing himself a bottle of Orange Juice. After leaving the kitchen and going back into his room, sitting on the edge of his bed, he took a sip of his Orange Juice then wondered how these new kids were going to act when they first got here. A sly smirk played across his lips as he was already thinking of practical jokes and harsh, sarcastic words to abuse them with. After chuckling to himself, Aaron lifted himself from his seated position and walked to his closet, putting on a gray t-shirt that read "Sarcasm Is A Body's Natural Defense Against Stupid" and he also placed on a pair of blue jeans along with white sneakers with black stripes going across the sides.

After changing into his clothes, he walked back out of his room after finishing off his bottle of Orange Juice and walked back down the stairs and went back into the kitchen. Another smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as he grabbed a pen then the note and scratched out Simon and Skylar's name then replaced their names with Dumb and Dumber and placed the note on the fridge, using a magnet. He chuckled with head nod then walked out the back door and down a small hill, which lead to the garden and the greenhouse. Aaron checked on the garden plants that he had been growing every since he came here and made sure that they were healthy and still sprouting, which they were.

Aaron then walked into the greenhouse and flipped the switch, which turned on the only three lights in there. He grabbed his lab coat and goggles then a small clipboard, which he keeps his analyzed work written on. After writing down some more of the work in progress, he grabbed a pair of rubber gloves then a small plant trimmer and started plucking some of the thorns away from a plant then moved on the next. He then proceeded to water some of the newer plants in the greenhouse then sat them where they would get excellent sunlight in order to grow healthy and happy.

After spending some time outside, he placed his lab coat and goggles back on their appropriate hooks then turned off the dim lights and walked back through the garden. He took the small trek back up the small hill and walked back into the kitchen then into the living room, where he sat down on the couch and waited for either someone to wake up and join him or for Ismay to bring the new people, Simon and Skylar to the house. A soft sigh escaped through his lips as he leaned back on the couch, thinking about how today was going to go and what not.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelyne Krueger Character Portrait: Aaron Johnson Character Portrait: Skylar Faust Character Portrait: Ismay La Wolfe Character Portrait: Aliya Zypher Character Portrait: Simon Faust
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XXโ€œFrom childhood's hour I have not been.
XXAs others were, I have not seen. As others saw,
XXI could not awaken.
XXMy heart to joy at the same tone.
XXAnd all I loved, I loved alone.โ€
XXโ€• Edgar Allan Poe

XXiPod Playlist : ImageBabylonImage
XXClothing : Pajamas


Waking up to Britney Spears was rather peculiar to the blonde girl. Especially Toxic - a song that she wasn't even aware she had on her iPod. Secretly, she didn't mind the notorious old school pop star, but she wasn't in the mood for such things. With heavy lidded eyes she searched the cold wooden floor for the blasting music. Her fingers finally touched the thing and turned the volume off. Normally, she wasn't up this early. If she could - she'd sleep till noon. She wondered to herself how the hell her iPod turned on. She must have accidentally turned on the alarm. The mirror behind her revealed her messy hair and tired eyes. By the door of her room, were her slippers. Then with enough concentration, they were now longer by the door, but next to her bed.

Being at Haven she had a safe environment to practice these things. To be a "freak" with other people. Freak was a word that constantly circulated in her head. She knew she wasn't normal - god was she far from normalcy - but here, she was as normal as she could be. She was with people like her. And that reassured her, and kept her from running away, once again. It wasn't a bad place in all honestly. Four months ago - going into the situation, she expected hell. This was far from it. She had her own room in a beautiful house, with people that weren't total assholes. Life was good.

She'd been there longer than some, and every time a new person entered the house - she wondered how many people had powers out in the world, and how many were hiding from the world. How many people were like her? The world was truly full of mysteries. She wouldn't be surprised if she learned unicorns and vampires were real. Though if those were real, she would be disappointed she wasn't born a fairy. Ah well.

Lazily she sat up in bed, the large white comforter pooling at the end of the soft mattress. Slipping on the slippers, she walked out of her room to the kitchen still in her pajamas. Aliya loved the house. The history, the stone, all of it was amazing. Cooking was a passion, so in the kitchen she spent a lot of her time. The fridge and pantry was fully stocked from a large grocery run, so she took the opportunity before someone came and ate all of it. An egg sandwich sounded the best to the girl, so, she began her culinary adventure.

Pulling things out of the fridge, she noticed a messy note, informing them of some event. Honestly - she couldn't read it. All she could tell was something was crossed out with "dumb" and "dumber". Shaking her head she proceeded with her task. She didn't know whether or not to take the note down. She thought about it while whisking eggs - but decided against it. The nice part of being a telekinetic, was that she could multitask. That would be too easy however. Whenever she cooked, she liked doing it all manually. It made her feel like an average person.

Sausage patties cooked in the pan with her eyes, biscuits were warmed in the toaster, made slightly crispy. The smell of the food alone made her even hungrier. Never was she so glad that she could cook decently. Minutes passed till her food was done, and she grabbed a plate from the cupboard to place her food on. She placed her pan in the sink to wash afterwards, and went to the living room with her plate. On the couch she saw one of the newer people sitting, and she sat on the opposite side, plate in her lap.
"Morning" she said before taking a bite of her sandwich.

Her eyes went up to look at the wooden pillars in the ceiling.
"How're you liking it here so far?" Aliya asked, trying to make some conversation to fill the silence of the house.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelyne Krueger Character Portrait: Aaron Johnson Character Portrait: Skylar Faust Character Portrait: Ismay La Wolfe Character Portrait: Aliya Zypher Character Portrait: Kayden Sirrel
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"If no one asked questions, then she'd think they were the ones a bit off the bend."

The faster they got here, the faster she could leave the airport.

She sat slightly slouched, bent forward clasping both her hands in a tight ball, forcing her pale hands go even whiter. She was concentrating. What she was concentrating on was the crap Italian pop music that hummed like a whisper through the giant echo of everyoneโ€™s thoughts and talking. She herself spoke Italian, picking it up in a breeze after moving here. The song babbled on about how much the singer loved a girl, but how it just never seemed to work out for him as she could tell through the whiney words and lack of rhythm. Pop music seemed just immensely universal on that subject.

Someone clearing their throat caught her attention, and she let it blissfully grip her concentration away from the song.

Averting her green gaze over to the two looming, fatigued looking figures, she stood up, and gave a small smile. โ€œAh, Skylar and Simon?โ€ She asked, yet already knowing the answer. โ€œIโ€™m Ismay Wolfe, but uh I know how bloody horrible that flight is from experience, so Iโ€™ll talk in the car on the way to the house,โ€ she said with a small laugh. It was true, long flights never were good, but for her she especially tried to avoid being trapped thousands or so feet in the air in a metal container with well over a hundred people in it. Crowds were enough for her, crowds in planes was about as worse as she could handle but only if she absolutely had to.

Ismay, with Simon and Skylar trailing behind her, slipped by groups of people, most often of them huddled together, bags tipped over, reminiscing with their fellow family members or friends who got back from trips or work. She smiled at a few people who made eye contact that passed by her, trying her best to be a bit polite over her increasing headache. Exiting through one of the many doors, the one closest to the car, she felt relief literally wash through her like a chill through her spine as the fresh warm air washed over her and the buzzing in her head ceased like a phone cut from its wire. Walking towards the red rusted car, she said to Simon and Skylar โ€œItโ€™s kind of a junker, but she works. We donโ€™t user her a lot, thereโ€™s a little market area that a fifteen minute walk away from the house so we just go there usually.โ€ Yes, she referred to the car as a she. Yes, the car had a name, Delilah. Ismay had named it when she had first gotten it, having a habit of doing so with some of her more special inanimate objects. Like her record player. His nameโ€™s Leon.

Opening up the rasping door to the driverโ€™s seat, she struggled to shut it, slamming it as hard as she could. When she first got the car, it had actually swung open once while she was driving from lack-of-forcedness when she shut it. She didnโ€™t want to have to go through it again. Starting the car as the other two got in, she left the lot as soon as she could.

Traveling down the road, one could hear the clinking of the car, the quiet song on the radio that played and the honking of impatient cars on the road. โ€œI guess I should fore warn you on the others in the house,โ€ May supposed as she pulled up to a red light. โ€œFirst, thereโ€™s Aliya, sheโ€™s seventeen. She has telekinesis, so just the basics with that, lifting up stuff, pushing and pulling, she can crush stuff or make thing explode, which is actually kinda cool to watch.โ€ She smiled, moving forward with the car as the new green light signaled it. โ€œThen thereโ€™s Aaron, eighteen. Bit of a smartass, but you love him anyway. He has plant manipulation, which in its scientific term, if you could really call any of this scientific, is Chlorokinesis. Thereโ€™s Evelyne, Seventeen, bit of an introvert, so donโ€™t worry if she doesnโ€™t exactly warm up right away. Sheโ€™s has plasma manipulation, which deals with a bit. She can manipulate the elements, create sorts of armors and stuff. Just a lot.โ€ The ride was only a short while longer, around five minutes. She never liked having to explain once they reached the steps it was a ten minute venture up the flight. โ€œLastly, thereโ€™s Wilhelm. Also seventeen, long bloody history which he might get around to telling you guys. He has flame manipulation, but we try to not piss him off as much as we can, or else stuff will just go up in flame.โ€

Pulling up into the little dirt area near the stairs, she shut off the over rumbling car, and pushed open the door with a little more vigour then one would seem fit. It was either that, or stay trapped in there. As the two climbed out, she gave a slight apologetic look as she said โ€œUnfortunately, these steps take a good couple of minutes to get up at.โ€ Starting to go up, she gave her little closing statement of the powers bit. โ€œYou guys know Kayden, who had slight communication with you. Iโ€™ll have him explain his power, just because he does it better then I. As for me, Iโ€™ll explain mine at the same time considering people often like to ask questions.โ€ If no one asked questions, then she'd think they were the ones a bit off the bend.

After about nine minutes, they stood at the large door, Ismay knocking on it before opening up and walking into the large, stony sitting room that greeted everyone at the start. โ€œAnyone up?โ€ She called out, before muttering to the two โ€œIโ€™m going to find someoneโ€, before walking into the kitchen, most often of times finding people in there. Nope. Instead, she was greeted with an edited version of her note hanging on the kitchen. Thanks to her photographic memory, she could pinpoint exactly whose writing it was. She gave a sarcastic โ€œHaha,โ€ Then proceeded to rip the note in two before throwing it away, going on to then grabbing a sticky note and scribble the words, 'Dumbest,' on it.

She heard voices in the living room.

Making her way back to the front entrance, she slipped through the arched doorway to the living room, finding Aliya, Wilhelm, and Aaron. Smiling, she walked behind Aaron, and patted him on the back, pressing the siticky note there. โ€œAh, youโ€™re jokes are becoming funnier. There up to a fifth graders level now.โ€ She scolded half-jokingly as he often did with him. โ€œSo, everyone, this is Simon and Skylar.โ€ God, she sounded like an elementary school teacher, how horrid. Turing to the Faust siblings, she said โ€œIโ€™m just going down to my room, but Iโ€™ll show you guys around in a second and to your rooms. Maybe then Kayden or Evelyne will be up.โ€

Going down the stairs, she huffed out a long breath, opening up her door and shutting it promptly behind her. She slipped off her jacket and threw it on the edge of her fully white, almost cloud like bed. Ismay didnโ€™t really enjoy talking like an authority figure of some sort, but at this moment it was kind of hard not to when bringing to people in the house. Most often of times, she was just like the rest, just wandering around regularly. The only difference was, she was the one who went to run errands mostly, not because she necessarily wanted. Taking a moment to herself, she opened up one of her drawers and pulled out a small red container, labeled 'Tylenol'. This little white pill that she swallowed was a god send from the angels to May. She would marry it if she could. It probably wasnโ€™t great she as so attached to it, but then you had killer headaches most of the time, it become a coping dependency that she would need, and right now, after being in a crowd and having that same reminiscent and incessant headache, she needed it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Johnson Character Portrait: Skylar Faust Character Portrait: Ismay La Wolfe Character Portrait: Aliya Zypher Character Portrait: Simon Faust Character Portrait: Wilhelm Von Faringhsten
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#, as written by Dumisa
Aaron Johnson

Aaron looked up when he saw Aliya enter the living room, where himself and Wilhelm resided. Aaron didn't like Wilhelm too much but decided to not speak on it in front of Aliya, who started to speak. When he was about to answer, it was Wilhelm who spoke before him. His brows furrowed then one of them raised up as his parted to speak. "I think she was talking to me, doofus." He said towards Wilhelm then smiled towards Aliya. "Morning to you as well. I am enjoying myself here, so far anyway." He whispered that last part with a sigh then looked over towards Wilhelm. "I didn't think Germans could read books. I thought they..." He stopped in mid sentence as he heard footsteps approaching.

"Ah, Ismay." He was the first to jump up and give her a brief hug. "Oh, why thank you. I hope to reach a sixth grader level by next week." He chuckled after those words then stared at the Faust siblings. His lips played into a sly smirk as he walked towards them and circled around them like a predator stalking its prey. His eyes went over towards the boy as he raised a brow then looked at the female with the same expression. "Ah, well, Simon and Skylar, Welcome to the Madhouse." He waved his hands dismissively in the air before folding his arms over his muscular chest.

Aaron let out another small chuckle then eyed them both again. "I wouldn't bother unpacking..." He pointed at the both of them. "You two don't even look like you'll last long here." He smirked then walked past them both, bumping his shoulders with theirs. His head turned back at them as he walked down to Ismay's room, not even bothering to knock before entering. "So, anymore freaks of nature coming to the house that we should know about?" He asked her while standing at the door, his hand clinching the doorknob slightly. "This house is close to being too crowded, Ismay." He said with a soft sigh before walking a little bit further into the room.

"How long do you think these nut cases will last? I'll give them a day." He said while raising a brow and reaching his hand up his back, pulling a piece of paper from his back that read "Dumbest". He saw the piece of paper in the mirror of Ismay's room then continued to stare at her, waiting for her to respond to his statement and questions.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Johnson Character Portrait: Skylar Faust Character Portrait: Ismay La Wolfe Character Portrait: Aliya Zypher Character Portrait: Kayden Sirrel Character Portrait: Simon Faust
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Image ~ Image
Image ~ Image


Kayden was sitting in one of the many couches that could be found within the Safe Haven. He wasn't in his own room, but he could have been anywhere within the Haven, and that was the real beauty of it. There wasn't a single place within the Haven that Kayden didn't love from the bottom of his heart. It was a place where he could be... Kayden.

Perhaps, the feeling of peace came from Kayden's surroundings. Maybe it was the Haven itself. or, perhaps, it came from Kayden's company. Cradled within his arms, with his book resting on her lower back, a young girl slept. She was, maybe, eight years old, but not a day older. She had long blonde hair, golden like wheat. Naturally, her hair possessed a gentle wave, neither truly curled nor perfectly straight, but you couldn't quite tell at the moment. She'd put it up not too long ago, just a simple ponytail, and most likely in preparation of the nap she swore she wouldn't take. Her hair was long, stopping just before it reached her lower back. Though they were closed, her eyes were mirror images of Kayden's own. They were impossibly blue, with flecks of green, grey, yellow, white, and even purple, forming miniature cosmos within her pupils. Kayden loved that they shared that. Her frame was sleight, and though she was beginning to grow out of her baby weight, you could tell that she didn't have a lot of it to begin with. Though she was just barely beginning to grow into her more feminine charms, the gentle curve of her waist had begun to show, and her lips shone softly, their gloss reflecting the dying sun. She was still a child, despite her uncanny precociousness and her close proximity to her teenage years. Though she was Kayden's younger by over ten years, there were times that he felt as if he were the younger of the two that she was taking care of him, not the other way around.

She had barely stayed awake for the first stanza, but since she had insisted that Kayden promise to keep reading; she wouldn't fall asleep. Sure enough, she had gone and slipped away from him anyway, typical. A tender smile slowly crept its way across Kayden's face, and his fingers gently swept an errant curl behind her ear, bringing a smile to her sleeping face. "What a goofball..." Kayden sighed to himself, his voice whisper quiet. He paused briefly, just looking at her sleeping form, snuggled into the side of the couch next to him. Smiling, Kayden's attention turned to the window. The sun was setting, and night was approaching. Kayden shook his head. "I told you this wasn't a good idea," Kayden spoke quietly, but his thoughts were directed more towards himself. "I told you if I read to you, that you'd fall asleep, and if you slept now, you'll be up all night," Kayden finished, complaining to himself.

The slightest of movements caught Kayden's attention, and he returned his gaze to the little girl. The sleeper stirred, roused to wakefulness, seeminly against her will. She, who had so readily drifted off to sleep, sat up, rubbed her eyes, and pouted. "You've stopped reading," she complained. As he'd predicted, the first words out of her mouth were a plea for him to continue reading. Stretching lightly before laying back down, and her arms snaking around Kayden's waist, she laid her head back down, finally coming to rest on his chest. "I didn't want to wake you Em." Kayden replied simply, a wry smile splitting an otherwise gentle expression. "Well, would you keep going? I want you to finish it!" She mock pouted, yawning halfway through. Though they both knew what was really going to happen, Kayden played along, smiling. "Anything for you, princess." He said simply, and with that, he began to read once more.

"You sweet delusions of my mind,
Still to my ruling passion kind,
Which always brought a sure relief
To life's accurst companion, grief.
Will you forever from me fly,
And must I joyless, friendless die...

Kayden trailed off, some distant distraction had caught his attention, a noise perhaps. He turned to look for it, his eyes scanning the otherwise empty room. "I thought I heard..." Kayden said, his mind racing. However, as soon as he'd stopped reading, the girl's arms tightened around Kayden's waist. "Don't go." She said, muffled, her face was buried into Kayden's chest. He turned to look at her, a reassuring hand coming to rest atop her head. "I'm not going anywhere," Kayden explained, trying to get her to calm down. She was breathing heavily, and she'd sat up, her eyes threatening to water, a dangerous shade of red. She looked like she was ready to shout at him, but he could barely hear her voice. "Please... finish... stay... don't..." Kayden only barely made out those few words. His expression turned from one of amusement, to one of confusion, to one of serenity. Hs body felt so light. He was... floating away. As soon as Kayden could no longer feel her grip on his waist, the girl screamed, and that's when Kayden woke up.


Kayden's eyes snapped open, and he immediately curled into a ball beneath his covers. He wanted to scream, to let it all out, and to cry until his tears ran dry, but he couldn't. If he cried over every little thing: every dream of Emily, every memory of the family he'd destroyed, and every picture of his little sister, his mother, or his father, even his step-father, Kayden would've reduced the Haven to rubble a long time ago. Instead, and somewhat courageously, Kayden sat up, and jumped out of bed. Walking over to the mirror on his dresser, Kayden studied himself. He was wearing his usual pajamas, and his hair was a sleep-mussed mess, but there was something off about him. His mind lethargically lurched forward, trying to ascertain the oddness, but after a few pathetic, robotic stumbles, Kayden stopped trying to figure it out. Kayden sighed heavily, his face falling into waiting hands, and that's when he felt it. His face was wet. There were tears on his face. Panicked, Kayden's sleeve rose to wipe them away, but it had frayed into nothing but string. Upon closer inspection, most of the rest of his pajamas had received a similar treatment. Kayden wheeled around frantically, nearly tripping as he turned to inspect his bed, which, after a closer inspection, Kayden decided wasn't anymore lumpy or ripped than it usually was. Standning back up, and already feeling like he was done trying to be productive today, Kayden walked back to his dresser and made a face at the mirror. "I really liked those ones..." Kayden pouted, but there was no use getting riled up about it. After all, it would only make it worse. Instead, Kayden tore off what remained of his tattered pajamas and threw them in a bin, which contained several other pairs of similarly shredded pajamas. "Guess it's time to go get some more..." Kayden sighed. He was so thoroughly not amused. Finding a warm sweater, a white t-shirt, some well-fitting pants, converse sneakers, and a pair of warm socks, Kayden got himself ready to greet the others. He turned a few times, inspecting himself to make sure Aaron hadn't ripped a hole in his pants or written, "kick me," on his sweater. Once he was satisfied, Kayden faced himself in the mirror and tried to smile. After all, Skylar and Simon would be here today, Ismay had probably already left to get them this morning in that old junker of a car. His feeble attempt at smiling turned into a grimace as he imagined their expressions upon viewing their dilapidated car. "What a great first impression..." Kayden chuckled to himself. After one last look in the mirror, Kayden lightly slapped both sides of his face and left his room, locking the door behind him. There had been some argument he'd made about his wair, but Kayden didn't feel like doing anything with it. Therefore, after deciding that his hair was, "carefully disheveled," instead of a complete mess, which was much closer to the truth, Kayden started making his way towards the front door.

Kayden's room was located well away from everyone else's. Part of this was because Kayden liked privacy, another part was a self-imposed quarantine. It would keep him from hurting anyone on accident and it would keep Aaron, mostly, or anyone else, out of his stuff. The whole two birds one stone bit. After looking around for a bit, Kayden had deduced that they'd either not yet arrived, or hadn't gotten much farther than the Kitchen, which was really the main hub of the Haven. It was spacious enough to seat everyone, and was positioned in, very nearly, the center of the first floor. Winding his way through the hallways, Kayden was just about to knock on the door frame three times before he entered. It was something he'd always done to announce his presence, to be polite, but this time, he stopped just short.

Spying Aaron, Aliya, Wilhelm, and, who he presumed were Skylar and Simon, Kayden took a step back. He didn't like crowds, and he didn't see Ismay, who usually took care of social situations for him. He really did rely on her too much. However, just as he was about to try again, Aaron spoke. At the sound of the bond's voice, Kayden stopped what he was doing and leaned on the door frame to watch, as he'd, apparently, arrived just in time to catch Aaron hazing the new kids. Typical. Aaron let out small chuckle, as he eyed the siblings dismissively. "I wouldn't bother unpacking..." He pointed at the both of them. "You two don't even look like you'll last that long here." Having finished, and probably feeling rather pleased with himself, Aaron walked past them both, bumping his shoulders with theirs. He turned back to look at them as he walked off to bother someone else, and Kayden tired to catch his eye. Usually, Kayden didn't tolerate bullies at the best of times, but after this morning, Kayden was feeling downright testy. However, he couldn't quite manage to give his non-verbal warning, as Aaron had already walked through the other door, and was gone. Kayden scowled as the door swung shut behind him. Responding to Kayden's temper, small wisps of inky black energy , like ashen flower petals, momentarily came into being around him. They danced around his body, for half a second, until one brushed against the door frame, causing the paint to peel and crack. The slight noise caught his attention, and Kayden's eyes opened wide. Taking a step away from the door, he dismissed the wisps with a wave of his hand. Kayden scoffed. "Tch... Shit..." He swore under his breath. He'd messed up. He let it out. Kayden wasn't supposed to do that.

Unfortunately, thanks to his little display, most of the eyes in the room were probably locked on him, and it made Kayden uncomfortable. Deciding now was the best time to do so, after all, he had everyone's attention, Kayden knocked three times, just loud enough for everyone to hear. Slowly, Kayden stepped over the threshold and took three short steps towards the Faust siblings. Stopping himself before he got any closer than arm's length, Kayden's hand came up to rest at his elbow, rubbing it absentmindedly. Kayden was nervous, but he spoke anyway, his eyes boring holes in the floor. He wasn't used to this, he usually delegated such tasks to Ismay. "I see you've met Aaron. Don't let him get to you, that idiot's a prankster and a scoundrel. I'm sure you'll be just fine here. After all, you can't be any worse than m-me." Kayden finished with a weak chuckle. He'd tried to make a joke, but it had only ended up making him sound pathetic. Even worse, he stuttered a little at the end. That being said, he'd done alright thus far. He could pretend to be in charge for a bit longer. Kayden lifted his face, and his eyes locked, momentarily, with each of the Faust siblings as he addressed them each in turn. "You two must be Skylar and Simon. I'm glad to meet you. I'm Kayden, we've spoken before. It's nice to finally meet you in person. Though I'm sure you're eager to explore the Haven, I'm afraid you'll have to wait a bit. May is much better suited to giving you guys a tour. However, since it's bound to come up, I'll tell you this now: if you value your lives, don't enter the East Tower without my permission." Kayden finished somewhat darkly, his eyes finding the floor once again.

Kayden noticed this made his genuine warning sound like an ominous threat, however, and backpedaled wildly. "Ahh! U-um... Sorry. That's not a threat or anything! I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable! It's just... That's... um... That's where I live, and..." Kayden paused, and took a step backwards, towards the door he'd just entered. He felt exhausted already, and his eyes were watering dangerously. He shut them tight before they could leak, and he took a deep breath to calm his nerves. After a moment, Kayden opened his eyes and looked over towards the siblings, though he avoided making eye contact. "I'll be frank. I don't trust myself. I-I'm a bit of a special case here in the Haven. Most everyone here is really, very good at controlling their powers, but..." Again, Kayden paused, unsure of what to say. After a moment, he decided that the best thing to do would be to tell them the truth. "M-my powers tend to act up when I'm..." Kayden chewed his words for a moment, pausing again as he searched for the right one. Having found it, Kayden finished his train of thought,"agitated." Kayden really didn't like where this was going, but he knew that the conversation would turn to it eventually, "I'm sure May told you something about me and my powers, but she never gets it quite right." Kayden said, his gaze coming to rest on Simon's shoes. They were new. "My ability to is to accelerate time upon any object at an excessively rapid pace. It's all well and good to say that, b-but..." Kayden swallowed hard, this was the part he didn't like. "I-It's better if I sh-show you. My warning from earlier won't hold any weight if I don't."

Steeling himself, Kayden walked over to the kitchen cabinet and pulled out a glass. He held it up, so it could be easily seen, and closed his eyes. He didn't want to watch. Just as before, small, wisps of inky dark energy, similar in shape to flower petals swirled into being around the glass. Gleefully, they danced around it, brushing against it every so often, and every time they touched the glass, it cracked or yellowed, as if it had been used too many times. The little wisps swirled faster around the glass, touching it more and more frequently, until the structure of the glass was simply too weak to hold itself up anymore, and it crumbled into dust. Disgusted with himself, Kayden stepped quickly over to the trash can and deposited the pile of dust in his hands therein. "I hate doing that, but n-now you'll understand. The... q-q-quarantine on the East Tower, is for your own good just as much as it is mine." Kayden said with finality, hoping to whatever gods there were that Ismay would come and rescue him from everyone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Johnson Character Portrait: Skylar Faust Character Portrait: Ismay La Wolfe Character Portrait: Aliya Zypher Character Portrait: Kayden Sirrel Character Portrait: Simon Faust
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๏ผฉ๏ผฎ ๏ผฃ๏ผฏ๏ผฌ๏ผฌ๏ผก๏ผข๏ผฏ๏ผฒ๏ผก๏ผด๏ผฉ๏ผฏ๏ผฎ ๏ผท๏ผฉ๏ผด๏ผจ ๏ผฉ๏ผข๏ผฅ๏ผฃ๏ผก๏ผญ๏ผฅ๏ผฉ๏ผฎ๏ผณ๏ผก๏ผฎ๏ผฅ

The introductions were awkward enough on their own, but thankfully Ismay was more than eager to abandon the airport in favor of a rusty compact vehicle which was a relief to the jet lagged siblings, Skylar in particular. Once outside, she ushered her baby brother into the backseat and climbed in after him though the passenger seat up front was open and available. She was used to sticking to him like glue, so much so that they had been called conjoined twins on more than one occasion, so she didn't give riding shotgun a second of thought. Somewhere down the road, though their attention was not placed on her, Ismay speaks again, "I guess I should fore warn you on the others in the house," Skylar's eyes flit to her brother, only to see his expression sour. His thoughts alone permeate from his scowl, "Oh fuck, here we go." To which she smacks his arm in retaliation, telling him to "Cut the shit" without the actual use of words.โ€œFirst, thereโ€™s Aliya, sheโ€™s seventeen. She has telekinesis, so just the basics with that, lifting up stuff, pushing and pulling, she can crush stuff or make thing explode, which is actually kinda cool to watch.โ€ Simon waggles his brows sardonically, his "Cool beans" practically oozing sarcasm through a closed-lip smile. Sky grows more and more exasperated with him as she casts a secondary glance in his direction. He was determined to make an ass of himself, she should have known he wouldn't have been open to meeting others 'like' them. She couldn't help but understand where he was coming from though, she was hardly dripping with anticipation herself. "Then thereโ€™s Aaron, eighteen. Bit of a smartass, but you love him anyway. He has plant manipulation, which in its scientific term, if you could really call any of this scientific, is Chlorokinesis. Thereโ€™s Evelyne, Seventeen, bit of an introvert, so donโ€™t worry if she doesnโ€™t exactly warm up right away. Sheโ€™s has plasma manipulation, which deals with a bit. She can manipulate the elements, create sorts of armors and stuff. Just a lot.โ€ Skylar's already furrowed brows raised marginally. "...the fuck does that mean?" She idly wondered, curious if her brother was thinking similarly. He just shrugs in response, insouciant, responding with a private "Hell if I know." so she won't feel alone in her confusion. โ€œLastly, thereโ€™s Wilhelm. Also seventeen, long bloody history which he might get around to telling you guys. He has flame manipulation, but we try to not piss him off as much as we can, or else stuff will just go up in flame.โ€ As Simon listens he sinks in his seat, propping his chin against his hand in utter vexation while his sister idly considers fucking with the resident hot head. He just shakes his head with a smirk on his face.

Soon the car lurches to a stop, finding a resting place in front of a prodigious and colossal set of stone steps that stretched dizzyingly upward to Haven's front doors. Skylar couldn't help but feel as if they were a bit foreboding as she clamored out of the vehicle with her lanky brother in tow. โ€œUnfortunately, these steps take a good couple of minutes to get up at. You guys know Kayden, who had slight communication with you. Iโ€™ll have him explain his power, just because he does it better then I. As for me, Iโ€™ll explain mine at the same time considering people often like to ask questions.โ€ Her breath caught in her throat while she quickly cast her brown eyes to the ground so's not to catch Simon's gaze. That's not suspicious at all. To her, there was no reason to put off explanation, Ismay hadn't waited to boil down the base of every other residents gift, so why was hers so secretive and in need of more detailed attention? She hoped her brother had taken no notice of her suspicions, he needed no additional reason to regret having come. And her hopes were not in vain. As the three ascended the stairwell, Simon's gaze was turned downward, scowling at the steps as though each one had done him a disservice. He could've easily teleported to the top but he knew his sister wouldn't approve. So now he was stuck walking the distance, just as much burdened by disdain as he was by the weight of his bag.

Ismay leads them through the front doors and the siblings are immediately in awe. Their chaperon's voice falls on deaf ears as they admire the general splendor of the foyer alone. For two young adults who've spent these past several years under bridges and sleeping in parks, this was more than an upgrade to what they were accustomed. Seedy hotel rooms couldn't compare, and they hadn't even seen the majority of the home yet. Coasting behind her as she enters the kitchen, the note on the refrigerator goes ignored, their attention glued to the decor instead. Once they're led to where the others have sat themselves, they're greeted by a curly haired blonde who, upon first glance, seemed very full of himself. "Ah, well, Simon and Skylar, Welcome to the Madhouse. I wouldn't bother unpacking.... You two don't even look like you'll last long here." As he leaves the room, a pair of scowls follow him, and Simon nearly jumps with a clenched fist as he bumps into them. Skylar reins him in, flipping the blonde the bird behind his back as her brother simultaneously drops his fist to his lap and moves it in a crude jerking off motion, spreading his hand as though he were spewing bodily fluid all over the mop-headed prick.

From the threshold that 'Jerkass' had just sauntered out of stood a meek looking boy with blue eyes who looked unsure of himself being surrounded by so many people at once. Though not short in stature, he seemed small as if he meant to concave within himself, like he wished he could simply disappear by force of sheer will alone. In other words, he was the siblings' polar opposite. "I see you've met Aaron. Don't let him get to you, that idiot's a prankster and a scoundrel. I'm sure you'll be just fine here. After all, you can't be any worse than m-me. You two must be Skylar and Simon. I'm glad to meet you. I'm Kayden, we've spoken before. It's nice to finally meet you in person. Though I'm sure you're eager to explore the Haven, I'm afraid you'll have to wait a bit. May is much better suited to giving you guys a tour. However, since it's bound to come up, I'll tell you this now: if you value your lives, don't enter the East Tower without my permission."

Simon's brows went pert at the words, his gaze flitting to his sister as he conveyed an expression as though he were going to disobey as soon as possible. "I'm going to do the thing" Skylar's mien turned to a maternal scowl, as if she were reprimanding a small child. "Don't do the thing." She commanded by way of countenance solely. Resigned in his ways, Simon issues a curt nod, straightening up with a sly smirk that could only convey one familiar thought, "I'm going to do the thing."

"Ahh! U-um... Sorry. That's not a threat or anything! I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable! It's just... That's... um... That's where I live, and..." says the boy, in a way that completely contradicted the seriousness of his previous statement. It made Simon all the more determined to go against his warning. "What is this Beauty and the fucking Beast now?" he snaps with the severity of his gaze, looking to his sister in abhorrent bewilderment. She stifled a laugh with her fist in response, keeping it to her mouth in an effort to remain stoic. "I'll be frank. I don't trust myself. I-I'm a bit of a special case here in the Haven. Most everyone here is really, very good at controlling their powers, but.... M-my powers tend to act up when I'm...agitated." Simon, getting more aggravated by the second, thinks bitterly Bitch, I'm getting agitated. without sparing his sister a glance. Meanwhile, Skylar resisted the urge to roll her eyes with vexation at the statement, as nice as the kid seemed, everyone here was turning out to be some sort of special case to be handled with kid gloves; which did not bode well for Simon getting the help he needed. If he had been here for as long as he had and still had not enough control over himself that he had to isolate himself to a separate wing of the building altogether, how were they supposed to help Simon? "I'm sure May told you something about me and my powers, but she never gets it quite right."

"Well actually, Skylar started, about to correct him as Ismay had really not told them much of anything about herself or the elusive Kayden, before she was cut off mid sentence. It seemed the new arrivals weren't going to be afforded the opportunity any time soon to get a word in edge wise. "My ability to is to accelerate time upon any object at an excessively rapid pace. It's all well and good to say that, b-but...I-It's better if I sh-show you. My warning from earlier won't hold any weight if I don't." He seemed to comprehend a great deal of his powers, soliciting a seriousness from Skylar that went unmarked in her brother. She had Simon to watch out for, and if someone had a potentially dangerous and difficult power to control, she'd want to keep Simon out of harm's way until she could understand just what she was faced with. The glass in his hand didn't seem effected at first, she almost began to ask what she was supposed to be watching for when the edges on it's clear surface began to show signs of discoloration. Cracks began to splinter down the side until the whole thing shattered and ground into dust, dissipating into the air. It was like a scene straight out of The Mummy. "I hate doing that, but n-now you'll understand. The... q-q-quarantine on the East Tower, is for your own good just as much as it is mine."

Simon watches as the dust drifts to the hardwood floor in mild disinterest, quirking a brow as he turns his attention to the boy in front of him. "So you age everything you touch," he retorts impassively, "you must be a real hit with the ladies."

Skylar formed a protective stance and moved in between Kayden and her little brother. It wasn't that she didn't trust this guy she had only just met, though she didn't come to easily trust anyone, let alone strangers, but she could envision him brushing up against Simon and his body crumbling away to ash which was a horrifying thing to contemplate. She wouldn't survive it. "I hope you can keep your hands to yourself." She stated without elevating her voice, keeping the tone neutral though it was anything but.

"Oh he will, Beauty, didn't you hear the warning? Stay out of the East Wing." He turns his scowl to Kayden again, his gaze hardening the lines in his face. Simon was doneโ€”utterly and completely done with all of this bullshit. This wasn't a "safe haven", this was the land of misfit toys. "If I wanted a fucking Disney movie, I would've rather you sang to me at a god damn dinner table."

"Simon!" Skylar scolded, surprised even he would be so harsh. She lightly stomped on the toe of his shoe in reprimand. "Manners."

"Manners?" Simon huffs a bitter chuckle, sending a pointed look to his sister in exchange for the sore foot, "Poison Ivy back there didn't give a rat's ass about manners. Why should I show the same courtesy?" With a grievance he slings his bag over his shoulder and heads back towards the door, "Fuck this, I need a cigarette." With a half-hearted wave behind him he adds, "Let me know when brown eyes gets back." and walks out.

Skylar cast the rest of the room's denizens a mortified look. Though normally offending a group of newly made acquaintances wouldn't keep her up at night, far from it actually, they were to be living along side of them for however long and the last thing she wanted was for her brother to have already made enemies. She chuckled nervously before clearing her throat. "Don't mind him, the in flight was a bitch and he had to be coerced into coming here anyway. He'll warm up, give it time. Sorry." She made her excuses and quickly filed out of the room after him, muttering under her breath all the while, "He'd warm up a Hell of a lot faster though if you people didn't act like such douches."

She found her brother outside on the terrace by following the clove scented smoke trail, wisps of white curling up around him like clutching fingers. "Hey." She stated lamely, stooping down to sit beside him before snatching the spare cigarette perched behind his ear and putting it in between her lips, her other hand out expectantly for the lighter. When his mouth twisted into a knowing smile, Sky cut him a look that said "Don't say shit about it."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Faust Character Portrait: Ismay La Wolfe Character Portrait: Aliya Zypher Character Portrait: Kayden Sirrel Character Portrait: Simon Faust Character Portrait: Wilhelm Von Faringhsten
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Image ~ Image


Kayden was, to say the least, distressed. He has gone out of his way to invite the siblings to the Haven. He had actually searched for them, found them, and gotten Ismay to help convince them that this was where they needed to be. He even explained his powers to them. Kayden hated talking about his powers. Hell, Kayden hated his powers. Period. Even still, he'd managed to be civil, to dress himself like he was planning on actually socializing, and to welcome the newcomers into his home. This was looking to be a banner fucking day for the usually hyper-reserved Kayden. How could it have gone sour so quickly? Then again, what didn't Kayden turn sour? "Isn't that the question of the century..." Kayden thought morosely.

With the display of Kayden's power finished, Kayden felt like he was going to be physically sick. His stomach was performing back-flips to the tune of, "The Flight of the Bumblebee," and as soon as the dust had fallen to the floor, Kayden shoved his hands in his pockets as swiftly as he could, to hide their shaking. Struggling to keep his knees from buckling, Kayden looked up at the twins hopefully, he wasn't expecting respect, or even admiration, but he had hoped it would allow them a modicum of understanding. Now they would know just what they were getting themselves into, that this was a place where they could be themselves, experiment with their powers in a free environment, and hide away from the terrors of a callous and uncaring world. At least, that was Kayden's best case scenario, which decidedly wasn't happening today. Hell, his whole day thus far was systematically shifting from his best to worst case scenarios, at what seemed to be every turn. As the conversation progressed, Kayden felt his stomach turn, as if it wasn't already queasy enough. As the siblings reacted, his weak smile was slowly replaced by a visage of slowly dawning horror.

Simon, who had, thankfully, watched Kayden's display, albeit with mild disinterest, quirked a brow when Kayden had finished. "So you age everything you touch," he retorts impassively, "you must be a real hit with the ladies." Kayden managed a weak chuckle. He tried to gather up some courage to tell Simon that it wasn't just via touch, that the energy which festered inside of him was responsible, and its range was much farther than the ends of Kayden's sleeves. That was when Kayden's world began to shatter. Skylar, who had watched with much more interest, if only because she appeared so disgusted, formed a protective stance and moved in between Kayden and her little brother. "I hope you can keep your hands to yourself." She stated without elevating her voice, keeping the tone neutral, though even Kyaden could tell it was anything but. Again, Kayden looked up at the siblings, one hand raised slightly. He tried to make some noise about how his range was much farther than a simple touch, hence the quarantine of the whole tower, not just Kayden's room, but Simon cut across him, stifling Kayden's careful admonition. Stymied, Kayden's words caught in his throat, and his eyes returned to the floor, unaware of the tiny motes of black ashen energy, which floated impishly about his haunted frame.

"Oh he will, Beauty, didn't you hear the warning? Stay out of the East Wing." Kayden wanted to laugh, as it was rather clever, but instead he felt like he wanted to cry. Though Simon was right on, the similarity was exceedingly appropriate, Kayden bristled at the comparison, though it was certainly an easy one to draw. Kayden was a monster, he knew that already. He didn't need some cocky, ill-mannered newcomer to tell him that, especially after Kayden had so graciously offered up his own home, hell, everyone else's home, to them. Though his eyes remained on the floor, they opened, and stretched wide in disbelief. Kayden's shaking hands returned to their pockets, if only to hide that they'd balled up into fists. Kayden's despair had disappeared, replaced, instead, with a simmering anger, deep in the pit of his belly. He held it down by force of will, beating it back until he couldn't feel its heat any more, but he felt disgusted with himself. How could he get so riled up so easily? Though Kayden hadn't even noticed it, his powers were fluctuating dangerously. The tiny motes of black swirled faster about his frame, growing larger as his anger flared, then shrinking back into nothingness as Kayden managed to reign in his dangerous emotions.

Though Kayden had managed to control himself, he hadn't managed to respond to Simon or Skylar, who were most likely regarding him like some hideous thing, on display for all to see. Kayden knew if he opened his mouth, only horrible things would spew forth from it, so Kayden chose to say nothing. "Where the hell is May?" Kayden thought desperately. She would have resolved this situation effortlessly, while Kayden could only struggle to keep himself from destroying the Haven at the slightest flare of emotional distress. Kayden was ashamed of himself. After all, wasn't he supposed to be in charge here? His silence, it seemed, was only making matters wore. Even without looking, Kayden seemed to feel the heat of Simon's ire, he thought he could hear the derision in his words, as if the deadly arrows slung from his mouth had exited through a scowl. "If I wanted a fucking Disney movie, I would've rather you sang to me at a god damn dinner table." Kayden closed his eyes and clenched his fists, braced for impact as if the words had physically hurt him. Kayden breathed deeply, keeping the rage of his dangerous powers and unstable emotions in check.

Just as Kayden was about to say something about how clever Simon was for drawing the obvious comparison, or how the Haven was a training ground for people like himself, that not everyone was expected to be perfect, Skylar seemed to take matters into her own hands. Once more, Kayden was stymied as the siblings had a swift, albeit heated discussion, and then left the room to cool off. Kayden only sighed. Already feeling like tomorrow couldn't come soon enough, Kayden plunked himself onto one of the chairs in the living room and leaned his head back. "Some leader I am... eh?" Kayden muttered. Though it was only just loud enough for all to hear, Kayden was really only directing the thoughts at himself. He didn't want anyone's pity, but he sure as hell didn't want to spend yet another day holed up in his room, waiting for his rebellious emotions to calm themselves. Suddenly struck by a small epiphany, one of Kayden's fingers rose, resting on his lower lip. "I suppose I should have mentioned it was only at night time that my tower's quarantined 'cause I have a harder time controlling myself during my sleep... Oh well..." Kayden pondered aloud, resigned to apologizing to the siblings later, once they'd all cooled their heads enough to be pleasant with each other. Turning his head to Aliya, who sat on the other side of the living room, Kayden spoke, engaging in some mildly self-deprecating humor. "Heh, at least I can't make today any worse, eh?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Johnson Character Portrait: Skylar Faust Character Portrait: Ismay La Wolfe Character Portrait: Aliya Zypher Character Portrait: Kayden Sirrel Character Portrait: Simon Faust
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"Showing vulnerability was something that frightened the girl. It was probably her greatest fear that she didnโ€™t even know she encompassed."

Ismay placed the bottle back in the drawer and sat herself on the edge of her ethereal feeling bed, placing her head in her hands and she let out a long, exasperated sigh.

She jolted silently as an unexpected voice scared the peculiarly arising anxious girl.

Peeking at Aaron between her fingers, like a careful cat looking through blades of grass trying to not been seen by its prey or enemy, she took a deep breath trying to calm her racing heart as she was still recovering from the scare he had suddenly given her. Still covering her face, she flopped onto her back, hitting the fluffy comforter. โ€œAaron,โ€ she whispered in a quiet, almost exhausted sigh, her accent becoming inaudible in the quietness. Her sighs almost seemed shakey, like someone holding back tears. Ismay always had that tone however, deep into the core of her voice, hardly perceptible unless in the quiet. Most never picked it up unless they were exceptionally attentive. She couldnโ€™t come up with valid reasons to why it was. It wasnโ€™t that she felt on the verge of tears all the time, in fact, she rarely ever cried, even if it were a single tear. Showing vulnerability was something that frightened the girl. It was probably her greatest fear that she didnโ€™t even know she encompassed.

โ€œYour words are too callous.โ€ She mumbled along, dropping her hands from her face and glancing up at the ceiling above. It was full of wooden beams, and her eyes scanned along the many different notches and shapes, almost in a mesmerizing manner. โ€œThere was this quote I read once.โ€ She carried on, not glancing at the blonde haired boy. Her words were aimed at him, but they also acted as her thoughts being said out loud to herself. โ€œI don't want you to sketch this cripple, this freak of nature, I want you to slaughter him, crucify him, to nail him to your paper with charcoal.โ€ Her words were no longer as quiet as they once were. โ€œThe guy who said it was a German poet, his name was Gunter Grass.โ€ Ismay sat herself up, and glanced at the boy who seemed to have just found the note she placed on his back before. โ€œYour words of calling them-โ€ She stopped, rephrasing her words, โ€œwell really all of us including yourself freaks of nature has such an ugly and angry connotation. The word freak is an awful term used to describe ones differences from the average person, but in all reality there is not one single perfect person. Everyone is different in their own ways, us just a little more than usual. There is no such thing as a freak of nature.โ€ Her words were not angry, nor scolding as one might think. Her words just sounded like fact- a statement being said. โ€œRacism, homophobia, and all that are all courses of someone believing something is not right, something of freakish nature, because of a difference from their own self. Itโ€™s all bullshit.โ€ Ismay now stood up approaching the boy making the direct eye contact that was so unusual for herself to use. Resting her petite hand on his arm, she said โ€œWeโ€™re not freaks. They arenโ€™t freaks. Iโ€™m not saying pity them, just donโ€™t be an ass.โ€ She groaned, dropping her hand and walking passed him out her door, calling back to him โ€œBesides, this house is bigger than your ego, thereโ€™s more theen enough space,โ€ with a small joking laugh.

Walking back up the stairs, her steps slow and graceful, she turned around the corner, and pressed her back against the cool wall, letting out a breath of air. The words of harshness always scared her, and it hurt to know that people out in the world probably wanted their blood, wanting them slaughtered or crucified as read in that quote. But hell, she wasnโ€™t going to let that happen. She would go to all ends to protect those in the house, and others out there like themselves.

She hoped she wouldnโ€™t ever have to deal with it however, hoping they were hidden enough.

Walking back into the living room area, ready to give the Faustโ€™s the confusing tour of the large old home; her eyes couldnโ€™t seem to see them where they were once placed. They could have gone off on their own in the house, but she almost thought they had ran last minute, gone back to where they were before. It wouldnโ€™t surprise her necessarily, especially if Aaron had said something. Yet, she practically sure if Aaron had said anymore then he had, he would have entered her room with an arising black eye.

Going over to stand next to Kayden she gave a small smile, but noticed the look of guilt and almost sickness on his face. โ€œHey Kay, are you alright?โ€ She asked, concern washing over her face as it did at times. She may not be able to read peopleโ€™s emotions very well, but she knew him well enough to read him like book. She had full trust in Kayden. It scared her at times, considering that only a few years ago she wouldn't even think about putting such trust in everyone. He was the first person she ever met the same with her, and it was completely unexpected. It's all a little weird. She had more trust in him then he did in himself, and she could only assume it was the other way around. โ€œWhereโ€™d everyone go?โ€ She questioned, both him and Aliya Going over and sitting on the two seated couch, bringing her legs up with her as she hugged them to her chest.

She didnโ€™t really expect this day to go smoothly. She had learned to really expect the worse, so there was little disappointment. It seemed to work out fine for her, but led her to not be the most optimistic person in the world.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Johnson Character Portrait: Skylar Faust Character Portrait: Ismay La Wolfe Character Portrait: Aliya Zypher Character Portrait: Kayden Sirrel Character Portrait: Simon Faust
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XXโ€œWatch what you say
XXAnd what you do
XXFor little eyes
XXMay be watching you
XXโ€• Reba Mcentire

XXiPod Playlist : ImageBabylonImage
XXClothing : Pajamas


Aliya smiled at the compliment from the German kid named Wilhelm. The frown was quickly replaced by the straight face when Aaron began making comments. Though she usually found them comical, they at times were rather cruel. She gave the guy a sympathetic smile before looking towards the commotion of footsteps. Aliya moved her head to the question if anyone was up. She knew the voice immediately and decided to not speak, as she would find them eventually on the couch. And she did moments later, introducing their new recruits in the process, Skylar and Simon. Before Aliya could say anything to welcome them, Aaron was up, jokes and jests ready.

His first words made her eyebrow shoot up in confusion.Madhouse? Aliya hoped he realized that if this were a madhouse, that would make him a patient as well. Though she knew it was a simple jest to get the newcomers going, she thought upon the words. Though she found herself more puzzled when he continued speaking.

Haven was no survivor island, there was no death and decay. It was simply well...Safe Haven. Aliya felt no need to attempt to scare the new recruits with such words as Aaron did. Here they had to stick together. They took care of one another, because in the outside world - they were freaks. When silence came about, she was sure Aaron had left as Ismay had not long ago.

It wasn't long until a new sound caught her ears, a cracking. This time, she did look. It was Kayden. Aliya always found herself interested in the tiny wisps that came about when he was around. She watched as the boy went to the siblings and began talking, introducing himself and apologizing for Aaron's behavior. She felt a small tinge of sympathy for the siblings, as she hated being the new person. Being the new person meant introductions and countless talks.

The blonde haired girl turned back around to fiddle with her hands as she listened to them, and she found herself laughing at Kayden's warning to stay clear of the East Tower. Not that it was funny, was, but more upon the context of the warning. It sounded much like Beauty A The Beast. Aliya remembered getting the same warning upon her arrival, and simply nodding.

When hearing that Kayden was going to display his abilities, she turned around to watch in interest. Seeing the glass go from clear to dust was truly the sight to see. She'd never seen his abilities to their full capabilities, but often wondered when thinking of the topic, could he do the same to people? To make others visibly fade away sounded like a heavy burden to bare. She felt sympathy for the boy.

Hearing Simon's responses to the show, she already got a small idea of what the boy was like. Sarcastic and witty, much like Aaron, yet something about the humor was far different. Always the fly on the wall, she watched as Simon excused himself, Skylar not following far after, leaving Kayden standing. Wilhelm got up and followed the two as well, and now she sat alone. She wasn't alone for long however, as Kayden went to sit down on the couches as well.
"Heh, at least I can't make today any worse, eh?" Kayden tried joking, earning a small smile from Aliya.
"Well, it can always get worse. The day is still young. I think you did fine," she told him before thinking for a moment "Things will work themselves out, they just got here, give them a few hours to calm down and not be so...on edge" she offered before seeing Ismay sit down as well. Hearing her question, Aliya shrugged once again.
"No idea, I try not to keep tabs on everyone. I think Wilhelm went to say hello however" she answered, looking to the two founders of Haven.
"Never a boring day here it seems" Aliya jested with a half smile, trying to make the conversation somewhat lighthearted.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Johnson Character Portrait: Skylar Faust Character Portrait: Ismay La Wolfe Character Portrait: Aliya Zypher Character Portrait: Kayden Sirrel Character Portrait: Simon Faust
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#, as written by Dumisa
Aaron Johnson

Aaron looked at Ismay as she spoke his name. It took her awhile to say something after that as he was ready for words. A brow raised up at her facts then he lowered his head a little bit. He felt a little sorry, just little bad for his words directed towards Simon and Skylar but he wasn't going to apologize just yet. Ismay made some good points, as she always do, about how he should really think before speaking next time. After Ismay's words, he couldn't really say anything since she did put him in his place. When she stated that the house was bigger than his ego, he couldn't help but chuckle himself then waited until she left to sigh and show the true sadness from within.

Aaron sighed again then shook his head while heading back up the stairs as well, shortly behind Ismay as his ears twitched at her question. "Maybe they left already." A smirk played across his lips as he folded his arms over his chest. His eyes turned towards Aliya then towards Kayden. "So, how did you guys sleep?" He'd ask them while sitting back down on the couch.

His mind suddenly drifted off as he thought about his first foster home and him not being accepted. He was brutalized with words almost everyday - Even gotten into a few fights. He has always defended himself and just wanted to see if the Faust siblings could do the same but he'd change his mind eventually. "Well, maybe we should all just step out for some fresh air." He insisted while jumping up from his seat position and began walking towards the terrace, where he heard voices.

"I think I found thing one and thing two, along with the human torch." He said while walking onto the terrace and looking at the Faust siblings along with William. His lips quirked up then his eyebrow raised up as he leaned back on the guardrail with his arms folded over his chest. "I think an apology is in order." He said towards William and the Faust siblings. "Someone made me realize that my words were also directed towards myself and very offensive." He bit his bottom lip as he was really about to apologize.

"So, I'm sor..." He chuckled while running his hand up and down along his neck, which is a rather nervous gesture. "I'm sor.." He huffed as his eyes rolled up and looked at the sky above then back down at them. "I'm sorry, okay? There I said, you all heard it and it is finalize." Another laugh escaped over his lips as he turned around to rest his arms on the guardrail as he waited for someone to say anything, which he knew was coming.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lily Piervencenti Character Portrait: Aaron Johnson Character Portrait: Skylar Faust Character Portrait: Ismay La Wolfe Character Portrait: Aliya Zypher Character Portrait: Kayden Sirrel
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" It would be hard to trust the girl who seemed as if she were Alice in wonderland herself."

"No idea, I try not to keep tabs on everyone. I think Wilhelm went to say hello however" spoke Aliya, perking up the slightly tired Ismay.

"I see." She mumbled, slinking back deeper into the comfy floofed up couch. Ismay idly twiddle her fingers, thinking of what to say, or rather what to do. She really didn't want to seem nosy as to go find the three, intruding on whatever the hell they were really doing. But she had a natural curiosity about her, so it was hard for her not to find them and see how everything was going, especially considering the recent streak of some of the house mates not getting along. That however, should really be none of her business. She always tried too hard to be a peace keeper. Another reason she most often didn't show of her true nature of curiosity was that everyone in the home knew of her power, the exception currently being Simon and Skylar, and she really didn't like to seem as if she was being invasive most of the time. It would be hard to trust the girl who seemed as if she were Alice in wonderland herself. Trying to find where people were- well, it seemed a bit invasive. At least to her it did. So, deciding to cross of that venture of her list, she went and continued on to the next thought in her head,

Where the hell is Lily?

Arising from the seat, without as so much of a peep as she often never gave, she vamoosed out of the room, off to go find the blonde headed girl. She figured she would most likely still be in her room, fast asleep. Despite not really wanting to wake her up, it would be alright enough just to tap on the door and inform her that the new arrivals were in the house, as not to give her a shock if she walked around and happened to wander right to them, without even a clue as to who they where. Approaching her door, Ismay tapped lightly on it, but hard enough that the small knock it gave off would stir the girl awake. Calling through the door, she said "Hey Lily, Simon and Skylar are here. Just thought I'd let you know." and dropped her hand, which had previously been resting softly on the white paint chipped door. Waiting a few seconds, to no reply, she left, going farther down the hall way. Opening up her door as to see if she were really in there would be most regrettably rude, so Ismay went to go do a single lap around the first floor, seeing if she were anywhere. Just as she was about to turn the corner, she heard the not so low hush of voices, coming from outside. The walls were already ridiculously thin in context, despite them being practically made of stone.

Walking out the door in which led to the outside terrace, her eyes caught hold of those who had been missing, Aaron seeming to have joined the three. Only issue was, it seemed as if Wilhelm really wasn't pleased that the blonde haired boy had approached. She could easily see the German boy getting mad, and she had a clear image as to what would happen next if his power caught control. She had only just caught the last section of there argument. Ismay preferred that the outside plants didn't turn to ash, so she decided to speak up, in the form of clearing her throat as if to catch just enough attention.

Turning to Aaron, she asked the boy, "Aaron, do you mind grabbing me some more Tylenol. It's in my side drawer, or there's some in the kitchen." This was an obvious gesture for an out for the boy. She didn't really knew what the hell had happened between them at this point, and she really wasn't going to ask. She just tried to separate them. She really didn't want the house to burn down. Glancing away from Aaron, and unto Wilhelm, she offered up a small smile, and asked him, "You okay? It helps to count your breaths and focus your attention to a single thing. That, or you could throw the flower pot to your left and break it. Just don't uh, throw it at a person." She laughed slightly, reaching hand instinctively to rub her back slightly, the scar on her right shoulder tingling from the memory of her angry foster parent who chucked a see green glass bottle at her. God was she bad at breaking tension.

Leaning against the outside wall, she dropped her hand, waiting for any sort of response. In the mean time, Ismay found herself creating an simple mind link with Kayden. "What in the bloody hell happened in the living room?" She questioned. She felt a little more free to talk to Kayden through that. She, however, only did it when it seemed important. Anyone else and she wouldn't even dare.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lily Piervencenti Character Portrait: Aaron Johnson Character Portrait: Skylar Faust Character Portrait: Ismay La Wolfe Character Portrait: Aliya Zypher Character Portrait: Kayden Sirrel
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0.00 INK

Image ~ Image
Image ~ Image


It was beginning to feel like today would test Kayden. Everyday was a little harder than the last, to be sure, when you bore a burden as heavy as Kayden's. However, that was why he and May had started their Haven, to ease their burdens. For some, their powers were freedom incarnate, they could do whatever they wanted, go wherever they wanted. Kayden's powers were a yoke, binding him to his shame, and holding him within the terror of their grasp. Kayden felt his head loll back against the top of the couch cushions as he listened to Aliya's response. His hands rose slowly, stopping only once they reached his face, and he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Though he appeared off in his own world, Kayden was listening. He always listened when people spoke, even if his attention was elsewhere. Kayden felt a smile curl his lips as Aliya spoke. She was kind to him, and never tried to push his buttons. While Kayden didn't mind the occasional jibe from Aaron, he truly appreciated Aliya's gentleness with him, if only because it catered so well to Kayden's near crippling shyness. "Well, it can always get worse. The day is still young. I think you did fine," she told him before thinking for a moment. Kayden felt his lips pull back across his teeth as his timid smile grew ever more courageous. "Thanks," he quipped in response, more chuckling than speaking. Aliya continued, and once more, Kayden listened. "Things will work themselves out, they just got here. Give them a few hours to calm down and not be so...on edge." She offered sagely. Kayden's hands found their way back down to his lap, and he lifted his head off the couch to gaze at Aliya. "You know, you're absolutely right. This place is a lot to take in, even when you're not being assaulted with conversation or things you didn't need to know, let alone spending, very nearly, a whole day on an airplane." Kayden said simply, allowing the wisdom in her words to end their short conversation. Not wanting to make things awkward, Kayden let his head loll back against the couch once more, and between himself and Aliya, a few moments of lax, comfortable, silence passed without the need to stuff them full of useless chatter.

As he sat, however, Kayden worries returned to him. Whispering madness in his ears the demons taunted Kayden. He'd shown them his power, for what, to scare them? To warn them? Not like it would do much good. If Kayden wanted to, he could obliterate everyone and everything that stood before him. His powers... no, his curse, was far too wicked to be redeemed with a simple warning. Even if that were enough to save them from Kayden, why should he care? Why should he be nice to them? Sure he'd wanted to save them, so they wouldn't end up like him, but were they really all that grateful? Simon had insulted him, and their home. Skylar looked like she wanted to strangle him if his dangerous powers got anywhere near her little brother, and the pair of them were less than enthusiastic about coming here in the first place. Was he really capable of redeeming himself like this? Would a life like his, stained red with blood, be capable of redemption? As his worries and fears plagued him, Kayden felt a lump of disgust harden in the pit of his stomach. What good was he doing here anyway? Sure he was keeping his dangerous powers away from innocent people, but was he doing these people any good? What if he hurt them? Shame crept into Kayden's blood, sending shivers of ice cold doubt racing up and down his spine.

Kayden needed to stop this, his powers reacted to his negativity. If he kept this up, he'd end up ruining more furniture. Just as Kayden was about to get up and return to his room, he stopped himself. His eyes snapped open and he arched his back, looking towards the sound of rustling clothes, and the gentle pattering of May's footsteps approaching him. Coming to stand next to Kayden, May gave a small smile, and Kayden felt his worries vanish. It was like they'd never existed. She seemed to be the only one who Kayden could feel this relaxed with. Maybe it was the deep bonds of friendship they shared, cultivated from the years they'd spent travelling together. Perhaps instead, it was the openness of their relationship. They each knew that they could always come to the other in times of trouble to find a listening ear, a crying shoulder, and a helping hand. It might have been those things, in fact, it was probably all of them, but Kayden knew it was more than just that. Kayden liked the others well enough, but he loved Ismay. He loved her like he imagined he might have loved a sister. Kayden trusted her, more than he'd ever trusted anyone else, and she trusted him just as much. They hadn't spent a very long time together, but they were perfectly comfortable with each other. Kayden knew that she would always have his back, and he knew she would always come to him whenever she needed help, no matter how trivial it seemed.

Trying his hardest to smile back, Kayden knew that she didn't by his ruse for even a second. She could read him like a book, and instantly noticed the feelings of guilt, and almost sickness, that hid in the smile on his face. โ€œHey Kay, are you alright?โ€ She asked, concern washing over her face as it did at times. Kayden felt himself start to scowl. She did always like to hover over him. Kayden had learned to accept that about her though. After all, he was the first person she'd ever met who was special like her. He could only assume that she knew how fully he gave himself in to their relationship. He trusted her even more than she could trust herself, even more than Kayden trusted himself. Their bonds were different from the ones they'd shared with the others. It was complicated, and thinking about it made Kayden's head hurt. Replying to her question, Kayden shook his head no, but he smiled valiantly for her. "I showed Skylar and Simon my powers, like I do for all the newbies." Those few, simple words, were all Kayden said, but May knew better. She knew how much he hated his powers, how much he loathed using them. However, she also knew that his heart was so boundlessly compassionate, that he'd gladly sacrifice his own happiness to show the newcomers what they were dealing with. After all, better safe than sorry, no matter how much Kayden hated showing off. Fortunately, for Kayden anyway, she merely gave him that look and dropped the subject. Kayden scowled playfully, he knew she'd want to talk to him about it later. Changing the subject, which Kayden silently thanked her for, Ismay spoke up one again. โ€œWhereโ€™d everyone go?โ€ She questioned, directing her thoughts at both him and Aliya. As Aliya responded, May strode over to one of the many couches in the living room and sitting on the two seated couch, bringing her legs up with her as she hugged them to her chest. Kayden only nodded.

Just as soon as May got a chance to sit, she remembered Lily, another resident of the Haven, and got up from her spot to go find her. Kayden sighed, his eyes following after Ismay's bouncing hair as she practically skipped off in the direction of Lily's room. "When she gets like that, even just looking at her makes me feel tired." Kayden joked, though his tone was somewhat wistful. He remembered when it was just the two of them, and now, their house was full of May's not-so-willing children. She was barely older than most of these kids, yet somehow she ended up being everyone's mom, sometimes even Kyden's. The house simply wouldn't run if May left. Kayden couldn't keep it together if she tried. May's tireless efforts were the glue that held the Haven together. Kayden was simply here to protect them from the cruelty of the outside word. His role was one that could only be undertaken in the shadows cast off by May's eternal brightness. May was the mother of the Haven, but Kayden was its protector, soaking up all the negativity the house could possibly create, shielding it from the hatred of the human world, and unleashing his devastating abilities only if the situation called for his overwhelming power. Kayden couldn't help but sigh once more. The only thing he was any good for around here was the one thing he hated most about himself. Go figure.

The pregnant silence created by Ismay's departure only swelled in her absence, and though Kayden wasn't uncomfortable, he was far too lost in his thoughts, even he could tell that Aliya was getting bored. Just as he was about to make some attempt at conversation, Kayden stopped. Something had caught his ear. Even from the living room Kayden could hear Wilhelm's angry tones, laced so heavily with his native German accent. Kayden sighed, making to stand up, so as to go find May and defuse the situation. As he got up, he heard Aliya's snide remark. "Never a boring day here it seems," Aliya jested, and Kayden laughed. "You know, I find myself waiting for the quiet days, but they never seem to find us. Oh well," he lamented, only half joking. As Kayden made his way towards the racket, he watched May race out to the situation to confront it, and with that taken care of, Kayden went back to the living room to sit back down with Aliya.

Returning to his spot on the couch, Kayden shared what he'd learned with a quizzical Aliya, who Kayden only assumed was wondering why he'd come back so soon after leaving. "May was headed in that direction already," Kayden said simply. "We all know she's better at dealing with those kinds of situations than I am." Though it was a bit of a dig at himself, Kayden didn't mind. His sense of humor wouldn't exist without pitiful jokes made at his own expense. As he allowed himself to relax, he felt the familiar touch of Ismay's mind linking up with his own, and he smiled. He put both his pointer fingers on their respective temples and closed his eyes, the Haven's universal, "I'm talking with Ismay don't bug me right now," posture. Aliya would get what it meant, and Kayden resolved to tell her what he'd discussed with May afterwards.

The sensation of the link was pleasant for Kayden. He wasn't sure quite why, but it was probably just nostalgia. Kayden often looked back on the first time Ismay had shared her powers with him with a certain degree of fondness. It was the first time anyone had ever done anything like that for Kayden. Even more so, it was the first time anyone had ever reached out to Kayden with any degree of genuine friendship. When he really thought about it, Kayden had to guess that he really just liked feeling connected to May. When May was linked with him, Kayden knew that, in that moment, without a shadow of doubt, that he wasn't alone. At first it had scared Kayden. The connection wasn't jut an abstract concept, it was something he could interact with. Even worse, he'd seen what the mind link could do when May was angry. She'd used her power to put fully grown men on the ground in seconds, writhing in agony without her so much as lifting a finger. Kayden remembered a twisted sort of pride when he watched it happen for the first time. Nowadays, however, whenever May connected their minds, it usually just signaled that she wanted to have a private chat. In a house swiftly filling up with more and more people, it was almost the only way they could ever get time to themselves anymore.

"What in the bloody hell happened in the living room?" Ismay asked Kayden through the link, and Kayden sighed, both mentally and physically. "I only caught the butt end of it, but this is what I saw." When he'd finished explaining his thought process, Kayden concentrated on his memories of the altercations that took place in the Kitchen and Living Room. He was sure it wasn't the full picture, but it was better than nothing. Having collected his memories, Kayden simply sent them across the link, for Ismay to view. She'd get a much better understanding from watching Kayden's memories than from what Kayden could explain with words. "Thing is, I can get why the siblings are grumpy with Aaron, but I'm not sure what's put Willy's knickers in a twist." Kayden explained across the link. "You'll probably have to ask him or Aaron about it." As Kayden finished his explanation, he kept half of his attention on the link, but opened his eyes and smirked at Aliya. "Sorry," Kayden began. "The wife's wondering why the kids are fighting..." Kayden joked, finishing somewhat lamely, and donning an expression as if he couldn't tell if he was trying to make a joke or not.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lily Piervencenti Character Portrait: Aaron Johnson Character Portrait: Skylar Faust Character Portrait: Ismay La Wolfe Character Portrait: Aliya Zypher Character Portrait: Kayden Sirrel
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Lilian had indeed been in her room, but the knock and following statement went unheard by her, as she was, at the time, too burrowed in the works of one Mr. William S. Burroughs to pay any mind. The novel in question was titled 'Naked Lunch', a non-linear narrative that chronicled the journey of a junkie, under his many aliases, through several countries. It was written in Paris, and published in July of 1959, and was perhaps one of Lily's favorite novels. It would have been the favorite, but that spot belonged to H.G. Wells' The Invisible Man, a book that had imprinted on her when she first read it as a child.

The reading didn't last much longer past the coming and going of Ismay, and Lilian soon found herself snapping the book shut, resulting in a satisfying snap that filled the empty air of her room. Her room seemed minimalist in question, but was a lot more micro managed in concept. The walls were an off-white with a red trim, and the floor was hardwood. Her bed was placed in the corner beside the window, running lengthwise along the wall, so that the light filtered in past her and not onto her into the morning. The bed contained a single pillow, one she had been using since childhood, as well as a red sheet and a heavy, patterned comforter, all of which lay disturbed.

To the left of her bed, under the windowsill, there was an end table, and on it was placed a lamp, with the rest of the surface space remaining bare. The end table had a drawer, but that was also empty. In the opposite corner of her bed, on the other side of the end table, there was a bookcase, and in the bookcase there were books, indexed in alphabetical order by title rather than by the author's last name, sans any books that were part of a series, which were always in order of release on the shelves. This bookshelf was small, white, and had only three shelves, all of which were filled. Across the room from that bookshelf in the opposite corner was another bookshelf, one much taller and made of unpainted wood. It had five shelves, and all of them were full as well. In between the two bookcases, a white wall heater stuck out from the bottom, with a single dial to turn it on and control the temperature it regulated.

There was a small walk-in closer in the corner kitty-corner her bed, which protruded out from the wall, and it contained the clothes she owned, all neatly hung up and organized by color. To the left in this closet there was also a small table, which held a record player. All along the floor of the closet, in boxes, there were vinyl records. Some held sentimental value and most got almost no play time at all, but Lilian mostly enjoyed the aesthetic of it all.

Finally, in the middle of the room, there was a stool, and in front of this stool, there stood an easel, and on this easel, there rest a canvas. This canvas lay blank, yet to be touched by the paints or pastels that Lily so frequently worked with. It had been set up after she woke up because she initially thought that she was going to paint in her bedroom, but had, just at the moment of closing her book, decided that she'd like to take it outside, see what surreal landscape she could conjure on that particular morning.

Before she got up from her bed, she lay the book on the table and clenched her fists while simultaneously locking her elbows, raising her arms slowly above her head as she arched her back and yawned, stretching out everything. She let out a loose sigh as she relaxed, dropping her arms back down to her side and begin the ritual of cracking every joint that needed it, starting with her knuckles and working her way up to her neck. Afterwards, she stood up from her bed and rose onto her tip toes, bending them and then rocking back onto her heels as she worked to throw her hair into a loose ponytail. She threw on a light sweater with sleeves too long for her, jeans, and removed the canvas from the easel so she could collapse it to make it easier to carry.

Placing the canvas under one arm and carrying the easel with that hand, she grabbed the rudimentary pastels she wanted and struggled with the doorknob of her door to get out into the hall. Managing to get it open after placing a pastel in her mouth so she could get a grip, Lily slipped into the hall and closed the door by kicking it closed behind her. The pastel remained in her mouth.

She maneuvered down the hall to the nearest exit, passing the entrance to the terrace as she did so, and noting two figures she didn't recognize, a single thought running through her head as she carried on without a second glance.

Don't know, literally don't care.

Once she made it outside, she found an appropriate spot and began to set up her canvas, realizing at the last moment that she had forgot a seat.

"I'm too fucking lazy to go back up and get the stool, anyway." She muttered, pressing the first pastel against the canvas and breathing life into art. In her fervor to set up, she hadn't noticed that she had dropped a pastel several feet back.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lily Piervencenti Character Portrait: Aaron Johnson Character Portrait: Skylar Faust Character Portrait: Ismay La Wolfe Character Portrait: Simon Faust Character Portrait: Wilhelm Von Faringhsten
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Things went from bad to worse in a manner of seconds. One moment the siblings had managed to escape the lunacy inside the house so they could smoke their cigarettes in peace, and the next they were right back in the pandemonium. Trouble followed the pair wherever they went it seemed, Haven was to be no exception. Aaron had come to make his spurious apologies and the German had taken offense at his words, though why, Skylar couldn't be sure. It wasn't as if the apology was aimed in his direction. Perhaps their was already a preexisting rivalry between them both? She looked on with a with mild amusement, content to watch the boys square off, that was until Wilhem's contentious personality only sought to dose gasoline on his incendiary powers. Flames licked at his hand, racing up his forearm at an alarming rate. Her nervous gaze flitted back to Simon behind her. It wouldn't do well to have her baby brother incinerated on their first day there. She placed a hand on his narrow chest and pushed him backward a couple of steps, moving with him out of the line of 'fire'. She warred with intervening when Ismay appeared above them, the balconies apparently being the preferred distance from those who you sought to address around here. "Aaron, do you mind grabbing me some more Tylenol. It's in my side drawer, or there's some in the kitchen." She called down, before turning her attention to Wilhem. "You okay? It helps to count your breaths and focus your attention to a single thing. That, or you could throw the flower pot to your left and break it. Just don't uh, throw it at a person." Sky scoffed, grateful the girl had stepped in when she did, but these people were worse off that her brother and herself combined.

"...Come on Link, let's go...unpack or something." She suggested quietly. "We should give him a few minutes to calm down." She knew her brother would probably retort with some ironic play on words about how things were 'just heating up', but she hadn't the patience to deal with any of this. She snaked her hand around his bicep and tugged. "I mean it, let's just go." At this juncture, she was considering leaving Haven altogether. Maybe coming there had been a mistake in the first place. Skylar was eaten up with regret at having ask Simon to come there at all, it was obvious no one here could help them let alone themselves. The only purpose this place served was to section them off from the rest of the normal populous it seemed, which efficaciously kept the mundanes safe but did nothing to aid those who had no control over their powers. This could all be discussed and hashed out in the privacy of their bedrooms though, away from the prying eyes and ears of the Haven residents.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lily Piervencenti Character Portrait: Aaron Johnson Character Portrait: Skylar Faust Character Portrait: Ismay La Wolfe Character Portrait: Simon Faust Character Portrait: Wilhelm Von Faringhsten
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"You have to be quite heavily invested in someone to
do them the honour of telling them you're
annoyed with them."
โ€” Alain de Botton

To be honest, Simon had checked out the moment Wilhelm sat at his side. He offered a perfunctory nod of encouragement while the foreigner rambled on, doing naught to pay attention to what he was saying because he couldn't understand a word of his little spiel. For the most part he just blocks Wilhelm out, the sound of his voice nothing more than white noise. It's a slow pitfall into apathy that he stands no chance against. That is, until the voice of a certain tow-headed douche demands the attention of the three. Simon turns in his seat on the brick steps with utter insouciance, cocking a brow at the house nuisance as he stood atop the balcony. "Someone made me realize that my words were also directed towards myself and very offensive. Erin says, coaxing Simon to roll his eyes. I'm sorry, okay? There I said, you all heard it and it is finalize." It's finalize? Simon thinks, restraining a laugh through a thin lipped smile before turning his back on the man without a word. He takes a long drag of his cigarette, barely finishing the thing before Wilhelm stands and goes off without rhyme or reason. Not that Simon wasn't amused, mind you. In fact, once the foreigner's arms are engulfed in flame, he flicks his cigarette butt into the fire and laughs when it's reduced to ash in seconds. Skylar pulls him up to his feet in a second, placing herself between him and the foreign. It's impressive considering Wilhelm was sat between them but not surprising. Simon would wager that she didn't even realized she'd done it. When his sister's eyes flick back to him, he sees the fear in her gaze; how she pictures him burning alive right in front of her. He gives her a look that screams, "I'd rather you not picture me dying so many times in one day, thanks. I do enough of that on my own." but it doesn't register. She's too relieved to see brown eyes accompanying Erin on the balcony asking for headache medicine. With another heavenward ascension of his eyes, Simon releases a drawn out sigh and shakes another cancer stick out of its pack, using the dying flames on Wilhelm's arms to light it as his sister tries to console him.

"...Come on Link, let's go...unpack or something." Skylar says to him as she inches closer, whispering up into his ear though he was almost a foot taller. "We should give him a few minutes to calm down." Simon grins around his coffin nail, holding it between his teeth as an obvious pun practically screams to be spoken. Her response is too pull him away by his bicep, repeating herself and barely giving him the chance to pick up their bags before they're moving away from the resident hothead.

"Stay hot, Will." With a two-fingered salute and a wink, Simon allows himself to be escorted away from all of the commotion. Seriously, Simon was exhausted. All this conversation was sending him into an early grave more so than the chain smoking ever could. "Let's hope none of them get the bright idea to follow." he mutters begrudgingly, polishing off half of his cigarette before snuffing it out on the grass as he spares a brief glance at the scene over his shoulder. "...and I thought I had problems." With their bags in one hand and another on the small of his sister's back, Simon walks them around the side of the house, stumbling through unfamiliar territory. Skylar remained silent, lost in thought no doubt. Simon let her be, offering the comforting weight of his arm around her shoulders to ease her way.

Simon doesn't know how his sister knew where their bedroom was, but he didn't. Instead he led them through the backyard, eyes flitting about the scattered trees for one that would grant them a few minutes of privacy. He barely sees the blonde girl sitting down with her easel as they pass, norโ€”he'd wagerโ€”does she see him. It's by mere happenstance that his gaze falls on a patch of grass several paces forward only to land on a lone pastel resting amongst the blades. "Hold up a minute, Skyfall." he says, placing their bags on the ground and ushering his sister to a stop. He bends at the waist to pick up the abandoned hue, gesturing to Skylar to give him a moment before slowly jogging to the girl with the easel. He wasn't like most of these people here at Haven who needed to show off their powers all at once, he could walk. Gingerly placing it at her side he waits a moment for her gaze to rise before he offers her a soft smile, sparing a glance at what was on her easel. It wasn't much but, from what he saw, it showed a lot of promise. "Looks good so far," he tells her, offering her another smile before taking his leave with a resigned wave.

With a light-footed run, he meanders back to his sisters side, motioning with his head towards the farthest edge of the backyard before picking up their bags once more. When they final arrive, he moves them behind one of the bushes and sits himself on the grass, sitting their bags at his side, "Alright spill," he sighs, "What's on your mind?"