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Tommy Elsafty

"When there is nothing left to burn, you have to set yourself on fire."

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a character in “Inhumans”, as played by unicorns.are.real



"Together, they would watch everything that was so carefully planned collapse, and they would smile at the beauty of destruction.”
― Markus Zusak, The Book Thief

Full Name
Tommy Bryant Elsafty

Nicknames: Elsafty (Sometimes) | Tom (Rarely, Hates)

Alias: Bomber | Warhead

Age: 26

Birthday: 1989, April 3rd

Ethnicity: Egyptian

Sexuality: Pansexual

Powers - Volatile Constructs

Volatile Constructs: Tommy can turn any bit of shrapnel or junk into a powerful explosive. All it takes is a few drops of his blood.

ImagePower Weaknesses: Tommy can't just make as many nuclear sized explosions as he want and keep exploding them endlessly. Every time he sets off an explosion, the energy needed to cause the explosion is taken from him. The bigger the explosion, how far away Tommy is when he sets it off, what type of bomb he creates. All these factors affect how much it takes out of Tommy, both mentally and physically.
Tommy describes his ability as blind. Which means that he has no way of seeing or sensing who is around his bombs post planting them. If he's not careful his friends and ally's could walk right into the blast radius and Tommy would have no way of knowing. He also could get himself stuck in the blast radius if he miscalculates the strength of the bomb.

Power Strengths: Tommy can make his explosive with a very wide range of power. He can make small bombs capable of like blowing through the lock on a door, he can also make bombs on a nuclear power level, which he has done in his past.
He can also make bombs to different specifications, he can make loud bombs to distract enemies, or flash bombs to blind the enemy or even smoke bombs. If it can be made by engineers, Tommy's powers can replicate it. Obviously to avoid getting caught up in the blast himself, Tommy can remote detonate his bombs as well, all he has to do is think 'explode' and it will. If that won't work he can also set his bombs on a predetermined timer.



Tommy likes fire. He also likes loud noises and anything to do with bombs and explosions, even the death and suffering[/b] they cause. He thrives on the misfortunes of others. He enjoys children's cartoons, cigarettes and laughter. Tommy can also be frequently caught munching on crackers straight out of the box. He likes video games, specifically the ones where you get to blow things up. He also enjoys the occasional Sudoku or crossword, though those are only for a special treat every now and then.


Tommy's number one hate is the Alphas. He hates anything even slightly military related. Patriotism makes him want to puke, and on occasion he has. Rain and water only serve to dampen the effects on his bombs. Early mornings are for people who have things to do, and you'd never find Tommy willingly chomping on any veggies to speak of.

Quirks || Habits || Oddities
Twitchy. Tommy is a very twitchy guy. He is alwayys jumping and sudden sounds and his hands seem to always be moving and twitching. Almost as if they are subconsciously moving about, making invisible bombs.

Tommy always used to whisper"Boom, boom boom." to himself whenever detonating his bombs. Eventually though it just becam something that he says, whether out loud at people or whispering it himself late at night. He says it a lot.

Tommy is a hoarder, he is always collecting bit and pieces of scrap metal and junk. He can't seem to throw anything away, instead late at night when he can't sleep he works on turning them into bombs.

Despite how dangerous it might be for a man in his line of work, Tommy is a hard core smoker, he picked it up from his elders during his years as an Alpha. He's in no hurry to kick the habit as there are much worse things that can kill you in this world. Like an untalented robber or a bomb.

Talents || Strengths || Skills
Tommy is very clever. He's smart and he notices more than people give the seeming crazy guy credit for. He can figure he's way out of many situations and not much gets past him.

While Tommy clearly isn't the most physically imposing guy, his years of Alpha training have provided him with an impressive endurance. Hours on end of physical activity rarely tires him.

Tommy is a rather apathetic guy. Guilt, suffering of others and people's pleas don't don't really effect him at all and play no part in any of his decision making. Which means he's not at all likely to suffer or be held back by any sympathies he might hold for others. He'll kill whoever he needs to without a moment of hesitation.

Tommy always jokes that he's part-arsonist part-engineer. All his years of bringing building's down with his bombs has made him rather an expert at structures. It is almost second nature now, almost every building he enters he notices every structural weak place and where to place his bombs to bring the building down.
Flaws || Weaknesses
Tommy could never be considered a macho guy. In fact he's rather small with some muscle on him, but not enough bulk to be intimidating in an up close fight. No, he's better to keep to his bombs that start a wrestling career.

His erratic nature makes him unpredictable but it also mean that often his actions don't make a lot of sense and often leave him open and vulnerable.

Tommy was not born to lead. He would never willing take command of any group. He hates making decisions and he would never will his decisions onto other people. Though another reason he would be a terrible leader is because he is also very bad at communicating. Good luck if you are position on a team with him. Don't expect regular updates that make clear sense. He tends to ramble and his nature often means his message is hidden in many phrases that make little sense.

Tommy is a terrible cook. He's burnt everything he's ever tried to make in the kitchen.

ImageGreatest Fears: Spirits of the dead. Tommy is actually so fearful of restless dead spirirts that whenever he kills he says an old Muslin prayer for the dead. This causes many to speculate that his fear borders on thesuperstitious. Tommy is also not the biggest fan of heights.
Dreams: Tommy dreams of watching every last Alpha burn in a fiery blaze. Someday maybe in the future he'll dream of the rest of the world sharing this fate.
Regrets: Tommy was told not to detonate his bombs that night but his enthusiasm and inability to head orders found his best friend Amon dead. Tommy will regret that night for the rest of his life. Perhaps the only regret Tommy has that rivals killing Amon is join the Alpha's in the first place. His association with the Alphas has brought him nothing but despair.
Secrets: Tommy cried himself to sleep after his first bomb killing.

The first thing anyone would notice about Tommy is his strange erratic behavior. At first his jumpiness and the way his eyes always seem to dart around appear to be nerves. Like every shadow and noise around him makes him nervous. Tommy isn't a nervous guy though, everyday things don't tend to shake him and if anyone took a second look at him they realized his erratic behavior and the way he always seem to jump about in conversations are sign of his previously very bright mind. Tommy once had a very sharp and keen mind that noticed too much. Now he just seems a rather crazy shell with eyes that see too much and hands that itch to be crafting bombs. His brain is still bright and keen, but everything else that has happened to him have robbed him of sound thinking.

Tommy used to have many skills and interests. Now it seem that all his mind is focused on is blowing things up and killing people. He liked the fire and the completely uncontrolled mayhem his explosions cause. Tommy is always one to laugh at others misfortune, and what could be more unfortunate than meeting one's end because of a randomly placed explosion. He ultimate goal is to watch the world burn and explode into crackling fire and debris. Whilst Tommy is completely obsessed with violence, killing and destruction, he despises controlled violence. No true violence, true pandemonium, it can't be controlled and it takes down everyone in it's wake.

Tommy is a loyal friend. He would never harm someone he considers a friends and wouldn't hesitate to use his special set of abilities to help out a friend. He wouldn't even need a reason or rhyme. All you have to do is tell him where to put the bomb and he's in. Tommy doesn't do leadership. He doesn't do big ideas and grand plans. When he acts and does things on his own they seem random and completely unfocused. Tommy's solo bombing efforts were scatological at best. Not to say they weren't effective, but now he's in prison and no one saw the art he was trying to create. He needs that more instructive influence and the guy with big ideas and plan to focus his talents. Unfortunately, Tommy really doesn't do taking orders anymore.



Time Spent at El Cielo: 3 years

Crimes: After his days with the Alphas, Tommy was a small time crook and arsonist. He liked blowing stuff up and if people got hurt, people got hurt. He was barely a blip on their radar until he went west. He laid down nuclear bombs along the sewage system underneath an entire city, including a prominent Alpha base. In fact it was the second largest Alpha base in the world. Tommy leveled the place to the ground, killing everyone inside the city and base. Then he went from troublemaker ex-alpha to public enemy number one.

The Official Account of Crimes:
:Using weapons of mass destruction resulting in death
:Malicious destruction of property

Place of Origin: Egypt born and breed


The greatest irony of Tommy's life is that the ones who now have him locked up were the same as the ones who taught him how to kill. In fact they encouraged him to take down entire buildings with their residents still inside, then they called him a hero for it. Tommy quickly learned though that apparently you were only a hero when you killed their enemies, not your own.

Tommy was 16 when his parents died, by all accounts he was still just a boy when it happened. A robbery gone wrong, unsolved and not likely to be solved in the foreseeable future. This spurred Tommy to leave Egypt. He wanted to be an Alpha. He wanted to help people, the way no one had for his parents. He was only 16, they should have turned him away, but they had a need for his abilities. Tommy had known for a long time what he could do. Ever since he was 7 and he made the teapot explode he had his suspicions. Though he only was really sure when he was 11 and made the lawnmower blow up and after trying to fix it.

The next 4 and a half years saw Tommy shed any semblance on childhood he had. He was sent to a special 'neutralising' division, his military designation was Bomber. He begun killing in the name of Alpha. At first he had fooled himself. Tommy believed he was doing this all in the name of the greater good. The monstrous nature of his acts slowly became harder to deny, though at the same time he slowly he stopped caring. It became more about blowing things up.

Over his time with the Alphas be befriended a boy, Amon. Their friendship was hardly a shock to anyone as the only young egyptian boys in their division. Tommy saw Amon as the brother he never had and it was clear to everyone around that they were two peas in a pod. Then Amon and his team became casualties on a mission. Tommy had been told not to detonate his bombs until he made visual contact with Amon's group, but he was too enthusiastic, he couldn't help himself. Amon and his team had no time to clear the blast radius.

Tommy had fucked up bad. Most beleived his actions to be deliberately malicious. They had no proof so Tommy was instead dishonorably discharged. Tommy was sent off on his own with nowhere to go and no friends on the outside. So he turned to the one thing he knew how to do. Blow things up. Petty crime stuff for a few bucks. He worked his way up to bigger more fatal stuff.

Then he got the idea to go west. It made no sense to the people around him, but when Tommy got an idea in his head he usually followed it through. He'd heard the commander of his old team was out that way inspecting the Alpha base. So he did the only sane thing he could think of, he leveled the entire city. He laid low for about 6 months until that got boring and his resurgence found him captured almost immediately.

Family Members and Significant Figures
Mother | Yasmin Elsafty | Deceased
Father | Thomas Elfsafty | Deceased
Best Friend | Amon Kassab | Deceased

Character Dialogue: #330033
Face Claim: Rami Malek

So begins...

Tommy Elsafty's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allysha Harding Character Portrait: Jason Dunford Character Portrait: Tommy Elsafty Character Portrait: Natsumi Harada Character Portrait: Ellie Vilks Character Portrait: Daniel Braxton
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DAY : March 16th, 2099

TIME: 10:00 P.M

LOCATION: Agent Washington D.C, United State of America

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“Miss. Parker, explain to me again why I should allow this--... This gang of yours to proceed?” President Tate said as he turned his icy blue eyes to the blonde agent as he slid the file back towards her labeled ‘Vasquez, Nadine’ “Well, with all due respect, President Tate, I wouldn’t call my Task Force a gang so to speak because while gangs are known to commit crimes, this task group would allow some evil, money hungry, insane, and overall bad people actually be able to do some good with their powers.” Vice President Coin scoffed. “Do some good?! So you bring together a known terrorist, two runaways, an infamous schizophrenic murderer, the brother of your
 boy toy, Agent Dunford, your extortionist of a foster sister, and let not forget to mention, the son of President Tate who is a serial killer who takes credit cards.” Scarlet was never fond of Coin for numerous reasons maybe because of her talk shit attitude while instead of being logical and unbiased loved to throw one’s personal life into their face like how she would with Scarlet about her foster sister, her daughter, but more than anyone, her fiancĂ©, Jason Dunford or ‘Sentinel’, to most people but to her he was always just Jason. But, Scarlet could roll with the punches. “I never said they were perfect heroes. All I said is that these criminals are the worst of the worst while being the best at what they do.” She tossed the files towards Coin and watched as she reluctantly looked at them. “Daniel Tate, or Daniel Braxton has the best precision and aim of anyone, human or post while also having combat skills that are impeccable.” Amelia Coin barely looked up as she continued to the file labeled ‘Vasquez, Nadine’. “Nadine Vasquez. Was top of her class at the academy before getting mutated by your labs--..”

”Now, she knew the risk of being test subject A.” Tate said as if he was trying to cover his ass. Which he was, so was everyone else involved. No one wanted to be responsible for ruining that poor girl’s mind and then being surprised when she committed a massacre like the one she did. Don’t get Scar wrong, Nadine was dangerous but she was powerful. “Of course she did. But because of the experiments, she’s powerful not to mention smart. Before being test subject A, she was top in her class in both field work and in intelligence. She had a 200 IQ.” She could tell Tate was getting interested. “And now?” She flipped to the next page showing her erratic brainwave. “It hasn’t changed when Nadine is in control and with the others it varies from childlike in her persona A, known by Harley to Van Tombler in Persona B, aka Zodiac.” Van Tombler was one of the smartest people of their time, the man who was able to crack the code to the mutant gene.

"With three people in that head of hers comes three sets of powers, all different. And she has leverage and with leverage comes power.” Coin scoffed. “You are aware that with those powers she was able to kill over 100 people and hurt 200 others? Not to mention the children of the first family. Or the fact that she’s in the mental ward all drugged up because she put three guards in the hospital.” Coin said as she tossed the file back to the agent. “Yes, but what you’re forgetting is that she killed all of those people within minutes and she got those officers just by looking at them. If you were able to control that fire, those powers along with the six others they would be unstoppable.”

“And just how would you control supercriminals like these if you don’t mind me asking.” Scarlet kept her eyes on Coin the entire time. “I do mind. That information is between President Tate and me on how I will control them.” The older woman took a deep breath before sitting up straight. It was silent for a moment before the President broke the tense silence. “And if this fails?” Scarlet chucked as she filmed to a photo of the inmates all in a lineup. “Easy. They’re criminals for a reason, they’re known for messing things up. If anything goes wrong or it fails. They take the blame and are thrown right back into prison.” President Tate reached for his pin and the file needing his signature before signing he looked up at the younger woman. “One year, Agent Parker. One. To the day, do I make myself clear?” Scarlet began to grow a smile on her face as she nodded. “Yes! Yes, sir. Thank yo--..”He held up one finger making Scarlet quiet down. “I refuse to allow a human woman like yourself go around criminals like them. Which is why I will be sending security with you for your protection.” The blonde took a deep breath and nodded. At this moment Tate sounded just like Jason. Stating how she needed protection because of one reason or another. “Yes, sir.” Noticing the expression on her face, James Tate cracked a small smile. “Come now, Miss. Parker. I think you’ll find yourself quite fond of the man in charge of your security detail.” Not long after this conversation the three of them were going their separate ways out of the empty restaurant that they have rented out for their meeting. She shook both of their hands before getting into her black town car which took her home where she waited for her night to truly begin.

DAY : March 17th, 2099

TIME: 6:00 A.M

LOCATION: Agent Scarlet Parker's Home, Washington D.C, United State of America

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Scarlet could hear her heart pounding and her shaky breath as she looked up at the skylight above her bed as she rubbed the sweat off of her forehead and moved strands of long blonde hair out of her eyes. For her there was no better way to end her day with anyone other than the Sensational Sentinel himself, Jason Dunford. As she tried to catch her breath she couldn't help but chuckle. ”You know what? This might be the best night I’ve had all week.” She turned to her and pulled herself to her boyfriend’s chest as she looked up at him with a small smirk before going on to kiss him jaw. She knew he couldn’t stay with her all night and as much as she wanted him to. The brighter it would get outside and the easiest for Jason to be seen. Jason smiled at Scarlet's kiss, with his grin only getting wider. "It's starting to sound like you only want me for my body. I mean I get the super durability is appealing. But I'm more than a pretty face, and great abs." He smirked. Scarlet laughed as she softly pressed her forehead to his jaw. "I know you are but, the face and body definitely do help." She pulled herself even closer to Jason as she listened to her man. "But you know what babe, She sighed as she snuggled into his shoulder. "Mm. What's that?"

"Even still every night with you is the best night of my life."He smiled as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, and kissed her forehead. Sure, it might have been a corny, and cheesy thing to say, but to him it was still the truth. He always did have a way of making Agent Scarlet Parker, the cold heart of Division A1 somewhat human especially when he said things so cheesy towards her but, hey they work. They worked when they were in their twenties and it worked now. Not that she would ever let him know that. She scoffed as she pushed him. "Oh dear God, please stop. I don't need to hear that.". When he kissed her forehead, she moaned softly before looking up at him and giving him another kiss on the lips before laying back on him. She knew he would have to leave soon but, right now she just wanted to stay like this with him taking in the afterglow. She didn't even want to think about anything else not the bruises on her body from training in the morning (and how she would probably have to explain or lie to Jason how she got them) or her meeting with President Tate and Vice President Coin about Task Force Omega and the last finishing touches to the program including profiles on the seven she had chosen which were at first on her dresser but were now all over her dark wooden floor with a few now being covered by her red dress and black blazer. But she wasn't thinking about that right now. After holding her for a moment Jason let out an annoyed sigh.

"Well, I better get my clothes on, and get out of here before someone spots the walk of shame." She lost her smile as she sigh. "I guess you're right." He followed with a smirk. Jason released Scarlet from his embrace, and began putting on his shirt, and pants. When he got out of bed Scarlet pulled her legs to her chest as she watched him get dressed for a moment before getting out of bed herself with her blanket to cover herself and the small bruises over her body mainly around her arms. "You know, I'm really starting to feel cheap. Maybe you could get me some....I don't know, diamonds, or a sports car or something? What do people get usually get their secret lovers?" She scoffed. "Oh please." She kissed him softly before heading over to her closet to slip on one of his sweatshirts that he left over her house and she decided that she was going to keep as her own. "Is spending the night with me not good enough anymore because it seemed like enough when I was young, and skinny, and pretty." She threw her hair up in a ponytail and headed towards her papers to pick them up. "And I mean, you're the rich, sexy, heroic celebrity 'bachelor' not me. So, shouldn't I get something?" She smirked as she looked up at him before continuing to reorganize the papers.

Jason let out a soft sigh at her jabs at her own age, and body. Even if he knew she was joking, he didn't care too much to hear her talk about herself in such a way. "Oh you're right. I need to start showering you in love and affection." Jason said as he crept up behind Scarlet, lightly kissing the back of her neck, and slightly nibbling on her ear. "Mm. That's right.” She turned towards him with a wink before picking up the rest of the photos and files and fixing them into the folder the needed to be in. She couldn't afford to mess anything up especially because of a rather fun night she had with her boyfriend. She wasn't paying close attention to Jason until she jumped slightly when he wrapped his arms around her. When he kissed her neck she laughed and wrapped her arms around his. "I need to start treating you like the goddess you are. Can't risk you going off with the next big trend in superheroes." He then began tenderly rubbing her shoulders. For someone with such strength, and durability it was surprising how gentle he can be. She let her head sink into his shoulder as he massaged her shoulders which were sore from training. "Well, if you keep this coming. I'll be staying around for a long, long time." She looked at him and kissed his cheek. Before she could even kiss him again she saw him look at the clock she had on her nightstand along with a photo of the two of them at the Fatherhood annual ball where they went other people but kept slipping away to be alone. Jason glanced over at the clock, and groaned at the time. "As much fun as the lovey dovey banter is, and it really is, I really do need to get going." He sighed as he pulled away from her. As he pulled away from her she let out a sigh in disappointment.

"Afraid if we keep it up I might have to drag you back into bed in a manly fashion." He smirked as he continued to get dressed. A smirk slid on her face as she looked towards him, watching him get dressed. "Well, we wouldn't want that, would we?" She slipped the mugshots of the criminals into their files before stacking them all away with one special one on top of the rest. "So you got the meeting with Tate and Coin about Omega today right?”

"That's right." She said without even turning around. She already how their conversation was going to turn out. With the two of them arguing about if it was a good idea or not and one of them just storming off to cool off, mostly Scarlet seeing that she felt like she could handle it. "Look, I'm not going to argue about it again with you......Just, I hope you know what you're doing." Her eyebrows furrowed as she listened to him. Jason has had his misgivings about the task force. Sure he's all for giving people second chances, but these were super criminals. Even if his brother was one of them. " careful ok? I love you, I don't want you to get hurt." It surprised her but, it was nice. The blonde walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck before bringing him in for a long kiss while she went on her tiptoes. When she pulled away she looked at his lips and sighed before looking up into his eyes, laying one hand on his jaw.

"Jason, I know you love me and I love you. You know I do but, I know what I'm doing. I can handle myself, they can't break me." She took a deep breath before reaching for the first file in the stack with the word security stamped on it with red ink before handing it to her man. "You aren't the only one who wants me safe anyway. President Tate thought it would be for the best for me to have protection so, he chose the best of best." She knew that having security would make Jason feel better about her leaving especially when he realized the 'best of the best' chosen to go down South with her for almost year was him. That was the one thing that killed her about Project Omega was leaving him for so long with not being able to have any contact with him. But she was also on the fence about having him come with her. She knew he meant well and that he just wanted her safe but she was afraid that with him being overprotective of her would get in the way of her work. She didn’t want to be in his shadow where people thought that the poor, little normal couldn’t handle things on her own without her big, bad guard dog around. She watched him look at the file before setting it down on her bed before looking at him. "You have the right to refuse if you want, of course." Even though they've been together all this time, there was always a part of her that felt as if he didn't want to be around her for long which probably wasn't helped by the idea that the two were always sneaking out of each other’s homes instead of just telling the world that they were together, and in love, and had a child together. “But I couldn't help but agree. And if you are interested in being my bodyguard... We leave the moment I get the call." Jason merely glanced at the file that was handed to him, and laid in on the bed.

"I'm always going to be there for you, no matter what." He said as he placed his hands on the sides of Scarlet's face. He didn't need to read the file to tell her that. Scar smiled as she let her right hand stroke the top of his hand. "And I know you can take care of yourself. That's one of the things I love most about you. But just because you can doesn't mean I'm gonna let you. I love you, and I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe. Sorry, I'm selfish that way." He added with a bright smile. She chuckled before kissing his palm before laying her cheek back on his hand. "Alright, let's get ready. We don't want to be late." The blonde nodded before pulling herself away from Jason in order to get ready for the day. Since she had a gut feeling that today was going to be the day.

DAY : March 17th, 2099

LOCATION: El Cielo Penitentiary, New Orleans, Louisiana, United State of America

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“Time to wake up you, lousy wastes of human flesh! It another shitty day here at El Cielo especially for you lucky seven who get to do nothing until I get the call.” The acting supervisor of the prisoners, Lt. Duke Warren said over the intercom to the newly established Task Force who weren’t allowed to do anything or go anywhere outside of their corner of the prison consisting of their own cells, a common meeting area where only those with clearance were allowed to go into, and a surveillance room for the guards to watch them 24/7 along with several buttons to shock the bars on the small window in the middle of the sold steel door in order to “control” the inmates. “Oh my god. Shut up!” Could be heard coming from the ‘rubber room’ cell, with the label ‘Vasquez’ on the door along with a loud bang against metal door.

Warren chuckled as he walked out of the office and down the aisle with doors on both sides of him. “Oh man, I can’t believe they’re letting your crazy ass out, Vasquez. You’ll be back in here in a week.” He walked up to her door where the young lady was holding on to the bars. The tattooed woman fake chuckled along with the older man before reaching her hand outside of the bars trying to grab the warden but he was able to dodge her grasp. “Careful, Duke. I won’t be in her for long and when I get out where are you going to run.” Warren just stared at the girl before turning towards his buddies in the booth and grabbed his walky-talky. ”Shock’er.” Within seconds a scream could be heard as electricity crackled through her shock collar. That was used in order to keep her personas in line when they got out of control especially Zodiac. The Lieutenant laughed a bit before heading back to the office booth with the others. “Let’em out.’ And with a lock of the surveillance booth, one by one the cell began to unlock to allow the prisoners an hour and a half out of their cells after three days of being in their 24 hours a day.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tommy Elsafty Character Portrait: Natsumi Harada Character Portrait: Daniel Braxton Character Portrait: Nadine Vasquez
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“One, breathe, two, breathe, three, breathe, four, breathe.” Firm, thick fingers attached to broad palms supported an absolute, muscular frame. Dan always kept his breathing in check while doing push-ups, inhaling while lowering his body and exhaling while lifting. Every day, he wakes up and warms up, stretching and doing basic exercises, push-ups included. “One, breathe, two, breathe, three, breathe, four, breathe.” His third set included thirty groups of four, leaving him with one hundred and twenty push-ups. Once the set was over, Dan sat his body up, crossed his legs, opened his hand, and placed his right fist into his left palm. “Peace
” He flexed his open hand and pressed it firmly against his knuckles. “... Over power.” He repeated the motion, tensing the muscles in his arms and relaxing them.

He hated this place, missed his old cell. The guards did, however, allow him to bring a couple of things from his old humble abode before being forcefully moved to this new wing. They couldn’t say no to the ice cold, steely grey stare that Dan shot out. On the grey, hard, unforgiving concrete wall were a few pictures. One was of his younger siblings, sitting together on a bench in an amusement park. The second was of his mother and father in a similar, happy setting, except the smiling face of his father was scratched out. Next to it was a poster, a joking one that a friend gave him three years back, depicting a cat clinging to a branch with the words “hang in there” written in pink. To this day, it still makes him smile a little bit. On the adjoining wall there was a small, shatterproof mirror, but big enough so that if Dan stood back far enough he could see most of his body.

The short meditation was suddenly interrupted by the sounds of agony-filled screams. Dan furrowed his brows and clenched his jaw, gritting his teeth. “Peace
” The white haired woman, Nadine, he didn’t know her well. She knew she did what he did, kill people, and that’s why she was in here. But regardless, now, she was doing nothing wrong. She was an innocent, and, to Dan, harming an innocent is the worst possible crime that could be committed. Her shouts bounced around his head like an echo-chamber, filling his ears. He was clenching his eyes so hard all he could see was white. “Over power.” His hand closed over his fist, digging his nail into his flesh. “Peace over power.”

Another interruption; a creaking and scraping as the door to his cell groaned open, allowing him access to the small common area. His mind wandered to various places, searching for an answer. As he walked out of his room, he didn’t even bother zipping up the second part of his jumpsuit to cover his exposed, sweaty upper torso. His heavy boots clunked against the ground with each step as his cold glare swept the room, surveying all of those who intended to enter.

He stood there, just staring at everyone, fierce, gunmetal stare and all, for a solid minute or two. Until a smile cracked across Dan’s lips. He even laughed as he took a seat, propping his legs up on the table before him. “It all makes me wonder what they expect us to do in here.” He said before cackling once more. “We have less than two hours, what do they expect us to do, share tales of thievery and murder?” He smirked, turning in his chair to face a camera. “Perhaps they want us to do some team building exercises? Give us a puzzle to do together, that’ll be fun.” He stood up, maintaining eye contact with the camera. “Ooo, how about some arts and crafts? Eh? I know I want to make a macaroni necklace.” He laughed out loud once more before flopping back into his seat. While letting out some disgruntled, mumbled phrases, Dan pulled a snack out of his pocket; a protein bar in a silver wrapper. Yet another privilege the he had. To this day, Dan isn’t exactly sure why he gets all of these things. Perhaps it’s because of who he was. The mere thought made him cringe as he tore off a chunk of the bar, munch on it idly, wondering when his friend Tommy would show up.

He did spot another girl. The young, Asian girl. He did his research beforehand. She was the one with the scream, the fields and the intangibility. She would be hard to counter in a fight. Dan looked at her for a few minutes, scanning, observing, taking all of her in visually. “Yo. What’s up?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tommy Elsafty Character Portrait: Natsumi Harada Character Portrait: Daniel Braxton Character Portrait: Nadine Vasquez
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Tommy laughed as someone screamed from their cell. He sat in the center of his cell with crossed legs. His short burst of laughter quickly died into a dull chuckle that he dragged out. He rubbed the palms of his hands against his thighs, as his legs bounced up and down. Then he ran his hands through his hair. Then he rubbed his hands together as if trying to keep warm on a winter's day when in the crisp morning, frost hung the air. Then he put his palms to the ground to shift his sitting posture before moving his hands to rub his palms against his thighs again. Sitting still was a nightmare for Tommy. He was too twitchy and far to trigger happy to ever just sit still. Which is why this place was a nightmare for Tommy, every minute felt like twenty. He wasn't allowed stuff either. He'd proven his talent time and time again. No matter what he was given, he'd make it into a bomb. So his cell was stark. Cold empty cement filled every surface and corner. Not that he was alone in that regard, it seemed all the inmates transferred here were deprived in many ways. He knew Danny had pictures, but he'd seen little else in the way of belongings.

There was a buzz and his cell door opened. Tommy had hadn't heard what had been said, his mind currently too unfocused to pick up on anything outside himself. Getting to his feet, Tommy stuffed in hands inside the pockets of his tan jumpsuit, hiding the way they twitched. He put his head down and walked towards the main room. Danny would be there, and Tommy always wanted to see him. Tommy had nothing good in his life, certainly not now, and definitely not back then, but Danny made it okay. Sure Tommy was a dangerous individual, but here in prison he was just a physically weak guy, ripe for beating up. Danny was the tough guy who people didn't want to mess with.

With his head down, Tommy's eyes peeked up memorizing every aspect of the building around him. He watched cameras, not to make eye contact or taunt his captures. He wanted to know where they were, what they could see. Tommy also studied the building itself. Structural weak points. A small bomb on his right and on the other side of the connecting room. That would keep them distracted and spread thin for when he set of the large bomb in the corner. Surely, that bomb would be enough to cause widespread destruction and panic, if not escape. Not that he needed to do this. He'd studied this place many times before. He remembered exactly where the cameras were and where his bombs would be best placed. Perhaps he was making sure nothing had moved, nothing had changed. Or testing his memory. Most likely though, this was a part of himself that he couldn't turn off. The tactical soldier he'd been turned into. Always prepared, always surveying.

Tommy walked straight up to where Danny was, he raised his head just enough to make eye contact with the bigger man before looking back at his feet. Tommy didn't like looking at people, especially not in the eye, but for a friend like Danny he’d take the moment of discomfort. Of course, he didn't acknowledge the girl Danny had been talking to. Tommy shuffled into a chair opposite Danny, tucking his feet up underneath him. He'd heard the end part of Danny's little narrative from across the room. "Macaroni necklaces eh?"
he laughed "Your father," Tommy paused suddenly, his hands leaving his pockets to grab the chair below him, "I'm sure he'd like one." Tommy laughed again.

His eyes skittering around the room though they never once landed on the two people in front of him. He eyes stopped in the direction of Nadine’s cell. “She screamed,” he whispered running his hand though his hair with a small smile. Then he shifted his attention back to Danny, completing dismissing what he had just said. "Do you think making a bomb would count as 'arts and crafts' eh?" Tommy eyes landed on the camera Danny had just been looking at and he whispered, "I'd make a special one just for our favorite lieutenant."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allysha Harding Character Portrait: Tommy Elsafty Character Portrait: Natsumi Harada Character Portrait: Daniel Braxton Character Portrait: Nadine Vasquez
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ImageAs Nat's dark eyes searched the room, the others were beginning to fill it. Danny and Tommy were to her right. Danny was monologuing, as per usual, at the cameras. Nat rolled her eyes at his ridiculous rant, and continued her search. She turned out his voice, putting all of her focus into two things: the faces of Aly and Nadine and putting up a forcefield around her. Then, Danny stopped. The only reason Nat noticed was the silence that was left behind. Tommy added something about bombs which wasn't a surprise.

That's when she found Aly's face. She wasn't far away. Nat felt herself take a step towards the familiar and away from the vaguely familiar (meaning Danny and Tommy), but was stopped by Danny's voice. "What's Up?" Without looking, she knew he was talking to her. She turned to face him and looked him up and down. He wasn't a bad guy really. Beyond the killing and the treason and he was handsome, if you liked that kind of thing. It was more of, she had a distrust of people. Especially men who knew they were powerful. She raised an eyebrow at his missing shirt, but made no other move.

She thought she could attempt to communicate with him, but if she started waving her hands around and he didn't know or understand sign language... well he may look at her weird. She heard a voice whispering behind her and saw someone talking to Aly. Elsie? Ella? Ellie.

She turned back to the two boys. Her eyes flickered behind them back towards the cells. Nadine had been screaming earlier. She curled her hands into fists. If she had nails, they would break skin, but here they kept them sheared short. An inmate with nails is a no-no. With her attention back on the boys, she crossed her arms and waited for Danny to continue. Walking away probably wasn't the smartest. If he called out to her as she walked away, it would bring attention... although not much more than standing in the center of the room. She really needed to rethink her actions.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allysha Harding Character Portrait: Tommy Elsafty Character Portrait: Natsumi Harada Character Portrait: Ellie Vilks Character Portrait: Daniel Braxton
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#, as written by Miyer
Lysha watched with growing disinterest as another young man showed up, and started talking to hot guy. Though he seemed to be avoiding eye contact at all costs which did peak her curiosity. She snorted softly when she heard his comment about Bombs and was about to reveal herself when her observation was interrupted by a women's voice.

Looking to the side, Lysha glanced at the women up and down, unable to find a name. In all honesty, she could barely remember anyone in this god forsaken place except Nat's so it wasn't exactly surprising. Lysha listened to the women's comment, a smirk growing on her face as she continued. Though Lysha had no idea what the women was going for, whether to be intimidating or funny, though it definitely achieved the latter.

"Well what a wasted existence that would of been. You would have to be able to catch me first.", Lysha returned the girl's vicious grin. Though she had been caught and taken to this prison, it was unlikely that this one women would of been able to do the same. That was one of the major benefits of her flying abilities, unless her enemies had long range weapons and were pretty awesome shots, she was safe. "Oh, and careful, that is my friend you are so causally insulting.", she finished off. Though it wasn't so much a threat, more a friendly warning on Lysha's part. Nat could take care of herself, but after what Lysha did, she did feel some small need to stick up for the girl, almost make it up to her despite the two of them moving on.

With that, Lysha offered the women a friendly smile before looking back to the group of three. "Shall we join them?", Lysha asked, though had already started making her way further into the room without waiting for a response. She grinned as she approach the bomb boy. Smiling as she walked up to him, without a word, she grabbed his jaw gently and turned his eyes to meet her, holding contact for less then a second before walking over to stand next to Nat. In that second, she had seen something she didn't like. As much as she liked messing with people, she couldn't get a read on him, and that unnerved her.

"Hay sweetie, getting hit on first thing! I'm impressed!", she joked, casting a wicked smile at the toned man in front of them. "and one who looks after himself too!", she teased, obviously running her eyes up and down the man's exposed chest before finally settling to look him straight in the eye, a cheeky glint in her eye, daring him to take up her challenge.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allysha Harding Character Portrait: Tommy Elsafty Character Portrait: Natsumi Harada Character Portrait: Ellie Vilks Character Portrait: Daniel Braxton
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The moment Danny laid eyes on Tommy, his mood immediately lightened. The smaller man glanced at him shortly before sitting down; this was something Dan was use to. His friend was definitely strange, and he didn’t really understand why, but that was alright. He didn’t need to understand. Tommy just was the way he was, and that was alright too. But what Dan did know was that other people often tried to change Tommy, or to manipulate him because of how he acts and what he can do. And that was not alright. “Hey big guy! I’m glad to see you’re looking alright. They haven’t fucked with you too much, right?” Dan attempted to make his tone at least somewhat light-hearted, but he couldn’t help but grow more serious at the end.

“Macaroni necklaces eh? Your father, I'm sure he'd like one.” Tommy continued to fidget in his seat, but Dan’s gaze remained steady. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t already thinking about his father. About how much he wanted to wring his neck.

“You know what, Tommy, you’re right.” He paused to look back at the camera, only disdain in his fierce glare. “If only the friendly man behind the camera would let me give it to him personally.” Dan smiled a devious smile before turning to look back at his buddy.

“Do you think making a bomb would count as 'arts and crafts' eh? I'd make a special one just for our favorite lieutenant

Dan grinned at that, leaning farther back in his chair. “Now that is something I’d love to help you with.” Before he even had the chance to continue onward with the conversation, the dark skinned girl, the one with the wings, walked over and grabbed Tommy. Danny tensed and sat up, his jaw clenching. What kind of a person just goes up to someone and does that?

“Hay sweetie, getting hit on first thing! I'm impressed! And one who looks after himself too!” Dan didn’t like her tone, the way she spoke. It sounded like she thought she was entitled to something, that she was above them. His nostrils flared as he glowered at her, sustaining the ferocious scowl for quite a while, occasionally narrowing his eyes. She was standing close to the silent one, the one Dan said hi to earlier. They had ties.

After a few seconds, Dan returned his gaze to Tommy and leaned forward so his arms were on the table. “Hey, I want you to have this.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out one of the protein bars covered in silver, reflective wrapping. “And I want you to eat all of it, can you do that for me big guy?” His voice was genuine, and although some would consider it patronizing. Dan knew that Tommy could understand him, but not to what extent. He was just naive when it came to the behaviors of people like Tommy. “If we’re going to get out of here, it’s going to be an uphill battle. You need to keep your strength up, and the shit they feed us isn’t enough. Plus, it tastes better than the garbage on the platter we get everyday.” With that, he leaned back in his chair and turned to the others, his arms crossed. “Listen, you fuck with him, you fuck with me, capiche?” His low voice was stern, like he was scolding a group of children. And he meant it; anyone who screwed with Tommy had to get through him first.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allysha Harding Character Portrait: Tommy Elsafty Character Portrait: Natsumi Harada Character Portrait: Daniel Braxton
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ImageNat waited for the boy to address her again, but his attention was turned towards his friend. She actually felt a little insulted. Just because she hadn't spoken, didn't mean she hadn't replied. She was about to give them one gesture before making her retreat when she felt someone stepping towards her. She knew who it was, based on the voice, and dropped her field immediately. No need to harm her friend. Even if she had left her behind in there..

Nat lifted her hand in greeting to her friend even though she didn't turn to look at her. She did have the common sense to tense when that same friend reached out to one of the boys and grabbed his chin. She saw the scowl on Danny's face and she prepared herself to... well not scream. Even if it was the most effective power in her arsenal it wasn't the smartest one. It would break the lights, shatter glass... and as useful as that would be for an escape attempt, that wasn't the goal at the moment and without having a plan she was sure to fail. Better just stick to the situation at hand.

Danny turned his attention back to Tommy for a moment and she couldn't help but soften. It reminded her a bit of Nadine even though Nadine was hardly ever let out and wasn't often "all there". But the woman was like a mother to her and these boys were like brothers. Danny's gaze turned back to the two and she put her hands up in surrender before he even spoke. She knew what he was going to say. She didn't make a move for Tommy, but Aly did and they were friends. Allies. Might as well have come from her instead. She placed a hand on her friend's shoulder and shook her head. With a quick nod, she gestured to leave them be.

Now was not the time for a fight even if Aly really wanted one. They had just let them out after three days. She wasn't about to give that up for Aly's entertainment. Friend or not. At least...not this time. She put her palms together and bowed before turning and walking away. There had to be something better to do in this joint then beat on each other. With one last sweep of the room, she searched for Nadine and would probably come up empty. As mentioned before, she isn't let out much.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allysha Harding Character Portrait: Tommy Elsafty Character Portrait: Natsumi Harada Character Portrait: Ellie Vilks Character Portrait: Daniel Braxton
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"Oh, and careful, that is my friend you are so causally insulting." Ellie shrugged. Friendship was something that didn't survive a place like this, and it was much less likely to survive out there in the real world. The whispers had shown Ellie enough betrayals to last a life time, and Ellie herself didn't think she'd made a friend she hadn't eventually screwed over. After all Allysha had already abandoned her friend once, how long till she did it again. Only fools trusted other people. "Shall we join them?" She said with a friendly smile and walked over to the group of people she had been watching earlier.

Ellie sighed and watching Allysha go. She wasn't a big fan of the group atmosphere over there. She watched the room for any better options to ease her boredom but came up empty handed. Sighing, she kicked herself off the wall and wandered over the group with a hand on her hip. 'Don't go in there!' 'Leave him alone!' 'You don't know me!' Ellie paused, pursing her lips for a second, today its seemed the whispers were less whispers and more screams. She just wished everyone would shut up. There was a dull ache growing at the base of her skull. She wondered how she'd be able to get her hands on pills, it didn't matter what, just anything that took the annoyance away.

Ellie shook away the voices and continued toward the group just in time to hear the big guy, “Listen, you fuck with him, you fuck with me, capiche?” Ellie laughed a little as she entered their little group. She knew exactly who he was talking about. "Do you have to make it sound so much like a challenge?" Ellie grinned with a shrug, and did he have to sound so macho as well? She didn't particularly want to take up the challenge but she'd do what she had to. She wanted to cause a fight. Sure he was a big guy and she knew his enhanced combat abilities, but she was fairly confident she could take him because she had a few tricks of her own. If she got a fight started, she could get herself hurt, then they'd get her out of here to some sort of medical bay. They couldn't leave them in here if they were hurt.

Ellie looked at Allysha, "Well, you going to let him tell you what to do?" Sure Ellie didn't know these people well and most of them she'd never had any communication with. But information was Ellie's trade. She'd made it a point to know these people. There names, their abilities, their crimes. It's all come in handy one day. Ellie then purposefully walked around the table and ruffled Tommy's hair with a smirk to Daniel.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allysha Harding Character Portrait: Tommy Elsafty Character Portrait: Natsumi Harada Character Portrait: Ellie Vilks Character Portrait: Daniel Braxton
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Tommy half listened to Danny's reply. His eyes were on the quiet girl. Well, not on her face, but for a moment he glanced at her hand that had balled up in her fist. He frowned, what had made her mad? It was subtle, and most people wouldn't have noticed the white of her knuckles, but despite how Tommy came across, his eyes noticed a lot. Perhaps that's why they always danced around. He ran his hands through his hair as he tried to focus on the problem in front of him, he had always liked puzzles. He couldn't understand why the small girl was mad and he was even considering looking up at her face when another woman came into view.

She was a darker woman who possessed all the confidence a woman locked up in a cage could have. She grabbed his chin. Her smile wasn't predatory and her touch was gentle. Tommy knew he didn't have much to fear from her, at least at this point in time. He felt his skin crawl uncomfortably though as his eyes met hers' but he didn't back down. He knew a challenge when he saw one. He met her eyes with an intensity, shoving his hands into his pockets so she couldn't see how twitchy he was. They held eye contact for a mere second but it was enough for her.

She released him and turned her attention back to Danny. Tommy went back to staring at the ground. Everyone always paid attention more attention to Danny. Especially the girls. Danny was the handsome one of the two and the one who appeared far more capable. Tommy never minded though, he didn't like attention.

Danny ignored her and turned to Tommy passing him one of the protein bars he always had on him. Tommy didn't look up or move to take it, so Danny continued, “And I want you to eat all of it, can you do that for me big guy?”
Tommy didn't look at him or give any reply that signified he understood, but he did look up at the bar. He picked it up with his thumb and index finger like someone might pick up something potentially fowl. Danny explained that Tommy was going to have to keep his strength up if they were going to get out of here.

Danny turned to the girls and so Tommy turned his attention back on himself. Cautiously ripping open the bar, he swallowed nervously and rubbed his palms on his thighs in preparation before finally he broke off a tiny bit to feed himself. Tommy kicked his feet underneath him and laughed a little as he heard Danny threaten the girls. Always protective that one. Though the feeling was mutual, even if people didn't think Tommy much of a threat, he blow up anyone who hurt Danny. Tommy saw the quiet girl shake her had at her more confident friends and a thought suddenly occurred to him. "You don't talk?" He asked the quiet girl whilst staring at her feet, though it was more a statement. Immediately after he made the comment though, he dropped it and turned slightly away from her looking back at the bar in his hand. He broke off another tiny bit to nibble on.

Then a dark haired woman joined them. It was clear to Tommy that she wanted a fight and she was not too tactless about it. Which is why when she came round the table and ruffled his hair, Tommy just simply leaned away with a blank face, He hated being touched, and under other circumstances might have made a big deal out of it but not today. He wasn't going to give this woman the satisfaction. Though Danny might. Tommy ate the rest of the bar and took the wrapper rolling is between the palms of his hands making sure to squish it down into a tight ball. "Are we?" Tommy moved to swat at an invisible fly, "getting out then?" He asked Danny as if it were the two of them, ignoring their company. Though that was easy for Tommy to do as he didn't look up from the silver ball he was rolling with intense concentration in his hands.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allysha Harding Character Portrait: Tommy Elsafty Character Portrait: Natsumi Harada Character Portrait: Ellie Vilks Character Portrait: Daniel Braxton
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#, as written by Miyer
Lysha raised her eyebrow slightly as the man expressed annoyed at her comment with flared nostrils. She watched as he then turned his attention to bomber boy, handing him a food bar and treating him with a tenderness Lysha recognised as a familial love. Her eyebrows raised every so slightly at the scolding tone when he turned back to her, though she could see he was clearly trying to warn them off 'fucking' with bomber boy as he had put it. Luckily for him, Lysha had no desire to screw with the unknown, possibly prod and learn about it, but fuck with it? No thanks.

Unlike Lysha, Nat raised her hands in surrender when the man went on his little tirade which didn't surprise her. The younger girl disliked causing pointless fights. When Nat moved her hand to rest of Lysha's shoulder, all the she did was offer a small smile of reassurance. It did surprise her though when she heard the bomber boy's comment on Nat, turning and glancing at him briefly. Anyway, It wasn't like she desired continue the conversation. The man had proved himself to be boring and unresponsive, at least the bomber boy had risen to her challenge. She could respect that. The other man proved no entertainment to her.

She glanced over as the dark haired women she had spoken with briefly before joined in the conversation, smirking slightly. Maybe Lysha had no interest in starting a fight, but that didn't mean watching one wouldn't prove entertaining. Lysha offered up a knowing grin as the women turned her attention towards her. "Sorry, I don't really care. I have no interest in wasting time on something boring.", she commented, a little jab at the man, though she was pretty sure he wouldn't care, but then turned to stare pointedly at the little bomber boy. Not that he would notice considering he wasn't making eye contact with anyone, but it would at least rile up the other man considering her blatant disregard of his warning.

She watched with vague interest as the women went over and ruffled the bomber boy's hair. It was clear that he hadn't enjoyed it, if the blank express and his body language were anything to go by. It made sense, the action was derogatory at best. However, why he wasn't causing a fuss confused her, though maybe he just wasn't that type of person... It was clear the boy had no intention of acknowledging the women, and so Lysha moved closer to Nat who had walked a little further away, pulling out a chair and sitting, watching the small group out of the corner of her eye.

"What's got you so distract Nat? You seem to be looking for someone.", Lysha commented as she watched her friend search the common room, as expecting someone to pop out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allysha Harding Character Portrait: Tommy Elsafty Character Portrait: Natsumi Harada
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ImageNat heard Tommy's question as she walked away from them and, normally, she would ignore it, but there was something so innocent about him. Which was ironic considering there was a reason he was here. She stopped and turned back towards him. She gave him a soft smile and walked towards him. She didn't care if he didn't meet her eyes. She tapped her throat, approximately where her vocal chords were. She hoped he knew enough about her, or at least Danny did, that he would understand. She held out her hand to him, but didn't wait for him to take hers. She lightly took his hand and drew three letters on his hands: "N. A. T."

She gave his hand a soft squeeze before dropping it and returning to her friend's side. Her eyes still searched for Nadine. Of course Aly noticed and she thought how to respond for a moment. She didn't have a sign for Nadine and the sign for "mom" wasn't going to work. She also wasn't sure if Aly had even picked up on her sign language from when they were at... well that place. So she did the last thing she thought of. She turned to her and mouthed, "Nadine". It was no secret that Nat and Nadine were close. Especially these past few years, but that didn't mean that Aly had put two and two together.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allysha Harding Character Portrait: Tommy Elsafty Character Portrait: Natsumi Harada Character Portrait: Ellie Vilks Character Portrait: Daniel Braxton Character Portrait: Nadine Vasquez
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From the shock from her collar, Nadine had fell to the ground not having the strength to pull herself off of the cold metal flooring and before she could even think she was slipping away as a chuckle came from the back of her mind. Her eyes closed for a moment only to open after a second to the sound of her door opening but, she didn't care about that or at least Harley didn't. All she cared about was being back in the driver's seat after who knows how long, ever since they put her on those drugs poor little Hars wasn't able to break free. It was just her and Zodiac and Zodi was a terrible conversationalist most times, really fucking depressing as well. Always just talking about ripping that fucking Lieutenant's testicles off through his mouth and making him and all of them burn. But, she never really listened to her anymore. All Harley cared about was the fact that she was back! For more than five minutes that is. She had taken control once since they were moved to their own section and with that time she was able to shatter a mirror and hang most of her bedsheets from the tiny little grid window she had. Why? It's a quite simple answer. Because she wanted to, she had learned how to use Nadine's balance while she was in charge and she just loved being one of those acrobats that would hang from the colorful sheets in the sky. Of course she didn't get her reflexes and fighting abilities so whenever the guards came around to force her to stop them were quick to grab her and shock Nadine back into control.

And she knew that's how this would probably end but, hey might as well have a little fun before. The young woman gained a mischievous smile on her face as she looked right at the camera while biting her lip softly and slowly making her way towards the bed to tie the sheet back up to the position where it should have been. She didn't get why Nadine even kept her bed like that. It's not like she ever slept especially with Harley in her head talking at all hours of the night. But, hey she had a lot of questions and profound thoughts that just so happen to come out at like four or three in the morning. Not to mention Zodiac just repeating the words 'Kill them, break them, break out of here you know you could if you actually wanted to." over and over and over again. Like really? And people called her obnoxious! Over the intercom in her room, she could hear good old Duke let out a small clear of his throat. "Vasquez, what are you doing? Go to the common area, now." She laughed. "Nadine isn't here right now," She said with her smirk still on her face as she began to climb on the sheet before allow herself to let go with her hands only holding with her legs never once breaking eye contact with the camera. "But, I would love to take a message! She heard Duke chuckle before hearing his voice. "Hi, Harley--.."

"Hi, Duke." She interjected as she continued to hang upside down. "Harley, will you do me a favor and get back on the ground? She shook her head. "No?" She shook her head again before sliding down the sheet once grabbing it with one hand and allowed her legs to go to one side before she just held one with one hand. Good thing Nadine kept their body in such good shape over the years. "Why don't you and your friends come in here and make me?" Warren must have left the speaker on as he spoke to the other men in the pod with him. "I love this freakshow of a woman." He returned talked to her after saying this to his buddies. "Because the last time we did that you sent one of them into a state of shock and made him comatose."

"No! That was Zodiac! I was just wanting to have a little fun with you guys. So c'mon, please. I'm bored and the people out are nowhere as fun as you are. C'mon, come and play with me." She didn't hear anything from the other side but, she did hear the door click from the surveillance booth as she heard the footsteps of four--.. No! Five armed guards. "Harley, what are you doing?! Stop before they hurt you!" Nadine said in her head before Harley scoffed. "They won't hurt me this time. 'Sides, all I wanna do is have a little fun." She could hear the footsteps of the men coming pass the common area and down the hall towards her cell. Her laughs got louder as they got closer to her cell. Duke was the first one to walk in to the girl still hanging upside down. "Hey, Harley." He said as he walked closer to her with one hand behind his back, holding on to his control to shock her if need be. "Hi. She said as her eyes looked him up and down. "Feel like gettin' down for me?" She just shook her head. "C'mon for me?" Duke asked as he looked at her with those clear blue eyes of his. To say Harley and Duke had a special relationship would be one way of putting that the two had had a sexual relationship over a year ago while Duke was engaged but, he was the one to end it on his wedding day. So his wife and mother of his two twins wouldn’t become suspicious of why he continued to spend as much time at work as possible. For Harley, she wasn’t heartbroken over it. It was never more than a man to fuck for her. Hey, she was a woman with needs. Needs that could be meet by very muscular, Southern ‘gentlemen’. Funny thing is Nadine had no idea what was going on because at that point Nadine was completely oblivious to what happened to her when she wasn’t in control and had only found out when Harley actually told her. Harley looked in his eyes before biting her lip as she flipped off the sheet and to the iron floor as Duke and his partners smirked. “Look at that. Go out there with the others. They’ve rarely seen you out, right?”

"Yea, but I don’t wanna go out there.” Harley said as she stood right in front of Duke and his second in command, Franklin Fisk. “Well, we’re not askin’. I tellin’ you.” She lost her smirk a bit as she got closer to the two men faces. "Make me.” Fisk reached for her arm to make her go out but Harley smirked and reached for his arm, twisting it in a way to make him let out a curse towards her as he fell to his knees. She started to laugh before Warren grabbed her by her arms and twisted them behind her back and pushed her to the wall to try and subdue her. All of which made her start to laugh like a maniac as she started to try to break free. "Hars. Stop fighting them!” She grunted. "Never! They like to call us crazy, I’ll show them fucking crazy!” She grabbed his wrist tightly and allowed ‘The Beast’ as Harley called them to take over for a moment which at that moment shut Nadine up. She had no say, no voice when it took over. No one did. Within moments the black began to creep around her eyes slowly meaning the more and more it was taking over. It was enough for them to use their power to make the Lieutenant scream from the emotional and mental pain going through his mind at the moment. The voices, the screaming, all complete with his greatest fear all circling in his mind at once making him shut down. “Not this guy again.” Fisk said, thinking they had final controlled Zodiac. She let out a laugh before feeling an intense shock from her collar making the black recede back and allowing the red and blue to return meaning Nadine was back in control. The shock while painful wasn’t like before when it knocked her out. Zodiac was tough it could take a shock even if they didn’t stay in control it wasn’t enough to black them out.

Nadine let out a grunt before fluttering her eyes to adjust to being back in control. Her breath was shaking as she tried to calm herself down. She turned around to see Fisk and the other men helping his superior up. “I can’t wait to get rid of your crazy, volatile ass, Vasquez. I take it back, you won’t last a week, you won’t make it out those doors before they throw your ass back into that cushion room and you’ll be doped up until you die.” Nadine didn’t say a word as she stood her ground and looked Warren in the eyes. “Now, get out there or do you need another shock from your dog collar?” She continued to be silent as she walked out towards the rest of the inmates. She didn’t know it they could hear her seeing that her cell was the farthest from the common area and most of them were sound proof. She kept her eyes forwards not even looking at the other guards. She made her way to table where the rest were sitting as she heard Allysha ask Nat a question about who she was looking for and frankly she knew who she was searching for. Nadine, the two were as close as two could be. Nadine had taken her under her wing to be her protection when she first was sent to the ward. Hell even Harley like her even if she couldn’t talk. No one messed with Nadine aka ‘The Crazy One’ and in return no one messed with Nat either. They knew better. With a smirk on her face, Nadine messed with the young girl’s hair before taking a seat next to her with her leg brought up with her on the bench. She looked at the group. She wasn’t going to acknowledge the
 incident that had just occurred but instead decided to move on from it. "So, I see we’re actually getting recess today, that has to mean somethin’ good happenin’,” She looked towards Ellie. “You’re the fortune teller, what awaits in our future?”