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"They can't keep me here forever. No one can make me do anything. No one."

0 · 286 views · located in The Island

a character in “Insurgence”, originally authored by Lorawr, as played by RolePlayGateway




What if the sky isn't as far away as people say it is?


Normal || Numb | Linkin Park ||
Fighting || No More Sorrow | Linkin Park ||
Emotional || Wake Me Up When September Ends | Green Day ||
Crazy || Sweet Dreams | Marilyn Manson ||
At Night || Comfortably Numb | Pink Floyd ||


ImageName: Ari Speare

Nicknames/Titles: Girl

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Nationality: Although nationalities don't matter anymore, its still nice to know.

Home City: Cairen

Prisoner Number: 50 - Ari is fairly calm and quiet, almost frighteningly so, until someone ticks her off. Then she gets very violent, very quickly.

Face Claim: Luka Megurine

ImagePhysical Description/Clothing Preference: Ari prefers to wear simple clothing. Though she will often wear dresses, she is more comfortable in loose trousers and vest tops.

Birthmark: Ari's birthmark is silver, and in the shape of a circle - though just the outline. It is on the inside of her right wrist, and the color fills in when she uses her powers.

Personality: Unpredictable. Ari has many facets to her personality, so many that it is often difficult to keep up with her mood swings. Most of the time, Ari is pleasant, if quiet and hushed. She'll rarely speak louder than a whisper, forcing people to lean in close to hear what she is saying. She can be agreeable, though somewhat passive at the same time. That is, until someone sparks her incredibly short fuse. After that, Ari becomes a completely different individual. She becomes cruel and heartless, and incredibly aggressive with no feelings of remorse or guilt. Both of these sides to her are a front though. They act simply as shields for the real, vulnerable, Ari to hide behind.

ImageLikes: Being right ~ Peace and quiet ~ Reading ~ Being alone ~ Freedom

Dislikes: Liars ~ Cheats ~ Being told what to do ~ Feeling trapped ~ Being touched

Talents: Persuasion ~ Arcehery

Flaws: Her own short temper ~ Her inner vulnerability ~ The fact that her power is weakened when she is in a small space

Fears: Claustrophobic - Ari feels powerless within small spaces.

Weapon: Ari has a bow and a dozen arrows that she hides from the guards, which she is very skilled in using.

Ability: Ari's ability is the manipulation of air. On the surface, this seems rather a tame talent, however her cool intelligence allows her to use it in various ways in combat. For example, she may remove all air from an assailant's lungs, or from the space around him. She can solidify it into solid, yet invisible walls, and she can make it dense enough that it slows the path of a weapon, or softens an ally's fall. However, her power is stronger if she has a view of the sky, and being imprisoned means that she is given very few opportunities for excursions like this.

ImageBio: Ari was taken from her family when she was just minutes old, as soon as the doctors noticed the perfect silver circle on the baby's wrist. There was no hiding it, and her parents were told that the child had died. Grief stricken, her parents never once questioned the possibility that their child still lived, and the only thing that the girl was allowed to keep from them, was her name. Ari was taken in by a carer until she was three years old. And it was then that she was taken on the long journey to the wretched place she currently lives. Ari was raised there, told that her parents were dead, and the knowledge of that awoke an unquenchable anger inside her. As she grew up, Ari was a tiresome and rebellious child who wielded her powers whenever she felt like it. She refused to take the medication, until she was pinned down at last and forced to take it. And that was when Ari changed to become the young woman she is now. She let them think that they had beaten her, but really...she waited for her chance to escape.


Character Opinions: ~Will add when all characters are up~

So begins...

Ari's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lei Xao Character Portrait: Hiroomi Shindou Character Portrait: Fortuna Vinci Character Portrait: Ari Character Portrait: Sasuke
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During the escape...

Alarms went off and vivid colors spread throughout the prison that was isolated on the island of the unknown. They were escaping. They were escaping. The thought of finally being free of Fedjardan was a luxury to Fortuna, the blind green haired girl. After being separated from her family and staying at the prison for nearly all her life, an opening came when she, and the others she bonded with, were able to escape. It was finally their time.

The plan was to pull the alarm and meet each other at the old cafeteria, the one that was abandoned due to a problem with one of the prisoners. Then they'd bust out by heading to the bottom floor and busting a window to head straight into the forest. Then they'd try and get off the island, somehow, and back to their daily lives. Well... that was the plan. Things became much more complex once the alarm triggered.

Prisoners can about, free, but scared. No one dared to pull the alarm, and last it was pulled was thirty years ago. Thirty years ago, nearly 40 prisoners were killed after leaving the prison, and the guards that they took captive were also killed as a result of seeing outside the prison. The same incidents just may happen again since another foolish five decided to attempt the same thing.

The lights didn't bother Fortuna at all. She was blind, and the flashing didn't make much of a different in her footsteps on the cold ground of the prison. What was a problem was the noise.

Fortuna was blind and she relied on her ability, the manipulation of sound, to guide her everywhere, which was why she didn't wear shoes. But now noise was everywhere. The siren was echoing, the prisoner's shouting, and the guard's yelling at them. None of it helped her find her way around, 'To the cafeteria...' She told herself.

The girl stumbled on her own dress, but quickly got up. Unfortunately, that wasted enough time for one of the older guards to catch her, "You!" He shouted as she began to run now, "Stop!" The man shouted. He reached his hand out, and the path in front of her disappeared. The ceiling crashed down, and Fortuna could tell by the small sounds of breathing that people were crushed under there too.

She didn't see it, but she knew. His eyes were probably grey or blue, 'The manipulation of stone.' She thought and turned around. She held her hands up, showing that she gave up and would be taken back to her cell, or killed, but just before the man figured it out, it was already a fight lost. Fortuna opened her mouth, just slightly, and took a breath. A loud ringing noise spread in the room, and the people near her fainted. The manipulation of sound came to be handy when she had to move fast.

Once she recognized that the guard was knocked out, she started running again. A few minutes later, she listened for the vibrations, and noticed she was finally inside of the cafeteria. But there wasn't any breathing. Where were the other four? Fortuna swallowed a gulp of anxiety and took the risk of yelling, "Where are you all! Hiro! Ari! Sasuke! Lei!" She shouted each one of their names and waited their calling back.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lei Xao Character Portrait: Hiroomi Shindou Character Portrait: Fortuna Vinci Character Portrait: Ari Character Portrait: Sasuke
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Still during the escape

"Xao!" One of the older and primary guards slammed his hands on the fancy wooden desks. Only the guards had better looking 'cells,' though because of how they looked, they were almost like regular bedroom with actual doors, "I want you to figure out who pulled the alarm and bring them to me now! If anyone tries to escape, kill them!" He yelled.

"Yes sir." Lei answered monotonously. He stood up straight and had a usual poker face expression. On the outside, he appeared calm, responsible, and mature, but on the inside, Lei wanted to break free. He was a guard and did believe in keeping the people with manipulation abilities a secret and quarantined from regular humans, but he, too, longed to be normal.

Which was why he was disobeying orders.

With all the lights, confusion, and noises, no one would notice if he strayed from his assigned duties. That was the plan on his side. But if things did go wrong and he was caught with the other four prisoners, he knew he'd immediately turn on them. After all, Lei wasn't a very loyal person unless you were on the winning side. Lei couldn't afford to lose since he had to get to his home city. That is all that he cared for.

He ran with his spear in his hand, dashing through the memorized dark hallways of the prison. After working there all his life, he knew everything by heart, even in the heat of disorder and in the blackened darkness. The cafeteria, the older one that was no longer in use, was the meeting place for him to regroup with the other four. Then they'd escape and be free. He'd guarantee that if they may it far enough.

After a long while of running, someone finally caught him, "Xao!" A familiar voice shouted. When Lei turned around, it was the man that had just given him orders. He was stuck underneath a pile of ruble and was badly hurt. If Lei didn't do anything, he would die, "Help me Xao!" The man demanded again, a desperate look in his eyes, but also one of lies and superiority.

Lei calmly walked up to him, offered his hand, but once the man reached out, Lei took his spear and stabbed it through his revealed and bleeding back, "I'm done with working for you." He told the senior guard darkly, who looked up at him with a horrified expression on his face.

But Lei couldn't waste anymore time. He had to get to the cafeteria to meet the others, "You stay here." He told the guard, though the man didn't have much of an option as he was slowly dying, and then ran off with his spear in his hand, the blade being bloodied and a deep red liquid that slowly dripped from it each time he took a step closer to the meeting place.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fortuna Vinci Character Portrait: Ari
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#, as written by Lorawr

So far, Ari had managed to keep a cap on her anger. Everything was going to plan, but she knew that if she were to lose her forced calm, then she would also lose her focus and she wouldn't get to the meeting place. She had just stepped out of her cell into the writhing mass of people all running in different directions out of confusion and panic. The corridor ran to her left and right, and though running to the left was the fastest route, that was also where much of the violence was concentrated. A line of guards were converging upon the frightened prisoners, beating them into submission with their batons and using their powers against them. It was sight that made Ari feel sick.

She pressed herself against the closed door of her cell and made a decision. The only option she had available was the right, but that didn't mean that she couldn't try to add to the chaos. She rose a hand, and there was a moment of stunned silence before a gust of solid air rushed into the guards that fought against the prisoners, pushing them back to the floor. And then, Ari turned and ran.

Ari ran, against the current of the people as they surged towards her. But her lithe, small form, found a gap between every few people and darted between them. Progress was slow, and she could hear the guards behind her, chasing, having found the culprit for their humiliation. There were screams from the people around her as their batons struck their bodies, prompting Ari to run faster against the crowd. She began to feel afraid, and that led to the anger she was still trying to smother. But she could control it. She wouldn't lose it this time.

And that was when she felt a hand on her shoulder, gripping harshly, and she gasped and twisted beneath the vice like grip. Her arm began to go numb, and she had no idea what it was that the guard who had a hold of her was manipulating, but it was cold and unwelcome. Panicking, Ari retaliated strongly with her own power. It sprang from her, a solid wall of air knocking everyone in all directions down. The life returned to her arm, with a strange tingling feeling, but she didn't pause again to examine it. She turned and ran.

Ari had knocked down not just the guards, but all of the prisoners too. The path was clear for her as she ran for her life, the slap of her feet on the ground became the only sound that echoed off the cold stone walls as she left the people behind. Her breath rushed in and out of her as she slowed to a quick walk, feeling the adrenaline course quickly through her veins. All was quiet, and that reassured her. She'd gone out of her way, so the way back to the cafeteria was longer than she had expected, and she hoped that she wouldn't be late. Ari knew that if she was late, they would leave. And she didn't blame them. As soon as they managed to turn off the alarm and subdue the prisoners, the hunt would be on.

"Where are you all! Hiro! Ari! Sasuke! Lei!"

The voice echoed down the hall to her, and Ari cursed beneath her breath. She recognized the voice; it was Fortuna. And yes, she was blind, but that wasn't an excuse to shout. That sort of noise attracted unwanted attention. Ari ran the rest of the distance, running straight towards Fortuna, though she had the sense to call ahead of her, "Fortuna, it's me. Ari!" She closed the distance between them quickly, and then placed her hands on her arm.

"You need to stop shouting," Ari hissed, "They'll hear you..." She paused for a moment, looking around the ruined cafeteria, "Is no one else here yet?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lei Xao Character Portrait: Hiroomi Shindou Character Portrait: Fortuna Vinci Character Portrait: Ari Character Portrait: Sasuke
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Image There sat Sasuke inside his cell, the door was forced and jammed open by a few mates who were breaking free, letting all the prisoners out. You would hear the sounds of the alarms echoing throughout the whole building. The loudness of it could give any man a headache, use to the noise or not. Still, Sasuke didn't move from his cell. His eyes were closed as he sat criss cross on the floor, back to the wall and eyes closed shut. He wasn't moving one inch or even budging. Waiting until things settled down was the best option. If he moved now it meant he'd have to fight and no effort was worth it.

Everything was going to plan, the only thing that could ruin this now is if he stayed any longer than this. The sounds of people yelling and the sounds of things crashing and ceilings falling, went throughout the whole area. It was time to leave, that or die in his cell. But there was something he had to get just before he had to leave. His Katana, though with how long he been in prison, it could be a bit out of date and ancient. And were it was located, is a bit difficult to get to without problems. Either he'd have to come back for it another time or do it now while a commotion is happening.

Slowly getting up from the floor, he had made his decision. He reached over and grabbed sword that held his prison door open. With a easy tug and a scratching-slink grinding against the bars, the sword was free and the cell door slid shut roughly behind him. Even though he was free from the cell, he wasn't free from the building.

"Hey you! Who are you? What's your prisoner number?!" A guard had came up to him from down the hallway, holding up his sword.

Sasuke, looked down his right arm, the arm that held the sword that was stuck in his cell door. The look in his eye shifted just slightly, but he controlled himself, turning that twisted look in his eye back to a normal empty shell look. As he was about to open his mouth to speak, the sound of the buckle on his left eye patch licked with each emotion. "Which do you want more, my name or the prisoner number?"

"Don't drag this on prisoner! Give me your name and prisoner number now!" The guard lifted his sword higher, his eyes glared in anger and frustration. "If you wont tell me, I will kill you."

That was it, that was all he needed to hear and see, before making a move. Before the guard knew it, Sasuke was right in front of him, his lips near the guards ear, and his voice colder than his empty eyes. "If you are willing to wield a sword on an unknown source, you are prepared to die and or kill with it. But today is your lucky day, because I will not kill you." With that he lifted the swords handle to the back of the guards neck and with a thud to the neck, the guard was knocked out on the ground. He didn't even have time to react or speak before he was out.

He went up against quite a few guards; of course though he only knocked them all out; on his way to get his Katana out of the prisoners safe keeping lockers. Lockers to where they keep the prisoners stuff waiting for them until they are released to leave. When he got the Katana in his hands he had dropped the sword he was carrying, letting hit clatter to the floor as if it was nothing. The feeling of it along side him once again, made him feel as if he was at home, sure the gold on it turned into a different color and of course it looked worn out, but it was nothing he cared about, as long as it was back into his hands, he was fine. He treated the Katana as if it was a delicate flower or a living soul that needed taken care of. It was still intact though and the blade was as sharp as the first day he had gotten it, which pleased him. It might look old and dingy, but it was still a good piece of metal.

Yes of course he made it to the location many agreed on locating at once the break set out of escaping and of course he heard them talking, even though it was loud in the prison, they were just as loud. That was hardly the bother, he didn't walk inside the cafeteria, instead he leaned up against the wall near the door, taking guard, just incase their loudness attracts the wrong attention. Folding his arms over his chest and tilting his head back against the wall, he closed his eye once again and relaxed, waiting for this all to die over and finish up so they could leave already. He could though on the other hand, just pick up and leave himself, wasn't like he cared for people he didn't know. But these people were like him in a way and if he was to abandon them, it would be like abandoning himself. Instead he just stayed where he was, without letting them know he was there. He had become as quiet as the wall. Even his heart beat was in a hushed tone,the loud noises from the prison hid his heart rate well. Making it a bit harder to detect him. unless someone was to come and see him or take notice of him as they come to the waiting area as told to.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lei Xao Character Portrait: Hiroomi Shindou Character Portrait: Fortuna Vinci Character Portrait: Ari Character Portrait: Sasuke
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"Hold it! Hiroomi Shindou! Stop!" Hiro didn't stop at the sound of his Doctors, as they had commanded to be called, protest. He didn't wish to waste anymore time, knowing that the alarms wouldn't last much longer. Why is Hiro in this situation? Well the Doctors had became increasingly worried because of Shin's absence. What they didn't know is that, Hiro didn't let Shin take over on purpose, or more like Shin thought it was better if he didn't come out. The reason for this logic is that this week was Shin's training week, but it was also overlapping their escape plan. So the two decided that they needed to get the Doctors to became worried. And that is how they got into this mess, but it didn't go as they had planned. Instead of putting them in their usual experiment room, they had developed a new one for them, which was on the other side of the building, farther away from the official meeting place.

Hiro felt as if the hallway was closing in on him. The current chaos didn't help as it sounded throughout the entire jail, and Hiro believed he was in the heart of it. Hiro knew he was in the worst spot, since the only way to get to the others was to go through all this violence. Taking a deep breath, Hiro raced passed the crowd of guards and beaten prisoners. He dared not look back, knowing the consequence of his actions. Hearing his name being called out once again, Hiro panicked. Sharply turning into the next hallway, Hiro recognized the pathway. A surge of reassurance flowed through him, and a silent relief escaped his lips. But stopped half way at the sight before him.

Hiro unsteadily leaned against the wall. Feeling disgusted he was about to throw up, but stopped at the sound of Shin's commanding tone. It rang loud and clear in his head, "If you dare throw up, I will not forgive you!" This caused such a shock in Hiro that he held it in, but it still didn't change the fact of him feeling sick.

Ten...Ten prisoners had been brutal torn to pieces and now lay disfigured in front of him. Hiro no longer had the strength nor energy to more another step. A sound of annoyance rang through out Hiro's head, he knew Shin was tired of his whining. Who wouldn't be, he...they were supposed to be meeting up with the others in the abandoned cafeteria.

Hiro felt an uncomfortable sensation surround him, followed by a splitting head ache. Having trouble standing straight, Hiro spoke to Shin in a choked voice,"Shin... I think I'm going to pass out." He could feel his consciousness slipping, and the room started to grow farther away. Hiro collapsed to the floor unable to keep awake. The sound of Shin's voice was the only thing the kept Hiro conscious, "Hiro! You need to get up! Nerve gas is surrounding you! You need to leave before it knocks you completely out. Are you listening to me?!"

But it was to late, Hiro didn't have time. A guard stood in front of him with a gun pointed at his head,"This was easy. Like capturing a fly in a spiders web." Hiro looked at the smug guard, "You seemed to have noticed the nerve gas. Don't worry it will numb all the pain. So you can die peacefully."

"Hiro!" A gun shot sounded the entire hallway, followed by a blood curling scream resonating throughout the area. It was so loud more guards started to gather with their weapons, including the Doctors. Once everybody had entered the hallway, they were all taken back by the sight in front of them.

"I can't stop worrying about you...damn it! Why are you so weak?!" Shin could sense Hiro's consciousness slipping and he became pissed. "Don't you dare fall asleep! I didn't switch places with you so you could fall asleep!" Shino flicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Who are you?!" Shin's glowing orange eyes spotted the trembling guards in front of him. On the other hand he noticed the bright smiles on the Doctors faces. "Shinobu Hiromi! Thank god. We thought you would never come out. Now we-" the Doctor was unable to finish his sentence, as he was lit on fire and ran screaming in pain. Before any one else could do anything Shin speed past them and escaped their sights into the darkness.

Upon reaching the meeting place, he heard the sound of a familiar voice. It was Fortuna, and she was calling for Hiro. Shin was about to switch when he realized Hiro was out cold,because of being hit by the nerve gas. A sigh escaped his lips, as he decided to just go on for him. "Hiro is out cold at the moment, but he is here."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lei Xao Character Portrait: Hiroomi Shindou Character Portrait: Fortuna Vinci Character Portrait: Keitaro Mataki Character Portrait: Ari Character Portrait: Sasuke
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Suddenly, something grabbed Fortuna's arm and she immediately shrieked and shrunk back until she calmed down and recognized the breathing patterns to belong to someone she knew, and she confirmed her thoughts once she spokes, "Fortuna, it's me. Ari!"

With a large sigh of relief, she completely calmed herself and nodded, "Thank goodness... I thought you were one of the guards..." She said with a shiver, wondering what would actually happen if another guard caught her again.

"You need to stop shouting, they'll hear you..." Ari told her with a slight hiss and Fortuna just remembered how loud she had been on the way out.

"Sorry..." She lowered her voice a bit, "I guess I just got caught off guard too often... I'll be sure to keep quiet from here on out." Fortuna said, looking around the corner. She never liked using her powers, even if it was just to knock someone out. She always feared losing control, so even though she could easily slip away from the guards or anyone who found her, she'd hate to do anything to them. Quieting down was the most she could do to escape with the others without leaving someone behind.

"Is no one else here yet?" Ari then asked her.

Fortuna looked around again, but didn't see, or in her case, hear, anyone familiar, so she shook her head, "Not in the area. There's too much noise..." She whispered, cupping her hands around her ears to see if she could listen to everything better, though it was useless in the end, "I can't tell everything apart. I can still figure out where I'm walking or headed to, but... as for finding someone... that's nearly impossible in my situation..." She said with a look of disappointment of herself in her sightless eyes.

Suddenly she jumped a bit at the loud noises she heard above everything else; a gun shot and horrid scream that made her cover her ears. Then footsteps approaching the two in which she shrunk back, hoping to be concealed by the darkness. But, once again, it was another voice she was familiar with, "Hiro is out cold at the moment, but he is here."

Again, Fortuna let out a sigh, but unlike Shin, it had more relief in it, "Then... you must be Shin, yes?" She asked, though she already knew the answer, and moved the topic elsewhere, "What happened to Hiro? Did you run into any trouble getting here?" She asked anxiously and turned her head from side to side, even though she saw nothing, "What about Lei and the two other prisoners that are coming with us? Did you two see them on your way?" Fortuna asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lei Xao Character Portrait: Hiroomi Shindou Character Portrait: Fortuna Vinci Character Portrait: Keitaro Mataki Character Portrait: Ari Character Portrait: Sasuke
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Lei wasn't very far from the meeting place now. Perhaps a few hundred more feet within a minute or two of running and he'd arrive there. He had to be quick, with a small fear that the group might leave him behind if he was taking too long. Then again, there were a few people in that group that seemed too kind hearted to do something like that, but Lei definitely wasn't going to take that chance.

'I have to get out.' Lei told himself, quickening his running pace, running through the crowds of prisoners that seemed to have made a great distraction for him and the people he was with to get out without being seen. That was the goal after all, 'I have to get back home. Mina needs me, she'll die without me, along with mom and dad. I can't... I have to..." The thoughts ran through his mind. Even a backstabbing traitor had someone he would protect.

On the way, he passed a young man with multi-colored hair. He almost stopped just to stare at him, and nothing more. He looked awfully familiar, even though Lei only caught a glimpse of him. Nevertheless, the sand in the hourglass was running out, and he had no time to waste.

After another long while of running, Lei finally reached the group in the old cafeteria. He ducked underneath the neon tape that closed it off and approached the group, speaking up with his matured voice and tone, "Sorry for taking so long." He looked around the group; there were only three, and he listed each of their names out loud, "Ari, Fortuna." He paused when looking at Shin. He remembered of him having two different personalities almost like two different people, and observed him for a bit before finally saying, "Shin."

He heard a group of guards approaching them. They were guards he sat next to when lunch came and talked to daily, putting on a friendly act. If he was seen with escaping prisoner's, there would be problems. Lei could care less if they hated him or felt betrayed, but he definitely could care if they got by and told the others their whereabouts and plans. Yes, that'd definitely be something to worry about, "Quiet." He quickly hushed the group and narrowed his eyes in the direction that the other guards were headed from.

The guards came even closer and inspected the area where the group laid in plain sight, yet a minute later, they continued talking to each other while scanning the area and going somewhere else to search for loose prisoners. That's right, 'I'll use my illusions to fool them all...' He thought to himself with a small smirk on his face before clearing the emotion and turning back to the others once the coast was clear, "Who else are we waiting on?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lei Xao Character Portrait: Hiroomi Shindou Character Portrait: Fortuna Vinci Character Portrait: Keitaro Mataki Character Portrait: Ari Character Portrait: Sasuke
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#, as written by Lorawr

Keitaro awoke from his drugged sleep groggy and uncertain. His head felt like it was being held underwater. All sound was muffled and garbled, and his sight was blurred and out of focus. There was a familiar sickness in the pit of his stomach, and Keitaro felt the bile rise in his throat as his body fought against the medication that had been forced upon him once again. His shoulders shook and perspiration created a shiny sheen on his tense skin. He was too hot and too cold at the same time, and his throat burned with a thirst that demanded water. Blindly, Keitaro flung his arm wide in an attempt to feel for the pitcher that was a permanent fixture at his bedside. His hands shook as he forced his wretched body into a sitting position, and just as he did, accidentally knocked the little plastic cup from the low table. The dull sound of it striking the ground resonated dumbly in his little wooden cell, and he groaned. But the little sound and the parting of his lips made his nausea worse, and Keitaro soon found himself doubling over on his bed, his back arching as his body threatened to eject the contents of his stomach onto the filthy, sweat stained mattress. Keitaro gasped for breath, his trembling fingers finally hooking around the ceramic fixture. It was heavy, and it seemed like an eternal struggle as he lifted it to his lips.

His arm gave an involuntary spasm, knocking the water from the pitcher so that it spilled over his head and face, to drip sickeningly down his bare back. Keitaro gasped, and the water helped to knock sense into his befuddled mind. The sharp chill striking his hot skin brought sanity back, and he staggered away from his bed to lean against the wall, forcing air in and out of his lungs. With each breath he took, memories returned and so did his senses. At first, it only made the nausea worse, but Keitaro growled softly in an attempt to control his rebelling body. First, came sight, though there wasn't much to see. His little cell was crafted entirely of wood and plastic and materials that were of no use to him whatsoever. The sights were all cruelly familiar, except for one shining beacon of hope. The door swung ajar, and from outside, the sounds of screams and disorder reached his ears.

On unsteady, bare feet, Keitaro stumbled over to the door frame, which he clutched tightly. Each move was an effort, but he was regaining his strength with every passing second. Outside, the corridor was filled with people crushing together. It was a writhing mass of bodies, and blood seemed to smear each person's face. Many were frightened and confused, but others, mostly the guards, fought the tide of freed prisoners with brutal lashings of their batons. Keitaro recoiled instinctively, almost tripping over the cup that had fallen to the floor, just as a guard caught a hold of one poor prisoner and thrust him into Keitaro's open cell. The skinny man who had fallen to the ground cried out for mercy, curling into a fetal position and covering his head as the guard yelled obscenities at his unwilling victim, striking him masochistically with his shiny baton.

Anger flared in Keitaro's body, and despite his delayed recovery, he took advantage of the fact that the guard hadn't noticed him. Turning, he took the ceramic pitcher in his hand and hefted the heavy contained in one hand, before raising it above his head and then bringing it down on the skull of the guard with a sickening crack. The guard let out a grunt of pain before keeling over and falling to the ground beside the prisoner who lay shaking and in shock on the floor. It was then that Keitaro became aware of the ringing of the alarm, and he remembered the plan. He grimaced and looked around wildly. Time was passing, and he knew that the others wouldn't wait for him. Sparing one last apologetic glance to the prisoner he left behind, Keitaro turned on his heel and ran.

He knew that he would be risking things even more by taking the detour he felt duty bound to take. But Keitaro felt honor bound to follow the path. When he had been taken to the prison his first time, all of his possessions had been taken from him. At the time, Keitaro remembered caring about many of the items they had taken - a watch, a pen, his money - but now it was all worthless in materialistic value. Except for one item, and that was his family sword, and he didn't hesitate before turning down the hall that would take him to the room where all of the prisoners confiscated belongings were kept.

When he arrived, it looked as though the room had already been raided for all that could be used as a weapon, and the floor was littered with the remains of prisoners and guards alike. Abstractly, Keitaro wondered just how many people had died so far, but he knew that he didn't have time to dwell on the thought. He turned to where there was a closet on the back wall, and nodded to himself as he stepped over the dismembered arm of some poor and probably deceased individual. That was where his sword was kept. The closet itself was of a dull green wood that stank of damp, but the ground at it's floor was scorched an ashen black, which made Keitaro pause. Though the closet was pretty poor defense for some of the objects that would no doubt be kept inside, the burnt ground informed him that at some point there was some sort of a Power Shield around the structure, and he had no idea if it was still active. Keitaro cursed beneath his breath at the delay before looking around the room for inspiration.

Keitaro was well aware that if he touched the shield itself, if it even existed, it would likely burn him pretty bad, and alert whoever had created it to the fact that someone was trying to get past it. And that was something he couldn't risk. As he frantically looked around the room, Keitaro's gaze fell on an abandoned arrow. It was average in appearance, but there was one thing that he noticed in particular. The tip, like the tips of all modern arrows, was crafted of a fine black metal, and he found himself grinning with victory. After exerting his power for just a moment, the metal had melted free of the shaft it was attached to, and had formed a perfect sphere, which he directed at the closet.

The spherical morsel of metal shot forwards to strike the wood of the closet with a soft thump, but moments before it did, there was a slight rippling of light in the air in front of him as it broke the Power Shield that had protected it. Keitaro chuckled softly. Really, the shield had been weak, but from the remains of the little metal ball he had created, it did have quite a strong heat to it once broken. The shiny metal had turned dull, and a light white crust had formed over the top of it. But, now, it meant nothing to him.

Keitaro strode forwards and melted the padlock on the doors before tugging them open, and then found himself faced with an earthy stench of damp and decaying wood. It really was foul, but he could afford no more time for hesitation. He reached in, pulling out and throwing aside the myriad of items within that didn't belong to him, before he found his sword at the bottom of the pile. Victoriously, he pulled the scabbard free, and held it aloft to examine the damage done to the finely crafted weapon.

The scabbard itself was of lacquered wood, deep black, and strong enough to withstand a blow from most swords. But, as he pulled the weapon from it's rest, Keitaro scowled at the condition it was in. Rust discolored the once fine steel, and the blade had become blunt. It was easily fixed. Keitaro ran his hand along the steel, and as he did, the blade became razor sharp and the rust fell away to form a small pile on the ground between his bare feet. Satisfied with the restoration of his family sword, Keitaro felt that progress was finally being made. He put the scabbard at it's place on his back, and slid the sword back in. As he turned to make his way to the designated meeting place, Keitaro froze just as his bare foot landed in a gory puddle of thick, congealed blood.

He almost gagged at the feeling of a dead man's cool, wet, innards squelching between his toes and hastily fled the scene, fleeing the sensation as much as running from the horrific prison itself. By now, the corridors were become clear. The sound of the alarm was fading, and the screams were becoming little more than whimpers of denial and fear as prisoners were herded back inside their cells by grim faced guards. Keitaro shook his head and ran, carefully leaping over the corpses that made his path dangerous. It was only as he ran, that he realized that he was slightly under dressed. His chest and feet were bare, and his pants, torn at his calf, were bloodied and worn. But it didn't matter now. All that mattered now was that he got to the cafeteria before the others left. Keitaro was becoming slightly breathless, but he pushed forwards, until he heard a familiar voice just around the corner.

"Who else are we waiting on?"

"I'm...I'm sorry, I'm late," Keitaro gasped as he slid into the cafeteria, looking around wildly, his chest heaving as he dragged air into his lungs. The nausea returned for a moment, but he pushed it away and looked around at those that were gathered, counting them.

"Is this everyone? I count everyone," He coughed as he ran a hand through his hair.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lei Xao Character Portrait: Hiroomi Shindou Character Portrait: Fortuna Vinci Character Portrait: Keitaro Mataki Character Portrait: Ari Character Portrait: Sasuke
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0.00 INK

He noticed Hiro coming in, he must have passed out. Sick or something else. His friend dragged him inside the Cafeteria, he looked as if he was struggling a bit and had a deep worried look in his eyes. It wasn't long before Lei had come headed towards the cafeteria. From the looks of it he was trying to study Sasuke hard, but didn't want to stare him down. He smirked once Lei moved on and kept waiting until one other had come. If he wasn't going to come anytime soon, they would have to leave without him.

Not long after a guard had followed Keitaro who stepped himself in blood. From the looks of it he was about to puke and took no notice of the guard following him. He glanced as the Keitaro went on walking, he nearly looked like he was about to faint dead on. His clothes looked worn out and torn, he looked worse than Hiro who was dragged inside by probably a friend. Once the guy left, Sasuke pulled out his Katana, walking over to the guard who has been following the Keitaro who had just went through.

"You! Who are you!?" The guard shouted holding up his sword. "If you come with me willingly you wont be harmed."

With just a slight smirk, Sasuke put his Katana back in it's case, then holding it up right in front of him as if saying he gives up. The guard hesitated unsure for a while, but soon he started to walk up to him, once he began to take the Katana, Sasuke reached forward and took a hold of the guards arm that held the sword, jerking him into his body along with a thud. He hit the guard on the back of his neck knocking him out like he did with the other ones. This one he didn't drop though, he took him along with him over his shoulders as if he weighed nothing.

Once he reached the cafeteria and walked inside he headed over to Keitaro, dropping the guard down at his feet. "Here. Use his clothes, you'll need it." Without another word or even looking at him, Sasuke walked over to Fortuna, kneeling down in front of her so he wouldn't scare her. "Allow me to help you." He slowly and gently took her hands softly and looked over to the others. "The alarms are dying down, we need to get out of here now or it will be to late." He had become serious.

It was true though, if they didn't leave they would be having trouble with more guards then they could handle. If they thought getting to the cafeteria was hard, getting out of the building would be an even bigger drag.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lei Xao Character Portrait: Hiroomi Shindou Character Portrait: Fortuna Vinci Character Portrait: Keitaro Mataki Character Portrait: Ari Character Portrait: Sasuke
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lorawr

"Here. Use his clothes, you'll need it," The young man Keitaro assumed was Sasuke dropped the still and lifeless body of the guard at his feet, and Keitaro felt himself become even more pale. The guard's breathing was shallow and erratic, and Keitaro couldn't even guess at what Sasuke did to him. He grimace and turned away, feeling his fingers twitching as his body continued to fight the medication that he had been forced to ingest the night before.

"Thank you," Keitaro murmured before Sasuke could wander away.

The guard force had been expecting a rebellion for some time now, and their grip on the lives of the prisoners had tightened wickedly. The medication they used to attempt to control them had changed. It had become stronger, thicker, and more brutal. Now, it was more likely to kill than to numb those who imbibed of it. And yet, Keitaro's exhausted body continued to fight it. The nausea was almost unbearable, and his head swam when he moved too quickly. But that was no excuse. Sasuke was right in saying that he would need clothes.

Keitaro returned to the guard, who stirred as he laid his trembling hands upon his chest and began to unbutton the shirt that enveloped his considerable girth. The man was a lot larger than Keitaro was, and his clothes would be misshaped and malformed on his own shoulders, but he had no other choice. He relieved the man of his coat, which he set aside, and then of his shirt beneath. It was filthy, and stank of body odor, and Keitaro grimaced at the thought of putting such a filthy garment on his own skin. He decided it best to leave him his trousers, and his shoes, choosing not to risk the infections that might assail him from those. Keitaro decided to just do the best with what little he had.

As he pulled on the garments, he turned his thoughts to those around him. Firstly, there was the blind girl. It was she who had proposed this venture, but she looked as weary and uncertain as the rest of them did. Yet he had to admire her courage in making the arrangements in the first place. Then, there was the other girl, who stood close to her, almost protectively. Keitaro assumed that was Ari. She looked fearsome and defensive, and more aware of her surroundings than everyone except Sasuke. Sasuke seemed to have a grip on his emotions, and seemed to be able to objectively make decisions. He also seemed caring, and Keitaro nodded to himself. If Sasuke was to lead them on, then he would have no qualms against it. Finally, was the male that Keitaro willingly admitted to himself that he understood the least. Hiro stood, strong and sure, and yet there was a flicker of something else beneath his concentrated gaze, and Lei looked quietly confident in his own abilities. Keitaro did up the last button on the massive shirt, and shrugged on the filthy coat before turning to the room in general, who he had decided would work well together.

The cafeteria had long been cleared of all furniture, and now seemed to be just a bare and empty room. Windows punctured the walls at every few feet, but they were barred and shuttered, so that only slivers of sunlight could cut through the dim lighting. There were three doors. One, that Keitaro had just entered through, and another that was opposite that he assumed led to the rest of the prison. But there was one other, a tiny, steel door in the corner of the room, and that was the one that Keitaro approached, gathering his thoughts as he did.

"I think this is where we go..." He paused as a second alarm went off. It was louder and harsher than the one that had announced their time to leave, and Keitaro assumed that this one was to alarm the guards that six individuals hadn't been accounted for. Keitaro swore softly under his breath and placed a hand on the door. It melted and shrank beneath his hands, and on impulse, he forced the steel into small bars. On one end, each bar was smooth, with ribs that would aid grip, and on the other, the steel flattened out and became sharp. He created three, as he forced a hole in the wall that would be large enough for each member of their party to stumble through, and pocketed the makeshift weapons.

Keitaro glanced once through the door. It seemed to lead out into a closed off yard, and for the first time since he had been brought to the prison, he began to understand the layout. The prison cells seemed to be placed all in one building, which was attacked to the cafeteria they were gathered in. The building was shaped like an 'L', around the courtyard in front of them, and opposite their building, was the guards barracks, from which poured dozens of the men, armed and surging towards the great double doors that Keitaro remembered led into the main holding area. It seemed that they hadn't been noticed yet. The yard was massive, with a dried up fountain decorating the center. Surrounded by walls, the only escape seemed to be a guarded gateway next to the barracks. He gestured to the others to come and look as they wanted, and thought quickly.

"At this point, I'd suggest this...I'm not familiar with your powers, but it seems that myself and Sasuke are both armed. One of us should take front, and the other should guard the rear. We don't have much time..." He paused, his muddled brain attempting to formulate an escape plan, "A distraction maybe?" Keitaro shook his head as his speech began to slur, giving up. It would take a couple of hours for his body to recover, but until then, he settled for just doing as the others judged was best.


Ari watched from her place beside Fortuna as, one by one, the prisoners stumbled into the abandoned cafeteria. Everyone looked tired and weary, and much the worse for wear, but she knew that they would have to force themselves onwards. They had much to do, still. Once they had escaped the main building, there were the woods that surrounded the prison to hide in until they could find a way off of the island. It would be a long, grueling journey, and Ari wasn't even sure how large the island was. She glanced beside her at Fortuna, who had a look of solid determination and trepidation on her features, and smiled to herself. Ari was sure that she had an expression just as grim on her own face.

She glanced up as Sasuke approached them, and knelt at Fortuna's feet, and had to raise a hand to cover her lips as a small smile threatened to break through. It seemed that, despite that dire situation, chivalry wasn't quite dead. His words were true though. Time was running out for their little group unless they found an escape route. The air around her rippled slightly as she became more agitated, and that was when the ringing of the second alarm shattered the tense silence in the cavernous room. Ari jumped a little at the sound, and turned to look at Keitaro who had begun to speak.

"At this point, I'd suggest this...I'm not familiar with your powers, but it seems that myself and Sasuke are both armed. One of us should take front, and the other should guard the rear. We don't have much time...A distraction, maybe?"

Ari grimaced and shook her head, going to look at the hole in the door that he had obviously created. Oustide, the guards swarmed like ants in a hill, and all was organized chaos. It made sense to use a distraction, but Ari wasn't sure.

"I...I don't know," She said, placing a hand on Keitaro's arm before pulling him back to the others. His skin was freakishly hot beneath her hand and she frowned before letting him go. She glanced at those around them, slowly, hesitantly, "What do you think? All I know is that we don't have long"
