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Ryoko Suriyuchi

0 · 364 views · located in Seiryu Empire

a character in “ISGD: Imperial Shinobi Guard Division”, as played by Negative Bowser


Name: Princess Ryoko Suriyuchi

Nickname: Ryo or Oko

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Appearance: Image

Description: Dark Haired young woman standing at 5"9 and wears heavy make up

Equipment: a small Tanto hidden in her dress.

Personality: She is always working her butt off at something. though she adores Mizu and tries her best to help him through some of the public outrage of not being the heir.

History: Born a few short minutes before her brother Mizu, Ryoko was always the hard worker of the family, trying to make sure the teas were always prepared to her father's likeness and other things. She also was always near her brother in times when he feels depressed. When her father died she was heavily sad at his passing and worries for her elder sister being the heir apparent.
Other: She has a habit of calling Mizu "Zu-Zu" when she wants to poke fun at him.

Theme: N/A

So begins...

Ryoko Suriyuchi's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mizu Suriyuchi Character Portrait: Ryoko Suriyuchi Character Portrait: Kaosu Sakuragi
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Standing on top of a tree he heard someone yell his name "Well looks like its time to climb down" He watched a crow fly by as he started to climb down the tree. Any other ninja would jump off the tree but not Kaosu he didn't like the feeling of jumping out of the tree. When he got out of the tree he walked towards Akira Murasame and smiled "Yes sir?" bowing down


Mizu watched a bird fly around while he was standing in the garden then whistled a crow landed on his shoulder. "I wonder what my sisters are doing right now" Mizu walked towards the front of the Palace and sat down starting to feed his bird "Tori what did you see, if only you could tell me." He watched different people walk by "People and their problems if only it didn't have to be this way if only we could be safe" A girl walked up behind Mizu and poked his shoulder "Hey Zu-Zu what are you doing out here by yourself?" He looked at the girl "Ryoko I was just watching the people pass by"
"Were you waiting to see our new bodyguards?"
He stood up and looked at her "No I was not the real question is were you waiting to see the new body guards?"
"No I was enjoying the sites around the palace. Come on lets go inside you can watch the people and their daily lives some other time"
Mizu laughed "Ok sister lets go inside. But just because you are 5 minutes older than me doesn't mean you can tell me what to do all the time got it"
"Got it"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mizu Suriyuchi Character Portrait: Ryoko Suriyuchi Character Portrait: Kaosu Sakuragi
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Mizu walked into the throne room with Ryoko. "Mizu are you happy to know that we are going to be safer? Now you can sleep well at night"
Mizu looked at Ryoko "I do not have a problem with sleeping but I will feel safer when this storm has passed by. The sooner that this threat is gone the sooner everything will be better"
"Zu-Zu you worry to much you need to be like our big sister and stop worrying about everything" Ryoko laughed and sat down in a chair "Now we just wait for our new body guards"
"Indeed time to wait they should be here soon" Mizu sat down and started to feed his bird again"


Kaosu pulled a spyglass out of his pocket and looked down towards the palace "Ok there are 3 people walking towards the palace two females and one male. The first female with white hair from her clothing she comes from a rich family the second female has dark hair and has been doing cartwheels on the way to the palace and the male has spiky brown hair and has a sword with a white handle" Kaosu put the spyglass away "Do you want me to get something to cause a bit of trouble for them or just wait?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mizu Suriyuchi Character Portrait: Ryoko Suriyuchi Character Portrait: Kaosu Sakuragi
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Mizu watched the different people walk into the throne room and continued to feed Tori. Ryoko smiled at the three ninjas then turned to Mizu "What are your thoughts about them Zu-Zu?"
Mizu looked at Ryoko "Sister I have no thoughts yet I don't know what any of them are like" Mizu turned to them "I welcome you our new guards I am the youngest Mizu I look forward to working with you" He then started to feed Tori again
"I am Ryoko the second to oldest or second to youngest whichever way you want to look at it" Ryoko smiled.


"Understood sir I will go and get an Oni prepared" Kaosu put the spyglass back into his pocket and got out of Akira's sight. Walking to a camp sight where the rest of the Dark Dragon clan was staying. He prepared the Oni then put it in a remote spot then walked back to where Akira is "I prepared the Oni and put it in a remote spot and some of the members of the clan want to attack something while they wait. What do I tell them or what are you going to tell them?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Murasame Character Portrait: Haru Kuromori Character Portrait: Masenai Autoro Character Portrait: Mizu Suriyuchi Character Portrait: Saiko Usorawa Character Portrait: Madoka Suriyuchi
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Mizu stood up and looked at his sister "Madoka if I might" he looked at the three ninjas "I have been thinking and you don't have to sister if you don't like the idea but I suggest this on who should be whose bodyguard. I've watched your personalities from what little I have learned I believe that Haru Kuromori should be the body guard of Ryoko, Saiko Usorawa should be the body gurad of Madoka, and Masenai Autoro should be my bodyguard" He looked back at Madoka "You don't have to agree with this idea sister if you don't want to I am just putting it forward"


"Sir I did not release the Oni I prepared it and hide it in the village woods, as long as no one finds the Oni should be ok also I left a few clan members to guard the Oni to make sure no one does find it" Kaosu holding his neck went back to the camp and found Akira's right hand woman "Message from Akira he wants you to wait and do nothing yet."
"Thank you Kaosu I will tell the men" The lady walked off
"Well I wonder what I have to do now or if I get a rest" He pulled a dagger out and twirled it around is fingers "Well maybe I can rest for a..." The dagger cut his finger and he looked down "Well that sucks" Kaosu tried walking towards his tent but didn't get far he fell over and was knocked out


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Murasame Character Portrait: Haru Kuromori Character Portrait: Masenai Autoro Character Portrait: Mizu Suriyuchi Character Portrait: Saiko Usorawa Character Portrait: Madoka Suriyuchi
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"Well, the choice of bodyguards, Prince Mizu, is entirely up to the three of you in fact, but it has to be a unanimous decision, from all of you." Masenai stated, "With your highness' permission, I shall withdraw and settle in my quarters."

With that Masenai stood up and walked out of the throne room. "Let me know when the choices are officially made." He called out behind him as he was walking. He walked down one flight of stairs to find the IGSD floor and wandered into the first door on the left side, opening it to find a room that seemed fit for a ninja such as himself. He sighed softly as he settled down upon one of the mats near his bed, and meditated softly, listening to the sounds of the birds as he did so.


Akira was brooding about what Kaosu said about Masenai's presence in the palace, and that caused him to be close to the edge of his own anger, causing him to assume things. "Masenai Autoro of the Murasame clan. That accursed adopted vermin, so the game is afoot once more. I'll play it, though when I hope it ends, it ends with the Blade of Shadows, the Sorrow of Night, driven into his heart." Akira stated to himself in an angered manner. "Oh Masenai, it had to be you to represent my old clan, had it been anyone else in the family, I would've had little to no pleasure in killing them. But you, my hated adopted brother mine, I will have no guilt in killing."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haru Kuromori Character Portrait: Masenai Autoro Character Portrait: Mizu Suriyuchi Character Portrait: Saiko Usorawa Character Portrait: Madoka Suriyuchi Character Portrait: Ryoko Suriyuchi
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Oh yeah. Her head perked up. They still had to take care of the who’s who’s bodyguard business. She’d almost forgotten. She smiled lazily. It was one of those moments when her brother would tap her on the back of the head affectionately and call her a little fool or some such thing. She always knew that in one way, he was joking, but in another, he was serious. Haru did have some serious problems.

It took almost all her strenght to not blurt out that she didn’t give a damn about who she was assigned to. She watched Masenai leave and she looked back to the Imperials. She didn’t trust herself to speak. She was sure she’d say something stupid. So, Haru remained silent and tried not to slouch as she sat there.

She tilted her head to one side and listened genuinely to Mizu’s proposal. After a moment’s silence after Masenai left the room, Madoka sat back and crossed her legs, shrugging. She didn’t know them well enough to have a preference.

“I have no preference, Mizu. But I’m glad you have an idea of who you think would be compatible.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mizu Suriyuchi Character Portrait: Madoka Suriyuchi Character Portrait: Ryoko Suriyuchi Character Portrait: Kaosu Sakuragi
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Ryoko looked at both of her siblings "I don't care who protects me as long as someone protects me. Another thing Madoka,l Mizu thinks things through time after time and is rarely wrong about something so I will agree with Mizu on who has to protect us."
"Madoka do you agree with what I said?"

Kaosu woke up in his dreams "Not this again" Looking around "What is going to happen this time i wonder?" He started to look around and found a giant club "Well thats strange it almost looks like it belongs to a big Oni but they don't use clubs" After he said that a Giant appeared and picked up the club and swung it at Kaosu "Mother" Kaosu jumped out of the way the club barely missing him "I have to last 24 hours of this?! At least last time I had something easier to fight this time I have to fight a freaking giant! I really need to be more careful with knives or I will face something that will kill me" The Giant swung his club again Kaosu jumped out of the way looking at the giant. "Ok this sucks"
The lady Kaosu walked past his body and stopped and looked at him "He cut himself with one of his knives again didn't he" She hung her head low "Baka" Then turned to one of the passing by men "You take Kaosu to his tent we don't want him just lying out in the open"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haru Kuromori Character Portrait: Masenai Autoro Character Portrait: Mizu Suriyuchi Character Portrait: Saiko Usorawa Character Portrait: Madoka Suriyuchi Character Portrait: Ryoko Suriyuchi
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Madoka blinked as Ryoko spoke and then sighed inwardly. All she really wanted to do was get the bodyguard assigning over with so that she could go for a walk, perhaps. So, she smiled softly at her other two siblings and nodded her approval, hiding her gnawing restlessness with the practice of many years. It was a necessary tactic, after all. “Yes, I do. Again, very insightful, Mizu. Very insightful.” Then, turning back to the remaining two ninja in the room, she said, “Then it’s settled. Haru Kuromori will protect Ryoko, Masenai will guard Mizu, and Saiko will be my bodyguard. That is, unless they have any disagreements about this. Other than that, we’re settled.”

It took about all her inner strength to keep from drooping her head while the royal siblings conversed with one another. Haru should’ve been used to sitting still by now (Heaven knows her brother tried so hard to make her get used to it), but it was just her nature to want to run and jumping around like a little child. Predispositioned to being up and about made it hard for her to sit still and pay attention, even when not for very long. One could imagine home meals with the girl…

The oldest one, Madoka, said her piece to her to both Haru and that other ninja girl (who’d been silent most of the time). Time for respect, Ru. Chin up. Back straight. All that good stuff. “You highness,” she said with all the respect she could muster. “I have no reservations about the assignments.” In all honesty, she just didn’t care. But it’s not like she was going to say such a thing aloud.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Masenai Autoro Character Portrait: Mizu Suriyuchi Character Portrait: Ryoko Suriyuchi
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Ryoko looked at her two siblings then at the two ninja then got up "I'm going to take a rest so I will be in my room if anyone needs me" Ryoko walked off towards her room
Mizu stood up and held out his arm, Tori landed on him then he walked away thinking about different things. "What have I learned and what did I see?" Replaying his memories he watched every detail about the three ninjas trying to learn about them and their personalities. When he stopped he was standing in front of Masenai's room "Masenai I want you to come with me for a walk around the palace"


Kaosu slowly got up and looked around. "I really need to stop cutting myself with my knife if I don't it could cost me my life" He got up and walked to the well getting a drink of water then walk back to around to find Miya. "Mi-Mi how are you?"
Miya looked at Kaosu "What do you want?"
"I want something to do besides just lay around and wait"
"Go climb a tree and keep a watch out"
"You really do care about me don't you"
"Say that again and I will make sure you never wake up understood Kaosu?" Miya walked away
Kaosu climbed the nearest tree and started to look around at the surrounding area