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Knox Simmons

"What you do is you never give up hope."

0 · 411 views · located in Zombie Apocalypse

a character in “It's the End of the World As We Know It”, as played by Caitiecat12



Karson Simmons


25 (Birthday is 25th of December)


Knox is 6'3" and weighs 175 pounds. He has light tan skin and light blue eyes. Knox's hair is a dark brown color and it's always (somehow) combed just the right way (interesting, considering the circumstances). He always has a little bit of scruff, or a nice, short beard. He is very muscular, but skinny (ALSO considering the circumstances). Knox usually wears the same old blue jeans, Texas Longhorns t-shirt or a worn denim shirt, and comfortable hiking boots. When it's cold out, though, he wears a solid black hooded sweatshirt. Knox also carries around a picture of his family before the "incident".


a crossbow does just fine, but when the going gets tough, he uses an old hunting rifle of his.

Knox is good at persuasion and always tries to be the good guy in a bad situation. He's also is good with fist fighting, and computers (it doesn't come in handy much, nowadays).


Knox is a lovable guy, and has a smoulder you can't resist. But lately he has been very determined and tries to stay positive when ever he can, even though most of the time he's pessimistic. He tries to be friendly, especially toward people in need. Other than that, Knox is a tough cookie. He doesn't take lip from no one, even his daughter, Suri. Knox is no doubt military-like, and he doesn't mind handling "big" guns. Also, if one person steps out of line with him, most of the time he laughs it off, but if it's personal, he get's stern and really pissed off.

Knox was born in the Middle of Nowhere (Sonora Rural, Texas) on the Christmas to a wonderful couple, Marney and Kirk Simmons. He lived two years of boring peace, and then his little brother Ryker came along. They were best friends, and you couldn't separate them... UNTIL Knox had to college. He got accepted to The University of Texas, where he majored in Electrical and Computer Engineering, and where Knox met his wife, Renee, who was majoring in Nursing. He proposed to her right after graduation, on the 4th of July. They had an amazing June Wedding the next year, and 9 months later the had their first, Marney Elizabeth Simmons (Born on the 3rd of March). Two years later, they had a second daughter, Suri Renee Simmons (born the 14th of February). Knox had a stable job at PJM Interconnection, and Renee worked at a local hospital.
Before it hit, was a great family man with a loving wife and two adorable children. But, when it did hit, there was nothing he could have done for his wife. She was out getting groceries, and he was with his children. As soon as evacuation was being held, he tried calling his wife over and over, but she never picked up. Renee was pronounced dead later that evening. Knox tried to blow it off for the children, but he was heartbroken. His main priority was to find his younger brother, Ryker. He had been working in the National Guard for two years, and their was a a good chance he might've been dead. So, hoping he would be able to reach him, Knox searched for him. And he found him. Once they were reunited, they went on. But one night, Knox heard a scream, and found his eldest, Marney, missing. He now searches for her, secretly, ever since he joined the group.

Love Interest: Not yet

So begins...

Knox Simmons's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christine Rocks Character Portrait: Chad West Character Portrait: Evelyn McKay Character Portrait: Robin Free Character Portrait: India Halen Character Portrait: Janice "Sharky" Fresco
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India was a bit confused by the mixed welcome they got. The guy opening the door didn't look that happy to see them and it didn't really help that Christy was being sassy to him. Not that she could blame her, India had said some dumb stuff her entire life. "Yes, I am India and this is Christy. Look I get that you're cautious but we can help around. I even have some canned food with me..", maybe those canned beans would help her after all.

She turned around to the two guys who had appeared just as they were waiting. "We were just hoping we could stay. For the night at least..." she smiled prettily, it was always better to appear charming than not.

"I promise, we won't cause you any troubles.", India continued while looking back and forth between the two guys and the people behind the door.

It appeared that they had some bad experiences with people before. "No bites, honestly." India said holding up her hands. "You can check if you like."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christine Rocks Character Portrait: Chad West Character Portrait: Robin Free Character Portrait: India Halen Character Portrait: Knox Simmons
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India let out a small sigh. She had offered to let herself be checked, but it was the last thing she actually wanted to do. "Thank you, Knox.", she said grateful for his welcome. "Ryker, Chad", she nodded towards them. They were probably not too happy about them staying, but they weren't opposing it. She looked as a little girl appeared, she was actually surprised that this kid was still alive, however morbid that sounds. She hadn't actually seen a live child in... she couldn't remember..

"Hey there, Suri." India smiled warmly to her. She waved to the rest of the group and gave her best pageant smile. "It's really generous of you to let us stay."

India looked towards the girl. "I don't have water but I do have some bottled soda, if you like?", she offered.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christine Rocks Character Portrait: Chad West Character Portrait: Robin Free Character Portrait: India Halen Character Portrait: Knox Simmons
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'Soda?' Wow, Robin hadn't had soda in months. Yet she supposed that was normal, some didn't even have water. 'Yes please Ma'am. If you don't mind.' She sat now, and fiddled with her hair. 'How many people live here?'

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christine Rocks Character Portrait: Chad West Character Portrait: Evelyn McKay Character Portrait: Robin Free Character Portrait: India Halen Character Portrait: Janice "Sharky" Fresco
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#, as written by Miyer
6, that was fine as long as they could all pull their own weight, which she didn't doubt, Christy wouldn't have to leave. She grinned when Knox asked about their stories, "I'm a military women, born and breed. Grew up on a military base and was father was a general so I have army blood. Became a captain of a 5 man team when I left military school and killed my first walker a little while back. Came to this safe house as it is not well know and close to my old base, even had the keys to the place but looks like you got here first!" She smiled, she wasn't telling them the whole truth about her past but enough to give them an idea about her, she wasn't in this group to break down, she was here to survive and protect if it came to it.
She than turned to chad and gave him a wink, "Cant blame you, I also would of said the same thing if it were me in here and you out there, no harm done. Now what was this about a room, I am about ready to collapse!" She than yawned and gave her arms a stretch.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christine Rocks Character Portrait: Robin Free Character Portrait: India Halen Character Portrait: Knox Simmons
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"it's nice to meet you, Robin." she said smiling. She turned to observe Knox with his daughter, Suri. "Why, thank you Suri. You are a pretty little thing yourself.", she said with a wink. She wasn't very sure what to say to Knox though. Pretend it didn't happen, I'm sure that's best, she thought.

"Good night, Suri" India waved after the little girl. It was nice seeing this. It almost felt like all the horrible things outside weren't happening. For a minute she thought about her own family, no longer smiling, she closed her eyes. It didn't do well to dwell on those thoughts. She had promised herself to just take it a day at a time. She didn't know how else to survive.

"Story? I was looking for shelter and happened to hear the gunshot Christy here fired.", she explained waving towards Christy. "It was purely accidental, I guess. And I was looking for a new place to stay because well. The last place was overrun.", she didn't elaborate and hoped Knox wouldn't ask for more. It wasn't that hard to imagine what had happened. "As for my past. I was going to the state University. Sports major.", it felt like that was a lifetime ago. "What about yours?" She asked.

India was in no way surprised that Christy was army. That girl looked like she could take on a tank on her own.

"Oh god, you even have pillows? Please, someone pinch me.", India couldn't believe she would actually have a decent night of rest.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christine Rocks Character Portrait: Chad West Character Portrait: Evelyn McKay Character Portrait: Robin Free Character Portrait: India Halen Character Portrait: Janice "Sharky" Fresco
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Miyer
She heard the young brother, Ryker, was it? Yell at them and couldn't help but giggle, "Touchy aren't we?" She smirked, before nodding along with India, it had been over a year since she had a pillow and she would love to have one now. "You guys are like god sents, you know that right?" She joked, glancing out the window she noticed how dark it had gotten and the position of the moon, "I don't know about you guys but maybe we should all go to bed, it's late and it's best to go scavenging in the morning as there are less chances if running into harmful humans." She shock her head, she had gotten into a fight with one or two of those groups, very protective of their terroitory and loud, more often than not they weren't worth the trouble. "It would be best than if someone takes watch every two hours to make sure no walkers or humans get to close to the base, than if there are 9 of us we should split into two 3 people teams, both working on scavenging in two different areas, this means that if one group loses their horde because of whatever the other group won't." It was a good idea and effective but it was only a suggestion that the group could choose to use or not, she didnt care as long as they all survived.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christine Rocks Character Portrait: Chad West Character Portrait: Robin Free Character Portrait: India Halen Character Portrait: Knox Simmons Character Portrait: Ryker Simmons
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0.00 INK

India raised her eyebrows at that. Ryker didn't seem like a kind of guy that could take orders. "Well, I guess we can all rest assured with three army people under this roof.", she said unconvincingly. She wasn't sure what to say to Knox' admission. They all had lost people they loved. She tried to send a reassuring smile, he was brave enough to talk about it.

"If you guys don't mind it, I think I'll take a pillow and crash somewhere. Not that you aren't all lovely company, but if I have to stay awake one more hour I might keel over.", India exaggerated. She was indeed extremely tired, but she also wanted some time for herself to think. Was she going to stay with these people, what was her plan exactly. She needed to think.

She walked over towards to storage room to grab three pillows. On the way back she tossed Christy and Robin one aswell. "So since I don't know what everyone's territory is, can someone be so kind to point me to a free spot.", she said grinning.

Christy was talking about the logistics and their safety. India chimed in "Hey, just tell me when I have to take watch and I'll do it. And if you guys don't mind, I would like to come with on the scavenging hunt. It's mostly what I did in my last camp."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christine Rocks Character Portrait: Chad West Character Portrait: Evelyn McKay Character Portrait: Robin Free Character Portrait: India Halen Character Portrait: Janice "Sharky" Fresco
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Knox chuckled. "Yea, I like that. Tonight watch can be Ryker and Chad, then myself and Janice or one of you guys. Who ever is most comfortable. Tomorrow, we should have only two groups instead of three. If everybody is okay with this, we'll do it. I'll be captain of the first patrol, and since you mentioned it, Christy, you'll be the second patrols caption. First patrol is Myself, India, and Chad. You get Ryker, Robin, and Janice. Sound good?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christine Rocks Character Portrait: Chad West Character Portrait: Evelyn McKay Character Portrait: Robin Free Character Portrait: India Halen Character Portrait: Janice "Sharky" Fresco
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Robin snapped out of her daze. 'What? No, no no. I don't do groups. Like I said, I'm leaving tomorrow.' She eyed Knox wearily. 'Sorry man, groups of people aren't my strong suit.' Robin gripped her pillow tighter. 'Don't get me wrong, thanks for letting me stay tonight, but it's just tonight.'

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christine Rocks Character Portrait: Chad West Character Portrait: Robin Free Character Portrait: India Halen Character Portrait: Knox Simmons
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0.00 INK

India yawned loudly. "Talk about manners.." she muttered to herself. the pillow in her arms was so comfortable and she knew she would be asleep within minutes. "Hmm, I'm alright with that. If I don't wake up on time, just shake me or whatever.", India mumbled to Knox. She saw that Christy was already getting herself comfortable, deeming that a safe enough spot she moved towards her. She put her pillow not too close to Christy's but not that far off either. Although she was grateful for the group's generosity, she still couldn't blindly trust them, and Christy was basically in the same position she was. Besides, there was something honest about Christy. India felt like she could trust her, for now.

She got herself comfortable and closed her eyes. She could already feel conciousness slipping from her. Before all thought left her mind she mumbled a quiet goodnight.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christine Rocks Character Portrait: Robin Free Character Portrait: Janice "Sharky" Fresco Character Portrait: Knox Simmons Character Portrait: Ryker Simmons
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Miyer
"Yip!" She mumbled out from where her face was in her pillow, "Call me if you want me to go on watch but let me sleep for a little while first, I might be soldier but damn this pillow feels good!" Christy said, she knew the basic she could figure out the rest later.
Hmm, Ryker seemed like a rebel, he might be hard to control if he is on her team and probably won't take being ordered around very well, hopefully he can cooperate.
Robin was a loner, you could see it from her whole body language and that would make it difficult if she didnt work well in the group, she did seem to know how to hold her own through, but with her protest she might not even be on her team tomorrow, "Hay kid, ever wondered how long you will last if you do it alone? It's easy at first sure but you learn pretty quick it's better to have someon at your back who can shot that one zombie that slips past you, that one zombie that will be your death." Christy said again to the quiet robin girl.
Finally there was Janice, Janice had a bumbed her left shoulder, she wouldn't be at her best but from the looks of it she was a good team worker and knew Ryker which meant she might have more control over him than a stranger would.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hunter Lucas Ahrens Character Portrait: Charlotte Grace Kelly Character Portrait: Chad West Character Portrait: Sean Chandler Kelly Character Portrait: Robin Free Character Portrait: India Halen
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0.00 INK

Knox woke up in a haze. What... just... happened... He looked around. Nobody was around. SHIT! Knox ran to the shelters door, but stopped five feet away. He slowly crept over to the dirt stained window, and peered out from behind the, once white, curtain. The man shuddered. In front of the compound was a hoard of zombies. Ryker came up behind him. "Hey, what's... Oh my God. Knox, the Hell is this?" "Ryker... take Suri... and take her into the cellar. Take everybody else. Leave them. Come up and help me." Ryker jumped at the orders. Meanwhile, he took the time to make a call on the walkie talkie.

"Um, I know it's kind of stupid and silly of me, but there is a swarm, hoard, whatever you want to call it... of walkers outside of the shelter. Surrounding the shelter. We're trapped. And there are only five of us, one is pregnant, one is five, and we have a dog. So, um... please help. Whenever you're done with whatever you're doing. Over." Knox nervously laughed. "We're. Screwed."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hunter Lucas Ahrens Character Portrait: Charlotte Grace Kelly Character Portrait: Chad West Character Portrait: Sean Chandler Kelly Character Portrait: Robin Free Character Portrait: India Halen
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0.00 INK

Luke turned to India, his face on high alert. Yeah, those were gunshots. He made eye contact with her,nodding reassurance as she spoke. Maybe this wasn't the case for her, but a lot of the time, having someone agree with you, was a good feeling, and reminded you that you were still sane. "Yeah we need to go. Like now," He said, his eyes catching sight of walkers in the distance turning towards the building.

"It's won't be fast enough," Sean said, not directly to anyone, but just out loud, his mind buzzing a mile a minute. Char, her eyes locked in the distance as she too thought, turned back to the group and spoke. "He's right. If they've resorted to guns we need to get our asses in there now. Maybe with a distraction or something, but quick." Her voice, sharp and confident, was obviously a little shaky, but hardly, and for someone who didn't know her, it would be hard to pick up. Fiddling her hand, Char took off the release, but after seeing the blood running down her hand, she wiped it on her shirt and put it back on, cringing when the sharp metal touched the exposed flesh.

Luke heard another noise from the walkie talking, turning his head so he could hear better. The shelter was surrounded? Yikes. "I guess we're the heros for the day." He said, sighing, but a small grin forming.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hunter Lucas Ahrens Character Portrait: Charlotte Grace Kelly Character Portrait: Sean Chandler Kelly Character Portrait: Robin Free Character Portrait: India Halen Character Portrait: Knox Simmons
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0.00 INK

India nodded, agreeing with Luke. They were definitely hearing the gunshots and if they did, then it meant the walkers did too. Who ever was in the tower, was probably in deep trouble. She looked up at Robin, who suggested that someone go and check. "I don't know, Robin. Sending someone all alone with no communication seems disastrous. I think we stand a better chance at this if we go together.", she reasoned. Ultimately though, if it came down to it, she would volunteer to go.

The walkie talkie that was in her hand suddenly came to life, she could hear Knox' voice asking for help. "Shit, that... isn't good." she said irritated. "What do we do? Run over to the tower, try to get him out and then run back to the shelter? That sounds like a horrible plan... Let's do it." she grinned back at Luke. She pushed the talk button and spoke, "Knox, this is India, we are currently trying to reach the north tower there was a distress call. Do you think you can hold off until we get back?" she released the button and hoped that it got through.

She looked over to Sean, Char and Robin to see if they agreed. The first thing she noticed was Char's hand all bloody, it didn't really look good. It wouldn't do to handicap the only one in the group who used a silent long ranged weapon, she had to find a bandage of some sorts. She unzipped the right sidepocket of her backpack, she fished out a roll of bandage. "Char, heads up." She tossed it to the girl. "you might want to get that wrapped before it gets infected, that's all I have." She said with a shrug hoping it would do.

She stretched out her arms and legs and preparing herself for a quick warm up, just like she would before any competition. It was a bit ingrained in her, her coach would've scolded her for missing a warm up, she smiled slightly at the memory.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hunter Lucas Ahrens Character Portrait: Charlotte Grace Kelly Character Portrait: Sean Chandler Kelly Character Portrait: Robin Free Character Portrait: India Halen Character Portrait: Knox Simmons
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0.00 INK

'Yeah, you're probably right.' There was a high chance one on them could get hurt alone, but it just seemed better to only risk one them all of them. Robin would of volunteered to go if they agreed.

Then she heard the walkie talkie again. A first she thought it was the survivor, but then she heard them talk about shelter. At once she remembered Suri. 'We can't just leave them. Suri's there and that pregnant woman.' She shook her head unhappily. 'They'll need more people. This survivor still needs help, but he doesn't need all of us. Some of us should go back and help them.'

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hunter Lucas Ahrens Character Portrait: Charlotte Grace Kelly Character Portrait: Chad West Character Portrait: Sean Chandler Kelly Character Portrait: Robin Free Character Portrait: India Halen
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0.00 INK

Robin's idea was good, Luke thought, but in this one, small instance it wouldn't work. However, maybe they could put it to use when they were working with the shelter. Luke smiled wide at India, chuckling lightly. She was bubbly and fierce, he liked that. His eyes followed India's to Char, also surprised to see blood. It was typical, though, Char wasn't a complainer, and she wouldn't say something about the fact that her hand was cut.

Char, catching the bandage in her hand, smiled a light thankful smile, pulling the release off again and working fast to wrap her hand, only going around three times. If she went around anymore, her hand wouldn't fit in the release. Tossing it back to India, she knew she would need it again later, to properly wrap her hand, but now was not the time. Char fit her hand back into the release, happy to not feel a sharp pain like last time. She then dropped down, retying her laces quickly.

Sean, on the other hand, the closest to Robin, heard her talk. He had to admit it was a good idea. Nodding his head, he thought of each group they could divide into, and he knew it would have to be two and three, three to the north tower and two to the shelter. "We can go," Sean said, speaking of him and Robin. He looked at the group to see their thoughts, mostly to Robin to see how she'd react to being volunteered to go with him. Char said nothing, just looking at Sean. He was her little brother, but it was times like these where she might need to let him make his own decisions. She glanced at Luke to confirm she had the right thought process, and he nodded to her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hunter Lucas Ahrens Character Portrait: Charlotte Grace Kelly Character Portrait: Chad West Character Portrait: Sean Chandler Kelly Character Portrait: Robin Free Character Portrait: India Halen
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Robin nodded. She felt the she owed the people in the shelter, even if she didn't really know them. They had taken her in without question, literally dragging her in. And she also worried about Suri and the pregnant woman. The two of then wouldn't be able to fight, so they only had three people defending them. With Sean and herself they'd stand better odds.

'I'm fine with that.' She said to the others, but directed her gaze to Sean. 'That'll make five defending the shelter and three going after the survivor, four when you get him out. Then you four can come back round and help defend the shelter.'

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hunter Lucas Ahrens Character Portrait: Charlotte Grace Kelly Character Portrait: Chad West Character Portrait: Sean Chandler Kelly Character Portrait: Robin Free Character Portrait: India Halen
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0.00 INK

India had to agree with Robin. The group at the shelter had vulnerable people, they obviously needed help more. But she also couldn't in good conscience leave the survive in the tower all by himself, especially not since they had come all the way here. She was conflicted about splitting up, but it seemed like the best option right now. They couldn't dilly dally any longer, they had to make a decision now, before they are too late to help anyone.

India caught the bandage silently and tucked it somewhere safe, they would need it again. She looked up at Sean when she heard his suggestion, a little surprised that he volunteered. She shouldn't be of course because the apocalypse made everyone grow up faster, but Robin and Sean were still teenagers. She looked from Sean to Char and back again but it seemed like the siblings weren't going to disagree on this and even Luke agreed to it. "Okay, then it's settled? You two go back to the shelter." India said slowly with a nod.

Upon hearing Robin's words, India turned to the young woman. "I want you two to let us know when you get there, Knox has another one of these." she said holding up the walkie talkie in her hand. "I also want you to be prepared to leave. I've seen these hoards before. It may very well be that there is no shelter when we get back." India's voice had gone soft and had a sad quality to it. She didn't want to remember the last time she had to deal with a hoard of infected, it was still haunting her nightmares.

"Be careful out there." she murmured.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hunter Lucas Ahrens Character Portrait: Charlotte Grace Kelly Character Portrait: Chad West Character Portrait: Sean Chandler Kelly Character Portrait: Robin Free Character Portrait: India Halen
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Sean nodded to Robin, not saying anything, then turned back to the group to listen. Luke glanced at India, seeing her inner conflict through her eyes. He looked at Char, and he could tell that she didn't want to leave her brother alone. Then again, she didn't have a choice. Luke walked to Sean, giving his daps again, then pulling him in for a hug. Sean didn't really return it, hardly putting his arms around Luke, but that was to be expected. He pulled Robin into a hug too, though this one was quicker. They may have only known each other for a short amount of time, but he was a hugger. Plus, it was possible one of them wouldn't return. Char gave Sean a look, walking over and hugging him too, but for less time than Luke had. Same as before, Sean hardly returned the hug. She nodded to Robin, taking a few steps back and picking up her backpack she'd recently put down. Luke walked over to Char, putting his arm around her and pulling her in for a sideways sort of hug, both looking to india as she spoke.

Sean was not surprised that Luke's hug had been shorter than Char's; it was typical. Taking a breath, he too listened to India, though it was Robin he was looking at.

After India's words, the group paused, and there was a brief silence before Char spoke. "Where are we gunna go?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hunter Lucas Ahrens Character Portrait: Charlotte Grace Kelly Character Portrait: Chad West Character Portrait: Sean Chandler Kelly Character Portrait: Robin Free Character Portrait: India Halen
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Robin nodded at India 'You guys do the same. Contact us when you get the survivor out.' A small smile grew on her face. 'We'll be careful, you do the same.'

At Luke's hug Robin let out a gasp of surprise. Although it was short and Luke was a nice guy in Robin's eyes, she still didn't enjoy other people touching her. She didn't hug back and stiffened as he wrapped his arms around her. When he let go Robin stepped back and blinked awkwardly. Her eyes flickered to Char for a moment then turned to Sean. 'We...we should go now...'