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Mayu Natsumi

"You're really starting to piss me off. . ~"

0 · 480 views · located in Japan,Tokyo.

a character in “K: A New Beginning”, as played by Fantasies


Theme Song

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Name: Mayu Natsumi

Alias: May-chan

Occupation: HOMRA Member - Red Queen's Lieutenant

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Hair Color: Red

Eye Color: Crimson

Height: 5"2

Weight: 69lbs

Clansmen: Member Of HOMRA




Personality: Mayu is a very brash,and rather violent teenager. She is easily upset,and will outwardly cuss at anyone,stranger or not,if they manage it tick her off. She is violent,vulgar,and quite energetic. The best way to describe her,is to say she is a Tsundere. (A Japaense character,or person,who shows affection through rather cruel acts. They are also easily flustered,and resort to violent actions when they are embarrassed.) Though Mayu is seen to be quite rude most of the time,she can be quite childish and playful. Sometimes seen playing pranks on the other HOMRA members.

Talents: Mayu seems to be quite good a sports,normally getting comments,or questions,to people who are confused to why she doesn't join a type of team. Which Mayu replies,"Because,if I got on a team and started playing sports,I'd have no time to pull pranks on people.~". Another talent Mayu appears to have is singing. Though,if anyone finds out about this,she will beat them half to death.

Likes: Sweets - Playing Pranks - Video Games - Ramen

Dislikes: Any other clan - Girly Things - Being called cute or short.


Red Aura: Being a member of HOMRA, said to have the most outstanding ability amongst the others, Mayu possesses the Red Aura, which manifests itself in red or pink flames. Mayu is able to generate her Aura from various parts of her body and even from her whip (An item she uses when out and about). Other times, Mayu's Aura takes on a fiery shroud over her body, or when angered, as a massive hammer-like fire formation,which she uses to attack and smash enemies with.

Flame Master Form: Originally,Mayu was the heir to the Red throne. However,an older member was discovered,and took the place. Flame master is a spirit,demon,and battle form that Mayu possesses. When transfering to this form,bright red flamed engulf her body,and during that,she attire changes. Her clothes become that of a pink,brown,white and yellow kimono. Her usual black bow turns dark brow,with red tips,and flower designs appear upon it. Her bows hook onto two large,pointy horns that sprout from Mayu's head,and her hair fall down,no longer in pigtails. In this form,Mayu is able to create a large,red axe and use it as a weapon. The axe's power works,as long as Mayu is able to keep her Flame Master Form in check. If Mayu is indeed able to make a direct hit,which is rather hard considering the axe is rather heavy,the attack is fatal. Killing anyone the blade can come in contact with,

Flaws: Mayu appears to be very weak when it comes to weather that is below 40 or so degrees. She also states that she has a weak heart,so a blow to the chest could be fatal to her. She has amazing offense,but she lacks in defense. She also seems to do rather bad in close range combat,since most of her attacks are used from a far range. It also appears that large objects are an issue. If she has to carry such an object,her speed is dramatically decreased.

Sexuality: Straight

Romantic interest: As of now,no one.




History: Mayu's past life remains a mystery. Simply because she refuses to talk about it. However,it is implied that she may have had a hard past,since she becomes enraged when someone asks her about it,then storms off and locks herself in a room for hours on end.

Other: It is heavily indicated that Mayu isn't able to swim,normally rejecting the though of going to a pool,or the beach. It's also hinted that her parents may be deceased,and she does have a brother located somewhere else in Japan,however,he works 24/7,therefore contact between him and Mayu has been temporarily dropped for the last 3 years.

Thoughts and relationships to other characters

Mikoto Suoh - Mayu seemed to have a very close bond with her King. Though he did doubt her when when she sated she wished to join HOMRA,she did end up impressing him where her determination,and fearlessness. Quickly after she became a Red Clan member,Mayu and Mikoto grew quite close. Almost resembling a older brother and younger sister relationship. And since Mikoto did often nag her about her responsibilities,they could also be seen as a father and daughter pair. When Mikoto passed,Mayu seemed quite upset,though,she quickly regained her normal demeanor. However,she doesn't go a day without thinking of Mikoto,and thanking him for allowing her to join HOMRA.

Anna Kushina - Anna appears to be the only HOMRA member Mayu is gentle and kind to. Normally,Mayu will be seen spoiling the young girl,from brushing her hair,or buying her a new dress for her,Mayu always seems to give into the other female. The relationship between the two is best described as an older sister and younger sister relationship and bond.

Izumo Kusanagi - Though Izumo has shown his flirtatious moments around Mayu,they both seem quite close,much like a brother and sister. However,it is proven that Mayu fears Izumo,normally cowering if he becomes enraged about his bar,even if she wasn't the cause of his anger. Though close,Izumo does nag Mayu on daily basis to not eat as many sweets as she does,but being stubborn,Mayu ignores his warnings. Much to Izumo's annoyance.

Misaki Yata - Yata appears to be Mayu's most common victim when it comes to pranks. Most of the time,she'll remove the wheels from his skateboard,hide them,and then refuse to tell him where they are. Though both are equally strong,Mayu appears to use Yata's fear of girls as a boost in their relationship,often making her the more dominant one of the two. Despite their somewhat playful rivalry,Mayu respects Yata very much,even if she does tease him quite a bit. It is hinted that Mayu may have a crush on Yata,as she has stated a few times,"Hmm. Out of all the men in HOMRA,only Yata-san catches my interest." However,Mayu does not blush or smile when she says this. Simply gives a slight shrug of her shoulders,and moves to the next topic. Despite this,Mayu can be seen blushing when she is in close contact with Yata. Therefore,any romantic feelings between the two are unknown,but slightly hinted.


So begins...

Mayu Natsumi's Story


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Character Portrait: Mayu Natsumi
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A small,unnoticeable building, located upon the corner of a street gave off a rather eerie presence to it on this fine,Autumn afternoon. Though the said place may only look like a simple,run down bar,it was indeed quite classy. From polished counters,to red leather seats,the bar was the perfect place for members of the Red Clan to reside. The building never had a pleasant aura about it,but it was never as intimidating as it was now. Just what exactly happened inside,that the walls of the building kept outsiders from hearing?

"You little shits!!" An angry,familiar voiced echoed through HOMRA,stirring a certain female from her calm,peaceful slumber. Her crimson red bangs were brushed from her closed eyes as the currently unknown female sat up. Beside,she had her arms wrapped lovingly around another girl. The said girl,who was still asleep,and long,snow white hair,and a black and dark red dress that would seemingly have her roasting in already hot room. The young girls name,was Anna Kushina. The youngest female in HOMRA. Though Anna continued to sleep,her small,frail hands clutching tightly to the skirt of the awoken being,she seemed not to notice when her hands were gently tugged off,and hit softly against the couches cushions.

"Look. . . Look at what you did to my bar!" The enraged voice barked in the other room. Causing the earlier mentioned red head to grit her teeth in annoyance. Without a second thought,the female curated through the door,shutting up the angry male,known as Izumo,for a brief moment. However,when he went to speak again,he was quickly cut off by a loud,feminine voice.

"Izumo-san!!! We don't give a dam about your bar! You're idiotic bellowing is bound to wake Anna up! Instead of fussing over your bar so damn much,think about the rest of us for once!!" The unknown girl snapped.

"But. . . Mayu,they--" Was as much as Izumo could say while pointing to Yata,another clan member,and a random pedestrian that had stumbled across HOMRA. Of course,Izumi was interrupted by the female,further known as Mayu Natsumi. The oldest female of the Red Clan,and considered to be the 'Princess of HOMRA',along with Anna.

I DON'T CARE WHAT THEY DID!! JUST SHUT YOUR MOUTH BEFORE YOU WAKE UP ANNA!! Mayu roared at the bartender,paying no mind to the pedestrian who scrambled out of the bar. Nor did she pay attention to their newly arrived guest,who stood in the doorway watching the scene unfold.

[ So,this is the starter! Next person can be who is standing in the doorway,or you can post as someone walking about,who also heard the commotion.~ ]


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukiko Character Portrait: Mayu Natsumi
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ImageRin had just finished school, slowly skating toward the HOMRA building in a lighthearted manner, humming to herself as she listened to her iPod. She typically skipped school, but she had an important exam today, so skipping was out of the question. She turned on her skates, gliding herself backwards along the sidewalk as she stared up at the sky. So beautiful.. She thought to herself, a giant grin crossing her lips. She always felt a peace knowing HOMRA was close.. and nature was just so calming. She eventually turned once more, returning to watching where she was going.

She wasn't really in a rush, but she always felt her best once she was with her clansmen and the Red Queen. Something about their presence kept her at ease, despite their reputation as a whole. She wasn't fond of the other clans, but she didn't necessarily hate them either. She had not qualms unless they aimed to harm someone important to her. Her hair blew in her face with the wind as it picked up for a moment, tickling her and causing her to wipe her face with her long sleeved hoodie. That's enough nature for me.. She thought with a pout on her face as she sped towards the bar. She zipped by the civilians on the sidewalk, doing her best to make her way through the bustling streets without touching anyone. When she saw the building in front of her, she silently giggled to herself before adjusting her hair and opening the front door.

"Izumo-san!!! We don't give a dam about your bar! You're idiotic bellowing is bound to wake Anna up! Instead of fussing over your bar so damn much,think about the rest of us for once!!" Mayu snapped. She blinked surprised, lowering her headphones without pausing her music. She regretted it instantly, covering her ears with her hands. O-ow.. She watched the angry red haired girl continue, poor Izumo getting interrupted almost immediately.

"But. . . Mayu,they--"

"I DON'T CARE WHAT THEY DID!! JUST SHUT YOUR MOUTH BEFORE YOU WAKE UP ANNA!!" Mayu roared at the bartender,paying no mind to the pedestrian who scrambled out of the bar. Nor did she pay attention to their newly arrived guest,who stood in the doorway watching the scene unfold.

She tilted her head, until the pedestrian bumped her shoulder. Rin's eyes instantly narrowed as her aura began to flare up, but before she could retaliate the frightened stranger was around the street corner and out of sight. She was still fuming, aura pulsating in annoyance around her frame. She eventually lowered her aura, before proceeding inside, forgetting to remove her skates, probably much to Izumo's annoyance considering the wheels could scratch and dirty the floor of his beloved bar.

She sat down, "Apple juice.." she muttered softly to Izumo, big brown eyes waiting expectantly. She wasn't really demanding or asking for the drink, more of just stating she wanted it. His angry expression baffled her, that is until she noticed her skates still attached to her ankles.

"Sorry.." She added just as quietly, chewing on her bottom lip as she began removing them. Well I guess I can forget the apple juice... She placed them beside her stool at the bar, shoes still tied together over her shoulder.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukiko Character Portrait: Mariko Airi Character Portrait: Mayu Natsumi
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#, as written by Zetsuna
Mariko was sipping on her tea as she looked out the window gazing out towards the city. It hadn't been long since she took the role of queen and the woman was already going into thought. Although currently, It was more so on a personal level. Her eyes went down towards her cup, looking into her reflection of the liquid only noticing a few ripples as her hand moved slightly. A gentle sigh of stress came from her lips as her left hand cupped over the other side of the cup. The woman's eyes lowered down as she lifted the cup up to take a long sip of her of her tea before speaking among herself.

"What am I going to do about it...?"

Mariko sat the cup on a small plate sat upon a small table next to her before lifting her right hand and setting her chin to it gently. Her mind could only think upon her curse after that as time went on yet quickly did it changed due to the one of the difficulties at hand. The other clans were still out there with unknown intentions at this point. Her hand formed a fist as she thought of Mikoto's death wondering as to why "she was unable to do anything during such a time" but quickly the woman felt the need to release it. Mariko closed her eyes to meditate, calming her aura that seemed to gradually become stronger although slowly. At least that was her plan until suddenly she heard a yell.

"You little shits!!!"

Her eyes slowly opened and her calm expression became a frown. Without a thought the woman rose up before re-adjusting her gloves. The voice was very known and familiar to her although most of the time, she left these "difficulties" to him. It was up to her now and sadly she figured it'd best be quick as she heard a little more from him and then from the princess. Her head shook rather annoyed as she closed in on the door to outside of the hallway. She stood with her hand upon the nob as she listened to Mayu's words.


The woman sighed before turning the nob only hearing the door to the outside of the bar open first and with that she entered the room unsure if anyone noticed her. As she stepped passed the door way she quickly slammed the door hoping she didn't use too much strength on accident but hoping it was also loud enough for everyone to hear. Mariko looked around the room first to Izumo, then to Mayu following by the locals and then to Rin whom she smiled wryly and waved knowing it was her to come in. The woman sighed before speaking, her eyes veered over to Mayu.

"Calm yourself, at this point you're only louder then he is and we can't escalate this any further. Unfortunately, I understand you had a purpose for such things but at the same time. With this atmosphere I will not have it." Mariko then looked over to Izumo.

"You're not off the hook to begin the scene but you owe everyone an apology for disrupting the peace. I don't give a shit what a person or two did. It's not about you when you're sharing a building but of the others including myself besides and this goes for you too. Mayu" Her eyes moved towards Rin.

"Are you really going to display yourselves to Rin this way?"

The woman sighed folding her arms.

"Now lets start from the top and get a glimpse of what really happened. I'm sure Izumo has a story to explain to me"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukiko Character Portrait: Mariko Airi Character Portrait: Mayu Natsumi
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"Eto . . ?" Spinning upon her heels,Mayu jumped back at the sight of her Queen. However,she was not afraid of her,not as of now,anyways. She simply always gave the other female space,since she for one knew their Queen was easily upset if one were to crowd her,so it was best to give her space. "A--Ah . . Sorry,Mariko-sama. But I was afraid he would wake Anna. She hasn't been sleeping well since. . ." Mayu paused for a while. Memories flooding through her brain. Sure,she was worried about Anna,but as of now,she was more upset about the thoughts of her King. The one who accepted her as a member of HOMRA,then like that,vanished forever. Nonetheless,Mayu couldn't allow herself to fall into despair at the loss of her beloved King. She had to stay strong,for Anna's sake,it least. And with all the constant wars going on between the clans,remaining calm and secure wasn't exactly the easiest thing. ". . .Since Mikoto-sama. . .Left. Anna hasn't been sleeping well. I just didn't want Izumo-san to awake her. I didn't seem to realize I was making the whole thing worse within the process. I am sorry,and will return to using my . . . "Inside" voice." Finishing her sentence,the red haired girl gave a swift bow to her Queen. Mariko would always and forever be someone Mayu loved and respected. However,she was not Mikoto. The man who first saw potential in her. Now that he was gone,Mayu found herself lacking in self-esteem. And in result,she turned to composing a rough exterior upon the outside. Though what was secretly buried withing her heart,may forever remain a mystery.

With a heavy sigh,the red haired female staggered over to the couch,located beside a window within HOMRA. Flopping upon it,she groaned out in both boredom,and frustration. There was nothing to do,and outside,the blood curdling screams from pedestrians filled her ears. A sound she has heard by far too many times since the death of the Red King,the arrival of the Queen,and the newly uprising clans,that have began to tread on territory that was off limits to them. "This whole thing. . . This whole damn thing is just a cat and mouse game. But the rules are changing. . The clans have started to go after the innocent. . I'm afraid to let Anna out and about,even with one of us with her. We don't know when an ambush will come. Every second we sit here,someone out there is being beaten to a pulp by the other colors. I hate it. . . Yet love it at the same time. I love the screams of those in despair. Yet,I hate the lack of protection I provide for Anna,for HOMRA." Mayu mumbled sleepily too herself,her blood red hues dazing with a tired fog. However,she wasn't able to fall asleep. Instead,she laid there. Sleepy eyes rolling over the forms of her Queen and clan members. However,she did close her eyes,and gave a small sigh once the screams of pain and dismay ceased. ". . . One hundred thirty five. . One hundred and thirty five people have had their lives taken in the past three months. . Some of those children,other mothers,a few elder folk,and even some pets. I'm starting to wonder if we should continue to sit here. I don't give a crap about the citizens,I care about HOMRA'S good name. If we don't do something fast. . . We may fall into the clutches of the other clans. Picking up her head,Mayu allowed her body to follow,and swung her legs off the couch. Standing up,she staggered for a moment,before regaining her balance,and the blood within her head,and walked towards the door. Waving goodbye to those inside,the female stepped into the open. Inhaling the fresh air. And best of all,it least to her,the fresh scent of a victim's blood.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukiko Character Portrait: Mariko Airi Character Portrait: Mayu Natsumi
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Rin's eyes widened a bit as she looked up and saw the Queen of HOMRA, Mariko. She instantly felt a nervous knot in her stomach as she witnessed the next events, She heard everything, already scolding Izumo and Mayu. She swung her feet back and forth from the stool she sat on, trying to lay low out of the line of fire. She'd also wore her skates inside the building, but she'd already apologized for that, so no harm done right?

"Calm yourself, at this point you're only louder then he is and we can't escalate this any further. Unfortunately, I understand you had a purpose for such things but at the same time. With this atmosphere I will not have it. You're not off the hook to begin the scene but you owe everyone an apology for disrupting the peace. I don't give a shit what a person or two did. It's not about you when you're sharing a building but of the others including myself besides and this goes for you too. Mayu"

She smiled a bit at the woman's harsh, but peaceful words. She wasn't taking sides, she was looking at the scenario from both perspectives, something that Rin couldn't help but smile at. Then she tensed as the Queen's eyes landed on her, rubbing the back of her neck, Rin fumbled for her pockets as she attempted to turn her music off. Once she achieved silencing her device, the brown eyed loner let her eyes fall to looking at the floor.

"Ano..." She trailed off quietly, "I'm okay.. I just hope Anna can rest.." she replied, looking to the wall after her statement. The simple reply seemed strenuous on her, despite the seemingly minimal effort of conversation. Rin didn't know how to talk to others, so it was harder for her to express what she is thinking and feeling to them, especially when put under a spotlight.

"Now lets start from the top and get a glimpse of what really happened. I'm sure Izumo has a story to explain to me"

"A--Ah . . Sorry,Mariko-sama. But I was afraid he would wake Anna. She hasn't been sleeping well since...Since Mikoto-sama... left. Anna hasn't been sleeping well. I just didn't want Izumo-san to awake her. I didn't seem to realize I was making the whole thing worse within the process. I am sorry,and will return to using my . . . "Inside" voice."

Rin listened to the explanation, looking towards the door. Something didn't seem right about the streets. Everything was far more dangerous since Mikoto died and she wanted to figure out why. Though she couldn't act on her own. She'd wait patiently for her Queen's orders, but she had to admit she was getting restless. She wouldn't know what to do if HOMRA was attacked. This was more like home than her real house.

Her eyes brightened up as she heard Izumo slam her apple juice upon the counter, and she spun around to take it, "Arigato.." She replied before stabbing it with the straw and immediately drinking. She was quite fond of the drink, actually he stocked it almost completely for Rin, though there was always someone else drinking it now and then too... She looked over to Mariko, tilting her head curiously, wondering if she needed anything done..well.. Anything that wasn't extremely social. She dreaded the day she'd actually have to talk to strangers for the sake of the clan. She hoped such a day would never come. She found it hard enough conversing with those already in her clan, let alone strangers or those from rival clans..


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Yukiko Character Portrait: Mariko Airi Character Portrait: Mayu Natsumi
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#, as written by Zetsuna
Mariko listened intently to get an explanation from the two. Her eyes looked upon the princess and never swayed towards Izumo who was quiet through it all. Silence to Mariko when posed a question means “You have no explanation”. Going off the only answer was simple enough and probably for the better at this point. The woman did feel slightly sympathetic knowing that things haven't quite been ok since Mikoto left and she for one knew this personally but Mariko did her best not to show it. The woman had nothing to say. That is until Mayu began to talk again.

"This whole thing. . . This whole damn thing is just a cat and mouse game. But the rules are changing. . The clans have started to go after the innocent. . I'm afraid to let Anna out and about,even with one of us with her. We don't know when an ambush will come. Every second we sit here,someone out there is being beaten to a pulp by the other colors. I hate it. . . Yet love it at the same time. I love the screams of those in despair. Yet,I hate the lack of protection I provide for Anna,for HOMRA."

It was faint but noticed, the woman turned towards Mayu as she continued. Her right hand moving towards her lips in thought. While listening intently.

". . . One hundred thirty five. . One hundred and thirty five people have had their lives taken in the past three months. . Some of those children,other mothers,a few elder folk,and even some pets. I'm starting to wonder if we should continue to sit here. I don't give a crap about the citizens,I care about HOMRA'S good name. If we don't do something fast. . . We may fall into the clutches of the other clans.”

The woman smirked before looking over Rin and then the others in the room. The woman walked over to the bar before picking up a tea that was made without asking by Izumo and sipping off the top for a short moment. Mariko then sighed as she sat the glass down while there was a little silence before looking towards the lieutenant.

“You know I'm here for every one of you, to carry this on and finish it. Do not think I'm just sitting here wasting time. Mayu, keep your mind sharp and straight, we must take our situation and use it as an advantage. If a king dies a clan should declare defeat and mostly would disband. For the public and most people, we are no more. Let us use this to our advantage, we must and should lay low yet at the same time, find out what the others are doing.” The woman said lifting her glass and moving it around. Only half of what she said could be heard by Mayu who had left. She then looked to Rin who was looking to her.

“We don't have much time, I'm sure you understand that.” Mariko said sitting down beside Rin.

“I was going to explain this while you both were here but, the fact of the matter is like I said, we were to be unknown. Someone who has been spreading “rumor” of me. They do not know who I am but If word reaches the other's ear. There are a few possibilities of what could happen.” She stopped before taking a long drink before looking by the corner of her eye to the girl beside her.

“One, they will seek to immediately end us, believing that because we have a new leader, our morale is less capable for command and that means we'll lack the strength to defend ourselves. Now granted we may believe we're fine but we're not. Some of us unfortunately are still in a devastated state and some although they respect me, still aren't comfortable and compare me. The second, is that they will investigate us, specifically me and if we play this like a game of chess. Any investigations and key observations will become like a game of chess and we'll eventually become cornered. They will try to reveal information and most suspected would be of revenge and rebellion. Do not think we're out here for revenge. We simply have to do what we must to survive and keep this clan alive.” The woman sighed before finishing her drink. She looked towards the door before looking to Izumo who was listening in which was expected.

“The last option would simply be a bit risky but can be done. If the clans did learn of “The Red Queen” its safe to say we'll be assigning decoys to hold the title of Red Queen. They will already know by that point that we're alive but they won't know who the real focus is. These are what I've come up with. This is why we're going to find this person as a priority and try to end the seed of information before it goes further. Any objections or thoughts?”