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Annalise "Anna" Cortega

"Life would be much easier if you'd just accept your fate." (MWIP)

0 · 1,352 views · located in Vongola Castle , Namimori

a character in “Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn!: The 11th vongola”, originally authored by BespectacledBeauty, as played by RolePlayGateway





♣Affiliation: Rizzo || Star Guardian

♣Gender: Female

♣Nickname: Anna

♣Age: 17

♣Love Interest: It's apparent that Anna has a deep affection for
Alastor Rizzo, but whether this is a romantic affection or
simple loyalty as a subordinate is under speculation.

♣Face Claim: Rei Kuroki || Vividred Operation


♣Height: 5'3"

♣Weight: 136lbs

♣Build: Petite/Slim

♣Hair Color: Black, though in some lighting it can appear to be dark purple.

♣Eye Color: Purple

♣Scars/Tattoos/Piercings: Anna's skin is flawless, or at least that how it seems from afar. If one were to look closely, they could see that her body is flecked with small scars, none larger than the size of a penny. There are two, more distinguishable scars that start behind her ears, both running down and ending at the back of her neck. There is also a scar that starts at the center of her head and runs down her neck and along her spine, ending just above her rear.

Lastly, she has a tattoo on the base of the left side of her neck. There are seven, dark purple feathers that circle each other, with three on each side and one in the center. It's unknown where she got this tattoo, as she's been unwillingly to say and usually covers it up with a scarf.


♣Preferred Clothing♣



♣Sexuality: Pansexual

| 50% Human | Due to a carefully perfected skin healing process, scars that would prove this statement are not visible on Anna's skin. It's a fact, though, that Anna's legs and arms are made up of mechanical parts. This gives her the ability to jump from rather high places without injuring herself, and scaling a building is no large feat either. With her arms and legs being mechanical, those parts of her body are much stronger and more durable than that of a normal human. However, damaged skin needs to be repaired often to keep the metal underneath protected from dangers like water or electricity. Her mechanical parts are also the reason why her weight is above average for her size and age.

| Basic Defense | Close combat isn't one of Anna's specialties, which is why she usually prefers to take on the sniper role, however she has had some basic close-combat training so she's not to be completely helpless without her long-range weapons. Even so, she wouldn't last long against an experienced fighter, something that secretly frustrates Anna to no end.
| Hawk Eye | Anna has an eyesight that could easily compete with the Quasar Guardian's own eyes, perfect for a sniper. However, this perfect eyesight only belongs to her right eye, as she's mostly blind in her left. It's also known to some of the Rizzo family that the eyes she has do not belong to her, actually being artificially created and implanted into her.
| Anatomy | Books that explain every detail of the human body seem to be the only thing she ever reads. Anna is an expert when it comes to the anatomy of the human body. Every organ, bone, vein, muscle, and much more are plastered in her mind. With this knowledge, she can know just the right amount of pressure to place on a certain area to paralyze or cause pain.
| On Target | Anna knows exactly where to hit her target to get the results she wants. If you're hit with one of her arrows or bullets and you survive, it's absolutely positive that she never intended to kill you.
| Interrogation | As stated before, Anna is incredibly knowledgeable when it comes to the anatomy of a human. As such, the duty to interrogate enemies is often placed in her hands since she knows how to inflict a terrible amount of pain without endangering the interrogatee's life. Though, there's also the part where she can keep an emotionless expression on her face throughout the entire "interrogation" process.

| Bullet Swaging | The bullets that Anna uses are not normal bullets. They are created using Anna's Star Flames and are pressed inside a specially made cartridge. Because these bullets cannot be bought, she spends hours upon hours making them herself. While some would consider this to be a hassle, Anna actually enjoys the quiet time she gets to spend alone.
| Archery | A good way to pass the time while training the body and the mind. Though Anna has already mastered archery, she still likes to go out and shoot a few targets now and then, believing that there is always room for improvement no matter how skilled you think you are.

| Electrophobia | Ever since Anna experienced being electrocuted as a result of an exposed part of her mechanical arm coming in contact with a high-voltage fence, she has had a deep fear of electricity. Though she's usually fine around electronic devices or other things that run on electricity as long as the electricity is being controlled, as soon as that electricity malfunctions she'll want nothing more than to get away from it. If her body is given a heavy electric shock, her arms and legs may become hard to move, possibly even losing all function.
| Astraphobia |
Tying into her fear of electricity, Anna is also quite frightened of thunder and lightening, even more so than she is of electricity. The deafening sound of thunder rolling as lightening cracks across the sky is enough to have her shivering in a corner with her hands over her ears. She finds this fear to be very embarrassing and does her best to hide it, but she can only put on a strong suit for so long before she starts wishing she could just crawl into a closet and block out the horrid rumbling sounds outside.
| Killing | Anna is as ruthless as ever when it comes to being able to inflict pain without the slightest bit of remorse, but killing someone is something that she could never bring herself to do. She's always been confused as to why she finds it impossible for her to deal the final blow, especially when it comes to someone she's already nearly killed, but any time she comes close to taking a life, her body freezes up and she suddenly finds it difficult to breath. This doesn't seem to effect her, though, if she isn't close enough to witness the casualties her attack has caused.


Careful - Serious - Loyal - Temperamental

Not the easiest to read and the kind of person who'd quickly brush off any pointless attempts at casual small-talk, practically anyone can tell that Anna is the strictly-business sort. Her sense of humor is lacking at best, and she'll scowl at anyone who shows signs of laziness. It's as if the only thing that's on her mind is the mission at hand, never taking a break from her responsibilities as the Star Guardian, seeing it as a duty she should always be trying to fulfill. Because of her serious nature, it's not uncommon for others to become irritated with her. After all, she's quick to snap at anyone who spends their time messing around when there is work to be done, making it seem as if she thinks she's better than others simply because she finds it more important to focus on her duty than to put her feet up and relax a little.

As stiff as she is, there's no questioning her fierce loyalty. Of course, she'd never listen to anyone other than Alastor unless the Space Guardian himself gave someone the authority to give orders to her. There's not a single thing that Anna would not do if Alastor wished it of her. That is, anything aside from taking a life. Her heart is a cold as ice, capable of inflicting the most painful of injuries onto her enemies, but killing is something she hasn't been able to do for a long time. As such, she leaves the final blow to be dealt by her comrades.



♣Relationship Status: Single


♣Personal History♣



Anna uses a collection of firearms, all loaded with Star Flame bullets, and is able to handle both heavy and light artillery with ease. The type of gun she decides to carry always depends on the missions and what her expectations for the missions will be. She knows how to choose which weapons to carry based on the mission at hand and the possible outcomes. Though the guns she carries tend to vary, she does keep a handgun loaded with Star Flame bullets on her at all times and is known to sleep with it under her pillow.

Star Flame bullets are not incredibly dangerous, created for the sole purpose of delaying the enemy and/or creating an opening for attack. With Star Flames having the ability to control the five senses of a living organism, bullets made of Star Flame can have random effects, often doing more damage to the targets hearing, vision, and smell only and having little affect on the other two senses. How heavy the effect is can also vary, which is why Anna will often fire at least three bullets to make sure it will have the effect she's aiming for. Star Flames formed into bullets cannot be controlled by Anna either, but this gives her the freedom to hit a target and move on.

♠Main Box Weapon: | Stella Shooter || Star Shooter |
Anna's main box weapon is a longbow that is about a foot taller than she is. The bow's design is strikingly similar to that of a pair of wings, with black feathers spreading out from a center made of wrapped cloth. The arrows to this bow are made up completely of Star Flames, the amount of arrows available for firing depending on the power of the user. Using the bow gives her the ability to hit a target from at least two miles away, it's reach also depending on the power of the user. The father away she is from her target, the more destructive the arrow will be once it hits, not making a single sound as she releases the string.

Her arrow have the capability of destroying a 20-story building from afar, but Anna mostly uses them for the same purpose that she uses Star Flame bullets instead of real ones, though there are some differences. Once an arrow has hit a living organism, the senses of that organism fall completely under Anna's control, unlike the effects of her bullets being random. This gives her the power to render someone completely senseless, or heightened their senses to the point where they could go mad. However, Anna can only fully control one person at a time. She can control multiple people, but the more she controls the weaker her power over them becomes and the effect of her arrow can even be broken.

♠Sub-Box Weapon: | Starlit Farfalla || Starlit Butterfly |
The name of this box weapon can often be misleading, as it refers to one single butterfly. In actuality, the box weapon contains a countless number of shimmering butterflies that look very much like starlight. Though they are incredibly beautiful to look at, if one of these butterflies touches your skin, the body part that was touched will lose all feeling, leaving nothing but numbness.

♠Extra Box Weapons♠
The only other box weapon that Anna carries is one simply called 'Pinpoint'. The weapon supplies her with any amount of pins, no larger than sewing needles, that are cloaked in a thin layer of Star Flames. Pricked with one of these, and Anna will be able to control any one of the five senses for exactly six minutes. She can even use these on herself, as well as her comrades, to heighten any of the five senses for whatever use. She can use this on multiple people, but the sense that she controls must be the same for everyone she pricks.

| Technique |

| Technique |

| Technique |

| Technique |

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So begins...

Annalise "Anna" Cortega's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alastor Lorenzo Koenig Rizzo Character Portrait: Annalise "Anna" Cortega Character Portrait: Kurai Rin Character Portrait: Althaia Rizzo Character Portrait: Tyde Rumerio Character Portrait: Elysia
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"But you let the other one go! Why can't I go down there with the others, too?" Came a boy's voice, high and childlike but with a distinct edge of authority. Said boy, a short lanky kid no older than thirteen, had an entitled air about him. He was dressed like your stereotypical preppy school kid, complete with blazer and an overly-styled black hairdo.

The boy was standing beside another figure, this one noticeably taller and more toned. Like the boy beside him, he wore a sharp suit, though the suit jacket was hidden under an olive colored oversized winter coat, its furred hood resting along the figure's shoulders like the beginnings of a cape. His hair, stringy and black, fell around his ears like a mop. Currently, he was leaning against the railing of a balcony, one that was near the gymnasium's entrance and overlooked the entirety of the truly massive auditorium. He balanced his chin on the base of his palm, his elbow resting securely upon the railing, his free hand tucked away in his jacket pocket. His eyes were closed, a bored look long since saturating his face.

If he heard the boy's angst-filled question, he certainly didn't act like it.

After a few seconds of silence, the boy grimaced, eyes narrowing viciously. He didn't say anything further. He didn't have to. Instead, he simply turned, fully intending to follow a gaggle of adults busy shuffling out from the elevator doors and down a nearby staircase towards the gymnasium proper.

"Stop." The taller figure spoke in voice barely more than a whisper, yet his harsh utterance could not be mistaken for anything other than a command. The boy halted mid-footfall. He hadn't even made it a single step. The taller figure didn't even turn to acknowledge the boy. He simply spoke, as if stating some unequivocal law of the universe to the surrounding ambience. "It is not yet your turn to be down there."

The boy turned slowly on his heel to face the taller figure, his posture transforming from one of defiance to one of begrudging submissiveness. The figure responded by opening his eyes, though he still did not look at the boy. "But—!"

"Look." The figure removed his hand from his pocket, lazily pointing over the balcony and at the crowd below. "Look at them all. What do you see?"

The boy grimaced again, taking a second before responding. "A bunch of stupid primitives."

"Not true," the figure chided. His eyes, hard amber-red orbs that glowed like twin supernovae, swept over the gathering below. They came to rest rather quickly upon a somewhat odd duo. A short woman of small frame and long snow-white hair stood within proximity to yet another, this one younger and more petite, her hair equally as long—though it appeared as a dark purple in the ambient lighting.

"I see my rooks," he continued. "Beautiful. Strong. Undefeatable. The king's influence and power made physical."

His eyes darted in the opposite direction, landing on another pair sharing proximity. The first was a particularly short girl no older than fourteen, her hair a deep mauve, her mannerisms fragile and child-like. Nearby was a woman of average height, svelte, with deep green eyes.

It was a moment before he spoke again. "I see my bishops. Infallible. They surround the king, representing his ego, and will crush his enemies with a higher power."

The figure's eyes swiveled, landing on the final pair. Unlike the others, these two weren't female. Though both men stood equally tall at nearly six feet, one had deep red hair—the color of blood. The other, gold—the color of a mighty sun.

"And I see my knights. Glorious. Unpredictable. Unexpected. The embodiment of the king's Mandate of Heaven."

At this point, the boy was leaning over the balcony railing, balancing himself with his forearms, trying to pick out just whom the figure was talking about. When he spoke, he didn't look over at his elder companion. "What about me? What am I?"

The figure paused for another moment, as if considering. "You're my queen."

The boy made a face, looking up at the figure. "Eww! What do I have to be a girl?!"

"Of all the actors here, the queen is by far the most powerful," the figure said, ignoring the boy's outrage. For the first time, the figure took his eyes off of the crowd below, electing instead to stare down at the boy whom pouted at his side. "Do you know why?"

Instead of answering, the boy pursed his lips, choosing to look back out over the balcony.

The figure answered his own question. "Perspective. That's what makes the queen the most powerful piece. The most flexible. The most useful. With the proper perspective, the queen can project power at any point on the board. At any time."

"So what," the boy muttered, obviously dejected at being labelled "queen".

"You asked why you couldn't go down there with the others."
"Yeah, but—"
"And what do you see when you look over the balcony?"
"Everything! I see all of these stupid idiots a—!"
"Exactly. You see everything. The entire board. From here, you have perspective."

"You go down there now and you can't see the whole picture anymore. You lose that perspective. That means you lose your value to me. Understand?" The question was rhetorical. "So wait." His command was harsh and left no further room for debate. "Your turn will come." Not waiting for a response, the figure returned to surveying the crowd below. The ends of his lips curled upwards, forming the beginnings of a smirk. "Those battling on the front lines are not fit to command."

The boy sighed bitterly, hunching his shoulders. "God I hate chess," he muttered.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alastor Lorenzo Koenig Rizzo Character Portrait: Annalise "Anna" Cortega Character Portrait: Kurai Rin Character Portrait: Althaia Rizzo Character Portrait: Tyde Rumerio Character Portrait: Elysia
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"My... Wake up... I... Ely... Wake up... Sia..."

Slowly like flowers blooming to a song of spring, deep green had been revealed as those eyes fleetingly opened. Yet, it only reflected at first a curtain of endless darkness. The sensation of numbing coldness encircled like a ghost. This effectively caused a wave of panic which was related to the sound of a beeping alarm. It was accompanied by voices were inaudible, but as it went on, there were a few which could be understood. They were conversing about an elevated heart rate and pulse indicating the Princess was agitated. Then, there was another statement stating to return the subject to stasis. But the said parameters eased down, it was due to an image which could now be seen behind those emerald depths.

What was seen?

Blurry but then it became clearer. It was a face belonging to a male. There was a sense of familiarity and a tidal of feelings washed over. The most prominent was nauseating longing. Candle-like fingers moved ever so slowly as it was directed to reach for that visage. But, it only made contact upon the pristine glass, a clear separation. There was a sharp pain because of that and the lips which had been silenced for so long attempted to speak. Though, it had been a failure. The words would not form. Feelings seemed knowledgeable what should be said but, the mind seemed unknowing. This aptly brought doubt and confusion to the maiden encased in Crystal Glass.

And when she had been released from the cradle she had been placed in, the face was given a name, Alastor Lorenzo Koenig Rizzo. A person she does not know, but why did she feel those multitude of emotions for a stranger. No, that is incorrect. This Alastor is not an individual of unknown intricacies. He is her Master. She will serve as the Comet Guardian of the Rizzo Famiglia. Such information should had given her a great amount of discomfort and panic. But, there was only an odd sense of acceptance. Why was that? Is it because of Alastor? If that is the reason, then she shall...

"Go... Move, Sia..."

With a sudden turn of the head, Elysia looked behind her. A voice, she heard it, masculine in melody with the overtone of a wish. But, there was no one there, just a wall. Was it a part of her lost memory? Was it simply just imagination? She was uncertain. According to the people (Rizzo scientists) who had been taking care of her, her lost memory could have been the product of her stasis or of her own doing. In summary, there was no definite origin. As for the reason of her being put to stasis, it was due o the flame inside of her. They tell her that the Comet Flames had an adverse effect on her health and needed to be contained. But now, she has been awakened to fulfill her role and to say the threat of the flame inside of her had been neutralized.

That is what she had been told. But truly, that was far from the truth.

Still for now, it was enough. "Miss?" As it would appear, she was once more in a trance as she awakened and looked at the one who called her. It was a man, one of the patrolling guards for the Vongola Ceremony. "Is something the matter?" The Princess seemed bothered about something. Elysia blinked a few times in a rhythmic matter before shaking her head slowly to the sides. "Nothing. Everything is fine." She answered with her usual mellow persona. Even with her far-off look, she was a sight to behold, something out of fantasy and ethereal elegance. Her coffee brown skin seemed to have a caramel glow of its own as her eyes of deep green glistened with a distant story. Hair of violet pinned around her head resembling a crown, accented by a golden spiked tiara. She wore a sleeveless red dress with military shoulder tassels bordered with a sea green fringe at the edge of the bodice, and includes two separate cuffs worn similarly to bracelets. She was an image of a princess. Yet, her chosen appearance was dictated by her caretakers not of her own preference. Though, she is not opposed to it. She simply does what was asked.

The said guard nodded with a further offer, it could not be helped to have a soft edge towards the Comet Guardian. "If you need anything, please don't hesitate to say or ask." Hearing the man's words, she offered a small smile of gratitude and appreciation. "Yes, thank you for the concern, Sir." She then gave a polite bow before walking towards her fellow guardians. They had been asked to gather together for a mission which had been directed to them by Maschenny Rizzo. It was to go back to a certain period in time where the Vongola Famiglia reigned with their rings. They are tasked to retrieve these rings for the sanctity of humanity. A noble purpose it is if one would think, however, in truth, she felt nothing towards the cause. Would that mean she was a terrible person? Is she an individual without a heart? Was that because she has no memory? Or was it because that is simply how she is? Truly, a dilemma of her self.

Removing herself from her inner monologue, Elysia had simply stood beside a fellow guardian, Annalise Cortega, the one who commands the star flames. It seemed the rest of the guardians are scattered about and soon it will begin. She could only wish that there would not be much of a trouble for them. It is not a pleasant feeling for her to see any of her peers harmed or troubled especially that of their leader, her Master. Thinking about it, she allowed her eyes to travel to see where the Master Rizzo has gone. She had taken notice of Kurai Rin, Althaia Rizzo, Tyde Rumerio, and Cornelius V. Roquet among the crowd. In the end, she feels unease if the Master was not present or she was not beside him. After all, she had always been with Alastor since her awakening. As such, the temporary absence by his side causes discomfort, even if that was not noticeable at front.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Annalise "Anna" Cortega Character Portrait: Althaia Rizzo Character Portrait: Elysia
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Anna had never been very fond of gatherings like this. There were too many voices, blurred together into a single roaring sound that pricked at the eardrums. Her line of sight was constantly interrupted by figures that were much taller than her, and she'd been bumped into at least four three already.

"Four times," she counted in her head as she stepped to the side, placing her foot down firmly to steady herself after the arm of another body had pushed against her back.

"Sorry, miss! I didn't see you there!" The voice came from a young man in a suit with a boyish face, clearly someone who was still new to attending such events. She had no reply to him other than a furrow of her brows and the narrowing of her eyes as she gave him an annoyed glare before turning and walking away. She had no desire to accept the apology of someone who didn't know how to keep their eyes in front of them. Was she so transparent that even someone who was coming straight for her wouldn't be able to see her until colliding with her? If she were a child, she would've fallen right over and started crying. That man wouldn't of been so carefree about running into someone then.

She let out a sigh and pressed her thumb and pointer finger against the middle of her forehead, stopping in a somewhat more open space within the mass of people. Originally she'd been placed rather close to her fellow Guardian, Althaia, but after attempting to avoid making physical contact with as many people as possible, she'd found herself quite a ways away from her previous position. Though she could still spot the Moon Guardian thanks to her gleaming white hair, her line of vision was repeatedly blocked by the mass of bodies. This was why she preferred to watch from the sky where she could easily spot her targets, but she'd been ordered to observe the ceremony from below, so she of course didn't argue.

Hearing a single, barely noticeable footstep beside her, she turned her head and rested her eyes on the familiar face of Elysia. She was wearing a rather fancy dress, maybe a little too fancy for the occasion. Anna herself hadn't bothered dressing up. Or rather, she refused to. Instead, she had on the uniform she always wore, finding it pointless to put on a fancy outfit that would only make it difficult to move around in when the time came to engage the enemy.

"Have you located your target yet, Elysia," Anna said in a calm, yet serious tone as she moved to stand behind the the taller woman. She was now standing about five inches from Elysia, with her back mirroring hers so to not look too obvious that she was engaging in conversation with her. It wouldn't really be unusual to see a couple of young ladies talking with each other, but Anna wanted to act with caution any how. One could never be too careful.

Speaking of targets, Anna's eyes had just locked onto the one person she'd been keeping an eye out for since she arrived. The Vongola Thunder Guardian was only just arriving, her lateness pricking at Anna. If it were one of her own allies that arrived late, she wouldn't hesitate to punish them properly. From what she's studied about the Vongola Boss, the Sky Guardian probably wouldn't even notice her subordinates tardiness.

Her eyes followed Vincenzo for only a moment before she looked away. She had spent many hours reading about the Thunder Guardian, she wouldn't be surprised if just watching her for too long gave away her intentions.

Within the tips of her fingers, a sliver-sized needle shined silver as it reflect the lights overhead, though it was covered in a soft, yellow film. She was already in the perfect spot, with a clear view of the stage so that her aim wouldn't be faltered by the crowd. The second Alastor gave the order, she would be ready.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alastor Lorenzo Koenig Rizzo Character Portrait: Annalise "Anna" Cortega Character Portrait: Elysia
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Elysia had never been the kind to start a conversation without purpose. It is either she had been asked to or there is concern for that individual. That is why as she stood near the vicinity of the Star Guardian. There were no words coming out of her lips, for in the end, Annalise was not someone she is overly concerned about when it comes to duties. Annalise had always been proper and reliable in every order or responsibility tasked to her. It is why she remained still and silent as she allowed her emerald-like eyes observe the bustling crowd. It was then she caught sight of Cornelius treating the younger guests with a story. The scene brought a small yet whimsical smile upon her lips. The Quasar Guardian is kind, for children would not gather someone who does not resonate such innocence, even if there was also a terrifying side to him. Well, everyone has that portion inside of them.

She also followed Cornelius' antics to the sweets table and consequently showing it to the Meteor Guardian, Tyde. Those two are the closest among them as they get along pretty well. A gentle look is reflected upon her eyes, but it changed into curiosity when a presence of a Vongola Guardian was present among the two gentlemen. She remembered that the young person is the Sun Guardian, Trevor Sawada. There was also another present in the midst who was the Dark Matter Guardian, Kurai. There was concern in her eyes as she knew that Kurai was not inclined to such huge crowds such as these. She knew that Kurai was doing her best and for that she shall respect that endeavor as she prevented herself from going to where the younger girl is.

It was then Elysia's attention was briefly taken by Annalise who had directed a question at her. They were not looking at each other as she remained in her position with her back reflecting that of Annalise. "Yes. He is already here along with the Vongola XI." The assigned target for her by the Master Rizzo is the Sun Guardian, Trevor Sawada. She was uncertain to the reasons why he is her assigned target, but she has no complaints, no matter who is supposed to be her enemy, she will answer to it as long as it is the Master Rizzo's wish. Her eyes fixated on the Sun Guardian as she recalled all the details she had read about him. It was then he noticed the presence of another who is deemed as the Mist Guardian, Ai Shaji, an alien by her provided files. She has no personal feelings about of the aliens or even towards anyone else for the matter. Sometimes, she wondered if that was fine to feel no sense of any strong emotions. Truly odd, is it not?

Her musings had been disturbed when her eyes coordinated her to the Cloud Guardian, Rosa Kuromaku. She seemed very expressive of her thoughts as the records had indicated. There seemed to be a bit of discussion going on with the Storm Guardian, Troy Takumi and soon after with the Thunder Guardian, Vincenzo Vongola. It seemed the Vongola Guardians are complete for the Rain Guardian, Akio Yamada was now with Reida Sawada, the infamous Sky Guardian and Leader. It was then she felt the connection with the Master Rizzo. Her eyes raised a bit to find her Master at the balcony. The uneasiness inside of her subsided upon seeing him. Her eyes held comfort and relief, but solidified into an air of seriousness when she noticed one of his gestures. It was about to begin and this place would be a battlefield.

Leveling her gaze in front of her, Elysia briefly closed her eyes. "Annalise. They are all here. We shall soon begin." She simply stated as the crowd did not even amount as a casualty to what was about to occur. It did not level with her as all that existed in her reasons are the order and the lingering attachment to her fellow guardians. "Please stay unharmed." It is her only wish for her fellow guardians and nothing else even to the unwitting people surrounding them or to the Vongola Guardians. These people were all here for the Ceremony of the Vongola Famiglia which was the same for them, albeit with a contradictory intention. Their purpose was not to serve as witnesses but to take the rings as theirs for certain reasons.

Opening her eyes again, Elysia knew that the next events shall be inevitable and for someone her who appeared to be frozen. It was only during these kind of moments, she can move.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vincenzo Vongola Character Portrait: Annalise "Anna" Cortega Character Portrait: Althaia Rizzo Character Portrait: Troy Takumi
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["You're late." Slated gray eyes slid towards the puppet girl, and according to her expression, she remained unmoved. It was one thing that Vincenzo already acknowledge her own tardiness, and this may have been.. if ever the first time it has happened. In Italy, her subordinates would have been anything but merciful, however they weren't redundant so there were no need to say what has been obviously done.
It was another thing that Vincenzo knew this girls had an obvious dislike for most everyone in the group, excluding the youngest, Trevor. So she didn't feel the need to question Rosa's irritation for her, since she clearly wasnt the only one.. besides for something like a comment.. or a girl she just met to bother her? 'That would be wasteful.' And pathetic.
She seen plenty and realized that somethings arent worth an ounce of thought. Also V.V wasnt one on "friendship" either so.. 'hm..' Glancing at Troy, she simply turned away and started toward the stage. 'It seems like asking what the plan was nothing but redundant as well.' She thought plainly, before stepping on stage. However she remained in the dim light, inches from the center stage and she took this time to scan the crowd. From what she saw at first glance was nothing out of the oordinary, but Vincenzo knew better than to drop her guard. Her eyes narrowed.

"Father." Vincenzo said as she slipped into the room. In the centered sat a timely man, who was merely cleaning his worn down gear. He glanced at her, then her suitcases, " I suppose youre ready to go?" She nodded. "Well then.." The room went silent, before he spoke up with a cough, "Be safe.." She simply nodded again, about to turn to leave only to stop in mid step, "And be alert." V.V blinked, curious. His green eyes met hers, and she responded with an affirmative before finally leaving.

'be alert.' She thought. 'For father.. to remind me..' She glanced at the chairs, before casually walking into center stage, 'He must know something I dont.' Which irked her in a way, but it was no matter. V.V did ponder the reason for this, and then wondered why the.. ring bearing event was such a large one. People were still coming in and out, sitting themselves down among the crowd, and she resisted a frown. Yes, she did realize they were being watched over by past ringer bearers and hitmen, but was it always enough? V.V imagined the laughter she would receive from telling her worries to others, and rolled back in shoulders in disregard while taking this time to double checking her member's positions. V.V, usually aware, was now on her toes now. If anything out of the ordinary appears.. she brushed her trench coat, subtly feeling her weapons.. she would be ready.
With that all in her head, her expression didnt move at all.

Althaia brushed her hair back, before gently adjusting her collar, as if she was anxious about her appearance. People gave her several glances, some because of her.. astonishing beauty, others for her apparent nervousness. It made a few people chuckle at her 'cuteness' and some decided to pat her on the back for comfort. She could only think of the thoughts that were going through their heads.. maybe they thought she was a relative.. or she was just a nervous little lady who wasnt used to being among mafia members of the sort. She sure didnt look like one.

Her red eyes gleamed. Looks can be deceiving however.
Feeling her smile brighten, she sat herself down, habitually brushing down her skirt before, merging in the crowd. But ever so subtly, her nose twitched- and seconds later she caught scent of her members. A useful pro of being.. a rabbit, there was no need to look around. 'But it is awfully loud in here..' She thought sullenly, her sensitive ears having a hard time canceling them out. But tuning them ever so slightly, she heard a few recognizable voices, which seemed to relax her even further (if that was possible). "Have you located your target yet, Elysia," She blinked. Annalise. Her cool voice was anything but a stranger. From where she heard the voice.. 'Shes exactly where she's supposed to be.' Seems like the plan was sliding in together perfectly.
Her eyes found ( NOT SURE WHO HER TARGET IS YET TBA ) and she merely continued on, scanning the stage like nothing caught her eye. 'Tick tock tick tock.' She hummed.

[Sigh, little rushed, but I want this story going!]

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reida Sawada Character Portrait: Vincenzo Vongola Character Portrait: Alastor Lorenzo Koenig Rizzo Character Portrait: Annalise "Anna" Cortega Character Portrait: Trevor Sawada Character Portrait: Kurai Rin
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0.00 INK

"Please excuse me, but shouldn't... You go too?"

Ai nodded, although her invisible third eye was staring at the box weapon. Perhaps it was designed to detect the usage of illusions or of flames in general which caused it to react, or Aliens. The latter was highly unlikely, however. With her cue, Ai went back toward the stage where she saw all the other guardians had gathered, already seated and ready to begin. Upon making it on the stage, she spoke, not to the boss or any of her fellow guardians, but to the External Advisor, whom was shuffling his cue cards while some adjustments were being made to the microphone and the speakers

"All the guardians are present," Ai stated simply, as if it weren't already clearly obvious. DiCaccio didn't even need to glance behind himself to confirm it.

"Yes, I can see that," he confirmed, "And it appears things have gone smoothly so far... for the most part." DiCaccio bent over a bit and spoke in a low voice with the intention that nobody eavesdropping could hear them. "I've been informed that there was an attack on one of the allied families, the Bovino family, less than an hour earlier from now. Three deaths, including the boss, but not the daughter. We've no information about who the killers could possibly be, but we've confirmed that deathperation flames were involved, albeit we're not sure what kind yet. I don't think it is of relation to this ceremony, but my men are still on alert.

"Naturally, the Vongola family is expected to help deal with something like this, seeing as that was the Tenth's code. Currently, I've already ordered my own men to investigate, but it is up to the Vongola head to make the decision to pursue. Now, I don't want to give the Boss anything to worry about right before she's to make a huge public appearance, but I'm going to have to inform her about it tomorrow. I'm sure she wont have any issues about this heroic stuff. I'm just wondering if something like this would be too big for her right now..." DiCaccio trailed off in consideration, glancing at Reida.

He seemed to come back to himself when he looked back at Ai whom was staring at him ever-so intently, standing back up again. "Ah, yes, make of that what you will, Ai," he told her, no longer speaking in a low voice, "For now, we must focus on the ceremony. You know where you've got to be, so go join your friends." Ai stared back blankly. "You're Boss and fellow guardians," DiCaccio corrected. Ai nodded and took a seat on the stage. Though DiCaccio said it wasn't likely of relevance to the ceremony, Ai couldn't help but consider every possibility of a threat. To do so, however, she'd first have to consider the Bovino family and of their relevance. Only, somehow, Ai felt the Bovino family had some sort of significance to them that she was not considering. Maybe she'd consult the TID about them.

With everybody present, the presentation was underway. DiCaccio tested the microphone personally, while getting everybody's attention. With a final lively "Good evening," all the room had their undivided attention on him. He smiled and began to speak.

"Indeed, good evening everybody. I'm sure I've spoken to many of you personally and in fact, if I haven't spoken to you already, then please, do be sure to do so by the end of this presentation, but anyway, my name is Lorenzo DiCaccio and I had been the acting head of this company for about four years now up until recently. In reality, I'm the head of a branching company known as CEDEF, a security agency that began as a simple traffic redirection organization. Indeed, I've been rather vague about the exact content of this presentation, although I'm sure you've all heard the word 'Box' thrown about here and there. Well, that's quite simple. That is because everything we wish to present," he raised a small orange baseball-sized cube with a clam print on it, "Is contained in this little box." He paused to allow the intrigue to sit in as people struggled to get a clear look at the small thing, looking quite sure of himself.

"Now, I'm sure we all have the same question in our heads. 'What could be so special and yet be kept in such a tiny box?' Well, in this little box of ours are all sorts of little secrets, secrets that perhaps were never intended to be discovered by society, secrets of the universe we have been kept in the dark about. Today, I hope to bring these secrets to light as not only is the secret to the next technological revolution hidden within this box, but the secret to the future of our company, Vongola Corporations.

"Now, of course, Vongola Corporations already makes over a trillion dollars a year. Of course, that's absurdly more than we've been making about 70 years ago, when the last head was already beginning to turn this company into what it is today. Back then, we would have only been making a few billion, although back then, of course, that was a lot of money. However, with this new industry we plan on opening with the secrets that are contained in this box, we expect to make it to our second trillion within the next twenty years. Who knows, in a hundred years, we may have a gazillion.

"Of course, we're all here because of what is inside this small little box and what is inside is the future of this company. Indeed, this presentation is not only about the future of technology but the future of Vongola Corporations. Not only do we hope to enter a new era with this new technology, of which I'll reveal soon enough, but we wish to do so under the direction of our new young head, Ms. Reida Sawada." DiCaccio gestured to the young boss. "Now, she may be quite young, but don't let her appearance deceive you. She is a very passionate and intelligent individual on the inside and we are proud to enter a new era of not only industry, but of life, with her guidance. After all, the former head, Tsunayoshi Sawada, had inherited the company when he was only fourteen, and look where we are now!" The audience applauded.

DiCaccio quieted them. "Now, before we proceed, we would like to have the new company head say a few words concerning her plans for the future of the company to open this presentation. We would appreciate it if you held your applause until the end refrain from taking pictures until cued. Any questions directed toward her may be asked at the end of this presentation or directly to her afterward." He explained it with a slight sternness directed toward anybody who might have given her trouble if it was picked up.

"And now," DiCaccio called, "May we all direct our attention to the honorable Eleventh Vongola head, Reida Sawada."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reida Sawada Character Portrait: Alastor Lorenzo Koenig Rizzo Character Portrait: Annalise "Anna" Cortega Character Portrait: Kurai Rin Character Portrait: Althaia Rizzo Character Portrait: Tyde Rumerio
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0.00 INK

The man was tall, that was for sure. He weighed in at just over six feet two inches, 200 pounds. Maybe. He wasn't really counting anymore.

He completely towered over those that stood around him, that was for sure. Perhaps that was why he found it hard to pay them any mind, choosing instead to lean against a nearby wall, arms folded across his chest. These "mafia bosses," business executives, scientists, researchers... humans. Primitive humans. All of them scurrying about, full of their own self importance, unaware that their entire species rests fully within the shadow of annihilation. A shadow cast not by some potential environmental disaster or a coming war between families or atomic powers. No, this was something else entirely. Something they weren't prepared for. Something they weren't imagining.

Not in their wildest dreams.

From the inside of his trenchcoat, the man pulled a cigarette. Using a single hand, he brought the death stick up to his mouth. Immediately upon placing it against his lips, the cigarette's inert tip exploded into incandescence. It looked as if he'd just held it to an open flame. From the dirty looks several onlookers levelled at him, one would think he'd just strapped on a suicide vest. Still, he paid them little attention, choosing to focus his remaining eye on some other sight. Yes, he only had one eye. He lost the other a decade or so ago during a particularly nasty skirmish, employing what he believed to be a discreet black eyepatch to cover up what little remained.

Not that the prospect of being stared at phased him either way. These primitive humans... perhaps to them he looked edgy and mysterious.

Closing his eye, he took a slow drag from the cigarette, rocking his head back slightly, enjoying every second as the toxins pervaded his lungs. That possibility of lung cancer or the like didn't bother him. He wasn't really concerned with longevity at this point, and while he was here, in this foreign place and time, he would take care to savor such luxuries. Where he was from, the old ways—the old luxuries—were all but dead. There was nothing left but the day-to-day chore of survival.

Very soon, this world, this time, would look more like his own, and, like every other timeline he'd peeked into, the result would be the same. Humanity would be destroyed, here and everywhere else. It was inevitable, against an adversary superior in nearly every way.

The man exhaled through his nose, a thick stinky cloud of cigarette smoke enveloping the immediate area. Several of the more offended guests decided to move away, muttering under their breath, but again, the man paid them no mind.

After a moment, he opened his eye, sweeping his gaze over the crowd for the umpteenth time. Once more, he caught sight of a Rizzo. Tyde, this time. He had to admit, it was pleasant to see his guardians in person again, even if they were several decades younger than he remembered. Standing beside Tyde was another Rizzo, Cornelius. He recognized them from their hair styles.

Ah, now that brought back memories.

The Tyde and Cornelius of the timeline from which he hailed looked exceedingly similar to their younger counterparts in the here and now. His eye landed on the others as well. First Althaia, then Elysia, and finally Anna. They were all spitting images of their future selves. He was sure the same applied to the young Kurai, who was a regal being back in his timeline. She was too young in this present, her body too short, for him to catch sight of her now, wherever she was in the crowd. Still, it was fascinating. They weren't so different, these Rizzo and his own, except for one main point.

Despite himself, the man grinned. It wasn't a pleasant expression—more of a jackal's smirk than anything. It was the total irony of it all that brought about the facial contortion. The main difference between the Rizzo of his timeline and the Rizzo of this foreign timeline was simple.

In his future, all of his guardians were dead. Of the Rizzo main family, he was all that remained. He—Alastor Lorenzo Koenig Rizzo.

Of course, he became king like he'd always wanted. King. Lord of the Rizzo, or of whatever was left. In fact, he'd become a general of sorts. Coordinator for all that remained of the resistance, including the Vindice and survivors from the Cervello. Yes, that's what they'd been reduced to, a "resistance". Mere actors playing within someone else's game, someone else's rules. It was like admitting that they were already beaten. Their only option now was to resist. Not defeat, not cripple, not dominate, but simply to resist—and even that wasn't going well.

To top it all off, he was alone. His guardians were gone. His family, gone. There was nothing left and nowhere to go. His universe was doomed, just like the myriad others. Doomed.

Alastor took another puff from the cigarette, this one shorter, removing it from his mouth and exhaling yet another cloud of gray. This time, his gaze landed on another. Clear on the other side of the gymnasium, standing atop the balcony that separated the entrance area from the rest of the gymnasium, was a guy. Alastor was hesitant to call him a man, for he was yet more boy than man. He had not been shaped by the tragedy of inevitability. Of death and suffering. Of true war.

Not yet.

The guy was looking down from above, eyeing the crowd below him with what Alastor knew for sure was an unhealthy amount of disdain. Next to him stood a young child, a preteen by the look of him, balancing himself on the balcony railing with his forearms. The two looked very similar, with stringy black hair not unlike Alastor's own, though he had his gelled-over into a series of small stylish spikes. It was a future fad.

Still, in a way, Alastor pitied them. His experiences made him cold, merciless, and virtually undefeatable in combat. He'd seen every type of battle, every type of savagery, every manner of death conceivable at the hands of their enemy. By comparison, these younger greener versions of himself only thought they knew what it was to struggle. To crawl and scrape for every last inch on a battlefield littered with the remains of your comrades.

They would soon learn. Everyone would. It would be mankind's grand finale.

Suddenly, the guy atop the balcony raised a single finger. His index finger. Alastor immediately knew what that meant.

The time for action was nigh.

Alastor dropped his cigarette, giving it a curt stomp with the back of his heel. The number one had arrived. His target. The eleventh Vongola boss: Reida Sawada. Even in his timeline, she was legendary, renown for her fighting prowess and her reign over the final era of the Vongola empire. It'd be interesting to pit his full ability against the likes of such a historical figure. Hopefully she wouldn't disappoint, even if he was couple decades too early to meet her at her prime.

Once given the signal, he would engage.

Though the chances were essentially non-existent, perhaps this would be the timeline that would change things. Win the war in the past, before it even starts. Perhaps.

Or perhaps not.

The Vongola XI had already begun her speech when a distinct and all too familiar reverberation reached his ears. A SNAP! that could only come from one person. It was the signal. The time to strike was now.