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Amelia Cardozo

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.

0 · 634 views · located in Kohana Creek

a character in “Kohana Creek”, as played by RubyBlue




The difference between ignorance and apathy? I don't know, and I couldn't care less.

Basic Info

Name: Amelia Matilde Cardozo
Nickname: Mels most often and most preferred, Lia, The Nurse
Age: 24
+ Her free time
+ Being left to her own devices
+ Occasionally going out and dancing, Mels can always be convinced to dance.
+ Smoking, yeah she's a nurse. She knows.
+ Her select group of friends who she trusts completely and hopes feels the same towards her.
+ Massages
+ Midnight walks
+ Days when she gets to sleep in.
+ Patients who are..well...patient.
+ Doctors who don't treat her like a servant or idiot.
+ Flirting, she tends to adopt a friendly flirtatious manner with most people. Makes it easier to draw their blood that way. It doesn't hurt when there's a hot new resident around either.

+ People who upon finding out she's a nurse, ask for medical advice. Though she gives it out unsolicited all the time.
+ Change
+ People prying into her personal business
+ Eating, she'd rather spend her time asleep than making a meal...and then having to eat it.
+ Scrubs, they might be comfortable but they do nothing for a girl's ego
+ People who try to mother her or think they know what's best for her.
+ Liars, though she could teach a master class on it.
+ Hypocrites, where once again she's an expert.
+ Being Cold
+ Cleaning
+ Depressing Movies or Medical dramas. She gets enough of that at work, Thank you, but no thank you

Hair - Dark brown, nearly black
Eyes - Brown
Height - 5'9"
Weight - 125 lbs
Amelia has the build of a dancer, long arms and legs and a thin torso. She dreamed of once becoming a ballet dancer but those hopes were crushed when she surpassed 5'4" by the time she was eleven. Born from a Dominican father and an African-american mother her skin is a warm, golden color. Her long hair dark is thick and most often times worn natural and pulled back into a ponytail. Nurses don't have much time to be glamorous, perhaps this is why when she does get a chance to dress up Amelia goes all out. Other than that it's usually scrubs or pajamas for the lazy L.P.N



Amelia's vocation requires long hours on her feet, hard work, heavy lifting and being surrounded by the mundane or the horrific. This is why she tends to medicate herself to get through the days. Opiates to get her started for the day...or night shift, crush up some adderall when that 7th hour comes along and she realizes she's got 5 hours left to a shift. Then to cap it off benzos so she can get some sleep. Only to wake up and repeat the whole process. Mels is the epitome of a functioning pill head.


Amelia is a generally kind and warm person, something that is usually a prerequisite when it comes to her line of work. She's adept at hiding her weariness and annoyance with other people but occasionally her temper will get the best of her. This is usually when other people tend to duck and run for cover seeing as no one is safe from Amelia telling them exactly what she thinks of them and where they can go if they don't like it. She can be no nonsense and straight to the point and this is what makes people tend to either love her or hate her.

Mels is a loyal friend, always has an ear for problems or worries and will not hesitate to give advice. Solicited or not. She tends to have short-lived romantic entanglements usually ending because she's tired of feeling intruded upon or questioned. Amelia doesn't have a whole lot of time to sit around and tell people her life story or tell someone what she's thinking 24/7.

Amelia Cardozo was the oldest of two children born to her parents, her younger brother following in less than two years. Amelia was born a Hawaiian native, her family having moved there before she was born due to her father's career in the medical field. The small family was quite close even though her father spent a vast majority of his time away at work. Being a doctor was a full time job and half and the man was lucky to see his wife and two children two days in row. Even when their father would come home after 48 hours of duty on call he would be warm and kind to them, reading them books or playing with dolls. Perhaps this was why Amelia admired him so much, so much so that she wanted to follow in his footsteps.

Mels knew by the time she was eleven years old that she wanted to be a doctor and was heartily encouraged by both of her parents, though her father did caution the extreme hardships it required. Determined to prove herself Mels was an excellent student and participated in as many extracurriculars as she was able and when the time came for university she was more than ready. Graduating from high school a year early she entered into college where you might say she lost her way.

Amelia had always been the perfect daughter, the perfect student and it was starting to feel like that's all she was. The pressure began to eat at her and this is when she first started dabbling in illicit substances. Her marks began to decline as did her attendance and soon enough she was being told that she was failing. Her parents were devastated and descended upon their daughter like vultures. They told her what a disappointment she was to them, a failure who would end up nowhere if she didn't straighten up and fly right. They also told her there'd be no help or quarter from them until she proved herself. Extremely hurt and embarrassed, Mels went on to graduate from university. Just barely. She had no hope of medical school, at least not yet.

She was still a failure, all of her previous brilliance forgotten and after a few months of drifting around, sleeping on people's couches she decided on nursing school. She'd barely been able to get into one, but when she did she once again proved herself. This time taking her studies seriously and actually showing up on time. Finally feeling as though things were getting back on track, Mels graduated and found herself a nursing position in Honolulu at Mercy Hospital. This is where she met Keilani Fergosa, who was being treated for a persistent cough at the time. Ms. Fergosa took quite the shine to her pretty, young nurse and when finding out the girl was currently couch surfing once again she offered Mels an apartment in the complex she ran. Amelia happily accepted and for once in her life she was entirely on her own, no parents telling her she wasn't good enough or smart enough. Just silence in her brand new, empty apartment. She couldn't have been happier.

Theme Song

So begins...

Amelia Cardozo's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eloise Pardon Character Portrait: Hope Louis Character Portrait: Matthew Granger Character Portrait: Piper Torres Character Portrait: Sage Blackwood Character Portrait: Giselle Torres
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Well, at least he wasn't the only person feeling awkward, Matthew thought wryly as Ms. Torres hesitated before determinedly wiped at the lipstick spread on and around his mouth like he was some sort of clown escaped from the circus. That part was partially his own fault from when he'd attempted to wipe it away earlier, but that was neither here nor there. He wished that he had thought to suggest that he clean himself up, but with the deed nearly done, it was too late to voice any resistance. The faint odor of make-up remover wafted up from his mouth from the doused cotton ball, an almost comforting scent. It reminded him of the bathroom he'd shared with his sisters, how they never remembered to put the lid back on the bottle of make-up remover and the countless times they or he had accidentally knocked it over, dousing the sink. Then again, it also reminded him of Miranda, so that was a bit of a double-edged sword, wasn't it?

At this proximity, Matthew wasn't quite sure where he was supposed to look without looking incredibly awkward. His eyes trailed around the bathroom past Ms. Torres' head, trying to find something to occupy himself as she swiped away the red surrounding his lips. Unavoidably his gaze fell back on her and, given their close distance, he could really see how exhausted she looked. Maybe it was because the week was officially over and she'd spent it looking after children, maybe she was stressed about something- whatever it was, she looked as if she needed a good night's sleep at least, maybe a weekend of relaxation. He didn't say anything, though. It wasn't exactly his place to give advice to someone so put together while he was just... Well, Matthew, the maintenance man. The ex drug addict. The awkward, lonely guy in apartment 1100.

"There. All done." He had to hold in a relieved sigh as she finally backed away, a smile that he couldn't quite tell if it was just polite or friendly stretched across her lips. Matthew straightened up then, backing away from the sink himself. Now, he thought, was the time to go. He no longer looked like an experimenting drag queen and could leave with his head held high(well, metaphorically speaking; his posture was atrocious). He trailed behind Ms. Torres, barely keeping in the yawn that threatened to escape his lips. Oh. He was tired. It was a sudden sort of revelation. He'd been so caught up in his own thoughts and little problems that he hadn't even noticed the exhaustion from today slowly crawling over him, urging him to rest.

Which was why he surprised even himself by accept Ms. Torres offer of a beer. Hadn't he just been thinking about returning to his room and heading off to bed? Whatever the reason, here he was now, settled on Ms. Torres' couch as she flipped through the channels. He took a sip, the once familiar burn trickling down his throat followed by a brief bit of pleasure. He didn't often indulge in alcohol, too intent on keeping himself in the right frame of mind, keeping in control, but he'd have a drink with Simon every once in a while. So maybe that was the reason he was able to keep up small talk with Ms. Torres- no, Elle, he mentally corrected after she'd verbally done so at least three times. It was just like having a drink with a friend.

As the night trailed on, his own tiredness began to take over, his head lolling back onto the couch as they finished some show he'd never seen and would probably never watch again. His eyes fluttered shut and his breathing began to even out, so maybe it was no surprise that he hardly noticed the warm presence that was slowly becoming closer and closer. If anything it made him sleepier, the added warmth lulling him to sleep.

He woke up at around four in the morning, a time broadcasted by the DVR under the television which was playing some sort of infomercial now about some sort of blender or something. He blinked tiredly, entertaining the idea of getting off of his couch and making the short walk to his bed when he realized something. This wasn't his couch, far too modern and un-plush, even if that wasn't a word. Then he realized something else. This wasn't his apartment. This couldn't be his apartment because it did not look like his apartment at all. This was Ms. Torr- Elle, his mind sleepily supplied- Elle's apartment. Which was when he noticed a third thing. There was someone on his lap. His neighbor's head was using his lap as a pillow, her long hair spread out across his legs. It took every ounce of self-control not to let out a yelp of surprise or throw himself off of the couch or something because this wasn't right. Nope. Not at all. They were barely even friends at this point, and he was pretty sure that you had to be pretty damn good friends to sleep on each other like this.

His mind was certainly awake now and he was subsequently wracking it for ideas and plans to act out. He could always go back to sleep or, no, wait! He could pretend to be asleep and "accidentally" wake her up and let her move or something. But, no, that wasn't exactly nice and if he, the guy who had been single for the past few years, found this awkward, he could only imagine how someone who'd just broken up with her boyfriend would feel about this. He stayed there for a moment, staring blankly at the television screen. The infomercial was about knives now, somehow more special than the rest. He let out a quiet sigh. Well, going back to sleep wasn't an option for multiple reasons now.

So, instead, he gently lifted Giselle's head, careful not to tug at her hair, as he slid out from under her before sliding a pillow into place as a welcome substitute to his lap. He thought about leaving then, but some kind(to Giselle, not to him) part of his mind kept urging him to do something more. So he did.

When Matthew finally slipped out the door into the hallway- thankfully void of any living soul lest it look like he was taking the walk of shame which would be unfortunate for both himself and Giselle- the television was turned off, a neatly folded blanket that he'd found in the living room spread over the sleeping woman, and a note was left on the back of the paper that had been taped to her door for the meeting.


Thank you for dinner. I had a nice time. I'll see you tomorrow.


The next day, Matthew woke up at 7:30 to his screeching alarm clock which he silenced with a well-placed smack. He groaned slightly, neck sore from when he'd fallen asleep in Giselle's couch- there was no use ignoring that last night had happened, it was a fact of life now. He took a quick shower, got dressed, had a leisurely breakfast of sweet, warm tea with lemon and toast with raspberry jelly, and relaxed, gradually waking up. He sighed as his eyes trailed over the the clock. It was 8:20 now, he may as well head down to the lobby for the meeting with Keilani.

The lobby was empty when he came down which was unsurprising given that it was a Saturday morning and anyone who would be going out this early was already gone, and anyone else was still in their apartments. He settled in one of the comfortable chairs, stifling a yawn. He hadn't exactly gotten much sleep the night before. Now he just had to wait for the tenants of the 20-23 floors to arrive and for this show to get on the road.

The setting changes from Realistic to Kohana Creek


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eloise Pardon Character Portrait: Matthew Granger Character Portrait: Piper Torres Character Portrait: Giselle Torres Character Portrait: Sebastian Gray Character Portrait: Amelia Cardozo
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Amelia stared grimly at her reflection as she pulled her dark, wavy hair away from her face and smiled at herself grotesquely. If you asked her this was the worst possible way to start a day, having to wake up before nine, being forced to congregate with people when she didn't want to and wasting her only day off. She’d all but screamed and stomped in frustration when she got home at six that morning to find the summons on her door. She hadn't slept or eaten in hours and she felt so jittery that all she wanted to do was smoke a bowl on her balcony and eat a sandwich before taking a couple of Xanax and sleeping for twelve hours.

After toweling herself off from the quick shower she forced herself to take, Amelia quickly changed into a pair of faded jeans which hugged her long legs, a soft grey cotton t-shirt, a threadbare blue sweater which fell nearly to her knees and finished with a pair of grey boots she’d owned since she was a teenager. Mels was all about comfort and she didn't particularly care if anyone thought she looked sloppy or unprofessional. The young Latina was never one to listen to anyone’s opinion, especially not when it concerned her.

Making a quick stop at her refrigerator she grabbed a bottle of orange juice and rummaged through her messenger bag for her pill box. Deftly plucking out two blue tablets, she tossed them into her mouth and chugged the juice, letting the pill box slept back into the depths of her bag. Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand she muttered to herself “Breakfast of champions” Before throwing the now empty juice bottle in the trash and leaving her apartment.

Hopping into one of the elevators she took note of the dark circles beneath her dark brown eyes in the mirror.Good. She thought, maybe now she’d be able to skate by without too much fanfare. Hopefully she’d be able to find Giselle straight off and not have to do the whole awkward who-am-I-gonna-sit-by thing. This was solved handily when she found a solo brown chair, resembling a feline she stretched lazily and curled herself into the chair and regarded the others with a sleepy smile.

“Not too late I hope, Have I missed anything?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eloise Pardon Character Portrait: Matthew Granger Character Portrait: Piper Torres Character Portrait: Sage Blackwood Character Portrait: Giselle Torres Character Portrait: Sebastian Gray
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Sage grumbled as his phone went off. His head was pounding him. Stumbling off the couch he checked his phone. It was from Sam. He hardly remembered what happened last night, but from his headache to his attire, to even his smell he assumed, he had been drinking once more. Groaning he'd reply.

Got a headache... I'm better...that's it...I dunno... I'll be at this mornings meeting though..

After sending the message, he'd sluggishly make his way to his medicine cabnit and take a few asprin. Brushing his teeth in the mirror, he saw his face, a bit rugged, he needed to shave that was deffinate. He couldn't let Giselle get to him. It would ruin his career...and his life. He better start looking around for someone to date. He needed to do that first. He'd jump in the shower, and at least try to wash off last night off of his skin. Stepping out he felt a bit better than he did before. He looked in the mirror once more, decided to put off shaving, and picked out some clothes. His casual comfy clothes to be exact.

After getting dressed. He made his way down to the morning meeting, his eyes scanning the room. Seeing Giselle, he'd take in a deep breath then look away as if he were looking at the other girls.

When he saw Amelia by herself in the chair. A quite comfortable chair as Sage remembered passing out on it once. He confidently and casually made his way past everyone and made some coffee. The scent of French Vanilla wafted through the air. When the coffee was done brewing, he smiled and nodded to everyone, smelled it, and walked over to Amelia. Tapping her shoulder he kneeled down and offered her the coffee. His eyes were a bit red, but anyone could assume that's from exhaustion. He was a busy man after all. "Looks like someone needs a better wakeup call." He'd say in a joking manner. Looking at everyone he'd sigh, did everyone want to come to this meeting?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eloise Pardon Character Portrait: Matthew Granger Character Portrait: Piper Torres Character Portrait: Sage Blackwood Character Portrait: Giselle Torres Character Portrait: Sebastian Gray
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Maybe he was half awake when Sebastien seemed to appear out of midair because the other did seem like he did walk through a wall to them. Either way it was business as usual other than the odd note attached to his door informing about a meeting in the lobby concerning only the 20th and 23rd floor, which is in a way weird. He never really had any problems regarding about the rent of the landlady for...months after moving here.

Severin really can't help but feel that dense atmosphere hovering over the two so he waved it off, one reason was Sebastian just woke up the wrong side of the bed this morning and second it was missing sarcasm, still not entirely awake seemed more plausible. Despite the many warning signs saying he missed more than just a few dates 'Don't want to keep the misses waiting' he rolled his eyes a little, the smile on his face held a bit of mirth. "Oh it can't be that bad."

As the words left his mouth another apartment door open and by the time he looked over for the source, Giselle had already locked her apartment door and narrowly missed his friend's stare. Not that he would blame him much about looking at another woman even he knows Piper is just as equally attractive even younger than her aunt.

With both Sebastian and Giselle disappearing from view, Piper seem to know exactly how to gain his attention back in such a short and quick response from him. He'd blush a little at the contact of her lips on his cheek. Normally he won't act like this a whole lot but she did indeed caught him off guard, not that he did not like it at all. He gave her a nod the blush fading a little after her little morning surprise. 'Hey guys. Heading down?... I hope she's has good news, y-know. Something like going down on rent.' The young man answered following the march to the elevator, "I hope so...might give most of us a break if she did." and stood next to the brunette with a less intimidating aura since he wasn't wearing his suits or displaying his hard exterior as a difficult person to appease as well.

The elevator's doors slid open, allowing the occupants to exit into the lobby. The man felt a hand took his so his own automatically intertwined with the preppy brunette. His gaze swept over to the various tenants most he hadn't personally known or met, even if he had seen them before it's just a few passes down the hallway. "We could sit there." he said pointing to a comfortable looking couch. He really didn't have much of a preference but just somewhere he could listen to the woman speaking. Where is she? However, that strange note stuck to his apartment door if that doesn't say bad news then it must be exclusive news for just the people in floor 20th and 23rd floor. Maybe a cut to the rent like Giselle says. That was when the other tenants started to flood in the lobby including his boss Blackwood, sheesh...seems like everyone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning...

The setting changes from Kohana Creek to Realistic


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eloise Pardon Character Portrait: Hope Louis Character Portrait: Matthew Granger Character Portrait: Sage Blackwood Character Portrait: Giselle Torres Character Portrait: Charity Louis
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"Hope? Sweetheart?" Charity runs her hands though tangled brown hair and yawns, moving so that her legs hang off of the bed, brushing against the slippers that lay on the ground just beside her. The slippers are old and worn down, any sort of fluffiness erased by overuse until they have become little more than a thin layer between her feet and the chill of the wooden floors that cover all of the family's small apartment. Charity can see that she has slept in a bit past her normal hour, and chalks this up to a late night and various, well, stressful factors of it. The young mother glances over at Hope, who had fallen asleep in her bed beside her, and reaches out to touch her forehead, which is warm but not worryingly so. The young girl looks so peaceful and angelic in sleep that her mother hates to wake her, and thus allows her to continue sleeping. Promise me you won't make the same mistakes, Charity asks of her daughter, though she doesn't actually voice the words, instead sighing very softly and brushing a strand of hair out of the sleeping girl's face. This action reminds her of last night, as Sebastian had done something relatively similar to her, and a chill creeps down the woman's spine immediately, though she tries to shake it off. As far as she can tell, that particular young man has a special gift for giving others the chills with his behavior.

Looking rather tired, and feeling much older than she is, Charity runs her hands through her hair once more before standing up and making her way to the bathroom for a shower, making the consecutive decision to put off breakfast until Hope is awake, so that they can have eggs and fruit together. For the moment, she washes, feeling refreshed by the warmth of the water, a luxury which she hasn't always had. It occurs to the woman that she is one of the younger tenants of this apartment building, and yet feels as though she is one of the older ones. Even people like Piper and Eloise, whom she automatically views as children, are only a few years her juniors. Sometimes, watching those who are younger than her, or in many cases older than her, have so much freedom and potential makes Charity feel rather wistful. By all means, she should be in college right now, and should have the freedom to stay out all night at parties, to date, to be realizing some greater potential. Instead, she takes care of a child, is cautious in everything she does, and steers clear of relationships altogether. This isn't something she blames Hope for, though, and she doesn't regret having her daughter. She blames herself for having a child so soon, and in doing so seems to forget that it wasn't her fault, not entirely. Maybe she shouldn't have been so careless about partying when she was young, but how was she to know that she would be raped in an intoxicated state?

Charity gets out of the shower, trying to leave those useless thoughts behind. Steam clouds the mirror, so she goes without seeing the flush in her cheeks. Returning to the bedroom to dress tells the young woman that her daughter remains out cold, so she dresses as quietly as possible, putting on a simple sundress that had been on sale at a walmart. All of her best clothing are from thrift stores, but she tends to save those for special occasions. Not that she really has any special occasions, outside of taking Hope out for special birthday dinners, or things like that. The woman begins to start brewing a pot of coffee, a beverage which she used to hate but now has come to rely on, when a glance at the clock reminds her of the note she had found under her door late last night. The meeting, she recalls suddenly, seeing that it is starting around. . .one minute from now.

She immediately turns of the coffee maker and haphazardly brushes her hair, pulling on a pair of sandals simultaneously. Charity runs into the bedroom, but finds Hope still asleep. Not wanting to leave her alone in the apartment, she picks the girl up and sits her against her hip before hurrying out to door, forgetting to lock it -though that likely doesn't matter- and rushing to the elevator. Perhaps she wouldn't be in such a rush if it weren't for the landlady- Charity adores the elderly woman, and would never dare to be the one who shows up late to any meeting called by her.

She enters the lobby to find that several people have already arrived, including Sebastian and Eloise, both of whom she carefully ignores. Besides, she looks so different than she had last night, washed and fresh, dressed so simply that it gives off an impression of innocence, and they had been doing drugs, so perhaps they won't recall a thing. Of course, that very well may be wishful thinking on her part. Still, a girl can dream. The mother shifts her daughter's sleeping position on her hip and walks over to the crowd, quietly slipping in among them.

Close behind her walks Samuel, who had ultimately given up on waking up his brother, and therefore came downstairs alone, soon walking towards Sage to stand beside him. He holds a cup of coffee in his hand, and looks like a man just about to go to work, as he usually does. Suave and clean cut- that's the way the man prefers to remain. "Any idea what this is all about?" he asks Sage casually.

The setting changes from Realistic to Kohana Creek


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eloise Pardon Character Portrait: Hope Louis Character Portrait: Matthew Granger Character Portrait: Piper Torres Character Portrait: Sage Blackwood Character Portrait: Giselle Torres
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Alan finally cleared his throat as a few more occupants entered the lobby. He glanced down at his Rolex, it was now fifteen til, meaning the meeting wold officially commence. The beautiful woman standing next to him removed her Christian Dior sunglasses and allowed her eyes to get use to the light. Glancing over to her wealthy husband, she watched him closely as he began to talk. Alan took steps to the middle of the lobby, the area just between the few furnishings.

"Hello everyone. Before we began, I'd like to introduce myself. I am Alan Westbrook, and standing over there is my wonderful and gorgeous wife, Sasha Westbrook. And we both are extremely excited to meet each and everyone of you." Alan clasped his hands together while welcoming the odd glances he was receiving in return fr his introduction. "I know many of you are wondering why you've been dragged down here on such a beautiful day. And I also know this may come as a shock to everyone, so please understand and believe when I say is a very said time for all of us. By that, I mean..." The man inhaled sharply, "Keilani Fergosa, has unfortunately passed away. I am very sorry to keep all of you in the dark but her son, Ono, wanted to keep things private until their entire family came up with a final decision. Which no doubt had to be a tough one, but the family has decided to disclose the information."

"This is without a doubt one of the most tragic things that can happen. I can only imagine what her family is going through, and I also know some of you were quite friendly with Ms. Fergosa. We all know she was sweet, honorable woman with the purest of intentions and only wanted to look out for everyone. It saddens me that this has happened especially around such a crucial time for Kohana Creek. This is why I wanted to speak to each tenant in an controlled manner as to somewhat ease the bad news. I really didn't know her well, but from the business we have done, proves that she was a strong woman and refused to tolerate antics. Keeping things peaceful, so I do hope that with the ownership now in my direct hands, I can only say I wish to keep her craft on the same path."Alan waved for Sasha to come over, and when she did he handed her another small stack of pamphlets and asked her to hand them out. "Once again, I know thousands of questions are swirling your heads. Uhm, my wife will be passing out obituaries for Ms. Fergosa. The family has also decided to have an open funeral service to anyone who wishes to attend tomorrow at twelve noon. Y'know, pay your respects, say your goodbyes. You can find all the information in the obituary."

"I would have liked for Keilani to be with here when I did this. However, it's done and I am now officially the new owner of Kohana Creek. All the needed documents have been signed yesterday morning, so a few changes will go into effect immediately. The first important change that will have to be made is the additional one-hundred fifty,which will be added to the rent, bringing the total rent to twelve hundred. I know this is sudden but we all know it's around that time to re-sign your leases. Meaning if the additional money isn't something you can agree to then perhaps it will be time to think about finding different living arrangements."

"The second change everyone should be aware of is the more strict guidelines concerning the rent. In the past, Keilani has mentioned on several occasions that some tenants have been late on the rent, I can understand her want to be lenient but I'm afraid that will change. The permanent date for rent is for the first of every month and if payments are not made by the third of that month then a fifty dollar late fee will be added to your charges. If you fail to make a payment by the fifth day, then please be ready to receive a note of eviction that is none negotiable. I am very sorry to have drop this kind of news on you all followed by the new guidelines but, we have to start from somewhere right?" Alan chuckled to himself. He handed his wife the other stack of papers which contained the new guidelines and several other guidelines needed to abide by. Such would include no littering, soliciting, hanging in the halls after a certain time and the addition of a new receptionist that will be stationed in the lobby.

"Well thank you for your time, I'm here to answer any questions. My contact information can be found on the flyers. I hope to see all of you in attendance of the funeral tomorrow... Oh, and is there a Mr. Mathew Granger here, I need to speak to him privately." He asked, scanning the lot for the unsuspecting man.

The setting changes from Kohana Creek to Realistic


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eloise Pardon Character Portrait: Hope Louis Character Portrait: Matthew Granger Character Portrait: Piper Torres Character Portrait: Sage Blackwood Character Portrait: Giselle Torres
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As time marched slowly on to the meeting time, people began trickling into the lobby in varying degrees of alertness. Some seemed still damp from a rushed shower, others with bed-head and still in pajamas as they shuffled to claim some of the sparse seating like mindless zombies before their daily caffeine infusion. Matthew stayed where he was, wishing that he'd brought his phone to entertain him or, given that he didn't actually have anyone to text per-say, at least give the illusion of being social which was its own brand of depressing. Instead, he glanced around as each new arrival made their way into the room, recognizing, however vaguely, each face. There was that couple from the twenty-second floor who he'd helped with a faulty stove some time ago, the older man from the twentieth-floor who enjoyed ranting about what was wrong with today's young people whenever Matthew had to stop by... Each time someone walked fully into the room, his eyes drifted back to the floor because Heaven forbid they think he was watching them(which he was) or, horror upon horror, that he wanted to talk(which he desperately did not want to do with these people at this hour).

He was dragged forcefully from his people-watching by a sudden shift of weight on his couch. His eyes darted to the side, glancing at the couch's new occupant for just a moment before flickering back the the tiled lobby floor. Renter of apartment number 1109 and his neighbor, Eloise Pardon. It wasn't that they had ever interacted and even their brief, wordless meetings were few and far between. Still, she made him uncomfortable- that was the best way to put it, uncomfortable- from just one specific incidence, even if she probably didn't remember it. They'd been stuck in the elevator together as it rose to their floor. The journey had only been a few moments, but for Matthew it had felt like hours upon aching hours as he quickly recognized the rosy cheeks and glazed over expression, he'd even convinced himself that he could smell it on her, but that may have been his imagination overreacting and cravings he'd tried to keep at bay began to stir. He'd stayed on the phone with Simon for two hours afterwards, depressed with himself that just seeing someone who had dabbled in drugs had nearly broken his will-power.

Still, she didn't seem to want to talk and he was just fine with that. More people began to trickle in, but Matthew avoided looking up this time, instead indulging in the monotony of counting the floor tiles before him in an attempt to stave off boredom. Somewhere around the sixtieth tile, he noticed someone else walking towards the couch and forced himself to glance upwards. Seeing Ms. Torres- Elle, he corrected himself again, something he'd probably still be doing for some time- settling into the seat next to him brought on a feeling of both relief and a minute anxiety. He liked Elle, really he did, probably the best of his neighbors if only because they'd seen each other the most, but, after last night, he had no idea what to do. She didn't seem to have the same problem, however.

"Hey. Sorry for passing out last night... I was just really exhausted. I didn't even hear you leave."

His face flushed for a moment and any attempt at eye-contact on his part was instantly shut down. The comment was innocuous in meaning, but he wasn't stupid, he knew what it sounded like.

"It's, um, it's fine. Thank you for inviting me to, uh, to dinner," He stammered out, tripping over his own words. Maybe it was a deep-seeded need to be polite at least or maybe it was an attempt to clear up any misconceptions. Hopefully no one was listening in to their little conversation(really, who would?), but, still, it was the principle of the matter.

Any further attempt at conversation was thankfully cut off as the last few people filled into the room and a man near the front of the little assembly cleared his throat quite purposefully. Matthew blinked, glancing around the room. He didn't recognize this man bedecked in designer clothes. Who was he? And, more importantly, where was Keilani? The introduction was bizarre as he stared ahead, confusion in his gaze, but that slipped away instantly the moment he announced... he announced that... that...

"Keilani Fergosa, has unfortunately passed away."

It was like time had frozen for a moment, and he knew that Alan Westbrook was still talking, but he simply didn't care because Keilani was dead. She was dead, dead, dead. It was like a block of ice had been dropped into his stomach, chilling him to the bone as emotions battled with one another for dominance. Shock over the news, so sudden and unexpected, horror because he was never going to see Keilani's bright smiling face again or hear her speak, anguish because this was Keilani, one of the few people he clung to with an almost desperation and who cared about him in turn, and anxiety, crippling him for the moment. What was he supposed to do now? What was going to happen? What would he do?

He could already feel pinpricks of tears fighting to escape his eyes and it felt just like when his grandmother had died, didn't it? Like his whole world was gone, a support that he'd needed gone forever. Keilani who had given him a home, a job, a chance when no-one else would even give him a second glance. Keilani who had believed in him, who had invited him over for dinner, who talked to him like he was normal, who had nagged at him like a second mother. She was gone. Gone forever. Matthew wanted to leave now, to curl up in his bed, pull the comforter over his head, and block out the rest of the world until it was safe to come out. He wanted to hold onto something or someone and be reassured that, yes, it would be okay. He wanted- oh, God, he wanted something to numb the pain, to fill the void that had just opened up and there was only one thing he knew that could do that and he really, really shouldn't, but it was so damn tempting right now. He only just prevented himself from panicking over that little revelation as he rubbed at his eyes, wiping away budding tears. He could freak out later- well, freak out more because he was most certainly not okay even right now- but for now his new landlord(that sounded sickening, even in his thoughts) was still talking, even if Matthew didn't quite want to listen.

He took one of the obituaries in his hand, and only just noticed that he was trembling, the paper moving sporadically in his shaking hands. He tried to still them, but he could only concentrate on controlling so many things, and, as he set the paper down next to him and clasped his trembling hands together, he decided that not causing a scene was more important. Much more important. He wouldn't, couldn't expose himself like that, couldn't take away from the meeting. The battle against his tears began anew as he glanced at the pictures on the obituary, but, once more, he wiped them away and tuned back in to the man speaking.

New rent, new leases, new rules. Matthew couldn't help but hate this guy, just a little bit, for changing everything right now. Which wasn't fair, really, none of this was his fault. Then again, he thought bitterly, he might not even be here tomorrow. He was here because he had a deal with Keilani, he was her employee and this well-dressed man could just as easily terminate his job and kick Matthew to the curb. His anxiety doubled as he bit his bottom lip, clasping his hands even tighter together, only releasing them to dutifully pick up one of the sheets illustrating the new guidelines. Why bother, though? The thought was pessimistic, but Matthew considered himself a realist- why keep him around when you could hire someone without a history as sketchy as his own, who was actually trained for the job?

"Oh, and is there a Mr. Mathew Granger here, I need to speak to him privately."

Matthew's mouth suddenly went dry, making speech impossible for a moment as he pulled himself together the best he could. He could break later- would break later- but for now, he had to keep calm and carry on.... Well, until he was safely ensconced in his apartment or former apartment or whatever.

"Right, uh, right here, Mr. Westbrook. I'm- I'm Matthew Granger," He finally forced out, standing awkwardly to his feet, stuffing his still trembling hands into his jean pockets to mask the involuntary movement.

The setting changes from Realistic to Kohana Creek


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eloise Pardon Character Portrait: Hope Louis Character Portrait: Matthew Granger Character Portrait: Piper Torres Character Portrait: Sage Blackwood Character Portrait: Giselle Torres
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0.00 INK

Alan nodded and placed a hand on Matthew's back as he led him over to a more private area where he could discuss business. The older man dropped his hands at his sides before he continued on. "I just wanted to have a quick word with you about the changes.. Now I don't want to worry you, I'm sure you're having a terribly rough time right now but there is something you can look forward to." He grinned.

"Keilani insisted that whatever I did I was not to get rid of you. She spoke very highly of you and I can't say I'm not impressed. You're a one man show, running this entire," Alan continued after moving his hands in a wailing motion. "Building all by yourself. I can't get rid of you... in fact I ant to promote you if you will. I'm thinking we add you to my payroll, discount to your rent for working for working here and I'm even willing too add on benefits. Well that is if you can keep up with the good work. You can stop by the front desk on Monday, I'll have the new hot receptionist ready the papers for you." He winked before he glanced down towards Matthew's empty ring finger. "I think you'll be very happy working along side her. All work orders are going to be put in through her from now on."

"Again, I'm very sorry for your loss. See you tomorrow then." The landlord pivoted on the heels of his feet to retrieve his wife and presumably talk to other tenants.

Elle had never met a man such as Matthew before. Someone so soft yet durable and it was something she appreciated believe it or not. Unlike the putative postulation that women prefer the rugged bad boy, the soft-spoken, light-heated man seemed to beguile her. Yet she knew, men like that are usually product of something very malevolent. "It's, um, it's fine. Thank you for inviting me to, uh, to dinner," But, it was hard to say the same about Matthew. He didn't look like he could raise his hand to anyone (as cliche as it sounds) even a fly. Well perhaps he'd be able to do so if needed. Though oddly enough, the awkwardness pulled her in. "It's the least I could do. Seriously, you earned it. And my mother always told me to take care of the man that takes care of your household." She said with a simper of contenance.

The only thing that worried her was his sensibility of the opposite sex. Furthermore, Elle couldn't help the distanced vibe she got from him... Maybe it sounds stupid on her end. She has been out of the dating scene for a while, so being the newest addition to the singles team was not foreseeable. Perhaps Elle had gotten so comfortable with a man asking the initiative, or perhaps her and Matthew were only meant to be friends, well more so neighbors because that department didn't appear practical either. Hell, who's to say he was playing in the same ball park as she. This wouldn't not be the first time Elle thought something chimerical of man only to find out said man was actually playing for the opposing team or in another fathomable word, homosexual. Now, she wasn't pointing fingers, and certainly was not accusing of him of being gay directly, indirectly one could say she did mentally question it.

Though, it obviously was none of her business to begin with, so sitting there trying to summarize the behavior of another individual probably made her look abnormal. Besides, it's not like she was planning on marrying the guy tomorrow. She had much bigger problem(s) to do deal with and at the moment, worrying why someone else acted mystifying shouldn't be first on her list. While crossing her legs over one another, something unsettling caught her eye; had Sage handed Amelia a cup of coffee? The dumfounded question she couldn't help but ask. Surely it was nothing more than a friendly gesture, the Cuban tried reassuring herself continuously. Elle ended up tossing her eyes over the scene and glancing down the other end of the sofa again to Eloise.

After clearing her uncouth thoughts something much needed happened. A well dressed man sporting a suit approached the cast with a clear of his throat. It gained the woman's attention so any further conversation with Matthew was to be put on hold. "Hello everyone. Before we began, I'd like to introduce myself. I am Alan Westbrook. As he introduced himself, Elle found herself staring down at the glossy marble flooring. "I know many of you are wondering why you've been dragged down here on such a beautiful day. That was understatement considering she could have slept for at least three more hours. "Keilani Fergosa, has unfortunately passed away." But once he said those words, a tightening ache ignited at the pit of her stomach. Suddenly breathing became that much harder and the denial of tremor set in. She had a hard time focusing on anything else the man said afterwards. There was no way this man was telling the truth, Elle refused the believe it and at that point, it was the only way the tears were postponed for as long as they were. Her moment of absence was brought back by the unfamiliar woman, introduced as Sasha holding out a folded up pamphlet of sorts which she reluctantly took.

Hazel orbs lazily tumbled down to the paper, the first tear stained her cheek with salt as it slipped through her closed lid. Reality was sinking in, painfully so but the harsh realness that Mr. Westbrook's words were meticulously true made the news that much harder to bear. Even so, seeing Keilani's face fading from young to old did little to ease the pain. More tears surfaced, only this time she stopped them before giving them life. Elle mindlessly glanced over to Matthew, him sitting no more than a foot away. His hands told a story that she didn't need to see his face to understand, they said it all.

Death. The inevitable. Some people have learned to accept it while others fear the unavoidable sentence. People also deal with death in different ways; some cry, some bury their sorrows by drinking, others suppress their emotions and some turn to drugs for an escape. What was her absolve? Elle had never had to deal with death, her grandparents died while she was young. And luckily her parents had a relatively good bill of health. Again, she glance around the room. Some of the tenants didn't look affected at all by the news, and then there were a few who pretended to care.

Alan continued to talk, well boast at his 'amazing' victory of gaining ownership, Elle kept her eyes fastened shut to hold any free-falling tears. "The first important change that will have to be made is the additional one-hundred fifty,which will be added to the rent, bringing the total rent to twelve hundred. Just like a cooperate 'boss' to pull something like this. Buy a family owned establishment and turn into a nightmare. People like him made her sick. Only looking out for their wallets instead of the well-being of their consumers. When Alan requested Matthew privately, the silence was interrupted. And after they left, Elle found no other need to stay. So after a minute of sitting idly, she stood up from her spot and hastily headed around the corner to the elevators. Not bothering to exchange words with Piper, or Amelia. The doors soon slide open as she made haste steps to enter the elevator. The brunette hit the number twenty-three button and hoped the doors would soon close before anybody decided to leave as well.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sage Blackwood Character Portrait: Giselle Torres Character Portrait: Samuel Williams Character Portrait: Amelia Cardozo
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0.00 INK

Realizing that she in fact had missed nothing except for the people she didn't know, who she didn't particularly care to know, Amelia sighed and waited for whatever it was to be over with. Interrupted by a gentle tap on her shoulder Mels looked over and was greeted by the sight of coffee and Sage Blackwood. It was an intriguing combination to be sure. Bestowing upon him her brightest smile she gingerly took the steaming cup of coffee from him. A soft moan of satisfaction escaped from her as she took her first sip. “God, you’re like a prince. No, an angel.” Amelia corrected herself, knowing that a kick start from the coffee would be at least enough to get her through this.

Turning to regard the man beside her she tried to figure out what he was up to. Perhaps it was just a friendly gesture or perhaps he wanted to make Giselle jealous. Whichever it was Amelia was grateful for the coffee and said as much. “Thanks. I only got home from the hospital two hours ago. There was no wake up call. More like a force yourself to stay awake note.” She said with a slight laugh and a shrug of her shoulders. It was then she noticed the arrival of Samuel and a few other stragglers. Amelia was for once not the last person to arrive. This felt like a victory for the chronically late nurse and speaking of chronically late Amelia began to wonder where Ms. Fergosa was. If this was supposed to be a meeting where was the owner?

In the next few moments Mels got all the information she needed and more. Ms. Fergosa was dead, they were raising the rent and their new landlord seemed like a pretentious douche. Amelia had been aware of the health problems plaguing Keilani. In fact that was how they met and although Amelia was not involved in her care beyond the E.R. she still tried to keep updated about the older woman’s general well being. She’d apparently failed to do so recently, the brunette could barely even remember the last time she spoke to the woman. Of course Mels’ days and nights all ran together in one hazy blur. Sometimes things tended to slip through the cracks.

Having gone silent, the young nurse sipped her coffee and dispassionately read over the obituary. This was her one day off and tomorrow her schedule would flip meaning she’d be back on days and missing the funeral. Making a mental note to send flowers she let the obituary fall into her lap as she watched everyone break off into groups or head back to their apartments. Something that she’d wanted to do earlier but now seemed far too lonely. Death wasn't something she was unfamiliar with, she’d seen it plenty and even been devastated by it at first but now it was her friend who was dead and not some stranger. One of the only people to have given Amelia shot to actually prove herself was gone forever and there was nothing to do about it except get blitzed.

Looking at her coffee as if it were a science experiment she spoke aloud, not caring who heard or what they thought of her having a drink this early in the day. “I think I’m gonna make this into an Irish coffee.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sage Blackwood Character Portrait: Giselle Torres Character Portrait: Samuel Williams Character Portrait: Amelia Cardozo Character Portrait: Severin Macer
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0.00 INK

Sage stayed by Amelia the whole time the announcement was made. A raise in rent, he was the new owner. Keilani was dead. Sage grimaced at the news. That woman was so kind and sweet to him when he first arrived. She pretty much treated him like family. Shaking his head he'd turn his attention back onto Amelia. "An Irish coffee? Guess it's 5 o'clock somewhere." He chuckled and rolled his shoulders standing up. He didn't know Amelia was a nurse. "I honestly didn't know you were a's gotta be interesting some nights?" He'd say trying to make casual conversation with her.

He'd eye Samuel and nod his head in his direction. "Hey... I have an idea... how about I cook you lunch." He'd chuckle and give Amelia a dark smirk. "I'm a mean cook..." A raise in his brow and a cross of his arms. He really did want to get to know more about this woman. "And I do have a whole bar in my place." He'd look at Sam asking for his wing man to come up and help him.

"Let us go have a nice get together and celebrate Keilani's life." He'd say as he noticed the other tenants leaving, or standing around discussing what they had just heard. He'd make a mental note to speak with Severin later, they had some work things to do of course. But for that moment, work didn't seem important, not since a good friend of his passed away. He even didn't take note that Giselle had left, though he did see her form move from the corner of his eye. He was determined to keep his attention on the young nurse before him, and of course Sam.

Then again Sam was his friend, so there wasn't a problem there. The obituary crumpled in his hand, he didn't want to read it, though lifting the guidelines up he scoffed.These were grown men and women! Busy people! He was starting to get a bad taste in his mouth about the new owners. "Yeah... a drink would be nice." He'd say coolly.

The setting changes from Kohana Creek to Realistic


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sage Blackwood Character Portrait: Samuel Williams Character Portrait: Amelia Cardozo
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0.00 INK


The setting changes from Realistic to Kohana Creek


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sage Blackwood Character Portrait: Samuel Williams Character Portrait: Amelia Cardozo
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0.00 INK

Samuel Williamson

As a well dressed man, standing beside an equally well dressed woman, grabs the attention of the crowd, Samuel immediately frowns very slightly. He doesn't particularly like the look of this man, because he reminds him of some of the slimier clients that the firm has dealt with. To be completely fair, he represented those men, and got them off on charges that they were without a doubt guilty of. Still, as the man begins to introduce himself and the woman, apparently his wife, Samuel wonders where Keilani is. To be completely honest, he'd been under the impression that she'd be running this meeting, not some suit and his trophy wife. He raises an eyebrow, wondering when this man will get to the point. Sure, he doesn't have to be at his meeting for a few hours, but that doesn't mean he wants to waste his time while some stranger introduces himself. Can he please just get to the- of course, Samuel should know by now to be careful what he wishes for, and before he can even finish the thought, Mr. Westbrook has cut through with the rather terrible news which he has apparently called them down to deliver.

Now, Samuel had never actually been particularly close to Keilani, to be honest. She was a sweet old lady, and he'd certainly step in to defend her if need be, but he lacked the connection that others had with the landlady. Perhaps this was because he rarely had trouble with his apartment, and never required any financial help from her. But hearing about the death of someone that he had simply viewed as a constant is still rather terrible, especially when one has important matters to deal with later. He is able to keep himself calm with the reminder that she had been getting up there in age. A bit more concerning, to be honest, is that he can see Sage talking to Amelia by the coffee machine and, from his expression, is rather certain that he isn't discussing funeral plans for the late Mrs. Fergosa. Shit, Sage, what are you doing? he thinks to himself, but before he can go over, Mr. Westbrook has begun speaking once more, smiling despite the news he delivers. Having moved on rather briskly form the loss of the old woman, he brings it to the topic that the man is obviously more interested in: Money.

Of course. It's just business, in the end, Samuel thinks coolly, both understanding and disgusted at Mr. Westbrook's behavior. It's only natural, of course, and he has done the same so many times before. It's a lot easier to be disgusted when you aren't the one profiting from it, right? Reminding himself of this, Samuel merely sighs and massages the bridge of his nose, still listening to Alan's words. He can handle a bit of a raise in rent, of course, but is fully aware that some others won't be able to do the same. Immediately he thinks of Eloise, his brother's closest friend, because he is worried that she won't be able to make up for the increase. Andrew will want us to help her, he muses, trying to figure out whether that will work. He is set to say no to such a request, but will probably give in if Drew is adamant enough about it.

Uninterested in what the man has to say from hereon out, Samuel walks over to Sage, who appears to be trying to get him to come over. "Hey, Sage, Amelia. Tough news, huh? Are you two alright?" he asks, looking over both of them, his expression neutral with a slight leaning towards neutral. Still, the young man isn't a huge fan of tension, and is willing to break it as soon as possible. He rubs the back of his neck and sighs softly.

"A drink? I guess we all could use one, after that news," Samuel agrees, realizing where Sage is going with this. Of course, he isn't sure how terribly wise hitting on his ex's best friend is, but isn't going to point this out right in front of the girl- that would just be tactless. "I don't really know how many good places would be open at this hour, though- rather early, isn't it?" He eyes Amelia's drink enviously, thinking that he would really like coffee and a plate of eggs right now. The man has always been a big believer in breakfast for every meal of the day, when possible.

"Honestly, I could go for some coffee and a plate of eggs right now," he admits.

The setting changes from Kohana Creek to Realistic


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sage Blackwood Character Portrait: Samuel Williams Character Portrait: Amelia Cardozo
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0.00 INK

The setting changes from Realistic to Kohana Creek


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sage Blackwood Character Portrait: Samuel Williams Character Portrait: Amelia Cardozo
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0.00 INK

“Oh, you have no idea.” Amelia sighed with a smile as she thought about her previous shift. Working in the emergency room was definitely the most exciting part of the hospital; of course it had the tendency to be the strangest as well. Patients brought in because they tried bath salts, or were hit by drunk drivers, or people getting things stuck in orifices you wouldn’t believe. Or the insane amount of people who merely came in because they had a cold. Her job could be very tedious if she wasn’t careful to spice things up every once in a while.

Mels was definitely surprised when Sage offered to cook for her, and it immediately set off alarm bells in her head. Every sensible girl knows that you don’t go and hang out with your friend’s ex. You especially don’t let him cook for you or smile at you like that. With a quick glance around, the exotic twenty four year old took note of the fact Giselle had nearly sprinted out of the room. Mels was aware of the fact that Elle would probably take Keilani’s death pretty hard, and that as a good friend she should go and check on her. To be perfectly honest the last thing Amelia wanted to do was to take care of someone else, she wanted someone to take care of her and why not start with a free lunch and a drink? Then she’d go back to her apartment and crash, if she could even sleep after today’s news that is.

Another small smile of greeting crossed Amelia’s face as Samuel made his way over to her and Sage. She was vaguely aware that the two were friends but was finding the fact she was never at home kept her out of the loop when it came to happenings around the complex. “Hey, Sam, I’m okay, how are you holding up?” Amelia asked seriously, her calm bedside manner taking her over even when she doesn't realize it. Mels might be lazy and a bit selfish but she was a consummate nurse, at least when it came to putting people at ease. Especially those who might be grieving.

“Well, apparently Sage is prepared to slave away in the kitchen this morning so…Sam wants eggs, Sage? Do you think you can handle that?” Mels asked a bit saucily, a lopsided grin slipping across her face as she regarded the two very handsome men in front of her. She could do a lot worse when it came to breakfast companions, of course it could be the fact that her “breakfast” was starting to kick in and most ideas would sound wonderful in her suggestive state.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sage Blackwood Character Portrait: Samuel Williams Character Portrait: Amelia Cardozo
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0.00 INK

Sage smiled at Sam and gave a grim nod. "I'll be fine... " Hearing Sam's suggestion about eggs, he would have to admit, that sounded better than getting wasted. "Can I handle cooking eggs?" A scoff, leaning forward, his green eyes would peer into Amelia's, as if he were searching her soul. Though with a cocky grin he merley replied. "I can cook anything you want." Standing straight up he'd stretch breaking eye contact with Amelia. "Yeah, man... eggs sound good." He'd turn his back on both of them, but not before saying, "See you all in my place." With those words, he left, back upstairs.

Opening his apartment, he'd swarm around making sure things were clean enough. He was a clean man, but just in case. Once he was satisfied, he got many things ready for breakfast. He himself, wanted an omlete. Sighing, he got out veggies, cheese, eggs, milk, everything and anything he could think of.

He was actually glad Sam was there this morning...though something didn't feel right about hitting on Gissey's friend. Sage shoved that little voice down. Giselle knew where he lived, if she needed him. If she ever wanted him back. Why should he have to do all the work? Then that little voice came back, saying something about the diamond engagement ring he had gotten the latina.

Sage turned to his freezer and grabbed a bottle of his Jack Daniels, Honey Whiskey. Taking a few long sips, that voice was hushed. Sage wasn't drunk, no, he was just a little buzzed. Whatever it takes to forget her right?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eloise Pardon Character Portrait: Matthew Granger Character Portrait: Piper Torres Character Portrait: Sage Blackwood Character Portrait: Giselle Torres Character Portrait: Sebastian Gray
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0.00 INK

Sebastian sat on the love seat angled so that his legs were hanging off of the side. He rubbed at his chin methodically while casting his eyes over to Severin and Piper. The memory of her flashing through his mind. He remembered everything, and even if she wanted to pretend she didn't -- he did. Of course there was always that tremendous amount of guilt he felt after the vivid flashback would fade. His best friend, his only 'real' friend aside from the other people who only stuck around for his money while Sev had actually cared and respected the man he went ahead and betrayed him.

Lazily, he bring his eyes over to Amelia who sat in the chair adjacent to him. When Sage approached her, Sebastian couldn't help but raise his eyebrows in confusion. Wasn't Giselle in her like close friends? According to Piper. And didn't she in Sage just end their relationship? Also something related to him through the grapevine. Not that he was one to talk, however, Sebastian knew it was extremely tacky for either one of them to be passing digressions. The admiration that he felt for the man was starting to dissipate... Perhaps Sage isn't as honorable as he thought. Then, the stripper woman from last night holding a sleeping child entered the lobby. The reason for him and Eloise falling out hours ago. She didn't look like a 'Brandi' right now. Her sparkling barely there outfit, dark sultry make-up; all traces were gone and today, she simply looked a mom who literally just rolled out of bed.

Shaking his head in disappointment, it was then the man known as Alan Westbrook step in between the furnishings. The brief introduction was set off by a deliverance of terrible news. News that forced Sebastian to sit up in his chair. A hint of lugubriosity at hearing Alan announce the death of Keilani Fergosa. Not that he was anything extremely close to the woman, Sebastian still had a beating heart that sympathized. Although he wouldn't cry, he'd still have that sorrowful tinge at the bottom of hit stomach.

As Alan concluded, Sebastian waved off everything else the man said. A simple one-hundred fifty was nothing to worry him, though the same couldn't be said for others. In fact the obtrusion might have been a good way to allow Sebastian to better control his finances. Or at least he could find less money to waste on drugs and such. After Alan stepped aside with Matthew, the maintenance man, Sebastian glanced over where he saw Giselle leave the room followed by a few others. Voices from his left caught his attention and he directed his eyes over as well. Finding that Sage was again pursuing Amelia after the Latina had already left the room. He found himself nearly rolling his eyes, but not at Sage rather Amelia herself for even agreeing. Wasn't there some MTV show about a 'Girl Code' or something? Not that he watched it, he was sure something about seeing a best friends ex was definitely against it.

But he ended up shaking his head about it and looked over to Severin and Piper again. It was still early, his stomach was calling out to him to be fed. Wouldn't be the first time the trio went out for some grub with him being the third wheel. However, that wasn't after he slept with Piper so things weren't as awkward as they were now. Well, Sebastian will openly admit that he likes to see Piper on edge whenever he comes around; that his nature, his bipolar nature. Instead of mentioning how they should go to the bistro he decided against it. Actually, a little alone time could serve the young male some good.

Sebastian shifted up fro his seat on the sofa, with out regard he walked over to the couple to bid a farewell until he returned. "Sev, I'm go out for a bit, I'll see you guys later." Upon his exit, Sebastian briefly saw Eloise still sitting in her seat on the sofa. The anger was still lingering, still wafting through his conscious and in time she would be re-paid with what she deserved but now he desired something else. A distraction. So with that, he shoved his hands into his pocket and started for the door to gest the rest of his day.

The setting changes from Kohana Creek to Realistic


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hope Louis Character Portrait: Sage Blackwood Character Portrait: Charity Louis Character Portrait: Samuel Williams Character Portrait: Amelia Cardozo
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Charity looks around briefly at the others, scanning the crowd to see if anyone seems to have an idea about what is going on. Seeing no signs of awareness on the faces of anyone but the stranger at the front of the group, she gives in and watches him. The young mother doesn't really stand with any other people at the moment, not on the fringes but not clearly near anyone in particular, other than her daughter, of course. Hope starts to stir slightly, so Charity looks about for an open chair that she may place her daughter in for the moment. Seeing none, she shifts the little girl's position in her arms slightly, and continues to wait for the news. What comes next feels like a punch in the stomach, sudden and painful. Her grip on Hope is suddenly tighter when the man, who introduces himself as Alan Westbrook, announces the death of Keilani Fergosa. It seems that only a few weeks ago, the elderly woman had been kind enough to watch Hope for her while Charity worked. Until only a few hours ago, the kindly landlady had been the only one who knew about Charity's employment, but she had never judged the young mother for this- not openly, anyway, though Charity trusts that she hadn't done so privately, either. I knew that she was sick, but, the young woman takes a deep breath to steady herself. Besides, if she seems to be overly sad, it might disturb Hope, who opens her eyes now and again before drifting back to sleep.

Someone hands Charity a pamphlet, though she can't entirely recall taking it, merely finding it within her free hand. She looks at it blankly for a moment, before stroking Hope's hair with the same hand. She doesn't have a pocket, and so it remains in her hand as she holds her daughter and absorbs the information. Perhaps she hadn't been as close as some to Mrs. Fergosa, but the elderly woman had been like an angel, a saint, to Charity, and the loss of her is like an icicle stabbed through her stomach, sending a chill up her spine and making her feel inexplicably cold all over. It is hardly a pleasant feeling, that much is true, but she can't do anything about it, despite a sudden urge to put on a thick coat and fall asleep with Hope in her arms.

Not really giving the people as much time as they need, or at least deserve, to absorb the information, the smartly dressed man speaks back up, drawing attention to him and his clearly well taken care of wife. They practically smell of money, the sort of people who were born and raised in it, and have grown distant from others because of it. Distant from those who do not walk in the same radiance as them, anyway. This is painfully clear by his next few comments, which strike Charity in an entirely different way than the news of Keilani's death had. She begins running the math in her head, realizing that they are going to have to start cutting back to fit this new rent. Rather than the chill from before, a wave of nausea comes over the young woman, who has to tense every muscle in order to keep her knees from buckling and from needing to lean against something. $150 is grocery money, is clothing allowance- it's Hope's field trips and other school expenses. Having resolved long ago to give her daughter as best as she can, Charity immediately begins to think about how she can cut down on her own expenses. About which meals she can skip over, or what purchases aren't really necessary.

The mother buries her face into her daughter's shoulder for a moment, whispering "I love you" to her, before taking another deep breath and looking over at Mr. Westbrook. He seems to have finished his briefing, which is some sort of relief for the young woman. I can just work longer hours from now on, she thinks. To be honest, the woman, only 21 and yet so much older, has knots of stress and is probably developing a stomach ulcer from the same demon- stress. But all of that is low on her list of priorities, and so go unchecked. Hope had begun to wake up now, and squirmed to be let onto the floor. Charity outs her down, but still grips her daughter's hand.

"Mommy, what's happened?" she asks, so Charity sighs, not really wanting to explain this to Hope, but knowing that lying to children about things like death is a terrible idea. "How about we go and get something to eat, okay?" she says, something which Charity agrees with immediately, asking if they can go to a diner she likes that serves delicious milkshakes. Despite knowing that, from hereon out, they'll have to be more careful about funds, Charity smiles and agrees to her daughter's request. They pop upstairs so that Charity can properly brush her hair, wash her face, dress Hope, put on sandals, and go.


Samuel raises an eyebrow at Amelia, hearing the sudden shift in her tone, and smiles slightly, running his hands through his hair once again. "Oh, I'm fine. I was never really that close to her- not that it isn't sad, of course," he adds quickly, not wanting to come off as completely uninterested in the death of someone who was near to him, to an extent. Still, he prefers to avoid tension like this, and will usually suppress it or allow it to slide off of him like water off of a well-made rain coat. He understands that she is probably being careful, in case he does have any trauma at the death of Keilani, and is doing his best to put those concerns to rest immediately, because he dislikes people tip toeing about, generally speaking, especially when there isn't any actual need to be doing so.

When Amelia challenges Sage about his skill at egg making, Samuel chuckles slightly and turns his attention back to his friend, who immediately responds that he can cook anything she wants. Whereas I burn toast, Samuel thinks to himself, although in not a self pitying or bitter way- rather a good-humored acknowledgement of his own terrible skills in the kitchen. There is a reason that his diet consists almost entirely of takeout and microwavables, after all. It isn't just laziness, but the result of complete and utter incompetence- incompetence which seems beyond help, to be completely honest.

As Sage begins to walk away, Samuel calls out after him, "I'll be expecting an omelet, then!" before looking back over towards Amelia and smiling again, putting his hands in his pockets. He has no need to go back to his apartment, already bathed and dressed quite nicely, with his wallet and such should he need to leave immediately after attending breakfast at Sage's place. "Are you okay, though?" he asks her courteously, realizing that she is the only one in the trio that has not been offered some sort of comfort, or subtly asked if they need comfort, over the lightning news. Being a nurse doesn't make a person immune to grieving over death, and her cheer may very well all be a show, put on because Sam and Sage aren't exactly exhibiting vulnerability in light of recent news.

"I know Giselle was close to Mrs. Fergosa, but were you as well? You don't really need to have breakfast with us if you don't want to," he says, trying to sound at least moderately gentle without giving the image of tiptoeing or anything like that. After all, such a thing would be hypocrisy, wouldn't it?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sage Blackwood Character Portrait: Samuel Williams Character Portrait: Amelia Cardozo
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Amelia crossed her arms across her chest and smirked at Sage as he made his farewells and made his way to his apartment. Where he’d be making eggs she assumed. At this point the day had all ready been so surreal there was probably nothing anyone could say to make it any stranger. Less than four hours ago she’d been on a bus from the hospital back to her apartment and all she could think about was a bath and sleep. Funny, how the day changes with no notice or warning. Amelia had steadily come to realize that apparently that was just how life worked and it pissed her off.

Looking back towards Samuel she shrugged lightly and looked away, a small, sad smile playing at her lips. “I’m fine I think. I don’t know.” She replied, unsure of how to address the grief she was feeling. This was exactly why she needed a drink, so she could just forget. Blot out all the pain and sense of loss with whatever was handy. This meant breakfast and a drink with a couple of near strangers. Whatever it took so she didn't have to be alone with her thoughts.

“I met Keilani when I was her nurse. She was brought into the E.R, horrible cough that wouldn't stop and she’d finally had enough of it. She was so nice to me, kind. I guess she saw something in me she liked because she offered me an apartment and I've been here ever since. But she’s not and it really fucking blows.” Amelia answered honestly, her dark eyes finally looking up at Sam. She was pretty sure he hadn't asked her how she was doing because he actually cared but because he was courteous. The same way she’d ask someone how they were doing, people weren't so different really when you thought about it.

Feeling slightly brazen she held out her arm as if to escort Samuel to Sage’s apartment. “I’m starving, I’m sad and I've never been one to turn down a free meal. “ Amelia offered with a slight grin and a shrug.

The setting changes from Realistic to Kohana Creek


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sage Blackwood Character Portrait: Samuel Williams Character Portrait: Amelia Cardozo
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Samuel gave the nurse his most tender expression, and it wasn't even entirely false. It had the potential to be, as he has used the expression on many before when he cannot sympathize with a client, but needs to come across as though he does. Emotion can be a huge thing when presenting a case to the jury, and so the young lawyer knows exactly how to react to anything thrown his way- at least as far as expression and tone goes. Still, knowing that many of the people of Kohana Creek were very connected to the landlady, he does feel sincere sympathy for her- especially about the fact that Amelia appears rather conflicted when it comes to her emotions towards the passing of Missus Fergosa. After all, he's kind of unsure about it as well, though the man likely leads a bit more towards unaffected than the woman before him does, he supposes.

He remains silent as she explains herself to him, though he doesn't need any sort of defense for her feeling uncertain about the situation. People are like that, though: often very quick to explain themselves, regardless of whether it is necessary or not. This seems to especially be the case when the thing is very emotionally involved, perhaps because they don't really realize that no one is expecting them to become defensive as they tend to. Even Samuel is occasionally guilty of his behavior, though perhaps to a lesser degree than many others are. The only thing that can really tug at his emotions would have to be family, and he only has two family members left: his retired mother, to whom he sends money regularly, and his brother, who lives with him. The man normally comes across as rather selfish, or rather is selfish, but doesn't make it obvious, but when it comes to family he is willing to set his own interests aside. That's why he's voluntarily supporting both his mother and his brother, and even had begun to consider making arrangements, if asked, to help his brother's closest friend- she means a lot to Andrew, after all, and it's nice to see him care about someone.

He looks down at Amelia, who has a look of realization in her eyes, but, despite the fact that she now realizes that he isn't actually incredibly interested, does a rather fantastic job of looking very involved in the brief story she had given. "Right. I hadn't really known her outside of being a landlady- I suppose I can't claim any sentimentality, unfortunately. It would have been nice to, though," he adds, another measure so that he doesn't appear completely heartless in regards to the death.

"Right- save the mourning for the funeral, eh?" he agrees with a smile, obligingly looping his arm into Amelia's, though he adjusts it slightly, being taller than her. "To Sage's, then? Hopefully he's made omelets," Samuel comments, before leading Amelia upstairs. It's a short walk before they have reached Sage's apartment. Samuel drops Amelia's arm and knocks on the door, awaiting Sage's response.