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Aoi Katō

"What are you doing? No, Don't do that!"

0 · 325 views · located in Japan

a character in “Kokon High School Academy of SA”, as played by DarknessUndying


"Suki, Daisuki!"

Full Name: Aoi Katō
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Voice Intonation: Mellow and Sweet. He sounds like a child normally. But when his Kitsune is awoken he does sound like someone about 19.
Hair Colour: Light Brown
Eye Colour: Light Red verging on Pink.
Quirks: He's usually always smiling.
He sometimes covers his eyes in fear and says "What are you doing?! No, Don't do that!" when people raise their hands. Typically he thinks it's to hit him.
What Stands Out about You?: His seemingly everlasting smile, or his light pink Eyes.
Appearance Description: Aoi typically wears a White Shirt with a Red Armband with the Kanji for Love (AI) with Black Shorts. Usually he has a black bandage up one leg, and wears small, Shin high Boots. He has pale skin, and Messy Brown hair which falls to his shoulders. He has Brown Fox Ears and a Tail sticking out and wears a Black Tie. He stands at 5'6 and weighs 125 IBS.
Quotes: "Hey, What?! Don't do that!"
"You're lying! ~"
"I'm convinced that people like you Hate me."
"Come on, Outta the way - Please! 'Scuse me!"
Favorite Genre of Music: Traditional Japanese Music fused with Guitar and Western Instrumental.
Favorite Food: Miso Ramen with extra Veggies.
● Boys
● Girls
● Cats
● Anything cute
● Animals
● Loud People
● Rude People
● Insects
● Group Showers
● Silence
Powers: Since Aoi is a Kitsune, he can obviously awaken it and possibly go on a killing frenzy. Ofcourse, it's simply described and to end it - Just put someone important to him in his way.

He uses a Flute to control Animals and Summon Foxes. It also functions as a blade. He plays tunes such as: and anything similar. They have different functions. Faster songs to control Animals, Medium to Summon, but Slow to send someone to sleep or even worse..

Kill them. (DUN DUN DUNN!) ~
Species: Kitsune
Crush: Er.. What crush? Oh.. It's.. D-Daisuke!
Grade:: 9th Grade
What you Do for Fun? He likes to play he Guitar, or just chat to his friends. Or, sometimes just make people Swoon by acting ever so Kawaii. ~
History: Aoi doesn't remember his past to much, since he looks into the future. He suspects it'll be revealed as his life goes on.
Other: Aoi is Bisexual, leaning toward Homosexual.

So begins...

Aoi Katō's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Katō Character Portrait: Hideaki Seitan Character Portrait: Daisuke Itsuji
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Aoi skipped around, not caring how Girly it made him look. After all, if a Man can't skip around without being called a Sissy then he'd rather not be a Man.

That had to be the biggest pack of lies Aoi had ever thought of. He lost focus of anything he was doing and.. SMACK!

Aoi slammed into the Fence. A few groans and mumbles later, he was OK. Shaking from side to side in confusion. "Aoi-Kun better keep his head on today, or he'll probably get himself knocked out again. Like the year before, and the year before that, and...

He looked up and saw the only person that was as Feminine as him. "Ossu! ~ Daisuke-Sama!" He said, smiling his usual smile. He then turned to Hideaki. "Watch out with the big Scythe. You might cut yourself - And nobody would gain from that. Especially someone as cute as you. Watching the blood pour out would be an ugly sight." He said, still smiling. He took out his Flute and Played it normally. - Not like he had a reason to use his power.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Katō Character Portrait: Hideaki Seitan Character Portrait: Daisuke Itsuji
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Daisuke grinned as he saw Aoi. "Aoi-chan~! Don't address me as sama, simply address me as chan! I like chan better anyways~" he said happily as he cocked his head to the side, and soon blinked with sudden concern. "Also, are you alright? You look like you took quite a hit from the fence," he said as he hopped down. He was a bit tinier than Aoi, though, but only an inch off. His gaze shifted to Hideaki, and he leaned to whisper in Aoi's ear. "That meanie doesn't like being called cute for some reason. It gets him angry, just to give you a heads up. I don't want anyone getting hurt," he said, with a bit of concern and amusement in his voice. The amusement is from Hideaki's distaste for being called cute, and the concern if Hide gets angry and decides to hit Aoi.

"He even got angry when I said I could knock him out. I hope he realizes soon that I don't even have to fight him," he murmured, his gaze still on the feminine-but-scary looking boy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Katō Character Portrait: Takeo Kukai Character Portrait: Hideaki Seitan Character Portrait: Daisuke Itsuji
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Hideaki was a bit dissapointed that the boy wasn't serious about the fight. 'Maybe I should rip off a limb or two. It'll relieve at least some of my stress. Wait a minute... Kiss? Is this kid serious?' He thought to himself, once again giving Daisuke a stare as if he was the biggest freak on the planet. Hideaki twirled the scythe once and then planted it into the ground. He had also once again ignored the part about Daisuke not being in the club. Hideaki has gained the ability to mostly block out what he dosen't want to hear. "I already meditate. I have to in order to control my second power." He stated nonchalantly.

'Why the hell does he keep spinning. The more this guy talks, the more I want to cut him down.' Hideaki began showing large signs of irritation at this point. Most of all the anger vein mark on his forehead. 'Did he just call me his friend?' Hideaki began raising the scythe above his head, ready to bring down on the boy as he was rambling. He stopped himself just in time. "No, no. I need him for the club. Let him live for now, Hide." Hide mumbled trying to talk himself out of it.

All of a sudden another boy ran into the fence Hide had used to make the scythe. "Not another idiot!" Hide blurted while thinking outloud. "C-cute..." Hideaki had to restrain himself from beheading the boy at the mere mention of the word. 'What's with the flute?!' Hideaki shook his head from side to side, trying to calm himself down. "For the good of the club. For the good of the club." He chattered over and over again. He and Daisuke seemed to know each other. "H-hey. Would you perhaps like to join the club, I and your friend are in?" Hideaki asked Aoi with an unussually nice voice, and expression. It almost hurt him to smile to widely.

Right after yet another person showed up. "The idiots are multiplying! Wait. This one "seems" normal!" Hideaki thought out loud once again. He placed his hand on the lad's shoulder, and gave him the same painful smile as Aoi. "Hey! So how about joining the Survivalist club?" Hideaki now felt that he barf any second from the niceness. The scythe layed on the grass, now completely forgotten.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Katō Character Portrait: Hideaki Seitan Character Portrait: Daisuke Itsuji
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Daisuke stopped, and turned to stare at Hideaki. "You're beginning to irritate me, and it's rare that that happens." He sighed, resting his hand on his forehead. "Also, once again, I am not and I repeat not going to join the club. Just relax and be quiet for awhile, please," he breathed, clearly agitated from this individual. Another rose formed in his hand from dust, and this time it was pink. "And I'm going to make you to relax. I can control the power, so I think you won't go unconsious. Just a bit sleepy." He sighed, and used his second power in which involved his, well, you get what I mean. The one which involved lip contact to be able to make his victim relax or go unconsious. Daisuke began glowing a pale pink, little electrical pink shocks surrounding the aura around him. He thought. I'd enjoy this if it was with someone I know and someone I knew who wouldn't care. This is going to be stressful, with an individual with a negative aura. Oi. I wouldn't want to be in a battle with this guy. His scythe is unusually scarier than practically the grim reaper's.

Getting closer to the male, and not even blushing because of a bit annoyed he was, he held the rose in his other hand and put a glowing hand on Hideaki's cheek. He began muttering words, some either Japanese or English words originating from Latin. Daisuke's aura glowing a bit darker this time, since he was building up his supposed "energy", and silently begging it would shut up this yapping and challenging individual, he rolled his eyes a bit in a challenging way.

"Ew," he simply stated, before he attempted to connect lips with the boy so his power could fully work.

Well. This should be interesting. I bet you he'll try to cut my head off afterwards. Wait, you? Who was Daisuke talking to in his mind anyway?!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Katō Character Portrait: Hideaki Seitan
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#, as written by Bani
Cecelia wondered, not for the first time, what had induced her father to send her so far away from home.
Well, not that she was complaining. She had always liked the pretty Japanese houses and paintings and origami and cherry blossoms anyway.

Being lost in her own world, she failed to notice her surroundings till she caught something sparkling out of the corner of her eyes.

Or rather, someone, she corrected herself as a young boy, practically glowing pink and with a sparkling background of pink - how was that even possible was she hallucinating again? - tried to kiss another boy with a shock of white hair, who also happened to be holding a scythe.

"I knew I should have listened to the librarian!" she announced to no one in particular, quite sure this was a figment of her imagination, because really, what else could it be? People did not attempt to randomly kiss other people of the same gender who were incidentally holding a scary-looking scythe while sparkling pink. That was just ... impossible. Right? What was next - pink unicorns?

Cecelia found herself cursing her curiosity - a frequent occurrence - for making her go to the section of the library that the elderly librarian had expressly forbade her to enter.

"But why shouldn't I go there?" she had protested.
"Just believe me, Ellie-san. You don't want to know what's in there."
"As you say, Hiroko-san. I won't go there." Cecelia conceded rather demurely.

Of course, that didn't stop her from sneaking in the moment Mr. Hiroko's back was turned to her.

Lets just say that while she didn't mind the general shounen-ai theme much, she still wished what has been seen could be unseen.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Katō Character Portrait: Hideaki Seitan Character Portrait: Daisuke Itsuji
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Aoi smiled as sweetly as possible and to Hideaki's request, he replied bluntly. "Naah! I'm not cut out for survival - And my flute does me some good. And this flute here?" Aoi played it as quickly as possible, and the cat Daisuke scared off came running back, and sat next to Aoi.

"Animal Controlling. It's simple really." He muttered, still trying to play to keep the cat focused. He stopped, and the cat fell asleep. "Daisuke-Chan.." Aoi muttered, his Psycopathic voice kicking in slightly. "Make him relax before i force him. Ofcourse, you're able to do that by Kissing - Correct?"

Aoi went back to normal, and smiled playfully at Hideaki. "I hope you don't mind getting kissed, Mr. "Survivalist Club." After all, this is unique. Getting to feel Daisuke's power in action." He laughed, playing his flute again. This time, slowly in an attempt to calm Hide down.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Katō Character Portrait: Takeo Kukai Character Portrait: Hideaki Seitan Character Portrait: Daisuke Itsuji
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Hideaki all of a sudden felt a little sleepy. 'What the hell? When did I get so tired... Wait... Since when did this guy get so pink? Hell. The background even looks pink. Wait... When did he face get so close? Would someone please shut that damn flute up...' Hideaki couldn't help but feel that time was moving a lot slower then it should, and then suddenly spead up to a random point.

'Wait a minute... Was this kid really serious about that kiss thing? What kind of power is that?' As Hideaki thought this, he noticed that he had dropped his scythe. 'Damn. Guess I can't count on that right now. Hideaki then noticed that his hand was still on Takeo's shoulder. He concentrated on moving his hand to the back of Takeo's head, although it was incredibly hard, considering his current condition. 'You want to kiss me that bad, kid?' Hideaki taunted Daisuke in his mind. 'Like...' At this point he couldn't even finish the thought. Just before their lips were about to make contact, he let out a loud yell. "LIKE HELL!!!" He exclaimed while bring Takeo's head smashing into the side of Daisuke's. It took all of his willpower to do so, and he nearly keeled over afterwards. Instead of passing out, he merely fell on his ass and began shaking his head to try and wake up.

"Those are some strange yet impressive powers you've got there..." Hideaki began saying once he could talk once again. He stood up abruptly and pointed at Aoi. "If we run into any wildlife, you can put them to sleep! That way we don't get arrested for killing species on the verge of going extinct!" He exclaimed, although the last part was a bit exaggerated.

He then pointed his finger at Daisuke. "You could also do that. One little peck, and they won't be any trouble. You could also help if he get hypothermia or something, and can't fall asleep!" That last part was also exaggerated. Obviously sleeping wouldn't be the only thing someone needs to treat hypothermia, but Hideaki isn't exactly the most knowledgable in the medical field.

"Yes. You are both perfect for this club. If it comes to things like mountain climbing, then you can count on me. I'm sure there is plently of iron and I think some platinum in most of them, so we should be fine." Hideaki then walked over to his scythe and started walking toward's Aoi. "But I don't want you using that damn flute on me again." He said, getting in Aoi's face intimidatingly, and then withdrawing.

He continued walking past Aoi to the fence behind him. He then touched one end of the scythe to the fence and it immideatly reverted back into the fence, filling up the missing bars. Hideaki had the design for the scythe safely implanted into his brain, so he could make an exact replica easily. "Well. We'll talk about this some more later. I'll come find both of you depending if we have the same lunch period. If not then I'll hun-... seek you out afterschool." He said, covering up at the end. Hideaki then grabbed his schoolbag off the floor and made a run for it, since more people seemed to be attracted to the spot. 'I just wanted to play with that cat...' Hideaki sighed, as he began instinctually jumping on and off the roofs of houses.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Katō Character Portrait: Takeo Kukai Character Portrait: Hideaki Seitan Character Portrait: Daisuke Itsuji
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Daisuke noticed Hideaki going sleepy. 'Yes, it's working.' He thought, until he noticed Hideaki grabbing Takeo's head. Before he knew it, he was hit in the head by Takeo's head, which was indeed pretty strong compared to Daisuke's fragile body. From the sudden impact, Daisuke lurched forward and fell on his knees, rubbing his head from surprise, and well of course, pain. Another thing that sucked whenever he used a bit too much power in trying, he usually either fainted afterwards or began coughing like a maniac. Well, he went a bit overboard in trying, since of course, Hideaki had negative energy, so it was pretty difficult since Daisuke is still new at that power.

'Ack. Now I'm getting sleepy. Why couldn't I just cough my lungs out,' he thought a bit angrily, before his eyelids fluttered and he lurched forward again, laying on his side, basically asleep/fainted.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Katō Character Portrait: Takeo Kukai Character Portrait: Hideaki Seitan Character Portrait: Daisuke Itsuji
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Aoi glared at Hide. "If you ever hurt Daisuke again..." He muttered, his Kitsune speaking for him. "I'll make you beg for death."

Aoi shook himself out of his state, and watched Daisuke lurch forward. "Nope!" He shouted, kneeling infront of him, catching his head on Aoi's lap. "You'll be okay, man. Just hang on." He whispered, propping his head up against his arm. "Hey! Takeo! You okay?!" He shouted. Aoi still had his flute in his hand, and every so often it gently tapped Daisuke's head. "We don't have time for this, Daisuke-Chan. Wake up, we need to get to school." He grunted, a chibi -3- face coming over him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Katō Character Portrait: Takeo Kukai Character Portrait: Hideaki Seitan Character Portrait: Daisuke Itsuji
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Daisuke twitched, rolling off of Aoi's shoulder and landing on the floor with a thump. Again, from a sudden impact, he shot upwards and screamed, rather loudly, with a scared chibi face. T^T.

"Ow. Stupid kid with his stupid head-banging and stupid scythe and stupid club. I'm not meeting him after school," he muttered, rubbing the back of his head which still hurt. "Is Takeo okay?" He asked groggily, also a hint of annoyance in his voice. That stupid idiot. As much as I want to pierce his skin with a thorn whip, it's always good to be nice. Just be nice, he said to himself, and just sighed and flopped onto the ground. "Thanks, Aoi-chan," he said with a thankful nod. "Are you gonna meet him after school?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Katō Character Portrait: Takeo Kukai Character Portrait: Hideaki Seitan Character Portrait: Daisuke Itsuji
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"No way! I'm not wasting my time with him. And i'm glad you aren't either!" Aoi said, stroking Daisuke's head where he hit it. Aoi cared way too much for Daisuke - But that was only because they were so alike.

"Don't mention it. It's my pleasure. Now, come on. We need to get to school. If we're late for class i have a feeling i'll get a ruler thrown at me again." He muttered, standing up and extending a hand for Daisuke. "Come on, Daisuke-Chan! Or i'll carry you!" He laughed, preparing himself to pick him up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Katō Character Portrait: Takeo Kukai Character Portrait: Hideaki Seitan Character Portrait: Daisuke Itsuji
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"Bleh," he said, hauling himself up and sitting upright, taking Aoi's hand and forcing himself up. "Nah. You don't need to carry me," he said politely. "I'll only be a burden then." He did one of those closed-eyed smiles and opened his eyes to pick up his backpack which he dropped when he got hit. "Let's go, Takeo-chan and Aoi-chan!" He said happily, forgetting that his head still throbbed and focusing on happy things.

Daisuke frowned at the ruler comment. "Lemme kill 'em if they throw a ruler at you. After all, we are in the same class, so I can whip him with a thorn whip."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Katō Character Portrait: Takeo Kukai Character Portrait: Levienne Allys Character Portrait: Daisuke Itsuji Character Portrait: Kin Hozuki
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Daisuke's head shot up as he was bumped into by someone, and he lurched forward, waving his hands infront of his face and screaming. "Nooo! Don't hurt me!"

Realizing it was just a girl, though she looked rather...tomboy-ish maybe? Daisuke looked up and blushed. "Sorry." He apologized from his outburst, and just gazed at the ground shyly until she asked him a question. "Oh. Hng. Yeah, though I know a lot of people from middle school though."

He said, and then decided to introduce himself. Extending a gentle hand, he smiled softly and vividly. "I'm Daisuke Itsuji! That's Aoi, and Takeo...he's the guy covered in orange juice unfortunately," he said, blinking.

"What are you? Junior? Sophomore? Senior?" He asked, his eyes soft and happy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Katō Character Portrait: Daisuke Itsuji Character Portrait: Kin Hozuki
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She grinned and shook his hand. "Kin Hozuki! Junior at this school, Queen of Awesomeness and future ruler of the world," she said and then shrugged, "But you can just call me Kin if you want. But I wouldn't object to Your Epicness, ya know. Just sayin'..."

"Well anyway, it's nice to meet you guys! I haven't really had any friends younger me but this'll be another exception I guess...," Kin said and slung an arm around the two boys casually. "I can take you guys under my wing. a big sister. I've always wanted siblings! Feel free to refer to me as nee-chan," she told them with a grin.

Oh, she was going to be an awesome nee-chan.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Katō Character Portrait: Daisuke Itsuji Character Portrait: Kin Hozuki
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Daisuke blinked in confusion, and he clapped his hands together and smiled. "Nee-chan! Well, he guesses she's his nee-chan now. How cool! "Look Aoi-chan! We've got a bigger sister now!" He said happily, hugging Aoi and Kin. "Kin nee-chan. Yes. I like that," he said happily.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Katō Character Portrait: Daisuke Itsuji Character Portrait: Kin Hozuki
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Kin smiled and hugged him back. She wanted to keep him and his adorableness and she wasn't going to deny it any longer because, she was a girl after all and some things even she wasn't immune to. Like adorable blushing boys, for example.

And then he called her Kin nee-chan and she decided that yes, she was definitely going to keep him.

She blinked as a bell rang.

"We should probably go to class as much as I hate to say it," Kin muttered. "But if I'm going to be a nee-chan I'll have to be a good role-model and whatnot right?" She paused and considered it. "Okay maybe not have to. This is me, after all." She sighed and then looked at the two boys.

"Aoi-chan, Dai-chan," she said, coming up with the nickname one the spot, "how about I walk you guys to class and then maybe after school we can hang out more, yeah?" Kin offered.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Katō Character Portrait: Daisuke Itsuji Character Portrait: Kin Hozuki
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Aoi blushed severely when he was pulled into the Hug with his new Nee-Chan. "Aah! Er.. I... Uhm... Hehe.. Nee-Chan.." Was all he could force out.

"Walk us to school? Yeah! Sure!" He said, cuddling into his Nee-Chan. He was certain today would be a good day. He grabbed their hands and started to skip off to school.

God.. Aoi was really girly. He was cool with it, though. After all, his Crush was too!