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Aaiden Black

A Demon born from Nothingness.

0 · 865 views · located in Kolbs Academy For The Unique

a character in “Kolbs Academy For The 'Unique'”, as played by Royalburden



"Oh?......How interesting..."


Appearance and Personal Info:

Nickname: Aaiden

Favorite Animal: Panther

Species Demon

Eye Color: Black

Hair Color Black

Skin Tone Quite pale

Age: 19 as far as you know


Habits: Nothing too prominent really.

Strengths: His strengths are all in his intelligence and psychological influence. He is also physically very quick and very silent.

Flaws: His ruthless attitude tends to cause him to be alienated from others, despite his fear of being alone.

Likes: He likes being feared. To him it means he's respected as a demon. Perhaps he'll learn that being feared is not all it's cracked up to be when forced to live by human rules and society, and that having a few friends on your side is handy.

Dislikes: He hates to be mocked, it pisses him off. He also hates being created as an equal by those 'lower' than him. Which in his mind means everyone. He despises angels with an animalistic passion, and he hates to be alone however he hates admitting that just about as much.

WeaknessesHe's not used to using a physical body to fight. He's not used to it's limited endurance and will wear it out pretty quickly in a fair fight. He is also stubborn and refuses to admit he's loosing fast and would easily fight himself to death if he's driven to it. He usually fights by taking someone by surprise or distracting them with a hallucination. None of his powers can actually harm a person, small scratches at most physically. Mental harm is possible depending on the person.

Quirks: He tends to make lights around him flicker warily. It's sort of his signature, how you can tell where he is and how he's feeling at the moment. The more they flicker, the more bothered he is.

Hallucinations-His powers are mostly psychological. His hell had a strange effect on his mind while he was in there he started to see things that weren't there. He calls them his demons. These demons grew stronger the longer he was in the nothingness. They are hallucinations created by his mind and in the living world others can see them as well, but only as long as the observer believes they are there. Once the observer doubts their existence their power weakens and they flicker away, but the more a person believes that the demons exist, the more they are able to effect them. Ultimately they can get strong enough to physically touch a person, but only in extreme cases and only minor physical contact such as touches and light scratches. They're meant only to cause fear.
Shadows- He also has the ability to manipulate shadows and extinguish light sources. Most the time this happens outside of his control because he's worked up; either pissed off, terrified, or excited. He rarely manages to extinguish light sorces at will. Also he can see better in the dark, living things have a certain glow to them through his eyes, how bright each person's glow is is determined by their physical and emotional strength. This ability has no physical effect on a person except for a strange feeling of pressure and dark energy in the room that's being effected.


Before Aaiden was a demon he was a human. This was centuries and centuries ago, he doesn't remember this and refuses to acknowledge it. If anyone where to ask he would say he was born a creation of Satan, a foot soldier to the great war of the earth which goes on every day. Or something along those lines. In truth he was a sinner of the worst sort and was punished. His punishment? Something like solitary confinement, only for centuries. He was stripped of a physical form and denied all forms of stimulus. He felt nothing, saw nothing, heard nothing, was surrounded by nothing for an eternity. It destroyed his sanity. When he was finally brought back to earth he was literally an empty shell terrified of everything. Everything was wiped clean from his mind. His former life of sin and murder and his memories of the torment that lasted many lifetimes. He was given a second chance by Satan, his father. A new life to live and powers to use.

On the night of his rebirth he was found by a man he would soon grow to know as his 'human caretaker'. He refuses to acknowledge him as a parent figure simply because he is prideful of his species and very stubborn. Being brought up by a human is unacceptable in his eyes so according to him he only 'used his home for a while'. His caretaker took that in kind. When he was found he was found as an adolescent, nude, filthy, and terribly confused and frightened. He struck out at the poor man and ended up clawing out one of his eyes. Despite that the man managed to get a hold of him and held him firm in his arms until his fear faded away. From there Aaiden's journey began. The man taught him like he would teach a newborn how to speak, walk, talk, and do maths. Aaiden absorbed it all with ease, learning also along the way how wonderful it felt being in contact with another being.

Every once in a while, however when Aaiden lays down to go to sleep he gets a strange feeling as if his mind has left his body and is fading back to the nothingness....his own personal hell, and he finds he's too terrified to close his eyes.

Aaiden is a demon, so his mind works as a demon's would, not like a human. He has a very violent, very morbid nature and sees such things as beauty. He is clueless to the ways of love and the human concept of respect. He cannot sympathize with others and often wonders why others don't enjoy the beauties of suffering. He's very much in denial over the love he feels for his human caretaker, but displays it still in his own arrogant way. He's stubborn, ruthless, and ever so hateable, but at the same time he's very smart and despite his coldness he does have a soft side, his love and respect for his human proves that.

(Anything else you want to add?)

So begins...

Aaiden Black's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cesieal Character Portrait: Aaiden Black Character Portrait: Simon Klauve
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Aaiden looked up at the school before him, his pack over one shoulder. He didn't say anything as his 'human' put a hand on his shoulder for encouragement. The man that towered over him was elderly. Tall, thin, but the grasp that was on Aaiden's shoulder was strong and supportive. The man wore a short top hat low over his brow, half concealing the bandages wrapped around his right eye. It was an old wound, yet it still festered an ached. A wound like that does not heal so eagerly. It was made by a new born demon after all, one terrified out of it's mind. The old man paid no mind to the dull throbbing ache and his one droopy gray eye gazed up at the main building. His thick gray mustache bristled and he patted his son on the shoulder.

Aaiden made no reaction to he hand that was on his shoulder. Why would he need encouragement? Surely he would succeed in whatever was required of this school. The students where likely to be insolent humans no doubt. Unique, Aaiden scoffed slightly. What does it mean for a human to be unique anyways? His human turned away saying nothing, as was ritual between them. If vocal claims of affection were what you expected to hear from a demon then....surely you must be a fool. Aaiden walked up the stairs and entered the building. The cold he seemed to radiate followed him as usual and the lamps nearest him flickered in greeting, dimmed and finally righted themselves and shadows seem to puddle in the corners of the hall, darkening the entrance like a sudden morning fog. His eyes passed over the girl and the boy in the hall then narrowed. Disgusting. An angel. Surely the school won't mind if I picked her off...

He gave an unsatisfied sigh and looked down at the letter he had been given months before his arrival that day. "Room 210..." He quietly made his way through the entrance hall and up a flight of stairs following the logic that the 200 rooms would be on the second floor. It wasn't long till he found the room, he knocked on the door first to see if any roommates had made it there before he had.

(OOC: For clarity, italics for me is thought.)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benjamin Conway Character Portrait: Hebi Fechi Character Portrait: Cesieal Character Portrait: Aaiden Black Character Portrait: Simon Klauve
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Simon Klauve

On their way down to the cafeteria, something caught his nose. The scent of sulfur, but also rage, resentment, and arrogance. The smell made him physically ill, and he had to pinch his nose to keep his stomach. Who the hell was that stench coming from? He took a quick look around and spotted the source of said stank. A black haired male demon who had just entered the school. He smelled evil intent and narrowed his eyes, growling and letting his hand go to the wooden sword at his side. But soon the demon was gone. He frowned and decided to keep an eye out for that particular demon. He was dangerous.

Once they reached the Cafeteria, the angel from before was there. He was blushing and stuttering like mad, but he seemed to know Ciel. Then he said Hi to him. Simon waved and smiled a little. "I'm Simon. Thanks for earlier by the way." With that, he hid from the rest of the students behind Ciel.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benjamin Conway Character Portrait: Hebi Fechi Character Portrait: Cesieal Character Portrait: Sera Knight Character Portrait: Aaiden Black Character Portrait: Simon Klauve
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Sera Knight

Sera just stood there as people introduced themselves. She wasn't really used to people. The only people she was used to was her family and her brother.
Once it was just her and her brother left, she turned towards him, licking her lips. "I need food" She said her eyes flashing with a glow.
If her brother know her, he knew she would need food or she would kill someone. And both end in bad consequences.
Now she doesn't actually eat food, she drink's blood. Her blood bags were transferred to the cafeteria a few days ago as well as the order list for when she runs out.
Before Drake replied she was all ready off towards the canteen, her hunger was getting the better of her. And if she didn't get a blood bag soon she was going to end up feeding on someone. Suddenly appearing in the canteen, she looked around at the people in there. It seemed that the guy and girl she crashed into earlier were in there. Along with some other people. And for some reason a boy had an apple stuck in his mouth, she was to busy to question it though. Before any of them could even speak to her, she appeared outside the fridge, pulling the fridge door open, refraining from pulling the door off. Looking inside she found her blood bags.
Grabbing one of the soda cups from the side, she began to empty the blood in to it. Once all the blood was in the cup, she threw away the blood bag and placed the lid on the cup then pierced the straw through. Taking a sip from the straw caused a relaxed sigh to escape her mouth.
Sera then headed over towards one of the empty tables to proceed to 'eat' without killing someone.

Drake Knight

Drake waved to people as they left, going in there own directions.
When Sera mentioned she needed food, his eyes widened in fear. He was going to drag her off to the canteen to get her blood bags, but she was all ready gone in that direction.
Deciding to follow her to make sure she didn't cause completely havoc, he appeared in the canteen shorty after she had sat down at a table near the back. Heading over towards her, he began to smile at the other students who were in there. Showing that he wasn't as rude as his sister. But being the klutz that he was he ended up tripping over nothing on the ground. Face planting the floor. "Shit.." He cursed as he began to run his nose.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hebi Fechi Character Portrait: Aaiden Black Character Portrait: Drake Knight
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Upon entering the Cafeteria, Aaiden was appaled by the collection of wretched fools in this place. His black eyes swept across the open room all the while he got more and more pissed off at what he saw. Tchh....Werewolves, vampires, angels..... Aaiden's gaze lingered on Hebi. Abominations. Father! There is an artificial demon in this place! What torment have you sent me to this time? Aaiden closed his eyes momentarily. The lights around him flickered agitatedly. He moved towards the food line and nearly ran into a kid whom, out of nowhere fell flat on his face in his path. This set him off. The lights in the whole room dimmed and nearly went out then righted themselves to their natural brightness.

"Surely you aren't so much of a fool that you'd have forgotten how to walk like a civil being, Leech?" His voice came smooth, attractive even but was so thick in a deceptive darkness it was impossible to trust. He didn't help the boy up, nor did he place a hand on him to harm him, but if his glare had physical form it would have stabbed the boy through and through in the throat and hung him from the rafters above. A demon flickered briefly above his shoulder, a mere whisp of blackness like smoke. A trick of the light? Or perhaps a conjuring from the depths of his hate for the vampire boy. Aaiden crouched down to be face to face with the boy to let him personally feel the oppressive feel of his shadows on his mind. He put his pale lips next to the boy's ear and whispered. "If you get in my way again. I will either kill you....or lock you with your nightmares for an eternity."

Suddenly the oppressive feel was gone and Aaiden beamed at Drake. "I hope you haven't hurt yourself." He put a hand out as he stood, offering to help him to his feet.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benjamin Conway Character Portrait: Hebi Fechi Character Portrait: Cesieal Character Portrait: Sera Knight Character Portrait: Aaiden Black Character Portrait: Simon Klauve
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Simon Klauve

He watched the proceedings with the curiosity and fear of a small child. So many people like him, all in one place! Well, not exactly like him, but the rejects of human society with which he'd been dumped. The demon from before entered the cafeteria along with two vampires. Those two seemed fine, but the demon set him on edge. The stench of his arrogance made his hair stand on end. Then the angel's friend, the other angel not Ciel, the source of the reptilian smell from earlier, came up and was trying to get the angels attention. Apparently, the apple he was trying to eat was stuck on his large fangs. Well... Okay, might as well help the poor guy.

He stepped out from behind Ciel and up to the snake man. "Hold still for a second, I won't hurt you." He carefully grasped the apple and the snake's jaw and managed to wiggle the apple out of his mouth. "There we go! Maybe you should eat it in smaller pieces?" He took the apple in both hands and twisted, breaking the apple in two even halves. He broke those into fourths and put them into the snakes hand. "There. All better." Feeling his job done, he went back to hiding behind Ciel.

(O.O.C.: Won't be on until late tonight. College starts today. Wish me luck!)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benjamin Conway Character Portrait: Hebi Fechi Character Portrait: Cesieal Character Portrait: Sera Knight Character Portrait: Aaiden Black Character Portrait: Simon Klauve
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Ben felt a tugging at his shirt after Simon introduced himself and looked over at Hebi. The poor boy had gotten an apple stuck in his fangs.

"Oh jeez.." Ben said, trying to figure out a way to pull the apple out when Simon walked over and took it out gently. "Sorry, I should have realized that fangs were not good for eating apples." He said to the boy.

As Ben turned to the door again, he felt the air become tense with a feeling that he automatically disliked. Being an angel, he was automatically opposed to all demons and immediately wanted to run out of the room when he felt the aura of one. But, this was a new year. And Ben had to be civil toward his fellow students. He looked around for the source of the aura and when he found it, he walked over to the boy.

"I'm Ben," he said sticking out his hand stiffly. "I suppose we should all try to get along here." He had seen the look on the boy's face when he had run into the other. "You should be careful the floors can get slick in here," he said to the other boy, who he remembered was named Drake.

"Well then, welcome to Kolbs Academy. I'm sure that you'll find that you are not the only demon here."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benjamin Conway Character Portrait: Hebi Fechi Character Portrait: Cesieal Character Portrait: Sera Knight Character Portrait: Aaiden Black Character Portrait: Simon Klauve
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Drake Knight

Drake didn't mean to trip, one of the 'laces' on his converses came lose. Suddenly he heard a smooth voice from above him "Surely you aren't so much of a fool that you'd have forgotten how to walk like a civil being, Leech?" Leech? Whose he calling leech? Wait... oh. How did he know he was a vampire? Had his fangs shown whilst he fell? He knew his monster aura was different from others since he was an S-class, but compared to his sister he looked nothing like a vampire. Suddenly the boys lips were beside his ear, and he began to speak once more If you get in my way again. I will either kill you....or lock you with your nightmares for an eternity." He sounded rather demonic, maybe he was a demon. From what he could tell he was.
Next thing you know the guy was smiling at him?!"I hope you haven't hurt yourself." Drake's face remained blank as he took the guys hand and pulled himself up.
Is he bipolar? He thought to himself as he rubbed the back of his neck.
Drake was a bit taller than him, standing at around 6'2 he was taller than most people.
"No I haven't hurt myself. But I squashed my potato chips" He pouted as he pointed to the crushed potato chip bag.
"You know... You remind me of my sister..." He said in a low voice.

Sera Knight

Sera watched the scene unravel in front of her. Smirking when the guy called him a fool for forgetting to walk, but a scowl appeared on her face when he called him a leech. How dare he call him a leech?! He looked nothing like those little slug type things. They were much better than leeches.
After that she sorta zoned out of her brothers conversation until he mentioned that the demon guy reminded him of her.
Suddenly appearing next to Drake she scowled at him whilst sucking on her straw. "I'm nothing like this being" She muttered.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benjamin Conway Character Portrait: Aaiden Black Character Portrait: Drake Knight
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Aaiden's grin remained on his face for a mere moment, then it vanished as Ben approached them. His steely gaze turned to Ben. He looked down at the hand he offered to shake but didn't dare take it. Who does this guy think he is? Walking up to me and announcing he's an angel. Demanding that we get along. Does he have a death wish? The lights dimmed again.

"You know. Perhaps the rest of these....and I loosely call them this 'demons' here in the school have forgotten their duties to father. But I haven't. I have endured centuries of torture to get where I am, I have earned my gifts and my title as a true Demon, soldier of hell. A mere school isn't going to sway that." Aaiden said in a cool frightenly calm and level tone. His tone quickly darkened as his temper grew hot and the room seemed to tremble slightly with the oppressive dark energy he was giving off. The shadows deepened and elongated and the room seemed to have been plunged in night. "If I have to pluck the wings off of every angel in this school with my own two hands I will do so without hesitation. DON'T. Test. Me."

He turned his back on Ben and smiled again at Drake and Sera. "Believe me, you two are nothing like me. You can either be thankful or envious it does not matter to me. I can at least say I am not a slave to primal thirst." He hissed smoothly.

He left the group to get his food and his temper calmed. The darkness in the room left but still lingered that edgy feeling one gets in a haunted house as if something there is very wrong and just itching to blow out of control.

Aaiden found a big hunk of steak, nearly raw in the center and he almost felt content again. Perhaps this trip wasn't going to be a complete nightmare. He had all the steak he could eat, and a whole school full of writhing little toys to play with. He found a seat in an empty corner and sat down, carving little chunks out of his steak, pondering which fool he'd break first.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice Silvera Character Portrait: Elizabeth Sazzph Character Portrait: Aaiden Black
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Elizabeth gave a small sigh, and lowered her hand.
"I'm hungry,"
She muttered, looking up to the other girl.
"We can meet later--I am craving food."
Elizabeth was truly getting hungry, and she had all year to talk with this girl. Without waiting for a response, she rather rudely walked out of the room. She lead herself to the smell of food, and a small smile had crept upon her face, when she walking into the cafeteria. Her nose had brought her to a piece of steak...Which was already taken. Elizabeth's red eyes lead her to the face of another demon, a male, with dark hair.
She wasn't sure what to say, other than give me that steak, and she was sure most wouldn't appreciate that. She narrowed her eyes,
It's their fault if they don't like what I say.
Elizabeth thought, right before the words came rolling out, in her monotone voice.
"Give that to me."

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Character Portrait: Elizabeth Sazzph Character Portrait: Aaiden Black
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"I was right about this place you know. The people here really are stupid. Find your own food."
Elizabeth frowned.
"I think I know when I am acting idiotic. There is no more steak, and that is what I want. Now I advise you give it to me now."
Her voice was dark, and demanding, stating that she wouldn't take no for an answer. Either way, Elizabeth certainly did not approve of being called an idiot. She glared with her deep red eyes, and expected more of a yes this time.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benjamin Conway Character Portrait: Hebi Fechi Character Portrait: Cesieal Character Portrait: Elizabeth Sazzph Character Portrait: Aaiden Black Character Portrait: Simon Klauve
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The male angel introduced himself as Ben blushing and stuttering the whole time. Perhaps he felt guilty for being rude, but Ciel had nearly forgotten the whole ordeal anyway. Although she felt like she was forgiving him like a friend would do, she couldnā€™t quite place how she knew him. So Ceil simply replied with her own name in response just as the boy with the scales walked up and tugged on Benā€™s shirt. A red apple was stuck into his snake like fangs which made her smile a bit in a guilty amusement. However before Ciel, who felt bad for this boy, could assist, Simon was at his aid. ā€œHebi fine.ā€ So his name was Hebi then.
Just then a dark aura settled slowly over the cafeteria. Perhaps it was just her, but it seemed as if the lights flickered for a second before returning to their usual brightness. Cielā€™s back stiffened automatically and her breath hitched a bit when she saw- no felt him. The Demonā€™s presence was strong and stifling to Ciel, like a cloth that should have been light, but was pressing her down. Her gaze settled on a older boy with coal black hair. And his eyes. His eyes were like pools of black in, no emotion although if you looked thoroughly a cloud of hatred bloomed at the bottom.
Ciel was filled with too many emotions for any of them to actually sink in. Loathing and hate. Confusion. Fiery red hot anger. But mostly fear. Fear overtook her body, gave her a slight uncontrollable tremble. But she straightened herself out and attempted to hide the tremors. She would not look like a shaking dog while under the gaze of this inferior being. She was a divine creature of light, why should she be afraid of this lowly monster? Then a pang of loss and guilt. Was she still really a divine creature? If so, why was she allowed to despise this being?
Ciel inhaled and exhaled, two times before getting herself into a calm state. She would not lower herself to such a level where she got mad when a single man walked into the room. Then another demon walked into the cafeteria, probably lured by the revolting slabs of fat meat.
ā€œGreat,ā€ she muttered. It had slipped out of her mouth with her unaware of it until it found her ears. The blue haired angel bit her lip, hard, and reminded herself to catch the words that she thought and spoke. Maybe if she wasnā€™t so weak she could go flaunting around the school, saying whatever she pleased. But no, even then she wouldnā€™t. Because her Angel heritage would make her feel guilty.
For now sheā€™d have to keep her mind alert. Demons were not to be underestimated. Desperately she wished she were part of the Divine League. Then she could spread good in the world, erasing the bitter trail the monsters left in their wake.
Ceilā€™s train of thought was abruptly snapped in half as two dark voices carried over to her. A little ways away the demons were having a civil argument about a piece of meat. Well, as civil as demons could be. She sighed and peered around the room to make sure there was nothing extremely valuable around, although why one would keep something of value in a place meant for eating was unknown to her.
Ciel vaguely remembered a hazy memory of a small book which had detailed descriptions of the Divine oneā€™s and her Father, God. She didnā€™t think of herself as a great and holy person and it was obvious that the author of the book had never seen an Angel and Demon together. These unholy creatures were giving this Angle a major headache, and a signal that told her to be ready for attack.
But Demons were hard to predict. She could not see herself as prepared at all.
(Sorry it's a bit chopped, I have to write pretty quickly because of school... :/)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benjamin Conway Character Portrait: Hebi Fechi Character Portrait: Sera Knight Character Portrait: Aaiden Black Character Portrait: Drake Knight
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Ben sighed as the demon walked away. "Arrogant prick," he muttered, then smiled at Drake and the girl who was suddenly standing next to him. "Well, sorry about him, I'm sure that I'll see you at the entrance ceremony." He said, giving a weak smile and then turning away to walk out of the hall. He was tired of socializing.

Ben walked through the entrance hallway, not stopping to say hello to any of the newcomers, and headed out onto the lawn, apple still in hand. The willow tree was his favorite place, and Ben hid books in a shallow hole in the trunk. He took one out and sat down, enjoying the silence for several moments.

"I suppose I'm not one for friends," he muttered to himself. Yes, socializing made him tired. He wished that he hadn't gotten involved with anyone. He wished that he hadn't gone to get food from the dining hall. But overall, he wished that Sarai was with him. He missed her even more now, it seemed. Hebi, the boy seemed strange, as if he had never been on his own before. but he was friendly. Ben sighed. He would try not to rely on the boy too much.

He opened the book that he was reading and immediately got lost in it's pages. It was wonderful to be swept away into a different world. He would only have to exit it for the entrance ceremony that was fast approaching.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benjamin Conway Character Portrait: Hebi Fechi Character Portrait: Cesieal Character Portrait: Elizabeth Sazzph Character Portrait: Aaiden Black Character Portrait: Simon Klauve
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Simon Klauve

He was glad that Hebi was happy with his apple, and now he knew the name of the angel, Ben. They seemed like good people, unlike the male demon sitting over there, eating what smelled like steak. Then the first red headed demon walked in and demanded the steak. Simon hadn't been here long, but he was pretty sure that was bad, very bad. His hackles rose as the lights flickered and dimmed, and the demon stood. Then a dark fog seemed to descend around the two of them, obscuring his sight of them, but for Simon, sight was a secondary sense. He tended to rely more heavily on sound and smell. He knew something very bad was about to happen, and while Simon wasn't usually so bold, he decided that it would be terrible if someone wound up killing another person on his first day at school. So he slipped out from behind Ciel and wove his way around the other students, through the kitchen first. To the others, he seemed to be a blur of what could be a person. He swiped up a knife, and plunged himself into the fog. He didn't need to see, he knew exactly where they were by smell. He brought the knife down and cut the steak evenly in half, though the same went for the plate, along with a bout an inch of the table. "Carved up like that, Sir demon? I don't usually but into others business, but if you want a fight, take it else where." He turned his head to the demon and opened his eyes. They looked like that of some feral animal, bright yellow and full of strange primal rage. Was it scary? Only a bit. The intent behind those eyes, however, was dead frightening.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Sazzph Character Portrait: Aaiden Black Character Portrait: Simon Klauve
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Simon Klauve

He let go of the knife and took a step back as the table flew past, his hand going to the wooden sword at his waist. "How wasteful. And rude as well. I had hoped demons at least had some idea of what manners are." His eyes became even more feral and his pupils became slits, nails turning into claws. While Simon had no wolf form, he became nearly three times as fast and equally as strong in this state. At the word mutt, his cool expression turned to one of pure feral rage.

Suddenly rats appeared at the feet of the demon in swarms, but something was off. He saw them, but they had no scent. Why? AH! Illusions! So that was this demons power. Fortunately, Simon's wolf like sense of smell allowed him to disregard the rats as the illusions they were. "I know what you are, boy. I can see your wild brilliance in the dark, like a neon sign. Get on your knees and eat the steak like the filthy mutt you are."

That did it. The pommel of the wooden blade shot out faster than any bullet, straight into the demons solar plexus. Simon growled and swung upwards, wielding the dull blade back handed, slamming the three foot piece of wood right up into the demons groin. He didn't care who this demon was, that had to hurt. From that, he stepped forward and swung at the back of his knees, toppling him and brought his foot down on the demons back. "Tricks and illusions of such... a pathetic quality will have no effect on me, I assure you. Call me a mutt again, or cause trouble in this school, and this... "Mutt" will kill you! Understand, welp?!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Sazzph Character Portrait: Aaiden Black Character Portrait: Simon Klauve
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Aaiden didn't know what hit him. He fought to catch his breath, his face pressed against the floor. He said nothing as shame and humiliation flooded him joining the rage that simply built up in him. This could not be. This COULD NOT be. Aaiden had never suffered a defeat such as this and it pissed him off so much it actually hurt. No. It will not go down this way. This mutt must die. I will kill him if it's the last thing I do. No one shames me like this. No one.

"Let. Me. Go." He said simply in a very calm voice. His face had gone calm, his eyes blank as if none of this had happened. "Let me go, now. I wish to rest a while in my dorm."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Sazzph Character Portrait: Aaiden Black Character Portrait: Simon Klauve
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Simon Klauve

He twisted his foot once or twice, snarling now. "Perhaps you didn't hear me. I asked you if you understood, welp. Tell me you understand, and you can go about your unholy way!" This demon really irked him. No one calls Simon a mutt! EVER. Part of him, the human in him, told him to stop, but the wolf was awake, and ohhhh was it mad. Kill him! KILL HIM! it screamed. His grip on the wooden sword tightened and he poked the back of the demons head. "Now then. Do. You. Understand. Welp?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Sazzph Character Portrait: Aaiden Black Character Portrait: Simon Klauve
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"If you intend to kill me then get over it and kill me already, werewolf." Aaiden said cooly. "I hope you enjoy cleaning my blood from the floor if you do decide to kill me. The sounds of my death will ring in your head till the day you joined me in hell and mark my words it will be a reunion worth reckoning. I refuse to be shamed by you any further so either cut off my head or let me go." Aaiden was far from done with Simon. He fought with far more than just his illusions and shadows, he fought with his mind as well. He will continue to fight with this simon character, use everything that he learns from Simon. His history, his love, his fears, his limits, his morality against him. He will turn his own mind against him by the time this year is over and simon will regret the day he stepped up and invaded upon Aaiden's buisness. I'm going to make your life a living hell, Simon and I'll do it without even laying a hand upon you. He thought coldly a threat that he took deep with him and burried it, a promise he would not forget.

"Now.....Please.....Simon. I just want to be left alone for a while." Aaiden's gaze softened and looked distant, wounded even. He refused to look Simon in the eye.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hebi Fechi Character Portrait: Cesieal Character Portrait: Elizabeth Sazzph Character Portrait: Aaiden Black Character Portrait: Simon Klauve
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Simon Klauve

After a few moments, his eyes reverted to their normal state and he removed his foot from the demons back. "I won't kill you, not now anyway. Do this again, and I'll change my mind." He walked over to the table and picked it up with one hand, putting it back in its rightful place. He wooden sword went back to his side as he picked the demon up by the back of his shirt and put him back on his feet. "Get stronger, then try again. You've only lost when you've given up. And I don't think you're the type of person to give up, are you?" He grinned at the demon like he was an old friend. "I'm Simon by the way. Sorry about your lunch." He patted the demon on the shoulder and walked away, pausing as he walked by the red haired demon. "I smelled more steaks in the back of the fridge." He looked up at the black fog still surrounding them and smirked. "This fog is not real." Just like that, the illusion shattered, leaving nothing behind. He turned to the male demon. "See you around then." With that, he walked over to the lunch line, grabbed about seven bowls of stew, five loaves of bread, and six milk cartons, sat down at a nearby table, and began to eat his lunch.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benjamin Conway Character Portrait: Hebi Fechi Character Portrait: Elizabeth Sazzph Character Portrait: Aaiden Black Character Portrait: Simon Klauve
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Aaiden stood up, slightly bent over from the pain under his ribs. He shifted away from Simon's hand as he had attempted to pat him on the shoulder. He was certainly not on friendly terms on this one. It was going to take quite some time before he would be. He was right though. Giving up was not an option for him. That would mean extreme dishonor and shame to him. Though demons where known not to have such guidelines Aaiden had far too much pride not to. The shadows however where different from the illusions Aaiden made they could not simply be willed away. They where there, but Aaiden's sense of defeat caused them to fade anyways, restoring the light in that end of the cafeteria. Aaiden left the cafeteria, ignoring the rest of the room and headed up to his dorm. 210. He slipped inside the dorm room and closed the door quietly then lifted his shirt to observe the prominent bruise in the center of his body. He groaned slightly and touched the tender spot. Aaiden had a beautiful body. Pale as paper but trim and with a long thin torso. Eight pack of abs soft yet defined and a smooth chest. The only blemish was the large bruise Simon had given him. Aaiden put his shirt down and sat down on his bed and brooded quietly on his own. His sour mood reflected on the room it became dark and almost stormy looking a musty moist smell coming from nowhere like it had just rained. He brooded for quite some time before he ended up climbing into his bed and pulling the covers up to his chin dozing off his back to the rest of the room, still in jeans and a black shirt.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaiden Black Character Portrait: Lith Arcusiris Character Portrait: Michael Russen Character Portrait: Simon Klauve Character Portrait: Heisuke Miruhei Character Portrait: Gregory "Greg" Princeton
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She nodded to her statement; people are truly fun around the academy when you know them well. Okay, the staff of the school for sure, but she did run on some people that she didnā€™t like at all. Mainly of because how they act. She would like sometimes to be able to fix peopleā€™s emotions, but she pretty much drag herself in deeper problems. He closed her eyes for a moment, hearing the sound of the crowd like if there was a battle. Lith sighed to herself, smiling a bit. ā€œThis academy is every so lovely. Even though there is some people with bad attitude, there is always a way to get around things. Since Iā€™ve been here for quite a lot, I donā€™t like classes.ā€

Lith tilted her head when she hear about the world outside, on how the world is big and splendid. She thought for a moment on how people would be like outside of those walls. She knew there would be a big knowledge side of the things, but hearing from people that she doesnā€™t know of the species would be rather nice. She thought there much be so many things to know about the outside world, and the way that Luna described the world outside, even though it was briefly.

She tilted her head when she asked if there was something she might know about her parents. She looked to the ceiling for a moment, resting her chin on her fist while the elbow on the same arm rest on the palm of her other hand. ā€œI donā€™t remember anything else than the academyā€¦ Even though, I donā€™t remember much of the academy anyways.ā€ She pondered a bit more as she stayed silent, then her face lighten up like if she knew something. She undid the star on her cap, look at it. ā€œThis was given to me last year. We donā€™t know who and how they got into my dorm, but whoever it was, this is was he or she left. We asked to all the students, and even the staff, but nobody knows. We know it says dracon (dragon) in what they call ā€˜Chinese languageā€™, but the fact that we donā€™t know who send it is weird.ā€ She shrugged. She tend her arms to Luna. ā€œMaybe you know something about this?ā€ She smiled at Luna.

Michael saw someone was rather rude. Not wanting to spectate what will happen, he ran away from the scene. Michael, even though he knew nothing about the others, felt that it is better to ask that person who they are afterward. Feeling that he was alone in the corridors, he transformed into his dragon counterpart. He was now a dragon with light silver fur, measuring only 2ā€™. He decided to spend a bit more time in his dorm room, because he wasnā€™t sure why there was 3 beds. The little dragon quickly ran up the stairs to the left-wing, running up to his dorm.

He was suspicious that someone was in his dorm, since the door was so wide open. He slowly made his way near the door, and he peeked in. He saw two males that he didnā€™t know about, and he thought that it would be good; from his perspective, it would mean people that he would get along easier. For a moment, he stayed in a peek position, until he slowly moved into the room. He moved to the center of the room, looking up at them, tilting his head to the side. He didnā€™t dare to start to talk to them, because he wasnā€™t sure how to introduce himself, and how he ended up like this. Even though it was a school for supernatural, he felt it would be a bit awkward to just transform back in front of them.