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LA Neighbor's Club

LA Neighbor's Club


Life is a dream living with your friends in Los Angeles, but some dreams turn into nightmares.

2,191 readers have visited LA Neighbor's Club since faceclaim created it.



L O SxxA N G E L E SxxN E I G H B O R ' SxxC L U B

xxxxxxImage Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image
xxxxxxxxROLE #1xxxxxxROLE #2xxx.xxROLE#3xxxxxxxROLE #4xxxxxROLE #5xxxxxxROLE #6xxxxxxROLE #7xxxxxxROLE #8x.xxxxROLE #9xx.x.xROLE #10x.xxxROLE #11

A place where anyone can be who they want to be: there's a reason they call it the city of dreams, right?




































These kids know all about their "city of dreams", the city they've lived in their entire lives. Dubbing themselves the "Los Angeles Neighbors' Club", a small group of unruly school kids banded together to create a group for casual social gatherings in one of the few tree houses between them all, or solving neighborhood crimes and mysteries. Someone's putting firecrackers in mailboxes? Who's really the one spray-painting on the benches in their playground? Is Mr. Cooper's house actually haunted or is it just a scary looking house?

None of the parents really minded: it kept them out of trouble (for the most part), and they seemed to enjoy the friendships they shared with one another. They got to grow up with a strong group of friends, each with a personality so individualistic that they couldn't replace anyone even if they tried, and they certainly did want to try at times. Nothing could tear these friends apart, they managed through every obstacle thrown at them: puberty, significant others, after-school activities, differing interests, even when one from their group moved to a neighborhood across town. With a car involved, could they really be separated? Getting older didn't seem to be an obstacle at first, it just added to the years that they'd be friends. Getting older gave them cars and more places to explore together. It was the first college acceptance letter that made "getting older" that started the decline in their rock-solid friendships. Moving on from high school meant moving apart, for most of them. Some wouldn't even go to college in-state, some wouldn't go to college at all. Posing in their caps and gowns on that fateful Saturday, they all had to wonder: would this be the last time they stood together as friends?

The summer proved to be even worse for their friendships. There were those who wanted to make it work, and those who thought it'd be best to split up now. Those that were staying had a life to continue, those that were leaving had a new life to begin.

All that comes to a halt when one of their own goes missing. Mason Bass, the valedictorian of their class and often a leader of their friend pack, was supposed to visit Stanford, his school of choice, but never made it to the university. Bass' car was found on the side of the interstate, halfway to Stanford. Some claimed that the boy couldn't take the pressure of a big school and fled, others speculated he broke down and was still hitch hiking his way back to his home. Those who knew him well, his Neighbors' Club, fear for his safety. Bass wasn't the type to give up, and would walk to Stanford if necessary. If he wasn't there, and wasn't in town, who knows what happened to him. Could this be the one thing that brings the group together, or still it tear them apart for good?










Hello! If you gotten this far, you're probably wondering what this is and scrolled down to find out more. This is a roleplay about a group of friends who have spent their whole lives together, and what happens when they graduate and start living separate lives. All those separate lanes are detoured back to LA when leader of the pack, Mason Bass, goes missing.

[ O N E ]X X X X XEveryone knows who Mason is, but the extent of that relationship is up to you.

[ T W O ]X X X X XYour password for a reservation should include: your character's potential
X X X X X X X X X name, their face claim, a hex code for dialogue, and how you want them to
X X X X X X X X X know Mason, just so we don't have him with six love interests. (Love interest
X X X X X X X X X is taken, btw.) And I may ask you to change FCs if he/she is overused.

[ T H R E E ]X X X Writers can have more than one character. Must be different genders, and
X X X X X X X X X please don't take on two characters if you cannot be dedicated enough to
X X X X X X X X X fully develop them both.

[ F O U R ]X X X X Drama in the IC only, not OOC.

[ F I V E ]X X X X XDedication is expected at least 450 words two-three times a week.

[ S I X ]X X X X X XRPG rules apply, as always.

Code: Select all
[font=Arial][center][b][i][size=250][color=#000000]full name here[/color][/size][/b][/i]
[size=80]you can put a quote here that you believe sums up your character. your words, or someone else's. up to you.[/size][/center]
[b][color=#000000]nickname[/color][/b][color=transparent]xxx[/color][size=85]anything other people call them other than their first name
can include how they feel about it and who usually calls them that. don't go
overboard, I'd say three is about the max.[/size]
[b][color=#000000]birthdate[/color][/b][color=transparent]xxx.[/color][size=85]00/00/0000. Based on 2018 graduates.[/size]
[b][color=#000000]zodiac sign[/color][/b][color=transparent]x.[/color][size=85]look it up if you have to. can help with personality.[/size]
[b][color=#000000]sexuality[/color][/b][color=transparent]xxxx[/color][size=85]romantic orientation can be included.[/size]
[b][color=#000000]occupation[/color][/b][color=transparent]xx[/color][size=85]this can just be student, not everyone needs it.[/size]
[b][color=#000000]codename[/color][/b][color=transparent]xx.[/color][size=85]each member of LANC has a walkie codename.[/size][/left][left][img][/img][/left][left][color=transparent]x[/color]
[b][color=#000000]dialogue code[/color][/b][color=transparent]xxx[/color][size=85]#000000. color used to fill in this sheet too.[/size]
[b][color=#000000]thought code[/color][/b][color=transparent]xxxx[/color][size=85]#000000.[/size]
[b][color=#000000]face claim[/color][/b][color=transparent]xxxxxxx[/color][size=85]first name, last name[/size]
[b][color=#000000]song inspiration[/color][/b][color=transparent]x[/color][size=85]use link the song in your answer. It'd be cool
to use a song lyric from the song that connects with you instead of
just the song title.[/size]
[b][color=#000000]after high school,[/color][/b][color=transparent]/[/color][size=85]something as simple as "majoring in _____
at ____ University", or "staying home to work for family."[/size][/left]
[size=175][color=transparent]xxxx[/color][b][i][color=#000000]general style[/color][/i][/b][/size]

[justify]a little insight into how your character's style changes from season to season. are they a peacoat or leather jacket kind of person? do they bundle up or stay unbothered by the cold? are they the person still wearing jeans in 100 degree weather? let us know.[/justify]
[center][b][color=#000000]casual and formal[/color][/b][/center]
[justify]what does your character do to dress up? heels or flats, bowtie or straight tie? do they dress differently for school or at home? do they wear the same hoodie everyday? let us know. this does tie in to the seasonal, but this is more of a general day-to-day thing. fill this with text as much as you can to fit the original paragraph size i have created. they are teenagers are all, and mostly obsessed with fashion. and if not, everyone wears clothes.[/justify]
[center][b][color=#000000]anything else[/color][/b][/center]
[justify]tattoos, piercings, birthmarks, always have their toes painted red, literally anything else. you can include links and explanations to scars or anything else you feel needs an explanation[/justify]



[left][img][/img][/left][left]this is the space for your characters likes. really try to
think about your character and relate these likes and
dislikes back to their passions, their hobbies, even the
simplest things like what they have for breakfast in the
morning. Fill this paragraph up with foods they love to
eat, movie genres they like, clubs they're involved in,
their siblings or even an activity. make it personal for
your character. Liking long drives, their sister's clothes,
playing in the snow, whatever makes your characer
different from everyone else. Individualize it! Make a
real person here.[/left][left][img][/img][/left]this is the space for your characters dislikes. really try
to think about your character and relate these likes and
dislikes back to their passions, their hobbies, even the
simplest things like what they have for breakfast in the
morning. Fill this paragraph up with foods they've never
liked, movies they hate to watch, their allergies and the
state of relationships. Disliking family members, iced
coffee, rain, whatever makes your character different
from everyone else. This will give us insight into your
character as a person, things that personality doesn't
show or can explain.


[center][b]the first sentence of the paragraph goes here.[/b][/center]
[justify]the rest of the paragraph. Pop-up marfa unicorn, bespoke aesthetic fam man bun leggings asymmetrical sustainable pour-over vape jean shorts bushwick. Cray semiotics shoreditch air plant craft beer kale chips man braid paleo coloring book street art hammock viral. Taiyaki health goth meditation sartorial irony tofu roof party pork belly yr gochujang venmo. Gochujang 90's butcher pitchfork pork belly tattooed. Cray quinoa swag vexillologist, neutra slow-carb tote bag whatever crucifix authentic retro waistcoat health goth.[/justify]
[center][b]the first sentence of the paragraph goes here.[/b][/center]
[justify]the rest of the paragraph. Truffaut put a bird on it mumblecore crucifix asymmetrical sustainable venmo chillwave. Mlkshk you probably haven't heard of them before they sold out drinking vinegar kitsch. Tacos pabst umami vexillologist waistcoat man bun hella. Shoreditch lyft selvage, mustache whatever salvia mumblecore godard XOXO everyday carry shaman freegan cardigan. Chambray tacos flannel cardigan.[/justify]
[center][b]the first sentence of the paragraph goes here.[/b][/center]
[justify]the rest of the paragraph. Try-hard woke palo santo, XOXO YOLO subway tile cardigan kale chips brooklyn live-edge flannel tacos DIY. Af hell of leggings, mustache hot chicken biodiesel scenester adaptogen poke man braid actually pug tumblr pitchfork paleo. IPhone woke pug small batch tofu deep v, stumptown asymmetrical occupy wayfarers.[/justify]

[justify][size=95]Schlitz venmo glossier kale chips palo santo hoodie franzen asymmetrical organic you probably haven't heard of them sustainable tote bag. Ugh semiotics locavore hot chicken banh mi asymmetrical palo santo heirloom master cleanse meh snackwave hammock beard. Knausgaard subway tile vaporware authentic. Semiotics meggings post-ironic humblebrag kinfolk vaporware. Vexillologist everyday carry synth, squid 8-bit forage keffiyeh cloud bread helvetica af. Pug church-key cliche, gentrify crucifix fixie knausgaard artisan bitters hell of tattooed bicycle rights. Narwhal bespoke swag hashtag YOLO, beard tacos waistcoat distillery PBR&B. Hot chicken vice fam chicharrones etsy hashtag.

Franzen humblebrag yr godard lomo banh mi. La croix hexagon keytar pabst brunch, iceland taiyaki coloring book edison bulb forage sustainable cloud bread. Blue bottle kickstarter tumblr man braid freegan mlkshk. Ennui man bun biodiesel butcher, prism salvia XOXO schlitz subway tile trust fund jean shorts.[/size][/justify]
[justify][size=95]Vice live-edge direct trade, raw denim bitters forage knausgaard everyday carry green juice plaid quinoa twee. Tattooed kickstarter pinterest kogi, offal gochujang post-ironic. Palo santo cliche vice, kale chips selfies quinoa church-key everyday carry gochujang. Narwhal chartreuse literally intelligentsia edison bulb retro locavore adaptogen, blue bottle hexagon blog brooklyn plaid 90's normcore. Retro dreamcatcher post-ironic offal, roof party kombucha poutine jean shorts gentrify sriracha before they sold out skateboard brunch taiyaki iPhone. Whatever single-origin coffee shaman, occupy VHS food truck vape prism wolf chia meditation kickstarter pok pok tbh activated charcoal. Coloring book paleo meditation wayfarers, man braid kinfolk cliche. Live-edge banjo schlitz portland, la croix typewriter post-ironic chartreuse pitchfork four dollar toast 8-bit.[/size][/justify]

[color=transparent][size=150]X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X  X  X  X   X  X  X  X  X  X[/size][/color][size=125][b][i][color=#000000]roleplayer[/color][/i][/b][color=transparent]X  X  X  X  X  X  X[/color][b][i][color=#000000]sheet creator[/color][/i][/b][/size]
[color=transparent][size=125]X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   x   X   X  X  X  X   X   X  X  X  X   X   X[/size][/color][size=90][i]goes here.[/i][/size][color=transparent]X  X  X   x  x  x x  x  x x  x X[/color][size=90][i]the writer's voice.[/i][/size][/font]

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View All » Add Character » 12 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Mason Bass
Character Portrait: Remy Solomon
Character Portrait: Cooper Temple
Character Portrait: Abby Lee


Character Portrait: Abby Lee
Abby Lee

the stray

Character Portrait: Remy Solomon
Remy Solomon

missing the missing

Character Portrait: Mason Bass
Mason Bass

I cannot stand to hear the tired beating of this almost heart.


Character Portrait: Abby Lee
Abby Lee

the stray

Character Portrait: Mason Bass
Mason Bass

I cannot stand to hear the tired beating of this almost heart.

Character Portrait: Remy Solomon
Remy Solomon

missing the missing

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Abby Lee
Abby Lee

the stray

Character Portrait: Mason Bass
Mason Bass

I cannot stand to hear the tired beating of this almost heart.

Character Portrait: Remy Solomon
Remy Solomon

missing the missing

Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » LA Neighbor's Club: Out of Character


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Most recent OOC posts in LA Neighbor's Club

Re: LA Neighbor's Club

hi! saw you had open slots and I was wondering if maybe I could reserve one. I'm looking to play Magdalena "Lene" Marszałek, face claim Sasha Kichigina, hex code #8B3A3A. I'm thinking that she could be Mason's neighbour, from an immigrant family so she was the new girl in town for a while. her family's pretty hard on her, so she likes to escape behind the school to destress and smoke, and maybe that's how she got to know Mason, and by extension his friends.

Re: LA Neighbor's Club

    Hi there! I'll be RPing as my character Lottie. Her and Mason have been buds since birth and they considered each other "cousins" (their families were/are very close). She's a hardass, but can be lovable if given the chance. :)

    Looking forward to writing with everyone!

Re: LA Neighbor's Club

Hello! I thought I'd pop in and introduce myself! I play Remy Solomon, Mason's secret love interest/boyfriend (FC Dylan Jordan) and all around best boy. He's the same age as Mason's younger sister and good friends with both Bass siblings. Summer and Remy's mothers were actually pregnant at the same time and made friends during various prenatal classes. Naturally, they forced their kids to be friends too once they were born.

I also play Cooper Temple (FC Laurence Coke), a baseball friend of Mason's and all around hot boy. He lost his mother and brother in a car accident which also saw him sustain his own injuries. He's had to overcome those in physio and through art. He's a 'bro' but a sweet bro.

Can't wait to see what other characters join our gang!

Re: LA Neighbor's Club

Hey everyone! So, I updated the first OOC post to include the relationships that have already been established with Mason.

@RubyTuesday and @iCat, I sent you both PMs!

Re: LA Neighbor's Club

Hey! Could I reserve a female character called Rosaline “Rosa” Gallagher? I’m thinking Halsey for her face claim (when she had blonde hair) and a hex code of #669999. As for how she knew Mason, I’m thinking they dated for a while. But Rosa broke up with him and they weren’t talking for a while. They eventually made their peace, and Mason was the only person that knew what her life was really like.

Re: LA Neighbor's Club

Hello! I'd love to reserve one or two characters, if I may. I actually have two ideas that I'm torn between, so if one is preferable to the other, just let me know!

Idea A: Just one female character, Abigail "Abby" Bass, with the face claim of Kim Soo Hyun(hex code: #d3a3a3). She would be the adopted sister of Mason, who was the daughter of a pair of close friends of the Bass family before her parents passed away in a car accident when she was six. They were extremely close, and had few secrets, save for one: Abby had feelings for Mason's love interest.

Idea B: twin siblings, Abby and August Park, with the face claims of Kim Soo Hyun (hex code: #d3a3a3) and Lee Chan (hex code: #a5a7ff), respectively. Their relationship to Mason would be as childhood best friends, who grew up with him due to their parents being best friends' with Mason's. However, their relationship would be marred by their respective unrequited crushes, Abby's on Mason, and August's on Mason's love interest.

LA Neighbor's Club

Hello everyone! This is the OOC for LA Neighbor's Club.

As you can see, there are only three spots left. This roleplay is mostly by invite, but I still wanted to open to writers I haven't worked with before. That being said, if there's enough interest for more spots, especially if more writers want to take on a second character, I will open up more spots. Also, reservations won't count without the reservation code, so PLEASE check that out. Other than that, the rest of the information is on the intro page. Any questions, comments, concerns can be posted here!

Here are the roles that have already been taken:

ROLE 1 - Mason, the missing boy.
ROLE 2 - Remy, the secret boyfriend.
ROLE 3 - Summer, the little sister.
ROLE 4 - Jane, the cousin.
ROLE 5 - FC Karol, the friend.
ROLE 6 - Noah, the fellow nerd.
ROLE 7 - Cooper, the baseball teammate.