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a character in “Legend of the Dragon - 1st Encounter”, originally authored by Celedia, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Asteria
Race: Low-class Dragonborn ((Hopefully none of you are D&D freaks because instead of a human turned into a dragon I am using the term to indicate a draconic descendent.)) In my version "Low-class" means that she is many generations removed from the Dragon ancestry, thus only gaining two notable attributes which differ from humans. First is that she has an odd pattern of scales that are iridescent and golden that flow from her shoulderblades down to the small of her back in an upside-down triangular pattern. These scales are tough, like an actual dragon's scales, and therefore harder to penetrate with normal weaponry. Thus, she only wears a cloak on her back but nothing in the way of armor. Her second trait is a slightly higher constitution than most female humans. Nothing extremely notable but she can take as many hits as a seasoned male warrior might before succumbing to her injuries.
Sex: Female
Age: 21
Abilities: Growing up in the forest in a clan full of magick users, Asteria quickly discovered her affinity for wind magicks. Though not as skilled as the mages of her people, she is rather adept at the use of her class of magick. (Some of their archmages can wield several elements at once!) Her other ability is simply her mastery of archery and ranger-like abilities including tracking and plant identification.

Appearance: Asteria has short, wavy brown hair with golden highlights due from her constantly being outdoors. Her eyes are a deep, earth-brown and her skin is tanned golden from the sun.



Personality: To be shown through RP. Generally- calm under pressure, a jokester, tends to hate conflict and loves to lighten the situation.


Equipment: She wears brown leather armor that was gifted to her by her clan before she set off on her journey. She also has a bronzed metal piece of armor that centers over her abdomen with chains that attach the metal plate to the sides of her leather bodice, holding it in place and preventing gut wounds. Brown leather boots and an embroidered green cape complete her traveling outfit. Her weapons include a recurve bow fashioned from wood and leather which she keeps slung around her torso when not in use, as well as a single silvered blade that she keeps in a sheath on her thigh.

She wears two packs. One is a rectangular rucksack with its strap slung diagonally across her torso- the strap rests on her right shoulder and the bag itself rests against her left hip. Also, attached to her belt is a small pouch filled with easily accessible items: healing herbs/poultices, dried meats/fruits, etc.


History: Asteria was raised by her father with the clan of the Arik'ato deep in the forests of Aerire- a clan of rangers, druids, mages and gypsies. Their clan was mostly undisturbed with the exception of the rare and wonderous animals that ruled and roamed the forest. By the age of 6, all clanspeople learned to hunt for themselves and their families and by the age of 13 they were given a position in the clan dependent on their abilities. Asteria's abilities were mostly centered around her use of her recurve bow and her affinity for wind magicks, so she soon was raised to the level of Senior Hunter along with two of her peers. In this role, she would be sent on the long hunts before Frost Season to catch as much as possible so that their stocks would sustain them until the Growth Season. Recently, their lands have become barren and the animals seem to be more scarce than ever before. One of their seers, an elderly tribeswoman named Elikua has sad that malevolent forces are at work and that the only way to bring the wildlife back is to have someone slay the famed dragon which grants a single wish to its killer. Asteria has been chosen out of all of the clan's hunters to complete this task.

Other Important Information: Like most practitioners of elemental magicks, Asteria is more susceptible to her opposing class of magick. For instance, everyone knows that fire and ice are opposites, and in her clan wind and water are opposites. So if someone were to attack her with that school of magick, she would take more damage than if attacked by any other element. She also is not a war machine. Depending on what type of spell she casts, she loses energy- the more powerful spells take the most out of her.
For instance, if she was to create a forcefield of air around herself to protect her, it would cost a bit of energy but if she created a hurricane/tornado to sweep up an army and throw them about it would most likely cause her to pass out when she was done with the spell. Thus, she has to watch what spells she casts and where she casts them for if she casts a massive spell out in the open and passes out, she would be at the whim of whoever found her.

So begins...

Asteria's Story