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Legend of the Dragon - 1st Encounter



a part of Legend of the Dragon - 1st Encounter, by Buddha221.

Athenia... The land of a long peaceful time until "they" came...

Buddha221 holds sovereignty over Athenia, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

230 readers have been here.


Athenia... The land of a long peaceful time until "they" came...
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Athenia... The land of a long peaceful time until "they" came...


Athenia is a part of Legend of the Dragon - 1st Encounter.

7 Characters Here

Ira Maholight [0] "I call unto thee spirits of the damned!"
Asteria [0]
Ley'Viule Saithe'Den [0] A young, tribal hunter from an extingushed tribe of hidden peoples.
Kytte [0] "Fighting? Not my thing. I'll still do it, though. Just as long as I can keep the sword afterwards."
Aquila Aimel VIII [0] A knight who seeks a cure for his ailing daughter
Fieht [0] "Ah, a fight, now the fun can begin!"
Dorin [0] Dorin, a young human fighter has taken up a blade and trained all his life to combat the dark ones... With the dragon's new challenge, he boldly steps forward to save his people...

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Dorin looked around his small cottage one last time, ensuring that all of his equipment had been packed properly for his journey. His father looked at him with saddened eyes hidden behind silver strands of hair. "Son... I wish you would just stay here. We could use a young fighter like you in the village during the raids. You don't even know where the dragon's cave is located."

Dorin shook his head and looked up to his father. "I'm sorry... But if I don't at least try, we'll all be killed anyways. At least this way, we have somewhat of a chance. Even if I succeed, there's a chance that I won't come back. If I don't, know that I fought valiantly for our village... And if I should fail completely... No, I will not fail my village." He sheathed his sword and strapped his shield tightly to his arm. "It's time father... I will ensure that the dark one are banished from this place and that our land will see peace for eternity."

He hugged his father goodbye, trying to ignore the tears beginning to run down the elderly man's face. He walked out the door to the bright sunlight. He was greeted with a mixture of cheers and people shaking their heads. Some thought that he was a hero for voluntarily going to try and fight... Others thought him a complete fool for even thinking of attempting such a thing. He walked to the edge of the village, where the village elder was waiting patiently for him. "Dorin, you have taken it upon yourself to attempt this great feat. No matter what people may say, you will always be honored in this village. Take this pendant, and use it to remember why you fight when times get hard on you and you want to quit."

Dorin took the pendant from the elder. It was a silver pendant with a gleaming blood red garnet inside of the middle. "Thank you Elder Sinchai. I will not fail the village." He strung the pendant around his neck and started walking out into the woods. The first steps of his journey had begun, and he would not return the village until his mission was completed... One way or another.


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The sun shone through the massive bay windows bathing everything in a mellow golden light, the heat of the midday permeating everything as it did this far south. The room was decorated with white silk and fresh flowers, the room of a girl who was still young enough to believe in fables. The main feature of the room, a child sized four poster bed of red and gold silk had a large chair set beside it. Made of solid oak it groaned in protest as a giant of a man in full armor and gear sat in it. His face was weathered by the passage of time and his long hair slashed with silver but his body held the upright stance of a warrior half his age.

The warrior, for there was no mistaking it, looked from his seat upon the bed's sole occupant. A girl child of perhaps 11 years slept in the silence only the drugged could, it was the only mercy the doctors could give as they kept death at bay. But all their medicines and knowledge could not drive the sickness plaguing her. And that more then anything broke the big man's heart, for she was his daughter. And he had already lost the girl's mother from the same sickness. Indeed many of the people in his country were dying of the disease. And in a nation stretched to the breaking point fighting a never ending war with the dark ones it was proving a nail in their collective coffin.

But when the warrior had all but fallen on his blade the Dragon spewed it's challenge and hope was reborn for the giant. But he was a general, Aquila Aimel VIII, and a knight. His duty to his people and king had always been the first thing in his mind. The code that binded all those righteous souls together was his law. But to seek the dragon out would mean breaking the one thing that had given him meaning in his life. Diana his daughter came first though now, her welfare Aquila held above all know.

" So you really going through with it Aquila." A voice said from behind the Knight as he gazed about the drugged sleep of his only daughter.

Aquila did not need to turn around to know who spoke, the gravelly voice could belong only to one man. His seneschal Faererin, the man who ran his estate and a friend since childhood. Faererin had been the master of arms of House Aimel's son and thus held high esteem in the eyes of a young Aquila. They had grown up as brothers, learning and sharing of everything boys do. Faererin was the only man in their country that could claim equal peerage with the sword with the Knight. Though Faererin never did wholly forget he was serving Aquila but the nobleman never insisted on formalities.

"My honor I would sell in a heartbeat to see her smile and laugh again." The giant of man replied as he laid a gentle hand upon Diana's face, a look of intense sorrow upon his craggy and harsh planed face.

"I know my friend, and do not worry I will smooth things out with the Tribune one way or another." Faererin replied resting a comforting hand upon the armor covered shoulder of the nobleman." I have had all the necessary provisions and supplies loaded onto your horse and here is the money you requested." Faererin added slipping a heavy purse containing the necessary coin and money for the lands Aquila would be travelling in into the nobleman's hands.

"You have been a better friend to me then I deserve." Aquila spoke with a sigh as he took in the cane the seneschal walked with. For Faererin had like Aquila signed up for the life of a warrior and indeed both had been knighted. But 15 years ago Faererin in saving his friend's life had suffered a cripplingly injury and while it had healed to a painless state the seneschal had forever lost the ability to move his left leg. It dragged behind dead and numb a weight that slowed his movements. And so Aquila had appointed the man his seneschal so that he might have at least a comfortable life. But in a country of warriors that had fought unceasingly for the last hundred years against the dark ones Aquila knew the true sorrow of being denied the field of battle. For Faererin had the heart and mind of a warrior and no doubt was chafed at being unable to carry out a warrior's duty. .

"The tides of battle are a fickle thing my friend, it was not your fault." Faererin replied with a tight smile that bespoke the unease he felt whenever the injury was mentioned." Strength and Honor my friend."

" Strength and honor my Brother." Aquila add as both embraced tightly as the brothers in arms they were.

Aquila then left the manor of his family, the fortress of stone and steel built nearly 700 years ago by his namesake. It's imposing heights patrolled by the finest sentries in the country, the western gate whose approach was paved in marble and set with the life sized statutes of former scions of the Aimel family. Each and every single one of them warriors and nearly as tall as Aquila himself. Atop his horse he took one last look at the home he was leaving, at the duty he was forswearing. All for the sake of his daughter, for he had given 32 years of his life to the war with the dark ones. Had fought them time and time again, earning his General's Staff. Now was the time for family to come first, the needs of the one now outweighed the needs of the many. He simply could not live through having to bury the last light in his life.

All he had to do was turn his back on the code...and kill a dragon. He only worried of the others seeking the promise it offered. For Aquila did not know if he had it in him to kill another human being for this goal, this oath to his very soul. But that bridge would be crossed when he got to it not before he firmly reminded himself. Snapping the reins of his massive black war horse the Knight rode off into the setting sun seeking a legend that could save his daughter. No matter the price he would have it.


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The ebony night took hold of the Reighton Glade, an unusual glow eminating from the deep woods. Stars alone were not the only thing illuminating the darkness this night. It was a wicked gleam - gentle in it's menacing intent. The maliciant glow grew ever brighter as quickly as it had shown, as the hunters, and their torches increased their pace agaisnt the pray of this night's hunt.... Oh no, but this was no simple stalking seeker group for trophies, or even or fun. This was to banish those foul satanists the inhibited the forest like demons in a town.....

Ley'Viule hastened his footsteps, smashing the soles of his feet against the loamy soil of the forests as fast as he could while moving away from the foul voices, smells, and lights. The Leiged, as catlike as they were, did not have night vision as many believed.... and were as vulnerable without light as the rest of the races that didn't have such abilities. However, one advantage they bore over the hunters was their familiarity of the wilderness through which they fled. Ley's own eyes tried to focus hard on distinguishing the path below his feet, and the dancing lights that gave equally fluid-moving shadows. The footsteps of his bretheren were close around, him, quietly talking to each other, encouraging each other to move faster, and murmurs of fear. With hearts full of fear, the Leiged, Ley'Viule included, they ran, hoping to flee their pursuers....

Their legs swift, they were able to keep the upward pace on their predators... untill that was the sound of the first crossbow bolt penetrate the hardwood they ran alongside. Their frantic, frenzied heart beat faster as the ignorant amongst them even now knew this was not some sport... but murder. The voices of hatred behind them chanted for their demise, for their end. But the Leiged would not surrender themselves to genocide; not this day.

Alas, Ley'Viule had made too swift with his movements, and in his haste, gotten careless. He felt the embrace of a root around his foot, dragging his body to slide across the rough soil. He struggled to gain his liberty...but all was for nothing, as the men were soon upon him. He saw little other than the shadows of their faces and the glow of their torches that covered their assaulting body parts that impacted against his form. Ley'Viule curled into a ball to protect himself, but it was not enough, as he felt conciousness fading, knowing that he would not wake up again....

That was a prayer to himself - If he did wake up, he would've wished he hadn't.

And of course, in a living nightmare, nothing ever goes the way you wish.

Ley'Viule felt his weak eyes open, one of them swollen, his body covered in stinging welts and throbbing bruises. He was bound in some unknown fashion, making his slender wrists twist desperately at his binds, rasping his wrists sore. The reddened flesh stung, but he cared none.... The light was gone, but he knew that the threat was still real in his mind. He felt himself sweating profusely, and gaining more heat, as he felt water well in his eyes. He didn't want to die - be tortured to death like some kind of animal...the animal he knew they viewed him as. His flesh smelt of black water which in his mind, he knew what their plans for his race this night was.... But as it seemed that the depression of terrible fate decended upon his weary, beaten mind, a voice, scratchy, but friendly came to his ears.... He couldn't see face or even smell distinction...But the whispered voice consoled him lightly, before breathing into his white furred ear....

"We'll sneak out,
While they sleep,
and sail off in the night.
We'll come clean,and start over
The rest of our lives.
When we're gone,
we'll stay gone,'s not too late..."

The young Leiged only nodded, and whispered affermations afterward. He felt fellowed hands at his binds, working at them...before they finally were losened enough for his freedom. Ley'Viule in turn returned the favor, before moving around, subtle with his motions as he freed his beaten, drenched friends, whom too, reeked of the wreched black water.... And he counted at least ten binds he freed before the united fellows heard the voices of their predators approaching....And with this, their forms took off again, this escape successful.... untill they heard the torch take the ground, which apperently had soaked in black water, and took to flame... The woods glowed again with the foul glow... except this time, the forest itself would take well as anyone whom was unlucky enough to fall behind. The run was desperate, and many didn't make it.... they fell victim to the flame that claimed the land itself....

Ley'Viule felt his eyes finally opening, relinquishing him out of his nightmare....and then into it. The daylight was seeping powerfully through the folliage above him, as he felt the day begin. His body lay naturally sweating, due to the nature of the nightmare. The Leiged pushed himself off the ground, and streching his hands high in the air, pulling against his stiff muscles. Ley'Viule thought he could still smell the black water on his presence....and felt he needed to wash. He told himself it was just his mind.... but he had the smell stuck in his head now...and could not free himself of it. With a sigh, his tan body moved itself towards the river....

The Oewerte river ran through the Reighton Glade, a larger river of the land known for it's bountiful fish; salmon especially. But it served many purposes for the Leiged... Bathing being one of them. Moving through the woods swiftly, taking in the echoing sounds of birds and bugs, he felt a level of serinity that hadn't exsisted in a long while. Of course, he still thought it false. As soon as the water came into view, his eyes locked with the clear, running water. He removed his clawed boots, and the rest of his he stepped into the ice-like water, a frigid chill he was used to running up his spine. He cupped the pure water in his hands, looking at the reflection of himself in the ripply surface, before he began to wash the water over him, refreshing his mind somewhat.... As he looked down at the water, following it up and down stream, he saw a few familiar faces of his own race, as they encroached him. He kept looking at the water.

"Ley'Viule..." A male voice said, placing hand on his shoulder. "You seem unwell.... are you okay?"
He looked at the fellow's reflection in the water. ".... The nightmare..." He awnsered quietly.
"Do not let it trouble you." He said, patting Ley'Viule's shoulder. "It is a new day, and we must start it as any other."
"Let us thank the river. It gives us life." A female voice said. "As it gives the rest of the forest life."

At this point, Ley'Viule finally was able to break his gaze from the river, and look over to the boundry that he hadn't walked in from.... which was white and grey with ash, smoldering smoke rising into the distance, obvious that the river had stopped the forest from burning futher.

"Yes. The river gives us life...." Ley said quietly as he solemly looked towards the charred remains of the forest that he used to call home. "I cannot believe it was just four days ago...."

Ley continued to bathe in the presence of the others, which too bathed. Finally a voice came forth amongst the small groups.
"I know it has been brought up...." A male voice said. "But...who? And why?""
"Who is not the question. Humans...dwaves... maybe even a few elves.... but why is the reason. We are one of the few remaining clans even left in the world. And yet the world is still plagued by the Blightfeng. They courrpt the world with not only actions, but words. And they cannot tell the difference. To them, our words are as good as blasphomy. They turn to us, a deaf ear." A female Leiged said.
"That many required to find cultists? At least seventy people. AT LEAST. And that was at our end... I bet more were at that northern end. " The first voice replied.
"People hate. It is their nature." The female retailiated.
Ley'Viule finally spoke. " It's more than that - Humans are socially inclined creatures. They band together for right and wrong causes... They feel as long as they act in group, their actions are justified. It's not their fault... but it's how are."
"But aren't you angry? Don't you want vengance?!" Another male asked.
"Of course. I'm angry... I'm sad. I wish it wasn't true. But an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. The past is written, and we cannot change it.... We can stay bitter, but it won't change it. We must move on." Ley said quietly.
"Easy for you to say! You didn't have any family in there I had a mother, and a father, and...." The female said.
"If we act against them, we're no better. Do you want to go in and kill their peoples so that they may actually have reason to slaughter us?" Ley interrupted. Silence took over the river...

"....Is this it? This is all that's left? The four of us?" The boys asked. And only silence answered them.
"Four." He said in disbelief. "Four out of hundreds." The same fellow said sadly. "What do we do now?"

Ley'Viule didn't think anyone knew the answer to that. They sat in the river, looking across into the devistation....

Finally, they group went their seperate ways, and parted the river. Ley'Viule went back to his little campside, reclaiming his things that he was able to save.... he figured that he would head to the nearest village.. maybe seek refuge from them... And he began to walk quickly. He made sure his crossbow was ready to fire, before slinging it behind him as he moved.... However, it wasn't long before he heard movement... And not natural movement of wilderness. He instantly dashed to a tree, slamming his back against it, as he peered around it. He couldnt see it.... but he moved from tree to tree, untill he saw it....

It was a man.... it was hard to size him up from distance, but he was black-haired, and fairly armored... He had a sword and a shield...but... was he alone?
Ley decided it was as good as a gamble as anything. He was walking into the forest, and the last people that did that were trying to kill him... So he decided to play it safe. The man didn't have any ranged weapons.... So he began to climb a tree. Digging his clawed boots into the bark, he swiftly and nimbly scaled the tree, finding a solid branch about fourty feet above the ground. Making sure his crossbow was still ready, but didn't have a bolt on the table, he gingerly walked out onto the limb. He knew that his pale hair and tan skin would stand out against the rest of the forest... He sunk, squatting on the branch as he cautiously watched the person invade the forest....


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Fieht sat on a chair outside a almost empty house, thinking. She had had fewer jobs since the dark beings started showing their ugly little heads in the land. The body in the house behind her seemed to scream proof of this. She rocked back in the chair, balancing it on it's back legs for a few seconds, then set it down on the ground again. She stood up and walked to the road. She looked up and down it, trying to decide what to do. Should she go find the dragon? Or try to find another job? This last job had paid her nothing, it was a more common thing now not to get payed for killing low life scum like the man she had just finished killing. It wasn't likely that she would find another job, and even if she did, she might not get payed. If she went to the dragon....well, she wasn't quite sure what it would find in her heart. It wasn't even likely that someone with only the skills of an assassin would beat a dragon anyways....she would have to pair up with someone. This could work out better, that way they could have the finishing blow and their wish would be answered instead of hers. She frowned to herself, what if the other person was of evil heart? They could wish that the dark ones gain rule over the land. That wouldn't be good, even Fieht didn't want for such a thing to happen. She crossed her arms thinking again. She could always ask what the other person wanted, and if it was evil purpose....she would kill them, and find another. Smiling at this new idea, she looked up as she heard a horse coming up the road. Her smile vanished, and her normal expression took it's place. Coming down the road was a giant of a man, he was dressed as a knight, and seemed to have a sadness around his person. He had to be going for the dragon, here was her first chance to put her plan in action. When he got close enough she waved to gain his attention.


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#, as written by Celedia
The forest may seem silent to those who have not lived there their whole life but Asteria knew differently. She heard the sound of the breeze blowing through the canopy, rustling the leaves to and fro. The faint rush of water coming from the east where the river tumbled over the nearby cliff and into the lake below. The shrill cry of the eagles as they dove to catch their prey and the light chatter of the animals that spoke to each other in their native tongue.

It was this cacophony of sounds that the young ranger was trying to tune the junior huntsman in to so that they could pick out the hesitant steps of the buck from a hundred yards away before it even came into view. So she was surrounded by three young men, all crouched in their various hiding places, ears set to the sounds surrounding them as they tried to pick out prey. Something, anything, to bring back to the tribe for supper.

Asteria heard it first, a barely audible crack of a branch from about forty meters northwest behind a small cluster of shrubbery yet she made no movement. This was the boys’ lesson, not her own. Their tribe had barely enough rations to dole out amongst its members but if the three young hunters didn’t learn now, they would never be ready to take her place when she left on the morrow.

Thesnio, the slender blonde to her left, quickly notched an arrow and let it fly, obviously the first to detect the beast and he had to have hit something because the stillness was pierced with a shrill scream. The leaves on the bushes rustled slightly before a small boar, perhaps 20 to 30 pounds, came rushing out headfirst to meet them with an arrow lodged deeply in its flank. Then, working as a team, the other two boys helped to control the prey, each lodging an arrow into the boar and bringing it to a halt as it slid across the forest floor, landing on its side about 10 paces in front of them.

“Good job, boys! Nice ear, Thesnio! I see a piece of sweet roll in your future!” She patted the young boy on the back as the trio of adolescents moved forward to field dress their kill and as they began their work, Asteria leaned against a nearby oak, letting her gaze drift over the next generation of hunters and the first thought that entered her mind was: Will I be here to see them become men?

It wasn’t the first time such a thought had entered her mind. In fact, the past few days were filled with nothing but worry even though her actions wouldn’t let her divert from her usual itinerary. Get up, get washed, clean her armor and her weaponry, fletch new arrows if need be, then be out and hunting before dawn would break. If she caught something then she would dress it and haul it back to the tribe, if not she would make herself useful in other ways by either gathering firewood or drinking water from the nearby stream. Every 10th day she would lead a small band to the nearest human village for trading purposes. Her schedule was easy to follow and had never been broken.

Until now.

On the morrow, she would leave the life she had known since childhood and be sent off on her own. She almost felt as if it was a form of punishment but deep in her heart she knew better. Her tribe had been settled in the lush and fruitful Aerire forest for 7 generations and recently their good fortunes had changed. The world had become chaotic, the dark ones had begun their war upon the lands and her homeland had become as barren of wildlife as the deserts. Whole herds of beasts had disappeared in the span of a week, far more than had ever been lost and when one of their elder tribeswomen, Elikua, had cast her fortune stones to read the reasoning they had only told her one thing.

“Asteria must meet her fate against the dragon.”

After she had read that message in her stones, Elikua had looked up from the ground, her grey gaze piercing through the bonfire and resting on Asteria herself. The young ranger felt her eyes widen as she was told of her destiny but she dared not show the fear and terror that welled up inside of her heart at the prophecy. No, she would nod sternly; accepting the fate for the tribe’s wellbeing even though she knew in her heart there would be no defeating such a beast. At least, not by a Senior Hunter of the Arik’toa tribe.

Where would she even start? The fortune bones had not even given her a starting place much less the exact location of the dragon’s lair. Should she wander aimlessly until either she died or her tribe did? What sort of honor was there in that?

Her reverie was broken as the youngest of the three lads, Mau, ran up to her with the boar’s pelt in hand, the fur of the legs folded up neatly in his hand.

“What do we do with the organs, Asteria?! We ain’t gotta eat them, do we?” The boy wrinkled his nose as he looked at the package before turning his gaze back up towards her face.

The young ranger laughed, reaching down and mussing the boy’s hair with one hand before taking the package from him so that he could go help the other boys carry the boar’s carcass back to camp.

“We find a use for everything Mau, don’t we? Everything and everyone….” Trailing off, she led the trio of freshly anointed hunters on the winding path back towards their tribe, worry filling her heart about the journey that she would begin on the next morning.


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#, as written by Hells13
In the dungeons of the village where dirt seeped in, the guards had gathered themselves around one cell, the only cell that was every filled in the town. Each guard talked to each other, wandering if they should let the man go ultimately silencing themselves as he started to wake up.
"Oh, gods, where am I? What happened?" Ira had said, scratching the back of his head and rushing a hand through his hair as he stood up from the dirt floor.
"You're in the dungeons, sir. You tried to leave town so you can kill the dragon." One of the guard said, voice somewhat trembling since Ira is the only person of his village that can use magic.

"But why did yo-" but the summoner got interrupted by the spirits, who all spoke at the first time.
These men knocked you out.
Of course they did! They're scared!
Scared of defending themselves?
Stop this incessent fighting, you fools.
What in the name of the God's are you going to do old man?

The chatter stopping at that point where only low murmuring could be heard.
"I can't always help this village whenever another raid occurs. I can't always advise on decisions that don't need advising, as if my word matters. Men still went to slay INNOCENT Leigend men and woman!" He shouted the last part to the top of his voice to the guards of the town that had gathered in the dungeons, shocked by the display of anger. Ira never raised his voice against a human being except for that brief prologue of his life when he had first become a summoner.
"Now release me."
"Deepest condolences but we canno-"
"Release me." Ira said, growing impatient and angry inside the confined space of a cell.
"Then I'll use force."
"That's why we are here." The head guard had said, signalling for the men behind them gripped their sword and let the cold metal pierce the air in anticipation for the battle.

Ira had no choice for he gripped the book that he hid in his side pocket of his robes and opened it to where the names of souls were, halfway through the page. He raised left hand to his forehead where the markings of his magic where, with two fingers imbued with a mix of green light, tracing over a pentagram inside circle in front of him, that suspended in the air.
" I summon thee, Beast of the spirit world: Ganasray!"
The panther jumped out of the symbol, and landed on his four feet staring at Ira with it's yellow eyes and curved sharp claws. It's fur was that of pitch darkness and four powerful teeth jutted out of it's mouth, two on each end of his mouth, one going upwards the beast's face and another going downwards.

Such a spell drained a lot of energy from Ira who only had enough energy to still be standing. Despite this he knew how to talk to the beast.
"Gansaray, without your assistance my life will surely be gone." He said quietly to the beast, who nodded his head and turned to the guards and roared it's primal roar as it gripped on the metal bars of the cells with the monstrous teeth and teared it to shreds. All of the guards who hadn't ran away as the beast was summoned, did so as it was destroying the cell.
"Don't chase them, please." Ira had said with a cough of weakness before getting on the creature's back, an action Gansaray was obviously not used to this as his muscles crinched.
"I need you to get me out of here, Please, help me."


"Dear gods! Stop stop, stop, stop!" Ira cried as his hands gripped the fur of the panther in a desperate attempt to hold on as Gansaray sped trhough the forest.
The beast knew it had little time left before it had to go back in the spirit realm, so it searched frantically for a town, tribe or anyone of sorts to drop off his master rushing ahead with it's impressive speed. Lest the panther's prayers were answered as it had found a group of four walking along on a winding path, which one of them seemed to already notice his prescence.

Gansaray rushed from the dense forest into the path, dodging arrows that had been shot at him until he suddenly stopped in front of them, blocking their path as he reilized they were Dragonborns. Ira has passed out as an arrow was lodged in his back, the beast shot the group a glare as his summoner, Ira had dropped on the ground with his side. unconscious as he lay on the earth.

There wasn't enough time to fight, the pentagram in the circle had appeared by the beast's side and transformed into a blue portal. Gansaray looked at the group again, letting out a primal roar that shook the leaves and sounded throughout the forest. After one last stare at their leader, an older, female dragonborn, he jumped back in the spiritworld realm where it closed off and let the bleeding summoner off with the group, the beast for one of the first times in his afterlife and life combined, hoped he had done the right thing.


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#, as written by Celedia
Cocking her head slightly to one side, Asteria had her bow removed from around her torso and an arrow notched on the string a good minute before the monstrous panther burst through the underbrush. The three boys that were with her, all newer hunters, were still green and thus, as soon as they saw the beast they unleashed a volley of arrows towards it. The older dragonborn, however, lowered her bow upon seeing a human riding upon the panther, unwilling to cause him harm but before she could speak a flurry of activity happened.

Within the span of seconds, the robed man fell from the beast with an arrow lodged in his back, the beast turned to them with a ferocious roar and some sort of magic dragged the panther to another plane of existence. One of the boys whooped, obviously the one that had landed the hit on the human and Asteria hissed, a slightly reptilian sound that had the boy quickly shutting his mouth.

"Boys, it is okay to be frightened but never loose your arrows at anything but beasts. This beast had a man riding upon him, what if he was one of ours?" Her tone was harsh and reprimanding as she walked carefully towards the fallen man, laying two fingertips lightly against his throat to feel for a pulse. It was thready but there.

"Mau, you are the swiftest. Take this. Run and tell the healer that we are bringing a wounded to him." She said as she handed him the boar pelt filled with organ meat.

The younger boy opened his mouth as if he was about to argue but Asteria shot him a look that had his jaw clap shut once more. He nodded, eyes wide, and rushed down the path that had been blocked minutes before by the monstrous magical jungle cat.

Jerking her thumb over her shoulder towards the surrounding brush, she ordered the two remaining boys to fetch her supplies to craft a makeshift stretcher as she knelt beside the robed man, eyes curious as they peered down at him. "Who are you and where did you come from?" She questioned softly, not expecting an answer from the obviously weakened man. As she waited, she held one hand flat against the man's back, keeping the head of the arrow inside of his musculature as she quickly snapped off the rest so that it wouldn't make the wound worse by shifting the sharpened head around. When the boys returned with long sturdy branches and lengths of vine, they easily constructed a stretcher, having practiced many times before. Using the help of both boys, Asteria then picked up the man, laying him face down on the stretcher. with the help of one of the boys, she lifted the stretcher, leaving the remaining boy to haul the heavy boar carcass by his self.

The trio made good time in returning to the camp and it was obvious to see how they managed to live in the forest unmolested. Their huts and houses ranged from small mud and stick crafted shacks on the ground itself to timber-crafted treehouses that were connected by long rope bridges. In the center of the village was a large firepit, providing heat for cooking and light to ward away the animals that their druids had not befriended. There were two buildings closest to the firepit that looked nothing like the other abodes. They looked... Sturdier. Long lasting.

One of those buildings housed the tribe's medicine man and healer, Alfriknu and the other housed the clan's elder, Elikua. Jerking her head towards the healer's building, they made their way inside, laying the stretcher down on a soft sleeping pallet. Mau rushed in seconds later, followed by the clan's healer.

"What happened? Who did you bring to our encampment, Asteria?" There was a slight note of incredulity in the old man's voice since it was against everything they stood for to bring anyone that was not dragonborn into their midst.

Standing her ground, the young archer folded her arms beneath her breasts. "He was injured by our clansman without provoking such actions. Would you have me leave him to die? He was apparently already weakened before we even got to him."

The boys, sensing the tension in the room, made quick excuses as they left for the firepit to deliver the day's catch to the cooks.

As the adolescents left, Alfriknu turned his weathered and weary face to the young dragonborn, a soft sigh escaping his lips. "Asteria. On the eve before you are to meet your destiny you bring a stranger to our clan. Does this not seem like a sign to you?"

Before she could answer, the large tiger pelt covering the door shifted to the side and Elikua entered with her hands tucked into her sleeves, milky grey eyes peering between both of them. "Enough. I see it as a sign that the Gods favor us and are sending aid to Asteria for her journey. Nothing more, nothing less." The elder crossed the room, briefly inspecting Ira's wound before turning her gaze to the healer.

"You will see to the magic wielder. Tonight, we feast and thank the Gods for this blessing. Tomorrow, we will prepare Asteria and this man for the journey." And with that she turned, exiting the hut once more.


Hours later, before the feasting began, Asteria could be found in her ceremonial robes seated beside Ira as he lay, still face down, on a pallet. He had been moved, at Elikua's request, into the elder's own cabin and the pallet was one of the softest available since it was topped with goose-down filled pelts stacked three layers high.

The young archer looked over the stranger's back, which had been laid bare so that the wound could be easily tended to, and using a delicate touch she spread honey over the skin to block out infection and promote healing. He still hadn't awoken and that worried her, especially if the elder was going to make the poor man travel with her on her suicidal quest to slay the dragon. Would he even agree to it? They had, after all, shot him in the back. Not exactly a winning start to a working relationship.

As she laid down the small bowl of honey on the bedside table, she wiped her hands on a nearby bolt of cloth, unwilling to mar the clean white and bronze ceremonial robes that she had been required to wear for tonight's feasting. Pushing a lock of her honey brown hair behind her ear, she peered down at the unconscious figure and furrowed her brow slightly as she studied him, willing him to awaken.


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#, as written by Hells13
Ira felt the force of the landing as he fell off the beast with then the sudden reilization of an arrow had hit him. The man's vision was starting to blur and blacken as he watched the trio of boys and a taller woman leaving them.
As the summoner tried to talk, nothing but air escaped his frozen lips, the vision of the tribe quickly escaping Ira's sight as nothing but darkness took over. The spirits on the other hand, were screaming at the top of their voices for they knew where they were going to go when Ira died.
To be back in the spirit word where they'll wander for a Millennium before being reborn again as a child, a fate surprisingly a lot of souls don't want to accept, for it loses their identity.
Sto- no, just- for the last time-, NO! NO MORE! STOP SULKING YOU DAMNE-
"Who are you and where did you come from?" A soft voice of a woman had asked right before Ira had lost conscousness.


Waaaake up.
Ira, you're surprisingly alive.
He ain't waking up, though.
Tha's cuz you got'a shout at the boy.
Back off you animal,
Di' YOU ju't call ME n' animal? I'll wake the fool. IRA!
The man suddenly opened his eyes wide open, his red eyes almost glowing as he reilized the he was alive, closing again as a small groan had escaped him. Each fine individual hair among the squirrel pelted bed more fine then the next as Ira sat up regrettably and stretched his arms over his head, yawning rather loudly from the nap.

It was only then did the man open his eyes once again, to find he was in a strange inside of a house with a woman. Though now his eyes were back to normal as he got out of bed with a slight pain in his back, and backtracked to the woman again. She appeared to be wearing ceremonial garb, her short wavy brown hair, complimenting the white and bronze of her ceremonial robes.
Ira scanned the room and himself quickly, finding himself half naked fom the top with a flat torso, his summoning book still tied to his waist, and a-another set of ceremonial robes? Of the same colour?
Did the spirits ever speak. And laugh. And jeer.

"N-no. No, no, no, no." Ira had stuttered definitly getting the wrong idea stuck in his head.
"Please I'm flattered, I am truly but I-I just can't." Ira had said, backing himself against the wall trying to find the proper door out.
"Well, maybe. No! But I don't mean that in a bad way, after all but I just don't know you and where are my robes?" Ira had asked in a panic looking for the top half of his clothing around him before grabbing the white and bronze ceremonial robes that had been layed out.
"I'm only putting these on because I am unable to find my robes..." Ira had said sheepishly as he wore the suprisingly soft material.
"It's not you, it's just I'm not ready for this...kind of commitment." The man had said quietly as he awaited the response of the woman.
There was no around it. He woke up half-naked in a well built hut with a beautifull woman who was wearing traditional robes as another set of the same robes were set aside for him.
Ganasray, I'm going to kill you.
The soul tried to hold up as much laughing as it can for its master.
I didn't do a single thing. The beast let out stifling its laughter.


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#, as written by Celedia
"N-no. No, no, no, no." Ira had stuttered definitly getting the wrong idea stuck in his head.
"Please I'm flattered, I am truly but I-I just can't." Ira had said, backing himself against the wall trying to find the proper door out.

The man's eyes were wide with panic as he looked about and she could hear his heart thumping from across the room. He acted as if he were prey being hunted which probably would be understandable since one of her hunters had shot him in the back but still....

"Well, maybe. No! But I don't mean that in a bad way, after all but I just don't know you and where are my robes?" Ira had asked in a panic looking for the top half of his clothing around him before grabbing the white and bronze ceremonial robes that had been layed out.
"I'm only putting these on because I am unable to find my robes..." Ira had said sheepishly as he wore the suprisingly soft material.

His continued babbling caused Asteria to arch her brow briefly, a slight look of confusion upon her face. Why is he so angry about the robes? Does clothing offend his people? she pondered for a moment then gave a quick shake of her head, quickly dismissing her own idea. It shouldn't... He was wearing other robes before the healer tended him. Perhaps it is the color? The cloth itself? Standing up, the young ranger looked upon the man as if he were delusional, a hand extended ahead of her with her palm out as she tried to calm the man. Instead, his voice lowered as he kept talking.

"It's not you, it's just I'm not ready for this...kind of commitment." The man had said quietly as he awaited the response of the woman.

Confusion once more quirked her lips as she stared at the man, then her eyes widened in realization. She had seen the ceremonies of the townsfolk only once. They seemed a somber people, only prone to celebrate when their religion recognized a union between two of their people. One time during her visit to a nearby town for trade, she had seen a man and woman exiting a holy temple dressed in rich fabrics as they left the building, smiling happily at one another and she had to ask a townsperson why everyone was applauding their departure.

As the realization of his misinterpretation hit her, she suddenly burst into laughter. It was a soft, melodic sound and she pressed her right hand across her torso to the ribs on her left side.

"No, no. You misunderstand, human...." another light bout of laughter followed until she was almost crying. "These..." she paused, motioning to their robes, "Are ceremonial gowns, yes but not for what you think." Her gaze levelled onto the man for a moment as she debated within her own mind how much to tell the poor man now. She didn't want to overwhelm him or send him screaming especially if he was supposedly sent here by the Gods as their elder expected.

"First, I will introduce myself. I am Asteria, Senior Hunter of the clan Arik'ato here in the Aerire forests. We are a clan of dragonborns, human, and my elder believes that you have been sent here to aid us with a task." Her clear eyes met his as she awaited a response, any response.

"Tonight we are celebrating a journey that I have to start tomorrow. It is for good fortune, you see. I have never before left my clan for more than a week and...." she looked away for a moment, deciding not to speak of her quest quite so soon. "Well, let us just say that this particular task shall take longer than that."


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#, as written by Hells13
For more then one thing Ira was scared. Yet the spirits just won't shut up.
Ahh, I remember my first wedding...
Yo'd found a bea'tifu woman Ira.
This was it. Ira had faced the ground with doom and acceptence. He was going to be married to a woman, whom he'd never met before and - Oh great, she's laughing at my misery. He had thought as he loudly faceplamed himself.
"No, no. You misunderstand, human...."

She went on as a little bit more laughter came, as if she was almost crying. "These...
"Are ceremonial gowns,

Oh Gods!
"Yes but not for what you think."
"Huh?" Said Ira, as he peeked out from the palm of his hand that covered his face, slowly letting the hand slide down to his side.
That is of course, when finally a proper introduction had been raised.
"First, I will introduce myself. I am Asteria, Senior Hunter of the clan Arik'ato here in the Aerire forests. We are a clan of dragonborns, human, and my elder believes that you have been sent here to aid us with a task."

Aerire Forests! Gansaray, I'm going to disown you!
The beast spirit scoffed before responding.
You're a true fool Ira, I know you'd never disown me. Who else would let you ride their backs and bail you out of the dungeons? Definitly not Ranmus!
I can still here you Gans. The quiet spirit spoke for what seems to be the second time that Ira had noticed. He didn't dare think any more of the manner mainly because he didn't want any arguments inside his head. Ira had showed himself to be calm, getting up from the wall, standing upright and nearing himself to Asteria. For some reason now he felt dissapointed...

"Tonight we are celebrating a journey that I have to start tomorrow. It is for good fortune, you see. I have never before left my clan for more than a week and....Well, let us just say that this particular task shall take longer than that."
Ira had looked up at Asteria with a calm compusure as he started to talk.
"I see..." The man had said rubbing the side of his face with the nails of his left hand. "My name is Ira Maholight, a Summoner and a Former Advisor of the town of Kales." Words that he knew Asteria woudn't understand. Summoners are for the most part, mainly unheard of and almost wiped out, for practical reasons and the difficult test that it had made. Matter of fact that's about the only reason a Summoner might be known into a mind, where a test is to be made to find a demon and become a friend to him (or her) where the one at task is to befriend the demon and persuade it in becoming his first summon. Then an advisor of the city had to be wise, and were nearly all the time old, men who had wrinkles on the tips of their fingers were advisors.

The spirits started to speak, analyzing the words of Asteria.
"These times are hard on tribe's, villages, and large towns alike. A celebration onto a long journey..." Ira had said widening his eyes as the truth even became apparent to himself, though the spirits themselves were quickest to speak.
Then you are after the dragon as well? The wise man had said.
"Then you are after the dragon as well, Asteria?" Ira had said, copying the spirit's words. his tone of voice rather light and cheery as he reilized he had a companion by the clan of Arik'ato (forced as it may be) and the reilization that he was NOT getting married.
However now it started to make him feel sad. He was going on a suicide mission and it was highly unlikely that he'd come back alive, even with assitance of the new soul.
"Shall we go dine?" Ira had said, Asteria still recovering from his spot-on guess, as a wide grin and pair of red eyes gleamed from Ira's face.


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#, as written by Celedia
Asteria worried briefly about the man’s mental health as she spoke to him. His eyes seemed to gain a slight glaze over them as if he were listening to whispered voices, as she had sometimes seen her elders do when listening to the spirits. But she had never heard of a human clan having this power so obviously the man was delusional.

My name is Ira Maholight, a Summoner and a Former Advisor of the town of Kales."

Her brow knit in slight confusion at the human’s title. Advisor she understood perfectly, of course, their clan had many Advisors on the council that would discuss ideas brought up by their Elder, but Summoner? What could he summon? She could summon the very air upon whim but somehow she doubted that was what he meant. Perhaps beastiary? He had, after all, arrived on the back of that monstrous wildcat.

“Summon? Do you summon the animals to your aid?” She looked at him with her dark eyes wide with interest. Several of the druids in her clan could befriend the animals but only the beasts that were friendly to them would answer their call for help.

But his eyes had glazed over slightly again and he ignored her question momentarily to ask, "Then you are after the dragon as well, Asteria?"

A stern expression crossed her face and she nodded her head once. Of course, he would know of the dragon who had put out its challenge to any and all who would face him. Why would she expect to be the only one?

That was when her heart fluttered with fear. What if she failed? What if she journeyed with this man and he made the killing blow and received the wish for himself? What if….

She shook her head abruptly to quell her thoughts, looking him in the eye as she replied. “You will most likely be overrun with information tonight so I will not tell you the whole tale…. But yes, I am going after the dragon as well.”

A lock of sun-lightened honey brown hair fell back into her face and she pushed it back behind her ear once more, studying the man with renewed interest.

"Shall we go dine?" he offered, obviously no longer afraid as he had been when he had first awoken beside her in the hut.

A softer smile graced her lips and she bowed slightly at the waist. “Feast well, human. I hunt well but we may not eat this well again for quite a long time.” Reaching towards him, she offered her hand to him before leading him out of the hut.

The first thing the human would see upon exiting through the pelt-covered doorway would be the large bonfire that sat in the center of camp. It was roughly ten feet in diameter with flames dancing a dozen or more feet off of the ground. The clan was a flurry of activity in preparation for the feast. Some of the people were still preparing the foods, some were setting the already made food upon a long oak table that stretched out along the center of the village square. Kids were running back and forth playing with one another and a small group of the elderly clansmen were seated beside the healer’s hut conversing.

As soon as the human stepped into view, a slight hush fell over the tribe and all eyes fell to Ira. One of the kids that had been playing tag around the bonfire stopped abruptly, causing his playmate to slam into his back to great force, unaware of the sudden halt, and both crashed to the ground.

Laughing, Asteria walked forward, releasing Ira’s hand as she went to the smaller child that had started crying. His small round face was now smudged with dirt and he had a rather large cut across his cheek.

“Ahhh, hush now, Luut. Hush.” She cooed at the boy, picking him up in her arms and casting an apologetic look back at Ira before returning her attentions to the child once more.

“Let us go see Alfriknu so he can take the sting out of that cut.”

The tribe had begun speaking amongst themselves again during this little incident and Asteria turned to Ira with a smile. “The healer’s hut is right over there,” she nodded towards the next closest building. “I’ll return swiftly.” With that, she was gone, already half way to the healer’s hut before anything more could be said.

As she pushed open the door covering, she had Luut smiling again as she delivered the tiny boy onto the palette and turned to Alfriknu.

“Minor cut. I think it just stings a bit…” she started as she turned to face the healer, surprised at the look she saw on the older man’s face. He looked serious, more so than usual, and quite dour.

“There is something wrong with the human, Asteria. Do not turn your back on him during the journey. Promise me that much.”

His words had her eyes widen in surprise but she nodded, finding it unwise to question the requests of the tribe’s older members.

“Of course, I will be vigilant. You have my word.”

The older man looked over her face once more and when he was satisfied that she was telling the truth, he nodded and walked passed her to tend to the boy.

Furrowing her brow, Asteria stared after the man for just a moment, then shook her head and walked back outside, finding Ira easily.


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#, as written by Hells13
Ira bit the inside of his lip when she had asked him what coud he summon. It was obvious that Asteria couldn't understand what a Summoner was, especially when she had asked if that was like summoning animals. Luckily it seems she had dropped the subject when he continued the questioning. It was going to be hard to explain that it was summoning the spirits of the damned and make it out of the tribe alive.

Though, it seemed for a very brief moment that she was almost scared, she spoke again. “You will most likely be overrun with information tonight so I will not tell you the whole tale…. But yes, I am going after the dragon as well.”
As soon as Ira suggested that the two should eat, Asteria had agreed also dragging Ira by the hand outside the hut.

The first thing that Ira saw was the bonfire that the people had made, it's orange glow reflecting off his eyes and the white and bronze ceremonial garb that both the man and Asteria was wearing. As the Summoner pulled his eyes out from the fire, he had looked into the other dragoborns, stuck in their places as they glared at the human. Men, woman, and chidren alike, froze as they had set up food on the ong oak table, were cooking it, and even the children froze as they were playing.
Looks like they've never seen a human before.
Tey a tribe, they'd nev'a seen anutha soul ike 'emselfes.
Perhaps it is your garb.
Nah, tis da simol on your head boy.
The silence was broken as a child started crying, Asteria laughing for a short bit before approaching the child and comforting him letting go of Ira's hand.
Chatter was restored back to the people, though it was low, the man coud still hear some tidbits of their words. ""

"The healer’s hut is right over there," The words jumping Ira from his concentration as he looked back at Asteria.
“I’ll return swiftly.” She had said leaving off to the hut with the smal child.

I swear, these town people are going to stab you in the back Ira.
Nay, For I swear yu'r just as stuck up. They'll grow on you Ira, they'll.
I call to thee spirits as a guide, gice us an omen of these new passangers arrival.
Ira turned his head around and wondered who in confusion was speaking, for they didn't sound ike the regular assortment of spirits that spoke...
We are the elders of the Arik'ato tribe, and we request your assistnce.
They can hear him! The summoner turned his head around, looking for the source of the voices as it began chanting, Ira luckily finding them next to the healers hut.
"Er, this is my mind. You may please exit it. Now preferably."
Yeah out of his mind,
Get'n out'n here you worms!
Leave before death is inevitable.

The look of confusion and fear was enevitable as the elders' eyes opened wide discussing to each other what has happened and why while they were next to the healer's hut.
Somehing's coming, to the right! Shouted the spirt of Ganasray, causing Ira's head to spin around at the empty space of trees that sat against the edge of the village.
"There's nothing ther-"
Just wait.

Ira looked behind him again as he found Asteria, motioning for her to come over quick till she was at his side. He grabbed the book that was by his side, opening it where a list of names are found. "Do you hear that?" Ira whispered so that only Asteria coud hear. Could it be the dark ones? Or a beast? The sound started to be slowy audible...


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Fieht walked on a path through the woods, leading what used to be the giant man's horse. She hoped she was going in the right direction, it was starting to get to dark to travel. That and she didn't like these woods too much. For one there seemed to be a source of light ahead of her, and for another she generally didn't like woods, they reminded her of her childhood. She glanced back at her new horse as it huffed nervously, it seemed the creature didn't like these woods either. She looked ahead, her mind wandering to the reason she now had a horse.

Fieht had waved at the giant man to gain his attention. He had seemed to notice, because his horse started towards her. Then something unexpected happened, the man fell off his horse! The beast continued towards her, huffing through it's nose when it reached her. Fieht, more than a little confused, went to the man. She new by training as a assassin how to check for the life's pulse. He had none, Fieht wondered to herself why the man had even started to travel if he was going to die. Shaking this question off, she went into a old habit of hers from when she had been a rogue. She checked him for anything valuable, putting what was of use to her in the traveling bags that were already on the horse. Then she dragged the man's body to the hut she had been sitting in front of. Two bodies in one hut, fitting. She went to the horse, taking the reigns in her hand and started walking towards where she thought the dragon might be.

Fieht's thoughts were broken at a neigh from the horse. While she was thinking, she walked straight into a village! Blast! I should have payed better attention! She looked around, seeing a huge fire and many of the inhabitants staring at her. She spotted one person she knew for sure was a human, he had a book in his hand and was staring at her. A summoner? Fieht tried backing up, but felt the points of weapons at her back. She raised her hands to show she was unarmed "No need for weapons, I mean no harm. Didn't even know there was a village here."


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#, as written by Celedia
”Do you hear that”

The young human male asked her as she neared his side and her eyes raised up, honing in on the rustling bushes before them. In a tree about twenty paces behind the sound lurked a young dragon born archer, his green and brown armor letting him remain unseen in the branches. No matter what the threat was, it would be taken care of if it proved hostile.

Suddenly, a girl on a horse burst through the foliage, her eyes flickering up and widening in surprise. Feigned or true? Asteria wondered and though the girl held up her hands in a universal gesture showing she meant no harm, Asteria couldn’t help but notice the two daggers resting in their sheaths on the young woman.

The village looked on quietly- some in surprise and others in wonder. This was only the second human that some of them had seen in their entire lives. Except for Asteria and a select other few tribesman that had dealings with the nearby towns, the village was secluded and no one had ever ‘stumbled upon’ it, much less gotten this far unharmed.

"No need for weapons, I mean no harm. Didn't even know there was a village here." The girl’s voice wasn’t timid or afraid, more along the lines of incredulous.

“I would hope that you wouldn’t be so idiotic as to come into a village of dragon born with the intent to harm,” Asteria said with a wry smile and she raised her hand, gesturing for the archers hidden in the woods to lower their bows but stay on their guard. Half of the Watchers retreated, going back to their assigned scouting locations so that they could remain vigilant against any more threats while a small handful remained on site to assist if needed.

Asteria turned, looking over her shoulder as she searched for Elikua for her guidance. Only the Elder could allow entry for this human into the village.

As if on cue, Elikua moved forward with a slow grace, parting the small crowd that had gathered near the trio until she was within speaking distance.

The Elder’s head tilted gently as she studied the stranger, flickering only briefly to Ira as if pondering what events had transpired in the past few moments. The dragon born were a cautious and cynical lot, so the arrival of not one, but two humans in a single day was almost suspicious. Yet, they would have to make allowances since the dark ones were driving people out of their homes, causing a mass exodus of some of the surrounding cities.

“Who are you, child? And what are you doing so deep within the Aerire?” Elikua said in a soft yet commanding tone.


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“I would hope that you wouldn’t be so idiotic as to come into a village of dragon born with the intent to harm,” Fieht raised an eyebrow slightly at this statement. Dragon born? The woman who had spoke raised her hand, and Fieht felt the points of weapons being removed. She kept her hands up however, making not even the slightest show of going for her daggers. She wasn't a complete idiot after all. Another woman came up to her, this one a elder of the village. Most likely the leader. Fieht thought, staying still as the woman studied her.“Who are you, child? And what are you doing so deep within the Aerire?” Fieht looked the elder in the eyes before answering. She may be an assassin, but she was truthful to those who were above her.
"I go by Fieht. I was trying to get to the mountains." she tried a small smile, but her facial muscles wouldn't allow her to show emotion in front of others.....elder or not. "I wasn't paying attention to my path, and now, here I am."


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#, as written by Celedia
Elikua allowed her gaze to travel over the young lady, quite obviously judging her trustworthiness. With Asteria standing by her side, the Elder allowed her eyes to close, listening to the gentle breeze that had stirred within the forest as if she were listening for something...

Two bodies....
But one not by her hand....

The soft whispers of the spirits of the dragonborn and of the surrounding forest told her stories of the young human and within a few minutes, Elikua's eyes fluttered back open and rested upon Fieht once more.

"You are heading to slay the great beast out of not necessity but boredom." The Elder's head tilted to one side as she thought over this for a moment longer then nodded with determination.

"Fieht, you will be welcomed into our village for this night. On the morrow you will journey with these two you see before you," Elikua gave her command and the dragon borns started murmuring amongst themselves again over the new human in their midst.

"But tonight, we feast!" With that, the Elder turned away from the trio, leaving the dragonborn archer and human mage staring at the assassin as she wandered over to the bonfire to take her seat.


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Fieht lowered her hands slowly, watching the elder with surprise in her heart. How does she know such things? She looked to the two the elder had mentioned. The dragon born that had spoken to her first, and the summoner. She sent a glare at the summoner, disliking that she would have to travel with him. She then went and tied her horse to a tree branch, and went and sat with her legs crossed opposite of the elder.


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#, as written by Hells13
I summon you... I summon you...I summon you... Ira had recited the words quickly in his head as the rustling became closer with an opened book in front of him, what he had expected was a dark one to jump out and attack.
Definitely not a woman on a horse.
Surprised definitly filled Ira's mind as various spirits had commented on the arrival of the new girl, some pinnning her as an assassin since she was, but other's pinning her as deadly, dangerous, a trickster sort, and attractive? "Ganasaray?" Ira had asked in confusion to the beast's comment.
I speak my mind. He simply said snickering, leaving the summoner in bewilderment.

The woman had daggers around her waist but her hands was still in the air. She'd be agile enough to grab the daggers but not quick enough to throw them before the archers would get her. Asteria waved them away, saying something that no one comes into a village of dragonborns to harm and then an elderly woman walked slowly towards the human girl. Ira could only hear the last words of the elder, most probably the leader of this tribe, and the name of the girl, Feight, when she had introduced herself.
"You are heading to slay the great beast out of not necessity but boredom."
Boredom? It was an almost backward thought to hold, to be able to hope to die for the sake of beng bored. Or was this girl so overconfident that she wants the challenge?
"Fieht, you will be welcomed into our village for this night. On the morrow you will journey with these two you see before you, but tonight, we feast!" She proclaimed going over to her seat amidst the center of the long oak table which the bonfire reflected it's light off.

Feight gave Ira almost a dirty look before she went to sit down to the opposite of the elder.
"Does she know who I am?" Ira thought, the spirits giving many different answers: Yes, No, Impossible, Improbable, Sure she's trailing you.
Ira went to sit next to Feight as he still wore the white and bronze robes making him and Asteria look like it was their final feast.
He hoped it wouldn't be.


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Fieht looked to the human man as he sat next to her. Raw rage entered her heart "Why do you sit next to me summoner?" she could hear her anger in her voice, it was hard to hold it back. She clenched her hands into fists, keeping them on her bent knees. Keep your anger inside...he is not the same....he can't be the same. "You afraid I might kill you if you are not keeping an eye on me?" Blast! So much for holding back my anger...why is that whenever I meet a summoner, my anger takes control? It is not as if they are all that man....


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#, as written by Hells13
Ira's eyes widened as Feight spoke, wondering how in the world she knew he was a summoner. They're rare. Really rare. Golden apple rare.
And most that are have gone crazy and died...
"You afraid I might kill you if you are not keeping an eye on me?"
This wasn't good, good at all. The villagers looked at him funny (Again), even the elder had turned her head slightly towards him. Doesn't this girl have any idea know what she was doing?

If this girl, a part of the human race, depicts him as an enemy or a threat or something worth hate, that represents to the dragonborns that he is an enemy, threat, and something worth of hate though in actuallity he isn't.
It really didn't help that her voice had actual hate towards Ira...
"Nope." The summoner said, even moving his chair a slight bit closer towards her, looking completely normal. He did look a little clueless and slightly scared of the attention he had gotten, again.


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Fieht gave a grunt, the man had apparently passed off her anger. She didn't mind, it was her fault for letting it take control. She looked to her lap and did something she rarely did. "Forgive anger got the best of me. I..." she clenched her hands tighter forcing the rest out "I had a bad experience with a summoner when I was a child. Because of this my anger gets the best of me whenever I see one. It is no excuse for the way I again I ask that you forgive me."


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#, as written by Hells13
"I'm going to die."
Oh yeah.
Nev'a a dout.
Run while you still gots the chance.

Ira's hands were sweaty, face clearly nervous and shaky. If anything was to happan he'd have to reach for the spellbook, which would take toolong cause she would stab him with one of her daggers, but if he reached for his dagger it'd be too obvious, and maybe if he turnd the chair the-
"Forgive anger got the best of me. I... I had a bad experience with a summoner when I was a child. Because of this my anger gets the best of me whenever I see one. It is no excuse for the way I again I ask that you forgive me."

The summoners survival mentality dissapeared as his hands became steady. Ira looked up towards Feight, seeing the pain and anguish on the girl's eyes.
"I forgive you but honestly I'm more surprised you knew what I was." He whispered in a low tone, laying a cold hand on one of her balled up fists.
"Uhmm, Asteria? Ira called to her as he turned around the chair, tring to think of a way to start their final feast without sounding high and mighty.
"Should we eat?" He said, mentally highfiving a particualr spirit. Sronos.


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Fieht looked to the human man after he said"I forgive you but honestly I'm more surprised you knew what I was." She gave a baffled expression, how could she NOT know what he was. "It was easy for me to tell, you carry a book, that and you have the eyes." she then realized why he might think she shouldn't know. There weren't a whole lot of summoners after all. "It's part of my living to study a person in a few seconds, and be able to tell what they do for a living. I wouldn't be a good assassin otherwise."