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Ley'Viule Saithe'Den

A young, tribal hunter from an extingushed tribe of hidden peoples.

0 · 174 views · located in Athenia

a character in “Legend of the Dragon - 1st Encounter”, as played by Vio-Lance


Name: Ley'Viule Saithe'Den

Nicknames: Ley, Elvee (The pronunciation of his head letters of his first name)

Race: Leiged
(Racial Description: A Leiged (pronounced "Leg Eed") is a tribal persons of the forests. Their are much like humans, and much like elves in many aspects. Of course, they walk upright, and even learn to speak common english early on in life. However, their notable difference is that they happen to adapt to a feline form. Their bodies have become smaller, even childlike, which in turn has diminished their strength... however, they don't need outstanding ammounts. The average Leiged can easily move their own bodyweight, and is actually very, very swift on their feet. The do have cat-like attributes, hearing and balance being the most obvious. But they also are naturally more subtle than other races, even the elf, a close neighbor in their wooded glades. Leiged have a very notorious tendancy to be archers, rangers, thieves, or any profession that maximizes on their racial speed. However, they are very specific in their beliefs. They are by nature very generous, and giving, but don't hesitate to do whatever it takes to survive.
They are very looked down on by the church, as honestly, most are believed to worship Satan, and it is a common misconception - even though there is a known cult of Leiged that worship the devil. Leiged are also known for their fairly short life span. While a human may live up to 100, a Leiged mightt live half of that, at very most. A very common expiration age is early thirties. The young race grows very rapidly, but stops growing once they hit adolecence, keeping them in a perpetual state of youth, making them very prized 'workers', as they keep their vitality throughout their life. They are naturally endurant to poisons and toxins, and can eat most anything they wish, even the most toxic of mushrooms. Their body is also naturally resillient to damage. They can aquire broken bones and continue the fight. Their endurance is notable even rivaling their ability to outrun nearly any race in the world due their combination of great speed, and outstanding stamina. Other fun facts about their race:
- They are intollerant to alcohol of any kind, and easily get drunk.
- The teeth of a Leiged, as well as their bones, are more dense, and tougher than a human's.
- While appearing small and childish, most Leiged are actually wise... even if it's in their own special way.
- Leiged commonly are raised in a tribal community, teaching survival skills from the time they are able to speak.
- The Leiged actually lay eggs instead of giving live birth, but it works the same way. The shelled egg stays inside the mother untill ready to hatch, before the mother will lay the egg.
- Although it is rare, there are cases of male pregnancy within the Leiged race.
- Leiged are naturally warmer than humans, having an average temperature of 101.4 degrees farenheit.
- Leiged are naturally skittish by nature, sudden loud noises or sudden threatening gestures will make one jump, easily triggering their flight or fight.
- Leiged are actually not concidered people by many, and often capture for pets or slaves.
- While melee combat is NOT a forte of the Leiged, they do have sort of a 'martial art' that is taught racially by nearly everyone, and known by nearly everyone. While it's not an effective for offensive fighting, it is great for escaping grappling manuvers and dodging direct attacks.
- The Leiged race is truly becoming endangered, as they are so very few in numbers, they are becoming close to extinct. This is due to many factors, which do include slave capture, and even sport hunting. If a person can claim a Leiged ear, then they have shown they were able to best one's speed.. or trap it like a rat. )

Gender: Male

Age: Appears roughly fiftteen. He's actually about 40 in Leiged years.

Ley'Viule is a shocking sight, especially for a forest roming group of humans or other non-forest race. Mostly because so few of them exit the seclusion of their woods. Ley stands at about 5'1, and weighs roughly 80 lbs. He has a huge mess of dirty-blonde hair on his head, accompanied by a pair of white feline ears. His face is actually fairly tanned, due to long days of hunting in the fields near the wooded areas, which stand out against his bright, teal eyes, which seem to be the primary feature of his face. His body is slim, and lean, barely showing anything of muscle. His shoulders are narrow, and his hips match that fashion, in which they aren't very big at all. A white feline tail pertrudes his backside as well. His legs seem proportionally long to the rest of his torso, however. His clothing.... is.. *ahem*.... tribal. So, it is not exactly made with modesty in mind. It also is not made to be a suit of armor, and only to protect shoulders, arms, and legs, while leather straps and thick fur makes up the remaining.... uhm... 'armor'. Long leather thigh-boots run up his legs, and his body is coated with white tribal paint running up his legs and sides. His gloves and boots have small metal points sticking out of them, as to aid climbing and minorly in melee combat. He is not far seen from his crossbow usually, as he is a hunter... or was, anyway.



Ley'Viule's personality somewhat matches his personality. He is a Leiged; he's not used to the big towns and cities. They're a strange thing. Of course, in truth, Ley is truly the odd one. His tribal attitude is still alive in his fire-filled heart, and questions why people from cities do things they way they do. He's curious though, about civilization.

Ley is very spunky, as one would imagine someone of his appearance, and isn't much into declining challenges. And although he has a happy air about him, he's often very cautious. He seems to always be looking over his shoulder or hesitant to trust people he's unfamiliar with. He's particularly weary about dwarves, as the short, muscular men intimidate him with their... muscles... and beards; another trait of his Leiged upbringing - the tribal cat-peoples were never too fond of the 'greedy' dwarves. However, he is not blatantly rude or mean. In fact, he tries to be kind (in his odd, tribal ways.), and tries not to offend anyone without due cause. If he is, it's because he's not known the outside world for very long at all. He finds himself quite fond of elves, however, as both races hail from the wooded glades across the plains.

Ley is rarely agressive, and almost timid seeming at times. That doesn't mean he's not defensive, but he doesn't like conflict without reason. He can usually shake off dirty looks and foul remarks, but it makes him feel out of place.... like he doesn't belong. It makes him seem withdrawn. While in cities, he clings to whomever he is with, not daring to get lost within the spinning maze of the buildings. But in the wilderness, he completely changes. He's rather swift to act on his own, and loses most of the shy feeling he had before.

In a fight, the catboy chooses to use a "hit'n'run" stratigy. Using his race's natural speed, agility, and stamina, he likes to shoot and move at the same time, wearing down his targets without letting them catch him.


Ley actually has very sparse equipment on his body... as well as armor. He is able, however, to find things in the wilderness. He's an excellent hunter and trapper, and has many survival skills - such as starting a fire, tracking game, silent movement, fishing with hands, and man other skills perfected with time and practice. The longest time in the wilderness alone is no problem for Ley. Although, he is outfitted with a crossbow, with a heavy draw weight, which gives the weapon the ability to even punch through plate armor. Not to mention, he has an entire variety of bolts. He has flatchet arrow heads, straight arrows, and even bodkin tipped bolts, for punching through extremely heavy armor. Ley also carries a skinning knife, for cleaning game. It's not really a combat weapon...but by far, it is better than nothing in a fight.


Ley is quite shy about his history, but he won't disregard it. Although he openly says he dislikes the humans for the hunting of his race.

(Ley's history will be told by him, as per when someone asks In Character about it.)

So begins...

Ley'Viule Saithe'Den's Story