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Rachel Seigner

No one can confidently say that he will still be living tomorrow.

0 · 342 views · located in The Homestead

a character in “Life: After Plague”, originally authored by aurban16, as played by RolePlayGateway


FC: Nina Dobrev

Full Name: Rachel Mae Seigner
Age: 24
Gender: Female


Career: Fashion Designer

Personality: Rachel was always sort of "out there." She wasn't ever the popular girl
in school A lot of people would call her a nerd. Not that it wasn't fitting. She always got
A's, and played trombone in the school band. She got along with the teachers better than anyone.
She always loved to read, and it really stuck with her. She is very sweet and down-to-earth once
you get to know her. She is shy though, which can make it a challenge.


Looks: Rachel is short, around five foot. She has long brown hair and brown eyes.
She has one tattoo, a tree on her left foot.

Background: Rachel graduated high school, and went to a small community college in
California. She never had big dreams. All she wanted to do was open her own
boutique, which she did at age nineteen. She met Axel, then, too. She got pregnant with
her daughter, Nina.

Then the plague started. All of her loved ones died, except for her father. She left
California with Axel, leaving her father behind.
Axel, but

So begins...

Rachel Seigner's Story

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Character Portrait: Rachel Seigner Character Portrait: Axel Leeves
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"You know, Rach," Axel said, with a smirk on his face. "You've managed to look pretty good in an apocalypse." He kept his left hand on the steering wheel of the old Dodger Ram, while he turned down the music with his right. There was no radio anymore, just the country tunes from his old iPod, which was almost dead. "If they ever turn our story into a movie, they better find a real hot actress to play you."

Rachel lifted her head from the cool window. "It might be tough," she said jokingly. "Stop the car. I gotta take a piss." Axel pulled over off the road. Not that it was necessary; there weren't any other cars around. They both hopped out, and while Rachel was emptying her bladder, Axel checked the tailgate to see how much food they had left. They sure were running low. It had been about a week since they had left California.

"Where are we at?" Rachel asked, hopping into the cab again. Axel walked over to the passenger side and leaned against the open door.

"We're in Kansas. I think there may be a little town up ahead. We better stop and see if there's a little market or something that no one has raided yet." Rachel nodded, and he kissed her on the forehead. He climbed back into the driver's seat, and they were on there way yet again.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rachel Seigner Character Portrait: Axel Leeves
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Axel pulled the truck up in front of a small grocery store. "Where are we, Ax?" asked Rachel. She looked around, but there was really nothing to be seen. It was what some would call a ghost town, taken right out of a Wild West film.

"I don't really know what town this is," Axel replied. "A small one? Besides, we're just here for the food." He pulled his pistol out of the holster he had around his waist. He has stolen it from the first grocery store they raided in California. He was happy he hadn't had to use it yet. "Let's just get in and get out. Grab any nonperishable food and water bottles you can carry." He kicked the front door open, and couldn't see squat.

Rachel pulled her flashlight out of her backpack and clicked it on. "Put that thing away. There's no one here." It took them about ten minutes to go through the whole store. After collecting as much as they could, they laid a blanket out on the dusty road for a late lunch of ham sandwiches and warm beers. "You think anyone will catch us?" Rachel asked Axel.

The setting changes from Somewhere in Kansas to Fort Yates


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rachel Seigner Character Portrait: Axel Leeves
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Axel took a swig of his beer and turned to look at Rachel. "Couldn't tell you, Rach," he sighed. He wasn't sure if anyone was alive within a hundred mile radius of them. "Doesn't it feel like we're kids again? Going on a road-trip without parent consent. Man, those were the good days." He looked up into the sky and could see vultures soaring above. Wouldn't it be nice to be a bird, he thought. No wondering if you'd be alive the next day.

Rachel finished her sandwich. "It's so weird," she said. "We go from having a big family, great jobs, the American Dream, to nothing. I haven't even thought about it very much. I can't cry over it. I feel like it's not right to have emotions, when so many people are-"

Axel cut her off. "Don't get sappy, Rachel. This isn't the time or place." He stood, holding out his hand to help her up. She hopped back in the car while he folded the blanket. Then they were driving again. They didn't know where, or why. Just that they would need to find a place before dark.

The setting changes from Fort Yates to The Homestead


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rachel Seigner Character Portrait: Axel Leeves
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With Carrie Underwood blasting through the speakers, using up the last of the iPod battery, the couple drove down the dirt road. Rachel noticed Axel squinting his eyes, trying to look far into the distance. "Is that a school bus?" he said, partially to himself. He chuckled quietly. "Maybe there's some survivors after all."

Axel sped up until he was about one hundred feet away from the bus. He noticed two people standing by it, a man and a woman. He honked his horn as he drove up. "Need some help?" he called out the window. This wasn't like a movie or TV show. You could trust people in the real world... or so they hoped.

"Maybe this isn't such a good idea," Rachel muttered. "Maybe you should just drive by. They might be dangerous." Axel wasn't listening though, and he cut the engine on the Ram, and stood up, sticking his head through the sunroof.

The setting changes from The Homestead to Somewhere in Kansas

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Bridget Deaney Character Portrait: Rachel Seigner Character Portrait: Axel Leeves
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Drat, she thought. So I do get to look like a complete idiot...

The blush on her face was pretty red. "Well, that sounds pretty bad." She shrugged. "Not like it was mine to begin with, and no one's going to be missing it..."

She peeked into one of the windows, checking on all of the boxes and crates she had piled in there. He hadn't quite answered her about whose house that was up ahead, and she didn't want to seem desperate for a place to stay. She did have quite a lot of supplies though - crates of clean water in 2 gallon cartons, non perishable food, clothes, batteries, all the first aid kits she could find at the school where she had worked, even a spare gas powered generator from one of the maintenance sheds.

Hearing a car pull up next to them, she turned around and looked up to see a guy poking his through the sunroof of his car, asking if they needed help. Again, she tensed up, and wondered how she was running into so many people within a span of minutes, relaxing only when she noticed a woman with him in the car. So, probably not dangerous.

Bridget shrugged. "Unless you have a whole new engine with you, chances are no," she said, trying not to look embarrassed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Bridget Deaney Character Portrait: Rachel Seigner Character Portrait: Axel Leeves
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0.00 INK

"Not good at all." He brought the rag back over his head. "Oh, and no, it ain't my house. Some girl lives there, I just got there a little while ago, actually." Grant hadn't meant to ignore her question, he was just busy looking at the bus. "I'm sure she'll letcha' in, though. She's pretty friendly."

His attention was grabbed when another car came roaming down the road; apparently a popular route today. His eyes shot up to the man that stuck his head out of the roof. "We're fine, thanks. Unless ya' got anything to trade, then maybe we can make it worth each other's while."

Grant had been traveling a lot in the last few weeks, and had actually run into a few people that he had successfully bartered with. Of course, since money was practically tinder now, trade was the only way to go. And given Grant's former profession as a 'botanist', he had what many people were seeking.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Cousin Vlad Character Portrait: Bridget Deaney Character Portrait: Rachel Seigner Character Portrait: Axel Leeves
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Gasmask
The other side of the street echoed with the sound of a shaking backpack, the thing about apocalypses was that noise attracted more than animals, and Vlad had ran in enough groups to know better than to run towards them. They could be bandits, psychos or worse... He'd certainly met a few colorful types on his way to Kansas.

Vlad saw the car, and the group of people around it and lowered his hunting rifle, raising his hands in a surrendering gesture and letting the rifle hang from its strap on his shoulder. If they knew he was friendly, they wouldn't kill him, right? Then again, if they made a move for guns, he could probably bolt back off down the road.

"Opa! Ya druzhelyubnyy!" Vlad shouted, hands above his head. "I friendly! Amerikanskiy."

The setting changes from Somewhere in Kansas to The Homestead


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abby Brooks Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Cousin Vlad Character Portrait: Bridget Deaney Character Portrait: Rachel Seigner Character Portrait: Axel Leeves
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0.00 INK

Grant's eyebrows went up as yet another person approached. "You people followin' me? This is weird." He looked the newcomer up and down; the guy looked kind of dirty, with an unshaven face and worn clothes. "Yeah, we friendly too...Russianinsky." He flashed the guy a thumbs up.

He took a step back and took a wide look at everyone that had gathered. "Well we can probably head up to the house. I was planning on heading up to Fort Yates soon, since me n' the chick that lives there are out of food. Maybe we can head up there together, watch each other's backs, gather more supplies that way. C'mon."

Once they got up to the house, Grant slowly went in, looking for Abby. "Mom? I found some dogs, can I keep them?" He joked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abby Brooks Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Cousin Vlad Character Portrait: Bridget Deaney Character Portrait: Rachel Seigner Character Portrait: Axel Leeves
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Abby tousled her hair dry as she made her way back to the small house. She smiled as she saw Grant wondering how he had been so fast. Her face soon turned to confusion at his remark.

'What are you talking abo-' she peered through the open front door inspecting not only two vehicles but a small group of people, slowly she turned around to face grant smirking 'You went for food and you come back with this?' She laughed 'Unless of course THIS' she gestured outside to the strangers 'is your idea of food, in which case i am not game my friend' she tried to hide her laughter. She couldn't believe it, she hadn't spoke to anyone in weeks and within a hour of meeting this guy another four people turn up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abby Brooks Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Cousin Vlad Character Portrait: Bridget Deaney Character Portrait: Rachel Seigner Character Portrait: Axel Leeves
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Grant chuckled at Abby's remark. "More like I went down the street and found this. Apparently your house is where all the cool kids are hanging out these days." Grant turned around to face everybody. "With that, though, I should head into town to go grab food. Anyone wanna tag along?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abby Brooks Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Cousin Vlad Character Portrait: Bridget Deaney Character Portrait: Rachel Seigner Character Portrait: Axel Leeves
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Bridget couldn't help but hold back a smile at the amount of people gathering, and how nice Abby seemed to be. As Grant was asking about going into town, she cleared her throat and spoke up. "Well, if I could get some help moving it all, that bus I rode in on has quite a few boxes of bottled water and cans of food, chips, even some bread that's not stale yet. I'm happy to share it if I can stay here for a few days or a while," she said, watching people for their reactions.

The setting changes from The Homestead to Somewhere in Kansas

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rachel Seigner Character Portrait: Axel Leeves
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0.00 INK

The couple had followed the rest of the crowd back to the house in their truck. On the way, Rachel said, "Is this a good idea? We haven't seen people in weeks, and now we just happen to stumble upon three others?"

When the brunette lady spoke up about her food and other items, Axel did too. "I've got lots of canned goods and water bottles in the bed of my truck. And I'd be happy to go the Fort Yates with you. We were just there; it looks deserted."

The setting changes from Somewhere in Kansas to The Homestead


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abby Brooks Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Cousin Vlad Character Portrait: Bridget Deaney Character Portrait: Rachel Seigner Character Portrait: Axel Leeves
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Gasmask
"Opa! Hahaha!" Vlad replied, he hadn't understood a single word except 'tag along' and 'food' and he bumbled in his own language as he followed them like a lost puppy. They hadn't shot him, robbed him or yelled at him yet and that was enough for him to do his best to befriend them.

"Privet. Ya ostavlyu svoye snaryazheniye zdes' ty ne protiv?" Vlad asked Abby, pulling his camping backpack off his shoulders and dumping it by the house of the door and pointed at it. "I sleep outside, I no bandit, I friendly." The russian nodded a few times to make sure she got the point and turned around, smiling stupidly at Bridget & Grant. "Privet!"

Then finally, he turned around to face Grant and moved to pat him on the shoulder. "Tag along?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abby Brooks Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Cousin Vlad Character Portrait: Bridget Deaney Character Portrait: Rachel Seigner Character Portrait: Axel Leeves
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0.00 INK

Abby smiled at Bridget 'Sure you can stay! I'm Abby by the way'

The house was small with only one bedroom, a living room, bathroom and a small kitchen/dining area, still she could make room for everyone to camp down. She was just glad for the company.

'Ican help you move everything'

Stepping onto the porch she could get a better view of the obviously foreign guy, she couldn't really talk she was was from England but she definatly couldn't speak Russian. Her face turned to confusion as she tried to interpret what he was saying before he turned to face Grant and Bridgett. She leant around the Russian so they could see her and raised her hands questionably 'Privet?' She mouthed at the pair.

The setting changes from The Homestead to Somewhere in Kansas

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abby Brooks Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Cousin Vlad Character Portrait: Bridget Deaney Character Portrait: Rachel Seigner Character Portrait: Axel Leeves
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0.00 INK

Grant simply gave Abby a shrug, he didn't understand a word the guy was saying. "Alright. How about you guys get to work movin' stuff up from the bus, meanwhile Putin and I head into town and grab what we can find. Sound like a plan?" He realized he didn't even know the guy's name, so when he asked to tag along Grant nodded and held out his hand. "Grant. You?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Rachel Seigner Character Portrait: Axel Leeves
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0.00 INK

Axel grabbed Grant's hand and shook it. "I'm Axel, and this is my fiancee, Rachel." Rachel smiled and waved at Grant. "We can take my truck to Fort if you want. It's faster than walking," Axel stated. He turned to Rachel. "I think you should stay here, Rach. Help unpack."

The setting changes from Somewhere in Kansas to The Homestead


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abby Brooks Character Portrait: Bridget Deaney Character Portrait: Rachel Seigner
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0.00 INK

Bridget smiled at Abby, and followed her out to the porch, watching the group heading towards town. It was so strange to see so many people after being alone for so many days. She turned to her host with a small smile, and offered her hand. "I'm Bridget, by the way. Thanks for letting me stick around."

She watched the retreating backs of the trio, and then looked around the small home and it's surroundings. Off to the side near a garage, she saw what seemed to be a large fuel tank, half dug into the ground. "Is that fuel there?" she asked, cocking her head and thinking. "I have a generator with me, we might be able to get some electricity going, a little anyway."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abby Brooks Character Portrait: Bridget Deaney Character Portrait: Rachel Seigner
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0.00 INK

Abby shook Bridgets hand and returned her smile.

'No problem, i'm grateful for the company. Being alone isn't much fun when your world is crumbling.' Her smiled faltered slightly as she looked away, her sadness creeping into her eyes. Taking a deep breath and plastering a new smile upon her face she snapped herself back together, running her fingers through her hair she watched the men disappear down the road.

Lost in her own world again she almost didn't hear Bridget. 'Fuel?' she followed the womans gaze till she spotted the large fuel tank. 'Oh yeah i think so, i'm not sure how much is in though'

She turned away from the tank to face the other woman standing nearby 'Hey, im Abby' she gave an awkward wave but paired it with a genuine smile.

The setting changes from The Homestead to Somewhere in Kansas

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abby Brooks Character Portrait: Cousin Vlad Character Portrait: Rachel Seigner Character Portrait: Axel Leeves
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0.00 INK

Rachel waved at Abby. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Rachel." She looked around. "Where are you guys from? I'm from California."

"This is my truck, man," Axel said to Vlad, chuckling to himself. This guy was really something. He wondered where he was from. "Where are you from, foreigner?" he asked him.

The setting changes from Somewhere in Kansas to The Homestead


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abby Brooks Character Portrait: Bridget Deaney Character Portrait: Rachel Seigner
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0.00 INK

'Well originally i'm from Yorkshire, England, then i moved to Florida to study, then to Colorado for work until i ended to up here to survive.' She smirked at Rachel 'I get around a lot' she added sarcastically.

Abby lent against the wooden door frame of the small house and pictured herself back home, she sometimes had moments of missing it and this was one of them. Was everyone dead there too? did any of her friends (how few there were) of her past life survive? She looked up to the blue sky and let her thoughts drift away with the mid day breeze, no use thinking about it now.