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MayBell Train

"Awe, are you alright?"

0 · 291 views · located in Univium

a character in “Light and Dark”, as played by ShatteredWings22






Angel/Fae hybrid (Fae sized, angel wings)




5 inches


35 ounces


Terra has long, soft, very light blonde hair. Her eyes are a very light blue, and her skin is a creamy kind of color. (More to be announced when picture kind decided!)


She carries around two very tiny daggers, and has the ability to fly (Obviously XD), healing powers but not really strong, and she can't necessarily control it, and can control nature...(I am not sure how to put it, what I am getting at is growing trees, flowers, roots, etc, etc, etc...)
She also carries around a small leather bag with bandages, but they're really small XD

Side:(light or dark)



MayBell is a sweet person, who is very mature for her age. She has taken care of herself most of her life, and has a lust for curiosity. She is extremely shy, though, and does not trust very easily.


MayBell has had a hard life. Her Father died when her two brothers were born. They are twins, about five years old. (Grey & Max) Her Mother got sick soon after, and she had to take care of all of them. Since she had to take care of two kids, they got hurt a lot, and she started to take medical classes. Now she is very skilled with healing, etc, anything in that area.(Also has healing abilities, see above...)

So begins...

MayBell Train's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Caine Character Portrait: MayBell Train Character Portrait: Laerdya Orbryn
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MayBell sat on a very small branch, taking small pieces , one by one, out of a berry. Her wings gently flap back and forth, creating a very faint breeze, and a very small,
Flap Flap.
MayBell then turned her head, and ceased her eating, hearing a small rustle, like footsteps. She stood up, and flittered down to a lower branch of the tree.
"Is someone there?"

Terra lay silently on the patch of dirt. Her black, silky hair lay strewn across the ground, as Terra starred silently at the drift of sky she could see, through the barrage of trees. Just a small ray of sunshine leaking through. Terra closed her eyes, and let the darkness fill the void.
That's better.
She thought. Terra had always had more of a liking to dark rooms, anyways...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Caine Character Portrait: MayBell Train Character Portrait: Seth Cruorem Character Portrait: Laerdya Orbryn
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Laerdya prepared her sword again when she heard a voice. It didn't sound threatening, but one must be always prepared. The elf looked above and her sight stopped at a small fairy with angel wings. She assumed that the voice came from the fairy. "Hi... Do I know you?" She asked.

In the meantime, Seth was walking around Univium, thinking of what he would do next. He saw a girl lying on the ground. It was clear that she wanted peace and quiet on order to rest and relax.
"FIRE! FIRE!" He screamed in her ear.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Caine Character Portrait: MayBell Train Character Portrait: Seth Cruorem Character Portrait: Laerdya Orbryn
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MayBell shook her head.
"I don't think so. What's your name?"
She tilted her head, then looked at the sword.
"Oh, don't worry."

Terra's eyes widened, and she stood up in a second. Her head shot around, and turned to a redheaded vampire. She took a long, deep, breath.
She growled at him, taking a step forward, glaring at the vampire.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Caine Character Portrait: Flone Character Portrait: MayBell Train Character Portrait: Seth Cruorem Character Portrait: Laerdya Orbryn
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"My name is Laerdya Orbryn". The elf replied, as she lowered her sword. "I haven't seen you around. What's your name?" She asked the fairy.
Again, the elf prepared herself for defense when she heard steps. This time she barely moved, she only squeezed her sword harder. While keeping an eye on the fairy, she was waiting for the source of the noise to get exposed, or to go somewhere. The elf got used to expecting a battle after every sound. It was something normal in Univium when people from both sides often visit the other side. Also, when people from different sides meet, there's a huge chance for them to fight. It was nothing new for Laerdya, so she stood calm, silent and ready for battle as always.

"Your future boyfriend." Seth casually replied do Terra. "Hey, I want to see how fun you are." He jumped towards Terra and raised his arm, showing off huge claws which could meet Terra's face in a not very pleasant way.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Caine Character Portrait: Flone Character Portrait: MayBell Train Character Portrait: Seth Cruorem Character Portrait: Laerdya Orbryn
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"I'm MayBell Train. You can call me May, or Bell."
MayBell answered.
She heard more steps and looked around.

Terra narrowed her eyes.
Terra watched as he showed his claws, and took it as a threat. She snarled, and pulled out a dagger.
"I'm not someone to mess with!"
She snapped, taking a swing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flone Character Portrait: MayBell Train Character Portrait: Laerdya Orbryn
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The forest was strangely calm today. Well, not as calm as a forest can be, but calmer than what a forest could be. He heard beings playing a game. But it wasn’t any games, but a game of discussion. His mind thought of something else; surviving for the goods another self. It was strange to think that people hate each other, but it is a reality that one much face through his life, and it was the first thing that strike the most on Flone’s mind. On how peace could be changed by those who have the power of making changes, and for those who doesn’t follow the flow of time. He was one of small amount of people that were aware of time and space at its fullness, and the great minority that cares about its stability. One how the one who connects with others, a war always going.

However, it wasn’t a war that was – well, still was – not implied at a big echelon. There was still a small part that doesn’t know that people were fighting for peace. Flone only strolled casual, stopping to watch two beings seeming to discuss with each other, questioning what his act would be if he decided to interrupt them; his hand resting on the hilt of his sword, hidden in his cloak.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Caine Character Portrait: Flone Character Portrait: MayBell Train Character Portrait: Seth Cruorem Character Portrait: Laerdya Orbryn
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Laerdya could see a very tall and mysterious hooded person. She decided not to start a conversation with him - she decided to leave him mind his own busyness for now. If there was a reason for their interaction, maybe he could show it, for example if he needed help, or just wanted to talk about something.

Seth stopped the blade with his hands. They were getting cut, but he didn't care. "A feisty girl, eh? I like that." He said and got closer to her face. "I have a hobby to mess around with everyone, even people who aren't to mess with." He pushed her by the blade. "I'm Seth, by the way. What's your name?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Caine Character Portrait: Flone Character Portrait: MayBell Train Character Portrait: Seth Cruorem Character Portrait: Laerdya Orbryn
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MayBell glanced over at a hooded figure. She didn't speak, but placed her hand on one of her daggers.

Terra growled very loudly.
"My name is Terra. Now, Seth was it? I want to tell you something. Anyone that has ever crossed me has ended up in a world of pain. You can chose where you want to go with this. And I'm not one to give second chances, so you might as well consider yourself LUCKY."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flone Character Portrait: MayBell Train Character Portrait: Laerdya Orbryn
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Although that those beings seemed to be quite nice, he observed their movement; they were silent, like if no sound be produced by their mouth. Their eyes glanced at him, seeming to try to predict what Flone was going to do. From the little hand placed to the dagger of the one that is more precautious to the glare of the other person, he had no reason to attack them, nor that he had any reason to discuss with them. If anything, it was just a coincidence that their path met each other. 「 I am sorry… 」were the only words he pronounced before he walked away from them, non-chalantly.

The reason why he stopped for a moment is that he needed some help. He doesn’t know if it does appear, but he was bleeding. It wasn’t any opening, but a large one on his sides. Although, he questioned if his clothing were the only problem why the leaves haven’t been coated in his blood. He didn’t know, but he used one of this hands to apply pressure of the wound, hopping that he might reach a village soon. He knew his path, but he doesn’t know if it was close or far from him. Panting under his breath, he decided to sit down against a tree, feeling a bit light headed.

It was bad time for him. He thought that he might have a change from the being earlier, but the being was swifter than him. Yes, he could have used his powers to defeat it, but it wasn’t for abusing of his powers that he lives here. No, he doesn’t want to have anything to do with them. However, he had to be remembered that he had no choice for what he is, but he had a choice of what he will be. Of course, he could have stripped of his own powers and threw the object to melt, but he thought that it wasn’t a good idea. After all, he was needed. His life was required, and so does everyone around the known land. A piece played where he is able so peer through the script while playing his role.

He chuckled to himself, looking up at the sky. He looked at the sun, on how mysterious and distant it might be, and what are the odds of discovering what it actually does. He coughed a bit; may he require some assistance.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Caine Character Portrait: Flone Character Portrait: Adena Character Portrait: MayBell Train Character Portrait: Seth Cruorem Character Portrait: Laerdya Orbryn
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(OOC: Whoever has posted so far, let's keep posting once or twice a day until the rest finally posts too. Everyone else, who are still here - come on! Post! Post already, we stopped so you don't end up flooded in posts!)

Laerdya wondered what was going on with the tall hooded person. She slowly stepped forwards, following him quietly. He sat down, apparently not feeling well. The elf walked to the dragon. "Are you alright?" She asked him.

"I always consider myself lucky." Seth grinned. "What is this world of pain you're talking about? You'll stab me? Beat me up? Burn me? Become my girlfriend? Don't you like the fun we're having? Or you want to make everything even more fun?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Caine Character Portrait: Flone Character Portrait: Adena Character Portrait: MayBell Train Character Portrait: Seth Cruorem Character Portrait: Laerdya Orbryn
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MayBell looked strangely at the hooded figure. She flew slightly closer.

Terra pressed the blade into his hand, as Seth held on to it.
"None of the above. Maybe you would like to guess? Or are you to excited to have some more of this fun?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flone Character Portrait: MayBell Train Character Portrait: Laerdya Orbryn
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Flone wasn’t expecting them to come. Even though he could peer into the future, he doesn’t want to use it every time. It is exhausting, and his energy is mostly limited because of himself. It is wasn’t for precautions, he could have resign from what he was currently doing, and just mess around. He could have spent his energy for the rebirth of the one that raised him, he could have…

No, he couldn’t. He knew that life had to go like it is, and peace is the only result he needed to make sure that happens. He looked up at the girl, hoping the hood is still casting a shadow on the whole of his head.

「 Are you alright? 」She asked him. He was alright, for now. From the way his cloak was opened, they could his his hand clenching on his side, where it was red-blood-tinted. 「 It could be better… 」He said softly. He doesn’t know if the rebirth could affect him, but he could heal for now. Flone sighed under his breath; he hadn't any bandage, and he doesn’t know when he could die. He doesn’t have any healing powers on himself.

「 I’m very sorry to ask, 」he firstly said, 「 But do you have some bandages? I have a pretty nasty wound to cover up. 」He wasn’t sure if the way he was clenching his wound was actually helping, but he just hoped that those two have something to calm the blood leak.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Caine Character Portrait: Flone Character Portrait: MayBell Train Character Portrait: Seth Cruorem Character Portrait: Laerdya Orbryn
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"I don't have any with me." Laerdya replied to the hooded man. She turned her head to MayBell. Perhaps she could help.

"Excited to have more of that thing I have all the time?" Seth chuckled. He used his speed to escape Terra's knife and disappeared somewhere. "Still, I'm interested in what you're talking about." He grinned from her behind.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Caine Character Portrait: Flone Character Portrait: MayBell Train Character Portrait: Seth Cruorem Character Portrait: Laerdya Orbryn
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MayBell approached the stranger.
"I have some bandages."
She flew towards him.
"Would you like to apply them, or would you rather have me...?"
She asked.

Terra laughed.
This will be enjoyable,
She thought, spinning around.
"Alright. I'd like you to know you can't escape this move. We'll just see how lucky you really are."
She grinned. Terra took a silent, deep breath. She clenched her fists a little, and triggers her odd telepathic power; which allows her to give a strong pain that would lead you to think your head was about to burst into pieces.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Caine Character Portrait: Flone Character Portrait: Adena Character Portrait: MayBell Train Character Portrait: Seth Cruorem Character Portrait: Laerdya Orbryn
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As an elf, Laerdya knew things not only about nature, but also about different species. She figured out that MayBell, as a fairy, might have...
"Healing powers... Do you possess them? You might reduce the damage and the pain." She said.

Seth was on the ground, curled in massive pain. He felt like many insects were eating fro his brain and growing at he same time. His lungs were letting out something between screams and moaning. Slowly and trembling he was trying to get up. It took him around a minute to get on his feet, but the pain wasn't any less. "This... is pretty strong, I'm intrigued." He used Terra as a mainstay, by putting his arm on her shoulder, breathing heavily. Finally he raised his head and looked straight into her violet eyes. "But is this all you've got?" He grinned.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Caine Character Portrait: Flone Character Portrait: Adena Character Portrait: MayBell Train Character Portrait: Seth Cruorem Character Portrait: Laerdya Orbryn
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MayBell nodded.
"I've been practicing, but I'm not an expert."

Terra was shocked.
Is he actually asking for more?
She thought. Terra stopped, getting a bit tired herself. The only bad side to this ability was it took a lot of energy out of her.
"I still can't believe you're asking for more.''
She stated. Terra tilted her head slightly.
"You're funny."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Caine Character Portrait: Flone Character Portrait: Adena Character Portrait: MayBell Train Character Portrait: Seth Cruorem Character Portrait: Laerdya Orbryn
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"If it's difficult to you to heal him entirely, don't force yourself." Laerdya spoke.

"I know." Seth replied to Terra's comment and put his hand away from her shoulder. "I'm not some masochist, who's asking for more pain because of its awesomeness. I wanted to see how powerful you are... because you're interesting. But you crack easily. Unfortunately, I won't enjoy the process of reaching your irritation, because it's too short. The good thing is that you go to the good part very quickly - when you burst in anger and attack me."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Caine Character Portrait: Flone Character Portrait: MayBell Train Character Portrait: Seth Cruorem Character Portrait: Laerdya Orbryn
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MayBell pursed her lips.
"I'm going to have to try, though."

Terra grinned widely.
"Being so irritable is one great thing about me. I get to have an excuse to fight someone,"
She cackled.
"And it is quite amusing how you call that part...good."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Caine Character Portrait: Flone Character Portrait: Adena Character Portrait: MayBell Train Character Portrait: Seth Cruorem Character Portrait: Laerdya Orbryn
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"It is quite amusing you're grateful for having an excuse to fight someone." Seth replied. "However, you shouldn't have an excuse for that. If you want to fight, just do it."

"In case you can't heal him entirely, I'll bring him to my place and treat him. You can come, if you want." Laerdia said.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flone Character Portrait: MayBell Train Character Portrait: Laerdya Orbryn
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He sighed in relief as one of them had some bandages, but then he heard that the little fairy had healing powers. It was really impressive; he doesn’t know much people that had those kinds of powers. Although, hearing more of her power, it appears to be undeveloped for now. He shook his head, even though he knew that it was covered in shadows. 「 No, it is alright. Bandages will be good. I don’t want to abuse of your hospitality. 」He looked around for a bit, before saying: 「 I think it is pretty safe for now… 」He said more silently to himself as he lifted his hood off his head.

Finally, he reveal his wedge-shaped head. There was few horns on the edge of his jaw and the back of his head. Spikes with a weird leathery-like skin was also to be found. There was 2 more dominant looking horns. From the way his face is shaped, he looked intelligent. It was a weird concept, but sharper the head looked on a dragon, the old and intelligent they looked. For instance, a baby dragon tend to have a more round-shaped head. Despite that he was wounded, he kept a small smiled that stretched on his black-scaled face.

「 I think it is better if it will more friendly of me to show my face. After all, I would look suspicious. 」He slowly stood up, not minding the pain that was caused because of his action. His other hand was still holding on the wound tightly.