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Kirie Askumoto

"Damn I feel old"

0 · 324 views · located in Liuena Academy

a character in “Liuena Academy, a new generation”, originally authored by Polarisbear12, as played by RolePlayGateway


Kirie Askumoto


Element/Type of Magic:
Electricity||Kirie possesses the ability to generate and discharge electricity through conductive media such as metal and water. Over the years he has figured out a certain teachers trick that enables him to discharge electricity through the air; granted there is a conductive point for it to meet. Although he isn't immune to it himself, he has built up a resistance to it. The strength of each discharge is fatal to the regular passerby but it can be dealt with by other electric Magni. As a side project Kirie has actually begun to develop a technique that allows him to ā€œrideā€ electricity the same way his demon does. Unfortunately there has only been one successful attempt but even that attempt was problematic.
The Magni always carries a long metal wire that acts as a conductor for his electricity. The useage of the wire is much like using a wip and regardless of whether he discharges electricity, getting hit by it will undoubtedly hurt.
Kirie sports a lean-muscled build from years of physical training. There are quite a few scars on his person with the most notable scar being on his chest. He has messy white hair, many assumed he dyed it, paired with a striking wine colored eyes. Even now his hair still sticks up in places and you can sometimes find small metallic objects stuck to him. For the most part Kirie dresses in a semi casual style, adding on to the idea that heā€™s suave.

He normally portrays an energetic attitude around other people. Being quite the determined fellow, Kirie has a hard time giving up on people and often tries his hardest to win them over, plus he loves to tease. Overall he comes across as a energetic yet laid back individual. Donā€™t be fooled by his easy going nature. Kirie has grown to become very observant of his surroundings out of necessity, with very little getting past him. Often times he gets flustered around the person he likes but all in all he has a strong reign on his emotion. Unbeknownst to many Kirie hides a darker aspect of his personality. This trait generally surfaces when completing his duties as a shinobi, which isnā€™t very often these days. Kirie shows little emotion when it isnā€™t necessary but he does force a smile on just to unnerve others.
Thunderstorms||Summer||The Outdoors
Smoker||Always Late||Awkward
Skilled Ninja||Observant||Quick
Accidentally Killing||Raimei getting hurt||Screwing everything up

Kirie grew up in an environment where everyone tried to kill you every single day, at various times of the day. Of course no one seriously tried to kill him but he got used to the idea that one day he may die unexpectedly. One day however he encountered a rogue ninja that did try to kill him, twice even as the first attempt awoke his powers. That very day was also when Raimei showed herself to Kirie and mistakenly showed him all her memories. The vast surge of information caused Kirieā€™s hair to turn alabaster but he was able to block the ninjaā€™s second strike. In the end Raimei had killed the enemy and Kirieā€™s family finally arrived to help him.

His grandmother knew he had awoken his abilities since Magni runs in the family. She trained him over the years until her death. Shortly afterwards he enrolled in Liuena Academy and a variety of events occurred in his second year there. After he graduated Kirie finished his training as a shinobi and went back to teach at the Academy. Currently he is in charge of overseeing the arena when it is in use as well as maintaining the Academyā€™s library.

Despite his control over his abilities, Kirie still let's loose a shock of electricity whenever he sneezes. As one of the many teachers at Liuena he is usually found in the arena or at the academy's library. While teaching some of the classes, Kirie took up the habit of smoking. He stills smokes but heā€™s been trying to stop.



About 800
Element/Type of Magic:
Just like her Magni Raimeiā€™s abilities reign over electricity. She can travel through various conductors, regardless of how weak they are. Now that she is older she can finally interact with others, physically, without killing them.
The small sprite is made entirely of electricity. She has the appearance of a young girl in a sunday dress typically worn during colonial times.

Raimei used to be very insecure, often avoiding contact with others, including her Magni at times. Nowadays that old shell of hers has been shucked away and she displays a bit happier, less reserved side of her. The demon is still a little shy around people she doesn't know and she can sometimes be pessimistic. On the other hand she is very devoted to Kirie and is what some would consider to be a very good friend. Raimei still holds grudges against people and she is still quite terrifying when upset.
Liars||Terrible stories||Know it alls||Mean people
Shocking others accidentally||Going haywire||Shy
Control over electricity||Being unseen||Storyteller
Killing others||Losing friends||Going haywire

Raimei was originally born as an electric Magni centuries ago however due to the discrimination towards people like her she was killed. She was given a second chance as a demon and was paired with Kirie upon his birth. Being entirely new to the whole idea, she didnā€™t appear to him until the day he was nearly killed and she got angry.

Itā€™s best to be very careful around Raimei when her abilities go haywire or she isnā€™t paying close attention. No matter how skilled a Magni you are, her electricity can and will kill you.

So begins...

Kirie Askumoto's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amargo Moore Character Portrait: Kirie Askumoto
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Amargo Moore

Yet again another day stuck in class. The young woman wanted nothing more than to have the class finish already. While Amargo did enjoy being here and spending time with people like her, the classes never changed. When she had first arrived at the Academy she had hoped the classes would be a lot more interesting but they were just the same as they were before, normal people or not. There wasnā€™t a whole lot that went on in the Academy that was even remotely interesting. If anything there would be the occasional accident where a student lost control of their abilities, but the staff was quick to get it under control before anything happened.

At the current moment Amago was sitting in class. The entire room was eerily silent but for good reason. They were all told to read their textbooks in silence. All of this was in preparation for the quiz that they may or may not be taking the next day. Every now and then dark grey eyes would glance over at the clock, counting the remaining minutes until the class would end. At this point it didnā€™t even seem like it ever would. The young magni looked at the clock for what felt like the twentieth time and saw that they still had about half an hour left. It was then that Amargoā€™s knee began to bounce up and down and from the looks of it the teacher had taken notice. The teacher glared at her as if telling her to stop and all she could do was hide behind her textbook and try to keep her leg from bouncing. She was just so bored with this class.

Thankfully it was the last class before things were to get interesting. As she sat there Amargo began to imagine what it would be like to take a combat class. It was definitely a class that the normal people didnā€™t offer, so hopefully itā€™d be a lot more interesting than taking such mundane classes like English. Maybe they would have duels and stuff, sort of like a magic tournament. With that thought in mind, the idea of hosting a magic tournament didnā€™t sound all too bad but considering how stiff the school was, Amargo doubted they would allow. ā€˜On the other hand I can try out that new trick Iā€™ve been working on.ā€™ Thinking about it caused a goofy smile to spread across her face. She wondered just how many people she get with it. There was already a small slew of students and even staff that had fallen prey to the invisible wall. They were all so confused by it and they would even pat the air trying to find the source. Finally a small giggle escaped her lips and she stiffened. Peeking over the top of her textbook the teacher was glaring at her again but this time she was approaching her desk.

Suddenly the bell rang and without a momentā€™s hesitation Amargo jumped out of her seat and dashed for the door. Bursting into the already filled hallways, the air magni couldnā€™t help but laugh aloud. ā€œOh that was fun.ā€ Amargo was one of the Academyā€™s lesser known pranksters since she only did it a small scale, unlike a certain pair of twins that went above and beyond. Still giggling she made sure all of her things were in her bag. It would be pretty troublesome if she had forgotten something in the classroom and thankfully she didnā€™t. Most students were already well on their way to their next destination but Amargo didnā€™t feel the need to rush. It would undoubtedly increase her excitement if she prolonged the fun. For good five or ten minutes, Amargo wondered the halls, skipping about and making sure not to get caught.

Along the way she played her invisible wall trick on a couple people and each of their reactions were priceless. It was all she could do to keep from bursting out laughing and giving herself away. Do you even plan on going Amargo? Stopping her next trick, Amargo glanced to her left. ā€œWell of course Iā€™m going. Itā€™s by far the most interesting class that Iā€™ll be taking. I wouldnā€™t want to miss out on all the fun.ā€ It was hard enough making herself go every day to the same old boring classes. At least this way there would be something worth waiting for at the end of the day.

Bavol then materialized beside her although you could just barely make him out. Well if you say so. Just know that they might not let you participate if youā€™re late. Amargo pondered this statement for a while. Her demon was right but he was also the kind of demon that needed order. Eventually Amargo came to the realization that postponing the fun might just ruin her chances to even enjoy it in the end. ā€œAw man youā€™re right.ā€ Amargo frowned at Bavol just as he dematerialized. Adjusting the straps of her backpack, Amargo was well on her way to the classroom. Hopefully she wouldnā€™t be late.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leonard Flanagan Character Portrait: Kieran Flanagan Character Portrait: Luna Character Portrait: Solange Kagari Character Portrait: Vergil Flanagan Character Portrait: Weston Lonehill
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Solange Kagari

After having rushed back to their room Solange and Yani settled up to get clean and ready for the only class they were really excited for. After working all day in the school's garden they had quite a bit of cleaning up to do starting with a long shower to get all the dirt and such washed away. After putting on her uniform and making sure her hair looked good enough to go out it was time to head to class. On the way out Yani tucked herself into her standard hiding place in Solange's hair hidden from sight other than the flower she carries accenting Solange's hair.

Leaving their room Solange began skipping down the hallway a white lily given to her by her mother twirling in her hands as she went. It took a few minutes to make it to the class building and even a few more to make it to the hallway where she could find the classroom. As she was skipping towards the classroom she saw her first person of the day. A boy? Yup another look confirmed that he was indeed a boy with a Demon on his shoulder! Skidding to a stop in front of him. "Hi Hi! You look a little lost! Well don't worry I almost know exactly where I'm going!" She smiled brightly down at the boy her eyes flicking toward his demon, but she didn't want to just ask she'd never met another mage before so she didn't know if she could just ask or even look at another person's demon.

"It's nice to meet you I'm Solange! You're actually the first person I've talked to here I kinda spent all day in the school's garden it's almost all ready too! Oh umm I have this flower I think it matches your hair perfectly! If you don't mind I-I'd like you to have it." She smiled brightly holding the flower out to him feeling Yani twitch slightly in her hair.