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Amanda Cyprus

"Surprise; I am actually not the dumb blonde everyone assumes I am."

0 · 1,128 views · located in Northbay, Ireland

a character in “Living Gods”, as played by Unoriginal Mess



❝ I may be blonde, I may be the descendant of Aphrodite, but don't you think for one second that I am an idiot. ❞


Amanda Teresa Jessica Cyprus. Or, more commonly, Mandy. She's not one of those people who will chop your head off if you call her Amanda, but people generally call her Mandy - it has a ring to it, don't you think?

The youngest sibling in the family at nineteen years of age.

Bisexual - attracted to male and female.



Though she's only lived in Northbay for a month, she's already scooped up a job working as a bartender in the evenings in the local bar. Not the most glamorous of jobs, but she gets paid.

» Make-up, hair styling, clothes; now, let me get one thing straight - just because Mandy is a descendant of Aphrodite does not mean she's some airhead that uses her looks to get whatever she wants. What it does mean is that she likes to take care of her appearance, and this is how she does it. No, she does not obsess over it, no, she doesn't cry if she breaks a nail, and no, she is not afraid to get her hands dirty.
» Music, all types; Even though she has no music talent whatever, she loves it. She has not yet heard a song that she doesn't like, and she doubts she ever will.
» Filming; Mandy has been filming crappy home made videos with her siblings in their backyard since she can remember, and she has a dream to become a world famous director one day.
» Chocolate cake; Though Mandy has a major sweet tooth for anything unhealthy, chocolate cake is her number one treat.
» Matchmaking; Being the descendant of Aphrodite, she tends to be skilled at this - though she has made some bad decisions in the past. But seeing people fall in love because she introduced them makes her feel warm inside.

» Internet slang, like LOL, GTG, GR8; Really, were you too lazy to type out the whole word?
» Litter; You're completely destroying the environment just because you couldn't be bothered to find a bin or bring your rubbish home with you?
» Sexism & Homophobia; If you're going to be a jerk, don't voice your thoughts, how about that, yeah?
» Unhygienic people; Really, they just gross her out, she can't stand to be near them. She doesn't care if you look like your parents were gorillas, as long as you keep yourself clean.
» Static Hair; She can't do anything with her hair when it's flying around the place.

» Acrophobia; Fear of heights, they make her feel dizzy and she has to sit down or she will fall over.
» Isolophobia; Fear of being alone, or rather for her, fear of never finding love
» Katagelophobia; Fear of being ridiculed. Mandy hates being embarrassed so much she'd probably call it a fear.
» Chronophobia; Fear of wasting time. She sometimes feels as though she is wasting her life.

» Reading; She loves books, all types but mostly fiction, and her favourite books are 13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher and Looking For Alaska by John Green.
» Filming; She's had a passion for filming and directing ever since she was a child, and used to make amateur films with her siblings in the back garden.
» Writing; Though she isn't very good at it, her passion for literature goes further as she loves to write. She has written scripts for films once or twice as well.
» Hair Styling & Make Up; She would consider this a hobby, yes. She has often considered becoming a hair stylist or make up artist if directing doesn't work out.


Aphrodite, the Greek Goddess of love, beauty desire and pleasure.

As a daughter of Aphrodite, she has the ability to sense the emotions of those around her, whether they're frustrated, upset, happy, etc. This power isn't very useful though, seeing as most of the time a keen sense of intuition can tell you the same thing, and this doesn't help her find out the cause of these emotions, just that they're feeling these things. Still, it does come in handy from time to time, and it's not like she's complaining.

Amanda's presence makes one instinctively feel lustful, though it is not very strong and some feel it stronger that others. It isn't overpowering or enough to make one 'weak at the knees', as they say, but more useful in persuading others to get her own way. She can also make others feel attraction and love to others, but this is tiring as she has to constantly be around both of the ones involved or it will wear off. She can make people feel love to her, but it is temporary (the longest has been two weeks, and on average it lasts about three days unless she decides to make it 'turn off' before this - it works better if the person already has a certain level of love towards her) and she would describe it more as 'puppy love' than true love.

Her strongest power is the ability to put a mirage on someone, so that something will appear as something else. It is very weak, very tiring, and works better if the person who she tricking loves her. Though she is not sure of whether or not it is an ability, her presence tends to make people feel at ease and peaceful, and she can often get even the tough and strong willed to confide with her and let out their sensitive side. She is aware that Aphrodite has been able to bring out one's feelings, but she is not sure if this is due to her heritage or not, and it is not very strong. She is hoping as she gets older, her abilities might get stronger, but for now this is all she can do.

Apart from the fact that Aphrodite doesn't have very exciting or useful powers, Amanda is weakened if she exploits her powers often, and this can often result in her feeling dizzy or even blacking out. If she uses her powers to change ones feelings towards another a lot, she can get giddy and will almost become drunk off of the power, blurting out random things and acting ditsy. Though she is not a brain dead blonde like most assume the children of Aphrodite to be, she does tend to be a bit slow when it comes to common sense and she is hopeless when it comes to musical talent of any kind. She tends to forget about the consequences, with an 'act first, think later' kind of attitude, which can lead to overspending, over indulging, and in one case, an abortion. She is weak willed and can easily be persuaded to do something irrational. She is also weak in the physical sense, with little muscle except in her legs, and has very little stamina.

Apart from her powers, Amanda is a naturally charming and beautiful girl, which combined with her skill of lying can make it easy for her to talk her way out of trouble, which she often gets in. She is very artistic and creative, and on top of that she is also a nearly straight A student, because unlike common sense, she actually finds school work easy. She is great at matchmaking and being both sympathetic and empathetic towards others, and though she is not sure whether or not she would consider it a strength, she is also completely comfortable with talking about sexuality, and has a casual attitude towards anything to do with sex, and always has, even as a young child. She is completely comfortable in her body and comments on her appearance do not phase her. Though she has little stamina, she is pretty fast and can outrun most.

Since they have only just moved, Mandy does not have a strong opinion on the other two pantheons but she does consider their feud immature, selfish and silly. She feels that the arrival of the Greeks will help to make them see eye to eye and that really the Greeks are the most practical and level headed of the three.


Mandy's main aspect of her personality is that she is sociable. She is extremely extroverted and not afraid to say her opinions. She can be blunt, but is not naive, and knows when to keep her mouth shut for fear of hurting someone's feelings. Though Mandy does love peace and quiet, she hates to be alone, and would much rather hang out in a quiet library surrounded by people than at home alone. She is impulsive, and seemingly care free. With an act now, think later point of view and a tendency to get into trouble, Mandy is almost always finding herself in an uncomfortable situation, which has helped her master her skills of improvisation and lying.

She is completely open with sexuality and comfortable talking about sex and love, unlike most whom would blush and try and avoid the subject. Mandy sees no reason for it to be taboo. She is also completely comfortable with her body and of those around her, and comments concerning her appearance don't affect her in the slightest, though she can get offended if you insult her friends, family, or her personality. She is often getting into trouble because of her preference to older men and women, which was much more inappropriate when she wasn't legal, but still stands.

She is both afraid of a long term relationship and dying alone and unmarried. Though she dreams of a family and children, she is afraid of the commitment and is equally scared that she might find the love of her life and let him or her slip out of her hands. She isn't afraid of conflict and will get herself into the middle of an argument. In fact, she loves conflict, almost finds it funny and humorous, though will not intentionally start an argument for the sake of amusement. She is good at resolving conflicts and getting her point across rationally - her parents used to tell her that she should become a lawyer as she is so good at fighting for her case, even if she is on the wrong side - but when it comes to people she feels are too stupid or stubborn to see her point of view, she just doesn't try.

Though she is social, she wouldn't consider herself bubbly or happy-go-lucky - she just likes conversations and company. She is confident, with her head held high and a smile on her face. She never doubts herself and can be stubborn when it comes to trying to see other people's point of views, something which could be considered hypocritical of her. She can be a huge flirt, but usually only if someone starts to flirt with her first. Her favourite type of humour is sarcasm, irony and puns, and is constantly thinking of witty come backs.

Amanda Teresa Jessica Cyprus was the third and last child to Jessica and Alexander Cyprus. As a child, she was fawned over and adored, and this didn't stop as she grew older. She loved the attention, and as a child, performed in many school plays - always as the lead, of course. There could be nothing less for Mandy. Though being spoiled as a child was certainly something she loved, it didn't help her in the long run. As she reached adolescence, people started to expect more from her, and since as a child she never did anything for herself, she lacked common sense when it came to the simplest things - ironing, cooking, cleaning. As a child, she had been demanding and bossy, but she started to do things for herself and found these aspects of her personality disappear.

When she entered middle school, she found it rough. Both of her best friends had gone to a different middle school, leaving her alone. Being a naturally extroverted girl, she felt lonely constantly, until a few weeks into the year a girl came and sat beside her at lunch. The two instantly clicked and soon this girl, Rhiannon, became her best friend. The two were practically inseparable, and it was Rhiannon who introduced her to everyone, and soon Mandy had settled in comfortably. It was around this time, when she was entering middle school, when she started to get compared to her sister. "You're the spitting image of [x]", "If you keep this up, you'll be as good as [x]!" These types of comments delighted her, and soon her sister was her role model. From the way she dressed to the way she ate, Mandy wanted to be just like her perfect older sister.

As she grew older, the comments grew tiring. She realized that she shouldn't be compared to her sister, and that she didn't want to be her. She still thought her sister was perfect, of course, but it was then that she realized that maybe she didn't want to be perfect, and that just because she could be didn't mean she should be. It was Rhiannon who told her that - she made Mandy feel as though she was perfect as she was, and it wasn't her good grades or good looks that made her perfect, it was her. She was also the person who gave Mandy her nickname. Even as a child, Mandy was completely open with the supposedly taboo subject of sex, and whilst the other kids were giggling at the word and looking up dick in the dictionary for laughs, Mandy just rolled her eyes. She found their sense of humor immature and boring.

She started to realize that she was a bit different than most girls in her year. As girls stared at the boys that walked past, Mandy would look at the girls too. She was dating a different guy every few weeks, hoping that if she decided that she didn't like girls, she wouldn't. It wasn't that she was homophobic, it was that she was afraid of being teased and embarrassed. She finally confided in Rhiannon that she liked girls too, and a few months later Rhiannon helped her come out as she was her first girlfriend. She was fifteen at the time, her first year in high school, and this was around the time she started to realize that she had abilities.

She had already known that her older siblings were doing things, and knew it was about time. It was at a sleepover, playing a very boring game of truth or dare, which consisted of four girls constantly picking truth and getting asked questions about who they liked over and over again, when a girl said that she had a boyfriend in another school, and that he was a Junior. "You're lying," Mandy had blurted out, simply sensing her emotions and coming to this conclusion. The girl had looked at her and denied it, laughing it off. "And now you're angry, and embarrassed- oh, sorry," Mandy had continued, before lightly blushing. She didn't realize that no one else in the room could clearly sense this, until she felt the surprise coming off the other girls.

Soon, she started to develop her other abilities, and kept an eye out for anything that could possibly be a power in the making. Knowing that she was related to Aphrodite had helped her confidence levels greatly. She was the life and soul of the party. The next year, her best friend and girlfriend, Rhiannon, died in a car crush. For a few months, Mandy was miserable, which was only heightened as she excluded herself from others. She soon came out of her shell, as she had always been extroverted and couldn't stand complete privacy, and knew that it wasn't want Rhiannon would have wanted for her.

She started to socialize more, and had several relationships throughout the rest of high school, but never fell in love, or found another best friend, just a few friends that she would hang out with. She started to gain a stronger interest in filming and started to think of it as an actual career, downloading editing equipment, saving up for months to by proper equipment, forcing friends and family members to star in her films. She realized that just because she was the descendant of Aphrodite didn't mean that her choices of careers were anymore limited than anyone else - she didn't have to be a model, a matchmaker, a make up artist, a hair stylist, just because she could. Of course, these were all hobbies that she enjoyed, but compared to directing and film making, she couldn't imagine any of them as a job.

She had always been interested in the sexual side of a relationship. By the age of seventeen, she had a fake ID, which she used as a way to hook up with people for a night, once which led to an abortion. She was reckless, careless, and always getting in trouble, but she didn't care. They moved to Northbay soon after she left high school, and when she was soon to be nineteen, which she now is. Though she loves the place and she loves Ireland, she does still miss her old home. Still, she sees it as a fresh start, and is determined to make the best out of it.

{ will possibly change/add/delete things when the biographies of other aphrodite descendants are up. }

Other: N/A

So begins...

Amanda Cyprus's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Layla Ailuros Character Portrait: Amor "Ariel" Amelia Vanadis Character Portrait: Dehlilah Cyprus Character Portrait: Ramses Atum Character Portrait: Leslie Damon Saxon
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#, as written by Issa


Saturday, 20th July

The residents of Northbay have awoken to a surprisingly pleasant summer's day. The weather, by magic or nature, is already a charming 20°C (68°F) and predictions have the maximum temperature reaching a comfortable 25°C (77°F). There are only a few wisps of cloud in the sky and a refreshing breeze can be felt throughout the area.

The main street is being prepared for the festival. It is still open to the public as most of the shops lining the street are likely to stay open until the cordons are put up. There is a definite buzz to the town as those involved in the preparation for the festival work and those who are attending look forward to the nights festivities.

For the town Elders there is a feeling of anxiousness. Will their planned festival help to calm the town's tensions or will it do the opposite?

Ramses Atum

Ram lefted his head and closed his green eyes, soaking up the early morning sun as it bet down on the lake. Cool water sprayed in his face and a constant breeze ruffled his hair. It was perfect sailing weather and Ram had been up since dawn to make the most of it. His one man boat, named 'The Falcon', raced across the lake, skimming across the waves.

Ram opened his eyes as he drew closer to the shore. Standing up in the boat he shielded his eyes from the sunlight glistening off the water and took in the view. There, pretty as a picture, sat Northbay. It fit snuggly between the lakeshore and the hills beyond. He could make out the main street with its small array of shows on either side. There was a large amount of activity in the street, surprising for such a small town and so early on a Saturday.

Then again it was the day of the Lantern Festival. No doubt every spare hand the Elder's could rope into helping was busy putting up decorations. Ram's father Ramsey was a member of the Elders' Council so Ramses was able to get all his information first hand and fresh. The festival was officially an overdue welcome to the Greeks. Unofficially it was to try and calm down the rising animosities between the different groups in the town. As Ram's father had said, if the town could come together and enjoy this one, simple event then they would be one step closer to regaining peace and order.

Ram thought it was a vain hope. He highly doubted that bringing together the whole town into one street would solve anything. Quite the opposite really. Ram knew little of the Greeks but he had grown up with the Norse and his own Egyptian pantheon. He knew enough to understand that there would always be certain individuals who do anything but try to ease tensions.

Shaking such thoughts from his head Ram aimed the boat to shore. A moment later he pulled into the docks, jumping onto the wooden jetty with the ease of practice. He anchored his boat to the jetty, tying it securely. The day may have been calm now but Ram knew enough about Irish weather to know to predict anything. Besides, when you lived in a town of power beings you could never be sure when someone's powers would cause a little mayhem.

Standing up Ram raised his arms above his head and stretched, before straightening out his clothes. With a pleased smile he set off down the wooden walkway, heading towards the Sailing Club rooms and a much needed shower.

Mack Nephthys

Early morning carpentry was probably not the best way to deal with a hangover, but oddly enough Mack found the rhythmic thud of his hammer strangely calming. Or perhaps he was still drunk from last night.

He had visited Northbay's singular drinking hole, the pub, the previous night. It had started as a causal beer, but three bottles of beer, four shots of vodka and who knows what else later his night had ended up much larger than anticipated. He had woken up this morning still in his clothes, his light still on and his alarm cloak blaring from under a pile of clothes.

Mack had agreed to help set up for the Lantern Festival that night. He wasn't even getting paid, but doing it as a favour to the town. Not that he minded doing it for free. Mack didn't have too many expensive habits and the rent on his tiny apartment over the supermarket was relatively cheap.

"Mack! Can you move the lanterns slightly to the left?" Ebony Aset, aunt of the three Aset girls and member of the Elders, shouted from the street. Mack, standing up on a ladder, nodded down at the woman and moved the lanterns as desired. Satisfied Ebony nodded and wondered off to oversee another part of the preparations. Left to his own devices Mack returned to hammering.

Almost finished he gave one final hammer on the nail, only his attention must have slipped because the next thing he knew a sharp pain erupted in his thumb. With a yelp he jerked his hand back, making him lose his balance in the process. His legs went out from under him, his arms pinwheeling in circles as he tried to grab at anything to keep him from falling.
Unfortunately the ladder seemed to elude him and Mack quickly found himself falling. A gust of wind blew up the street, particles of sand held in the breeze. The wind increased in strength and pressure, directing itself around the falling man. Faster than the eye could follow it had formed into a miniature wind funnel, Mack being safely buoyed in the centre. Slowly he was lowered to the ground. Only when his feet had touched concrete did a movement of his hand send the winds away, leaving a thin layer of sand behind.

'Mack, as much as I'm glad you're not hurt...' The stern voice came from Ebony Aset, her foot tapping quickly as she surveyed the tiny beach of sand that his powers had called forth. She had a broom in her hand, 'I want all this sand gone before tonight.' Thrusting it into his grasp Ebony turned and left. Dusting the light sprinkling of sand off his clothes before beginning to sweep up the street, Mack wished - and not for the first time - that his winds didn't magically summon sand when he called them.

Asta Falr

The view from the hills above the town was spectacular. Asta, pausing on her descent, couldn't help but grin at the landscape. The lake was sparkling in the early morning sun, light glistened off the town roofs and there was hardly a cloud in sight. She could have stayed on the thin track that ran up the hills beyond Northbay all day, but one glance at her watch told Asta that she'd need to open the shop soon. With a last glance across the lake Asta turned and made her way, half skipping, down the track.

Most likely it was the excitement of the coming festival that had seen Asta rise so early and head up into the hills. She often went for walks, but rarely so early in the morning. Coming back down she hit the main street at it's beginning. The entrance to Northbay was decorated with a simple sign which read 'Welcome to Northbay'. Asta passed the sign, entering the main street of the town. She passed people setting up stalls, others hanging decorations and more than one person shouting out loud instructions.

Asta waved happily at Mack as she passed him. Curiously he was sweeping up sand, although where the sand came from Asta couldn't be sure. Down the street she went, dodging in and out of the workers, until she reached the Bookstore.
"Key, key key... Oh, there you are!" She muttered to herself as she dug into her cardigan pockets. The Bookstore owner had given Asta the responsibility of opening the store today and she would have hated it if she'd lost the keys already.

She pushed the door open and stepped into the dark room. The light switch was unfortunately at the other end of the store and Asta didn't fancy wondering through the dark to find it. So, holding her hand out, she summoned a small sphere of light and used it to guide her through.

Ten minutes later, the store lit, open and ready for customers, Asta sat back at the counter with a sigh of relief. From here she had a good view of the festival preparations, but instead of watching the workers outside she picked up her book 'Catch-22' and began to read. The doorbell would jingle as soon as anyone entered, meaning until then she could happily lose herself in Joseph Heller.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amanda Cyprus Character Portrait: Fin Bacchus Character Portrait: Stephanie Ceres Character Portrait: Bobby Ceres Character Portrait: Daphne Bacchus
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#, as written by Grrbot
Daphne Bacchus

Daphne groaned as she awoke to the morning light creeping into her bedroom. She was suffering from a raging headache and her mind was foggy from the hangover she was suffering from. Her head was hanging off the side of the bed with her feet dangling off the foot. She groaned. She was tangled in sheets, her clothes laying on the floor. "Somebody got lucky last night." Daphne laughed, standing up. She heard a hum come from the kitchen, probably the person she hooked up with last night cooking breakfast.

Daphne found a housecoat laid on the bed and she pulled it on. It seemed to fit pretty well and it was a woman's fit. "What a player." Daphne sighed. She dropped the blankets on the bed and exited the bedroom, entering a spacious living room with brick walls. It was kind of a grunge style apartment, Daphne liked the design.

"Good morning Sleepy!" A woman's voice called from the kitchen. Daphne turned the corner and saw the girl she hooked up with last night... Oh yeah stupid you forgot you were a bisexual. You smiled and walked up next to the girl. She had short black hair and tan skin and she was beaming this morning. "What time is it?" you asked, letting out a yawn. "8:45" the girl smiled. "Shit I need to be at the restaurant for 9:00!" Daphne exclaimed. "Okay go get dressed and I'll send you out with some food." "Sounds good." She said, placing a kiss on her cheek.

Daphne dashed back into the bedroom and quickly slipped on her outfit from the previous day. She headed back out after 5 minutes and quickly combed through her hair with her fingers. "Want an omelette to go?" the girl asked. "Yeah sure." Daphne smiled. She waited as the girl fixed her a paper plate and some ketchup to accompany her omelette. "Here you go." she said. "Thanks." Daphne smiled and headed to the car. She grabbed her phone and checked the time. it was nearly 9:00... Hell she was already late so why not send out some texts?

To: Fin Bacchus, Bobby Ceres, Amanda Cyprus, Stephanie Ceres

"Hey what's up? You going to the festival tonight? I'm looking to have some fun tonight, anybody willing to join?"

From: Daphne Bacchus

She shut her phone off and put the car into drive and headed to the restaurant.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dehlilah Cyprus Character Portrait: Amanda Cyprus Character Portrait: Antonio Diaz
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Dehlilah paced around her bridal shop, fidgeting with her mannequins. She sighed happily eyeing one of the mannequins who's dress resembled her wedding dress. She shook her blonde hair out as a a customer walked in. She felt off today and couldn't understand what was wrong. She couldn't remember forgetting anything per say. It was a quite day, well quite besides the sound of Mrs. Shay who insisted she wanted a dress that would show off alot of cleavage, cleavage she didn't have to show off anyway.

She ran her morning through her head as she backtracked. She woke up early, went for a jog with her dogs Cocoa as usual. She put on her favorite summer outfits. A flowy top that landed above her navel and showed off her toned stomach, she paired that with crisp white pants, and nude heels with her favorite Louis Vuitton bag.

She got to the shop, dressed the displays, and helped Mrs. Shay, again. She blew a puff of air out which blew her bangs away from her face. She was growing them out so they currently ended at the end of her ear. She ran a hand through her hair and looked around. She smiled as she thought about her best friend Stacy, who at this point would be telling her in her thick, sassy New Jersey accent, "Get your head out the clouds biyatch."

She sighed glancing back at Mrs. Shay, the only reason she opened today was because of a frantic call from Mrs. Shay at 5' am. She shook that thought off as Mrs. Shay came back from the changing room in a strapless top that could barely stay on her small chest. Dehlilah felt sorry for the woman but there wasn't much she could do for her. Especially since, Dehlilah with her curvaceous body had no problem with filling anything in.

Mrs. Shay came up front with a solemn look on her face and murmured an apology as she scurried out the door. Dehlilah sighed and flipped the open sign to a closed one. She walked outside and started walking around town. She loved the town and how festive it looked as it prepared for the festivities.
She quickly pulled out her phone and opened a text.

Message: Hey I know its your day off but do you want to do something today?

Message: Hey want to take on the town with your big sister?

If she was honest with herself she wasn't close to many people besides her family. Though Tony was a really cool guy and was fun to have around at the shop.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dehlilah Cyprus Character Portrait: Amanda Cyprus Character Portrait: Daphne Bacchus
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Amanda was one of the only people in town who didn't have to get up for work early, and she loved it. Working part time as a bartender in the evenings for now, until she got a better job, Mandy usually didn't wake up until after ten. Sleeping in wasn't going to be a part of her schedule today though as her phone made a loud buzz, awakening her. She didn't move for a moment, eyes closed, before she forced herself to prop herself up onto her elbows and check her phone. It was five to nine. She groaned, before checking her text message.

From: Daphne Bacchus
Hey what's up? You going to the festival tonight? I'm looking to have some fun tonight, anybody willing to join?

She narrowed her eyes for a moment, racking her brain for what Daphne was talking about. Oh, that was right, the Lantern festival was on tonight. Of course she was going to- Oh, she was working. She'd be able to get the day off for the festival, right? Oh well, even if she couldn't, maybe she could just sneak out and no one would notice... probably. She could pop back in later, anyway. She pulled her phone closer to her, a Sony Xperia, and typed in a reply.

To: Daphne Bacchus
I was sleeping, you know, not everyone gets up this early. c: I'm totally going, wouldn't miss it for anything.

She was about to turn her phone off when another text came through.

From: Dehlilah Cyprus
Hey want to take on the town with your big sister?

Mandy got up and slowly started to make her bed as she replied.

To: Dehlilah Cyprus
Sure, just give me some time to properly wake up and get ready. Where are you?

She sent the reply and set down her phone on the bedside table, where she always left it. After making her bed, she got dressed into some black skinny jeans and a purple frill sleeveless top. She stuffed a leather jacket into her bag. Knowing Irish weather, it could be raining by the end of the day, even if it did look lovely at the moment. She had already turned on her straightener, so she brushed and straightened her hair before going into the bathroom of her apartment, where she washed her face, brushed her teeth, and applied her make up.

She wasn't one to eat early in the mornings, so she simply grabbed a yogurt from the fridge, quickly eating it down before throwing it in the bin. She picked up her bag and went to go - just remembering her phone from her bedside table in time, and left the house.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amanda Cyprus Character Portrait: Fin Bacchus Character Portrait: Stephanie Ceres Character Portrait: Bobby Ceres Character Portrait: Ava Apophis
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#, as written by Grrbot
"Oh just wondering." Daphne replied. She took her hand out of her pocket and glanced at her watch. She should be having a break now. She glanced at Ava. She wouldn't be finished for another 10 minutes so why not get some break time in. Daphne went back to the kitchen and put her tray back and headed for the locker room. She grabbed her phone and saw 1 new message from Amanda.

I was sleeping, you know, not everyone gets up this early. c: I'm totally going, wouldn't miss it for anything.
From: Amanda Cyprus

She smiled and texted back.

"Oh yeah stupid me... Anyways I'm looking forward to tonight! See you later."

She hit enter and slid her phone into her pocket. There was a knock on the door and she went to go open it. It was her boss. She figured it was probably because of her being late to work... "Hey Daphne, since the festival is going on I figured I'd let you off for the day. I have some other waitresses who have nothing going on tonight and they have agreed to take over your shift." he said. She blinked. "Are you serious?" She asked. He nodded. "Well... Thank you." She smiled, hugging him. "Yeah yeah whatever go have fun." He sighed and left. She grabbed her phone and sent out a text.

To: Amanda Cyprus, Stephanie Ceres, Bobby Ceres, Fin Bacchus
Turns out my boss doesn't want me to work today so I have the day off... Anybody wanna hang out?

She pressed send and took off her uniform. She'd probably take a stop at home to change into some fresh clothes. She would've this morning but she woke up too late. She headed out the back and walked through the alley to her car. She got in and it took her about 10 minutes to get home. She headed straight for her bedroom once there and changed into another outfit. "There we go." She sighed. It was still early morning and she was bored out of her mind. She flipped on the tv and waited for someone to reply to her text.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dehlilah Cyprus Character Portrait: Amanda Cyprus Character Portrait: Antonio Diaz Character Portrait: Fin Bacchus
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0.00 INK



Dehlilah was walking as her phone buzz twice in her back pocket.
Sure, just give me some time to properly wake up and get ready. Where are you?

Sure, we've got a few hours to kill before the festival, what'd you want to do? Btw, you're going to the festival tonight, right? Did you want to go together?
I'm about a block and a half away from the restaurant, we could meet there.

She quickly typed up a response to both. First to her sister, then to Tony.

To: Amanda
I'm on my way to meet Tony at the restaurant. You wanna meet up with us? Breakfast threesome?

She sent that without thinking about it then gasped when she realized what she implied and sent her another quick one
Not like that,but seriously there is going to be alot of love in the air tonight and our powers are going to be on high especially our attraction powers we need a game plan,make sure you go with somebody, don't go anywhere alone because guys are going to be extra lustful towards you tonight

Then once she calmed herself she began typing up a text to Tony
To: Tony

Yeah, I'd love to! And I'm not sure yet, we can figure that out when I get to the restaurant. First we should probably eat breakfast though. By the way Amanda is tagging along for breakfast. But it'll be just us at the festival. Is that ok?

As she sent that She heard Fin call her. “Dehlilah! I take it your shops not open today then?”He called with a grin. She smiled playfully "Nope, my bridezillas will have to wait. Today is a special day," She said sighing as she looked around misty eyed at the beautiful decorations.
“They town looks so festive and amazing doesn't it?” He said a smile lighting up his face. She liked his smile, she thought to herself as her own bright smile sneaked its way on to her face.
"Its amazing I've never seen anything like it, I can't wait to see how it lights up the night. It looks so magical, and where there is magic, there is romance, and where there is romance.... " She said dramatically twirling around and motioning to herself "There is me."
She said walking, noting that he kept in step with her, she stopped in front of the restaurant, "Yeah I was just on my way here to meet up with Tony and maybe my sister,"She dropped her eyes a little letting her thick lashes that were usually blonde but today were covered in brown mascara cover her piercing blue eyes. "Today she and I also have to be on high alert. Stuff like this that creates romance puts our powers on high, if were not careful to control them tonight we can make the most sensible of men turn into teenage boys who just hit puberty."She said not needing to explain . The Cyprus sisters were known to have dangerous effects on men when they weren't careful.
She glanced around for Tony casually as she talked to Fin. She also was making sure she had everything she needed, she had to make sure she remembered to pack her clothes in her purse, which was easy to do since the thing was pretty big. Realizing that she did, she relaxed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dehlilah Cyprus Character Portrait: Amanda Cyprus Character Portrait: Antonio Diaz Character Portrait: Fin Bacchus Character Portrait: Daphne Bacchus
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0.00 INK


She closed and locked the door behind her, before placing the apartment key into her pocket. She was on floor two, so as she made her way to the elevator she took out her phone, which had buzzed yet again.

From: Daphne
Oh yeah stupid me... Anyways I'm looking forward to tonight! See you later.

She smiled, forming dimples on her naturally rosy cheeks. The doors to the elevator opened and she gave a friendly smile to the man behind the desk as she left the building. Her phone buzzed again, and she checked the name.

From: Dehlilah
I'm on my way to meet Tony at the restaurant. You wanna meet up with us? Breakfast threesome?

A chuckle escaped her lips as she read the last line, and she rolled her eyes at her own immaturity. She went to type a reply when her sister sent another message to clear up her mistake.

From: Dehlilah
Not like that,but seriously there is going to be alot of love in the air tonight and our powers are going to be on high especially our attraction powers we need a game plan,make sure you go with somebody, don't go anywhere alone because guys are going to be extra lustful towards you tonight

She spat hair out of her mouth and quickly brushed her hair to the side as a breeze passed, blowing her blonde hair into her face. As soon as the breeze passed, the heat resurfaced. It was bearable, of course, she had been in much warmer temperatures, but it did make her wonder - if it was this warm at nine in the morning, how hot was it going to be later?

She brushed the thought from her mind, unconcerned, as she replied to her sister's message. Another message popped up, but it was from Daphne, and she decided to wait until after she replied to her sister to read the message.

To: Dehlilah
Oh, & I was so looking forward to a threesome. :( I'm kidding, ofc, heading over to the restaurant now. & Don't worry about me, I can handle myself, & I think I'm going with Daphne anyway. Thanks for the heads up, though.

She rolled her eyes at her sister's concern. It was sweet, but she didn't feel it necessary. Of course she appreciated that her sister had her back, though, and it was true that the thought of that hadn't even crossed Amanda's mind. Not that she'd admit that. She then checked the message she had received earlier from Daphne.

From: Daphne
Turns out my boss doesn't want me to work today so I have the day off... Anybody wanna hang out?

She decided not to reply. She was already hanging out with her sister and Tony, for the moment at least, and she was sure that Daphne would get the message that she was busy, she wasn't just ignoring her. She turned off her phone, finally slipping it into her bag before she started to walk towards the restaurant.

She spotted her sister outside the restaurant, talking to Fin. Tony must not have arrived yet. She waved to her sister to get her attention as she walked over. Her eyes turned to Fin, who was smiling as usual, forming cute dimples on his cheeks. She wouldn't consider herself 'close' with Fin, but considering that she was friends with his sister, the two talked a lot. He was really carefree and playful, something which Mandy liked about him.

"Hey, Fin," she said, smiling at him, before looking over at her sister, who she didn't feel she needed to greet. "Tony's not here yet?" she said, more so asking a question than saying a statement.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Ailuros Character Portrait: Dehlilah Cyprus Character Portrait: Amanda Cyprus Character Portrait: Fin Bacchus
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When Layla was in the community gym, she was getting some odd looks at people passing by, maybe it was the speed she was running. Now that she thought about, it would be considered fast for the average person. She wasn't even sweating when she went to go and get changed out of her sports gear, the change rooms were filled with white tiles and had a long wooden bench streaming down between the metal lockers, I wonder what would happen if the change rooms were boys and girls? It would be much more interesting atleast, she thought, tilting her head to the side with a hard thinking look on her face, picturing a change room full of muscly guys, being topless... Layla shook her head, and smiled to her stuff as she got changed into her ordinary clothes. She put her hair up in a bun and grabbed her duffle bag and walked out, Layla walked out into the peaceful sun and stood there taking in the heat. She turned to her left and started walking down the sidewalk towards the restaurant. It looked packed with people, but she only wanted a coffee and sandwhich to take the shop and work for a bit. Even though its here day off, she likes it there. Its kind of peaceful, until she starts playing her music. When in the shop, if she is alone she will put her playlist on through the speakers in the store. She couldn't wait, she smiled and slightly jumped up with excitement. As Layla stopped infront of the restaurant she noticed three people talking to each other, Layla thinks she has seen them before when it hit her, they were Greek, but Layla had nothing against the Greeks so it was okay. She decided to herself to greet them, "Hi...It's Fin, Amanda and Dehlilah right?" She asked politely, smiling brightly. As she stood there, in black and white converses and her black button-up tank top and white leggings with hieroglyphics, she considered this outfit actually quite cool actually. Showing her Egyptian backround and everything.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Ailuros Character Portrait: Bryce Nepthys Character Portrait: Mack Nephthys Character Portrait: Amanda Cyprus Character Portrait: Izzy Dias Character Portrait: Lucas Jason Amut
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Izzy awoke late in the day, typical of her when she didn't have classes. She instantly went to her phone and was almost disappointed when she saw there were no new messages, at least not from anyone important. Frowning, she made up her mind to do her very best to change that, by sending a few messages out to the people she felt she knew best, most of which who she felt either could easily be controlled, or were attractive, or she considered a friend, and that left a wide range of people.

To: Odessa, Fin, Amanda, Lucas, Bryce, Viona, Ronan, Julian, Calypso:

Hey all, your queen has awoken! So where’s everyone up to? I’m looking forward to seeing all you peeps at the festival tonight, and festivals aren’t even like my thing like at all! So you guys better be there because if I’m there alone with the village elders, heads shall roll! Lol! Will be in town fyi so feel free to meet up with me.

From: Izzy Dias

Izzy put her phone down, sat up, walked out of bed down to the small bathroom in her tiny flat and took a long bath, before dressing and heading out for town. It was nice not having to work to pay for school because you had a rich stepfather to pay for it all, Izzy had to admit, problem was, that meant a lot of people were tried down for work. Driving into town she quickly parked her car and watched as several people put together decorations, smirking almost, she couldn’t understand why anyone but criminals would work for free for something having to do with the community, but she supposed that was why she was a leader, after all, not everyone’s grandfathers Zeus, and the ruling blood certainly ran deep in Izzy.

Izzy, getting out of her car decided to look for a place to loiter around, a hobby she quite enjoyed. She wasn’t really watching where she was going however and bumped into Mack, who was sweeping sand?

“Um excuse me, but do you mind!” She snorted angrily, when he completely ignored her. Then an idea came to her. “ Hey Mack, check this out!” When she had gotten his attention she looked to the sky and caused a small stray bolt of lighting light up the sky. It was the kind that was gone in an instant and made you wonder if there was a storm or not, the ones that Liverpool had been getting frequently for the last 21 or so years. Besides, it was always fun to scare the crap out of people, and Izzy remembered somebody told her once that Mack was afraid of lighting.

Laughing to herself, Izzy walked down to the record shop and gave Julian a wink before turning to the music, trying to find some old records that would make for a great sound mix. She would flirt a little, talk a little, possibly buy something, and be on her way.


Bobby grinned to himself as he heard Asta call out, “Morning Bobby!” Followed by “I don’t drink coffee, but I’d be keen for a hot chocolate.” He watched, coming back to the front of the store, pleased that this didn’t go as badly as he thought it might. Asta helped you out almost, and he had to admit, she was a very easy person to talk to. She pulled out a bunch of euro’s and some coins (that’s the Irish currency if I’m correct) and offered them to him. “Maybe get some lemon cakes too? My shout.”

Bobby refused the money and replied. “Sure thing, I’ll buy, one hot chocolate, a tea for myself and a bunch of lemon cakes coming right up, I’ll be back.” He walked out the door before Asta could protest and ran not really thinking about anything but getting Asta’s ordered right. He ran between Daphne, Amanda and Fin, tripping himself, and said a quick “I’m terribly sorry!” and continued on his way rushing by a girl who he thought was named Layla with the same hasteful sorry before reaching the coffee shop.

When he had at last reached his destination, he found himself waiting for his sister to stop texting before she noticed him. She raised a brow.

“Um Bobby, what up? Why are you so sweaty? Where you running from those normal thugs again!? Cause I’ll cripple them I will! And you know I don’t like it when you just come to visit me.”

“Right, just, everythings fine Steph, just ah, um I was wondering if I could have a medium hot chocolate, a ice tea and two lemon cakes.” Bobby said as Stephanie’s eyes lit up before she got to work.

“Oh Bobby, who is it, who are you buying breakfast for, that’s real unlike you, well then again I guess it isn’t, your just usually too shy to-”

“It’s just Asta, nothing romantic, just, you know, just something employees do for each other once in awhile.” Bobby interrupted.

“Well ‘ere ya go Bobby, enjoy your little lunch with you employee.” Stephanie laughed a little and handed her older brother his order and watched as he ran back out shaking her head. On his way back, breathless, he stopped to catch his breath and felt his phone go off, so he one handly picked it up and read the new message.

To: Amanda Cyprus, Stephanie Ceres, Bobby Ceres, Fin Bacchus

Turns out my boss doesn't want me to work today so I have the day off... Anybody wanna hang out?

He quickly typed back a response.

To Daphne:

I would, but I’m stuck at work. Maybe later, see you at the festival. Oh and I think I’ll ask Asta if she wants to come too if that’s alright.

From: Bobby

He quickly walked inside and put down the bag he’d been carrying. “ And there you go Asta, a hot chocolate, two lemon cakes, and a ice tea.” He sat down on a box of books he probably shouldn't have sat on, and took a big gulp before finding himself stuttering.

“ So um eh w-would you um m-mind going to the f-festival later tonight w-with some of my friends and siblings. I mean you don’t have to, I just thought m-maybe it’d settle some things and we could all get to know each other.”

He winced waiting for her answer.


Stephanie sighed as her phone buzzed and flipped it out to see what was up.

To: Stephanie

Yeah, sure, sounds like fun, when would you like to meet and where?

Stephanie felt her heart thump at the message. There it was, plain as day, a messages from Antares, asking her when and where she wanted to meet up. Why the hell was she so nervous and more importantly, not already texting him back.

To: Antares

Cool, glad you can come, I was thinking we could maybe meet at the docks at around oneish, I should be done with work by then. I still have to wait for Brad and Bobby so it’ll probably be just the two of us, but it’s not like it’s a date or anything so yah. See you at the docks:)

From: Stephanie

Stephanie pressed send and looked up to see Bobby, looking rather crazy. She smiled served him and returned to her phone, an unusual thing for her to do while at work, but today to her it seemed at least, it was like a holiday.

To: Amanda Cyprus, Stephanie Ceres, Bobby Ceres, Fin Bacchus

Turns out my boss doesn't want me to work today so I have the day off... Anybody wanna hang out?

Lucky, she muttered to herself before repiling.

To Daphne:

Sorry, but I’m stuck here till one, we can hang later though.

From: Stephanie.

Stephanie put down her phone only to pick it up again and read yet another message.

At work right now, slow as hell. I’ll catch up with you later at the festival. Promises.

She quickly typed back:

K see you later at the fest, don’t be too sad, you're surrounded by music, I’m surrounded by coffee and baked goods, not quite as entertaining ;)

Then she really did go back to work, shoving her phone in her pocket as a customer came in.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Ailuros Character Portrait: Dehlilah Cyprus Character Portrait: Leslie Damon Saxon Character Portrait: Amanda Cyprus Character Portrait: Izzy Dias Character Portrait: Fin Bacchus
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0.00 INK


Ronan woke up with a start when he heard the front door slam, for a moment he was confused and took some time to straighten himself out and find his glasses. He had definitely had a bit too much to drink last night. It had been a long, excruciatingly boring day at the paper and all he’d wanted to do afterwards was relax a bit. The throbbing in the front of his skull confirmed that perhaps he had relaxed more than he had needed to.

Finally rising from his mess of a bed he stumbled to the bathroom, still steamy from someone else’s showers. Ronan assumed it was his brother; Leslie had always been annoyingly cheerful in the mornings and ready to start the day. Ronan was quite the opposite. He didn’t actually speak to anyone until he showered and had at least two cups of coffee. Hopping into the shower he let the warm water beat the ache out of his head and muscles and felt as if he could stay beneath the showerhead the rest of the day or at least until the hot water ran out.

Knowing that he’d be late if he dallied any more he slipped from the shower, shaved, brushed his teeth and quickly dressed. Racing down the stairs he stopped in the kitchen to chug a glass of orange juice, which did not make him want to vomit, thank the gods. After rinsing his glass and placing it in the dishwasher he grabbed his phone from the counter and noticed that he’d all ready received a text.

To: Odessa, Fin, Amanda, Lucas, Bryce, Viona, Ronan, Julian, Calypso:

Hey all, your queen has awoken! So where’s everyone up to? I’m looking forward to seeing all you peeps at the festival tonight, and festivals aren’t even like my thing like at all! So you guys better be there because if I’m there alone with the village elders, heads shall roll! Lol! Will be in town fyi so feel free to meet up with me.

Grinning, he rolled his eyes a bit at the hyperbolic text he received from the Greek girl; she was fairly new as all the Greeks were. As a matter of fact that was what the whole festival was for. Welcoming the new arrivals. Of course his mother was all ready at the festival grounds, she was an elder and took her responsibilities seriously, and something she had obviously passed on to her children.

My mother would kill me if I didn’t show. As soon as I’m through making sure the paper makes sense tonight I’ll be on my way. If you’re a good and kind friend you’ll have a drink waiting for me.

Ronan quickly texted back as he walked out the back kitchen door, taking care to lock it before clambering down the steps and out to his dusty car. Shoving papers and folders out of his way he started the beat-up vehicle and made his way to the office. He knew most people had the day off, lucky bastards, but the newspaper had to be printed every day. Such was life.
As the thin, slightly anxious young man made his way into the building he waved a greeting to the skeleton crew who were already in attendance, grabbed a cup of sludge like black coffee and wandered back to his lonely little corner. Quickly he settled in at his desk, which he usually shared with another. Looking around he pushed his thick framed glasses on top of his head and pulled out his phone quickly texting his brother.

To: Leslie

Did mom sucker you into setting up the festival today? I’m working a short day, meet up later, yeah?

From: Ronan Saxon

Ronan was very much a fan of his older brothers and enjoyed spending time and hanging out with him, although sometimes Leslie came off a bit overbearing, Ronan supposed that he would probably be the same if their roles were reversed. Family took care of family and that’s just the way it was. Settling back into his chair he switched on computer and began to immerse himself in work. The quicker he could get things done the sooner he could leave.


Odessa had been up and at the gym by seven that morning, having signed up for an insanely early kickboxing class. Which she now thought was maybe not her greatest idea. Considering that she usually worked until four in the morning and was often a bit tipsy when she made it home eventually sometimes making it to class seemed nearly impossible. Yet the Greek girl took her commitments seriously and she’d already paid for them. She really couldn’t afford to not go.

After spending an hour beating the stuffing out of a bag she was properly awake and energized. Being the descendent of Ares definitely had its perks. She was inherently strong, fast and sturdy which definitely came in handy with a personality like Odessa’s. More often than not her mouth started trouble and she was more than happy to let her fists finish it.

Finished for the day Odessa beamed as the instructor complimented her skill and the fact that she was such a quick study. She hadn’t expected any less but it definitely brightened her day which in turn meant that for now her normal aggression and hostility was turned down a notch. It also helped that she just finished trying to beat an inanimate object to death. Taking a moment to read over the text Izzy had sent her, she laughed and figured she’d see her friend in town, or at the very least the festival.

Quickly showering and changing she grabbed her bag and left the gym and decided to head into town to grab breakfast from the restaurant. It was cheap, especially with her employee discount. Lucky for her, her boss owned the pub and the grill and you couldn’t beat half-discounted omelets. As she walked up the street towards her destination she took in all of the preparations going on around town for the festival tonight.

As she approached the restaurant she noticed a few of her fellow Greeks standing outside the restaurant along with a girl she believed was named Layla. Sticking her hands into the pockets of the light cardigan she was wearing she pushed her large sunglasses on top of her head and stopped to say hello.

“Morning everyone, you’re all looking bright and chipper. Anyone actually helping set the festival up or are we just passive spectators?” Odessa asked with a wry grin.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Ailuros Character Portrait: Dehlilah Cyprus Character Portrait: Bella Jade Aset Character Portrait: Amanda Cyprus Character Portrait: Antonio Diaz Character Portrait: Fin Bacchus
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Oh, & I was so looking forward to a threesome. :( I'm kidding, ofc, heading over to the restaurant now. & Don't worry about me, I can handle myself, & I think I'm going with Daphne anyway. Thanks for the heads up, though.

"Hey, Fin," Amanda said, smiling at him, before looking over at her sister, who she apparently didn't feel she needed to greet. "Tony's not here yet?" she said.

She smiled and shrugged, "nope,not yet" She said making a popping noise as she annunciation the end of nope. She leaned her head to the side shaking her blonde curls which she suddenly felt needed a sexy just woke up look, like she just woke up looking hot, which she did, but still.

Suddenly girl, Layla maybe? She nodded as she decided that was correct, walked up to them. "Hi...It's Fin, Amanda and Dehlilah right?"
"Uh yeah," She said as she did one last shake and shook out her hair flipping either side of her hair so a lock of curls was cascading down her slim shoulders. "Layla, right?"
As another person joined the group, she bit her lip becoming a little worried, she wasn't quite sure why she just was. Odessa smiled her wry smile at them as she said “Morning everyone, you’re all looking bright and chipper. Anyone actually helping set the festival up or are we just passive spectators?”

"Spectator though, I actually plan on eating in this fine establishment," She said smiling a genuine smile, she considered Odessa a friend and valued her honesty so she was genuinely happy to see her.

She finally saw Tony and as they locked eyes he waved, she was about to smile and wave back when something very unexpected happened. Tony ran into a girl on her bike and now she was tangled and he looked frazzled. She jogged up to them and after pushing her long bangs out of her face, scrutinized the two of them. "Are you ok?" She said directing the question to both of them though she was looking at Tony for any marks or bruising and Oh, gods he has a nice body, wait focus!
She then turned to Layla and suddenly sensed her peak of interest romantically in Tony, and Tony's in the mysterious girl. She blushed and looked down
"Um I'm Dehlilah," She said brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. Push it away, make it go away. Making their matching light pink love aura's only fade a little bit. She shook the thought away, before turning to Tony, "Um so before any more people come bombard me over there." She clarified her statement "And by me, I mean Fin, who was standing next to me. I swear he's a people magnet. That, and I'm pretty hungry so..." She said, gently placing her hand on her muscular forearms,not in a possessive way, more in a concerned and nervous way."We should get to the restaurant," she said gently tugging on his arms, again not in a needy possessive way but he looked as though he needed some direction.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Ailuros Character Portrait: Dehlilah Cyprus Character Portrait: Mack Nephthys Character Portrait: Bella Jade Aset Character Portrait: Amanda Cyprus Character Portrait: Antonio Diaz
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"Uh yeah, Layla, right?" Dehlilah said, flicking her hair. Layla nodded with her casual smile. Layla couldn't deny, some of the Greeks were really pretty and attractive. Layla adjusted the strap to her duffle bag, and saw someone new come into the conversation, another Greek, “Morning everyone, you’re all looking bright and chipper. Anyone actually helping set the festival up or are we just passive spectators?” the girl said with a wry smile. Layla saw her somewhere, but where? Then it hit her, Layla saw her at the gym, well in the change rooms. "I'm just a spectator, just going to grab a snack and head to the music store actually, I saw you at the gym before, Odessa right?" She said, with a slight smile on her happy face. Before the conversation could get going, there was a crash on the other side of the street. A guy had ran into Jade while she was riding her bike, Layla had known Jade but they weren't absolute 'friends for ever' material. She saw that Dehlilah had ran over including another person she had seen helping set up the festival. Layla followed Dehlilah over to the tangled pair, from a closer look she could see that the other person helping Jade was Mack, Bryce's brother. "Are you ok?" Layla heard Dehlilah ask them both, she helped with the guy who was tangled in the bike, must be another Greek. So Layla decided to walk around and help Jade, as Mack put a helping hand on Jades shoulder, Layla heard the guy say as he untangled himself from the bike stand and say, 'Listen, I've got friends waiting on me. So if you're okay...Then I'm gonna get going.' at this statement, Layla was sort of mad. He should of watched were he was walking, but Layla didn't car for him, he seemed just like some piece of hot eye candy. She returned her attention to Jade, "Hey Jade, its Layla, are you ok?" she said worryingly, it really wasn't her business but Egyptians had to look after their own.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Ailuros Character Portrait: Dehlilah Cyprus Character Portrait: Mack Nephthys Character Portrait: Bella Jade Aset Character Portrait: Amanda Cyprus Character Portrait: Antonio Diaz
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0.00 INK


"Nope, not yet," her sister said in response to her earlier question about Tony. Amanda gave a small nod just as a girl walked over to them. She recognized her as Layla Ail... nope, she couldn't remember her surname. "Hi...It's Fin, Amanda and Dehlilah right?" Layla asked, making sure. Before Mandy had time to respond, Dehlilah had piped up. "Uh, yeah," she said, flipping her hair. "Layla, right?" Just then, her phone buzzed. She gave them a quick, apologetic look before slipping it out from the easy access pouch at the front of her bag.

From: Izzy Dias
Hey all, your queen has awoken! So where’s everyone up to? I’m looking forward to seeing all you peeps at the festival tonight, and festivals aren’t even like my thing like at all! So you guys better be there because if I’m there alone with the village elders, heads shall roll! Lol! Will be in town fyi so feel free to meet up with me.

Amanda gave a small smile at the text, but slipped her phone back into her bag before responding, seeing as she was in the middle of a conversation. "Morning everyone, you’re all looking bright and chipper. Anyone actually helping set the festival up or are we just passive spectators?" Mandy turned her head to see Odessa approaching. "Spectator though, I actually plan on eating in this fine establishment," Dehlilah replied, smiling. Mandy opened her mouth to respond but was yet again interrupted, this time by a crash to her left.

She turned her head and saw Tony, a bike, and a girl on the ground. She chuckled lightly, but then realizing they could be hurt, regained herself. Dehlilah was already to the rescue, of course, asking if they were hurt. Then, another boy ran over, talking to the girl, what was her name? Bella, right? Dehlilah tugged lightly on Tony's arm, whether to pull him away to see if he was hurt or just to pull him away, she wasn't sure. The girl had turned towards her friends, and her hand was bleeding. She wished she could be of more help than just looking on at the scene, but the irl had already been helped up and walked away by her friends, presumably to a doctor.

She turned back to the others, giving them a slightly worried, slightly bewildered look. "Well, let's go get something from the restaurant then, shall we?" she said, regaining focus.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Ailuros Character Portrait: Dehlilah Cyprus Character Portrait: Bryce Nepthys Character Portrait: Mack Nephthys Character Portrait: Bella Jade Aset Character Portrait: Amanda Cyprus
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”Yeah,” Jade sighed with a small, forced laugh, “I’m okay, thanks, Layla.” Layla was glad that she was ok, after all she wouldn't want any of the Egyptians to get hurt. She stood back up and watched Mack help Jade to his car, probaly to go to the zclinic, just to be sure anything happened. As they drove off, Layla waved slightly before sighing to herself. The strain from her duffle bag was getting to her shoulders, not only that, but it was annoying to carry around. So she decided to start walking home, which was luckily two doors down, as she walked down the cobbled road, she noticed how wonderful the decorations were. Wow, Mack and the others are making the street quite gorgeous! she though while reaching her door and stepping inside, immediately greeted by her two eager cats Akil and Alko.

"Back so soon sweety?" Her mother had asked, she was in the living room. Probably watching Lost Girl again, she couldn't stop watching that show, if her mother had nothing else to do she would watch it. "Just wanted to drop off my bag, get some coffee, then go to work" she had walked up to her room, it was completely clean and tidy. Her dark, wooden floors were a nice contrast for the red wallpaper. Although the walls were covering with either pictures of her and her friends or posters of famous celebrities. She threw the bag into the walk-in with ease, turns around to find her two cats sitting at her feet. Like they wanted something... "Meow," they both said at the same time. Akil, the black Persian, rubbed up against her legs sweetly then jumps on the window nook, jumping over the mass of pillows, and he looks out the window out onto the main street. Layla walks over with a questionable look on her face, What are you up to Akil? she thought while sitting down on the nook with Akil. She looks out the window and tries to determine where he is looking, her eyes darting from person to person. But its no use, she presses her head against his furry side and tries to look from there. Akil is looking at the music store, Layla instantly knows what he wants. Standing back up, she crosses her arms and stares at the hopeful Akil, who was now being accompanied by Alko, the white Ragamuffin, she and him are sitting next to each other with hopeful looks on their small faces. "There is no way you two are coming to work with me," She says, with a comical look on her face, as the cats keep on with their assault on her, "You guys know that I can't, its Norse territory...Don't you look at me like that...Oh Bast help me...Fine!" She says, defeated. The cats happy with their win. They jump off and run out the door with Layla following.

As Layla gets down the stairs, she checks her phone for any messages and sees that there is none. She looks up to see her mother holding a cup of coffee, "OH MY GOD! Don't creep up on me like that mom!" She says with a slight smile on her face, almost being scared to death. Her mother gives Layla the cup of coffee and walks off laughing, "You gave in to Akil and Alko didn't you?" Layla walks out the door, her excited cats on either side of her. Layla was smiling as she walked along the sidewalk, she was happy as anyone could be. Well, apart from her cats, who looked like they were going on an adventure. Layla opens the door to the music store, the bell dinging above it, as she walked in. She saw Julian at the counter with his feet on the desk, no doubt slacking off. She couldn't blame him, there was no one here. "Alright Julian, I am here to relieve you of your jail time," she said happily. As her cats jumped onto the counter with ease, hoping to scare Julian probably.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Ailuros Character Portrait: Dehlilah Cyprus Character Portrait: Mack Nephthys Character Portrait: Bella Jade Aset Character Portrait: Amanda Cyprus Character Portrait: Antonio Diaz
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"Its amazing I've never seen anything like it, I can't wait to see how it lights up the night. Fin grinned happy that he has found someone else as excited about the festival and the decorations. "Where there is romance.... " She said dramatically twirling around and motioning to herself "There is me." Fin laughed playfully, copying her twirling around motion though rather than motioning to himself he motioned to all the decorations going up around them. “So then you should be triply excited about tonight then.” He said shooting her a beaming smile.

“If were not careful to control them tonight we can make the most sensible of men turn into teenage boys who just hit puberty." Fin frowned sympathetically, he understood her need to be careful more than some, seeming as he and his sister also needed to be careful not to accidently turn someone insane. Though Fin worried about it a lot less than Daphne, and had slightly more control over it. “That’s a bummer, with all your being careful make sure you don’t forget to have fun yeah?” He asked worried that the Dehlilah he had just seen admiring the lanterns and decorations would get a chance to enjoy them later that night. “Your sister too.”

"Hey, Fin," Finn grinned broadly at the blonde as she greeted him. She was another Greek he was on friendly term with, though he seemed to be friendly with almost everyone. “Hey Mandy, looking forward to the festival?” He asked excitedly. Before the blonde could answer though they were joined by another girl, he knew he had met her before but couldn’t recall a name.

"Hi...It's Fin, Amanda and Dehlilah right?" Luckily Fin didn’t have to remember her name because Dehlilah jumped in calling her Layla, Fin smile warmly at the girl. “Got them all right,” he said with a smile a thumbs up, he acknowledged that it would be hard for everyone in Northbay with the sudden new members.

“Morning everyone, you’re all looking bright and chipper. Anyone actually helping set the festival up or are we just passive spectators?” Greeted Odessa as she joined the growing group. “I’m with the same as Dehlilah, just spectating, though I might join in the setting up later,” he said with a grin not wanting to skimp out of preparations and leave it to everyone else. Though if he got distracted and didn’t end up helping it would have surprised anyone.

Suddenly just a little off where they were standing there was a crash and what seemed to be two people colliding, one on a bike. It all happened very quickly and while Fin was still surveying what had happened, they girl taken off with Mack and the guy dragged of Dehlilah. Then Layla took off shortly after. Still blinking at what happened Fin turned to Odessa who was still within speaking range. “Well, that all happened very quickly. Though it was very awesome,” he said trying to stop his usual grin from creeping onto his features, since this accident seemed rather serious. “I hope that girl is okay though,” he tacked on the end seeming at the guy Dehlilah was with seemed fine but the girl hadn’t look great when she left.

"Well, let's go get something from the restaurant then, shall we?" Amanda said looking back at him and Odessa, seemingly regaining her focus after what had just transpired. Fin paused for a moment looking between Odessa and Amanda, remembering Dehlilah had mention to him hanging out with her sister and Tony. “Well, I don’t mind, but I really wouldn’t want to intrude,” Fin responded with a carefree smile, looking questioningly between Odessa and Amanda, seeming as he wasn’t sure Odessa wanted to get food. Though he’s decided if Odessa joined them he’d go, but if she wasn’t going to he’d find some other people to hang out with. After all it seemed that had made plans to catch up and he didn’t want to be out of place.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dehlilah Cyprus Character Portrait: Amanda Cyprus Character Portrait: Antonio Diaz Character Portrait: Fin Bacchus
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Dehlilah was begining to feel people become angry toward her. She furrowed her brow, as they misunderstood Tony's comment. A guy, Mack, she thought his name was helped the girl up and asked if she needed a doctor. She was going to do the same but Tony looked like he had seen a ghost.

Tony turned to her and asked "You think she'll be okay?" In a far off voice. She bit her lip as she led them back to the group. She furrowed her brow " I hope so," She looked at him curiously "Do you know her?" She averted her eyes focusing on Amanda, curious if she sensed his and Jade's aura's "You um had matching auras, I mean they were faint but the aura was still there," She said biting her lip as she said the last part quietly

She brushed off the saying with a smile, "Hey guys," She said as she walked over to Fin and Amanda. "So are you joining us?" She asked Fin as they walked into the restaurant, the waiter looked flustered for a second as she and Amanda walked in.

"Hi, we just needed a table for four." She said with a smile, "Like more secluded," She added not wanting to draw attention to themselves.The boy smiled sheepishly and looked around the restaurant, "Y-yeah I can g-get you a real nice table," He said looking at the ground. She smiled and motioned for the group to follow her to the table.

She ran a hang through her hair as she remembered the looks Layla and Jade gave her, like she was a villain. She didn't even do anything but try to help. Besides either way they would have tried to blame it on Tony because he's Greek and they automatically assumed she was some mean greek girl saving his butt.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dehlilah Cyprus Character Portrait: Amanda Cyprus Character Portrait: Izzy Dias Character Portrait: Antonio Diaz Character Portrait: Fin Bacchus Character Portrait: Viona Kari Jarlson
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Viona teetered on the ladder she was standing on as she strung up yet another lantern. When she finished with that one, she put her hands on her hips and paused to take a breath. Her phone vibrated in her back pocket and she reached back to take it out. The screen of her phone lit up as she read the message.

Hey all, your queen has awoken! So where’s everyone up to? I’m looking forward to seeing all you peeps at the festival tonight, and festivals aren’t even like my thing like at all! So you guys better be there because if I’m there alone with the village elders, heads shall roll! Lol! Will be in town fyi so feel free to meet up with me.

From: Izzy Dias

She couldn't help but smile at the ditzy blonde's text. Whenever you were with Izzy, you were sure to have a good time. She needed that today, after all, it was a festival. Her thumbs flew over the touch screen as she replied to Izzy.

To: Izzy

Haha, morning! I'll definitely be there, we should all meet up :)

From: Viona

She slid her phone back into her pocket and reached up to sting up another lantern. You couldn't tell now, since it was mid morning, and the lanterns weren't lit, but the street would look beautiful at night when the festival started. She had been working for awhile now, helping with lanterns and decorations. The street was full of noise as people worked to put together their stalls. "I should head to work..." she thought to herself.

As she lowered herself from the ladder, she almost fell down when she missed a step. Her hands latched onto the sides as the ladder wobbled and steadied itself. "Gods, I should be more careful." Stepping off the ladder, she took her phone out and started typing.

To: Ronan

Hey, I better see you at the festival tonight~

From: Viona

She returned her phone to her pocket and headed towards the restaurant. She ran a hand through her long curls as she neared the building. Looking up, she saw a small group gathered near the restaurant, and she recognized a few faces. "Hey guys," she said with a grin. She opened up the door to the restaurant and walked in, heading towards the kitchen. She put on the small white half apron, reaching to tie in behind her as she walked back out. She took out a notepad and went to table, with Fin, Amanda, Deliliah and Tony. "Wonder where Odessa went," she thought as she remembered seeing her outside. "Hey, what would you guys like?" she asked with a smile.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Ailuros Character Portrait: Dehlilah Cyprus Character Portrait: Amanda Cyprus Character Portrait: Izzy Dias Character Portrait: Antonio Diaz Character Portrait: Fin Bacchus
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“What a way to start the day.” Odessa replied to Fin with a bit of a shrug as she watched the commotion play out. She watched as Layla and a few others came to the girl’s aid. The crash had looked pretty rough and it seemed like Tony couldn’t get away fast enough. Odessa vaguely noticed as the rest of the group went in to be seated without her apparently. It wasn’t as if she was unused to being excluded and it seemed like Tony probably needed a minute to collect himself anyway. Walking in after the other Greeks she took a moment to look around and take note of who else had decided to have breakfast in town this morning.

As she walked up to the counter and took a seat, she smiled at the other waitress on duty whom Odessa knew from the pub. Quickly she ordered a ham and cheese omelet and a side of wheat toast before slipping out of her thin cardigan and tucking her sunglasses away in her bag. She was positively starving and the breakfast bar she had forced herself to eat at 6:30 this morning was long gone. There was also the small fact that since she burned so much excess energy that her appetite was usually ravenous. She supposed it paid to be an Ares kid, the metabolism was out of sight.

Digging in to the steaming plate that was set before her, Odessa felt like she was in heaven. Food was one of her loves and she had never been the kind of girl that worried about what other people thought of her. So what if she could eat an entire pizza by herself and she thought salad was a curse word? There wasn’t anything wrong with that.


Julian had only had one customer all day and it had been Izzy Dias, who as a rule of thumb he was quite fond of. Of course he greeted her as Your Highness and flirted shamelessly with her until she picked out what she wanted and took her leave. Watching her walk away he was reminded of a certain night they shared that he wouldn’t mind reliving again. There was always the festival later for all that, of course by then there’d be a plethora of people around who he might take a shine to.

Lazily resuming his position behind the counter he went back to his magazine and started thinking about food. He never ate breakfast…or lunch for that matter, he just didn’t have the patience to wait for it to cook or to even go to a restaurant and order anything. For this reason he tended to live off candy, beef jerky and beer. Your typical diet of a twenty-one year old bachelor.

It was then that he heard the jingle of the bell signaling the arrival of a customer, more than happy to break up the monotony he looked up expectantly only to come face to face with Layla, his co-worker and her cats apparently.

“Oh, it’s just you. Hey, it’s been dead. Enjoy.” He remarked casually as he let his feet drop to the floor with a thud as he leaned in to take a closer look at the felines on the counter top. Julian was a fan of animals and often respected them more than most people. Plus he was a shape shifter after all; he spent half his time wandering around in one animal form or another, his favorite being the domestic house cat.

“I like the cats. They give the place a certain je ne sais quoi. Anyway, catch you later.” Julian finished as he gathered his things and headed for the door. He and Layla didn’t exactly get along great. They weren’t enemies by any means just two totally different types of people and if he wasn’t mistaken he made her uneasy.

Decided that he would leave his car at the store for now he decided to walk the rest of the way into the center of town where all the preparations were taking place. What better time to scope out what could be the event of the century? As he pulled out a crooked cigarette and lit it with the black bic he kept in his pocket he found himself in front of the pub. “Nah, too early. Not that much of a degenerate.” The tall, lanky boy said to himself out loud. His smooth baritone, comforting and soothing even to his own ears.

It was then he spotted his sister and Ava and with a crooked grin he walked over to the pair, overhearing most of their conversation on his way over. Tucking his hand into the pockets of his jeans he leaned against the wooden pillar holding up a booth still in the process of being assembled.

“I was just about to ask the same question.” Jules replied in greeting as he took a drag from the still lit cigarette dangling from his pouty lips. “I plan on getting properly wasted and I just can’t do it on my own, it’s not nearly as fun.” He finished with a cheeky grin and a wink in Ava’s direction.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Ailuros Character Portrait: Dehlilah Cyprus Character Portrait: Bryce Nepthys Character Portrait: Bella Jade Aset Character Portrait: Amanda Cyprus Character Portrait: Antonio Diaz
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"So, little to say but so much time, despite my empty mouth, the words are in my mind," Layla walked up and down the racks of music, the racks were of a metal construct, made by small black poles, holding up rows and rows of assorted music, from the old to the new. Over the speakers playing: First Love by Adele, this is a really good 'peaceful mood' song of Layla's, she is heard singing along casually, as she inspected the music, re-arranging any misplaced cases. Suddenly she felt a familiar touch at her leg, it was Akil rubbing against her with his black smooth fur. With a smile on her face she puts the final case away and picks him up, his tail swaying peacefully. She rubbed her nose against his and laughed, she was in a happy mood, she started to comically dance with him, it was a slow and happy dance, she smiled as she sang, "Please wear the face, the one where you smile," she stopped and placed the cat gently down on the counter with the happy Alko. She reached into her pocket in her top, and pulled out her phone. She unlocked it and opened her messages, she had received a reply from Bryce.

To: Layla
K. See you in an hour or so, then?

As she read the message, she was filled with joy, she started to type excitedly on the touch screen.

To: Bryce
Yeah, sure. About to close up the music store soon anyway, then take Akil and Alko home. Wanna meet up at the park or resteraunt or something?

She locked her phone then placed it safely back in her top pocket. With that she made a squeal of joy and danced around the room as: Cold Shoulder, Adele came on through the speakers. She liked being in an Adele mood today. Over on the counter the two cat lovers danced to, it was ironic actually. One was black, and the other white, Ying and Yang right? It was strange the way that Layla found the two.

It was a chilly winter morning actually, she was 10 and she was walking like a penguin at the amount of warm clothing her father had put on her. She was playing in the snow with her brother, they were building a snowman, it was actually quite shabby, they had the pebbles for the buttons and mouth, a nice red scarf, and who couldn't forget the nice long carrot for the nose? When they finished they gave a cheerful "Hip Hip!" then in a couple of seconds snow bursted everywhere, two little kittens jumped through the snow construct. One thing led to another and Layla's parents let her keep them. They were her friends, and sometimes they seemed like human beings to her. But they weren't, luckily for her though, she had a knack for making friends.

As the song came to finish, Layla switched off the music, with a touch of a button on the master remote and sat it back on the counter. As she happily made her way to the door, her cats trailed behind her playfully, she grabbed the plastic sign to 'Open' to 'Closed', with a single sweep, and opened the door and walked out, locking the door behind her, still humming the remnants of the song she just heard. She walked her way across the cobbled street and made it to the front door of her house, and let the door open for her companions, as they let out a thanking 'Meow' as they slipped inside. She smiled as she closed the wooden door and walked over to the resteraunt. "Alright, meeting at the restaurant it is then!" she though to herself as she made her way across the busy street, the decor is going good, in a few hours they should be done. She opened the door and made way to an empty table, the table could easily fit four people. She sat down and pulled out her mobile phone, sending a text to Bryce, and to her brother Xander, who she didn't see this morning.

To: Bryce
Hey, at the restaurant, wanna meet up with Tut here?

To Xander:
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey? You awake? If you are, then get dressed. Oh, you are royally invited to spend the time at the Lantern Festival with Bryce and me, I think Tut may come. No idea. Now, get up or Akil will jump on you...Oh! I forgot where to tell you where I am! The Restaurant. :P

With that she presses send and smiles, looking around while placing her phone on the neat tablecloth, as she looks around she notices that she is next to the Greeks. It wasn't really necessary that she would talk to them, but it would be nice to be friendly. But for now, she decided to keep to herself and play games on her phone. While waiting for Bryce and the others.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dehlilah Cyprus Character Portrait: Bella Jade Aset Character Portrait: Amanda Cyprus Character Portrait: Izzy Dias Character Portrait: Antonio Diaz Character Portrait: Fin Bacchus
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Tony was seated next to Dehiliah, collecting himself easily in one breath as he pushed away any and all thoughts other than those that concerned the people at the table. There was a time and place to freak out and this was definitely not the place to do it. So, forcing a convincing smile he leaned forward, propping his elbows on the table. When Viona kindly asked what he wanted he waved a hand at her, having lost his appetite. "I'm fine thanks, but I will take a glass of Dr. Pepper." Tony added on the drink quickly, smiling.

Hanging out with Fin, Amanda, and Dehiliah would help ease his racing mind. And it did, after a few minutes of just focusing on them, he already felt better. His loud and deep laugh rattled through his chest and his large smile was convincing enough to even fool him into thinking everything was alright. Tony knew how to get himself out of trouble, no matter how deep of a hole he had dug, all he needed to do was relax and stay calm. Which he was doing pretty well as he talked with the three other Grecians.

However, despite the fun and games, there was a pressing matter Tony needed to attend to. So with a polite smile Tony rubbed the back of his neck. "You'll have to excuse me," He started with a sigh, stretching slightly in his seat. "Dad might need me to help put up finishing touch ups around town." Standing slowly he finished off the Dr. Pepper he had been drinking. "I'll catch up with you later, boss." Tony promised Dehiliah and then looked to Fin and Amanda. "See y'all later. And with that, he took his leave, waving to them as he walked out of the restaurant.

With the sun shining down on him, Tony stretched his arms over his head, soaking up the warmth. Putting on his sunglasses he headed down the sidewalk, taking one last glance at his friends through the window of the restaurant. The streets were getting busy as the day progressed and Tony found himself wandering around town, admiring all the decorations that had gone up. At one point or another he had run into his father, though there wasn't much for him to help with anymore, so he went back to walking around town.

His phone buzzed in his pocket and a dark eyebrow rose slowly, nobody texted him. Actually, that was a life, his twin texted him all the time. Retrieving the slender black phone from his front pocket he shaded the screen from the sun and looked down at the text message from Izzy. He had been right, his sister had texted him, though she had done so earlier this morning. Tony had been so preoccupied he must've ignored the buzzing alert from his phone until now.

From Izzy:

Hey Antonio, jk, I know how you hate being called that Tony. So guess what, I’ve decided that as your twin sister it’s my job to protect your social life so guess what, you're going to be at that festival tonight. See yah there.

Snorting a laugh out of his nose he texted her back quickly, his large thumbs having difficulty typing on the small keyboard.

To Izzy:

Haha, sorry, just got your text. You'll be happy to know I spent most of my day with other people already. :P See you tonight. Hey, Izzy, smart decisions okay?

Preoccupied with his difficult texting, Tony hadn't been watching where he had been going, bumping his shoulder into someone and dropping his phone as soon as he had hit send. "Shit, sorry, didn't see you there." His apology was quick as he bent down to pick up his phone, unharmed thank the Gods, from where it had fallen. Upon straightening up and looking to the person he had run into accidently. His heart nearly stopped for the second time that day.

"Jade, sorry, again..." His voice trailed off slowly as he looked down at her belly. Putting his hands on his head, he took a step back, obviously shocked with her state. There was no denying it, she was pregnant, all of his doubts put to rest. "Y-you're pregnant?" Tony stammered breathlessly. "Oh Gods..." His voice was barely a whisper. "Where do I even start?" His voice caught in his throat as he tried to explain this outloud to not only Jade, but himself as well.

"We need to talk...But not here." Tony grabbed her wrist, dragging her down the sidewalk. He couldn't have her making a scene in the middle of the street. Pulling her off to the side and into an alley between two of the town shops, Tony let go of her wrist quickly. "I was going to tell you, I was, if I had had any idea you had been seeing somebody at the time..." His sentences were choppy, unorganized. "We were both really drunk...Jade...I'm so, so sorry. I never thought that this," He gestured to her swollen belly. "Was going to happen." Tony finally let go, the weight upon his shoulders lifting ever so slightly as he got this off his chest.