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Viona Kari Jarlson

"There are some things about me that might shock you."

0 · 764 views · located in Northbay, Ireland

a character in “Living Gods”, as played by dreammuffin


"There are some things about me that might shock you."


Name: Viona Kari Jarlson
Nickname: Vi, Kari
Age: 22 - Twenty two
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Pantheon: Norse
Ancestor: Descendant of Thor
Occupation: Student & part time waitress

βœ“ Storms, Stormy weather
βœ“ Lightning
βœ“ Her brothers
βœ“ Heights
βœ“ Animals
βœ“ Good fiction novels
βœ“ Great movies
βœ“ Chocolate

Dislikes: (5)
βœ— Droughts
βœ— Underground places
βœ— The dark
βœ— Heights
βœ— Her brothers getting hurt
βœ— Being alone
βœ— Non fiction stuff

Losing her brothers | Losing control of herself | Death | Being Alone - It's the worst feeling in the world.

Dancing | Hand to Hand combat | Reading

Dancing has been a passion of hers since she was little.
Fighting is something that exhilarates her, and she loves it.
She's a total bookworm, she loves to read fiction novels. She hates non fiction.


Ancestor: Thor, the god of Lightning, Thunder, and Storms.

Viona can control and manipulate lightning. She can summon lightning from her body or the sky, and control where it goes or what it does. Her power also makes her body impervious to most lightning attacks.

She can also create storms, but it uses up a lot of energy. Thunder is also something she has control over, though it's not much. She can just create shock waves of sound

Any earth attacks or powers. Earth doesn't conduct lightning well, so it makes her power somewhat useless.

She's also very stubborn and impulsive. When she makes up her mind about something, it's near impossible to talk her out of it. She can get into fights over something really pointless, even if it's obvious that she's wrong. This can get in the way of a lot of things. She's also very impulsive, doing things before she thinks it through completely. She tries to get a handle on herself, but sometimes it doesn't work.

Her two younger brothers are one of her main weaknesses. She's very protective of them, and if they were ever in danger, she would do anything to keep them safe.

She's very skilled at manipulating people, it's one of those things that's both a gift and a curse.

Dancing has been something she's been into since she was little. It's one of the few things that she's really passionate about.

She recently learned hand to hand combat, and she loves it. It makes her feel powerful, and with her experience in dance, she's very good at it.

Thoughts: "The Egyptians are fine, they aren't too bad, though some of them can be annoying. They seem to think very highly of themselves. That's probably why I tend to stay away from them. The Greeks are starting to get on my nerves, they've only been here awhile, and they've caused quite a disturbance. Guess we gotta learn to coexist though..."



Charismatic | Guarded | Protective | Mistrusting | Stubborn | Manipulative | Clever | Awkward

Viona is quite a friendly, charismatic girl. She loves to be around people, always one to introduce herself and strike up a conversation. She puts others before herself all the time, and tries to help out in any way she can.

Despite her outgoing personality, she's always guarded towards others, and never shares anything personal. Her emotions are rarely shown to others, except her brothers. Her emotions are something she hates troubling others with, but she will make sure she's there if anyone needs to talk. She never shows her emotions to anyone, as she thinks its a sign of weakness.

Trust is something that's very hard to earn with her. If you ever give her a reason to, she will treasure you as a friend. She hates feeling of being let down, and she feels it's easier just to never let herself trust anyone. When she does get close to someone, she tends to get overly protective of them. This might stem from the fact that she's an older sister. She tries to shield people from any physical or emotional pain, it's a responsibility she takes on herself.
Viona is also very stubborn. She makes up her mind about things and it's near impossible to talk her out of it. That stubbornness has gotten her into trouble and danger on more than a few occasions.

Another quality of Vi is that she is very clever. Usually she can solve any problem that comes her way, when she isn't acting on impulse that is. Manipulation is another one of her weapons. She can practically talk herself out of practically any situation. She loves how the right combination of words can get a person to do anything she wants. She avoids doing this to her friends and family though, unless it's absolutely necessary.

Also, Viona can get a little awkward when it comes to things that are alien to her, like love. She's never really given into the thought of love, and any hint of that feeling she felt, she just ignored. She thinks it's kind of pointless, so any efforts done by someone are usually squandered, though she doesn't really mean to.

History: [WIP]

Other: Anything else you want to add.

So begins...

Viona Kari Jarlson's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Layla Ailuros Character Portrait: Amor "Ariel" Amelia Vanadis Character Portrait: Dehlilah Cyprus Character Portrait: Ramses Atum Character Portrait: Leslie Damon Saxon
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#, as written by Issa


Saturday, 20th July

The residents of Northbay have awoken to a surprisingly pleasant summer's day. The weather, by magic or nature, is already a charming 20Β°C (68Β°F) and predictions have the maximum temperature reaching a comfortable 25Β°C (77Β°F). There are only a few wisps of cloud in the sky and a refreshing breeze can be felt throughout the area.

The main street is being prepared for the festival. It is still open to the public as most of the shops lining the street are likely to stay open until the cordons are put up. There is a definite buzz to the town as those involved in the preparation for the festival work and those who are attending look forward to the nights festivities.

For the town Elders there is a feeling of anxiousness. Will their planned festival help to calm the town's tensions or will it do the opposite?

Ramses Atum

Ram lefted his head and closed his green eyes, soaking up the early morning sun as it bet down on the lake. Cool water sprayed in his face and a constant breeze ruffled his hair. It was perfect sailing weather and Ram had been up since dawn to make the most of it. His one man boat, named 'The Falcon', raced across the lake, skimming across the waves.

Ram opened his eyes as he drew closer to the shore. Standing up in the boat he shielded his eyes from the sunlight glistening off the water and took in the view. There, pretty as a picture, sat Northbay. It fit snuggly between the lakeshore and the hills beyond. He could make out the main street with its small array of shows on either side. There was a large amount of activity in the street, surprising for such a small town and so early on a Saturday.

Then again it was the day of the Lantern Festival. No doubt every spare hand the Elder's could rope into helping was busy putting up decorations. Ram's father Ramsey was a member of the Elders' Council so Ramses was able to get all his information first hand and fresh. The festival was officially an overdue welcome to the Greeks. Unofficially it was to try and calm down the rising animosities between the different groups in the town. As Ram's father had said, if the town could come together and enjoy this one, simple event then they would be one step closer to regaining peace and order.

Ram thought it was a vain hope. He highly doubted that bringing together the whole town into one street would solve anything. Quite the opposite really. Ram knew little of the Greeks but he had grown up with the Norse and his own Egyptian pantheon. He knew enough to understand that there would always be certain individuals who do anything but try to ease tensions.

Shaking such thoughts from his head Ram aimed the boat to shore. A moment later he pulled into the docks, jumping onto the wooden jetty with the ease of practice. He anchored his boat to the jetty, tying it securely. The day may have been calm now but Ram knew enough about Irish weather to know to predict anything. Besides, when you lived in a town of power beings you could never be sure when someone's powers would cause a little mayhem.

Standing up Ram raised his arms above his head and stretched, before straightening out his clothes. With a pleased smile he set off down the wooden walkway, heading towards the Sailing Club rooms and a much needed shower.

Mack Nephthys

Early morning carpentry was probably not the best way to deal with a hangover, but oddly enough Mack found the rhythmic thud of his hammer strangely calming. Or perhaps he was still drunk from last night.

He had visited Northbay's singular drinking hole, the pub, the previous night. It had started as a causal beer, but three bottles of beer, four shots of vodka and who knows what else later his night had ended up much larger than anticipated. He had woken up this morning still in his clothes, his light still on and his alarm cloak blaring from under a pile of clothes.

Mack had agreed to help set up for the Lantern Festival that night. He wasn't even getting paid, but doing it as a favour to the town. Not that he minded doing it for free. Mack didn't have too many expensive habits and the rent on his tiny apartment over the supermarket was relatively cheap.

"Mack! Can you move the lanterns slightly to the left?" Ebony Aset, aunt of the three Aset girls and member of the Elders, shouted from the street. Mack, standing up on a ladder, nodded down at the woman and moved the lanterns as desired. Satisfied Ebony nodded and wondered off to oversee another part of the preparations. Left to his own devices Mack returned to hammering.

Almost finished he gave one final hammer on the nail, only his attention must have slipped because the next thing he knew a sharp pain erupted in his thumb. With a yelp he jerked his hand back, making him lose his balance in the process. His legs went out from under him, his arms pinwheeling in circles as he tried to grab at anything to keep him from falling.
Unfortunately the ladder seemed to elude him and Mack quickly found himself falling. A gust of wind blew up the street, particles of sand held in the breeze. The wind increased in strength and pressure, directing itself around the falling man. Faster than the eye could follow it had formed into a miniature wind funnel, Mack being safely buoyed in the centre. Slowly he was lowered to the ground. Only when his feet had touched concrete did a movement of his hand send the winds away, leaving a thin layer of sand behind.

'Mack, as much as I'm glad you're not hurt...' The stern voice came from Ebony Aset, her foot tapping quickly as she surveyed the tiny beach of sand that his powers had called forth. She had a broom in her hand, 'I want all this sand gone before tonight.' Thrusting it into his grasp Ebony turned and left. Dusting the light sprinkling of sand off his clothes before beginning to sweep up the street, Mack wished - and not for the first time - that his winds didn't magically summon sand when he called them.

Asta Falr

The view from the hills above the town was spectacular. Asta, pausing on her descent, couldn't help but grin at the landscape. The lake was sparkling in the early morning sun, light glistened off the town roofs and there was hardly a cloud in sight. She could have stayed on the thin track that ran up the hills beyond Northbay all day, but one glance at her watch told Asta that she'd need to open the shop soon. With a last glance across the lake Asta turned and made her way, half skipping, down the track.

Most likely it was the excitement of the coming festival that had seen Asta rise so early and head up into the hills. She often went for walks, but rarely so early in the morning. Coming back down she hit the main street at it's beginning. The entrance to Northbay was decorated with a simple sign which read 'Welcome to Northbay'. Asta passed the sign, entering the main street of the town. She passed people setting up stalls, others hanging decorations and more than one person shouting out loud instructions.

Asta waved happily at Mack as she passed him. Curiously he was sweeping up sand, although where the sand came from Asta couldn't be sure. Down the street she went, dodging in and out of the workers, until she reached the Bookstore.
"Key, key key... Oh, there you are!" She muttered to herself as she dug into her cardigan pockets. The Bookstore owner had given Asta the responsibility of opening the store today and she would have hated it if she'd lost the keys already.

She pushed the door open and stepped into the dark room. The light switch was unfortunately at the other end of the store and Asta didn't fancy wondering through the dark to find it. So, holding her hand out, she summoned a small sphere of light and used it to guide her through.

Ten minutes later, the store lit, open and ready for customers, Asta sat back at the counter with a sigh of relief. From here she had a good view of the festival preparations, but instead of watching the workers outside she picked up her book 'Catch-22' and began to read. The doorbell would jingle as soon as anyone entered, meaning until then she could happily lose herself in Joseph Heller.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mack Nephthys Character Portrait: Viona Kari Jarlson
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Viona squirmed under the covers as sunlight shined in through her window. Her room seemed to be glowing a light orange. Her eyes fluttered open, and she checked her clock. It was 8:00 am. She wearily got out of bed and stretched, trying to blink away any remaining sleep. Running a hand through her messy curls, she checked her phone before going into the bathroom.

She turned on the shower, letting the hot water run down her body. For some reason, she preferred her showers hot, hot enough to make your skin turn red. Steam curled out of the bathroom as she opened the door and walked out wrapped in a towel. She quickly threw on some shorts and a loose shirt before heading downstairs.

She opened up the refrigerator to look for breakfast. There wasn't much she was in the mood for, so she just opted for some toast. Popping two slices of bread into the toaster, she leaned against the kitchen counter waiting. She heard the sound of the toaster ejecting the toast out, and quickly ate them both. Looking up at a clock on the wall, checked the time once more. It was getting late, and she had promised to help with the preparations for the festival. Running back upstairs, she grabbed her cellphone and shoved it into her back pocket before leaving.

It was a beautiful day, a very comfortable temperature, and the sun was shining. It took her a few minutes to reach Main Street, but once she got there, she could see a lot of people working. Some were putting up decorations, setting up booths, fixing floats, and any other tasks that needed to be done. A little further down, she saw Mack sweeping up sand, though it was curious where the sand came from. She went to help set up decorations.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dehlilah Cyprus Character Portrait: Amanda Cyprus Character Portrait: Izzy Dias Character Portrait: Antonio Diaz Character Portrait: Fin Bacchus Character Portrait: Viona Kari Jarlson
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Viona teetered on the ladder she was standing on as she strung up yet another lantern. When she finished with that one, she put her hands on her hips and paused to take a breath. Her phone vibrated in her back pocket and she reached back to take it out. The screen of her phone lit up as she read the message.

Hey all, your queen has awoken! So where’s everyone up to? I’m looking forward to seeing all you peeps at the festival tonight, and festivals aren’t even like my thing like at all! So you guys better be there because if I’m there alone with the village elders, heads shall roll! Lol! Will be in town fyi so feel free to meet up with me.

From: Izzy Dias

She couldn't help but smile at the ditzy blonde's text. Whenever you were with Izzy, you were sure to have a good time. She needed that today, after all, it was a festival. Her thumbs flew over the touch screen as she replied to Izzy.

To: Izzy

Haha, morning! I'll definitely be there, we should all meet up :)

From: Viona

She slid her phone back into her pocket and reached up to sting up another lantern. You couldn't tell now, since it was mid morning, and the lanterns weren't lit, but the street would look beautiful at night when the festival started. She had been working for awhile now, helping with lanterns and decorations. The street was full of noise as people worked to put together their stalls. "I should head to work..." she thought to herself.

As she lowered herself from the ladder, she almost fell down when she missed a step. Her hands latched onto the sides as the ladder wobbled and steadied itself. "Gods, I should be more careful." Stepping off the ladder, she took her phone out and started typing.

To: Ronan

Hey, I better see you at the festival tonight~

From: Viona

She returned her phone to her pocket and headed towards the restaurant. She ran a hand through her long curls as she neared the building. Looking up, she saw a small group gathered near the restaurant, and she recognized a few faces. "Hey guys," she said with a grin. She opened up the door to the restaurant and walked in, heading towards the kitchen. She put on the small white half apron, reaching to tie in behind her as she walked back out. She took out a notepad and went to table, with Fin, Amanda, Deliliah and Tony. "Wonder where Odessa went," she thought as she remembered seeing her outside. "Hey, what would you guys like?" she asked with a smile.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Mack Nephthys Character Portrait: Bella Jade Aset Character Portrait: Liam Anapa Character Portrait: Terrance Falr Character Portrait: Viona Kari Jarlson
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#, as written by Jynxii

Alaura looked to Mack as he said, "No, nothing. I don't need to be repaid," adding to Jade, "I'm glad you're alright Jade." Alaura smiled and glanced to Jade as Quincy said something to her. "Okay... Hoping everything is alright. Maybe we should bring Jade back to her home... I know that she probably doesn't want to stay here at least," Liam added into the conversation. "Do you need anything? I can swing by the supermarket and pick up any supplies..." The offer from Mack was very nice, but she shook her head, saying "I don't think there's--" "The doctor said I need prenatal vitamins," Jade cut in, speaking up as she took her hand away from Alaura. "And, I'm pregnant, not crippled. Alaura, don't you have festival decorations to be putting up?" The snide tone to her voice caused Alaura to shift, standing beside Mack now to look at her little sister. What had gotten into her? Aside from some guy who didn't have the decency to stay around.

Alaura stood silent for a moment, her jaw locked tight. "Just go back to decorating for the festival, I'm sure they need the help. My house isn't far-" "Oh, come on, Bella, don't be dramatic.." "I'll walk. I want to walk, Alaura. I need some time to think. Mack, if you could maybe bring the vitamins over later, or give them to me when you see me at the festival- yes, I'm still going, that'd be great." Alaura sighed, putting a hand to her temple. "Thank you all for being so worried, but I'm healed now, and I'm okay. I was just a little shook up, but Mack totally took care of me so I'm good now, okay? I'll see you all at the festival."

Alaura unlocked her jaw, throwing her hands into the air as her sister stormed off through the hospital doors. "She's so hard headed.." With an exasperated sigh, Alaura turned back to the men that had been so helpful and worried over her little sister. "Thank you again, Mack. You, too, Liam for.. caring." She turned to look at Terrance and smiled, gently placing a hand onto his shoulder. "I guess we should get back to work?" With her family crisis over, and a lot to think about, Alaura walked briskly back out to her car, waiting for Terrance to join her if he would, and then driving back to her apartment, just above the bakery.

She got out of her car with a sigh as the door shut. Alaura reached out and laid her head onto the roof of her baby blue bug. What had happened? Her baby sister... Pregnant. It wasn't supposed to be Bella first- it was supposed to be her! Had she failed her family in some way? Had she missed her time? Had life really passed her by so quickly? Worse, what was her little sister going to do with five children? As exciting as it was, it was always very sobering. There was money to be made, cribs to buy, doctor visits to plan and pay for. The cost and the seriousness of the recent events weighed heavily on her. She wanted to cry- to fall apart, but she couldn't. Not with Terrance there. She needed to be strong- to be Alaura Aset; responsible and productive.

Pushing her own drama aside, she leaned up from her car and sighed again as if to release all of her negative energy. [color= indigo]"I have a festival to run,"[/color] she stated in her breath, striding up onto the sidewalk and quickly making her way into the fray of volunteers. Time seemed to warp around her; as she completely submerged herself into decorating, setting up, and directing the festival alongside her aunt. Before long, the street was starting to fill with people and music. The booths and vendors were all running smoothly, aside from the kissing booth which she noticed was still empty. Bella- it had been her assignment. Alaura was obviously annoyed, but shook it off. She had other things she needed to be doing.

She must have looked like a chicken with her head cut off- jogging from place to place to meet with this person or that, making sure that everything was running smoothly. In all honesty; in situations of high pressure is where Alaura worked best. Always having something to do- someone to talk to, someone to praise or someone to fuss at. She finished bringing out the last box of lanterns that would be handed out to people when she finally took a breath. "I just want everything to go perfectly," she confessed to Terrance, who by some miracle had managed to keep up with her and do most of the heavy lifting.

"Let's grab some lunch, yeah? Hopefully none of my siblings will have a nuclear melt down while I try to eat this time," she joked, though her stomach growled at her in protest. They hadn't had a chance to eat the picnic they originally packed, and it had gone bad sitting in the back of her car, which she discovered as she opened the trunk and smelled the sour mayonnaise. With a wince, she took out the basket and set it beside her car. "I guess lunch will have to be in the cafe`." With an apologetic smile, she led the way to the cafe` and politely asked Viona for a table for two. "Have you been busy today?" she asked politely as they were led to their table. "Well, I hope you get off in time to get to enjoy the festival. We've really worked hard on it, and besides- you deserve a little fun. How's your family?" Alaura waited for her to respond before saying, "I'll have a caesar salad with grilled chicken and a water, please. With lemon."

After Terrance had ordered and Viona had elegantly walked off, Alaura turned her attention to her friend, eyes narrowing on him just slightly. "How are your classes coming?" He'd know what she meant. She wondered how many months clean he was now, but didn't want to ask for fear of offending him. This was a typical Alaura maneuver- direct attention and worry to someone else in times of stress or worry for herself or her family.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Terrance Falr Character Portrait: Viona Kari Jarlson
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Quincy watched in silence as Alaura and Jade spoke, pretending to mind his own business and advert his gaze to a picture on the waiting room wall as the two talked, though he hadn't let go of Jade's hand. At one point his gaze had been peeled away from the picture, feeling as if there were two holes being burned into his skin. Turning his head he looked at Liam, giving the slightest shake of his head. Not now, Liam, I cant deal with you right now.

When Jade had decided to leave, he squeezed her hand one last time. "See you later, bird." His voice was soft, understanding in tone. They would have to have a talk alone, when Alaura wasn't around, if Jade wanted to that was. They were close friends and even though Quincy agreed with Alaura most of the time, there were other options Jade could choose, some that the older sister would frown deeply upon.

"I guess we should get back to work?" Alaura had said, though Quincy could sense that she was stressing big time. "Yeah," Was all he said, thinking that putting up decorations and preparing for the festival would keep Alaura's mind off of Jade. It would keep his mind off of it too. Following suit, he walked with Alaura out to the car he had parked for her, getting into the passenger seat without a word. What advice could he give anyways? His life was unstable, walking a thin line between straight and chaotic, it'd be better if he kept his opinion to himself, save sounding like an idiot.

Driving to the bakery he got out of the car when Alaura had, pausing as she lay her head on the top of the bug, sighing wholeheartedly. Quincy opened his mouth to say something, anything that could make her feel better, to comfort her. Before he even had time to make a peep she had already straightened up, collecting herself in the way she always did. "I have a festival to run," and just like that she was striding up the sidewalk, back to work once more.

Clenching is mouth shut and stuffing his hands in his pockets, he followed, keeping his eyes on the sidewalk. For the next few hours he had helped Alaura and her Aunt decorate, he hadn't actually put anything up, but instead had handed them the decorations from below as they stood on ladders or he carried around a box of supplies as they went from window to window down the street. He didn't mind, he never did, and after awhile it seemed as if everything were back to the way it had been. As if the morning's events hadn't happened.

"I just want everything to go perfectly," Alaura turned to him after setting down a box of lanterns. Quincy was unsure if she wanted the festival to go perfectly or things with her sister. Honestly, she could've meant both. "With you around, it always does." His response held the same animosity as her statement, smiling as he ran a hand through his hair and took a step back to look at their handiwork. The decorations had come along nicely and the street seemed brighter and more inviting than ever.

"Let's grab some lunch, yeah? Hopefully none of my siblings will have a nuclear melt down while I try to eat this time," Alaura was trying to liven up the situations, though he knew her well enough to know that she was worried. Walking back to the car, he was hoping that their morning brunch could've been salvaged, but instead was greeted with foul smelling mayo. "I guess lunch will have to be in the cafe`." Alaura stated, once again leading the way down the street and into the cafΓ©.

Quincy didn't know Viona personally, but she seemed sociable and nice as they walked in, taking them to a table and handing them menus. He had never eaten here before, not because he didn't like the small cafΓ©, but because he usually made his own food. The only time he ever went out to eat was with Alaura and her sisters. "I'll have the turkey club and a glass of water."

Viona sauntered off to the back, leaving Quincy and Alaura alone. He felt her unwavering stare and instantly got nervous, palms sweating slightly as he shifted in his seat. "How are your classes coming?" Alaura probed. Quincy tensed up slightly, looking away from her and out of the cafΓ© window. "Don't worry about it," His voice was weak as his hand went absentmindedly to his inner elbow, rubbing the bruised spot under his white long sleeved shirt. This wasn't the time for Alaura to be concerned with his problems, she had her own to deal with right now, adding more would only stress her out. "I can take care of myself y'know, I don't need you to babysit me." he mumbled, looking down at the table.

Quincy shook his head, realizing how cold and distant he had sounded just now, rolling his shoulders as he leaned back into the booth seat, rubbing his face with his hands. "I'm sorry," he started with a sigh, looking across the table at her. "The classes are going great, no slip ups." Quincy confirmed with a small smile, though he was kicking himself mentally for lying to her. She wouldn't find out, there was already too much on her plate already, and now with Jade's pregnancy...Well, Quincy would have to look out for himself. It was bout time, he was a grown man after all, it was time he took control of his life instead of relying on her to keep bouncing him back."I promise, cross my heart and hope to die." His smile widened as he crossed an X over his heart.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bella Jade Aset Character Portrait: Viona Kari Jarlson Character Portrait: Calypso Serrure Character Portrait: Ava Apophis Character Portrait: Ronan Saxon Character Portrait: Julian Serrure
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Julian smiled brightly at his twin at the mention of Alyssa and the pub, he could care less about lighting a lantern and setting it loose but he did care whether or not they enjoyed themselves. Tonight would probably involve some sort of mischief, ample amounts of alcohol and apparently two very attractive girls to distract him. At least if Ava decided she wanted to join them, which judging by the way she kept looking at his sister and himself was a distinct possibility.

β€œComplacent, us? If only, imagine how boring that’d be. The thought makes me shudder.” He replied with mock fear, his heavy lidded blue eyes going wide with fake shock. Turning his attention back to Ava he watched her quietly, a lopsided grin splashed across his face as she asked to bum a cig. Digging for the crumpled pack in his pocket he pulled them out and produced a single cigarette. Stuffing the pack back into his front pocket he took a step closer to Ava, obviously appreciating her presence and held out the smoke for her to take.

β€œI suppose I can part with one, for a friend.” Julian said charmingly, his voice a low rumble, as he regarded the girl in front of him. Pulling a lighter from his other pocket he produced a flame for Ava. He was nothing but a perfect gentleman after all.
He took this opportunity to glance at his sister, another wicked smile crossing his classically handsome face, as he noticed the slight change in her demeanor. β€œI don’t know, Calypso, takes a special sort of person to hang with us. Fearlessness, a sense of adventure, an I don’t give a fuck type of attitude...what do you say Ava? Think you can handle it”Julian finished, cocking his head to the side and casually observing the brunette through a curtain of his flyaway blond hair as he finished his cig and deftly flicked it away.

It was then that he received a text, taking moment to fish his phone out of his pocket he quickly glanced at the message before rolling his eyes and furrowing his brow. He knew Jade, they weren’t extremely close but he supposed he liked her well enough, but a kissing booth? Him? She was aware that most everyone in town detested him and his ancestor, right?
β€œListen to this.” He said, preparing to read the message aloud.

Hey everyone! I know this is super last minute, but I was supposed to work the kissing booth and get it organized, but... something came up. I have the following time slots that need to be filled, and I would love you forever if you could take a shift? 6:00-6:30, 7:00-7:30, 8:00-8:30, 9:00-9:30, and 10:00-10:30. The thirty minutes between each time the booth will hold raffles- the money goes to the school playground! Martha will be taking care of the raffles, so after your thirty minutes is up you're free (: Let me know, guys! Again, thanks so much!

β€œShe wants me to man the kissing booth, which has probably got to be one of the worst ideas ever, yeah? Should I do it? Imagine one of those prissy old women, always railing against Loki, standing in line so I can kiss them for charity. Mum would be so proud.” Julian finished with a laugh, certainly entertaining the notion, at least for now.


Ronan pushed his glasses off his face and pinched the bridge of his nose, he could already feel a bit of a headache coming on, probably from his hangover rearing its ugly head yet again. Sighing he pushed away from his desk and went to retrieve more coffee, knowing that if he didn't he’d probably pass out at his desk and completely miss the lantern festival after which his mother would make his life hell. She took her responsibility as an elder very seriously.

As he trudged back to his desk, two reporters were waiting to hand over their articles and photos to be proofread and confirmed before being published. Flipping his glasses back onto his face he sat down with a plop and looked up at the two people standing over him. β€œWell, let’s get on with it then. Although I will remind you we have deadlines for a reason.” He said a bit tersely looking at the clock, they were really cutting it close and he didn't relish having to rush through and make sure everything was as it should be.

For the next hour and a half he worked steadily making sure that every article, column and picture in his care was properly confirmed and ready for publishing. When Ronan finally handed off his finished projects he decided to call it a day and finally took a moment to look at his phone.

To: Ariel, Asta, Julian, Leslie, Ronan, Bryce, Chione, Ramses, Fin, Daphne, Izzy, Stephanie.

Message: [GROUP MESSAGE] Hey everyone! I know this is super last minute, but I was supposed to work the kissing booth and get it organized, but... something came up. I have the following time slots that need to be filled, and I would love you forever if you could take a shift? 6:00-6:30, 7:00-7:30, 8:00-8:30, 9:00-9:30, and 10:00-10:30. The thirty minutes between each time the booth will hold raffles- the money goes to the school playground! Martha ((NPC)) will be taking care of the raffles, so after your thirty minutes is up you're free (: Let me know, guys! Again, thanks so much!

Frowning slightly at the thought of having to kiss strange people, he weighed his options and quickly texted back.

To: Jade

Sure thing. I can do the 8-8:30 slot for you if you’d like?

Quickly he pressed send, and figured he’d face his decision when the time came. He knew his mother wanted him to be a part of the festival and it had hurt her feelings a bit when he begged off because of work. Ronan figured he’d kill two birds with one stone. Help out a friend and make his mother happy…every boy’s dream. Sometimes he swore he was the most boring person on the planet.

Scrolling further into his phone he smiled shyly as he read the text he received from Viona.

To: Ronan

Hey, I better see you at the festival tonight~

Taking a moment to think about what he wanted to say to the friend he’d had a crush on since they were teenagers he deftly typed out a message before sending it on it’s way.

To: Viona

Of course I’ll be there; I’ll be manning the kissing booth apparently. If you’re lucky I’ll give you one for free.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Dehlilah Cyprus Character Portrait: Amanda Cyprus Character Portrait: Terrance Falr Character Portrait: Antonio Diaz Character Portrait: Fin Bacchus
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Viona smiled as she wrote down one Dr. Pepper for Tony, and the rest of the orders from the other three. "They'll be right out," she said and went into the kitchen. She gave to order to the chef, and came back out with the food balanced in her hands. She set the food down at the table, and a glass of Dr. Pepper in front of Tony. "Let me know if you guys need anything else," she said.

A couple hours later, she saw Alaura and Terrence waiting to be seated. At the request of a table for two, she walked them to a booth. "Have you been busy today?" "Not really, I guess it's because a lot of people are helping out with the preparations." She placed down two menus and took out her notepad. "Well, I hope you get off in time to get to enjoy the festival. We've really worked hard on it, and besides- you deserve a little fun. How's your family?" "My shift ends before five, so I'll definitely go to the festival. My family is doing fine, my brothers are annoying as ever, haha." Alaura and her didn't talk much, but when they did, she was a sweetheart. Terrence seemed a little quiet during the whole exchange.

She wrote down Alaura's order of a caesar salad with grilled chicken and a water with lemon, and Terrence's of a turkey club and a glass of water. "They'll be out in a moment." she assured as she sauntered off to the kitchen. Viona came back out with their food and drinks a few minutes later, and set them down in front of them. "Enjoy~" Her phone buzzed in her back pocket and she took it out to check it.
To: Viona

Of course I’ll be there; I’ll be manning the kissing booth apparently. If you’re lucky I’ll give you one for free.

From: Ronan

She smiled and leaned against an empty table as she typed back.

To: Ronan

Haha nice, can't wait. :) See you there.

From: Viona

Sliding the phone back in her pocket, she went back to work.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Ailuros Character Portrait: Dehlilah Cyprus Character Portrait: Amanda Cyprus Character Portrait: Fin Bacchus Character Portrait: Viona Kari Jarlson Character Portrait: Odessa Martis
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Fin followed the two blonde sisters and Tony as they entered the restaurant, and upon entering he was happily assaulted by the smell of freshly cooked food. He noticed Odessa sitting by herself and without even thinking he grinned as he feet steered him towards the girl. Though he was brought back to the group as Dehlilah asking for a table for four and food overtook his previous thought pattern.

Fin smiled broadly as Viona approached their table, she had always been one of his favourite people in Northbay since she was always so friendly and up for a conversation. He order his meal and happily ate it when Viona returned from the kitchen with it.


It was after they had all finished lunch that Amanda excused herself first. β€œBye,” Finn called out to Amanda as she walked out before turning back to Dehlilah and smiling sheepishly. β€œAnd then there were two,” he said as he his eyes slide to the clock on the far wall. β€œAnd pretty soon there will only be one,” he said reluctantly as he realised that his was due to start his shift at the restaurant now.

β€œMy shift here starts in five,” He explained and he motioned to restaurant they were sitting in. β€œI really do hate to leave such a pretty girl alone though,” Fin added on while smiling broadly since Dehlilah being exceedingly pretty was just a commonly accepted fact. Sighing he got up and headed through the restaurant towards the back room. Though even just that took him at least five minutes seemings as he kept stopping to say β€˜hi’ to pretty much everyone who had come in for lunch.

β€œEnjoy your lunch Layla,” Fin said grinning as he walked pasted Layla’s table, remembering her from earlier outside the restaurant. β€œ-And it’s Xander right?” Fin asked the guy she was sharing a table with, he was pretty sure he was her brother but he couldn’t be sure. Though he was always up for meeting new people.

He hardly waited to hear the two’s answers before moving on further through the restaurant greeting more people as he went. He also found Odessa sitting by herself clearly enjoying her meal, he found her love of food somewhat endearing. β€œI take it your enjoying that?” He asked casually as he slid in behind the counter she was eating at, grinning at Viona who was standing nearby. Though he crossed his finger hoping she didn’t comment on his slight lateness.

β€œHey co-worker,” He greeted cheerily, β€œread any good books lately?” Pretty much everyone who knew Viona knew she was a sucker for a good fiction book. Though he turned and made a playfully revolted faced and mouthed reading to Odessa while also making hand motions like reading a book. Fin did not understand reading at all, for him there was nothing more boring then reading a book, all through high school he had been constantly thrown out of English class for not reading the novels. After a paragraph of reading he just tuned out and would let his attention wander onto a new activity.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Layla Ailuros Character Portrait: Amor "Ariel" Amelia Vanadis Character Portrait: Dehlilah Cyprus Character Portrait: Ramses Atum Character Portrait: Leslie Damon Saxon
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Issa


Saturday, 20th July

The main street of Northbay, still illuminated by the soon to be setting sun, has come alive. Music (a local folk band currently playing on the stage) drifts down the street.

Residents arrive to take a look at what the festival has to offer: food, games, competitions, raffles and trinkets for sale.

Of course, given that the town's residents are the descendent of gods you can bet that there will be other stalls selling magical items and game booths encouraging use of powers.

Mack Nephthys

- Midday -

Mack was shaking his head as a pair of helpers moved a beam of wood into place,
"Watch where you're..." He started to warn the pair before, crash! the beam hit another pile of poles and sent them rolling across the road. Luckily most of the street was blocked off from pedestrians so there was little need for Mack to run screaming after them. Instead he simply pointed after them to the pair that had caused the crash.

A moment later a voice made him turn and he found Dehlilah Cyprus standing behind him.
"Um, hey I didn't want to interrupt but um can you ask the girl, my friend ran into if she's ok?" She sounded nervous, or perhaps she was just breathless from running across the street.
"Jade. Her name is Jade." Mack said. He felt uncharacteristically defensive of Jade. He was a friendly guy, he didn't take too many things to heart and was easily able to brush off most insults. But the crash this morning had almost cost Jade her babies and in his eyes Dehlilah had been more concerned with getting Antonio into the restaurant than caring for the hurt girl. Still, the fact that she was here asking after Jade meant that Mack's voice wasn't cold, it was simply lacking its usual warmth.

"I would have helped, but I didn't know if you'd want us... To put our noses in your business," Mack wondering who 'our' was meant to be, Dehlilah and Antonio? Mack shook his head slightly. He was about to argue that it had only been 'his' business because he had been concerned, but decided to hold his tongue. He liked Dehlilah well enough, from the little he had seen of her around town. Besides a moment later she looked over her shoulder. She said goodbye, placed a hand on his arm and added "Thanks, seriously," before leaving.

After she left Mack turned back to the set-up, shaking his head as he saw that in the few minutes his attention had been elsewhere all chaos had erupted...

- 5:00 pm -

Mack sat back, enjoying the cool beer in his hand as he watched the cordons open and the first residents enter the festival. Mack was at one of the stalls set up outside the bar, fairy lights twinkled above his head and the setting sun was caught and held by the string of mirror-like, plastic crystals that were twined around a nearby lamp post. Soon enough the whole street would be lit by the fairy lights and street lamp, creating a magical setting for the night's festivities.

Mack's hangover of the morning was well and truly gone. In fact, if he found the right people he wouldn't be against making an event out of tonight. He finished his beer and signaled for the bar keep who passed him another. He popped it open, appreciating the tsk of goodness being released.
"To a good night." He said to the bar keep, tilting his bottle in a salute. He returned his gaze to the street, took a sip and leaned back, waiting for the night to begin.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fin Bacchus Character Portrait: Viona Kari Jarlson Character Portrait: Odessa Martis
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0.00 INK


Viona looked up at Fin as he slid behind the counter and grinned at her. She returned a wide smile as he greeted her. β€œHey co-worker, read any good books lately?” "Hey Fin, a tad late are we?" she asked him jokingly. "Oh yeah, I did read this book called..." She trailed off as she saw him making hand motions of reading, and playfully pushed his hands away. She knew Fin wasn't one to read, he didn't get how staring at a page with words was entertaining.

"Anyway, it sucks that your shift starts when the festival does." Viona grabbed started wiping the counter as her shift drew to an end. "When it does end, we should meet up." She turned to Odessa with a smile and added, "You too Odessa!" Tugging at the strings of her apron, she took it off and put it back where she got it. "I gotta go, see you guys later~" She called, looking back and giving them a wave as she stepped out of the restaurant.

Viona headed towards Main street, taking her time as it was still early, not many people would be at the festival yet. As she neared, she could see the many stalls set up along the sides, and the lanterns strung up. Now that the decorating and building was done, it looked great. She paused by a stall selling jewelery and trinkets. A silver bracelet with small lightning bolt charms caught her eye. Looking closer, each lightning bolt was set with small light blue stones. It was really pretty, and it associated with her power. She purchased the little bracelet and put it on, her fingers struggling with the clasp for a moment. She thanked the vendor before continuing down the street, looking at the other stalls.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Ailuros Character Portrait: Fin Bacchus Character Portrait: Viona Kari Jarlson Character Portrait: Xander Johnathan Ailuros
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0.00 INK


Seeing Fin in the restaurant, Xander gave him a friendly smile. "Hey, yeah, you got it right." He called after him, but poor Fin was already gone and working harder. Xander could never understand how hard people could work at something outside of their passion. The only reason he worked hard at the dance studio was because that was his passion, he loved dancing far more than anyhting else. With that, he turned to his sister again. "Come on! We're gonna be late for the festival if you take too much longer. I may be lazy, but you're the procrastinator." Xander gave his baby sister a small smirk, then ushered her out of the restaurant.

-5 PM-

Xander had decided soon after he had gotten to the festival to go and leave Layla with her boyfriend. Sometimes he really wished that he could have someone to be with, but he didn't dwell on it much. If it was gonna happen, it would happen in it's own time. Meanwhile, he would enjoy the festival to its fullest, and he did that by walking around and buying foods like corn dogs and funnel cake. The sticky goodness was wonderful, and he licked every bit f it off his fingers as he walked around more and more.

Eventually, Xander saw Viona at a jewlery stand with a new bit of jewelery on her, and he was glad to see a familiar face. He made his way over to her after he realized she was walking away and tapped her on the shoulder, with clean fingers of course. "Hey girlie. How are you liking the festival so far?" Xander walked next to Viona and looked around the area, admiring the different stalls that were available. "My sister decided to go make kissy faces with her boyfriend and I've been left to fend for myself." He said with a slight chuckle, after feigning pain. "So what's your story? Did you get dragged here with anyone, or did you come on your own for fun? You supposed to be meeting anyone around here?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Terrance Falr Character Portrait: Viona Kari Jarlson Character Portrait: Tutankhamun Nekheny
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0.00 INK


Sitting with Alaura, Terrance ate silently after his small fit, focusing on the turkey club he had ordered, sipping at the water. A finger drew lines into the condensation on the glass after he had polished off his meal. It wasn't long after that he could feel Alaura starting to shift, anxious to get moving as the soft sound of music started to grow louder. As Alaura looked out the cafe window, Terrance took the moment to pull out his phone reading the text that Jade had sent to him. Even though he knew electronics from the inside out, he had never really picked up on the texting fab and slid his phone back into his pocket.

"Looks like the festival's starting," Terrance looked up at Alaura as she spoke, smiling as he watched her eyes light up. "Well, lets go then." Quincy put his hands on the table as he stood up, pausing a moment to unfold his wallet and throw a few bucks on the table. If Alaura was going to pay he would tip, leaving three dollars for Viona. With a sweep of his arm he gestured for Alaura to lead them out, though he pushed the door open for her on the way out. "Have a good night, Viona." Terrance gave a small wave and smile as they headed out.

"Wow," Quincy turned his head to look at Alaura as she let out a content sigh. His eyes wandered over her body, admiring the lights that gave her skin a warm glow. Throwing an arm over his shoulder he took a moment to look around their work, smiling. "We did pretty good A." Terrance murmured in agreement. He had to admit, the day hadn't been wasted on setting up the decorations, it really did transform the town. Terrance felt like he was in a wonderland, the mad hatter, walking along with his Alice.

Walking along, Quincy found himself smiling to the others wandering around, also enjoying the night as the sun started to set behing the small town buildings. "Where to even start?" Alaura had asked aloud. Shrugging, Quincy just let out a small chuckle as his friend looked around, trying to decide where to visit first. "Let's go ride the Ferris wheel," Alaura suggested, causing Terrance to raise a dark brow in question. "You want to go on a Ferris wheel? You? Miss afraid of heights." There was a teasing tone to his voice.

"Alright, lets g-" He was cut off as Alaura practically dragged him down the street and into the empty lot where the Ferris wheel had been set up. They stood in line, Quincy leaning up against the railing that was supposed to keep the line single filed, though didnt do very well. The Norse man was smiling as he heard the laughter from the persons already riding the Ferris wheel, looking up to see if he recognized anybody.

Terrance went rigid as a gentle hand touched his cheek. "I'm glad to hear that you're doing well, Terrance. No slip ups? That's... well, that's amazing. I'm so proud of you," Alaura had said to him, her voice the softest of whispers to his ears. "Oh, uh, its nothing really-" His eyes went wide as the world blurred away, leaving only him and the woman who had brushed her soft lips against his cheek. The moment didn't last nearly as long as Quincy had expected it to, the world coming back into focus rather quickly. "Tut!" Alaura waved to the Egyptian man.

Gods, he couldnt catch a break. First Liam and now Tut, this day was unexpectedly disappointing. "Hey, want to ride with us?" Quincy's heart dropped like a stone, his head hanging slightly as he stood up a little straighter. As Tut walked closer, Terrance had absentmindedly taken a step toward Alaura, his arm brushing hers. "Hey guys! Sure, I'll tag along." The egyptian man sounded nice and unimposing, though Terrance couldnt help but feel that the other man was a threat to him. "How's your guys' day been so far?"

Terrance shrugged. "Fine. And I dont mean to be that guy, but these things are really only meant for two... That hadn't sound too uncaring, had it? Terrance gave an apologetic smile, shuffling forward in line, moving Alaura along as well. It was their turn now, the Ferris wheel car swaying slightly as the ride came to a stop. "We'll catch you later, Tut." Terrance took a hold of Alaura's hand as she stepped into the car, steadying her as it swayed, following on after, though his hand didn't leave hers.

The car gave a small jerk as the Ferris wheel started moving in a counterclockwise rotation, lifting them higher and higher as the sun slowly sunk lower on the horizon. While Alaura looked out at the town, set aflame in the sunset's glowing light, Terrance studied her. "Beautiful." He murmured simply. There was hardly any space between them anymore as he lifted his free hand to tuck a stray strand of her hair behind her ear. Unlike other times, where he respectfully returned his hand to his own personal space, Terrance let his touch linger on her neck the side of his thumb brushing her cheek.

The hand holding hers, fingers still intertwined, moved to tilt her chin up. His eyes locked with hers, getting lost in their green depths, though he managed to find his way back, gaze flicking down to her full pink lips and then back to her eyes. It was now or never, his moment to express the way he felt. Before he could make another move though, the car swayed again as the Ferris wheel stopped at the very top, coming to a pause. His eyes closed for a brief moment making a mental note: Tip the ride technician on the way down. It was just them up there, away from everything and anyone who could interrupt. His body had gone still, heart pounding in his chest, and then with a sudden finality he leaned the rest of the way forward. His lips found hers, the hand on her neck pulling her towards him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Viona Kari Jarlson Character Portrait: Bobby Ceres Character Portrait: Ronan Saxon Character Portrait: Xander Johnathan Ailuros
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0.00 INK


Soon after Viona purchased the bracelet, she passed a stall selling small novelty toys. She continued down the street at the slow pace till she felt a tap on her shoulder. "Hey girlie. How are you liking the festival so far?" Viona turned to see Xander and smiled broadly at his greeting. "Hey Xander!" She felled into step with him as they talked. "So far, pretty good. I bought this bracelet," she said, holding up her wrist to show him. The little lightning bolts dangled from the chain, seeming to dance. "My sister decided to go make kissy faces with her boyfriend and I've been left to fend for myself." She laughed as he feigned pain, and tucked some curls behind her ear. "Well, it's lucky you found me," she replied.

"So what's your story? Did you get dragged here with anyone, or did you come on your own for fun?" "My story huh? I came on my own~" She paused at a stall, before quickening her pace to catch up with Xander again. "I got roped into helping set up the decorations, so I thought my reward should be a night of food and fun." You supposed to be meeting anyone around here?" "Sort of, I'm meeting Ronan later tonight, and I was going to talk to Bobby if I saw him." She turned to Xander and pointed. "But for now, I'm all yours. What do you want to do?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Viona Kari Jarlson Character Portrait: Xander Johnathan Ailuros
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As Viona shows Xander her new bracelet, he gently grabs her wrist and examines it closer than she was probably prepared for. "Ooh, that's pretty. If Layla saw that, she'd never be able to concentrate on anything else. It is way too shiny for her. She'd flip out and maybe try and steal it from you." Xander laughed a bit, releasing her wrist and continuing to walk in step with Viona. Xander watched as Viona put her hair behind her ear, admiring her beauty as she did so, listening to her talking. "Well, it's lucky you found me," He laughed a bit at her response, then playfully nudged her with his elbow. "Yeah I am. I would have died otherwise. Could you imagine, me trying to entertain myself?" He looked at her for a moment, pausing for effect, a fake dramatic look on his face. "Perish the thought!" He laughed a bit harder at this time, enjoying himself with Viona.

"My story huh? I came on my own. I got roped into helping set up the decorations, so I thought my reward should be a night of food and fun." Xander grinned at her, putting his arm over her shoulders and squeezing her close for a moment as he spoke to her teasingly. "Awh, poor Vie-Vie! They made you work? I shall make this the most fun festival ever for you then! That shall be your reward!" He squeezed her one last time before letting her go, not wanting her to feel awkward by his showing of affections.

"Sort of, I'm meeting Ronan later tonight, and I was going to talk to Bobby if I saw him. But for now, I'm all yours. What do you want to do?" At this news, Xander gasped and looked at her with a faked incredulity and hurt. "You mean I have to share you? I'm heartbroken, Vie-Vie, I'm really heartbroken." He gave a small sniffle and pretended to wipe away tears from his eyes. "That's it, you give me no choice. I'm just going to have to steal you away then." Xander gave a devious smile, then picked up Viona, gently throwing her over his shoulder and running around the festival, yelling, "Viona is mine! No one else can have her tonight!" Eventually Xander stopped running in front of a ride, standing in line before he put Viona down. "I've decided to kidnap you over to this ride." he said with a childish smirk, humor alight in his eyes.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Viona Kari Jarlson Character Portrait: Xander Johnathan Ailuros
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As Xander nudged her with his elbow, Viona swayed, rolling with it before returning to his side. "Yeah I am. I would have died otherwise. Could you imagine, me trying to entertain myself?" She watched with a playful grin as he paused with a dramatic look. "Perish the thought!" She laughed along with him, always enjoying his expressive nature.

Xander wrapped his arm around her and squeezed her, and she was suddenly aware of how close she was to him. "Awh, poor Vie-Vie! They made you work? I shall make this the most fun festival ever for you then! That shall be your reward!" She was snapped out of her thoughts by his statement, and gave him a smile for the nickname he made up for her."I'm gonna hold you up to that promise," she said with a laugh. When he released her, a part of her felt sad, which surprised her. "You mean I have to share you? I'm heartbroken, Vie-Vie, I'm really heartbroken. That's it, you give me no choice. I'm just going to have to steal you away then." Her expression turned to one of confusion when he said that. "What do you mean ste--" Her sentence was cut short when Xander suddenly put his arms around her, a devious smile playing on his lips.

She was gently lifted up, and Xander set her on his shoulders before she could even register what happened. Her hair fell forward, trailing down in front of her shoulders, and her arms held onto his neck. "Hey!" she yelped. Her curls bounced around as Xander ran around, and she craned her neck backwards to see behind her."Viona is mine! No one else can have her tonight!"

"I've decided to kidnap you over to this ride." As she was set down, Viona proceeded to smack Xander on his chest. "A little warning would have been nice," she admonished, though a laugh crept in mid sentence. She then looked over at the ride they had gotten in line for, the drop tower. "I'm a little nervous with heights... but then again festival doesn't come happen often..." She debated her options and looked up at the top. Eh, what the hell, I'll go." She stepped into a seat next to Xander and the ride started. They were lifted up, and her eyes widened. Oh crap..." she muttered under her breath. Reaching out, she grabbed Xander's arm and her eyes locked on the retreating ground below.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Viona Kari Jarlson Character Portrait: Xander Johnathan Ailuros
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Xander doubled over when Viona hit him in the chest, grabbing the spot that she hit. "Ah! You hit me! I think you broke my sternum!" With that, he stood upright again, laughing again. When he was with Viona, he couldn't help but be playful this way. It was nice to get her to laugh and see her smiling, though nicer to be laughing with her. The two always had fun together, and it was even better when they danced together. Maybe they would find a band playing around here where they could dance. That would be fun. Before he could voice his thoughts, Viona had begun to speak. "I'm a little nervous with heights... but then again festival doesn't come happen often..." Xander frowned slightly, getting a little serious and giving her a hug. "Hey, hey. Don't worry about it. Big Xander is here to protect you." He gave her a small smile as he heard her speak. "Eh, what the hell, I'll go." "There we go! That's my girl!"

Xander sat down on the ride when their turn came up, then Viona went and sat next to him. After they were strapped in, the ride began to go up and Xander felt Viona clinging to his arm. He moved so he could see her face past the restraints that kept them safely attatched to the ride. Viona had her eyes plastered to the ground, and he could see the fear they held. He immediately felt terrible for making her go on the ride, though it was fairly small scale. He knew that she probably told him about her fear of heights at some point, but he had become too excited to remember that. Xander gently moved his arm so her hand slid into his, and he gave it a small squeeze. "Hey, look at me." He said, giving her a small, comforting smile. "Just focus on me, and you and I can get through this together. Just pretend like I'm the only person in the world and you're madly in love with me." A chuckle escaped his lips, but he could help but wish that it were true, that she were in love with him and he with her. But even if he was, he wouldn't know it. He had never felt love in his entire life, yet here he was, craving it.