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Thomas "Salem" Strife

"What is a man, that does not know his own History?"

0 · 290 views · located in Lost Haven

a character in “Lost Heaven”, originally authored by Citadel, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Thomas Strife Image
Nickname: Salem
Age: 24
Salem stands just north of 6' with a slim, athletic build. He has gray-blue eyes and a prominent scar that runs down the right side of his cheek. His hair is black, with the sides of his head shaved, forming a mohawk out of the hair at the top of his head, tapering off into a point at the nape of his neck. His attire consists of a black, 3/4-length, hooded leather jacket with red interior linings and the British Union flag sewn on the left arm, a gray tanktop, black fingerless gloves, black faded jeans, and black military boots.
Personality: Salem rarely shows any seriousness. He can be serious when the situation calls for it, but he still maintains a laid-back demeanor during such situations and is never with out a witty taunt or comeback. Dante can seem at times to be uncaring or even callous, but actually has a very strong sense of justice and will try to do what's right. He can be counted on to do the right thing, even if he makes cynical quips about it the entire time. He often reacts to things in a very human-like way, often commenting on the absurdity or difficulty of his situation. Even as he stumbles his way through things, he almost never seems to lose his cool, though he will admit when he's scared.
Equipment: Carries a 1911 pistol that at the moment only has half a clip left. Along with this he carries a survival knife and a much larger blade reminiscent of a machete. He also carries a canteen, but beyond that, not much else.
Theme Song: Drink The Water

So begins...

Thomas "Salem" Strife's Story


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Character Portrait: Thomas "Salem" Strife
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#, as written by Citadel
"Hello? Please, if anyone can hear this... please, just listen. Beyond the city of Lost Haven... We have water, and food... We have enough for anyone who arrives... Beyond the city.... Please come... New Heaven is there."


'The old world died long ago, and anyone who thinks they can bring it back is foolish'. That's the thought Salem pondered as he gazed upon the ruined city that lay before him. Yet, here he was. Staring blankly at the graveyard ahead of him. The only way to this supposed "New Heaven" was to enter the city from the vast West. To the South laid the Long Highway, an expanse that is said to have winds so strong and hot they could tear flesh from bone. To the North was Kaga country, where the largest infestation of the monsters could be found. While it was a ways North from Lost Haven, just the fact they were lurking made it impossible to traverse. So, the West it was, for in the East lied the goal. Salem had heard the broadcast only a few days ago. The message only lasted for a few hours, but just the fact they could get enough juice for a few hours of broadcasting meant there was at least something to this place. Salem rubbed the dust off his face, lifting the cloth up to his nose and lowering his goggles, dimming the already dark expanse that awaited him.

He had heard stories about what cities like this were like before The Fall. Survival tips nowadays say to stay away from the cities, despite the fact they have the best shelter from the Kaga. They often act as a breeding ground for the beasts. But, if that doesn't do you in, the silence will. To see such places... barren. Empty of life. One would think you would hear the echoes of those who came before, like dying screams. That wasn't the case. It was just, silent. At least, that's how Salem felt whenever he had the misfortune to pass through them. 'Enough of this, I need to find shelter. It's getting dark out,' Salem thought to himself as he sought a place to lay his head. There was an old gas station that sat on the outskirts of the city. It was the closest building he could see, so it would do. Removing his gun from his hip, he checked the clip and sighed heavily. Four shots were left. Not enough to keep him alive should the worst be inside the station. Holstering his gun and removing the knife strapped to his left thigh, he began a slow approach toward the building.

The gas pumps were dismantled, likely having been robbed of what they had right after The Fall. It was of little importance, since gasoline was only good for generators, and Salem couldn't transport something like that with him. In the early years, people would travel the expanse in cars, looking for a place to settle down. But, good luck finding a vehicle with working parts in this world. Salem walked up to the station, holding the blade close to his chest. He slowly put his hand on the doorknob, and turned. At first, the door wouldn't open. Looking inside through the window, Salem couldn't see anything obstructing it, leaving only one possible reason. It was jammed. Sticking his blade through the crack in the door, he began shaking it violently as he tried pushing the door in by force. After a few good shoves, the door flung open and Salem stumbled into the room. He readied his blade as he moved forward. While the door might have been tightly shut, that didn't mean something else couldn't have found another way in.

Moving through the building, Salem's stomach growled as the realization he hadn't ate in days began to set in. Alas, there was nothing here. The shelves were empty and there appeared to be no "stashes" to speak off. Salem made his way to behind the sales counter, his eyes not even flinching at the sight of a uniform with skeletal remains lining the inside of it. The uniform had the name "Dave" stitched into it. It was from before all of this, but in his clinched hand was a military ration. People in the expanse would often find these among the dead bodies of the old world. After the initial Fall, relief posts popped up, but without any organization or way to communicate effectively, they disappeared within a few months. This poor soul likely took his rations and came back here, planning to hide away until the disaster past. At least, that was Salem's wishful thinking. The missing food and empty shelves told him this place was ransacked, and Dave most likely the victim of looters. However, they didn't get this one ration pack, and Salem was grateful for it. Removing it from the hand of the dead, Salem took the pack and walked back to the door. He gently closed it, but not before setting up a trap for anything that would plan on entering. Using a few of the empty cans that littered the room, Salem stacked them in front of the door, though at an angle that one could not see them through a window. Walking to the last aisle and laying down, he kept his knife clenched in his right hand as he prepared to sleep. With any luck, it would be the last one he would take outside of New Heaven.


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Character Portrait: Thomas "Salem" Strife Character Portrait: Noah Nearboy
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#, as written by Kapento
Noah Nearboy

An apocalypse
 is that what’s happening? 
Is this really the end of the world? Or simply a new era of humanity that we must adjust to in order to keep on living? The young girl shook her head in disbelief as she tried her very best to grasp at what was happening to the world around her. Sure, something bad had happened. She had gathered that much. But what exactly was this great travesty? Where did it come from? No one knew. At least those that Noah had came in contact with didn’t seem too knowledgeably on the matter, or they simply weren’t willing to offer any answers to her questions. Were they hiding something or just being plain rude due to her youth? She couldn't tell.

If this is the world
 if the world refuses to be like it once was
 do I really want to be apart of this world? It was a chilling thought for a child. A recurring thought. One that just kept niggling at the back of her mind and refused to silence itself. No. I shouldn‘t think like that
 I just have to keep moving. One foot in front of the other, that‘s all!

Noah wasn’t exactly sure where she was going at that point as she came to a sudden stop. Sparing a moment or so, she glanced about curiously at the barren wasteland surround her. Looking around more carefully it was plain to see that she was, for lack of a better description, in the middle of nowhere. However, in the distance she could see ruins. At least those monsters don‘t seem to be here. I think I‘ve avoided them for the most part, though I suppose I shouldn‘t think to wishfully. She sighed quietly with a hint of gloominess. After all, it was only natural for her to feel this way despite the many efforts she made to force a smile. She was nowhere and alone. Only herself to rely on.

From what she could remember her parents had been gone for over a year or more. The last time she saw them was the morning that her mother and father had left to search for supplies, but the pair never came back. Where did they go? What happened to them? She never got to find out. Their whereabouts forever feeling like a mystery that she would never solve.

Kneeling to the ground for a moment the girl hung her head low and took a deep breath. Fatigue was most likely setting in at this point as she had been wandering for a few days now, and unsurprisingly was running low on supplies. A quick rummage through one of the pockets on her dress quickly confirmed this with only a handful of nibbles still remaining.

”I have to keep going. It‘ll be dark soon and
" The thought of darkness and the nearing night quickly silenced the girl mid-sentence. She concluded that saving what little energy she had left was a wise course of action instead of chatting away to herself. Not to mention, talking to yourself was the first sign of craziness, wasn’t it?

Digging her trustful umbrella, which was always nicely kept at her side, deep into the ground she used the object to force herself back upright and onto her feet. Pushing one foot in front of the other she began to move forward, her journey commencing once more as she began to make her way towards the suppose New Heaven, or at least she hoped so. From what some travelers had told her there was a place of refuge beyond Lost Haven and that it was the only place that any surviving human was going to. With any luck she too would survive long enough to make it to this rumored place, perhaps even finding her parents there, though maybe not. If anything, reuniting with her family was what was keeping the little girl striving forward. Actually, any human contact motivated her to keep traveling.

With that in mind, the girl pressed onward and continued to wander through the wasteland area in search of shelter and company. However long she spent wandering though she wasn’t sure, but it sure felt painfully long and never-ending.

At some point in her travels she had come across an old gas station which was presumably long abandoned by the looks of the place. Hesitant at first, Noah wasn’t sure on how to approach the unfamiliar area, both equally curious and fearful as to what lurked within the building. As she walked up to the door she dragged her feet a little before placing both hands up against the solid surface. Shakily, and very gently, her fingertips pressed lightly against the door and nudged it opened ever so slightly. It didn’t open much. Hardly at all with the little effort she made to push the door.

 hello? Is there anyone
 still here? Hello? I promise not to steal anything
” She always thought it was best to make her presence known in buildings like this one, more so due to her polite nature and youthful naivety. She wasn’t a thief after all. She meant no harm nor wanted any trouble. With a more aggressive push she forced the door open, though she didn’t expect the immediate clattering of empty cans that were hidden behind the door after doing so. At first the noise scared the girl and caused her to panic, the sudden echoing of clatter causing her heart to race a little.

”Ah! I‘m sorry! I--” She dropped her umbrella and knelt to the group in a defensive manner, her hands wrapping over the top of her head which was half-way tucked between her legs. Although, with the sudden burst of motion her body quickly grew tired from her long travels and immediately, with a thud, her entire body dropped to the ground as fatigue sat in. Whether she was still conscious was debatable. Regardless, her evident exhaustion was more than obvious.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuuta Saski Character Portrait: Thomas "Salem" Strife Character Portrait: Noah Nearboy
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#, as written by moahi
Yuuta yawned as she settled back in an abandoned shop. “Let’s see
 I’ve being here for 5
6 days?” No. It must have been longer, longer than what she could remember. Listening to the broadcast of New Heaven had made her scoff. She was surviving quite well in here, managing to raid any dead bodies and salvage whatever she could find. Well enough for the circumstances she was in anyway.

She reached out for her dart gun, laying by her side. It was getting darker and darker outside. About time those burrowers appeared. Sure, she could drop some using darts, but the rest would be left to her trusty dagger. There was nothing she can’t handle, anyways, else she won’t still be alive out here. “Survival of the fittest”, she muttered under her breath as she searched for more food inside the store. So far, she was sticking to canned food. She had tried eating some of the monsters she killed, but they didn’t taste so good. Human meat, however, was one thing that she didn’t dare to try yet. No matter how bad the circumstances, she was not about to let herself be labeled a cannibal. So far, she had been ok raiding shops and finding food, not that anyone will care now. She though, sparing a look at the skeletons sprawled out around the shop. She had checked them for any food, but unfortunately they didn’t yield any.

“Nope, no more food
” She said to herself as she shoved boxes apart and looked around. Time to move on to another place. Pity. It was a perfect “base” for her to get food and other necessities. Luckily, there were a few other shops around this area, but who knows if monsters had got to them first. She headed to the window and looked out. The gas station seemed to be the closest outlet around the area, and she could probably get there fast enough. Hitching up her backpack and shoving the dart gun in her pocket, she brandished her dagger in front of her in case she met any monsters.

Making a quick dash to the gas station, Yuuta managed to reach the station without any problems. In fact, everything was going according to her plan except
 it seems to already be occupied. A child was kneeling in front of the entrance way in a defensive position, and she did not seem to be moving. Well, maybe she was dead. Or maybe just too exhausted to stand. Only one way to find out. She raised her dagger, about to plunge it in. Of course, if she was still alive, she would move right?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuuta Saski Character Portrait: Thomas "Salem" Strife Character Portrait: Amelia Dunston Character Portrait: Noah Nearboy
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#, as written by Kapento
Noah Nearboy

“How rude! Of course I wasn’t actually planning to stab and kill her, maybe just stab her to see if she wakes up. After all, she’s as good as dead if she can’t get up.”

Groggily, Noah slowly opened her eyes as little hints of life began to emerge within her. She must have passed out briefly before slowly coming-to, and just in time too, as a bold voice prompted the girl into motion. She didn’t recognize the voice however, and could have sworn she’d heard another though only vaguely.

“Hey, you getting up? You’re blocking my way, so I’ll give you three seconds before I stab you.”

At the gentle nudge her whole body seemed to tense. Shooting her eyes open just at that moment, despite the evident fatigue that coated her small frame the girl knew she had to move in order to survive the ordeal. ”I-I‘m s-sorry
” She mumbled somewhat nervously, gradually raising her body from the ground before spinning on her heel to face the barer of the strange voice. It was another girl, though possibly a little older and a bit more dangerous. ”Please don‘t hurt me! I didn’t mean to block your way
 I-I--” She pleaded to the unfamiliar figure for a split moment, hesitant for the next passing few minutes as the youth tried to figure out what to do next. A part of her wanted to run and hide amongst the aisles, whereas the rest of her wanted to show no fear to this other girl. What was she to do?

Oh, I know! It could work
 for like a second. Kneeling down and then springing back up onto her feet the child wielded her umbrella and pointed it out towards the other female. Like a sword or blade, the girl held the umbrella firmly in her small hands and readied herself. ”T-Take what you want
 spare me my l-life, I didn’t mean any t-trouble!” The girl stuttered and seemed to struggle with her words as they left her lips, before stepping backwards, slowly, in yet another definitive manner and allowing better access to the station for the newcomer. Of course, despite attempting to look threatening, Noah clearly wasn’t. She was only a child after all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuuta Saski Character Portrait: Thomas "Salem" Strife Character Portrait: Amelia Dunston Character Portrait: Noah Nearboy
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#, as written by Citadel
Salem sat behind the station shelf, holding his blade close to his chest. It had been a while since he had seen kids in this world, they tend to not last very long without their parents to protect them. He had heard of groups using kids to lure out potential victims in the past. The kids acting as bait for the would be protector so the others could rob them. It had been quite a long time since such things occurred, but he wasn't about to take the chance. The younger one seemed innocent enough, but the other was different. It was like watching polar opposites, kids who looked to be about the same age, but have had vastly different experiences in this world. "I wonder if they are from New Heaven?" Salem thought to himself as the two continued. He heard the voice of another pass by, though it was too quick to discern who it was, save for that they were also female.

The girls appeared to be unwilling to move on, or at least that's how it seemed. If they did decide to stay there, Salem would have to reveal himself, or try to find a way to slip out somehow. He wasn't much one for company on the road, often finding others slowed him down. In this world, slow meant dead. And he wasn't ready to die, especially not when he was so close to his goal. New Heaven sat just beyond this forgotten giant of the old world. It was a place where he didn't have to look over his shoulder and fear some Kaga getting the drop on him while he slept. To think he was going to give that up lightly would be folly. Salem took quiet breaths, but continued too grip his blade tightly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuuta Saski Character Portrait: Viper Green Character Portrait: Alex Green Character Portrait: Thomas "Salem" Strife Character Portrait: Amelia Dunston Character Portrait: Noah Nearboy
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Alex Green:

It had been sometime sense Alex felt any type of fear. He and Viper were use to danger but the cities brought back a flood of memories that both siblings would rather leave buried. But for the simple idea of hope Viper had leapt and Alex as usual followed. Despite being older he often felt Viper should lead, she was less bitter to the world and seemed more decisive. But that meant little to Alex, his sister could be foolish, so foolish. He wondered often if she had even lived through the same thing as he had or if she had shoved it all away. With the sky darkening the need for shelter was becoming more urgent yet Viper seemed more intent on looking then settling. Something that too a cautious extent he could understand. "Hurry Viper, we do not have all evening for such frivolous gaping." a glare was shot his way something he quickly dismissed such small glares or huffs had little effect on him now a days as it was a common reaction.

Viper Green:

Viper, was curious. To an extent she could ignore her curiosity for the sake of caution but the rumors of a New Haven had re-sparked the dimming fire of Viper's unsatisfied curiosity and as such gas-mask on was she found dragging her brother about the city streets. Looking for... What? Not even she knew. A gentle breeze blew carrying on it the sound of voices. Stopping Viper eyed her brother who looked poised for combat, he'd heard it also. Grabbing her machete the sibling pair continued in caution taking a round rout in order to find the source. /Children?/ not a common sight and not always welcome. Glancing at each other the siblings knew already they could not attack the small ones, they were children after all even with these times that gave them a particular type of innocent freedom. It could also mean a trap. But trap or children aside the pair seemed to be having an odd conversation and only one of them was armed. Glancing at each other again the pair decided to approach with slow caution, with Viper putting her weapon away while Alex concentrated on calmly flexing his muscles in-case he had to. Now came the game of: 'do we speak first' or 'do they notice us?'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuuta Saski Character Portrait: Viper Green Character Portrait: Alex Green Character Portrait: Thomas "Salem" Strife Character Portrait: Amelia Dunston Character Portrait: Noah Nearboy
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#, as written by moahi
”So... You’re not going to hurt me?”
Yuuta thought about it for a while before giving her answer “Nope! You’re more than welcome to ask me to kill you though! I’ll do it with pleasure!” She said, smiling at the girl. “Hey, wanna be friends? I’m Yuuta, Yuuta Sasaki. And you are?” she asked the girl. She was harmless, and apparently the umbrella was all she had. There was no risk in making friends, after all. Suddenly she felt the feeling that they were being watched, by something or someone. Of course, it might as well be the girl she saw earlier, but she was not going to take any chances. “Hey, let’s get in for now. The burrowers might be coming and its getting darker and darker by the instant. Don’t worry, I promise not to kill you for tonight.” It probably wasn’t safe to ignore the people who were watching them, but it was the best choice she had. Just by going straight to find and confront them might result to death, and she wasn’t that enthusiastic to die now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuuta Saski Character Portrait: Viper Green Character Portrait: Alex Green Character Portrait: Thomas "Salem" Strife Character Portrait: Amelia Dunston Character Portrait: Noah Nearboy
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#, as written by Kapento
Noah Nearboy

“Nope! You’re more than welcome to ask me to kill you though! I’ll do it with pleasure! Hey, wanna be friends? I’m Yuuta, Yuuta Sasaki. And you are?”

Noah blinked in a rather bemused way initially, the girls words causing the younger youth to ponder lightly. ”Ahh
 I don‘t really plan on dieing.” She commented with a raised eyebrow. Dropping the thought, and upon the mentioning of friendship the little girl seemed to grow joyful almost immediately. ”Y-You mean it? You want to be my friend? Oh, that’s great! I‘m Noah Nearboy! I‘m so happy to be friends with you!”

“Hey, let’s get in for now. The burrowers might be coming and its getting darker and darker by the instant. Don’t worry, I promise not to kill you for tonight.”

She gave the girl a look of concern, answering, ”Oh, alright.”

As she was about to turn and enter the station Noah stopped for a moment, pausing beside the doorframe as she cautiously looked around the surrounding area. ”Hey... Yuuta, I think there‘s something out here...” Unsure, the girl strained her eyes a little to see better in the dark. But it was useless. ”I can‘t see in the dark too well.” Feeling a little afraid at that moment the girl hurried inside the gas station fully and scampered over to one of the aisles nearer the front, where she knelt down and settled herself on the floor.

Once Yuuta was close enough, the girl asked, ”Say, Yuuta... Have you heard of the New Heaven that‘s suppose to exist? People say it‘s suppose to be safe there, and they have food and water and everything.” Pausing for a moment she glanced around the empty aisles nearby where she sat, the feeling that a vague presence was also there lingering in her mind a little. However, it was probably just her paranoia, and she quickly shrugged off the feeling. ”I plan on going to the New Heaven. Even if I have to walk day and night! I will get there... somehow. Are you going there too, Yuuta?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thomas "Salem" Strife Character Portrait: Noah Nearboy
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#, as written by moahi
”Say, Yuuta... Have you heard of the New Heaven that‘s supposed to exist? People say it‘s supposed to be safe there, and they have food and water and everything.” ”I plan on going to the New Heaven. Even if I have to walk day and night! I will get there... somehow. Are you going there too, Yuuta?”

“Yep the announcement was pretty loud. I’m not sure though, I think I like my circumstances now, I mean, I can survive here, so it should be enough. It might be a trap too. It sounds too good to be true, you know, Noah. If you plan on going, I suppose I could follow you. We’re friends, after all.” Yuuta said before glancing around. The feeling of being watched hasn’t faded, is there something inside the station too? Her hand itched toward her pocket, where the dart gun was hidden. Maybe she could kill whoever was there quick enough to save the both of them. Trying to maintain her smile, she whispered to Noah “There’s someone here, isn’t there? Keep calm.” Her senses were hardly wrong, and they had gotten her out of more than one tricky situation. She loaded her dart gun and said aloud to the darkness surrounding them. “I know you’re out there, show yourself or I’ll shoot.” She didn’t quite know the direction the presence is, but she hoped that she would make it make a noise, at least, anything to help her locate it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuuta Saski Character Portrait: Viper Green Character Portrait: Alex Green Character Portrait: Thomas "Salem" Strife Character Portrait: Amelia Dunston Character Portrait: Noah Nearboy
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#, as written by Citadel
Salem let out a small chuckle, lowering his knife and taking a deep breath. "Now even kids can sense me... must be losing my edge," Salem thought to himself as he stood up and walked out into the light, a deadpan expression on his face as he did so. He holstered his blade and looked at the two girls, then turned to the other two who arrived not longer after. This many people in one place, it was like a beacon for the Kaja, and Salem knew it. "I take it we're all here for the same reason. The broadcast. A safe haven, beyond the lost one. I assume you all came from the west. Like me." His voice was calm and focused, but came across like someone who had fought a hundred wars and it left an echo within him. Salem began walking toward the two girls, leaving his hands raised and his weapons exposed so as to try and not draw suspicion.

"Thanks to you and that one who ran by a few minutes ago, the Kaja know we're here. This place is no longer safe. The smaller ones. Scouts. Meant to find us. Like worker bees, sent to draw out the flesh for the larger ones. The city, its the only place to retreat to now. The West. Too far. Too much land to cross before they catch our scents." Salem made his way outside, keeping his body turned toward the girls so they wouldn't think he was trying to get the drop on them. Once outside of the building, he shot a look to the other girl and young man. "Dangerous to travel at night. But, even more so to stay here. I suggest you all leave. Whether West, or East. I don't care. Just a warning. From one survivor to others." Giving a small wave back, Salem began making his way toward the city, as distant cries began bellowing far off. They were louder, deeper, and bounds more menacing then one would normally hear from a Kaja. The deaths of the smaller ones had sent an echo, alerting the others to the presence of those in and around the area. It wouldn't be long before they were upon them. But, the larger ones were slower, easier to avoid if one moved out quickly enough.