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Nicky Liss

"Love is just some toy and I wanna play with it!"

0 · 378 views · located in Slice O' Heaven

a character in “Love Cafe”, as played by Chizzura


Name- Nicky Liss

Age Appearance- 15

Role- Styx


Second Animal- Chameleon she can change colors to blend into the background so others can't see her.

Powers- She can sense when two people in love are fighting

Can change colors to blend into the background

She easily can bring out the worst in people

Personality- She is very annoying and a in your face type of person. She does not have moral values. She just loves to mess around she will do anything to get a laugh out. But the only problem is that she really only laughs at other peoples misery. There are many ways to make people miserable but her favorite is the broken heart. She says love is just a fake emotion to fill the hole of sadness in every human. It is not real but the humans believe it is so Nicky enjoys with their fake beliefs. Even though she believes love is fake but ironically enough she is in love with Alex. She follows him around so he can make people fall in love and she can break them up right after.

Bio- Nicky followed Alex to this new cafe that he now owns. She followed him every were breaking up couples everywhere she went. She herd that Alex was trying to take humans and bring them together. She thought that this was a perfect time to go on a spree of mayhem.

Cake~ Spice cake
Drink~ Coco

Crush- Alex

So begins...

Nicky Liss's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zachary McCollough Character Portrait: Alex A. Character Portrait: Gwendolyn Mayberry Character Portrait: Nicky Liss Character Portrait: Drake Moulderan
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#, as written by ceh12

Alex laughed slightly as Zachary watched the girl. "Cariad never fails" he said in his head. He waited until the boy was done staring and he smiled at him. "That's Amore. Feels nice doesn't it? Your heart really does want love even though she broke your heart that doesn't mean every girl is like that. Besides that was almost two years ago you need to forget her and focus on the present. " he said then winked and picked up the coffee cup and pulled out a rag and started to wipe it off a bit.

He finished then put it back in the sink behind the door then went over to the girl. "Hello miss what can I get ya today." he said happily thinking that she and Zachary could possibly make a nice little 'Lady and the Tramp' couple. She was the rich girl and he was the troubled teen, it would work out swimmingly as long as She didn't get involved in his first making.


Drake walked around town quietly checking the address of the new café he had picked out for him and his girlfriend to meet. He didn't want to make her mad and he sighed as he made it too the door and smiled as he entered the building. It was refreshing and he didn't make light work of scanning the people sitting already. He saw there were tons of people sitting at the singles counter and he thought since he was meeting his girl friend anyways he would go ahead and sit down in a couples booth. He then took his seat away from the other people and the entrance trying to make himself unseen.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zachary McCollough Character Portrait: Gwendolyn Mayberry Character Portrait: Nicky Liss Character Portrait: Nathan Gurrath
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Nicky sat outside of the little shop."I wonder how Alex is doing. Maybe he got some suckers to fall for each other already." She opened the door and looked around there was different sections. She knew Singles is where Alex was probably working his magic. She walked into the single section she saw a couple people chatting and some alone. She saw a odd red head run out. She shrugged and looked for a couple that she could interrupt and hopefully kill the mood. Nothing kills love more than a third wheel! She mostly hopped that Alex wouldn't kick her out right away. She started to pick out the couples. She saw a french boy and a girl with a eye patch "To easy."

She saw a Rich girl, with a hmm how to explain this boy. He is definitely not normal but who is. He seems like a nice guy but those are the worst. She has been doing some research on the town she herd of the rich girl before. The Mayberry's! That's where she herd that. Nicky loved the Mayberry's they didn't care about love they were far to greedy! But this girl was different she seemed to be enjoying this boy's company dang Alex must of got to them. "Well time to jump in." She grabbed a chair and brought it over by the other two. "Hey there I'm Nicky. Nice to meet the both of ya" She looked right at the Mayberry girl. "You a Mayberry right? I love your family. Marrying right out of high school that's the way to go. Who needs love money is the thing you need!" Nicky looked over at the boy. "What's up with you? It's like your..." She didn't finish her thought. A tall very angry looking guy walked in. Alex came out and looked around she hid quickly but then she stood out of her seat. "Hey big guy come over here and join us!" She sat back down and looked at the other two. "Well three is a crowed lets make it a party with four."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zachary McCollough Character Portrait: Alex A. Character Portrait: Gwendolyn Mayberry Character Portrait: Nicky Liss Character Portrait: Nathan Gurrath Character Portrait: Kalina Rosen
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#, as written by Fencer
Nathan didn't know if it was the owner or an employee, what he could say with certainty was that the service is excellent, without any questions or anything the young man brought him a cup of his favorite beverage, Flat White, the microfoam poured on the espresso gave it a smooth texture that the boy loved.

Decided to look around, there was a girl with a hat that apparently entered the cafe shortly before him since the young owner served her something about the same time, Nathan realized that her drink was different, but chose to ignore the doubts and continued enjoy his drink, even though it was the singles section for some reason some people were in pairs, from a nearby table a strange-looking girl, Nathan had no other way to describe her, called him.

"Hey big guy come over here and join us!" She sat back down and looked at the other two. "Well three is a crowed lets make it a party with four."

His expression hardened, the boy had trouble dealing with only a person and the girl that calling him was with two others a boy and a girl, no, that was much more than he could handle, Nathan looked her for a moment and turned back to his drink, he wasn't ready for something more than one to one interaction.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zachary McCollough Character Portrait: Alex A. Character Portrait: Gwendolyn Mayberry Character Portrait: Nicky Liss Character Portrait: Drake Moulderan Character Portrait: Trixie O'Conner
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((HAHAHA!!! Chizzura, that's plain evil! I love it! lol.))


Gwen looked at Zach with concerned for it looked like he had a lot on his mind. Unfortunately before she could say anything, another girl with different colored hair popped in unannounced and started jabbering away. Gwen felt her back stiffen up and she looked down at her plate. Oh just great! How did Gossip Girl here find out about her betrothal? It was only known about the two families and that was it. She glanced at Zach and could feel a sudden panic coming on. What must he think of her now? Feeling overwhelmed for some reason, she suddenly wanted to leave. Not even bothering to finish her breakfast, she grabbed her purse and started looking for her wallet, only to find it missing. Oh great! Now what was she to do? Now she really was about to have a panic attack. Gwen didn't know what was wrong with herself either. She rarely felt this emotional. Getting up, she walked up to the waiter that served her.

"Pardon me, but I can't seem to find my wallet. I am sorry, is there anything I can do about it?" she asked.

Anyone looking at her now would see that she was about to crack.


Trixie knew she was running late to meet her boyfriend at this new cafe, but then again, she was always running late when it came to everyday stuff. She was riding riding in a limo. Soon though she'd be able to drive, something she couldn't wait to do. She had just finished a tour and was now on some downtime. She wanted to take a year off and wanted to go back to school for a bit because as much as she loved all the fame and fortune she got, she missed her old friends in this town. It was funny how life turned out. Now she was on top of the world! Trixie O'Conner was in a modern day fairy! She was loved everywhere she went and she also had fallen for a sweet and hot guy, Drake! Couldn't life get anymore better.

"Miss, we're here." said her driver, Donald.

"Thanks Donald!!! I'll call you when I am ready to go!" she smiled before getting out of the limo, and was quickly followed by her bodyguard, who was a big brute named Sasha.

He was originally from Ukraine and while he looked tough and mean, he was actually a nice guy. Trixie got him when she started getting stalkers. Also when Trixie got out of the limo, another car had pulled up behind it and several photographers started taking pictures of her. The pop star smiled and waved at them before going into the cafe. She used the paparazzi to her advantage and loved every minute of it. She would merely laugh at the stories they came up about her.

When Trixie came into the cafe, she looked around before seeing Drake in the Couples' section. Beaming, she skipped over to him.

"Good morning Drake! Sorry I am late!" she said before leaning down, wrapping her arms around his next, and giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

She than sat down. Sasha merely stood next to where she was sitting, eyeing everyone in the cafe.

"This place looks so kawaii Drake! It smells divine too! Have you ordered anything yet?" she rambled on.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex A. Character Portrait: Gwendolyn Mayberry Character Portrait: Nicky Liss Character Portrait: Mei Valesta Character Portrait: Trixie O'Conner
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#, as written by ceh12

Alex quickly spotted the pastry looking beast and decided it was best for him not to interfere with him bugging Mei. He then saw Gwen come up to the counter. "Pardon me, but I can't seem to find my wallet. I am sorry, is there anything I can do about it?" Alex was about to suggest the same thing he had told but Zachary came up and paid for it. "Very well have a nice day both of you." he said then saw Nicky and growled. "One moment please. " he said then walked over to the table and grabbed the chair pulling Nicky with it. He moved it to an empty table then sat down opposite to her. "Why do you insist on stalking me wherever I go? " he said slightly annoyed.


Drake heard the clicking of cameras and knew that Trixie was here. "Good morning Drake! Sorry I am late! Drake smiled as she kissed him and nodded. "It's fine. " he said then realized her body guard was still with her. He scared him but he didn't seem to hostile towards him. "This place looks so kawaii Drake! It smells divine too! Have you ordered anything yet?" Drake shook his head. "No I was kinda waiting for you until I ordered. " he said then smiled happily. "What sounds good for you today? "


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zachary McCollough Character Portrait: Alex A. Character Portrait: Gwendolyn Mayberry Character Portrait: Nicky Liss
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In what felt like half a second, Zach and Gwen had been bombarded with a little girl's voice. He did not like what he heard. Gwen Mayberry? That's who he was talking to? Why didn't he figure that out soon? Rich, beautiful.... he inhaled and exhaled deeply.

Gwen was getting married. She was already planning on marrying someone? Well... it wasn't like he was expecting anything more than a friendship, but.... it still hurt him just a bit on the inside, as if he lost something. He closed his eyes, inhaled again and began to exhale once more when Gwen had gotten up and started towards a waiter. Damnit! This girl.... she just ruined a perfectly good conversation......

He opened his eyes slowly, the smaller intruder being the focus of his vision. His breathing was deep, and he found himself unable contain a rather evil thought in his head. Well, there was no doubt in his mind this girl had came here to be mischievious. So, he didn't give her the pleasure of a talking to or anything for that matter. He simply got up, walked over to Alex and Gwen, giving her a quick glance before removing his eyes from her as he pulled out his wallet and simply gave the man more than he was supposed to pay. "I'm covering both the expenses from yesterday and today, as well as Gwen here," he said simply. He offered a warm smile she probably didn't expect from him. "I'll see you later," and with that, he continued towards the door.

As he begun to exit, that same evil thought entered his mind. Normally, he wasn't mean nor would he cause any emotional or physical harm to a woman or a kid, however, he decided to make an exception before he exited the place. He looked at the girl and smiled. He kept a warm face and showed no signs of laughing nor anything that would suggest that he was playing a prank.

"Remember! Some people stop wetting the bed later than others! You'll get the hang of it, I'm sure!" he said pretty audibly with a smile and a wave towards the troublemaker who was now sitting next to Alex, before exiting the cafe.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zachary McCollough Character Portrait: Alex A. Character Portrait: Gwendolyn Mayberry Character Portrait: Nicky Liss
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Nicky crossed her arms and smiled as her plan worked out perfectly. Soon the girl was ready to leave and all of the sudden she lost her wallet. The girl was about to have a mental break down. The boy got up and left after Mayberry left. He seemed angry she was gonna provoke him more but he has had enough for today. Before she could even think of anything she was being dragged away towards a empty table. She knew it was Alex she was pleased with how her first break up of the day went. But she still had a lot of work with them to keep them apart. She was pulled to the empty table she smiled at Alex.

"Why do you insist on stalking me wherever I go? "

Nicky giggled and reached across the table and poked him in the nose. "Because your cute. And I was born to stop love and that is what you were born to create." She leaned back in her chair and just smiled at him. "If you want me to go you can just ask. But you know as well as I that I will just come back. You can't keep me out of here." She looked around as the boy that she just saved from love walked by.

"Remember! Some people stop wetting the bed later than others! You'll get the hang of it, I'm sure!"

Nicky smiled and watched him walk out. "That guy is really gonna get it. I will ruin him but the whole time he will think I'm just some annoying girl." She stood up and looked around for a place to sit and wait for more people. "Now unless you have something else to say. I am gonna go ruin some couples."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex A. Character Portrait: Nicky Liss
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#, as written by ceh12


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex A. Character Portrait: Nicky Liss
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#, as written by ceh12
Alex listened to the goddesses argument thoroughly "Because your cute. And I was born to stop love and that is what you were born to create." Alex blushed lightly. He didn't seem lust of humans and Styx's current form was booming more with rebellion that beauty."If you want me to go you can just ask. But you know as well as I that I will just come back. You can't keep me out of here." Alex sighed knowing he couldn't let this girl get away and make more problems for him. He knew that she showed loved too and if he could bring it out possibly he could use her powers on his side. "That guy is really gonna get it. I will ruin him but the whole time he will think I'm just some annoying girl. Now unless you have something else to say. I am gonna go ruin some couples." Alex had a brain storm. "I have one thing that could possibly change your mind. " he said calmly, it was gonna be a longshot but still was worth a shot. "I know what you want and I prepared to give it too you but you must promise me not to interfere with any mortal's love while it is in effect, agreed" he said. She knew what he meant by it but Alex was still unsure whether or not she would take it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zachary McCollough Character Portrait: Alex A. Character Portrait: Nicky Liss
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"I know what you want and I prepared to give it too you but you must promise me not to interfere with any mortal's love while it is in effect, agreed"

Nicky stopped in her tracks and stared Alex right into the eyes. "Are you kidding me. This has to be a joke!" She sat down on the chair and bit her lip. She always wanted Alex but would she give up what she was born to do. "I want you but love isn't real and I can't fall for your trap!" She understood what he was doing no it was a trap. "You might be good looking smart and.. Um I forgot what I was saying. Oh yeah you are trying to turn me into one of those mindless mortals that thinks love is real. And it worked!" She grabbed his arm and held him close to her. "I'm still gonna get that guy that mocked me. He's not gonna know what hit him." She rested her head on his shoulder and blushed this is what she dreamed of for years.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex A. Character Portrait: Nicky Liss
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#, as written by ceh12
"Are you kidding me. This has to be a joke! I want you but love isn't real and I can't fall for your trap! You might be good looking smart and.. Um I forgot what I was saying. Oh yeah you are trying to turn me into one of those mindless mortals that thinks love is real. And it worked!" Alex was ecstatic, "This proves that love is real. I just set himself up with the goddess of hate." he said in his head. She pulled him closer and he blushed as well then kissed her on the forehead. "I'm still gonna get that guy that mocked me. He's not gonna know what hit him." Alex cringed but knew that a few hearts had to be broken to find the right match. " Okay then hows about a date maybe I'll meet you in the park around Six for say?" he said smiling.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex A. Character Portrait: Nicky Liss
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Nicky smiled super large. "Just to be clear this is not love. Love is not real it is just a made up emotion." She turned away and said under her breath. "And I'm feeling it." She turned back around to get a kiss on her forehead. She almost fainted her face was bright red she sat down. She couldn't believe all of this was happening. It was just amazing but at the same time she felt like he was using her. She was just glad that it was happening. She looked up at him

"Okay then hows about a date maybe I'll meet you in the park around Six for say?"

"Yes!!" She jumped out of her chair "I would love that! It would be amazing." She realized that Alex would have to get to work but what would she do she didn't have to go to school and she didn't have any commitments. She shrugged "Well I'll let you get back to work." She sat down at the table. "Can I have some cake? Just get me any thing that you think is good."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex A. Character Portrait: Nicky Liss
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#, as written by ceh12
Alex smiled "Just to be clear this is not love. Love is not real it is just a made up emotion." she said but Alex just smirked on the inside. He could sense her heart was on cloud nine no matter how small nor dark it was it was happy. "Yes!! I would love that! It would be amazing." Alex nodded then looked back at her. "Well I'll let you get back to work. Can I have some cake? Just get me any thing that you think is good." she was now acting somewhat nice a pleasant change from the usual annoying girl he was used to knowing. He nodded then went in the back to grab a piece of spice cake. He knew it was her favorite but he decided to put a small dash of Cariad in it. It was taste less and flavorless but it would make her more happy while not altering the food. He went back out then put it in front of her. "Hoşlanmak!" he said happily then went back behind the counter and into the back room to try and calm his nerves.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex A. Character Portrait: Nicky Liss
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Nicky smiled she grabbed her fork and took a huge chunk out of it and took a bit. All of the sudden she was extremely happy even more than she was. She kept eating it "This is great!" Once she finished she sat back and started to think about things. Why does he all of the sudden want to date her and why would he be ok with her breaking that one guys heart. It's like he accepted her finally. She looked back at him and then looked away then she noticed two stupid humans falling in love. One French dude and the pirate girl. She wanted to jump out of her chair run over to them and start to make it awkward for them but then Alex would be mad. She just stared at them. While she was looking at the pirate she thought how could a French cutie end up with One eyed Lilly. But then it clicked to her why would Alex date her he is like 6 years older than her! She put her head in her arms she was thinking to hard.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Corinne Belpin Character Portrait: Alex A. Character Portrait: Nicky Liss Character Portrait: Mei Valesta
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#, as written by ceh12
Alex sighed and kept drinking eventually downing another cup of coffee which wasn't good. He kept pacing about trying to think of a way he could get the goddess to stay happy and away from meddling in human's lives. He didn't want to think about love for the moment. He was the god of love and a master at it but ironically enough he was a klutz when it came to love. He heard Corrie talk to him and nodded not wanting to respond truley. He went back out to the counter and began to wipe it down again his favorite past time. He hummed a small tune as he spotted BonBon who was on Mei's shoulder and then jumped to his master when their eyes met. The pastry jumped across the floor and onto Alex's shoe which made him laugh. "A boy and his cake." he said to himself laughing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Corinne Belpin Character Portrait: Zachary McCollough Character Portrait: Miki Rin Melona Character Portrait: Nicky Liss Character Portrait: Mei Valesta
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Nicky herd some commotion out side. She quickly got out of her seat and started to head towards the door. She walked out side and saw a few cars smashed together. She smiled "Ah a nice time for angry drivers to learn to hate each other." All of the sudden things took a turn for the worst. A small fire started there were people injured and in trouble. She noticed a angel running around in a panic.

She normally would have enjoyed the show but something was different she wanted to help. She was actually worried for these people. She quickly went to help the angel open the door. But it just wouldn't open "We need some sort of leverage. Like a crowbar or metal pipe." She quickly searched around and found a metal pipe laying on the ground. "Hm lucky." She ran back over and stuck it into the small opening in the door. "Alright push!" Her and the angel and one other girl opened the door after some work. They helped the man out and lied him on the ground. She noticed that boy that she wanted to ruin but he was hurt and the other angel was singing to him. She was sad. Why was she sad she just wanted to make sure he never found love a couple minutes ago and now she was sad that he was hurt?

Some thing was happening to her and she didn't like it. She started to care about people and feel bad for them. She used to enjoy pain some thing was wrong. She grabbed her head and sat against the wall. She looked around at everyone. They all seemed to matter all had a purpose and she was in there way.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex A. Character Portrait: Nicky Liss
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Nicky jumped up when she saw Alex. She ran over and grabbed his arm. "I need your help something is happening to me." She looked around. "Let's talk some where more private." She dragged him into the kitchen. "I need your help for some reason I feel bad for people I don't know. And I'm starting to want to actually help people!" That thought gave her the chills. "I don't know what you did to me but please make this stop. It's driving me crazy." She sat down and stared into Alexs eyes. "Please it's not who I am."

She was the goddess of hate and now she fell in love and wanted to help people. She couldn't do anything and neither could Alex. She was worried of what could happen to her. She fell in love with someone and now she is changing but how much will she change. Her head was spinning she wanted to help people one second then she wanted to punch someone in the face. Nicky couldn't believe it she was actually going insane! All she could do was sit there waiting to see if she would remain the goddess of hate or change to something else to help Alex in his quest for love.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex A. Character Portrait: Nicky Liss
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#, as written by ceh12

Alex was dragged into the room by Nicky. He was then followed in by BonBon who managed to cling onto his leg. "I need your help for some reason I feel bad for people I don't know. And I'm starting to want to actually help people! I don't know what you did to me but please make this stop. It's driving me crazy. Please it's not who I am." Alex was happy on the inside but he knew this is not particularly a good thing. If Styx didn't want to be the goddess of hate anymore they would put in her replacement. Alex met him once and he didn't fuck around like Nicky. He was serious and knew every trick of the trade. He had lust,knowledge,and brawn. The three objects of fake love.

"Dearest Styx, you don't understand. You are fitting into the order. " he smiled and cleared his throat. "You see humans are to be kept as the god's creations and are to create an empire. The angels are servants for us which are made from humans who live perfect lives. But, us the gods are made from pure angels which are extremely rare. You were fitted with hate and I was fitted with love but you have some how crossed you line and gone into my territory. Does that make sense?" he asked curious.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex A. Character Portrait: Nicky Liss
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Nicky's head hurt really bad she didn't want to be good she liked being bad it was much easier. "Dearest Styx, you don't understand. You are fitting into the order." No that can't be right she couldn't she wouldn't! This was outrageous but it felt right. You see humans are to be kept as the god's creations and are to create an empire. The angels are servants for us which are made from humans who live perfect lives. But, us the gods are made from pure angels which are extremely rare. You were fitted with hate and I was fitted with love but you have some how crossed you line and gone into my territory. Does that make sense?" She nodded but stayed looking at the ground.

She looked up at Alex "You're the reason I crossed it's because of you! I would have stayed hateful without you!" She pulled him close and hugged him. "Thank you." She spun around and stuck her finger in one of the cakes. She pulled it out and stuck it in her mouth. "Mhhm, this is good!" Her head ace went away she finally came to peace. She accepted that she wasn't going to be the goddess of hate. She walked around the counter and sat in a chair. She rested her head in her hands and looked back at Alex. "So now the new guy is gonna take over my job right?" She felt relieved not having to go break some people up. She has been doing that her whole life and now she is done. What a relief.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex A. Character Portrait: Nicky Liss
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#, as written by ceh12
"You're the reason I crossed it's because of you! I would have stayed hateful without you! Thank you. Alex blushed when she grabbed him. She was being more affectionate than usual and it was fine with him. "Mhhm, this is good!" Alex laughed slightly and BonBon decided to try and play with Nicky. He jumped off Alex's shoulder and onto the goddess's lap, chirping. "So now the new guy is gonna take over my job right?" Alex nodded then cringed a bit on the inside. "He will take your job and you.." he paused thinking for a moment. Would she still be a god or possibly would she be demoted into an angel or maybe she would just fade away? He sat down and got lost in thought about the goddess.