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Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

"On this land, I am torn. Part of me wants to fight and repel all outsiders. The other part of me is the outsider."

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a character in “Lucid Dreamers: Revolution”, as played by Nightmaric_Angel


Character Sheet:

Name: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

71 In RL(deceased)
17(In Dream Realm)

Role: Chosen One: Fire


Usually it's her fire and her Hidden blades one on each arm unless she can get her hands on any other weapon.

Hidden Blades:

Skills, Abilities, and Hobbies:
Cassidy loves to draw and dance and sing. If asked she claims the singing and dancing is the gypsy in her and the drawing is the native american. She is very good at all three of these things as well as fighting.

Cassidy is capable of a skill called 'free-runner' she is able to climb trees and swing from one to another, as well as scale cliff faces or other natural elements with no trouble at all. She can move through the cityscape just as easily, and is able to slide under a vault and over obstacles within urban environments and forests alike.

Accompanying her capacity to move fluidly, Cassidy is able to wield several different weapons – including a tomahawk, bow, flintlock pistols, rifle, rope darts, and Hidden Blades. She can dual-wield various combinations of these weapons, with her ambidexterity helping her to do so proficiently. She is of a lean and athletic build, giving her an advantage in free running, but causing her to make an effort when in combat.

Cassidy is a skilled forager, and often hunted animals similarly to targets; tracking and trapping several kinds that she encountered across the Frontier. She also possessed a very rare extra-sensory ability known as Eagle Sense.

Eagle Vision is a sixth sense that certain lineages of humans possessed, as a result of being created by the First Civilization. Though every human held the potential for it, bloodlines of humans who had interbred with their creators held a greater concentration of the necessary genes, and were thus more likely to exhibit the ability.
Those who possessed the gift were able to instinctively sense where people and objects related to them were,. It manifested as a colored glow, much like an aura.

When an individual mastered Eagle Vision, the ability evolved to the more advanced Eagle Sense. This heightened all of the senses of its user, allowing them to detect the heartbeat of a target in the area, or even foresee a target's path.

For this ability, a variety of colored glows was used to mark different people or objects. Red indicated enemies or spilled blood, blue indicated allies, white indicated sources of information or hiding spots, and gold indicated targets or any person of interest.

Cassidy's one of those people that has an inbuilt sense of right and wrong... She isn't a grey area kind of girl."

Cassidy is an honorable warrior with a strong sense of morality and heroism. She appears thoughtful and intense, and the words she does not speak were just as meaningful as the ones she does. Her movements in combat resemble those of a predator, always staying low to the ground when the enemy is around. She has a very Sangfwa attitude meaning she is cool under fire or that 'under difficult times she can think without the need for rash actions due to emotions.
She is a very dark and mysterious girl who strongly believes in defending both her heritage and the dream country from any beings who she considered to be "outsiders". However, she also recognizes the fact that, due to her being a dream walker she was a part of the issue that she wants to solve.

In the human dimension Cassidy was Born to the Russian gypsy woman named Serenity SaintClaire and a indian man named RatonhnhakΓ©:ton Conner, Cassidy was raised among her father's tribe in KanatahsΓ©ton. Her childhood was spent in the company of the other children in his tribe, including Kanen'tΓ³:kon, whom she remained close friends with into her later life.

Cassidy always knew she was a Lucid Dreamer and often loved traveling to the dimension to play with the many other lucid dreamers and the other creatures of the realm. RatonhnhakΓ©:ton Conner aka her father often told her 'it was a gift to see the untold worlds and speak with the gods of new worlds.' The tribe was trained in combat and she was trained to heighten her ability called 'eagle eye' and by the age of 10 she was a master at hand to hand, weapon, combat. She was also a master eagle eye wielder.

One day she heard news in the dream dimension about a demon destroying the land she held so close to her heart. She fought with the others bravely wanting to take it back and never giving up. The Sages saw the fire in her will and took her away giving her the power to fight and win and told her of a time when her 'Will Of Fire' would be needed again. And then she fell asleep. So consumed by the deep sleep she stayed there waiting for the time when she would be able to win again. Thinking about the outsiders. Planning. Waiting. She began to think about how the lucid dreamers were also outsiders on the land and she began to wounder if this was all there faults.

She has finally awoken back to the world ready to fight but the questions still eat away at her mind. She recognizes she is a outsider on this land but she is also chosen to battle and save it and save it she will. No matter what. She will purge this land of evil.

So begins...

Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Piper Gravel Character Portrait: Solomon Rajah Character Portrait: K. Naut
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Connor Pyrogen

"It's time...HOLY FUCK IT'S TIME!!" Connor screamed as he ran around picking up things to pack. "Fuuu!! What do I do! What do I do!!! I'M 19 AND I DON'T HAVE A FUCKING CLUE!!! I need help..." Connor said looking up at the sky as if the gods were going to give him answers. He sighed and continued to run around and fix things up. He then saw the room was unsymmetrical and flipped even more shit. "Oh Jesus Christ Shepard of whatever!" He hollered out. He had heard of a man named Jesus from of the sages who had heard it from a Dream walker. 'Is that what there called?' he asked himself. It doesn't sound right.. He then realized again that the room was unsymmetrical and whimpered. "How could I have allowed this to happen!? I'm garbage!!! I made my room unsymmetrical!!" he quickly fixed it and packed the bags which he left on his bed and then walked out to the caves where they slept to greet the chosen ones. Poor boy was only 19 and he hadnt a clue what to do in any of this. He only hoped the others would not view him as idiotic as he thought. "Damn those other sages for dying out on me before they could tell me tell me what I was to do." He murmured as he walked. Though he felt bad for his words he was really mad at the other sages for this.

He wore a black suit which went well with his golden eyes and black hair which held the 3 cursed asymmetrical white sanzu lines which of corse gave him alot of trouble considering he had a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, which manifested as an obsession over symmetry, otherwise known as asymmetriphobia. He had skull cufflings and two holsters with pistols in them on his belt. He looked quite nicely as he walked around looking for the four chosen ones. It seemed two were still asleep and two were awake. He continued on his search. He was told the fire one was one who did not speak. She was a dark, silent, and mysterious girl. He could respect that atleast.

Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

Cassidy's long brown hair that was tossed over her shoulder in a ponytail blew softly in the wind. She had scaled a tree in the forest where the tunnels were watching Kya speak to the other three. One of her long legs were up to her stomach her head resting upon it. Her other long leg was to the side of her in a very feminine way her back rested against the tree. She was actually the first one of the four to awaken and she had watched the horizon turn from dark starry blue to grey to pink, yellow, and orange to a light blue before she had decided to wonder off. She opened the chest and got the ruby with inscriptions, the gold and many weapons she now had. The pouch was in a shash like fashion. Her hazel eyes were on the horizon straight ahead. Her white hood was down which was unlike her and her full red lips were set in a sort of sexy pout as she thought silently.

She wore her traditional Romanian Indian wear. Cassidy inherited the robes of her father, RatonhnhakΓ©:ton Conner. These robes were symbolic for the Luic Dreamers Order, with its beaked hood and the white cloth. The standard robes were worn over Cassidy's normal clothing. The upper body featured a hood with the center shaped to resemble an eagle's beak, which was connected to the robes, it was connected to the torso with a golden chain.

The lower part of the robes were doubly layered, with the back of the robes trailing down to be longer than the front. Around the waist was a long red sash with pouches attached to a belt, holding smoke bombs, bullets, poison and medicine vials. The belt also held together an ornate Indian insignia, with scabbards holding throwing knives flanking it. The robes top were a brown corset, the brown was made to cover her stomach and the top was white covering her breasts, it showed her cleavage and hour glass curves, flat stomach and lean and athletic built frame quite nicely. Her top also featured a leather spaulder where a cape was attached, draped over and around Cassidy's left arm and shoulder. Her outfit complemented her evenly proportioned body perfectly. She had her hidden blades hidden in the bangles around both her wrists.

Cassidy was deep in silent thought as she looked out to the horizon. She never was a big in meetings and talking. The things she said were short in sentence but vast in meaning. Even the things she did not say held meaning. It had been centuries til she last walked upon this land and it was time yet again to fight this war. A deed she had been waiting for sense the time of the great war. Her will of fire was again needed to aid this battle and this time she would not fail this land. She knew she had no choice but to win and win she would no matter what. But something still ate away at her mind. She was not apart of this land. She was like the demon a outsider. She wondered if it was the Lucid dreamers that brought the demon to this land when they entered the gates to this world. She sighed as she thought:
'On this land, I am torn. Part of me wants to fight and repel all outsiders. The other part of me is the outsider..' She continued looking out at the horizon continue her path of thought.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Tinkerton Puck
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Tinkerton yawned as he woke up in the unfamiliar place. "Where am I?" he muttered to himself not really expecting an answer. He stretched an arm to the side of him and ran his fingers across the hard surface. He pushed himself up in surprise as he felt a cold cave floor beneath his fingers. What the heck am i doing in a cave He thought scrunching up his face as he considered the possibilities. Maybe he was back with his flock under Getsus Paradise. No it was much too dark unless the entire flock had decided to walk today. The next thought that he'd been captured eliminated every thought of sleep. He quickly gathered himself from the ground and took a clear look around himself. He looked like he was hidden in the space between a few foot high boulders and the cave wall. He breathed a sigh of relief at knowing Getsus hadn't captured him. Yet he told himself to remind himself he couldn't be too cocky.
Stretching his wings before jumping into the air he got a closer look at the rest of the cave. The overall cave was much better than his hiding place. The walls of the cave appeared to be finely polished stone engraved with various symbols. Tink couldn't recognize any of the symbols himself but he could feel every one radiating magical energy. Towards the center of the room lay a large purple stone that seemed to give off more energy than the rest of the room. Flying closer to it, he saw that it had been pushed aside to reveal another room under the main surface of the cave. He thought about flying away back to his home with the freedom fighters but curiosity won him over and he entered the room. This room was much more extravagant than the last one with various painting on the wall to surround even more symbols. In the center of the room was a red crystal structure resembling a bed of some kind. Flying over to the bed he could tell by it's warmth that it had been recently slept in. Wait a minute he muttered to hiself before darting up the hole and out the cave entrance. Shielding his eyes with his hand, he looked up at the blue solar eclipse blazing high in the sky.
"Oh dear!" He muttered to himself running both hands through his hair. All of his memory of why he was here returned to him in a flash. He had come here much earlier because he wanted to see if there was any truth to the prophecy. He had found this chamber many years before when he trying his hand at map-making and had since learned most of this chambers history. And now he had probably missed one of it's greatest moments. "Oh dear, dear, dear." He reiterated to himself while pacing back and forth. This was big. Probably the biggest thing that had happened in a while.
"Deep breaths, Tink. Deep breaths." He muttered trying to regain his composure. "Okay two options. I can go looking for this chosen or I can head back to camp and tell Artaxes." he thought out loud as usual. He never came to a decision but instead started searching around the cave for where the chosen one had gone.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Tinkerton Puck
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Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire heard a bunch of 'oh dears' and she looked at the young fairy like male with knowing eyes she stood and jumped from tree branch to tree branch on the tall oak tree. She didn't say a word but her eagle eye told her that she would cross paths soon with the young fair or pixie like male. He seemed to need assistance.

Connor Pyrogen

Connor was waited in the tunnel for the other two to awaken. and come there. He would then take the two newly awakened chosen ones and find the two already awakened chosen ones.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Tinkerton Puck
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The sound of rustling branches stopped Tink's chant. Coming down an oak tree towards him was an oddly dressed girl. In all his time of visiting the chamber he had never seen anyone around. Could this person have been sent by Getsus to take the chosen one? Did Getsus know about the chosen ones? he thought looking at her with a literally a new light. His aura tinged green with curiosity as he looked the girl more closely. She is definitely dressed ready for battle he thought looking at her armor and weapons. If that was the case he would certainly have to hurry. He himself was no protector. He stood at a measly 5 in, the only armor he had was his leather jacket, and he had no weapons on him.
Then he thought that she might be the chosen one. Either way he wouldn't be able to tell from this distance. He quickly put a small illusion around himself (changing his flowing white hair to a spiky auburn, his clothes to iron armor, and his wings to bat wings) and flew up to the girl.
He hovered across from the girl for a moment and when she didn't attack closer to look her over. He muttered different comments as he looked her over but soon realized he had no idea what he was looking for. He flew back to what he deemed a safe distance and looked at her again through scrunched eyes. He put a little more power into the illusion to compensate for the distance. After a silent moment he said "My name is Aero Pozi," he started picking a name at random. "Who might you be?" he said trying to see if he could get some clue as to if she was the chosen one.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artaxes Cleave Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Tinkerton Puck Character Portrait: Piper Gravel Character Portrait: K. Naut
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Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

Cassidy watched the little pixie's actions. "Your lying." She said bluntly. The way his aura twinged in color when he said his name told her so. She turned and dropped from one tree branch to the other showing him she had no time for one who lies. She really hated when someone lied to her. She landed on the ground and began to stretch and make her way through the forest her strides long and graceful making her walk look more like a dance then anything. As she walked her hips swayed lightly to the left and right. Her long curly brown hair thrown over her shoulder blew slightly in the wind until she put her hood up. She quickly made her way through the forest to a odd camp like area. She saw a tree that had a carving on it that read: Freedom Fighters. She shrugged not viewing it as anything but odd as she walked into the area. She saw a Koala male and a red haired girl and then she saw a male that was obviously the leader by the way the rest looked at him. Cassidy hide in the shadows staying low to the ground as she watched the scene.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artaxes Cleave Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Tinkerton Puck Character Portrait: Piper Gravel Character Portrait: K. Naut
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"Your lying." She said bluntly. Tink didn't bother to denying it. She sounded so sure that she would have convinced him even if he wasn't lying. He felt his eyes widen at the accusation and even further as she hopped away. Due to the curse his flock had given him at birth, his every emotion was broadcast by his aura. Just a side-effect of being puck's descendant. But even so, people weren't usually able to catch on so quickly. He didn't think that any of Getsus's soldiers were smart enough to notice and that left only one conclusion.
Turning on the spot he darted in her direction. She was on the ground now and had set a fast pace. Tink tailed her from the treetops while he thought of something to say in apology.
He didn't notice when he left the cover of the trees but instead found himself hovering high above the freedom fighter camp. He looked down to see K and piper arguing by K's tent. If it was like any of their other arguments something was wrong with Piper's arm and she had come to K. Naut to fix it. If only it that easy. Artaxes sat in the middle of the camp surveying his small band of troops. Even smaller with him and Solomon gone.
Stay focused he grunted to himself and looked around the camp for the girl. There on the edges, she sat watching the camp. Doing his best to dampen his glow he travelled down and landed beside her.
"Sorry about before. I just wasnt sure if you were working for getsus or not." he said talking to himself as much as her. He realized that he still had up the illusion and immediately terminated it. His previously tough form transform into his mundanely weak one.
"Tinkerton Puck. Messenger of the Freedom fighters." he said extending a good natured hand forward. When he realized she was far too big to grab his hand he brought it slowly back to his side. He wasn't really sure what to do next. If he were to bow it could be too formal not to mention it would leave him open if she wanted to attack him. He could salute but would that be disloyal to the freedom fighters? Would it be disrespectful if he did nothing at all? Oh decisions, decisions.
He stood there awkwardly trying to come up with one.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artaxes Cleave Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Tinkerton Puck Character Portrait: Piper Gravel Character Portrait: K. Naut
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Axe awoke with a grown as he threw himself out of his bed. He scratched his head as was greeted by a somewhat squeaky voice. "Good morning Axe-kun" The cat named happy said as it jumped into his head. "We got a lot of work to do today, you also got a letter from Megness-sama"! At this Axe started to pay attention.

"That dame old man send never sends me a letter" he said as he went over to his desk witch was covered by reports and maps. In the middle of the mess was a white envelope with the symbol of the sages. Axe opened the letter and began to read it.

To my foolish apprentice the time is coming near when the chosen ones will awaken soon. You should keep yourself and your patrols on high alert. Also If you encounter any odd people please for the mother of the dragon DO NOT UPSET THEM, they could be the go- Axe did not finish the letter and simply burned it on a nearby candle. Annoying old man he thought as he got dressed. Axe proceeded to head walk out of his tent and put on his public face.

"Happy, I have the felling this is going to a long day". he said in a annoyed tone knowing he would not have a lot of time to play.

"Aye" said happy.

Axe Walked from his tent around the camp cheeking on the camp. He visited the training grounds were there were many new men who had shined up as of late as the attacks from Getsus had inspired them. He next went over to the Sages who had decided to fight The Sages were strong spell casters and were not to be trifled with but they were few in numbers. Sadly the camp even with the new troops seemed empty do to the many patrols that were ran around the clock to make sure that there would be no surprise attacks, and what was not on patrol were stationed in small towns located around the sacred land. Next Axe walked over to the Engineering core were he found Piper and Naut fighting like normal. Axe sat down on a log were he could keep an eye on most of the camp. Axe looked over to see a erred boy walking by who could be no older then 15. "Come here lad" Axe ordered The boy walked over in a nerves fashion. "Boy send word to the scouts to be on high alert and tell Piper to report in I wish to talk to her. Axe sat there for a few minutes before he saw something odd. There was a girl in strange white cothing standing on top of a hill with a hood masking her face.

keep yourself on high alert. The words form the letter he got from Magness ran though his mind. Axe stood up and with his back "Axe-Kun whats wrong" asked Happy.

"It is nothing, stay here and wait for Piper". With that Axe walked over the the stranger. It was odd for someone to appear as she had. Any new recruits would have been brought in with patrols and Axe would have been informed if she was a messenger and there was no way in hell one of Getsus man would have made it this far into there territory. When he got up close he saw that the lady was accompanied by Tink the best messenger that the Freedom Fighters had. "Tink" Axe said in a somewhat loud and commanding voice "Who is this girl? Is she a new recruit? Why are you accompanying her?" Axe felt like he was interrogating Tink ....but then again he was. It was odd for Tink to be here now is an odd situation put on top of an odd situation. Fun.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artaxes Cleave Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Tinkerton Puck
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Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

Cassidy watched as the pixie became nervous he had apologized so she owed him at least a explanation right? "I'm not working for the demon." She replied to him it of corse wasn't the answer to who or what she was but that was Cassidy's style. Weasel out of questions by answering lesser questions. It kept her from letting anyone close enough to hurt her and it was a good plan. It was easier. Once someone got to close betrayal in some way was inevitable. She learned that first hand. And people were going to hurt you in some fashion why not make it harder. At least that was her thoughts on it. She looked up at him moving the hood back a bit so he could see her hazel eyes which suddenly turned bright vibrant orange and then they began glowing brightly as if she held flame behind her iris's and not just a color pigment. And then suddenly her eyes were hazel again as if they never were orange and Tink was only seeing things. But it was then obvious she was no ordinary girl or lucid dreamer. Before the young pixie could question what he saw she winked at him and then Her full lips set into a mischevious smile. It was unlike the girl to reveal even this much of her identity to anyone but she felt it time to cause a bit of chaos. And then she heard a males voice call out to the young little pixie-fairy---whatever man. She put her hood back to covering her face and she turned her icy gaze on him her mischevious and almost fun like attitude disappeared in a instant leaving only a very serious and duty like atmosphere. Her fill lips were set in a sexy like pout and her cool as ice atmosphere yet again surrounded her. Her hazel eyes narrowed at the male though he could not see it. It wasn't in the sense of a threat but in a sense of mistrust and objection to his sudden interference. She eyed the male looking him up and down for a feel of his atmosphere though she kept her head a bit low so he could not see her eyes only the tip of her nose and her lips. She Scanned him for any trace of a weakness and for which hand was dominant and which was recessive. She stood tall no longer sticking to the shadows as she did this. She scanned his walk and his stance. His eyes and his body language. Looking for anything she could to gain the upper hand if needed. She was on her guard. Every cell in her body ready to make a move when need be. She seemed to find what she was looking for because she then looked a bit more up at him though it showed him nothing more then the tip of her nose and her full lips it was a sign of respect. Cassidy was a very respectful woman especially when she knew it was a fellow warrior she was dealing with. And this fellow warrior was a highly attractive one. She smirked at that thought a bit but the smirk soon faded. She stood tall, her curly brown hair put in a ponytail and cascaded down her right shoulder. Her hip cocked to the right and her arms crossed in a feminine way. She didn't remove her hood viewing it as unimportant to show her identity to the male who stood before her. Well unless he really requested it. But even then she had three options there. Fight, flee, or take off her hood. She was already calculating everything to a T. Strategically planning everything the male could possible ask and do and her best escape routes to each thing and also her best plan of action in case she felt the need to fight.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artaxes Cleave Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Tinkerton Puck
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"I'm not working for the demon." She replied to him after he had finished explaining himself. At least she was talking to him, that was a good sign. Tink breathed a sigh of relief that she had forgiven him. He didn't know what he would have done had he made an enemy of her.
"That's good. So what-"He said starting to ask a question before remembering how well it went last time. He looked up to see that she was staring at him now. He looked into her hazel eyes and secretly wished they would tell him something about her. As if by his command her eyes started to glow an unnatural orange. Each pupil moved as if driven by it's own flame and then was quenched just as quickly. He rubbed his eyes and looked back at her but they were the came hazel as before. Despite being brief, Tink had no doubt that it had really happened. He knew illusions well and that definitely wasn't one.
"That's cool. You've seen what magic I know." he said with a shrug. In case she didn't know what he meant he created a life-size illusion of himself next to him. He didn't put any thought into the illusion so instead it was a comical version of himself. It stood taller and skinnier than himself and it's hat was 3 sizes too large, hanging down over it's eyes.
"Tink!" He heard someone yell from the camp. He jumped and his illusion wavered before he turned to see Axe walking towards them.
"Tinkerton, ready for duty!" He recited after swiftly taking to the air and saluting.
"Who is this girl? Is she a new recruit? Why are you accompanying her?" Axe asked in his usual loud and commanding voice.
"Girl what girl?," he asked forgetting all about the girl next to him for a moment. "oh her. Well her name is...(sending a questioning glance at the girl) well I don't know her name. I don't think she's a new recruit and she was alone in the woods when I found her." He said knowing as soon as he started that it didn't sound good. He didn't want to jump to conclusions and say that she was potentially a chosen one. She could share that when she was ready.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artaxes Cleave Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Tinkerton Puck
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Connor Pyrogen

Connor felt his being stir knowing one more of the four awoken. One of the last two. He walked towards to the crystal coffin and saw the blue casket holding the water chosen one was glowing a bit signifying the man known to Connor as the sages called him for each time he awakened he cried the memories of his past to much 'Destin the broken One.' He knew of his past as well as all the others except for Cassidy but he held her journal which should give him clues about that. He walked to it. The male had been crying he had fallen back into slumber. He unlike the rest seemed unwilling to stay asleep having woken up several times before this date. Connor slid the casket crystal lid off the casket allowing the poor boy to get fresher air as he sighed not knowing what to say he said the first thing that came to his mind. "Four Lucid Dreamers still walk this earth alive and well and one you may know well, she fought by your side in the battle loyally, admiring you as her leader even though she was the same rank as you she still lives, Cassidy still lives." He told the male hoping it would help the poor boy. Thank god he read that Cassidy looked up to the male, she sketched a picture or had someone else do so and the picture seemed to be of the male chosen one that stood before him. Gods he was glad he read that much from the journal.

Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

Cassidy watched the whole scene. She was unwilling to say who or what she was but the man seemed rather nervous of the male. She watched his aura shift from colors as she listened to the pixie talk and explain.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artaxes Cleave Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Tinkerton Puck Character Portrait: Piper Gravel
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Axe, his face calm and unwavering at Tinks report did well to mask the face he was quite troubled. Axe though he could not see the girls face properly felt like he could trust her but he could not dismiss his duties. He could not let the girl leave. Despite what he felt Axe new that he could not dismiss the possibility of the girl being a spy but then she could just be a civilian or a possible new recruit. This is where being in charge of a rebel force was a big pain, being able to make the call between friend or foe. Axe looked over the girl. She had a tone body, one capable of good athletic feat's, her movements though minor were sharp and flowing showing that she could keep up in a fight. Her posture maid it so she could react easily. Her clothing was something that would not attract many eyes and would not hinder her movements. Axe was sure that she must have had some combat training at some point. most sines pointed to her being a spy but Axe did not get a bad feeling in his gut from her, in face quite the opposite and there was no hostility in the air. The girl did not try to charm him right away like most of the spy's they found did. I will give her a chance and find out a little more about her before I determine whether or not she was friend of foe. Axe thought to himself.

"First of all Tink, next time you find a stranger wandering about get me first before leader her to our very well hidden main base that we do everything we can to keep the knowledge of its location a secret" Axe said in a annoyed tone knowing the fairy knew better. Next Axe returned his focus to the woman standing before him who was quite quite up to this point "And As for you may I ask for your name and why you are here? I must apologize but I must know who you are before I can let you go. Keeping us alive and what not. I am sure that you understand." He asked trying to be as polite as possible so he would not offend. After all in this world you never know who could be a powerful opponent.

Happy just Put on a big smile as Piper approached, After all the cat was happy when anyone who was a friend did. β€œUghh... Okay, cat. Where's your owner?” The girl said in an annoyed tone as she sat next to happy.

Happy went over and patted her fake arm playfully "Axe-kun saw a strange lady on the hill and went to go see her" the cat said responding to her question "There right over there." and pointed at Axe his large black axe clearly visible from the distance."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artaxes Cleave Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Tinkerton Puck
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Connor Pyrogen

Connor watched the male through his prevail vision he smiled as he hopped out from the crystal and even extended a hand at the girl. It was a nice gesture. Sweet even. Though he seemed skittish. Connor really needed to find the young female known only to him as Cassidy. He felt the young man truly needed her.

Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

Cassidy jumped from the tree deciding it was time to go back. She stayed close to the shadows easing her way through the camp walls. She scaled over the walls and jumped over the side, landing on the forest floor. She had suddenly felt impatient with her movements and began to run quickly back to the cave. She had no idea why she felt so rushed but she knew her gut feeling was to make it back. She realized as she entered the cave stopping to even her rapid breathing it was because she wanted to see if Destin had finally awoken and if he hadn't she wanted to wake him up. Odd to be so impatient, So very human. She shrugged her breathing now slow and steady as she walked slowly into the area jumping down to where the four were had slept. She put her hood down and looked around she saw a odd male with 3 lines going over half his hairline, a brown haired woman in a yellow dress and..."Destin.." She spoke outloud. She was now frozen, her eyes wide in shock but her full lips were set into a small smile.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artaxes Cleave Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Tinkerton Puck
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"First of all Tink, next time you find a stranger wandering about get me first before leading her to our very well hidden main base that we do everything we can to keep the knowledge of its location a secret" Axe said obviously annoyed.
"Yes sir." he said with a final salute. He figured that he should have felt some kind of disappointment at annoying Axe but none came. wasn't anything he could have done to stop her. From her eye trick he learned he couldn't match her magically and nothing short of a miracle would match them physically.
He remembered that he had thought about going to Axe earlier when he had first left the cave and almost wished he had. No then I she could have ran off or followed me back. He thought yet again justifying his actions. Besides-
"Tinkerton did not lead me here. I found it myself,"
Tinkerton put his to mouth in surprise. Have I been thinking out loud? he thought looking around for other options. He turned in surprise to see an Cassidy speaking.
"I'm Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire, one of the chosen four. The fire chosen one to be exact." she said towards to the the two. Tink was more surprised she had said more than a few words than that she was one of the chosen ones. He had had his suspicions since meeting her and had to stifle the urge to gleefully maneuver through the air. He could feel a smile had made it's way onto his face and he let it stay. The chosen one's awakening could be very good for the freedom fighters not to mention the rest of the IDD. He looked over to axe to see how he reacted to the news.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artaxes Cleave Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Tinkerton Puck
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Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

Cassidy watched the expressions on the young fairy change and she sighed a bit. yep should have run... she thought to herself. She really was really not looking forward to this whole scene. She wondered what the young man would think. Would he laugh? Would he be happy? Would he be angry that she had not come sooner? Would he hate her for not succeeding in the first place? She would not blame him if this this was the case. In the end she was just a outsider on his land. She watched the males expression keeping silent as she was now deep in thought. Why had she even told this much of her personal life? What made her speak so much? What is up with the fairies happiness to her speaking the truth of her identity? What has happened while she slumbered? How much had the creatures and land change? How much have they lost? The questions circled around her mind leaving her wanting to give her own interrogation to the male and even the pixie but she knew better then to do this. Curiosity always leads to trouble.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artaxes Cleave Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Tinkerton Puck Character Portrait: Piper Gravel
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#, as written by Byte
Piper's eyes were instantly locked on the cat's patting, the growl that left her lips emphasizing her already agitated expression as her metal limb was raised high in the air, moss-green eyes peering from under the prosthetic limb at the humanoid cat.

Really, how could this cat be so ignorant of Pip's obvious dislike for the cat? It only raised her agitation that the creature tried to keep that adorable smug smile fixed on the woman. From the start, Happy had been a thorn in Piper's sight. A member of the resistance that did bugger all and was only there to annoy the shit out of her, and everyone else for that matter.

Lowering her mechanical arm, Piper turned her green eyes to where Art's obnoxious pet had been pointing, the gigantic black axe on the man's back noticeably visible, even from this distance. The woman could barely spot another figure off in the distance, the silhouette of a female was all her eyes could register, which matched Happy's words as the cat made a mention of his owner having approached a strange girl.

Piper rose from her position, straightening her body as her mouth released a few complaints about walking all the way there, only to know what the hell the chief wanted from his vice this time. Therefore, her steps were slow and heavy, like weights were continuously strapped around her legs with each inch they moved forward. But the inevitable could never be avoided, and eventually Piper had reached her destination, her moss-green eyes peering through a few fringes of ginger hair as they finally had gotten a better view on the figure that Art had been talking to.

A young woman, barely having reached adulthood. She was clothed in a white attire that practically covered every inch of her body, safe for her face, but Piper was certain the outfit came with the mandatory hood to cover that.

Tink hadn't escaped her notice either, the woman shaking her head as she witnessed the tiny pixie-boy buzzing around like the nervous child that he was.

Standing next to her superior, Piper let out a deep sigh, resting both hands on either side of her hip as she glared at Art with cold green eyes. β€œYou called?” The woman asked, the tone of her voice clearly coloured with her every-day annoyance, her eyes briefly twitching upward before settling back on the captain.

β€œNext time, you better fuckin' approach me yourself. I hate to have to go through a stammering greenie and your damned house-cat just to find you.” Piper let out a huff, cocking her hip outwards to the right as her left arm now loosely dangled beside her. β€œNew bait, I presume?” The woman scoffed, her moss-green eyes turning to the strange woman that stood before her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artaxes Cleave Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Tinkerton Puck Character Portrait: Piper Gravel
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Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

Cassidy saw the female approach and her calm demeanor shifted instantly to one that was challenging and more uneased. She was on edge. Her Guard fully up. Every inch of her body was ready to move to fight if need be. She shifted her stance to more of a fighting stance though it was still passive. Then when the female spoke she almost laughed at her. She seemed to have a stick up her ass to say the least. She found it almost amusing her whole 'annoyed atmosphere' she smirked and narrowed her gaze challengingly her eyes seeming to say "You could only wish." The red haired female seemed to look her over which she seemed even more annoyed at what she found. She liked this agitated female. She felt she could sparr with her. Plus she was amusing. Her whole rough exterior didn't phase her like she obviously hoped it would.

((Cassidy is wearing this outfit: ))

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artaxes Cleave Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Tinkerton Puck Character Portrait: Piper Gravel
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Axe's face witch was normally calm cold not help a twitch of the lip when Cassidy introduced her self as one the dream walkers. Axe did not like the dream walkers that is for sure but he did not hate them ether. Though it was true that they had failed in there duties they did fight to there last breaths fighting for there sakes. Axe was never sure on what to do if he would encounter the dream walker's. Though his personal belief that he and his men should win this war by there own means, the girl could be a valuable asset to there forces not only adding firepower but increasing moral as well. Axe suddenly head the thumping on someone approving. Axe turned to see Piper looking annoyed as she normally did. There was little question weather or not the girl was who she clammed to be after all she matched the description perfectly he was told for the fire dreamer.

β€œYou called?" Piper said not bothering trying to cover up her annoyance. "Next time, you better fuckin' approach me yourself. I hate to have to go through a stammering greenie and your damned house-cat just to find you. New bait, I presume?[/b] She said looking at Cassidy who had shifted to a slightly more defensive pose. Clearly Cassidy was just on edge as he was, probably more. Axe needed to remember that it would have been to them just the other day that she had lost most of her friends and whatever family she had.

"Piper that you for coming but something has just come up and I need to speak with all three of you in private there are something that are best to be keep quite until a plan can be made. We can speak safely in my tent. Cassidy for now I feel that I must trust you. So long as you do not misbehave you will be treated fairly." Axe simply turned around and began to walk to his tent. Axe took a quick look back at the girl. Well Magness did say that that the only people you trust should you turn your back too. Axe though hopping he was not making a mistake

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artaxes Cleave Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Ancel Carlson
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Connor Pyrogen

Connor turned to look at the female who said her name he handed Destin Cassidy's Journal as he turned to her. "Ah yes, Kyo the air chosen one. It's nice to finally meet you. I am Connor Pyrogen the sage guide. This young man is Destin the water chosen one. The other two are exploring a bit but we will find them later." He replied checking over his clothes to make sure they were symmetrical. He smiled at the woman warmly. It was a great day for him and he was cheerful and happy for the time being.

Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

Cassidy only nodded at the male. She walked to a very large oak tree one of which was 80 feet high an 5 feet wide. She scaled it, running up the sides with almost to much ease to the highest tree branch that could hold her weight. She grabbed the tree branch with both hands flipping herself onto it so she was sitting on it, her long legs dangling over the side of it. She looked out over the land trying to see what all had changed in the last 50 years. She wondered if Destin had awoken yet. She wondered if he still was himself. She remembered his sudden...combustion. The blood that splattered on her, the pieces of him spread about in many areas. She remembered her screams, remembered seeing her soldiers and Destin's soldiers get struck down one by one there blood splattered outwards, she could still hear there screams crying out in the day and in the night, could still feel the heat of the fires as the forests burned around her it was all too real even now she could remember it so clearly. Even in her slumber the deaths haunted her. In the end she was fighting for this land because her troops defended it, giving up there lives for this cause. She would not allow them to have died in Veign. She put her hand up to her forehead shaking her head slightly trying to erase the vivid video of the war from her mind though it just continued to replay. She just continued scanning the area to try and get her mind off of these things.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artaxes Cleave Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Tinkerton Puck Character Portrait: Piper Gravel
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Tink had started backing away when Axe requested them inside them inside his tent. He thought that he wouldn't be needed again after his gave his report. It was only his interest in Cassidy that had kept him for this long. After bringing her here he felt like he was responsible for her well being while in the camp. To add to that there wasn't much that he would be able to contribute at the meeting. All that he knew of the camps inner workings were from sending messages to informants inside the city.
He turned quickly and the flaps of his hat slapped across his face. He looked over to his tent in the distance and tried his best not to collapse on the spot. He started to make his way to but stopped to lower himself to the ground. He had been flying since his woke up this morning and his wings were tired. Wrapping his wings around his torso he started to make his way back to his tent. After many excuse me's and weaving through the camp's busy walkways he finally reached his tent. Before he entered he took one last look of Cassidy in her oak tree before entering his home.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve
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Connor Pyrogen

Connor watched the male through his prevail vision he smiled as he hopped out from the crystal and even extended a hand at the girl. It was a nice gesture. Sweet even. Though he seemed skittish. Connor really needed to find the young female known only to him as Cassidy. He felt the young man truly needed her.

Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

Cassidy jumped from the tree deciding it was time to go back. She stayed close to the shadows easing her way through the camp walls. She scaled over the walls and jumped over the side, landing on the forest floor. She had suddenly felt impatient with her movements and began to run quickly back to the cave. She had no idea why she felt so rushed but she knew her gut feeling was to make it back. She realized as she entered the cave stopping to even her rapid breathing it was because she wanted to see if Destin had finally awoken and if he hadn't she wanted to wake him up. Odd to be so impatient, So very human. She shrugged her breathing now slow and steady as she walked slowly into the area jumping down to where the four were had slept. She put her hood down and looked around she saw a odd male with 3 lines going over half his hairline, a brown haired woman in a yellow dress and..."Destin.." She spoke outloud. She was now frozen, her eyes wide in shock but her full lips were set into a small smile.