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Piper Gravel

"Oh for the love of- For the umpteenth, fucking time! Don't bother me, 'cause your whining is giving me a headache. And as the man in the wheelchair said to his concerned wife: I can't give even the tiniest bit of crap."

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a character in “Lucid Dreamers: Revolution”, originally authored by Byte, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Piper 'Pip' Gravel
Age: Twenty-six
Role: Freedom Fighters - Second in Command

Imagine your average lazy, bitch punk-gal mixed with a colourful attire from a post-apocalyptic raider and you got a pretty good picture of what Piper would look like. With a lithe, slender body; The rebel's second-in-command stands just about a rough 5'7" tall, taller than most average females, and carries a small weight of 112 pounds that could only be described as bony.

Her skeletal build is covered with a rough layer of light-toned skin, the organic carpet being coloured with various scars and tattoos that are well hidden by Pip's clothing. The only markings you will notice, are the freckles that cover great portions of the gal's cheeks and nose, something that comes with the territory of her pale skin, and a small arced cut that resides right on her small chin.

Piper's oval-shaped face is covered with a medium-length, ginger hair that is kept in a messy loli-punk style, two measly tails wrapped in a steel bracelet on either side of her head, and the rest ragged and sprouting all over the place, the goggles doing nothing but just sit there for mere looks.

Any notable aspects are that Piper has a whole lot of piercings. Too many to count, in fact, but they are all in plain sight, most of them jabbed through her nose, lower lip, left eyebrow and both her ears. Still, what would stand out like a sore thumb, is Pip's mechanical left arm. An arm that, no matter how 'handy' it is, irks her to no end.

Whoever says that Piper has an edgy attitude is putting it so very, amazingly, extremely mild. No really, the woman is known to keep a constant façade of aloofness, continuous claims to not 'give a fuck' about anything or anyone and complaining when something is asked- No, demanded from her. All the while still nodding calmly whenever the chief asks for his cup of coffee and complimentary biscuit.

Yeah, don't even try to understand the gal's inconsistent demeanour, you'll never work it out without an overly complicated flowchart that contains every teeny tiny detail that makes Piper... Well, Piper, and even then you will find yourself baffled at how it still does not fit in any sensible context.

It'd be hard to acquire Pip's trust, great shock... The only person that would come close to having her respect, is the rebel leader, and even he is kept in the dark about a good many things. Piper is hard to piece together to put it in lay terms, but you shouldn't have anything to worry about when it comes to determination to see the end of this revolution, and to get her old life back on those rusty rails...

Personal Tinkering: Something that Pip will only resort to when her firearm is in need of a new tack, or just when the gal feels like beating her own re-assembling record. Whatever fits her current mood, really.

Lazy-day: Some good O'le fashioned doing bugger all, sit back and try to imagine what a passing cloud is shaped like.

Taking the Piss: Piper's equivalent (And only form.) of social interaction, and so very, very much an entertainment to subside that horrendous bore of the hour. You can't say she doesn't try to get some form of click with the freedom Fighters!

Nail gun:
Although a regular handgun would be more effective, Pip has completely modified hers to fire rounds of small nails since those are easier to craft from scratch. The dull-grey gun is fitted with two separate ammo slots, and retains its light carrying-weight. It does, however, relinquish the massive range and speed its original design had.

Not much to say about this tiny handheld tool. It's your average, steel switch-blade that serves multiple purposes and is never a bad thing to carry with you. You never know, right? Hell, Piper keeps it on her for that exact reason.

Photographic Memory: Pip has an excellent memory, and can recall almost any teeny tiny piece of detail that has been shown or said, whether she wants to or not.

Strategist: It would do the rebels well to stay two steps ahead of their adversaries. Piper, although extremely lazy to actually work them out on paper, will always have some kind of plan that would fit the current situation.

Parkour: The perfect skill to make a quick get-away or reach certain places of interest that can't be reached in a normal manner. As for Piper? It is a great way to get someplace where no-one can give her a headache.

Infiltration: More or less goes hand-in-hand with Pip's parkour skills. It really is something when you can get in-and-out without alerting anyone, no?

Had she been born in more peaceful times, Piper might have been the complete opposite of who she is now. Alas, that wasn't the case, and instead she has walled herself off from any emotion and connection, her only goal; To destroy the one thing that ruined her entire life.

It was true that being a slave wasn't the most perfect life that one could have, but Piper didn't know anything safer. Sure, you had to work your ass off at things you despised and appeal to those who had destroyed the peace in the first place, but it could've been worse. They were given shelter, decent meals, and you couldn't complain about the lodging either.

The only thing the then young girl could complain about, was that her parents were always too busy to spend time with their two children. Piper's mother worked as a maid for one of those puffy bastards and his ass-hole family, and her father as a piss-boy that was forced to do despicable things, which meant they were constantly away, but that was to be the deal if you wanted to live.

It wasn't until much later that Piper had to revise her thoughts on being a slave. Now that she had gotten a good look in the actual field of work both her parents had to do, and the way they were treated and looked upon, the then teenage girl couldn't help but wonder about the outside of this pretentious gilded cage.

One unfaithful day, the shit had hit the fan and a rather gruesome fate had befallen on Piper's family that caused the death of her parents, as only she and her sister managed to escape. The months after that were spend in hiding, and taking to petty crimes that barely managed to sustain two mouths.

However, it didn't take their former owners long to find their escaped slaves and planned to execute them on the spot, a scene that still burns greatly within Piper's mind...

After that, the woman found herself on a sick bed, her left arm replaced with a mechanical one and her sister gone from her side. Instead, she was greeted by the leader of the infamous Freedom Fighters, and was offered a place in the resistance to help end this oppression...

So begins...

Piper Gravel's Story

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Character Portrait: Piper Gravel Character Portrait: K. Naut
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#, as written by Byte
Nothing. Absolutely bugger all had happened. No reports, no missions, no... nothing! Piper had gotten herself another terrible night's rest, but when didn't she? And the morning couldn't start any better with her mechanical arm acting up. Which meant great fun by visiting her not-so-favourite koala bear.

“Ugh... I bet he cocked it up in the first place, just to have an excuse to pester me some more.” The irritation in her voice clearly noticeable. Yeah, everyone could tell that Piper and K. had a great chemistry together, in that one wished the other got dissolved in acid. Or at least, the woman hoped he did.

Anyway, as much as Piper disliked the guy, he was the only one able to maintain that arm and keep it in perfect shape. All the other engineers were poor piss-boys with null experience. Sighing heavily, the woman rubbed the back of her head while opening the door with the other, yawning as her feet set foot into the koala's workshop. “Hey, Koala! It fuckin' broke again!” Well... 'broke' would be a strong word for it, some minor tweaks would probably fix it up again, maybe not even that. Oh, Piper so hated that arm... If only she didn't need it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Piper Gravel Character Portrait: Solomon Rajah Character Portrait: K. Naut
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Connor Pyrogen

"It's time...HOLY FUCK IT'S TIME!!" Connor screamed as he ran around picking up things to pack. "Fuuu!! What do I do! What do I do!!! I'M 19 AND I DON'T HAVE A FUCKING CLUE!!! I need help..." Connor said looking up at the sky as if the gods were going to give him answers. He sighed and continued to run around and fix things up. He then saw the room was unsymmetrical and flipped even more shit. "Oh Jesus Christ Shepard of whatever!" He hollered out. He had heard of a man named Jesus from of the sages who had heard it from a Dream walker. 'Is that what there called?' he asked himself. It doesn't sound right.. He then realized again that the room was unsymmetrical and whimpered. "How could I have allowed this to happen!? I'm garbage!!! I made my room unsymmetrical!!" he quickly fixed it and packed the bags which he left on his bed and then walked out to the caves where they slept to greet the chosen ones. Poor boy was only 19 and he hadnt a clue what to do in any of this. He only hoped the others would not view him as idiotic as he thought. "Damn those other sages for dying out on me before they could tell me tell me what I was to do." He murmured as he walked. Though he felt bad for his words he was really mad at the other sages for this.

He wore a black suit which went well with his golden eyes and black hair which held the 3 cursed asymmetrical white sanzu lines which of corse gave him alot of trouble considering he had a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, which manifested as an obsession over symmetry, otherwise known as asymmetriphobia. He had skull cufflings and two holsters with pistols in them on his belt. He looked quite nicely as he walked around looking for the four chosen ones. It seemed two were still asleep and two were awake. He continued on his search. He was told the fire one was one who did not speak. She was a dark, silent, and mysterious girl. He could respect that atleast.

Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

Cassidy's long brown hair that was tossed over her shoulder in a ponytail blew softly in the wind. She had scaled a tree in the forest where the tunnels were watching Kya speak to the other three. One of her long legs were up to her stomach her head resting upon it. Her other long leg was to the side of her in a very feminine way her back rested against the tree. She was actually the first one of the four to awaken and she had watched the horizon turn from dark starry blue to grey to pink, yellow, and orange to a light blue before she had decided to wonder off. She opened the chest and got the ruby with inscriptions, the gold and many weapons she now had. The pouch was in a shash like fashion. Her hazel eyes were on the horizon straight ahead. Her white hood was down which was unlike her and her full red lips were set in a sort of sexy pout as she thought silently.

She wore her traditional Romanian Indian wear. Cassidy inherited the robes of her father, Ratonhnhaké:ton Conner. These robes were symbolic for the Luic Dreamers Order, with its beaked hood and the white cloth. The standard robes were worn over Cassidy's normal clothing. The upper body featured a hood with the center shaped to resemble an eagle's beak, which was connected to the robes, it was connected to the torso with a golden chain.

The lower part of the robes were doubly layered, with the back of the robes trailing down to be longer than the front. Around the waist was a long red sash with pouches attached to a belt, holding smoke bombs, bullets, poison and medicine vials. The belt also held together an ornate Indian insignia, with scabbards holding throwing knives flanking it. The robes top were a brown corset, the brown was made to cover her stomach and the top was white covering her breasts, it showed her cleavage and hour glass curves, flat stomach and lean and athletic built frame quite nicely. Her top also featured a leather spaulder where a cape was attached, draped over and around Cassidy's left arm and shoulder. Her outfit complemented her evenly proportioned body perfectly. She had her hidden blades hidden in the bangles around both her wrists.

Cassidy was deep in silent thought as she looked out to the horizon. She never was a big in meetings and talking. The things she said were short in sentence but vast in meaning. Even the things she did not say held meaning. It had been centuries til she last walked upon this land and it was time yet again to fight this war. A deed she had been waiting for sense the time of the great war. Her will of fire was again needed to aid this battle and this time she would not fail this land. She knew she had no choice but to win and win she would no matter what. But something still ate away at her mind. She was not apart of this land. She was like the demon a outsider. She wondered if it was the Lucid dreamers that brought the demon to this land when they entered the gates to this world. She sighed as she thought:
'On this land, I am torn. Part of me wants to fight and repel all outsiders. The other part of me is the outsider..' She continued looking out at the horizon continue her path of thought.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piper Gravel Character Portrait: K. Naut
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K. Naut

A lamp emitting a feeble light swung back and forth above the cramped room, only supported by a limp chord dangling from the center of the ceiling. Directly underneath the lamp, was a dormant robot lying peacefully on his back. It was a staggering seven foot tall and just about managed to fit onto the wooden table, giving the impression of a patient during surgery. The freshly done paint-job shined under the meager light with gleaming shades of copper and gold. Callisto's left bicep was swung open, revealing a hollow compartment containing the motherboard - it looked extremely complex, comprising of a mess of wires, glittering circuit boards and several small mechanisms. The robot's eyepiece was removed and had been placed to the side.

The koala bear's miniscule body curled over Callisto's arm, his goggles tightly strapped across his eyes and his lip bit back in concentration. Due to his height, K. had to stand on a stool for him to reach the table. His left hand was occupied with a flashlight while the latter was holding a pair of pliers. The lack of light in the room accented the bags under his eyes and the tips of his thick fur. Several bits and pieces lay scattered on the table, relatively close to the engineer. He put the flashlight into his mouth in order to reach out and grab a screw before delicately placing it into the motherboard and continue working. Like every other day, when K. had no other task to do, he was busy modifying Callisto. Today, he was attempting to install a homing-missile launcher that would rest on the robot's shoulders. You know, the usual.

K. had the tendency to ponder over small things while working - after all he knew Mecha from the back of his paw. At this very moment in time, the koala was thinking of what they would be having for dinner tonight. The creature rarely ate with the group as he was always preoccupied on something work-related. Not only that, but most of the Freedom Fighters had a preference of meat. K. took pride in being a herbivore and it disgusted him whenever he saw a member chew into a drumstick along the table. He usually collected his meal an hour or so before the actual dinner, deciding never to take the risk. The food was always delicious every time and it made the koala's mouth water at the thought. Perhaps it would a nice vegetable casserole, or maybe those wonderful Tikka skewers they did last week. They were always spot on when it came to the soups, for instance-
“Hey, Koala! It fuckin' broke again!”

K. knitted his eyebrows together, clearly annoyed, as he lifted his goggles from his face. He slammed the equipment in his hand onto the table, the entirety of his frame practically quivering with fiery anger. With his furry paws tightly balled into fists, the koala abruptly turned around and glared at the woman who had rudely interrupted his train of thought. When he was getting into a rhythm above all things!
"How many times do I have to tell you," He said quietly, a twitch in his cheek and his nostrils flared," NEVER TO DISTURB ME WHILE I'M WORKING!"
He roared out the last several words before sighing in frustration. He folded his stubby arms and massaged his forehead with his thumb and index finger, a nerve was visible in the corner. K. was used to Piper bursting into his workshop uninvited, nonetheless it still irritated him immensely. He would allow no exceptions. She needed to learn to take more care of her mechanical arm before the koala would rip it off. How tempting of a prospective.
"What have you done with it now?" He said through gritted teeth.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piper Gravel Character Portrait: K. Naut
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#, as written by Byte
Piper had merely raised one of her eyebrows in response to the koala's short-lived lecture, which had definitely fallen on deaf ears as far as the woman was concerned. Great... Just what she needed to lighten up her miserable, shit-stained day; A reminder of how 'irritable' it was that she disrupted his work.

“I wouldn't have to,” The woman muttered, pinching the bridge of her nose with her thumb and index-finger. “But- Then you shouldn't build this piece of crap from material that's as sturdy as tin-foil!” As loud as K. would yell, Piper would yell just as loud in return. The both of them falling out at each other was as inevitable as the sun rising in the morning, and just as predictable.

Straightening her body, Piper huffed out a sigh with her last breath while slowly approaching the mechanic as her hands clasped into each other after a singular, sarcastic clap. “Whaddya mean, huh? Don't try blaming this malfunction on me, Naut.”

With Piper's comment, came an agitated huff as her body turned itself to face away from one of the many workbenches that were scattered across the room only to drop itself on it, her right arm leaning on said table as her mechanical one rested on the woman's lap. “Just shut your furry mouth and fix this junk for me will ya? One of the bolts must've bent or something, I don't fuckin' know.”

Whatever caused the stiffness in her prosthetic limb, that was a question Piper skilfully avoided by keeping her moss-green eyes from making any contact with K's already infuriated stature, and instead they observed the gigantic construct the koala had probably been so absorbed with.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artaxes Cleave Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Tinkerton Puck Character Portrait: Piper Gravel Character Portrait: K. Naut
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Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

Cassidy watched the little pixie's actions. "Your lying." She said bluntly. The way his aura twinged in color when he said his name told her so. She turned and dropped from one tree branch to the other showing him she had no time for one who lies. She really hated when someone lied to her. She landed on the ground and began to stretch and make her way through the forest her strides long and graceful making her walk look more like a dance then anything. As she walked her hips swayed lightly to the left and right. Her long curly brown hair thrown over her shoulder blew slightly in the wind until she put her hood up. She quickly made her way through the forest to a odd camp like area. She saw a tree that had a carving on it that read: Freedom Fighters. She shrugged not viewing it as anything but odd as she walked into the area. She saw a Koala male and a red haired girl and then she saw a male that was obviously the leader by the way the rest looked at him. Cassidy hide in the shadows staying low to the ground as she watched the scene.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artaxes Cleave Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Tinkerton Puck Character Portrait: Piper Gravel Character Portrait: K. Naut
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"Your lying." She said bluntly. Tink didn't bother to denying it. She sounded so sure that she would have convinced him even if he wasn't lying. He felt his eyes widen at the accusation and even further as she hopped away. Due to the curse his flock had given him at birth, his every emotion was broadcast by his aura. Just a side-effect of being puck's descendant. But even so, people weren't usually able to catch on so quickly. He didn't think that any of Getsus's soldiers were smart enough to notice and that left only one conclusion.
Turning on the spot he darted in her direction. She was on the ground now and had set a fast pace. Tink tailed her from the treetops while he thought of something to say in apology.
He didn't notice when he left the cover of the trees but instead found himself hovering high above the freedom fighter camp. He looked down to see K and piper arguing by K's tent. If it was like any of their other arguments something was wrong with Piper's arm and she had come to K. Naut to fix it. If only it that easy. Artaxes sat in the middle of the camp surveying his small band of troops. Even smaller with him and Solomon gone.
Stay focused he grunted to himself and looked around the camp for the girl. There on the edges, she sat watching the camp. Doing his best to dampen his glow he travelled down and landed beside her.
"Sorry about before. I just wasnt sure if you were working for getsus or not." he said talking to himself as much as her. He realized that he still had up the illusion and immediately terminated it. His previously tough form transform into his mundanely weak one.
"Tinkerton Puck. Messenger of the Freedom fighters." he said extending a good natured hand forward. When he realized she was far too big to grab his hand he brought it slowly back to his side. He wasn't really sure what to do next. If he were to bow it could be too formal not to mention it would leave him open if she wanted to attack him. He could salute but would that be disloyal to the freedom fighters? Would it be disrespectful if he did nothing at all? Oh decisions, decisions.
He stood there awkwardly trying to come up with one.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artaxes Cleave Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Tinkerton Puck Character Portrait: Piper Gravel Character Portrait: K. Naut
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Axe awoke with a grown as he threw himself out of his bed. He scratched his head as was greeted by a somewhat squeaky voice. "Good morning Axe-kun" The cat named happy said as it jumped into his head. "We got a lot of work to do today, you also got a letter from Megness-sama"! At this Axe started to pay attention.

"That dame old man send never sends me a letter" he said as he went over to his desk witch was covered by reports and maps. In the middle of the mess was a white envelope with the symbol of the sages. Axe opened the letter and began to read it.

To my foolish apprentice the time is coming near when the chosen ones will awaken soon. You should keep yourself and your patrols on high alert. Also If you encounter any odd people please for the mother of the dragon DO NOT UPSET THEM, they could be the go- Axe did not finish the letter and simply burned it on a nearby candle. Annoying old man he thought as he got dressed. Axe proceeded to head walk out of his tent and put on his public face.

"Happy, I have the felling this is going to a long day". he said in a annoyed tone knowing he would not have a lot of time to play.

"Aye" said happy.

Axe Walked from his tent around the camp cheeking on the camp. He visited the training grounds were there were many new men who had shined up as of late as the attacks from Getsus had inspired them. He next went over to the Sages who had decided to fight The Sages were strong spell casters and were not to be trifled with but they were few in numbers. Sadly the camp even with the new troops seemed empty do to the many patrols that were ran around the clock to make sure that there would be no surprise attacks, and what was not on patrol were stationed in small towns located around the sacred land. Next Axe walked over to the Engineering core were he found Piper and Naut fighting like normal. Axe sat down on a log were he could keep an eye on most of the camp. Axe looked over to see a erred boy walking by who could be no older then 15. "Come here lad" Axe ordered The boy walked over in a nerves fashion. "Boy send word to the scouts to be on high alert and tell Piper to report in I wish to talk to her. Axe sat there for a few minutes before he saw something odd. There was a girl in strange white cothing standing on top of a hill with a hood masking her face.

keep yourself on high alert. The words form the letter he got from Magness ran though his mind. Axe stood up and with his back "Axe-Kun whats wrong" asked Happy.

"It is nothing, stay here and wait for Piper". With that Axe walked over the the stranger. It was odd for someone to appear as she had. Any new recruits would have been brought in with patrols and Axe would have been informed if she was a messenger and there was no way in hell one of Getsus man would have made it this far into there territory. When he got up close he saw that the lady was accompanied by Tink the best messenger that the Freedom Fighters had. "Tink" Axe said in a somewhat loud and commanding voice "Who is this girl? Is she a new recruit? Why are you accompanying her?" Axe felt like he was interrogating Tink ....but then again he was. It was odd for Tink to be here now is an odd situation put on top of an odd situation. Fun.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artaxes Cleave Character Portrait: Piper Gravel Character Portrait: K. Naut
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K. Naut

His large ears had immediately tensed upon hearing a presence enter the tent. From the corner of his eye, he identified the person as their Leader - Artaxes. However, he did not disrupt their, um, heated conversation so K. decided not to take action and greet him. The man did not stay long - perhaps only to check up on the station - and within a split-second, he had left. Almost as if he had never been there. The koala's focus then reverted back to Piper.

The koala snorted. "Ha! I could've made it out of diamond, and it would still be in terrible condition because of you." He sneered, before hopping off the stool and brushing down his suit, "You're like a child who breaks her toy, and then moans about it afterwards."
K. grasped one of the stool legs before dragging it directly in front of where Piper was sitting. He then went back to the original table and, on his very tiptoes, felt around for his toolbox and pulled it close enough for him to reach the handle. The koala bear grabbed it and tottered back to the girl. With one paw, K. heaved himself up onto the seat - using his feet to push himself upwards. With a loud breath of relief, he finally made it onto the stool and made himself comfortable. He placed the toolbox in his lap and positioned his goggles back over his eyes.
"Now, let's see what it is you've broken this time." He muttered under his breath.

K. carefully placed Piper's metallic palm onto the back of his hand and lifted it up for closer inspection. Using his remaining hand, he lifted one of the fingers and tried to return it to its original position. It remained stiff and didn't budge until after some effort. His sight still remaining locked on the bionic hand, the koala rummaged around his toolbox until he felt the familiar shape of a screwdriver and fished it out. K. quickly untwisted the bolt with a practiced ease - leading to a concealed hatch pop open. Inside was a hollow chamber exposing the core mechanics of the artificial limb. The koala watched for a moment, as the gears continued to spiral and turn under his careful gaze. K. narrowed his eyes and focused on each individual component until he noticed a-
"Oh, I see." He whispered, more to himself rather than to Piper. K. didn't even bother explaining to the girl what the problem was exactly, it would go straight over her head. She wouldn't listen anyway.

Once more, K. dug into his loyal toolbox and brought out a can of oil. He used his canines to tug off the lid and gently poured in the slightest amount of the black fluid onto the machinery before setting to work on it. As he fiddled around with the gadget, disgruntled mumbles escaped from his mouth.
"It's too early in the morning for this..."
"Ignorant youths..."
"Where's my goddamn coffee..."

It didn't take too long to finish the job, as the reparations done was mostly regular maintenance - just to keep Piper off his back for a bit longer. K. retracted his arms, giving the opportunity for a certain someone to marvel at his work. You know, as most would. However, when he looked up, the koala realised her attention was elsewhere. K. followed her line of view, only to realise what the girl was staring at within seconds. He clutched his toolbox against his chest before dropping off the stool and landing on his feet.
"Nobody is allowed to touch him, especially you. So don't even bother." He said, not turning around.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artaxes Cleave Character Portrait: Piper Gravel Character Portrait: K. Naut
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#, as written by Byte
If the woman was like a child, then K. was her grumpy dad; Scolding his offspring, but still giving her what she wants. Actually- A more accurate analogy: A teenager falling out to her parent, his complaints and lectures falling on deaf ears, but he still decides to help her out anyway.

Whatever- Piper couldn't be bothered to give another sneer of her own. She got what she wanted, and after all was said and done, the koala and the girl would be going back on their merry routines. Because that was what always happened, was it not?

For now, her eyes had settled on the sight of K's precious robot which Piper couldn't recall the name of, the woman's pupils widening as she was impressed by the piece of mechanical art. The old bugger was talented, Pip had to give the koala that at least. As for further interest in how it actually worked and how he made it, there was none to be had. Aside from the firearm that was clasped on Piper's belt, the lass had no real knowledge of anything concerning the engineering sector, and quite frankly? She didn't even want to extent that knowledge any further than that.

Throughout the entirety of the repair, Piper's moss-green beats kept themselves fixed on the massive construct, only briefly glancing back at the grouchy koala when her prosthetic arm was yanked at, the girl vocalizing a few imaginative curses under her breath as the sudden movement did startle surprise her.

When all was repaired, K. noticed that his visitor had been eyeing his 'magnificent' creation, once again placing something on the 'off-limits for Piper' list. A comment that the lass could only roll her eyes at before unsticking her bottom from the workbench with a quick, nimble hop onto the concrete floor.

“Whatever- It's probably junk, anyway.” She retorted, gently moving her mechanical arm the eye-level as she flipped each individual finger a couple of times before folding them simultaneously into a fist, jabbing the metal limb forward and slowly extending it outwards to the side while rolling it counter-clockwise as her right hand firmly grasped the metal shoulder.

“Smooth...” Piper whispered to her own mind, nodding and lowering the prosthetic arm to align with her torso, her gaze turning to the koala as she pointed to him with a thumbs up from her other hand, grateful for the fix 'm up. “I'm off! Have a damn nice day, you overgrown koala jerk.” The last words, especially the insult, muttered at the lowest frequency that Piper could achieve.

Leaving the blasted place behind her, Piper was surprised with a face-full of recruit. A young boy, barely the reasonable age to even showing it's baby-face here, approached the vice captain while stammering something about reporting in and- Actually, what the nelly was he saying? The woman growled as her hip cocked outwards to the left, her mechanical arm resting on the side.

“Hey, kiddo. I don't speak Stammer.” The woman gazed with agitation at the young recruit, sighing as the kid calmed himself down and began anew.

“Uh- Captain said h-he wanted to m-meet y-you, ma'am.”

Perfect... What did the boss want now? “Fine- Where the hell is he?” Piper straightened her body, pinching the bridge of her nose with her right thumb and index-finger before making the first steps to where the boy had pointed. “Dismissed.”

Approaching the log, Piper found anyone but that impatient jerk. The only one who was there was that irritating cat-thing of his. Running her mechanical hand through some of her ginger hair, Pip approached the creature with slow steps. “Ughh... Okay, cat. Where's your owner?” The woman dropped herself on the log, legs stretching forward as both elbows leaned on her upper thighs. A huff left her lips, she was soooo.... not in the mood for Art's bullshit.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artaxes Cleave Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Tinkerton Puck Character Portrait: Piper Gravel
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Axe, his face calm and unwavering at Tinks report did well to mask the face he was quite troubled. Axe though he could not see the girls face properly felt like he could trust her but he could not dismiss his duties. He could not let the girl leave. Despite what he felt Axe new that he could not dismiss the possibility of the girl being a spy but then she could just be a civilian or a possible new recruit. This is where being in charge of a rebel force was a big pain, being able to make the call between friend or foe. Axe looked over the girl. She had a tone body, one capable of good athletic feat's, her movements though minor were sharp and flowing showing that she could keep up in a fight. Her posture maid it so she could react easily. Her clothing was something that would not attract many eyes and would not hinder her movements. Axe was sure that she must have had some combat training at some point. most sines pointed to her being a spy but Axe did not get a bad feeling in his gut from her, in face quite the opposite and there was no hostility in the air. The girl did not try to charm him right away like most of the spy's they found did. I will give her a chance and find out a little more about her before I determine whether or not she was friend of foe. Axe thought to himself.

"First of all Tink, next time you find a stranger wandering about get me first before leader her to our very well hidden main base that we do everything we can to keep the knowledge of its location a secret" Axe said in a annoyed tone knowing the fairy knew better. Next Axe returned his focus to the woman standing before him who was quite quite up to this point "And As for you may I ask for your name and why you are here? I must apologize but I must know who you are before I can let you go. Keeping us alive and what not. I am sure that you understand." He asked trying to be as polite as possible so he would not offend. After all in this world you never know who could be a powerful opponent.

Happy just Put on a big smile as Piper approached, After all the cat was happy when anyone who was a friend did. “Ughh... Okay, cat. Where's your owner?” The girl said in an annoyed tone as she sat next to happy.

Happy went over and patted her fake arm playfully "Axe-kun saw a strange lady on the hill and went to go see her" the cat said responding to her question "There right over there." and pointed at Axe his large black axe clearly visible from the distance."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artaxes Cleave Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Tinkerton Puck Character Portrait: Piper Gravel
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#, as written by Byte
Piper's eyes were instantly locked on the cat's patting, the growl that left her lips emphasizing her already agitated expression as her metal limb was raised high in the air, moss-green eyes peering from under the prosthetic limb at the humanoid cat.

Really, how could this cat be so ignorant of Pip's obvious dislike for the cat? It only raised her agitation that the creature tried to keep that adorable smug smile fixed on the woman. From the start, Happy had been a thorn in Piper's sight. A member of the resistance that did bugger all and was only there to annoy the shit out of her, and everyone else for that matter.

Lowering her mechanical arm, Piper turned her green eyes to where Art's obnoxious pet had been pointing, the gigantic black axe on the man's back noticeably visible, even from this distance. The woman could barely spot another figure off in the distance, the silhouette of a female was all her eyes could register, which matched Happy's words as the cat made a mention of his owner having approached a strange girl.

Piper rose from her position, straightening her body as her mouth released a few complaints about walking all the way there, only to know what the hell the chief wanted from his vice this time. Therefore, her steps were slow and heavy, like weights were continuously strapped around her legs with each inch they moved forward. But the inevitable could never be avoided, and eventually Piper had reached her destination, her moss-green eyes peering through a few fringes of ginger hair as they finally had gotten a better view on the figure that Art had been talking to.

A young woman, barely having reached adulthood. She was clothed in a white attire that practically covered every inch of her body, safe for her face, but Piper was certain the outfit came with the mandatory hood to cover that.

Tink hadn't escaped her notice either, the woman shaking her head as she witnessed the tiny pixie-boy buzzing around like the nervous child that he was.

Standing next to her superior, Piper let out a deep sigh, resting both hands on either side of her hip as she glared at Art with cold green eyes. “You called?” The woman asked, the tone of her voice clearly coloured with her every-day annoyance, her eyes briefly twitching upward before settling back on the captain.

“Next time, you better fuckin' approach me yourself. I hate to have to go through a stammering greenie and your damned house-cat just to find you.” Piper let out a huff, cocking her hip outwards to the right as her left arm now loosely dangled beside her. “New bait, I presume?” The woman scoffed, her moss-green eyes turning to the strange woman that stood before her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artaxes Cleave Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Tinkerton Puck Character Portrait: Piper Gravel
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Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

Cassidy saw the female approach and her calm demeanor shifted instantly to one that was challenging and more uneased. She was on edge. Her Guard fully up. Every inch of her body was ready to move to fight if need be. She shifted her stance to more of a fighting stance though it was still passive. Then when the female spoke she almost laughed at her. She seemed to have a stick up her ass to say the least. She found it almost amusing her whole 'annoyed atmosphere' she smirked and narrowed her gaze challengingly her eyes seeming to say "You could only wish." The red haired female seemed to look her over which she seemed even more annoyed at what she found. She liked this agitated female. She felt she could sparr with her. Plus she was amusing. Her whole rough exterior didn't phase her like she obviously hoped it would.

((Cassidy is wearing this outfit: ))

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artaxes Cleave Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Tinkerton Puck Character Portrait: Piper Gravel
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0.00 INK

Axe's face witch was normally calm cold not help a twitch of the lip when Cassidy introduced her self as one the dream walkers. Axe did not like the dream walkers that is for sure but he did not hate them ether. Though it was true that they had failed in there duties they did fight to there last breaths fighting for there sakes. Axe was never sure on what to do if he would encounter the dream walker's. Though his personal belief that he and his men should win this war by there own means, the girl could be a valuable asset to there forces not only adding firepower but increasing moral as well. Axe suddenly head the thumping on someone approving. Axe turned to see Piper looking annoyed as she normally did. There was little question weather or not the girl was who she clammed to be after all she matched the description perfectly he was told for the fire dreamer.

“You called?" Piper said not bothering trying to cover up her annoyance. "Next time, you better fuckin' approach me yourself. I hate to have to go through a stammering greenie and your damned house-cat just to find you. New bait, I presume?[/b] She said looking at Cassidy who had shifted to a slightly more defensive pose. Clearly Cassidy was just on edge as he was, probably more. Axe needed to remember that it would have been to them just the other day that she had lost most of her friends and whatever family she had.

"Piper that you for coming but something has just come up and I need to speak with all three of you in private there are something that are best to be keep quite until a plan can be made. We can speak safely in my tent. Cassidy for now I feel that I must trust you. So long as you do not misbehave you will be treated fairly." Axe simply turned around and began to walk to his tent. Axe took a quick look back at the girl. Well Magness did say that that the only people you trust should you turn your back too. Axe though hopping he was not making a mistake

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artaxes Cleave Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Ancel Carlson
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0.00 INK

Connor Pyrogen

Connor turned to look at the female who said her name he handed Destin Cassidy's Journal as he turned to her. "Ah yes, Kyo the air chosen one. It's nice to finally meet you. I am Connor Pyrogen the sage guide. This young man is Destin the water chosen one. The other two are exploring a bit but we will find them later." He replied checking over his clothes to make sure they were symmetrical. He smiled at the woman warmly. It was a great day for him and he was cheerful and happy for the time being.

Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

Cassidy only nodded at the male. She walked to a very large oak tree one of which was 80 feet high an 5 feet wide. She scaled it, running up the sides with almost to much ease to the highest tree branch that could hold her weight. She grabbed the tree branch with both hands flipping herself onto it so she was sitting on it, her long legs dangling over the side of it. She looked out over the land trying to see what all had changed in the last 50 years. She wondered if Destin had awoken yet. She wondered if he still was himself. She remembered his sudden...combustion. The blood that splattered on her, the pieces of him spread about in many areas. She remembered her screams, remembered seeing her soldiers and Destin's soldiers get struck down one by one there blood splattered outwards, she could still hear there screams crying out in the day and in the night, could still feel the heat of the fires as the forests burned around her it was all too real even now she could remember it so clearly. Even in her slumber the deaths haunted her. In the end she was fighting for this land because her troops defended it, giving up there lives for this cause. She would not allow them to have died in Veign. She put her hand up to her forehead shaking her head slightly trying to erase the vivid video of the war from her mind though it just continued to replay. She just continued scanning the area to try and get her mind off of these things.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artaxes Cleave Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Tinkerton Puck Character Portrait: Piper Gravel
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0.00 INK

Tink had started backing away when Axe requested them inside them inside his tent. He thought that he wouldn't be needed again after his gave his report. It was only his interest in Cassidy that had kept him for this long. After bringing her here he felt like he was responsible for her well being while in the camp. To add to that there wasn't much that he would be able to contribute at the meeting. All that he knew of the camps inner workings were from sending messages to informants inside the city.
He turned quickly and the flaps of his hat slapped across his face. He looked over to his tent in the distance and tried his best not to collapse on the spot. He started to make his way to but stopped to lower himself to the ground. He had been flying since his woke up this morning and his wings were tired. Wrapping his wings around his torso he started to make his way back to his tent. After many excuse me's and weaving through the camp's busy walkways he finally reached his tent. Before he entered he took one last look of Cassidy in her oak tree before entering his home.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artaxes Cleave Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Ancel Carlson
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0.00 INK

Connor Pyrogen

Connor nodded as the male took the crystal and not the journal. He picked up the journal and put it in his pack and began to follow Destin. Seeing the earth male pop out of the ground he laughed. "You must be the famous Ancel." He told the male. Ancel was the sages favorite. He was apparently quite the card and jokester.

Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

Cassidy was now herself she watched silently as the others walked to follow the jittery hyper girl but felt no need to truly follow the female or to meet anyone else. She walked away back through the path she originally walked and scaled the wall of the camp sitting atop it and looking towards the camp playing with her element fire. She was making the fire turn into many shapes mimicking stars, creasent moons, a heart, trees, a sphere, a leaf, swords, axes, angels, demons, wings, anything really. And then she began turning her fire into replicas of the people she saw. She looked around the camp for muses for her artwork; seeing all the males and females doing there duties and mimicking them with her fire and then she saw Tinkerton speaking to the animal male she mimicked this with her fire, then red haired female doing well...what the red haired female does and mimicked that and then she saw male Axel and his axe and mimicked this with her fire, the flames were not orange, yellow, and blue. No instead the flames were multicolored, her flame were the vibrant color of a rainbow. She loved art and this seemed to pass the time. And oddly she was surprisingly great at it. Every thing she sculpted was a exact replica of the thing she was sculpting. Well as exact as rainbow fire can be. Which is pretty exact. She nodded at them all when they looked her way.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artaxes Cleave Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Ancel Carlson
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Connor Pyrogen

Connor looked at Ancel "I'm to guide you on your way to lead the dreamland to victory against the war. He asked him one eyebrow raised. He was surprised he did not know this already. Everyone else did.

Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

Cassidy stayed perched atop the wall of the camp continuing to sculpt the Freedom Fighters from the rainbow colored fire from atop the wall silently. She wasn't one to go down and meet with the anyone. No, she shared enough words for the century from her taste. She wasn't meaning to really draw any attention to herself. She was experimenting with her powers and her art capabilities. Seeing how much fire she could use before it became to much. Experimenting with the different colors and how much energy each color needed to be made. Finding her limit and her weakness. Watching the land and the scenery and the freedom fighters. Mapping the amount of wind out for her fire. Feeling just how the wind effected her fire. Calculating her battle tactics and the outsiders movements. Coming up with every possible thing the enemy could do. Mapping out there war and there journey to a T. She would do this until everything she had to do, her team had to do, and everyone else had to do was planned out perfected. It was a painfully long process because of all the missing bits and pieces of entail she had on the outsiders. But she was not one to give up. She refused to. Her rainbow fire sculptures were just a pastime as she calculated.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artaxes Cleave Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Ancel Carlson Character Portrait: Piper Gravel Character Portrait: Brendan Getsus Character Portrait: Ruya Resemme
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Ancel had told Kya that he had changed his mind because of a promise he made to someone just like her. "oh." Kya responded with a light smile. "Can't wait to here it. Your story..." she said, looking out at a river that could just be seen behind the trees. Kya sighed, took off her flats, and threw them behind her. She felt as though she'd rather take the pain in her feet than the uncomfortableness that she felt with her shoes.

"So Ancel," she said after a long period of silence, "Before i race you back to the campsite in the rain, i have one more question for you; Cassidy, I feel like she's the only person among us i haven't talked to. What's she like? She's so mysterious. As soon as I met her and Destin, they were having a dramatic moment or something like they were brother and sister. Nobody explains anything to me. I'm out of the loop...." she said trailing off. "Anyway, thought i'd ask you because i see you've been talking to her a lot recently." She chuckled as she gave him a playful punch on the shoulder.


After lunch, Brendan sat in the comfort of his office. The warm sunlight shined on him through his windows. He was reading the newspaper quietly until one of his lieutenants abruptly burst through the door. "What's the matter, John?" the old man asked, concerned.

"Sir, I've just received news from the men out in the fronteir that two of the leader rebels have been captured. One man and one woman. They are being deported now and will arrive to the prisons on Thursday, where they will be interrogated."
Brendan did not look up at the man at all, but instead continued to read the paper.
"What's the matter sir, aren't you pleased?" the young man asked, inquisitive.
"Yes, naturally," replied Getsus, "but i feel as though there was no reason for these rebels' arrest. I'm not saying to free them, and i'm not saying that their arrest was wrong. In fact, it may collapse the rebels' organization. What i'm trying to say is....sometimes, when you take something away from people, they tend to cause more trouble. Do you know what i mean?"
"Oh yes, yes, sir." the man nodded.
"I want the men in the fronteir to be extra careful out there," Getsus said, pulling a cigar out of his mouth, "you never know what might happen.......out there in the wild."
The lieutenant gave a salute, and left Brendan in his office, where he continued to read the paper.

ok, so dimonlord has failed to post or contact me, and so now first command is up for grabs. Just like last time, you can make a new character or move up your existing freedom fighter. I don't know how we're gonna do this with the new Axe illusion, but maybe we'll figure something out with the wall mission almost about to take place. Also, i left something in the ooc :( it's uhhhh........
well, let's just say i don't think everyone's gonna like it... ':( be brave and go see for yourselves... people have been saying things about things, and i felt as though i needed to set things the can hate me if you want to....i give you all permission.....

And one last thing!!! @RacoonMoon() not forcing you or anything....but i would do backflips if you made Dodge an actual character ^-^ let's just say i know some people with the name Dodge/Dodger and they're all pretty much the best people on the face of the planet :) you don't have to, but if you want to, you should make dodge a character!!! :) jus' sayin!!!! ^-^ teehee

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lust Asami Curtis Character Portrait: Artaxes Cleave Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve
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Lust Asami Curtis

Lust looked at Kya seeing the pain and grief in her eyes she walked to her. "He will need rest tomorrow is a bit to soon even for my alchemy and potions. But I will do my best to have him in top condition so he can at least travel." She looked at her and sighed. "Do not blame yourself Kya Anderson Of Air. You could not be expected to have known the outcome of this situation. He seems at peace with this situation. In the end he protected a pretty girl from a monster after all." She smiles and puts some of her hair behind her ear in a motherly fashion. "I saw you looking at the dragon necklace. 'Hope and Courage'..seems to have meaning behind it..Would you like me to help you fashion a gift for him too?" She asks her.

Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

Cassidy smiled leaning her head against his forehead she was content as well.
"Love and Life..." he murmured, "...I'd give my life to save you. I want you to know that." She opened her eyes and smiled it was of corse a more sad smile. Pathetic smile really. "Cliche isn't our style." She half jokes but her voice cracked and she kissed his lips. She looked into his eyes her hand caressing his cheek. "And besides you cant save the girl who saved you." She looked into his eyes for a few more minutes silently before she went on. "When you died on the battle field. I was in ruins. Angered and loosing my mind with grief and rage. I no longer felt I should live on. I killed not only you but our men too. I was to trusting of our recruits and I let my guard down. I fell into there trap led you all to your deaths because I became to weak to decipher my real soldiers from a undercover spy for Getsus army. And I took his word for where the enemy was located. It was my fault and I knew it. So I lived my life in battle. I went to the people who killed you and one by one I took them down. There screams of agony would pierce through the night and there blood would stain my pathway. I lost myself in my need for revenge...and then they found me. Alone so much hatred in my heart and the need for revenge still heavy on my mind. They looked at me and told me I was needed to save this world. I laughed at them. I was still so angry at the world. But they found my journal and they showed me the picture of you and me smiling. It was beautiful and I remembered the reason I joined the army. I remembered why I was alive and why I was here. Because of you. I lived because you shielded me from a bullet but in the Stepped on a landmine and blew yourself up..I remembered how much I loved you. And the anger and need for revenge turned to agonizing pain and guilt. They took me to some place and all I did was cry. I refused to eat, to move. The girl with the 'Will Of Fire' had died with the man she loved on the battlefield. I was dead. They realized I guess that I was of no use to them so they proposed a deal with me. A life for a life." She smiled. It was a real smile. A smile of happiness and love a smile of pride for what she did. "When this battle ends...and Getsus is defeated..the magic that holds my life intact will ripple and then it will break and I will be no more..I should not be here even now..I died on earth many many years ago at the age of 29..I caught a fever a great sickness that took my life...I live to die at the right's the agreement I have with the Sages. And I don't regret the choice I made because....I get to see you again. And you will have a life and happiness. My only regret is..that I wont get to be there to see it. I cannot bear you a child or marry you. But this is enough." She assured him happily.

Connor Pyrogen

Connor Conner walked back into the campsite with a determined expression, his eyes held grief and sadness he had been walking around the whole area and snuck into Getsus city exploring it from the shadows to draw a updated map of the area around the city and the woods. He also was trying to find Piper and Axe so he could save them. He failed in his mission. Feeling ill about the situation. He saw Cassidy and Destin having a very intimate moment and decided to allow her the chance to do this. He explored the campsite where he saw Axe, Tink, and Titan. He sighed knowing that this Axe was nothing but a illusion. It made him feel even worse about the situation. He walked to Tink's tent and saw Ancel in stitches, Lust with blood covering her shirt, Kya with a depressed look and his heart dropped. He ran to them in a panic so upset he couldn't even talk correctly he just screamed out incoherent things that made no sense.