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Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide

Oh are you f*cking kidding me!!? Why is this here!!? What is wrong with this place where is the symmetry!!!? AND ALSO WHERE ARE WE!! OKAY F*CK THIS WHO CAN READ A MAP!!? CAUSE I GIVE UP!!!

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a character in “Lucid Dreamers: Revolution”, as played by Nightmaric_Angel


Character Sheet:

Name: Connor Pyrogen

Age: 19

Role: Sage Guide for the chosen four


Weapons: Magic, two pistol guns.

Skills, Abilities, and Hobbies:

Plays the guitar and has the ability to see the future and sketch.

Personality: Connor suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, which is manifested as an obsession over symmetry, otherwise known as asymmetriphobia. Things (and people) must be perfectly symmetrical, lest something unknown and awful happen. Thus if anything is off by any measurement (a picture frame off by millimeter, or a pose that is slightly out of place, for example), he will try to correct it right away, even at the expense of the mission at hand. His favorite number is 8, not only for its symmetry, but for the fact it divides out evenly. He is so obsessed with symmetry that Conner refuses to fight a battle unless everything is symmetrical. The fact that the left half of Kid's bangs are marked with three white stripes causes him much stress. He has attempted to dye his hair all black to cover these asymmetric Sanzu Lines; however, due to his body being that of a Sage it rejects the hair dye and soon returns to normal. The Index of the Book of Eibon referred to this obsession with order as the Madness of Law.
He is usually very mature and precise in his ways. Connor is perfectly fine with other people making their own decisions, even if he disagrees with their choices. However, there are times when his obsession or just a miscalculation can greatly affect his usual calm self and cause him to become quite childish. He is also apparently not a pervert because of his mature attitude, unlike many other males his age.

He doesn't appear to have any problem socializing and genuinely cares for his friends.

For centuries the Sages have watched over the four chosen ones from a distance they watched as they slumbered keeping them safe from a distance only one was permitted to watch them and interact with them close up. The ones with this task were marked with the legendary Sanzy Lines in there black hair. The marks were considered a great honor. How the Sanzu Lines picked there bearer is unknown and as such there unpredictable. All that the Sages knew about the Sanzu lines were that when one bearer died they chose another to bare the same fate as the last.

A baby was born 19 years ago named Conner who bore the 3 sanzu marks on his hair. His mother and him were taken by the Sages and cared for. At age 3 Conner's mother died of a unknown sickness and thus the Sages tended to the lad alone. They raised him and taught him many things about the world. But the Sage's parished leaving only Conner there. He kept his promise and tended to the sleeping four. When they awoken he was but 19 and still had no idea about much of the world and what to do,

So begins...

Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Piper Gravel Character Portrait: Solomon Rajah Character Portrait: K. Naut
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Connor Pyrogen

"It's time...HOLY FUCK IT'S TIME!!" Connor screamed as he ran around picking up things to pack. "Fuuu!! What do I do! What do I do!!! I'M 19 AND I DON'T HAVE A FUCKING CLUE!!! I need help..." Connor said looking up at the sky as if the gods were going to give him answers. He sighed and continued to run around and fix things up. He then saw the room was unsymmetrical and flipped even more shit. "Oh Jesus Christ Shepard of whatever!" He hollered out. He had heard of a man named Jesus from of the sages who had heard it from a Dream walker. 'Is that what there called?' he asked himself. It doesn't sound right.. He then realized again that the room was unsymmetrical and whimpered. "How could I have allowed this to happen!? I'm garbage!!! I made my room unsymmetrical!!" he quickly fixed it and packed the bags which he left on his bed and then walked out to the caves where they slept to greet the chosen ones. Poor boy was only 19 and he hadnt a clue what to do in any of this. He only hoped the others would not view him as idiotic as he thought. "Damn those other sages for dying out on me before they could tell me tell me what I was to do." He murmured as he walked. Though he felt bad for his words he was really mad at the other sages for this.

He wore a black suit which went well with his golden eyes and black hair which held the 3 cursed asymmetrical white sanzu lines which of corse gave him alot of trouble considering he had a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, which manifested as an obsession over symmetry, otherwise known as asymmetriphobia. He had skull cufflings and two holsters with pistols in them on his belt. He looked quite nicely as he walked around looking for the four chosen ones. It seemed two were still asleep and two were awake. He continued on his search. He was told the fire one was one who did not speak. She was a dark, silent, and mysterious girl. He could respect that atleast.

Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

Cassidy's long brown hair that was tossed over her shoulder in a ponytail blew softly in the wind. She had scaled a tree in the forest where the tunnels were watching Kya speak to the other three. One of her long legs were up to her stomach her head resting upon it. Her other long leg was to the side of her in a very feminine way her back rested against the tree. She was actually the first one of the four to awaken and she had watched the horizon turn from dark starry blue to grey to pink, yellow, and orange to a light blue before she had decided to wonder off. She opened the chest and got the ruby with inscriptions, the gold and many weapons she now had. The pouch was in a shash like fashion. Her hazel eyes were on the horizon straight ahead. Her white hood was down which was unlike her and her full red lips were set in a sort of sexy pout as she thought silently.

She wore her traditional Romanian Indian wear. Cassidy inherited the robes of her father, Ratonhnhaké:ton Conner. These robes were symbolic for the Luic Dreamers Order, with its beaked hood and the white cloth. The standard robes were worn over Cassidy's normal clothing. The upper body featured a hood with the center shaped to resemble an eagle's beak, which was connected to the robes, it was connected to the torso with a golden chain.

The lower part of the robes were doubly layered, with the back of the robes trailing down to be longer than the front. Around the waist was a long red sash with pouches attached to a belt, holding smoke bombs, bullets, poison and medicine vials. The belt also held together an ornate Indian insignia, with scabbards holding throwing knives flanking it. The robes top were a brown corset, the brown was made to cover her stomach and the top was white covering her breasts, it showed her cleavage and hour glass curves, flat stomach and lean and athletic built frame quite nicely. Her top also featured a leather spaulder where a cape was attached, draped over and around Cassidy's left arm and shoulder. Her outfit complemented her evenly proportioned body perfectly. She had her hidden blades hidden in the bangles around both her wrists.

Cassidy was deep in silent thought as she looked out to the horizon. She never was a big in meetings and talking. The things she said were short in sentence but vast in meaning. Even the things she did not say held meaning. It had been centuries til she last walked upon this land and it was time yet again to fight this war. A deed she had been waiting for sense the time of the great war. Her will of fire was again needed to aid this battle and this time she would not fail this land. She knew she had no choice but to win and win she would no matter what. But something still ate away at her mind. She was not apart of this land. She was like the demon a outsider. She wondered if it was the Lucid dreamers that brought the demon to this land when they entered the gates to this world. She sighed as she thought:
'On this land, I am torn. Part of me wants to fight and repel all outsiders. The other part of me is the outsider..' She continued looking out at the horizon continue her path of thought.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Tinkerton Puck
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Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire heard a bunch of 'oh dears' and she looked at the young fairy like male with knowing eyes she stood and jumped from tree branch to tree branch on the tall oak tree. She didn't say a word but her eagle eye told her that she would cross paths soon with the young fair or pixie like male. He seemed to need assistance.

Connor Pyrogen

Connor was waited in the tunnel for the other two to awaken. and come there. He would then take the two newly awakened chosen ones and find the two already awakened chosen ones.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Solomon Rajah
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(Sorry I had to work)
Solomon groaned at the term "The sage guide".
"Oh... yeah... Connor." It seemed a lot of people new him. Solomon had only met the person briefly but he only remembered that Connor had a thing with symmetry.
"Yeah- I know where he is." Solomon said without reluctance. He didn't want to pry and ask her any questions, he wasn't the type to do that.
"Would you like me to take you to him, then?" Solomon didn't mind helping her. He knew these forests like the back of his hand. It would give him more ground on the "law enforcement" in Getsus paradise as well. For now he knew he needed to lay, low- he was a wanted criminal.
Thankfully, nothing about his action felt like a crime, even if he was sought after for doing this, he knew it was for the "greater-good".

"So, Mr. Pyrogen, huh?" The Sage guide wasn't brought up as it used to be, Solomon was suprised when she spoke of him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artaxes Cleave Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Tinkerton Puck
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Connor Pyrogen

Connor felt his being stir knowing one more of the four awoken. One of the last two. He walked towards to the crystal coffin and saw the blue casket holding the water chosen one was glowing a bit signifying the man known to Connor as the sages called him for each time he awakened he cried the memories of his past to much 'Destin the broken One.' He knew of his past as well as all the others except for Cassidy but he held her journal which should give him clues about that. He walked to it. The male had been crying he had fallen back into slumber. He unlike the rest seemed unwilling to stay asleep having woken up several times before this date. Connor slid the casket crystal lid off the casket allowing the poor boy to get fresher air as he sighed not knowing what to say he said the first thing that came to his mind. "Four Lucid Dreamers still walk this earth alive and well and one you may know well, she fought by your side in the battle loyally, admiring you as her leader even though she was the same rank as you she still lives, Cassidy still lives." He told the male hoping it would help the poor boy. Thank god he read that Cassidy looked up to the male, she sketched a picture or had someone else do so and the picture seemed to be of the male chosen one that stood before him. Gods he was glad he read that much from the journal.

Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

Cassidy watched the whole scene. She was unwilling to say who or what she was but the man seemed rather nervous of the male. She watched his aura shift from colors as she listened to the pixie talk and explain.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artaxes Cleave Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Tinkerton Puck
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Connor Pyrogen

Connor watched the male through his prevail vision he smiled as he hopped out from the crystal and even extended a hand at the girl. It was a nice gesture. Sweet even. Though he seemed skittish. Connor really needed to find the young female known only to him as Cassidy. He felt the young man truly needed her.

Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

Cassidy jumped from the tree deciding it was time to go back. She stayed close to the shadows easing her way through the camp walls. She scaled over the walls and jumped over the side, landing on the forest floor. She had suddenly felt impatient with her movements and began to run quickly back to the cave. She had no idea why she felt so rushed but she knew her gut feeling was to make it back. She realized as she entered the cave stopping to even her rapid breathing it was because she wanted to see if Destin had finally awoken and if he hadn't she wanted to wake him up. Odd to be so impatient, So very human. She shrugged her breathing now slow and steady as she walked slowly into the area jumping down to where the four were had slept. She put her hood down and looked around she saw a odd male with 3 lines going over half his hairline, a brown haired woman in a yellow dress and..."Destin.." She spoke outloud. She was now frozen, her eyes wide in shock but her full lips were set into a small smile.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve
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Destin's eyes opened yet again, but this time, it was due to the feeling of new, fresh air brushing over his skin. It had been a long time since he ever felt wind blow. His half-lidded eyes, filled with defeat, gradually looked around. Those eyes never crinkled into laughter, never widened, they stayed the way they were...the eyes of a person who was alive, yet dead inside. His coffin's lid had been pushed open, and with difficult movements, he pulled himself upright into a sitting position. He stared at his fingers and it eventually flexed after a long delay. Looks like being put out of commission for nearly 50 years could really cause problems to bodily functions. After what seemed like a long time, he finally realized that another person was standing near his coffin. A boy about his age, with white stripes running through the side of his hair.

"Four Lucid Dreamers still walk this earth alive and well and one you may know well, she fought by your side in the battle loyally, admiring you as her leader even though she was the same rank as you she still lives, Cassidy still lives." said the man.

It seemed almost as if Destin didn't hear it, he made no reaction he had. He didn't seem surprised, he didn't show any signs of recognition. He was just... so devoid of emotion. Then...

"Ca...ssi...dy?" he spoke quietly, testing the words, then, "Cassidy?"

He turned his dead-looking eyes towards the man for a moment, before standing up on his coffin. He knew that girl. That girl who fought like a war goddess with lots of spirit...perhaps even a fiery spirit born to bring justice. A good person. He had indeed fought alongside her for quite a long time during the war, until the moment he...self-destructed. It came as a surprise that she looked up to him, when in fact, it was he who admired her, her strength, her capabilities in battle, her agile grace, her honor.

He bent down to pick up a translucent light blue crystal that was inside the coffin. The thought that she was alive, as well as two other similar people to him...was both welcoming...and haunting. Only 4 of their kind lived...what happened to the rest?

"...They died...didn't they? The rest of us. " he asked quietly, keeping his head bent down, away from view, as if admiring the crystal in his hand. His fist slightly tightened around the crystal.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Ancel Carlson
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Connor Pyrogen

Connor watched the string of emotions and nodded "Cassidy." He repeated to him feeling another stir. He would find the earth chosen one later it seemed Destin needed him most. Connor smiled as he seemed to remember Cassidy and even seem a tiny bit happier. When he asked of the other Lucid Dreamers he did not flinch the Sages told him he may ask this. "In this realm yes. But they did not stay dead my friend. The sages made sure of this before the battle they made sure if any lucid dreamer died they would not parish but instead go back to there own realm and they lived in earth realm." He told him. Connor opened a page of Cassidy journal and showed it to him. It was the page where she or someone else sketched on page Destin and on the other her. They were drawn to look at one another and each was smiling. Below the pictures it said 'Let's Always Keep On Smiling.' "It seems she liked your smile the most." He told him. "Come on Destin. I'm sure Cassidy is waiting to see you once more. It's been 50 years don't want to keep her waiting anymore do you?" He asked him. Hoping it got through to him though one could never be sure of such things.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Solomon Rajah
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This woman seemed to look determined- the look in her eyes.. "I don't mean to rush you, mister, but i think we have to hurry and find this Connor guy pretty quickly."

"Yes ma' am," Solomon replied with a slight smile, himself. The manipulation of wind. He had been correct in thinking that she was one of them. Suddenly this seemed like a small world.
"To Mr. Pyrogen, then." Solomon said and started to walk.

"By the way, i have to say that i really like your sword, there. I used to have a sword myself, but i was never really good at using it."
Solomon glanced down at the sword hanging from the sword belt. It was indeed a possession which Solomon cared for. Though at times felt like a curse. He nodded once, "It's a useful art," he replied.
His hand instinctively went to the hilt of it, where it rested for the continuation of the journey.
It took a long time- Solomon knew that no amount of hurrying wound take them there fast, but they at least cut the time in half easily.

When Solomon glanced around he was able to finally spot the familiar figure.
Wearing a dark suit, and his clothes all symmetrical except for those three stripes in his black hair. Connor Pyrogen.
"That's him, over there." Solomon spoke crossing his arms loosely.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Solomon Rajah
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To Kya, all the walking seemed to pass by pretty quickly. While she walked with the man through the leaf-green forests, Kya took out three apples from her knapsack and started to juggle them. It had been a long time since she had juggled, and she was surprised that her hands could still keep up with the descending speed of the apples. As she kept juggling, she blew small gusts of wind from her palms, causing the apples to fly higher into the air. Once the blue-haired man stopped moving foward, Kya caught the two apples, and gripped the third one between her teeth. She took one of the apples and placed it back in her sack. She grabbed the apple from her mouth, and took a bite.

"That's him, over there." the man said, his arms crossed. The sage guide was standing by some sort of casket, talking to whoever was inside it. His hair was a deep black, and he wore symmetrical clothing. Connor wasn't exactly how she pictured the sage guide, but he was much better than the images that came to Kya's mind.

"Thank you so much, my friend." Kya said to Solomon. She balanced the unbitten red apple upon his head, doing so with remarkable speed. "That's for your hard work." she said with a cheerful smile. Kya turned to go talk to the sage guide, but before she did so, "Oh, right, i didn't even introduce myself. I'm Kya. It's a pleasure to meet you.....?"
She leaned her head closer, waiting for the man to say his name.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Solomon Rajah
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Solomon leaned his head down letting the apple drop into his waiting hand. He took it gratefully and smiled, "The please is mine miss Kya, I am known as Solomon, and guess this is where I depart," he dipped his head and with a slight smiled turned and walked back into the woods- searching for trouble, obviously to anyone who really knew him.
Ah, he wondered, where are the others? He hadn't been in contact the whole day- and pondered what they were up too.

Though eventually, without really trying to search and collapsed by the side of a small stream and laid in the tall grass. Folding his arms behind his head he nearly dozed off.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artaxes Cleave Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Ancel Carlson
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Connor Pyrogen

Connor turned to look at the female who said her name he handed Destin Cassidy's Journal as he turned to her. "Ah yes, Kyo the air chosen one. It's nice to finally meet you. I am Connor Pyrogen the sage guide. This young man is Destin the water chosen one. The other two are exploring a bit but we will find them later." He replied checking over his clothes to make sure they were symmetrical. He smiled at the woman warmly. It was a great day for him and he was cheerful and happy for the time being.

Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

Cassidy only nodded at the male. She walked to a very large oak tree one of which was 80 feet high an 5 feet wide. She scaled it, running up the sides with almost to much ease to the highest tree branch that could hold her weight. She grabbed the tree branch with both hands flipping herself onto it so she was sitting on it, her long legs dangling over the side of it. She looked out over the land trying to see what all had changed in the last 50 years. She wondered if Destin had awoken yet. She wondered if he still was himself. She remembered his sudden...combustion. The blood that splattered on her, the pieces of him spread about in many areas. She remembered her screams, remembered seeing her soldiers and Destin's soldiers get struck down one by one there blood splattered outwards, she could still hear there screams crying out in the day and in the night, could still feel the heat of the fires as the forests burned around her it was all too real even now she could remember it so clearly. Even in her slumber the deaths haunted her. In the end she was fighting for this land because her troops defended it, giving up there lives for this cause. She would not allow them to have died in Veign. She put her hand up to her forehead shaking her head slightly trying to erase the vivid video of the war from her mind though it just continued to replay. She just continued scanning the area to try and get her mind off of these things.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve
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"In this realm yes. But they did not stay dead my friend. The sages made sure of this before the battle they made sure if any lucid dreamer died they would not perish but instead go back to their own realm and they lived in earth realm." the man answered his question. That same man then opened a page of Cassidy's journal and showed it to him. It was the page where she or someone else sketched on page Destin and on the other her. They were drawn to look at one another and each was smiling. Below the pictures it said 'Let's Always Keep On Smiling.' "It seems she liked your smile the most." He told Destin. "Come on Destin. I'm sure Cassidy is waiting to see you once more. It's been 50 years don't want to keep her waiting anymore do you?" He asked him.

Destin kept silent, continuing to just stare at the crystal in his hand. He should have felt happy... the Lucid Dreamers are alive... yet he wasn't. Cassidy... it must've been her who sketched those drawings. She was always great with art. Compared to his small little doodles about random things that weren't significant. Seeing her after 50 years...after what happened in the would she take it?

'Always keep smiling...huh? 50 years have gone by... would you still think that? ' he thought silently to himself, standing up just in time to see a lady dressed it yellow.

She talked to the other man, "-idn't even introduce myself. I'm Kya. It's a pleasure to meet you.....?"

At this, the man gave Cassidy's journal to him, which he took gingerly, as if afraid it might disappear or be destroyed by the slightest touch. When that didn't happen, he held the journal close to him, along with the translucent crystal. He looked and listened as the other two began to talk.

"Ah yes, Kya the air chosen one. It's nice to finally meet you. I am Connor Pyrogen the sage guide. This young man is Destin the water chosen one. The other two are exploring a bit but we will find them later." said the man, Connor Pyrogen. So... he was a sage guide? Or as he said, THE Sage Guide? Destin was probably the only one who was unconscious during the event when the four sages granted each of them the power over a certain element, as it may seem. With that said, he knew nothing that had transpired at all, or the fact that he was supposed to meet with the man before him, The Sage Guide.

Kya, another of the Lucid Dreamers and the Air Chosen One, as well as Connor, their Sage Guide. Destin stepped out from the coffin and stood, staring at both of them with unreadable eyes.

"...Nice to meet you... Kya of Air. " he finally spoke out softly, hesitantly holding out a trembling hand. He looked as timid as a mouse in the presence of several predators. Whether this was from 50 years of no contact with another person or his broken psyche, he did not know.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve
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Connor Pyrogen

Connor watched the male through his prevail vision he smiled as he hopped out from the crystal and even extended a hand at the girl. It was a nice gesture. Sweet even. Though he seemed skittish. Connor really needed to find the young female known only to him as Cassidy. He felt the young man truly needed her.

Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

Cassidy jumped from the tree deciding it was time to go back. She stayed close to the shadows easing her way through the camp walls. She scaled over the walls and jumped over the side, landing on the forest floor. She had suddenly felt impatient with her movements and began to run quickly back to the cave. She had no idea why she felt so rushed but she knew her gut feeling was to make it back. She realized as she entered the cave stopping to even her rapid breathing it was because she wanted to see if Destin had finally awoken and if he hadn't she wanted to wake him up. Odd to be so impatient, So very human. She shrugged her breathing now slow and steady as she walked slowly into the area jumping down to where the four were had slept. She put her hood down and looked around she saw a odd male with 3 lines going over half his hairline, a brown haired woman in a yellow dress and..."Destin.." She spoke outloud. She was now frozen, her eyes wide in shock but her full lips were set into a small smile.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve
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That voice...Destin turned his head a fraction to the source of the voice. It was... it was Cassidy. She seemed shocked to see him, stiff even. But she smiled. She didn't look any different than before. Even her signature white clothes were the same. Destin dropped his hand at the sigh of her, totally forgetting the fact that he was just about to shake Kya's hand. He was focused on Cassidy... his comrade, his friend, that he had failed. He failed her, he didn't manage to make it to the end of the war, he didn't lead everyone to safety. He 'died' and in turn, left everyone else to die. That smile she was showing him wasn't supposed to be there... She should be beating him up for leaving them all to their impending deaths... He wasn't worthy of such welcome... especially not from her. She must've thought he had died, exploded into nothing... yet... for some unknown reason, even to himself, he was whole and alive, instead of scattered and dead.

Destin felt numb to the core, and although his eyes looked devoid of life, tears filled up and spilled from the edges, rolling down his cheeks. Destin's numb skin felt none of the warm salty tears that fell from his eyes. It was almost as if he had totally forgotten how to feel emotions... and that was causing himself more harm.

'What was it like to feel sad? What was it like to feel happy? What was it like to regret?' he thought to himself, his mind in major turmoil. It was like an additional crushing effect on his already broken, destroyed psyche, bent on grinding what was left of it into little powdered remains. And it started. He continued to look at Cassidy and his eyes still unconsciously released unending streams of tears, but his grip on both her journal and the crystal slackened, dropping them both to the ground, the crystal clinking with a melodious tone as it bounced over the earth beneath. Slowly, blood started seeping through his pores, just like it did that time in the war. Streams of blood soon poured out from his skin, dripping down to the ground like he was some kind of gruesome blood popsicle that was melting under the hot sun.

And as if anguished, as his tears continued to fall, the water was slowly replaced by blood. If one didn't know better, they would've thought he was a dead person still standing up with his eyes open. His dead eyes, bloody look, almost unmoving was creepy.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve
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Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

Cassidy ran to the male when he begin to bleed and hugged him. She wouldn't fail him again. "Destin I'm so sorry." She told him her voice cracking and guilt filled. It was a pitiful voice. One not even Cassidy could believe came from her mouth. She hugged him. Wrapping her arms around his waist because of his height as she began to ball. She didn't care her clothes were stained with blood now. She did not want him to die again. She could not bare it. "Please stop..I missed you...and I cant do this without you.." She told him calmly but her tone of voice was so sad and so broken it would leave anyone broken hearted at the sound.

Cassidy had blamed herself for the whole ordeal. She mistrusted one of the soldiers and as such he gave away there location. She got Destin killed. This was all her fault. He didn't deserve her as a comrade. She was a despicable human who was the cause for everything. The weight of her decision weighed heavily on her broken mind. Of corse she did not show just how broken she was. She couldn't be weak, being weak meant death. And death could not come until she finished her duty and saved the land. She after all was just a outsider. Eradicating herself was all apart of the plan. She did not deserve to be a chosen one and she defiantly did not deserve to be close to Destin or hugging him. And at that moment Cassidy realized something about herself. And that something was that she was selfish.

Cassidy continued crying for her commander not letting go of him. She just wanted him to be okay. He was back which of corse was her doing. She argued up and down with the Sages to bring him back. She finally told them she would refuse her duties unless they Resurrection her dear friend. It was such a selfish request. She realized this now. Destin had the weight of her guilt on his shoulders and he had no way to cope. He was like her so broken. She couldn't bare the sight. She couldn't. Not when it was her burden and not his. It was her fault.

Connor Pyrogen

Conner walked over to the two. He stood corrected Cassidy was not the answer. He realized now. He walked over the two. "Cassidy, De-" He was cut off by Cassidy flicking her wrist sending a burst of flame that created a wall between her, Destin and him and then it disappeared. It was obviously a warning for him to back off and let them have there space. He looked at the culprit, Cassidy who's eyes were glowing orange and moving in a inhuman way like she held fire in her eyes. He would think it was a illusion but he realized as he stared into them, it wasn't. This female really did hold flames in her eyes. She truly did have a will of fire. He backed away observing the whole ordeal respecting her wishes. He did pick up her journal and the crystal though. And he let them be, For now.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Dante Diablos Character Portrait: Brendan Getsus
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"The please is mine miss Kya, I am known as Solomon, and guess this is where I depart," the blue-haired man said.
"So long! farewell! auf wiedersehen! adieu!" she said as she waved back to her new friend. It was a little sad to see him go, since he was the first person she could trust after 50 years, but he was a person. Places to be, things to do. This made Kya think of her family back in New York. Back in reality....

Kya turned to the sage guide, who was speaking to her by the time she turned around.
"Ah yes, Kya the air chosen one," he said,"It's nice to finally meet you. I am Connor Pyrogen the sage guide. This young man is Destin the water chosen one. The other two are exploring a bit but we will find them later."

"...Nice to meet you... Kya of Air. " the young man named Destin said, holding his hand out to shake. It was trembling. Kya assumed he was nervous, so she gave a cheerful smile. "Nice to meet you...."
A tall woman with tan skin and a muscular physique stood before them. She wore bright white robes that gave her an outstanding appearance. Kya had to admit, she was awfully attractive.

In the blink of an eye, the two young adults were embracing, passion both in their eyes. (and even blood in Destin's eyes) Conner was approached the new lady, saying, "Cassidy, De-" but with the flick of her wrist, she made a wall of fire between herself and Destin. Kya backed up, letting the two have their space. She scooted over to Conner, who was observing the two. "well i guess those two are GREAT friends, huh?" She gave an animated wink at Connor, obviously joking about Cassidy and Destin's relationship.
"But all joking aside, without a doubt, she's one of the four. We just have to find one, right?" Kya took another bite from her apple.


"Yes, yes...." the old man started as he took a seat at the table.
"So, there's something i'd like to know. It's bigger than gossip, so i don't expect you to know everything. However if you do know something about the topic, I'd be willing to tell you a special project i'm working on....."
Brendan folded his hands on the table, and looked directly at Hal with glaring eyes.
"So anyway, right before we left, Dante and I were having a word about the....rebels. I'm sure you know what i mean. The ones on the other side of the territory. I just wanted to ask you if you've heard anything new about them. Of course, not all rumors are true, but not all rumors are rumors either....."
A waiter came and handed out water to the table. Brendan took a sip, looking back at Dante, and then at Henry.
"So yes. I suppose that's it. Today I'm not really here for the gossip, Hal, but more for celebration. It was my birthday yesterday, and I barely even remembered it."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve
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Destin was momentarily stunned when Cassidy hugged him. It defied all of his current logic. She was hugging him instead of beating him up? He lowered his eyes to the ground as he felt warmth from her hug.

"Destin I'm so sorry." Her voice cracked and was filled with guilt. Destin couldn't believe the pitiful sound that coming out from Cassidy, that tough girl he knew before. She even began to cry. "Please stop..I missed you...and I can't do this without you.."

She didn't let him go, and her tears continued to spill, he could feel each drop. She definitely wasn't going to let anyone near them, which was indeed displayed when she conjured a wall of fire with a mere flick of her wrist. The Chosen of Fire... And yet, that fiery spirit was now dampened, the wielder of that spirit currently hugging him, crying. Unreal as it was, Destin gently pried Cassidy away from him, and unlike before, he wasn't trembling or anything. He handled the girl with gentle care, somehow, even with his broken psyche, he had the obligation to treat her well. He held her at an arms length, looking at the tears rolling down her cheek. There was a faint flickering ember in her eyes, that was slowly beginning to recede. She was crying... and Destin somehow knew that she was crying for him. And soon, the bleeding eventually stopped.

Destin gently placed the back of his hand against her cheek, before placing the tip of his finger onto a dropping tear. His eyes... dead as they were, it seemed as if waves of the ocean were in them, rolling and crashing in turmoil. The tide in his eyes eventually slowed into a peaceful, calm ocean. And in the moment, a flicker of emotion shattered the soulless eyes of Destin, before disappearing, replaced by his dead eyes yet again.

"Hush Cass...Don't cry, it's unbecoming of you..." he cooed softly, the tears from Cassidy's eyes seemed to be drawn to his hand. Destin, not taking his eyes off her, turned his hand, the tears picking up a spiraling pace, trying to catch up with his palm. He even wiggled the fingers, but the tear droplets seemed to climb over each wiggling finger. It was a graceful dance of tears in his hand, eventually, the droplets settled and joined together on his palm in a small floating globe. Now, he took his eyes away from Cassidy and gazed upon the ball in his hand, the rush of the ocean depicted in his eyes for yet another time. He returned his gaze upon Cassidy.

"Don't cry..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artaxes Cleave Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve
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Connor Pyrogen

Connor watched the whole event with a smile and turned to Kya and winked back at her. "Past 'friends'." He chuckled knowing they were only best friends who watched eachother die in a horrible way but it was fun to joke at the time. As he watched though the scene was very touching. Long lost friends returned and all that gooey gooey mess. Two chosen ones there past connected and now there futures are as well and yet there elements are opposite one another. There essence were designed to destroy one another and yet watching them you realize the reason the Sages picked these two to be opposites because they would not destroy one another. Water holds healing and life and fire holds destruction and fury. Both perfectly balanced out. Connor realized then as well just how uncontrollable fire was. But Cassidy would never loose control like almost all other fire wielders had. Her powers would never become to much. And that was only because Destin calmed the flame. He wondered if anyone else could calm the fire womans firey fury for a brief moment then became bored with such thoughts and looked around.

Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

Cassidy rested her cheek against his hand. She watched him play with his element and laughed even as she cried. She knew he could til she was somewhat broken. And she could live with that but the rest of them. She'd fight to prove otherwise. This whole scene was out of her character but she would quickly revert back. It was a snap for her. But in this instant she felt no need for it. "Hush Cass...Don't cry, it's unbecoming of you..." he cooed softly She nodded. "I know and you don't get used to it either." She told him putting on a somewhat pitiful display of her tough girl personality. She then would watch him create the ball with fascination and a smile upon her lips. "Don't cry... He begged. She nodded trying to stop she wiped her eyes over and over and over. Trying to rid herself of the cursed tears that stung her pride greatly. "You don't die on me and I won't cry?" She offered sheepishly. But she seemed to calm down and smile snapping back to the tough girl then she nodded his way. "It's good to see you lieutenant." She told him reverting back to her original guarded self. The one Destin knew so well. But she could never hide the guilt of everything that lingered in her eyes at least not from him. Of corse she would deny it's excistance and go back to silence and deep thoughtfulness. She would go back to not talking and only skipping around questions being as secretive as possible now unless it was Destin who asked. She thought for a moment about the male she had met before; Artaxes Cleave. Perhaps she would see him yet again. She hoped she would atleast.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Ancel Carlson Character Portrait: Dante Diablos
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Although it was cute seeing the two friends reunited, Kya didn't want to spend her whole day seeing them converse.
" three of us down, one more to go. Now that i know who everyone is and everything, I think I'm going to go search for the last one of us, whoever they may be. WISH ME LUCK!!!"

In one swift movement, Kya threw the apple in her hands, and using the power of wind as a speed boost, ran quickly off into the forest. She was going so fast, that the fastest runner alive wouldn't be able to keep up with her. Or at least she thought.

As she made her way deeper and deeper into the forest, Kya ran up the trees, doing flips and twirls in midair. She had missed the sensation of flying on a trapeze. Air seemed to be the perfect element for her. However, after a while, Kya started to lose her balance, and after one final trick in mid-air, she fell flat on her face into the woods.

As she picked herself up, she shrieked in pain. As she had heard from the popping sound, her ankle was hurting like it was on fire. She tried to give in to shrieking, but she knew it was the only way she was going to get help. After all, she was alone in the forest. What would get her first, lions, tigers, or bears?

Looking through her knapsack, Kya finally found some bandage. She wrapped up her leg, and tried to get up. She put all her strength on her right leg, the one that didn't hurt. Hopping around, Kya tried to look for any sign of life. As if out of nowhere, she found a sign.

There was a small 'x' marked on a tree. It looked as if it had just been cut into the tree. Someone had been there. Hoping they would come back, Kya sat patiently by the tree.


"Why thank you, Henry!" Getsus said, delighted. It was rare that Hal made things for his friends, and a secret recipe was more rare. He tasted it, not knowing what to expect. His dish was more than good; it was extraordinary. Brendan could taste sweet, sour, bitter, salty, all in one spoonful. His cooks at home could never re-create what Hal had prepared for him.

"Henry, this is amazing!!!" Getsus explained. He chuckled, a content smile on his face. His chuckling was quite noticable, but as seconds passed, his laughter faded into confusion. "Wait, of charge? for this? I cannot accept this for free, Henry..." Getsus said, sincerely. "Surely, I must pay you for this. If you want anything, my friend, you can have it. Just please, tell me." he said. It was as though Henry and Getsus had traded places. Henry was now the master, and Getsus was the servant.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Ancel Carlson
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"I know and you don't get used to it either." was Cassidy's best reply as she tried to look tough again. How could he ever be used to her crying? He could never be used to seeing tears fall from those brown eyes that were so strong, so inspiring. She was a girl that was not meant to cry, at least not with sadness. She was a blazing goddess, waiting for her potential to be unleashed. And that made Destin think... how appropriate. The element of Fire was at her beck and call. He watched as she nodded trying to stop she wiped her eyes trying to rid herself of the tears.

"You don't die on me and I won't cry?" he tilted his head a little to the side, as if trying to understand what she just said...then nodded.

"It's good to see you lieutenant." At this he might have smiled with joviality, but with him as he was now...there was no smile, not even the crinkling in his eyes. He just shook his head.

"We're on the same level now Cass...maybe you've even above me now." he corrected her. He closed his palm with the watery globe and kept his hands in his pocket, a little lost at thought as his dead eyes stared into space. He looked up just in time to see Kya taking off.

" three of us down, one more to go. Now that i know who everyone is and everything, I think I'm going to go search for the last one of us, whoever they may be. WISH ME LUCK!!!"

She was quite a spirited one. Doesn't seem like she can stand still in one place. He closed his eyes and took out his hands from his pockets, reaching over to take his translucent light blue crystal and slipped it into his pocket, not making a move to take Cassidy's journal.

"That's Cass's to keep. I'm no pryer." he told the Sage Guide, although he did have a longing to read through it. But it didn't seem to be his place to do so. It was Cassidy's choice to share and to keep certain things a secret to herself. He bowed himself away from the Sage Guide and followed the path Kya took a while before, just in time to grab the apple falling down. He peered at it while he continued to walk, as if intrigued by the object in his hand.

After what seemed to be a mighty long while, he finally came to a stop as he saw Kya standing by a tree, one of her ankles bandaged. This girl really knew how to run...she only left a few seconds before him and here she was. There was also a new person, who suddenly popped out from the ground like a...

"Mole." Destin said in blunt monotone, pointing straight at the black haired male. He was resisting the urge to walk over and whack the 'mole' right in the head. He just kept his finger pointed at the new stranger and his face impassive, not showing his urge to really whack the 'mole' hard in the head.