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Solomon Rajah

"I can be your best friend or your worst enemy. You seem to prefer the latter."

0 · 463 views · located in The Interactive Dream Dimension

a character in “Lucid Dreamers: Revolution”, as played by Kumori-San



Solomon Rajah

Gender: Male
Age: 19
Height: 6'4''


Solomon just by his looks is most definitely from the dream world. It's quite obvious upon seeing him, his golden yellow eyes, his cyan colored hair, and his pale skin. Solomon likes to wear loose fitting clothes and will commonly wear his long sleeved dark blue shirt and black jeans (which could be skinny jeans).
Most people are able to recognize Solomon by his trademark smile. It's somewhat cocky, and arrogant, reminding some people that he may not be as innocent as his personality proclaims. His eyes which range from the deep gold to a rich yellow depending on the lighting, match his smile with a burning intensity.
He may seem skinny, but his has under his slightly baggy clothes, are muscles as a result of his fierce training, but they are not overly big muscles, but more like a lean and athletically toned structure.
People tell him to get his hair cut, but Solomon isn't so sure about that, he actually likes and prefers his hair to be this length.
On colder days, since Solomon is well accustomed to freezing temperatures, he is able to wear just a simple black jacket with a light lining of fur on the hood and on its inside. He almost always wears boots that nearly reach to his knees and are well suited to most any type of weather. They are black and thick which two silver buckles on each. On those colder days he will also wear thin black gloves. They are thing not only because it’s not a necessity for him to wear them, but also because he thinks it impairs his ability to draw his sword quickly if the material is too thick.

Solomon Rajah
"I can be your best friend or your worst enemy. You seem to prefer the latter."

Role:Freedom Fighting rebel

Weapons: Solomon wields a long-sword which his families crest is embellished on its sheath. He also has his own ability to create mass illusion, or concentrated illusions. Both have their own limits and restriction times. His sword, which emits and radiates the cold is made from a specialized metal derives from metal which have long been completely exhausted. It’s infused with ice-magic, and it is the second power of Solomon’s, and one that he wasn’t born with, but earned through training and by his blood. With this sword he is able to manipulate ice. Or so he is told. Unfortunately he left the clan before the secrets of it could be completely revealed, and for now, he trains himself with the techniques.
Other people are not able to wield the sword if they are not of Rajah’n dissent. If they touch the sword it will cause frost bite, or severe burns. (Yes ice can burn you), basically it’s too cold for anyone to pick up, let alone swing it around.
Skills, Abilities, and Hobbies:
Swordsmanship: Solomon is quite crafty with a blade. He had learned to wield it from his families teachings (The Rajah clan) from the moment he had come of age. (In the Rajah clan that is 11) Solomon knows the basic forms and it currently mastering form technique- under his families scroll work. He is very advanced in his foot-work in which he is praised for it being his greatest asset in sword-fighting.
Endurance: To tolerating pain, to swimming and running for long periods of time, the Rajah has always been competitive in their athletics. Solomon, being the future head of the clan through blood is no different. He loves to run, especially since it seems that there is endless land to run around in to him sometimes.



Kindness: Solomon, first and foremost is kind. It's rare to ever see him become anything but kind- though he does have his moments. Because his kindness seems so apparent sometimes people come to think of him as "innocent" although it is the complete opposite. Solomon loves causing trouble.

Brave: Solomon has always been forward and bold. But his bravery may come off as self-disregard at times, but only wants to do the things that in the end will leave people happy. Not much particularily scares him. He, however, does have a secret and somewhat demeaning fear. Do you think you can get him to tell you?

Comedic: He can get enough when being entertained, he loves to be sarcastic- depending on the situation, and has always made an effort to try and be carefree. He rather situations, serious or not, be treated as light.

Impatient: Solomon tries his best to sit still, but he prefers to do something, anything... If he is told to wait too long he may become a little irritable.

Cunning: Despite his looks, and his carefree personality - there times, especially when he teases people when he thinks and plans ahead. He is quite smart, due to his harsh studies. As a future clan head, he cannot slack when it comes to intelligence.

Independent: Solomon loves talking, he charismatic and people are what keep him entertained. But he enjoys and preferrs working alone that most. But will cooperate, if need be.



Solomon carries a sword: Chrysaor, which was passed down through his clan and is named through his families ancient language.


Solomon grew up in a strict family. From an early age he had always indoor, closed away from the outside and under the tutilage of his families teachers. This is probably how he gained a more rebelious attitude. Around his teenage years he began to realize how terrible this world really was- and his family was just as bad! Throwing away their pride, they sided with the Getsus' just so that they would not be stripped of their rank as a high class family.
Solomon ran away the day that happened.
On his sixteenth birthday, when he was well into the freedom fighters group and activities his father became ill, and his family suddenly start looking frantically all over the area for their runaway heir. Kept secret until now it was a rule that the rule of the clan was the one who possessed, and was able to correctly wield the family sword.
Solomon fit the bill, and since he was the only one, it became top priority for his clan to find him. But he did not want to be found.
Using underhanded tricks to evade those who seek him, Solomon is always on the run.
Now 19, Solomon realizes that the time is coming when he will eventually fight his own clan. The sad truth will be arriving soon as tension in the land begins to rise.
As a rebel, Solomon is very dedicated and has proven himself loyal through many years of the group's hardships.
He prefers to keep the fact that he's a part of the Rajah, a secret from the rebels; this is because he is ashamed of his family name.


So begins...

Solomon Rajah's Story

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Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Solomon Rajah
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Solomon ran through the woods in full spirit. Sometimes when he thought about what he just did, he would laugh. He had just taken down a few air crafts back in "Getsus Paradise", however, he made sure that they were not carrying civilians, they were definitely militia battle-type. (A term Solomon made up).
To be painfully honest, Solomon hated the civilians as well. The ones who lived in the "comfort" of the paradise. It was like they abandoned their pride of what used to be. Instead of fighting for what they really wanted. They rather bow their heads than loose their life.

This thought made Solomon sick with anger.

While Solomon travelled through the woods, he heard a noise. Yet he was so deep in the woods... Who, or what could possibly be back here with him? He immediately stood still, ready in waiting for a threat. Pursuers? Had someone caught him? No. It couldn't be, he ran fast enough to lose them by conventional means- let alone on foot! Yet- it was definitely a human.
He gripped his sword's hilt moving more cautiously than he had, and surveyed the area until he saw someone.

It was a girl...

Thoroughly confused at this point Solomon did not approach. He became suddenly aware that maybe he was poisoned. It, for all he could have know may have been an illusion. This forest had some spores that if he maneuvered through them wrong could prove to be bad news.
But if it in fact was actually a person... Why did the feeling of them being different seem to be so obvious to Solomon?

Using his speed he moved closer to the girl, within her sight and her talking distance. Solomon decided it was best to be polite. He spoke, for the first time in what felt like a while. "You seem lost... Is it perhaps that you may?"
He no longer had his hand on his sword. But when he got closer he realized that this girl beared some sort of inner power.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Solomon Rajah
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Kya could hear somebody getting closer and closer, she turned around, expecting to see a wild animal charging towards her, but instead, it was a boy with bright blue hair.
"You seem lost... Is it perhaps that you may?" he said. Kya was relieved that she wasn't alone, but also a little cautious, as she had no idea if this man was on her side. Things had changed in the IDD, and Kya had no idea how much of an effect Getsus had on the land. She decided that it was best to be polite. This man was obviously a citizen, maybe he could help her.
"uhhhhh, yeah....." Kya said, and embarassed smile on her face. "I'm not really sure where to go...maybe you could help me with something. Do you know someone named 'the sage guide'? I have to find him or something...."
There were so many more questions Kya wanted to ask. She wanted to know what quest she needed to go on, what had happened to her old friends, if Getsus had even been defeated. She decided to keep these questions in the back of her head until she could trust this man.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Piper Gravel Character Portrait: Solomon Rajah Character Portrait: K. Naut
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Connor Pyrogen

"It's time...HOLY FUCK IT'S TIME!!" Connor screamed as he ran around picking up things to pack. "Fuuu!! What do I do! What do I do!!! I'M 19 AND I DON'T HAVE A FUCKING CLUE!!! I need help..." Connor said looking up at the sky as if the gods were going to give him answers. He sighed and continued to run around and fix things up. He then saw the room was unsymmetrical and flipped even more shit. "Oh Jesus Christ Shepard of whatever!" He hollered out. He had heard of a man named Jesus from of the sages who had heard it from a Dream walker. 'Is that what there called?' he asked himself. It doesn't sound right.. He then realized again that the room was unsymmetrical and whimpered. "How could I have allowed this to happen!? I'm garbage!!! I made my room unsymmetrical!!" he quickly fixed it and packed the bags which he left on his bed and then walked out to the caves where they slept to greet the chosen ones. Poor boy was only 19 and he hadnt a clue what to do in any of this. He only hoped the others would not view him as idiotic as he thought. "Damn those other sages for dying out on me before they could tell me tell me what I was to do." He murmured as he walked. Though he felt bad for his words he was really mad at the other sages for this.

He wore a black suit which went well with his golden eyes and black hair which held the 3 cursed asymmetrical white sanzu lines which of corse gave him alot of trouble considering he had a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, which manifested as an obsession over symmetry, otherwise known as asymmetriphobia. He had skull cufflings and two holsters with pistols in them on his belt. He looked quite nicely as he walked around looking for the four chosen ones. It seemed two were still asleep and two were awake. He continued on his search. He was told the fire one was one who did not speak. She was a dark, silent, and mysterious girl. He could respect that atleast.

Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

Cassidy's long brown hair that was tossed over her shoulder in a ponytail blew softly in the wind. She had scaled a tree in the forest where the tunnels were watching Kya speak to the other three. One of her long legs were up to her stomach her head resting upon it. Her other long leg was to the side of her in a very feminine way her back rested against the tree. She was actually the first one of the four to awaken and she had watched the horizon turn from dark starry blue to grey to pink, yellow, and orange to a light blue before she had decided to wonder off. She opened the chest and got the ruby with inscriptions, the gold and many weapons she now had. The pouch was in a shash like fashion. Her hazel eyes were on the horizon straight ahead. Her white hood was down which was unlike her and her full red lips were set in a sort of sexy pout as she thought silently.

She wore her traditional Romanian Indian wear. Cassidy inherited the robes of her father, Ratonhnhaké:ton Conner. These robes were symbolic for the Luic Dreamers Order, with its beaked hood and the white cloth. The standard robes were worn over Cassidy's normal clothing. The upper body featured a hood with the center shaped to resemble an eagle's beak, which was connected to the robes, it was connected to the torso with a golden chain.

The lower part of the robes were doubly layered, with the back of the robes trailing down to be longer than the front. Around the waist was a long red sash with pouches attached to a belt, holding smoke bombs, bullets, poison and medicine vials. The belt also held together an ornate Indian insignia, with scabbards holding throwing knives flanking it. The robes top were a brown corset, the brown was made to cover her stomach and the top was white covering her breasts, it showed her cleavage and hour glass curves, flat stomach and lean and athletic built frame quite nicely. Her top also featured a leather spaulder where a cape was attached, draped over and around Cassidy's left arm and shoulder. Her outfit complemented her evenly proportioned body perfectly. She had her hidden blades hidden in the bangles around both her wrists.

Cassidy was deep in silent thought as she looked out to the horizon. She never was a big in meetings and talking. The things she said were short in sentence but vast in meaning. Even the things she did not say held meaning. It had been centuries til she last walked upon this land and it was time yet again to fight this war. A deed she had been waiting for sense the time of the great war. Her will of fire was again needed to aid this battle and this time she would not fail this land. She knew she had no choice but to win and win she would no matter what. But something still ate away at her mind. She was not apart of this land. She was like the demon a outsider. She wondered if it was the Lucid dreamers that brought the demon to this land when they entered the gates to this world. She sighed as she thought:
'On this land, I am torn. Part of me wants to fight and repel all outsiders. The other part of me is the outsider..' She continued looking out at the horizon continue her path of thought.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Solomon Rajah
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(Sorry I had to work)
Solomon groaned at the term "The sage guide".
"Oh... yeah... Connor." It seemed a lot of people new him. Solomon had only met the person briefly but he only remembered that Connor had a thing with symmetry.
"Yeah- I know where he is." Solomon said without reluctance. He didn't want to pry and ask her any questions, he wasn't the type to do that.
"Would you like me to take you to him, then?" Solomon didn't mind helping her. He knew these forests like the back of his hand. It would give him more ground on the "law enforcement" in Getsus paradise as well. For now he knew he needed to lay, low- he was a wanted criminal.
Thankfully, nothing about his action felt like a crime, even if he was sought after for doing this, he knew it was for the "greater-good".

"So, Mr. Pyrogen, huh?" The Sage guide wasn't brought up as it used to be, Solomon was suprised when she spoke of him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Dante Diablos Character Portrait: Brendan Getsus Character Portrait: Sir Henry Asher Lilican Hordun McGorlawn III Character Portrait: Solomon Rajah
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"Yeah- I know where he is." The blue-haired man said.
"Would you like me to take you to him, then?" he asked. "Sure! thanks so much for doing this!" Kya said, a smile on her face.
Without hesitation, Kya started to move onwards. Kya was like a traveling machine, she could never stop her feet from moving.
"So, Mr. Pyrogen, huh?" the man said. "So Connor Pyrogen....that's his name? I didn't even think sages HAD names, at least, i don't remember learning....WAAAHH!!!"
Kya had slipped over a tree root while she was walking backwards to talk to Solomon. Before Kya touched the ground, she placed her hands out behind her, attempting to catch herself. However, instead of falling on her back, a gust of wind blew out of Kya's hands, pushing her forward. After regaining her balance, Kya looked at her palms in shock.
"i don't remember that before.......or do i?.......wait a minute...."
Kya started to see the past clearly now. She remembered her last talk with the sages, how she was shocked when she found out she was one of the four lucid dreamers left standing. It had seemed like yesterday when she had written in the notebook.

Remembering the past, and remembering her sacred power, wind, Kya was filled with a new energy. Testing her powers, Kya blew a huge gust of wind towards the branches of the trees. The leaves flew off the trees like confetti in a parade. "Cool." Kya muttered with a half-smile. She turned back to Solomon, now a determined look on her face. "I don't mean to rush you, mister, but i think we have to hurry and find this Connor guy pretty quickly."
She started to skip ahead, and then stopped in her tracks and looked back at Solomon. "By the way, i have to say that i really like your sword, there. I used to have a sword myself, but i was never really good at using it."


Getsus opened the door, curious as to who could be knocking, and smiled maliciously when he saw his assistant, Dante.
"Why hello there, Dante. How's the Zeppelin? I hate to ruin whatever plan you had, coming to my mansion, but I was heading out for a bite to eat. Would you like to join me? It's my birthday celebration. I was so busy, i didn't do a darn thing about my own birthday!"
A half cat-half human lady came up to Brendan and handed him his coat. "Please tell Jason to behave himself while i'm gone." he said to her. She nodded and silently walked away.
"So whadaya say? Dibs on me!" he said to Dante.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Solomon Rajah
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This woman seemed to look determined- the look in her eyes.. "I don't mean to rush you, mister, but i think we have to hurry and find this Connor guy pretty quickly."

"Yes ma' am," Solomon replied with a slight smile, himself. The manipulation of wind. He had been correct in thinking that she was one of them. Suddenly this seemed like a small world.
"To Mr. Pyrogen, then." Solomon said and started to walk.

"By the way, i have to say that i really like your sword, there. I used to have a sword myself, but i was never really good at using it."
Solomon glanced down at the sword hanging from the sword belt. It was indeed a possession which Solomon cared for. Though at times felt like a curse. He nodded once, "It's a useful art," he replied.
His hand instinctively went to the hilt of it, where it rested for the continuation of the journey.
It took a long time- Solomon knew that no amount of hurrying wound take them there fast, but they at least cut the time in half easily.

When Solomon glanced around he was able to finally spot the familiar figure.
Wearing a dark suit, and his clothes all symmetrical except for those three stripes in his black hair. Connor Pyrogen.
"That's him, over there." Solomon spoke crossing his arms loosely.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Solomon Rajah
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To Kya, all the walking seemed to pass by pretty quickly. While she walked with the man through the leaf-green forests, Kya took out three apples from her knapsack and started to juggle them. It had been a long time since she had juggled, and she was surprised that her hands could still keep up with the descending speed of the apples. As she kept juggling, she blew small gusts of wind from her palms, causing the apples to fly higher into the air. Once the blue-haired man stopped moving foward, Kya caught the two apples, and gripped the third one between her teeth. She took one of the apples and placed it back in her sack. She grabbed the apple from her mouth, and took a bite.

"That's him, over there." the man said, his arms crossed. The sage guide was standing by some sort of casket, talking to whoever was inside it. His hair was a deep black, and he wore symmetrical clothing. Connor wasn't exactly how she pictured the sage guide, but he was much better than the images that came to Kya's mind.

"Thank you so much, my friend." Kya said to Solomon. She balanced the unbitten red apple upon his head, doing so with remarkable speed. "That's for your hard work." she said with a cheerful smile. Kya turned to go talk to the sage guide, but before she did so, "Oh, right, i didn't even introduce myself. I'm Kya. It's a pleasure to meet you.....?"
She leaned her head closer, waiting for the man to say his name.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Solomon Rajah
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Solomon leaned his head down letting the apple drop into his waiting hand. He took it gratefully and smiled, "The please is mine miss Kya, I am known as Solomon, and guess this is where I depart," he dipped his head and with a slight smiled turned and walked back into the woods- searching for trouble, obviously to anyone who really knew him.
Ah, he wondered, where are the others? He hadn't been in contact the whole day- and pondered what they were up too.

Though eventually, without really trying to search and collapsed by the side of a small stream and laid in the tall grass. Folding his arms behind his head he nearly dozed off.

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Character Portrait: Solomon Rajah
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After a little while, Solomon got up and dusted himself off.
He had to go back to the camp sooner or later and had nearly forgot that fact after he'd fallen asleep.

With a quick paced walk, he made it to the camp in no time, to see that there actually weren't many about.
"I'm ba~ack. Solomon tried letting his voice become audible enough to the point which to alert the camp, although he didn't expect much of an answer. Walking through and stretching out his back with raised arms over his head Solomon let out a small yawn.

It hadn't exactly been a mission- taking down Getsus aircrafts. It was more of a personal veagence- the group new that Solomon was a bit of a soloist sometimes- although it's not like he completely went against their orders.

Before the sages awoke he believed there weren't many orders to take in the first place, or so it seemed, but Solomon had a feeling that, that was going to change, and fast.
Now that he knew they were awake, ever since the blue eclipse- or waking up now, currently; he was anxious to see the results of such an event. Of course he wouldn't just see it, but it was also his goal to be involved it what ever happened as much as possible.
It made things more entertaining for him in the first place. Not to mention, it greatly supported his belief and his main goal.

So where were the others anyways? In a meeting? He couldn't see himself being invited into this one- although he knew some pretty important information as well, this seemed like something he should barge in on. Yet, he did not.
Standing out on the boarders on the camp, he put his hand in his pocket and with the other, he started eating the apple which Kya gave ot him; he began watching over the area so that no one could eavesdrop.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Dante Diablos Character Portrait: Brendan Getsus
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"The please is mine miss Kya, I am known as Solomon, and guess this is where I depart," the blue-haired man said.
"So long! farewell! auf wiedersehen! adieu!" she said as she waved back to her new friend. It was a little sad to see him go, since he was the first person she could trust after 50 years, but he was a person. Places to be, things to do. This made Kya think of her family back in New York. Back in reality....

Kya turned to the sage guide, who was speaking to her by the time she turned around.
"Ah yes, Kya the air chosen one," he said,"It's nice to finally meet you. I am Connor Pyrogen the sage guide. This young man is Destin the water chosen one. The other two are exploring a bit but we will find them later."

"...Nice to meet you... Kya of Air. " the young man named Destin said, holding his hand out to shake. It was trembling. Kya assumed he was nervous, so she gave a cheerful smile. "Nice to meet you...."
A tall woman with tan skin and a muscular physique stood before them. She wore bright white robes that gave her an outstanding appearance. Kya had to admit, she was awfully attractive.

In the blink of an eye, the two young adults were embracing, passion both in their eyes. (and even blood in Destin's eyes) Conner was approached the new lady, saying, "Cassidy, De-" but with the flick of her wrist, she made a wall of fire between herself and Destin. Kya backed up, letting the two have their space. She scooted over to Conner, who was observing the two. "well i guess those two are GREAT friends, huh?" She gave an animated wink at Connor, obviously joking about Cassidy and Destin's relationship.
"But all joking aside, without a doubt, she's one of the four. We just have to find one, right?" Kya took another bite from her apple.


"Yes, yes...." the old man started as he took a seat at the table.
"So, there's something i'd like to know. It's bigger than gossip, so i don't expect you to know everything. However if you do know something about the topic, I'd be willing to tell you a special project i'm working on....."
Brendan folded his hands on the table, and looked directly at Hal with glaring eyes.
"So anyway, right before we left, Dante and I were having a word about the....rebels. I'm sure you know what i mean. The ones on the other side of the territory. I just wanted to ask you if you've heard anything new about them. Of course, not all rumors are true, but not all rumors are rumors either....."
A waiter came and handed out water to the table. Brendan took a sip, looking back at Dante, and then at Henry.
"So yes. I suppose that's it. Today I'm not really here for the gossip, Hal, but more for celebration. It was my birthday yesterday, and I barely even remembered it."

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Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Solomon Rajah
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Solomon was quite frankly bored out of his mind. But ahead he sword he heard a cry- a yell perhaps which alerted him through his sharp hearing instantaneously.
The rarity it seemed for such a noise, Solomon's thoughts led him to go investigate. He'd grown weary of being inactive, watching, listening- it was tiresome to stay still.
He moved toward the noise quickly, but not with urgency for he knew he might just have mistaken it for an animal.
However, when he reached the noice he was thoroughly surrprised to see a familiar face. For a moment he only watched her- curious of what exactly she was doing, and at the same time relieved that nothing seemed terribly wrong.

He stepped through the thicket of trees, his golden eyes quickly moving to her ankle. Had she tripped? His eyes went back to her face and he found himself tilting his head slightly, a small smiled was on his face- yet his eyes had worry within them.
"What's wrong, are you hurt?" It was quite plainly obvious that, that was a case- but Solomon thought he would ask.
He stepped over to her with fluid and gentle movement he kneeled onto the leafy ground. Her legged was bound, but Solomon was sure of the face that it probably still hurt.
"Did you dislocate your ankle?" Solomon guessed standing back up.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Ancel Carlson Character Portrait: Solomon Rajah
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Ancel blinked as he looked at the crowd that managed to gather around his little ‘x’. “well what the hell….” He frowned at the apparent failure of his hiding place. He couldn’t help but find it strange so many people managed to end up here but he shook the thought from his mind.

"You must be the famous Ancel." The strange man said to him. Ancel responded with a wide grin and closing his left eye. He held up his right arm in a flexing look and placed his left hand on his bicep. “The one and only!” the monotone voice of the other male however appeared to not catch his attention in the slightest it wasn’t so much what he said but the fact his voice was monotone.

His attention turned to the girl resting on the tree he had marked. He dropped his hands back down and scratched the back of his head. “I didn’t do that to here did I? I mean ya I might of overdid my entrance there but uh…” he frowned at her and spoke up to the crowd of people. “and who the hell are you people any way!”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Solomon Rajah
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Connor Pyrogen

Connor rolled his eyes at his actions. "Yes, quite." He told him. "I am Connor Pyrogen the one who is to guide the four chosen on there path. This lovely lady is Kya Of The Air. This young male is Destin Of The Water and-" he looked around seeing Cassidy not there he facepalmed. "And Cassidy of the fire is apparently wondering about again.." He replied and looked up thinking: She indeed has gone back to whom she really is. "And this male is Solomon Rajah. He is a local fighter for the freedom fighters for our side.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Ancel Carlson Character Portrait: Brendan Getsus Character Portrait: Sir Henry Asher Lilican Hordun McGorlawn III
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The next couple of seconds went by in a blur. Solomon came out of nowhere and asked Kya if she was hurt. Before she could speak, someone or something shot out of the ground beside her. She jumped, but became calm as her eyes identified the thing as a human about her age. Connor and Destin came along, and Connor said, "You must be the famous Ancel."
“The one and only!” the man said, winking and holding his bicep. Kya couldn't help but give a small chuckle.
“I didn’t do that to here did I? I mean ya I might of overdid my entrance there but uh…” the man said, looking down at Kya's injury.
"Oh no no no! It was totally out of my own stupidity! Nothing to worry about sir!" she said with a smile.
As Connor talked to Ancel, Kya turned her attention back to Solomon and answered his questions.
"Yeah, i hurt my ankle while i was running. I guess i've gotten a little over my head with these new wind powers..." she said, scratching the back of her head.
"Anyway, i'm pretty sure it's just sprained. I heard it pop rather than crack. I'm pretty sure i'll be able to walk alright. I know it's been fifty years...but does the IDD still have healers around? Y'know, people who can heal injuries?" she asked, nervous as to what his response would be.

Henry had left to go talk to someone, (a woman who looked like she was in a panic) and so Dante and Getsus were left at the table.
"So," Getsus started, "about your question at my house before...."
He took a sip from his drink before he started to talk. "I have some news for you. I have designed something that could possibly be used as a weapon if anything should ever go wrong in the land. You interested?" he asked.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Ancel Carlson Character Portrait: Solomon Rajah
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Ancel placed his hands behind his head in a relaxed manner looking through the crowd of people and all the talking that started. "Oh no no no! It was totally out of my own stupidity! Nothing to worry about sir!" “glad to know.” He said with a light smile turning his attention back to the others. He didn’t really act like he was paying attention to what any one was saying his yes wandering about the tree line though he truly had heard everything. “Hmm interesting. So can I help you all with something? Or do you just enjoy hanging around my little x over here?” he dropped his hand in a light sigh. True he wasn’t much for stealth but this was ridiculous.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artaxes Cleave Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Ancel Carlson
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Connor Pyrogen

Connor looked at Ancel "I'm to guide you on your way to lead the dreamland to victory against the war. He asked him one eyebrow raised. He was surprised he did not know this already. Everyone else did.

Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

Cassidy stayed perched atop the wall of the camp continuing to sculpt the Freedom Fighters from the rainbow colored fire from atop the wall silently. She wasn't one to go down and meet with the anyone. No, she shared enough words for the century from her taste. She wasn't meaning to really draw any attention to herself. She was experimenting with her powers and her art capabilities. Seeing how much fire she could use before it became to much. Experimenting with the different colors and how much energy each color needed to be made. Finding her limit and her weakness. Watching the land and the scenery and the freedom fighters. Mapping the amount of wind out for her fire. Feeling just how the wind effected her fire. Calculating her battle tactics and the outsiders movements. Coming up with every possible thing the enemy could do. Mapping out there war and there journey to a T. She would do this until everything she had to do, her team had to do, and everyone else had to do was planned out perfected. It was a painfully long process because of all the missing bits and pieces of entail she had on the outsiders. But she was not one to give up. She refused to. Her rainbow fire sculptures were just a pastime as she calculated.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Ancel Carlson Character Portrait: Solomon Rajah
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"Here. Crutch...for your ankle. " Destin said, handing a cane over to Kya. She graciously smiled and thanked him. She also noticed as he talked to him that blood was trickling down his nose. For some reason, he seemed unaware of this...

"Ah.. Yes- there are still healers here in "IDD." Solomon replied. Kya made a sigh of relief. At least there was hope for her to recover. She looked around. There was Solomon, Connor, Destin, Ancel, and herself, but there was someone missing....

"Where's the other girl? the fire girl?" Kya asked Connor. "Did she leave or something? Maybe if we get moving, we can find her. I'm sure we'll need to find her sooner or later." Kya stood up and used her crutch for support. It wasn't Kya's first injury, so she could walk with it pretty well. She just prayed that their would be no situations where she would have to use combat.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Ancel Carlson Character Portrait: Solomon Rajah
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Ancel toned out the reaming conversations between the group. Figuring he already knew what it was they were supposed to be doing he laid back on the tree with the ‘x’ he had previously placed. He reached into his pocket and pulled the picture from it his eyes gassing over it. His expression changed to almost emotionless something very unfitting to him. He stared at it for a short while as they continued to talk.

He flipped the picture over reading the phrase written on the back ‘there isn’t no stopping this train.’ "Solomon, 'Mole' Ancel. Nice to meet you. " he heard out of everything said. “Don’t call me Mole.” He said with a sigh his eyes not being removed from the writing on it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Ancel Carlson Character Portrait: Solomon Rajah
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As Kya listened to the four men having a conversation, she could swear that she heard something from behind her. She started to walk with her cane, and said, "I'll be right back."

Although it was painful, Kya moved as fast as she could using her good foot. She used the wind as a boost, but it didn't have the same effect as using her own two feet. Suddenly, Kya saw something glittering in the sun. She took cover under a bush and peeked her eyes out to see what was going on.

There, walking about 5 feet away from her were twosoldiers carrying large machine guns. She listened in on their conversation. "Yeah Joe, the wall is two miles away. I don't see anything suspicious. We'll go back. The big boss wouldn't want us to wander..." the one man said. A wall? What kind of wall? Not only was their appearence enough to stir Kya's mind, but this mention of a wall was like something from another world. She never remembered any kind of wall. Kya guessed that the men were soldiers. What did they do at this wall, and what was their purpose. Before it left Kya's vision, she looked at their appearence one more time. Printed on both of their uniforms was a strange symbol. Kya knew that symbol anywhere; it was the symbol of Brendan Getsus.

Kya raced back to the four men, a concerned, frantic, and furious look on her face. "I just saw something strange...." she said, trying to catch her breath, as she had ran back as fast as she could without hurting herself.
"Do you all remember that man...Getsus? There were these guys wearing his symbol. I knew that the IDD had lost the damn war, but i had no idea he was still ALIVE!!!"

Out of anger, Kya slammed her fist into the tree. She hoped that in fifty years time, that man would be dead, or at least his symbol. The symbol had brought Kya so many bad memories. From her friends's deaths, to her favorite places being destoyed. They had all been marked with flags of that symbol. To Kya, that symbol meant hell.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artaxes Cleave Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve Character Portrait: Ancel Carlson
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Connor Pyrogen

Conner watched the Kya hit the tree and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Let's not get anymore injuries Kya.." He spoke to her. When she spoke of the symbol Getsus and grimanced. There was no way that Getsus knew of the four chosen and the only thing in this land that could be the target is the Freedom Fighters he sighed piecing the puzzle of her words together. "Solomon go to the camp and report this to Axcel: Getsus is on his way to take down the freedom fighters. Make haste who knows what Getsus has up his sleeve this time.And Kya, Destin, Ancel I'll let you choose what we do. We have two options fight the men and risk Getsus finding out about your exsitance or let the professionals do there job without our help." He told them.