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"Sorry, did i scare you?"

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a character in “Lucid Dreamers: Revolution”, as played by MegaKooala12



Titan Orphinian

Age: 64 (about 30 in Centaur years)
Role: future Freedom Fighters first-in-command, but for right now, cook, blacksmith and weapons trainer.
Appearance: Titan has a larger-than-life appearance. He is a centaur with a mixed light brown and white coat. His appearance is similar to a Clydesdale horse. He has a long beard, tail, and mane. As the weapon's trainer, Titan is long, lean, and muscular. The most distinctive parts about Titan are the teal stripes that run around his right arm, shoulder, and side. He wears a traditional multicolored feather in his hair.
Weapons: Titan is skilled using a variety of weapons, however he prefers to use his trusty bow in combat. It is the weapon he has been using for the longest time, as bows are the traditional weapons of centaurs.
Skills, Abilities, and Hobbies:
-Knowledge of weapons and blacksmithing
-Knowledge of herbs, plants and natural poisons
-Master at geography and mapping
-Combat skills and athleticism
-Has made many alliances over the years, and is aware of various legends, myths, stories, and dangers of IDD.
Personality: Although Titan looks giant and intimidating, he's a rather soft-hearted man. Titan prefers to be the one helping behind the scenes or the sidekick rather than the one who gets all the attention. Although this is a good trait for the most part, it has made Titan regret much of his past. The centaur is full of tradition, and practically knows every myth, rumor, legend and tale around the IDD. This makes him a great storyteller. Like Lust, Titan is great with children, and to some, he is considered a father-figure. He's the one to go to for advice, since he is wise and full of experience. An extrovert, Titan enjoys surrounding himself with people. That is why he is constantly busy and barely has free time for himself.
History: At age 64, it would take YEARS to write down all of Titan's life story. However, there are some major events that have contributed to his personality and abilities.

As a curious and often times stubborn child, Titan got himself lost in the mountains far from his centaur tribe. when he was only 5 years old. He lived on his own for a couple of months, and then eventually ended up in a pack of spirit wolves, who raised him as one of their own. (Spirit wolves were numerous in number back before the war. They were known for finding lost children in the IDD and raising them until they could live on their own. Spirit wolves were known as the ' spiritual parents and guardians of the IDD'.) With the wolves, Titan improved, his strength, speed, and overall knowledge. He got into weapons at age 7, when a Feral child named Shae taught him how to use a bow. Shae was also raised by the spirit wolves, and eventually traveled across the land with Talba, a wolf who was considered her voice of reason. Titan looked upon Shae as a role model, and considers her his motivation for getting into weapons and blacksmithing. At age 13, he decided to travel across the land on his own. He made many friends and had many adventures until he was 14; when the war started.

Titan joined various armies, and proved to be a formidable fighter. He was asked to become a general or a leader in the troops, but he said no, stating that it was too much responsibility for him as a 16 year-old. He also said that he was not as experienced, and therefore could not be of any use. Titan blames the outcome of the war on himself because of his rash decision. He also experienced a traumatic event of losing someone he loved and had feelings for in battle.

Right before the war ended, Titan was one of the few who knew about the sacred realm and traveled there just in time. He was known as the 'transportation', helping children who were weary from traveling by letting them ride on his back. Many years past, and the sacred realm began to thrive. The young Titan traveled to the end of the sacred realm's border, itching to see the world again, although he knew he couldn't. He promised himself he would take out Getsus someday before his life ended.

Even more time passed, and one day, Titan found himself talking to citizens of the IDD who were in the same mental situation as him. They wanted to take out Getsus and be free; travel and see and actually LIVE in the dimension again. The Freedom Fighters group was born, and to this day, Titan is still an original member, along with Artaxes Cleave, who first proposed the idea. Titan and Artaxes became great friends, and Titan felt as though he saw himself in the young man. Weapons being his specialty, he became the Freedom Fighters's blacksmith and weapons trainer, teaching new recruits how to use the weapon of their choice. Although Lust does most of the cooking, Titan will do the cooking on special occasions. (Some say his 'apple delight' is pure perfection, and can instantly cheer someone up on a terrible day)

So begins...

Titan's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lust Asami Curtis Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Ancel Carlson Character Portrait: Tinkerton Puck Character Portrait: Titan
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Sunset was starting to turn into night, and the air-chosen one decided to check on her hospitalized friend. Kya took a deep breath, hoping that Ancel wasn't dead, and slowly peeked into the tent. Lust was there, working her medical magic on Ancel's chest. She breathed a sigh of relief. If she was still working on him, he wasn't dead yet. Would he be alright for the battle in the morning? She'd have to wait and see. If not, there would probably be more running in the future.

As Lust rested on the table, Kya entered, and looked down upon the bandaged earth-choosen one. Around his neck was a glowing necklace that spelled out 'hope' and on the other side, 'courage'. With further inspection, Kya realized it was one of Cassidy's necklaces. She must have placed it around his neck before she went off to see her and Ruya. She touched the glowing gemstone and sighed. It was her who should be giving Ancel gifts, not Cassidy. Kya was the one who almost got Ancel murdered in the first place. She was expecting him to be very angry at her.

She turned her head to Lust, a worried look in her eyes. "Is he going to be okay?" she asked. "We're going to travel early in the morning, do you think he will be alright then?"


A big centaur walked through the camp, his teal stripes shining through the last remaining bits of sunset. He was helping the others light the torches around the campsite, when he saw his friend, Artaxes Cleave, standing there unoccupied. With the torch in his hand, Titan trotted over to his friend. Little did he know that his trusted leader and friend was merely an illusion, and was really being questioned at one of Getsus's prisons. Little did he know that he was the last original member remaining in the camp. The rest had been killed, captured, or lost in action.

"So, i guess that girl's upstaged you, eh Axe?" he said in his booming voice, a playful smirk across his face. "She just kind of told you what to do. I would say that was very rude of her, but her plan was rather smart, so i have to give her SOME credit."
Titan looked upon the torch in his hand. The fire reminded him of the flames he used to craft swords, spears, and axes. He found the fire spiritual. Fire could be used in good, bad, or the inbetween. It was never just one side.
"I might as well cook tonight, Axe, apparently rumor has it that Lust's been working on someone in her tent. Don't think she wants to cook after all she's been through."

"So, the choosen ones are finally here, huh?" he said, crossing his arms. "Finally. I think i actually recognize them all. The two men like somewhat familiar, the warrior woman i think was with me in the army, and i believe the yellow one was a dreamcatcher along with the nekos. Kya.......Anderson? I think that's her name. I don't know if...."
Titan stopped in mid-sentence by the sight of the blue gem Kya had from before lying on the ground, unguarded. He bent over, picked it up, and shook his head to Axe. "Whoever has this should take much better care of it." he said, holding it in his other hand.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lust Asami Curtis Character Portrait: Artaxes Cleave Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Destin Reeve
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Lust Asami Curtis

Lust looked at Kya seeing the pain and grief in her eyes she walked to her. "He will need rest tomorrow is a bit to soon even for my alchemy and potions. But I will do my best to have him in top condition so he can at least travel." She looked at her and sighed. "Do not blame yourself Kya Anderson Of Air. You could not be expected to have known the outcome of this situation. He seems at peace with this situation. In the end he protected a pretty girl from a monster after all." She smiles and puts some of her hair behind her ear in a motherly fashion. "I saw you looking at the dragon necklace. 'Hope and Courage'..seems to have meaning behind it..Would you like me to help you fashion a gift for him too?" She asks her.

Cassidy Pyro SaintClaire

Cassidy smiled leaning her head against his forehead she was content as well.
"Love and Life..." he murmured, "...I'd give my life to save you. I want you to know that." She opened her eyes and smiled it was of corse a more sad smile. Pathetic smile really. "Cliche isn't our style." She half jokes but her voice cracked and she kissed his lips. She looked into his eyes her hand caressing his cheek. "And besides you cant save the girl who saved you." She looked into his eyes for a few more minutes silently before she went on. "When you died on the battle field. I was in ruins. Angered and loosing my mind with grief and rage. I no longer felt I should live on. I killed not only you but our men too. I was to trusting of our recruits and I let my guard down. I fell into there trap led you all to your deaths because I became to weak to decipher my real soldiers from a undercover spy for Getsus army. And I took his word for where the enemy was located. It was my fault and I knew it. So I lived my life in battle. I went to the people who killed you and one by one I took them down. There screams of agony would pierce through the night and there blood would stain my pathway. I lost myself in my need for revenge...and then they found me. Alone so much hatred in my heart and the need for revenge still heavy on my mind. They looked at me and told me I was needed to save this world. I laughed at them. I was still so angry at the world. But they found my journal and they showed me the picture of you and me smiling. It was beautiful and I remembered the reason I joined the army. I remembered why I was alive and why I was here. Because of you. I lived because you shielded me from a bullet but in the Stepped on a landmine and blew yourself up..I remembered how much I loved you. And the anger and need for revenge turned to agonizing pain and guilt. They took me to some place and all I did was cry. I refused to eat, to move. The girl with the 'Will Of Fire' had died with the man she loved on the battlefield. I was dead. They realized I guess that I was of no use to them so they proposed a deal with me. A life for a life." She smiled. It was a real smile. A smile of happiness and love a smile of pride for what she did. "When this battle ends...and Getsus is defeated..the magic that holds my life intact will ripple and then it will break and I will be no more..I should not be here even now..I died on earth many many years ago at the age of 29..I caught a fever a great sickness that took my life...I live to die at the right's the agreement I have with the Sages. And I don't regret the choice I made because....I get to see you again. And you will have a life and happiness. My only regret is..that I wont get to be there to see it. I cannot bear you a child or marry you. But this is enough." She assured him happily.

Connor Pyrogen

Connor Conner walked back into the campsite with a determined expression, his eyes held grief and sadness he had been walking around the whole area and snuck into Getsus city exploring it from the shadows to draw a updated map of the area around the city and the woods. He also was trying to find Piper and Axe so he could save them. He failed in his mission. Feeling ill about the situation. He saw Cassidy and Destin having a very intimate moment and decided to allow her the chance to do this. He explored the campsite where he saw Axe, Tink, and Titan. He sighed knowing that this Axe was nothing but a illusion. It made him feel even worse about the situation. He walked to Tink's tent and saw Ancel in stitches, Lust with blood covering her shirt, Kya with a depressed look and his heart dropped. He ran to them in a panic so upset he couldn't even talk correctly he just screamed out incoherent things that made no sense.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tinkerton Puck Character Portrait: Titan Character Portrait: Dodge Hanson
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Dodge Hanson
Dodge nodded at her answer but otherwise remained unresponsive. It may have been selfish but he began to think of how this implemented him. This guy barely survived an encounter and he was older than Dodge. Not to mention better armed. Dodge shifted to the side to think until he saw another women come in. It was becoming too crowded in here for his liking. While Lust and the new girl started their conversation, Dodge moved out the tent doors.
Okay now I'll find Tink he thought ready to return to his origional task. He searched and quickly saw Tink lying atop Axe's tent. "Still around Axe I see." he murmered when he followed Tink's gaze to Axe. If it's an illusion that is. He couldn't really confront Tink about the illusion if it wasn't one. The amount of time he spent around Axe recently was peculiar but then again this illusion seemed more substantial than usual. He would stand and watch from here until he was sure.

Tinkerton Puck
Tink was taken back when the girl came and gave everyone orders. Would Axe have just taken orders from a stranger without question? He thought back to how Axe reacted when he brought Axe into the camp. He seemed fine after he learned she was one of the Chosen ones but then again, Cassidy didn't give any orders. Either way Tink had to be grateful that she had spoken up. After getting everyone into his tent he didn't have a plan.
Contrary to his nature he was second-guessing his order. She had told Axe to go and spread the word that they were going to win but perhaps it was too early to predict that. What was planned for tonight would be their first big act of rebellion. Before now it had been raids, sabotage or occasionally a battle but never anything this big. Reasons not to spread the word stacked up in his mind until he eventually decided that he'd ignore the order. The thought sent a shiver down his spine.

"So, i guess that girl's upstaged you, eh Axe?" came a booming voice. Tink turned and was surprised by the centaur. Not so much by the centaur in general, for he had encountered a few in his travels, but this was one he didn't know. Perhaps he doesn't belong here Tink tried but the playful smirk across it's face told a different story. I can't believe theres a entire being at the camp that I haven't helped at all. Calm down, maybe he only comes every now and then like Dodge. Still Tink had met Dodge swiftly after arriving. Also in the playful way that ths centaur said that suggested that he and Axe were close friends. Tink didn't have any idea that Axe friends beside himself. Axe had always seemed very solitary and stoic to him, not the type that made friends eaasily. Just how close were they then? If they were very close then surely he would see through the ruse as soon as Axe opened his mouth. Tink then wouldn't want to be the focus of the centaur's anger as he searched for his friend. But then if the were mere acquaintances the situation was less dire.
"She just kind of told you what to do. I would say that was very rude of her, but her plan was rather smart, so i have to give her SOME credit." the centaur said to fill in the silence. Perhaps he took Axe's silence as hurt pride?

"Yes it was. We're lucky to have such a good strategist with us." Urgh. Why did I say that. Saying "We're lucky to have such a good strategist with us" suggested that there wasn't already a good strategist here. Which in turn undermined Axe's own skills.
Think before you make other's speak, Tink.
"I might as well cook tonight, Axe, apparently rumor has it that Lust's been working on someone in her tent. Don't think she wants to cook after all she's been through."
"Oh really. Who?" Tink had started Axe to help with setting up while he pondered this rumor. They couldn't possibly be talking about Cassidy still, for she had left some time again. But if not Cassidy who else had Lust invited into his tent. It always annoyed him when people exploit his kindness because they knew he would do nothing about. Now was no exception and the annoyance soon faded.
"So, the choosen ones are finally here, huh?" he said, crossing his arms. "Finally. I think i actually recognize them all. The two men like somewhat familiar, the warrior woman i think was with me in the army, and i believe the yellow one was a dreamcatcher along with the nekos. Kya.......Anderson? I think that's her name. I don't know if...." Axe nodded as he continued with the work. Tink had to say that he was far more productive when he had a human sized body. It was almost enjoyable.
"Whoever has this should take much better care of it." Tink squinted hard to see the small object held in the centaur's hand. That must be the Sunlight stone Kya was talking about. If it really did feed on sunlight, then maybe it could be modified to feed on his own light.
"I remember seeing Kya drop that before she left. I should be able to get it back to her if you hand it to me." Axe said extending his hand to receive it. Tink's own hands clenched the tent in anticipation.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lust Asami Curtis Character Portrait: Kya Anderson Character Portrait: Conner Pyrogen aka The Sage Guide Character Portrait: Ancel Carlson Character Portrait: Tinkerton Puck Character Portrait: Titan
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"I remember seeing Kya drop that before she left. I should be able to get it back to her if you hand it to me."
The illusion Axe extended his arm to receive the stone. Without hesitation, Titan placed the blue gem in his hand. "Alright, Axe. Just be careful with it. It's more important than you think. Oh, and by the way, sorry to cut you off earlier. I think the earth-choosen one is the one hurt. I don't know his name, but i think it's somewhat similar to yours..."

He finished lighting the last of the lanterns in the camp. It was dusk by the time him and illusion Axe finished. He sighed, and started to walk over to a pile of firewood, the torch in his hand still lit.
"Alright, Axe, i'm going to cook now. I'll see you later." As Titan left, he wondered if Axe was deep in thought or perhaps nervous. He could usually tell Axe was deep in thought when he didn't have the same rhythm that he usually had.

For the rest of the night, Titan cooked up his own version of beef stew, a freedom fighter favorite. With him working, the night went by in a flash. As the recruits ate and he managed to have a conversation with each and every one of them. As he talked, something went through his mind. What if tomorrow was the day that he could see the world again? What if the chosen ones could actually do it; save the dimension? Axe hadn't authorized it, but Titan decided to follow the wind choosen one to the wall in the morning. Since centaurs did not sleep, he would help her if she had trouble waking up. In order to use the nightmares against the men, they would have to be at the wall at a specific time. Once dinner was over, Titan cleaned up the camp, and returned to his hut in the middle of the camp.


"He will need rest tomorrow is a bit to soon even for my alchemy and potions. But I will do my best to have him in top condition so he can at least travel."
Lust's response only lifted half of Kya's heart. It looked as though this journey was about to get much tougher.
"Do not blame yourself Kya Anderson Of Air. You could not be expected to have known the outcome of this situation. He seems at peace with this situation. In the end he protected a pretty girl from a monster after all." Lust said, putting one piece of Kya's hair behind her ear. This comforted her. For a second, she looked up at Lust and smiled, her eyes regaining the same sparkle that they used to have. Could she be right? Was Ancel actually happy? This thought confused her, and she awkwardly stared down at the ground. Even if he was happy, it was still her fault.

"I saw you looking at the dragon necklace. 'Hope and Courage'..seems to have meaning behind it..Would you like me to help you fashion a gift for him too?" Lust asked Kya. She nodded, her smile as wide as the sea, but the sparkle in her eyes fading away. "Alright. Sure! I guess we can do it later when..."
Suddenly, Connor ran into the room, screaming things that made no sense. Confused, she ran up to him and placed her hand on his shoulder, hoping that would calm him down. "Connor, it's alright. Ancel is fine. Everything is fine. Now listen, early in the morning we have a plan to destroy a wall that's blockading the path in the forest. You can come with us if you like."
She turned back around, facing Lust, and waved to her. "Thanks again for taking care of him. I'll see you later."

With her bare feet, she walked through the camp, and with a gust of wind, boosted herself into one of the trees that hovered over the area. Kya knew that it was best to sleep now if she wanted to wake up early by morning. She closed her eyes, attempting to fall asleep. A few minutes later, she opened them. At first, she was confused at why she had done so, but then realized that it was a habit of hers. Back in the day, before the war, once it was night in the IDD, the lucid dreamers would fall asleep, and return to reality, waking up in their beds at home. Now was different. Since the IDD had been practically destroyed, she couldn't return back. A million thoughts went through Kya's head: Getsus, the dead lucid dreamers, the freedom fighters, the wall, Solomon, the sunlight stone, Axe, the choosen-ones, and Ancel. Before she dozed off into a dreamless sleep, she realized that there would be many more thoughts to come.