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A young and unruly neko demon, Luceryn, is sent away for reforming to a sickly boy with a wish to live.

1,405 readers have visited Lucy since MagicalNeko created it.


...suddenly, it all seems like a blury dream...

:L U C Y:

...but I was there, I lived it all....


"I long for you, and dreams to be true...."

Luceryn, a young and irreverent demon, has tested Goddess Lorelaei too long. Wreaking havoc and making messes wherever he goes, she decides to put an end to it and banishes him from the Otherworld. Leaving him with a family of five with a middle child who is nearing death everyday that he lays in his bed, whether in his own home or the hospital. He is terminally ill, with no hope of redemption. But Luceryn may be his last hope. Lorelaei comes to the boy as he sleeps, promising him a pet of unnameable value. He is a demon of the Otherworld, and he is being sent by the Goddess herself in hopes that he may one day feel kindnes or perhaps even love. She tells him that if he can help Luceryn to fall in love with him, he will be healed, his life saved.

But he must do it within a month, or he most certainly will die.


:r u l e s:

  • No power-playing or god-modelling.
  • No playing other peoples' characters without their permission.
  • Please post in novel-style format. At least one good paragraph per post. NO one-lining.
  • Love is Allowed.
  • All characters must be fifteen to nineteen years of age, except for the parents.
  • If you're just going to sign up and then never come back, don't bother signing up — it's a waste of both of our time.
  • Anime pictures only, please.
  • FOR THE BROTHER AND SISTER: One must be older, the other younger. First come, first serve.
  • For information on the way demons and their world works, see the OOC Board, which I will update eventually.
  • If you have any questions or comments, feel free to ask me.
  • Have fun!
  • Rule of Cool: If it's awesome and it moves the story forward, go for it; as long as it's not utter power-playing bullcrap.


:r o l e s:

  • Luceryn, the unruly Neko Demon by MagicalNeko
  • Vivianne Smith by LozerFanAnah
  • Finnian Smith by Yonbibuns
  • Hailey-Mae Smith by x_Sunny_x
  • Mother
  • Mathias Smith by MechanicArm
  • The neighbour's daughter, secretly enamoured with Luceryn


:f o r m:

[First Name]
[Last Name]
[Favourite Accessory]


...I'll be back when I hear his voice; hear him call....

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors

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I sat in the corner of a room I had never seen before, where the air was thicker and tasted different than it did in my lovely little box in the ally between the Recluse, a demon's nightclub, and Balthier's Steakhouse. For me, it was a classy location, somewhere I otherwise would never have been able to visit. But I rather liked it, and shorting out the Recluse's power once a week with my Christmas lights and radio (and believe me, there are ways of doing it) was more fun than pulling up some chicks skirt in the middle of a crosswalk where there had to be hundreds of people watching. Even that stopped being satisfying, though.... I was trying to think of which incident it was that caused my Banishment... but there were too many to count. A bright glow caught my attention, leaning over the bed where some kid lay, and I looked up instinctively, sheilding my eyes. She was whispering something in his ears that my cat ears couldn't pick up, and it made my tail twitch in annoyance.

"Hey, what's this about, woman? And you better give me a straight answer, dammit." My ears laid back flat against my head now, but one twitched forward when the woman uprighted herself and turned to me. A personal escort by the Goddess herself; I must've been special.

"Luceryn, you are here to be reformed. You have one month to straighten out or you will be executed." My heart skipped a beat at this thought. I bit my lip, curling my tail around so I could pet it gently. Lorelaei took no notice of the look, but instead explained to me where I was, who I was with.... I didn't listen. I was too busy examining the decorations of the room. I stood to walk over to the desk, noticing a sketchbook and picking it up to leaf through it. Some of the work was pretty good, I had to admit; but that didn't stop me from banking it in my mind to either rip or burn it later. Now that I had been subjected to the Human World, torturing them with small things before I began creating full out diasters was almost appealing. Disasters took alot of time and energy, alot of planning, and they were exhausting. If something went wrong — one little thing — you could end up with a minor problem, like having an an office building catch fire instead of falling over and toppling any other ones in its path, like dominos. That was one that I hadn't gotten to carry out yet, but it had always sounded like amusement. A rush of adreniline to keep me going until I was caught... and following that, probably more than likely executed.... But, still.

Surveying the room once more, I took note of the boy in the bed. I hated him. Lorelaei had made a deal with him, and I was the subject. I hated being the subject. Unless it was of a front-page article in the news about being a disturber of the peace, wreaker of havoc, et cetera. These things made me smile; because typically, wizzled up old men could call me nastier things than the journalists could ever come up with, and it made them look like wimps. I especially hated the tightness of the leather around my neck and reached up to feel it, gently running my fingers over the smooth surface.... It was cold, but slowly being warmed by my own body heat; a small heart-shaped pendant hung from it, and I fingered it as well, feeling my own name— wait. L-U-C-Y. Lucy? That sure as Hell wasn't my name. What kind of joke was that bitch trying to pull anyway? Lucy. I pulled at it, slipping my fingers just barely underneath and tugging hard. But nothing happened. It was actually starting to hurt, so I withdrew my hands. Instead of snapping it so they couldn't put it back on, I'd just have to do it the old fashioned way. I reached back to undo the belt-style buckle, but an electric shock coursed through me, and I pulled away from it quickly, my fingers and arms tingling uncomfortably. There was an anti-demon seal on it....


Again, I glanced at the boy in the bed. This was his fault for accepting the deal. I crept up next to his bed, growling low in my throat as my tail twitched back and forth, ears flattened. Then suddenly, I pounced on him, looking for some kind of revenge that I couldn't take with cut nails. I froze, hovering over him, realizing that I couldn't hurt him. No. That took all the fun out of it. And a life without fun was boring.... I would play along. I would make this fun.

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“Crap, I told him I'd be there... right now!” Finnian cursed, staring at his watch as if it was at fault. He just wasn't very good at keeping time or actually arriving on time—unlike his sister, sometimes he envied her ability to do the right thing, and her perpetual reliability. She always talked about karma but he had a hard time believing it. Why the hell, then, was his brother sick? He'd done nothing to deserve it, and he was your average nice guy. Karma was a joke. Slapping the medical book closed, he threw it onto his desk before slipping into one of his long-sleeved shirts. Fortunately for him, the hospital wasn't particularly far from his house and he could bike there in time. There wasn't any place he couldn't bike to, he preferred his reliable bicycle over his shoddy, old car any day. Chewing on his bottom lip, Finnian raced down the stairs and called to his sister. “Hail, get your butt in gear and head to the hospital!” If he was yelling into emptiness, he wouldn't know until he arrived—perhaps she was already on her way there. It wouldn't have surprised him if he hopped off his bike to see her waiting, albeit impatiently with her arms crossed over her chest. Oh man, she has the best glares.

Slamming through the front door, Finnian quickly grabbed his navy-coloured bike and swung himself onto it. For a few moments, he paused and stared at the looming house next doors. It belonged to another family with a girl his age: Jaclynn, otherwise known as Jack, who he secretly pinned after. Who wouldn't? Strawberry-blonde hair framing her pretty face, with her slender body and way with words. It nearly made him sick at how he was so afraid to approach her like that. They'd been pretty good friends for awhile now—they'd all been good friend, before Vivianne got sick. That was when he saw less and less of her, and more of the hospital. From what he remembered, their relationship reminded him of something he had with his guy friends—a manly, boyish relationship which meant she didn't like him like that. His heart absently sunk before he kicked himself into action, speeding down the driveway and into the streets.

Soon enough, Finnian panted into the hospitals' parking lot and locked up his bike. Clutching the fabric of his shirt above his heart, he felt the fumbling thumps of his heart against his fingers and took deep, calming breaths. “Whew, seriously.” He murmured under his breath, wiping the sweat from his forehead with the back of his sleeve. Hopefully, Viv wouldn't blame him for being late. He didn't usually care unless he was incredibly late, by hours. Studies had him bogged down. Not for school, but studying medical things. Sometimes, he felt so completely useless that he poured himself into research, even if the doctors had said his ailment was incurable. Pathetic, he called them. He was the only one who never took what the doctors said with an open mind, he'd never sat down and just nodded. He screamed, and yelled and fought. There's nothing we can do, but make him feel comfortable. The words haunted him and he remembered what he said: You're doctors! Shut the hell up, shut the hell up! We trusted you! You told me you'd do everything for him. Liars! Finnian never dealt with anything very well. All of them had been close—his sister and brother, they meant everything to him.

Sighing, Finnian finally caught his breath and entered the hospital. Vivianne was due to come home, even if it was for a little while. Truthfully, he'd come over to pick him up and peddle him back home. Nearly hopping up the stairs, he pushed through to the third floor and looked around. Room 112, he remembered. It was his permanent room, for whenever he came in for another surgery, another treatment, another injection. The list was endless. He quietly stepped up to the door, turning the knob and slowly pushed it open. He'd surprise him, that was for sure. The sight he saw caused his jaw to nearly drop, he slammed the door open, not even wincing when it crashed into the wall. He slipped in quickly before it had the chance to swing back into him. Familiar anger bubbled beneath his skin, trembling behind his ears and causing him to clench his bruised fists. “Who the hell are you?!” There was a cat-eared boy on top of his brother.

((Hope you guys' don't mind if he's at the hospital today! >__<;; I half posted it and then I was like... CRAP WHAT IF HE'S IN HIS ROOM? -facepalm- ))

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Visions flashing, shifting, changing, switching. Floating somewhere above his eyes where he couldn't touch it or hold it; grasp it to feel it's reality. Lights and sounds left unknown to be true or false to his simplified mind. Objects and people looking so real and tangible yet just beyond the grasp of his immobile hands. He'd become sessile like a sea sponge forever stuck to a surface that wouldn't let go. It hurt him to be so still, so concrete when things hovered and spun in a delicate dance just above him where he could watch. Always watch but never touch. Never touch. Like this every single time he shut his eyes; every time. Teasing, taunting, dancing, fluttering butterflies hovering so beautifully - so delicately in a maze and wash of fantastic colours and shapes. Leaving him for instants in cold darkness before exploding above him in an array of heart stopping serenity.

He could feel one of those untouchable butterflies float down to his ear just close enough for him to feel wings beat soft, kissing air against his skin. Shuddering, shivering, tremors ricocheting along his skin down to the bone into marrow mingling with blood cells yet to be. Wind blowing and caressing; shifting hair across sensitive skin hitting nerves firing pistons touched the brain. Then a voice soft and gentle but terrible and mighty hitting his eardrum setting off recognitions in his brain firing electrical impulses throughout. Jolting memory words shifting, hitting, lining up into a row read and translated. Quickly, dazzlingly, sentences formed and set into the forefront of his head in milliseconds. No chance for comprehension but merely understanding of the words and the rhythms and the flows. Just words flashing one by one in a line across his view sitting and festering before moving and making room for new ones. Until finally it stopped and the creatures danced around each other out of sight but never out of mind; leaving behind them creeping darkness engulfing space. Heart shuddering darkness that brought on crystal beads glimmering against his skin; he knew.

Suddenly it was like weights had been lifted from his body and a muted white light filtering down touched his skin. Warmed him. Conformed to him. He could feel synapses pulsing, nerves jumping sending electrical signals down to usable hands. Touch suddenly not a thing unimaginable, inconceivable. No more butterflies but light growing ever more slowly covering his eyes leaving him blinded and scorched but fine. Fire set in his veins scaring away cold giving morphine shunning it turning it leaving him slowly grasping onto the world.

Dream. It had all been such a fantastic dream leaving him unwilling to open his eyes and see what he truly lived in when the curtain of fiction dropped. The play was over but his mind reeled away from sending impulse to his eyes to open; to see. To see what was solid beyond all the moving particles within. To see structure that had texture and feeling; hot or cold? His mind rebelled to pulling away from the dark abyss of sleep that seemed to soothe it into butterfly wings and soft touches. It wouldn't let him open his eyes and deem himself slave to a world of control and rules where physics existed. Gravity, space, mass, weight; nothing in the recesses of his mind. Things that confronted the reality of dreams and the fiction of imagination. He could be safe in his mind and revel in his mind - become what he wanted in the space of his brain's desires. He could conform and allow his own world to take control of him.

Then there were voices and the words snapped together so much faster and so much easier since he was awake with fire burning through his veins pumped by his heart. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. It seemed to say with each contraction and relaxation of itself. Don't. Don't. Don't. His mind requested licking at his wishes with a vanilla flavoured kiss. Temptation from both sides fighting and battling to control his body and force him into one state or the other for limbo was not enough.

“Who the hell are you?!”

Vivianne's heart gave one last final thud before he felt himself shift giving into the final stages of waking. But he wouldn't dare open his eyes for the fear and curiosity that caused his brother to speak with such an urgent air. Strangers weren't such an odd thing; he helped so many people. This was different - this was his older brother having an attack.

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Hailey had made sure to not be late to see her brother. She hated to be late, it always made her feel like the worst sister in the world, and she hated that feeling. Hailey had always felt like that, worthless and useless, despite everyone's constant praise.
“Good job, Hailey!”
“Well done, Hailey!”
It made her sick to her stomach sometimes, because she didn't feel that she deserved the praise. For some reason, it always made her feel uncomfortable. She had developed the habit of hiding her sorrows by working them off, volunteering to help out around the house, or community, or school, helping others. It's gotten so bad that Hailey hardly has time for herself, just the people she helps. But she doesn't mind. As long as she knows that she helped somebody, and made them remotely happy. As long as she could see the smile on somebody's face, or to hear them say 'thanks' was all she needed.

She had hardly gotten any sleep the night before. She stayed up until well-near five o'clock in the morning, and woke up again at seven, unable to go back to sleep. Three hours later, she decided to get up, and just go. Go for a walk until it was time to go. She had knocked on Finnian's door on her way to the bathroom, but that probably wasn't enough to wake him up or stop him from... Whatever he was doing at the time. Hailey knew not to mess with him, especially in the mornings.

After getting dressed in a white, long sleeved shirt, with a red shirt over it, the one with the panda on it that Finnian had got her for her birthday a week ago, a white skirt plain red flats and the ribbon her best friend gave her, that was neatly placed in her straight, black hair, she ran out of her room and out of the door. On her way out, she yelled “See you at the hospital!” to whoever was there, assuming Finnian wasn't still sleeping and her father wasn't to work.

She walked all the way there, it wasn't all that far, but when she got there, she was tiered. All the nurses knew her well. She would come and visit her brother almost every day, when he was here and not at home, of course. She always brought him something cool she found, or a picture she had taken earlier, or something she had made in art class, or exactly five mints, knowing how much he loved mints. Today, she had brought him the mints, and a cool leaf she found on the way here. She met him sleeping, and when she got there, nobody else was in the room. Placing the mints and the leaf on the table exactly between the chair and the bed, she sat down, and fell asleep.

No dream. Just a big, pitch black picture of nothingness formed in her mind. She hadn't been sleeping well for days, and when she did, there was no dreams. At least not anymore. Her friends said that one day she would collapse, and today, she did. She was practically out cold in that chair, waiting for the rest of her family to come and laugh and talk and wake her up. But that wasn't exactly what happened. What woke her up was a scream. From none other than Finnian, of course. Groaning a little and squinting her eyes shut, she spoke.
“There's nobody else in here beside me, Finnian.” When she realized that she wouldn't be able to get back to sleep, she rubbed her eyes and shook her head, as if it would take the sleepiness away, and opened her eyes. What she saw had amazed her. A kid who appeared to be somewhere in their age brackets, with cat ears.. And he was on top of her brother, about to hurt him, possibly.

With a startled gasp, she jumped up, and backed away from the chair, more towards Finnian, but she kept her distance. This was strange.. No, it was weird. This had to be one of the weirdest things she had seen through her brown eyes in the sixteen years of living she had accomplished. Yes, she had to be dreaming. If she was, she sure hoped she would wake up soon.
((Sorry for exposing your eyes to my crappy writing. >< I had no idea what to do with Hailey..))

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"This taste weird," Louis said as he hesitated to shovel another forkful of French toast into his mouth. "Well," he started, "you did make them."

He swung his head to the side and watched with what he thought was an award winning glare as Jaclynn downed a glass of milk. Practically slamming the glass on the counter with a thunk and an 'Ah', she swiveled her stool over so she was inches away from Louis. She stared blankly at him until his eyebrow started twitching and his elbow almost knocked over his glass of, now warm, orange juice. Not only did he grind her gears, (As her dad liked to say,) but he always did it deliberately. Always trying to get a kick out of pestering her. Oh, how she'd love to just kick him. Hard, square in his tow-headed face.

"Ha, Ha," Jaclynn said, "You didn't think they tasted weird when you ate my half."

Swiveling back into place, she put her milk stained glass on her plate. Nothing was intriguing about staring at Louis anyway. Especially his eyes. Yeah, they were an aqua color with strange hues of blue and speckles as her own, but they were filled with Claudia, the girl at school who wore the skimpy tops and skirts, and what shirt he should wear tomorrow, and how he should part his hair. He was so self-centered it was disgusting, and she didn’t know how someone could possibly think the way he did. She once bet five dollars with Hailey, that if they looked inside Louis’s ear, you could see straight into his head and there’d be nothing but veggies, and a football bouncing around in there.
Getting up and bringing her plate to the sink, she was just in time to see Finnian speed past on his bulky navy-colored bike, sending leaves into a frenzy behind him.
She figured she had no room to talk about Louis like a self-absorbed jock. She hadn't even visited Vivianne in the time he had fallen ill. Which she was sure placed her in the ‘asshole’ category. Her mother had even baked little sugar cookies in the shape of snowmen for her friends despite it not even being close to Christmas because she wanted it to look like we put effort into them. Only squares made regular cookies, her mother had said. Jaclynn had just nodded and went along with it, knowing the entire time Vivianne or Finnian weren't going to get any of the cookies.

Placing the plate and glass in the sink, she listened as Louis sighed and trudged off, leaving his plate and cup behind. As she opened the cabinet above her, she reached around until she fingered the edge of container. Getting on her tip toes, she grabbed the container of cookies and pulled it out before placing it on the counter and glaring at it. Hoping if she stared at it long enough, it'd burn a hole in it and disintegrate. What was she suppose to do anyway? Go over and say, "Hope your dying brother gets better," then hand them a container of snowmen cookies in the middle of fall? That would be the day. Not only would it be awkward, but totally inappropriate in her opinion. If it was her in that situation, she wouldn't want pity cookies. She didn't know what she would want. Not herself with snowmen cookies, that was for sure.

She almost brushed the whole thing off as she dumped the rest of the plates in the sink, but the image of Finnian was getting to her, and she'd be lying if she said it hadn't been for the past week. Not only were the Smith’s her best friends, but, sadly they were her only friends.

Before she could change her mind, she marched out of the kitchen and upstairs. Changing out of her pajama’s and into some jeans and a T-shirt with the logo for the WMCA, she marched back downstairs. She snatched up the cookie container then flew out of the house with a “I’m going out,” to her brother on the couch. Glad, because she was going to get out of that ‘asshole’ category if it was the last thing she did. Even if the tomato stain on her shirt and the way her hair decided to flip and the face of determination she had made her look like some crazy person on their way to strangle anyone in her path. She was out.

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Voice made the hair on the back of my neck stand up, and my tail twitched on its own accord. I looked up to see a boy standing in the doorway of the room, and a girl joined him soon after. I looked down at the boy underneath me, then back up at the other two. Relations of his? Then I hated them just as much. Luckily for them, I wasn't planning on ruining the blonde kid yet. I sat up, and back on his legs, crossing my own over and curling my tail around. This was the biggest concentration of Humans I had ever experienced... the only humans I had ever experienced. Now that I got here, now that I saw them and their world — or this room and these three, anyway; they could hardly be considered a good example of the whole population — I was more intrigued than I had ever been. I was surprized that they spoke my language, or that they were intelligent enough at all.

I twitched an ear back, and watched the boy's eyes flutter. He was waking up. How wonderful. It brought a bit of a smirk to my lips, and I unfolded my legs, moving to stand in front of the bed, between them and the boy. "My name's Luceryn. I suppose you could say I'm a Cat Demon, and that I'm here by order of Goddess Lorelaei." Did they know about Otherworld, and its functions? Did they know that I had spoken Lorelaei's name in an unforgivable way , by not saying, "May She live forever" afterward? Probably not. Humans were probably dense creatures, despite their ability to socialize. "I guess this kid 'belongs' to me, now, so it's time for you to give him up."

It occurred to me that if he woke up now, he'd be able to correct me. Yes, I belonged to him. It killed me to admit it to myself, so I arrogantly stuck to my story, turning away from them and making my way to the window. I stared out on the small city, where a large steel worm made its way along a winding path, and shining straight-faced creatures moved through a large black expanse of land and stopped between white lines to let Humans get out and go about their business. Beyond these was something familiar — a park along the waterfront. I might have lived in a city, but I had spent a great deal of time in the parks, and everyone I knew of walked or teleported if they could. Some flew. It all depended on the type of being. But these were new to me. I had never seen anything like these before in my lifetime. I dropped my guard for a moment, staring out the window, my tail swishing gently and my ears perked forward. It was interesting to see all these things that I had never before even heard of. I pressed my nose to the window, eyes widened in curiousity. My breath fogged up the glass, and I stood straight to run my fingers through it, leaving transparent stripes on a translucent background... or was it the other way around? It reminded me of the orphanage in the winter, sitting in the window watching another kid go home with a happy family. When the window fogged up, I'd draw pictures of the former orphan and their family and then rub them out as if I were punishing them for leaving me behind. Didn't they know it was all I wanted?

I shook my head to clear the thoughts, and frowned hard. I climbed over the back of the bed and laid next to the boy — my owner — and smirked darkly. "Now, if you'd be so kind as to remove yourselves, I would like to have some fun with my new object. Good bye." And as if I expected them to just leave, I began to pull back the blanket to examine his body with hungry golden eyes. My tail thumped against the bed as I noticed something horribly dissatisfying. He was thin. Sickly thin.... I looked back up at the two in the doorway. "What's wrong with him? It must be a defect in the product. I want a new one." And with that, I rolled to turn my back to them once again.

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Finnian's mouth worked for a plausible response, anything that could be said in a situation like this. He found nothing and his jaw set, he ground his teeth together to keep himself from sputtering curses at the unknown assailant. Wide eyes caught sight of his sister rousing from her sleep in one of the guest' chairs, at least he'd guessed right that she'd left before him—she was always before him, waiting eagerly for their brother to awake from his near-comatose slumber. Now, the moment was being ruined by some kind of psychotic cat-eared creature crawling on top of Vivianne, with his irritating tail whipping this way and that. Much like the ornery cat they owned at home, often showing its' displeasure by raising its' hackles, hissing and spitting, with its' tail twitching to and fro. The sight caused his hands to clench into white-knuckled fists and his chest heaved, he fought to catch his breath but it only caught in his throat. “Step back, sis,” He seethed through grit teeth, eyes focused entirely on the spectacle before him. The reason I exist...

While Luceryn move across Vivianne's legs, Finnian bristled angrily and took another threatening step forward as if to goad him into action. As if to give him a reason to pummel his face into the ground—not that he was especially exceptional when it came to fighting. All of the fights he was involved him, mostly the cause of his brothers' ailment, he'd lost horribly, jumped by a few boys rather than a fair fight. He always lost. The remnants of a yellowing bruise circled the bottom of his vibrant eyes, it wasn't puckered, purple nor swollen anymore, and he was glad of it. A small amount of relief washed over him as he caught sight of his brothers' eyes fluttering from the corner of his eye, but it was short lived. Luceryn slipped gracefully from the bed, standing between him and Vivianne and he couldn't help but flush with heated irritation. Colour prickled against the top of his ears and his fingers gripped tighter, as if they would disappear into his palms. His shoulders tensed. “Shut the hell up! Who the hell do you think you are? He doesn't belong to you, idiot. He belongs to no one!” Finnian voice quivered in his throat, betraying the unsurmountable animosity crawling against his skin. Adrenaline. It was something he'd become accustomed to, if he hadn't, he wouldn't ever have the chance between flight-or-fight. Sometimes, running was the better option.

Arrogance fluttered against the nearly feminine featured face, Finnian felt sick looking at him. How could someone so stupidly declare they owned someone? He couldn't even recognize this man. The thought that some stranger traipsed into the hospital, without anyone noticing his arrival, and looked down on his brother so, it... it blew his mind. Then Luceryn looked away from them, as if they posed no threat to his life, and looked curiously out the window. There was nothing he could see out the window that would capture his attention, nothing at all. The nauseating feeling swelled in his stomach, and he tried to control the urge to scream for help, scream for someone to remove such a creature from their sight. Golden eyes spun wildly, staring from his still brother, to his sister, than back towards Luceryn. The familiar loathing swelled back inside his chest, thumped angrily against it until he could hear it vibrating loudly in his ears. New object. Remove yourselves.

“Fuck you!” Finnian snarled viciously, nearly spitting the words as if they were venom. Something poison he'd swilled in his mouth. Without another second to think about his next actions, he threw himself forward and grabbed the back of the boys' shirt, wrenching him away from his brother and toppling on top of him. Eyes wide like saucers, his free hand busied itself with clutching the scruff of Luceryn's shirt tightly in his hand, while cocking his other back behind his head. Poised to strike the smug look off of that idiots face. He couldn't stand it. Those eyes. He couldn't take it. I'm always, all for you.

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And he heard words.

But his brain cells had suddenly become so involved with shutting down and shutting up that they entered slurred and unheard. They were crapping out and he knew that eventually he would end up lost in a world of his own dreams permanently. Not that he would ever be able to tell because he'd think he was awake and living. He'd dream of family vacations, beach days, school and trips. He'd dream he got better due to some miraculous change of events and left with his family to somewhere new where they could all be together. His entire life would play out before his eyes while his body lay dormant and unresponsive to the world kept alive only through tubes and machines. His family would have to watch as he slowly faded away and have to make that decision to keep him alive or pull the plug. Kill him with the simple flick of a switch.

He didn't want that though - no one would ever want that. Being so close to being awake made him want to push farther and harder to be with them and among them. Breathing, beating, pulsing, living, trying, dying. All of it he wanted to do not with his eyes wide shut but with them wide open. Vivianne wanted to join reality and accept that physics, science, math, history; all existed. His body wanted to experience movement and his skin wanted to tingle and his hands wanted to touch. He wanted to speak, react, detach. But he felt shackled because his brain was the chemistry source of all nervous movement and without it he was powerless to fight, to move, to live. He could feel the sweet taste of fantasy spike his tongue and he wanted to fall into lapse and let it cast it's spell on him but his brother needed his help to calm down.

Because he lived for him.

A single frantic jolt from his heart brought air to his lips and they parted; fight won. He could grip his fingers into fists and wiggle his toes under the sheet; he felt he could jump out of the bed and just be healthy again. It was funny; how important the tiniest movements were to him. The ability to move the smallest parts of his body to do things he wanted - the ability to control himself. The ability to feel the horrible cotton beneath and above his hospital robbed skin. There wasn't a time Vivianne felt he had felt more fantastic because if he was able to win a fight over the control center of his entire life he was able to do anything. He could open his eyes, he would open his eyes. He did. And at first it was all bright lights blaring down on him with a vengeance. Burning, searing, charring light blaring down into his eyes as if blinding or trying to head in that general direction of sense removal. So he blinked; once, twice. Reveling in the action because he could do it once again. It scared him knowing that every time he fell asleep the chances of waking up again grew slimmer and slimmer. He would bask in the glory of being able to do it once more.

Until he managed to get himself into a seated position and saw what was happening on the floor. Because if there was one thing that tore at him more than never waking up again it was fighting. The absolute violence and darkness that tainted and roamed in the air near a fight zone was so horrifying he shut himself away from it. To see his brother poised to punch someone who had entered the room made him physically sick. "Stop!" he cried his voice horse and not very powerful. He felt he was going to cry; Finnian wasn't supposed to get hurt fighting. It would rip Vivianne to shreds.

Because you should know I live for you.

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No sooner had I rolled over and closed my eyes hoping to ignore the two in the doorway had I been thrown on the floor harshly by the boy who looked similar to the one in the bed. He had screamed something, but I hadn't heard properly. Now I was able to piece it together and it made me smirk. They must be close, or it wouldn't bother him so much; I could tell that immediately. A pair of twins had been in the orphanage with me, the only two I had ever gotten along with. The three of us were all Neko. One of them was adopted out, though, and the other was left behind with me. Angry and confused about why he had been left while his sister was taken, he picked a fight with me and I ended up winning the verbal battle. It was because of him that I had to learn to fight, because we ended up in a similar position, and I lost the physical battle. From then on, we were enemies, until his adoption when we were the Human equivalent of twelve.

Remembering the dark-haired boy hovering over me, I froze for a moment. My bangs had fallen back off my face, exposing golden eyes to the three as I looked from one to the other. It occured to me at this moment that they were siblings. They had to be. It was in the facial structure — especially the boys. It made me wonder if I would have recognized my parents by their faces if I had ever seen them....

It occured to me that I had left myself underneath this other guy, and I took the moment to look down between us. Even on this angle he had a nice body, and I couldn't complain about him wanting to be on top. Only... I didn't know how to be a good submissive figure in that kind of situation, so our relationship would never work. I let him know this by reaching up and grabbing onto him, ready to flip him over so I could beat him within an inch of his life, leave him here pulped.... Living on the streets, formerly in an orphanage, one definitely had to learn to fend for oneself. Of course, just as I was about to do so, I heard a worn voice from above and paused. Really? He wanted us to stop? I held back a sigh and pushed myself up to lean on one elbow, pressing my lips to this boy's before I tried to squirm out from underneath him.

"Make love, not war. Seriously, could you be any more brutal? All I did was try to protect my dearest Master from a couple of intruders that I was unfamiliar with." At this, I swept around him to the bedside and knelt, flattening my ears innocently in spite of my own pride. I had to play up my own innocence. After all, he had seen his brother — I assumed — about to beat me. It looked pretty bad. Maybe I could turn them against eachother. "My name is Luceryn. Please don't fault me for trying to protect my Master." I bowed my head, trying to hold back a smirk. I wasn't a very good actor, but I tried and that was what counted.

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As Jaclynn rounded a corner and the hospital came into sight, something else captured her attention. Two words on a faint pink board made her stop. She stepped aside, getting out of the way of a young lady in a ebony dress to squint her eyes and try to make out the words. Despite a few missing letters and the poor attempts to rewrite them in red paint, she managed to make out them out.

Tracey’s Sweets

It was such a mundane sight, but it made the hairs on the back of her neck stand. When they were younger they use to walk there together because HeavenSent was a good town; you could do that. Jaclynn’s dad had brought them there even every once in awhile, and even Louis tagged along sometimes. It was such a long time ago and even so, she could remember exactly what she had bought at every visit. Two strawberry lollipops and one truffle. Louis had gotten a handful of tootsie rolls, and Finnian had gotten.. Lollipops, was it? She couldn’t recall, so she ran her fingers through her hair and walked away. It would come to her eventually. And if it didn’t, nothing would happen. The world will go on, and earth will keep on turning. Just like everything else that sent ripples through her lake, it always seems to pollute her little world and not even vibrate the foundations in your's.

Entering the hospital, she looked over at an elderly woman in a wheel chair. Obviously sick and waiting. Her round eyes followed Jaclynn as she walked past, and her fingers on the container she was cradling slipped a little. Her hands were clammy, and when she approached the desk to ask where Vivianne Smith’s room was located, the lady had chewed on her gum hard, pointed off to some direction, and mouthed ‘112’. The lady went back to typing away at the computer, and Jaclynn swore she could still hear the tap tap tap as she walked towards the direction the lady's plump finger had pointed to.

She swallowed hard, then paused outside the room. She didn’t know what she was getting worked up about. She had just seen them two weeks or so ago, and its not like they were adults ready to scrutinize her. It was just Vivianne, and maybe on some stroke of bad luck, Hailey and Finnian would be present too. Why was it bad luck? She couldn’t say, but it was. Two weeks of no phone calls. No visits, no ‘How are you doing’s?”, and not even a hello. She could imagine Finnian getting angry at her, but not showing it because he was passive like that. Nice. Considerate, a few foreign words still trying to sink their way into the crevices in her skull. Vivianne would be hurt, and that smile. That smile. It would probably be there too, and he would be waiting on when to pull out the lethal weapon when the atmosphere decided to get a little heavier.

Vivianne was the only reason she had even thought about coming to the hospital. If it was Hailey, or Finnian, she wouldn’t of came, and she knew it. Vivianne was.. Vivianne. There were no exceptions, excuses or procrastinating. When it was Vivianne, you were there or you weren’t. And he would still linger in your thoughts. That smile.

Jaclynn stepped into the room, her eyes immediately falling on the back faced towards her, and the legs beneath.


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And when you wonder why it has to suck sometimes, why it hurts so bad. You have to try and remember, that sometimes it can turn on a dime. Don't cry. Finnian wasn't sure why those words echoed in his brain, planted itself in his cranium and sat there—sleeping until it was needed, and it kept his fist from pummelling into the smug face below him. Words his brother had once told him, when he'd been sobbing at his bedside. Luceryn's hair fell back from his visage, exploiting his strikingly golden orbs, and he froze along with him. He couldn't figure out why the cat-boy beneath him wasn't struggling, wasn't spitting curses like venom or attempting to strike back. It made it impossible for him to explode his frustration and anger into him, Finnian just sat on top of him with his hand poised around the scruff of his shirt. Before he had the chance to react, fragile hands reached up and grabbed his extended arm. Something flickered in Luceryn's eyes, and he braced himself. Muscles immediately quivered, tensing and releasing. His brothers' voice reached his ears and time seemed to freeze in place, his anger completely deflated until it was replaced with worry. Shoulders sagged with the wave of relief, even in the situation at hand, Vivianne's voice was like sweet, sounding bells on a particularly bad day.

Struggling to speak or respond to Vivianne's shaky, gravelly voice, Finnian began moving away from him until soft lips met his, smoothing away any comfort he might have had in hearing his brothers' voice. He curled away from him, allowing him to squirm away, uttering curses and unmentionable, lewd words that escaped his mouth. His lips. “Godamnit! Y-You kissed me!” He stammered, bringing up a hand to cover his mouth. What the hell kind of combat tactic was that? His stomach twisted in a sickly knot, swilling over until he leaned heavily against the wall. There was no point in his life where another man had so openly violated him—kissed him against his will, and with that wry grin dancing across his face. Flushing red, the tops of his ears burned crimson and he covered half his face with his open palm to ward away his unwelcome embarrassment. Grinding his teeth, he felt like his body was betraying him, he avoided looking at the damned cat altogether. Finnian caught sight of Luceryn's ears pinning against his head, feigning innocence and his lip curled distastefully in response.

And then he looked to his brother, Vivianne, who was sitting up in his bed. “He's my brother,” Finnian hissed under his breath, smoothing the front of his shirt with his hands before walking cautiously up to the sick bed. Cautiously, he brought his arms around him in a gentle hug before he pulled away, eyeing his sister quietly before sitting on the edge of the small nightstand.

Because I can't do this without you.

And then someone else stood in the doorway, someone he hadn't been expecting. Finnian's heart raced, thumping noisily against his chest, so loud that he thought others' might be able to hear it. Impossible, he thought. Jaclynn. His next door neighbour whom seemed to be be enamoured with Vivianne—and not him, definitely not him. How could he blame her? There was something about his brother that even he was mesmerized with, it was something that kept him from giving up. Kept him living. “Jaclynn,” I murmured softly, before repeating it louder.

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He'd been practically shocked into silence when the odd male kissed his brother. His one hundred percent straight as an arrow no possible chance for bending brother. It was nearly as shocking as knowing that anyone would even dare kiss someone in the middle of a fight let alone one including violence. It made him want to rethink allowing this person to stay in the room but at the same time made him want to question what was going on. As a plus thought the fight was over even if on an odd uncomfortable note. But really...... Someone would really kiss another person - the one they are fighting - to stop it? Had they even stopped because he'd asked or because of the kiss? Had it actually made him jealous that someone was kissing his brother? His fucking brother. No. It was merely because his brother was so perfectly not bent that the fact that he had been taken advantage of was something so utterly mind blasting that he felt betrayed by everything he knew his brother to be. He wouldn't let himself think or believe that he was jealous of anything. He was merely expectant of certain things and when they weren't met he worried if he'd done something wrong. Something out of place. Had Vivianne done something wrong? Had stopping the fight caused it? He felt his pulse go up and he stopped thinking, he didn't want any more drugs.

Then he actually looked at the the strange boy who had come into his room and his heart nearly stopped in his chest. Not only was the person he was looking at one of the most gorgeous people he'd ever seen but he had something humans just didn't have. Cat ears sticking out from his head like antennae one a bug. Only cuter and probably a lot softer to the touch. Vivianne found himself really wanting to touch them and see if they felt like velvet; like real cat ears. Then he saw the flicker of a tail and he knew this boy was not at all even close to being a human. He wanted to know where he'd come from how he got there and why he was in his hospital room in the first place.

Then he heard a few words that set gears working in his head. Luceryn, Master. It made him remember all the words that a butterfly had whispered softly against his ear at night. Remision for a trouble maker. Make him fall in love in order to cure his illness. But he wouldn't let that excuse the matter at hand.

Until Jaclynn entered the room and uttered a single word. His brother's name specifically but there was no need for specifics. "Jaclynn!" he exclaimed with a beaming smile. He liked Jaclynn, mostly because of how different from everyone else she was. Then he turned his gaze on Luceryn and his smile dropped a little.

"You I'll talk to later." He looked over at his brother next and placed a gentle hand on the older male's arm. "You too." Because they needed to learn that if they were going to be around him and around him at the same time they were going have to work together. Vivianne's attention went back to Jaclynn.

"It's so good to see you Jaclynn!! I've been hoping you'd come to visit." And in all honesty he had.

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She didn't know whether to approach Finnian, or approach the other kid that was on his back sprawled across the floor. Was there a fight? Possibly, because Finnian was constantly getting into them, despite her and Vivianne's protests. He'd always lose, but that didn't stop him from doing it again. Finnian's determination could cut through steel. She found that out when she first met him, because even then he was a little trouble maker. His heart was always in the right place, though. So she supposed it was alright, as long as he didn’t turn into some delinquent. Besides, Finnian didn’t look like a delinquent at all. And maybe that was what made it alright if he fought. As long as he didn’t come back with more than a bloody nose, and nothing was broken, it sat as good as good got with her.

“Finnian..” Jaclynn replied to Finnian, uncertain on what to say at the moment.


Jaclynn smiled at Vivianne, already making her way towards the bed, but not completely keeping her eyes off the boy on the floor. If Vivianne was acting normal, then the boy must’ve been a friend of their‘s. She didn’t think she could say the same about Finnian, though. He didn’t look right, not today.

"It's so good to see you Jaclynn!! I've been hoping you'd come to visit." Vivianne exclaimed.

And she almost felt a jab of guilt for not coming sooner. For leaving her sick best friend alone in a hospital and not coming by to visit. For not comforting Finnian when he needed it, and not even one phone call to Hailey. Mostly for completely disappearing, and if Vivianne wasn’t such a great kid, she would’ve never came, and she knew it. Because that smile got her every time, and words would never tell. But she was here now, and she supposed that was all that mattered. Even if it had been two weeks or so. The thought of that made her stomach wrench, and she wasn’t entirely sure why.

“Vivianne,” Jaclynn laughed as she reached down and wrapped her arms around him in a hug, “How are you doing? I got something for you.”

Placing the container in his lap, she smiled down at him. “I know they’re snowmen, but they are fantastic.” Like she had ever tried them. “Share ‘em with Finnian and Hailey, too. I’m pretty sure there is enough of them in there for all you.”

Almost as soon as she finished speaking, she noticed Hailey on the edge of the bed. How had she missed her? “Oh!” Jaclynn laughed nervously, “Hi Hailey, I didn’t see you.”

And then finally she greeted Finiann with a one armed hug. However, before she pulled away, she whispered in his ear, Who is that? and hopefully he knew she was reffering to the strange boy on the floor. She didn't turn around to greet the boy though, and she supposed that was a bit rude, but she didn't see why she should greet some kid sprawled out on the hospital floor in a kitty costume. Which was even more strange, and even though the boy looked young, she couldn't get a good look at him due to her constant observation of everything and everyone else.

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Taking in everything that had just happened was really hard on Hailey. So hard, she couldn't even explain to herself what was going on. She was hoping this was a dream, some sort of crazy nightmare. Hailey hoped she was still in bed, or at least still in the chair sleeping. Nothing made sense today. She inhaled, about to say something, but then sighed, deciding to shut up, and she sunk down to sit on the edge of the bed.

Jacklynn came in. So now she was sure it was a dream. She could probably jump in front of a truck and wake up now, because Jacklynn hardly ever came, and if she ever did, Hailey probably wasn't there. She didn't even bother to look at her, though. Or even say 'Hi!', which was really out of her character. She only glanced at her when she heard her voice, and then set her gaze back to the tile floor. Everything was blank, and showing no emotion, even her eyes. Just blank and not interested in anything anymore, and this is what always happened when she was shocked or depressed.

"Hi Hailey," Hailey's eyes flickered over at Jaclynn. "I didn't see you."

She chuckled, and faked a smile, "That's fine. It's my fault for not saying hi to you, anyway." Hailey said, waving her hand like she was brushing the whole thing off. Nobody hardly noticed her, unless she was doing something for somebody and getting praised. She looked so normal, and she always wondered why. Hailey didn't even look like her siblings, which made her sad sometimes. But she never minded, she kind of hated attention. Getting up and sitting on the chair by the door, she closed her eyes again, hoping to 'fall asleep' and wake up again. "Oh, Vivianne, I brought you some mints and.. A weird looking leaf thing I found on the ground outside, if you even care. If you don't want them, I'll just eat them.."

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In spite of everything, an unnoticeable sheen welled at the corners of Finnian's eyes. He could feel them, but he hoped no one else could see them. Crying was pretty uncharacteristic for him. He knew he was supposed to be the strong pillar, holding his siblings up—he was the eldest, it was his job. Sometimes, Hailey was the one to hold his hand whenever he broke down. His sister was the strongest person in his life, besides Vivianne, and he respected her more than she would ever know. She was his statue standing against the waves, providing him a safe place to rest. Over the years of Vivianne's illness, Finnian had grown increasingly emotional. The doctors said it was a normal reaction considering that his brother was in and out of the hospital. Sometimes, he couldn't understand why his stomach twisted in so much pain when he knew that his brother was the one suffering. Dipping his chin forward, the mess of orange hair fell in front of his vibrant eyes. There was a tightness in his expression, a solemn frown that'd placed itself on his lips. And he was shaking.

Balefully glaring through the wisps of soft orange hair, Finnian's lips curled back before he feigned a weak smile. Fighting now wouldn't help the matter at hand, he knew that his brother hated fights. It stilled his tongue and he tried his best to apply the rare grin onto his features. These days, he didn't smile that much. Ripping his gaze from the cat-boy sprawled against the floor, he glanced up to see Jaclynn sweep into the room. Dazzling. There were so many words he could say when it came to Jaclynn, but none would ever leave his lips.. She was the reason why he hesitated in the drive away whenever he was heading to work, hoping he'd glimpse her in passing. It was pathetic, he knew that. Besides, he always had an inkling that Jaclynn preferred Vivianne over him. It seemed to be always that way. And who was he to blame him? His brother was a beacon of light in the darkness, guiding you through until you were sure of yourself. It wasn't fair that he was shackled to the hospital beds and to all of that medication. It was the reason why he cried at night.

Forcing a small smile, he nodded his head in agreement when Vivianne placed a comforting hand on his arm. Anything for him. Even if it meant dealing with a pompous, sickening neko who kissed his opponents to make them stop. He exchanged a worried glance in his sisters direction, cracking his knuckles absently. When Jaclynn slung her arm around his neck, his eyebrows furrowed. “I don't know,” He whispered back. Confusion still danced in his eyes. He didn't know who this Luceryn person was, it was the reason why anger still swelled in his chest. Slipping off the night table, Finnian moved towards his sister and pinched her nose, before plopping into the chair beside her. “Y'don't get to fall asleep on me.” He murmured, watching Luceryn from the corner of his eye.

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I hadn't exactly expected that the only humans in the world would be those three idiots — the immoblized one, and the two who pretty much did nothing but gawk at me — but I hadn't expected so many in one place at one time. It made me lay back on the floor again, putting my feet up on the edge of the bed. I stared up at the new girl, frowning slightly as I examined her, golden eyes wide in curiousity. She didn't look at me once. Not if she could help it, anyway. But she had brought something that filled the room with a mouth-watering fragrence. I wiped the corner of my mouth, noticing that I had drooled a little bit, and didn't want these humans to see and think I was some kind of dog. Ugh... dogs. Vile, unthinking creatures, lacking intelligence and class. Then again, how classy was a cat that lived in a box between a strip club and a steak house? Yeah. But that didn't mean that I had to drool all over myself, come when I was called, and just generally do what I was told, when I was told, because I was told. No freaking way.

Of course, eventually I heard my stomach growl, and that's just not something you can cover up. It reminded me that I hadn't actually eaten anything in... ten... twenty.... Two days, maybe? I held my stomach to keep myself from writhing with pangs of hunger that resonated within my body. It was painful, but it was something I had to deal with regularly; but this time there was something that could satisfy it, and I didn't want to pass it up. I pulled myself to sit up, forced myself to stand and brushed myself off. And that was when I heard the hushed exchange between the new girl and the orange-haired brother. Finnian. And the girl was Jaclynn. Vivianne was the bedridden boy. Hailey was their dark-haired sister. But Jaclynn wasn't related? But.... Hailey looked like she was the unrelated one.... I was confused, but the pieces were slowly fitting themselves together. Anyway, it didn't matter, because Jaclynn had brought food, and I wanted it.

"Hey. Vivianne, right?" I asked, staring down on him with a frustrated look. My eyes were on the sealed container where the cookies sat. Sealed. But I could still smell them. I bent over to pull the top off the container and nearly had to swallow my tongue to keep from drooling on Vivianne. Still, I had to hold up strong. "That's a girl's name; but I suppose it fits you well. Vivianne. I want one of these." Without permission, I took one of the cookies and shoved it in my mouth, barely chewing it before I swallowed. It was... good. I didn't want to admit it, so I took another in my silence and repeated the process before I could think of something nasty to say. After finishing off a third, I turned to Jaclynn. "You brought these, didn't you? You should try a little harder next time; I think these may be burnt." The fourth disappeared into my mouth as I turned back to Vivianne, returning to a sitting position next to him. I reached for another one. "But I am a little hungry, though...."

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Vivianne smiled when his brother agreed but didn't much bother with Luceryn's answer. It didn't matter much because a person in remission needed space and time - plenty of both was what he would give. He looked down at the cookies in his lap and smiled back up at Jaclynn. "Thanks! I'll make sure everyone gets one," he said as he placed a hand on top of the container but later let it drop. His eyes were attracted to the mints his sister had brought and he picked them up gingerly and held them in his palm like hidden treasure. If there was one thing that Vivianne never got anymore in the damn hospital it was mints. They didn't give him anything that wasn't health food or something they concocted to make him feel better. Mints made him feel better - the sooner they learned that the more mints they would be able to give him because he wanted them. "Aw, thanks Hailey. I love 'em." He placed a gentle hand on her hand and leaned back against his bed and pulled it back into his lap. He felt surrounded by warmth and attention; both he didn't deserve but was happy to have it.

So when he heard the cat boy say his name he felt his cheeks warm up slightly and he nodded almost passively. He watched silently as the top of the container came off and tried hard not to offer the strange boy a cookie because he didn't know if he could move his tongue. Having someone he didn't know - a cute someone he didn't know - in such close proximity made him completely nervous. He didn't know if he would say normal words when he tried and he would feel completely stupid and like a failure if he did speak garbled rubbish. "I-It's not a girl name," he said weakly as he tried to defend himself. People often made fun of his girl name but it was his fault his mother had decided to give him a woman name. Him. Orange haired, golden eyed, thin, slightly tall and wimpy little Vivianne.

His name did suit him all too well. It made him feel horrible.

He said nothing when Luceryn started to help himself to the batch of cookies that sat in the container on his lap. If the boy wanted to eat them all he could because it wasn't like Vivianne was going to be upset or sad that he wasn't getting any. He was more worried about if anyone else would get any cookies rather than if he would get one. But he didn't want to upset Jaclynn and not have one; still. If the cat boy was going to be reaching in constantly he didn't want to risk putting his hand in and having some sort of connection between them. It would make him feel even more nervous than before.

"Soooo, how is everyone?"

Vivianne wasn't one to turn to, to create a normal conversation out of an awkward situation.

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Her eyes were closed and she was almost asleep. But suddenly..

"Ow!" Hailey squealed. She hated that, having her nose pinched. Only one person did that to her. Finnian. Why? Because it was his job to annoy her. Why? Because he was her brother. "F-Finnian!" She said, holding her nose and watching him as he pulled up a chair next to him. "You know I hate that! And by the way, I wasn't falling asleep, I was waking up!" Hailey whined and pouted playfully.
She looked over at Vivianne and smiled as he thanked her. "Oh, you're welcome." She just loved the way how he would reacted to these kinds of things.

She watched as cat-boy took all the cookies. It wasn't like her to be mean or anything, but she already disliked him. He had said something about his brother's name, that it was a girl's name, or whatever. Hailey didn't bother to pay much attention to what he was saying. But didn't his collar say 'Lucy'? She chuckled at that a little, and then poked Finnian. "Is this a dream?" She whispered. "Because this seems really.. Weird."

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Lesson two, there's right ways to fight. All these things Finnian's father had whispered in his ear as a boy couldn't have prepared him for this. He wondered if Hailey had a better way of handling this, somehow he doubted it. How would any of them deal with this stranger traipsing in their lives without so much as an invitation? Striking eyes wavered on the feline intruder for a moment before whisking its way back towards Vivianne. His brother. He remembered when Vivianne was well enough to be on his feet, well enough to text him every few minutes—because they both worried about each other, in spite of their brave faces. His cell phone ringing over and over was usually annoying, but there was always something about the insistent noise and the faint glowing of the screen in his eyes that was - well, comforting isn't the word, really. He's not sure what he'd call it. Relieving? Calming? Vivianne's trips to the hospital had halted the frequent calls and text messages, Hailey seemed too preoccupied and Jaclynn had pretty much stopped communicating with any of them. Honestly, he was surprised she even showed up. “No way, you were sleeping.” He accused, patting her head absently. In hushed tones, he murmured, “If its a dream... then it's probably a nightmare.”

He sometimes wishes he could remember the feeling of flying over concrete for the simple reason that he could, not because he had to stop something or something from doing who knows what which would affect who knows and cause god knows what and - he misses that feeling. Being able to run just because he was young and he was happy and he had nowhere to go and nowhere to be. Running with his brother and sister. They were a family. Now, he felt like they were less than that. Two things torn apart and drawn together like magnets, pushing and pulling and ebbing with hurt. He wanted to be able to spend more time having fun with Vivianne like before, weightless and free, without having to think about where they would end up and who would miss them. Even his sister had changed. He'd be lying if he said that Hailey was the same as before. All of them had changed and he wished he could snatch times' hand, drag it down and backwards to reach a familiar plateau.

And now the assailant was snatching cookies in his grubby fingers, shovelling them into his mouth like some kind of monster. Was he a monster? Finnian couldn't help but scoff, sinking lower in his seat as he slung his elbows out wide—intruding in Hailey's personal space. He knew he was acting childishly, but he couldn't help it. “It's not a girls name,” He hissed miserably, slapping a hand to his forehead before peeking through his fingers. Luceryn was an irritating gnat, spitting insults like he didn't understand how rude he was being. When Luceryn commented on Jaclynn's baking finesse, another scowl crossed his features and he gripped the arms of his chair to keep himself seated. “And shut the hell up, have some manners!”

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Character Portrait: Finnian
0 sightings Finnian played by Yonbibuns
"I wouldn't know how to exist in a world where my brother doesn't."

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Character Portrait: Luceryn
Character Portrait: Hailey-Mae
Character Portrait: Vivianne
Character Portrait: Mathias
Character Portrait: Jaclynn


Character Portrait: Jaclynn

"The color of your eyes is the color of my s a n i t y."

Character Portrait: Mathias

"Boys will be boys."

Character Portrait: Vivianne

~The Ticking Of The Clock Is Too Slow.~

Character Portrait: Hailey-Mae

"I'm so sorry! How can I repay you?"

Character Portrait: Luceryn

"Wide awake and aware I belong; but memories are strong."


Character Portrait: Jaclynn

"The color of your eyes is the color of my s a n i t y."

Character Portrait: Hailey-Mae

"I'm so sorry! How can I repay you?"

Character Portrait: Vivianne

~The Ticking Of The Clock Is Too Slow.~

Character Portrait: Luceryn

"Wide awake and aware I belong; but memories are strong."

Character Portrait: Mathias

"Boys will be boys."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Mathias

"Boys will be boys."

Character Portrait: Hailey-Mae

"I'm so sorry! How can I repay you?"

Character Portrait: Vivianne

~The Ticking Of The Clock Is Too Slow.~

Character Portrait: Jaclynn

"The color of your eyes is the color of my s a n i t y."

Character Portrait: Luceryn

"Wide awake and aware I belong; but memories are strong."

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Re: [OOC] :l u c y:

Oh noooooooooooooooooo. I read Yoni's last post wrong and I thought he was still on the floor. I'll fix it, Sowwie.



Re: [OOC] :l u c y:

Yeah, I'm good now. It's usually just the first day, and then I'm fine after that, but that was, like, third day cramps and it was weird. So, I'm okay now. I totally had to sulk for a little while. Yeah, the one is almost done. I'm gonna make up my characters first before I post it. I just need to find a picture for the first one and... start on the second.... The other one is still in early stages of development yet, sooo.... That'll be awhile. I kinda got stuck on it, but it's a secret, so I'll finish it when I finish it. Though.... It has hints of yaoi twincest on the part of the main characters.... That's all I'm certain about. :D

I missed you to. I love you! <3

Re: [OOC] :l u c y:

Aww. -pat pats- Fortunately, I get a shot every three months and its' taken my womanhood away. It's probably a bad thing, but oh well! Here's hoping your cramps go away, if you need someone to wait on you and bring you lots of love soup and love juice and love medicine--YOU KNOW WHO TO CALL, MISS. SEND ME THE RPGS AFTER woman, apparently the Black Butler one we were in died. BUT I'M JUST SLOW I SWEAR. I'm not sure if I should go post there anyway, because I probably would. Anyhow, lemme know when their up and I'll go check 'em out and it'll be sexy. I swear.

By the way: I missed you! C:

Re: [OOC] :l u c y:

Sorry, guys! I love you all. But you know, I have... issues; and they're not usually this bad. Rawr cramps! -whines- I'm soo sorry. Oh! I'm in the midst of writing two new RPGs, but I probably won't finish them for a while.... Blech. Technically the one is done, I'm just writing the stuff for the OOC Board. So yeah.

Re: [OOC] :l u c y:

I don't know..She hasn't been on in like, a week. Which is like, jkdxvngfdj years in the virtual world.

jkdxvngfdjis too long. Majiko, come BAAAAAACK. D:

Re: [OOC] :l u c y:

periodperiodperiod . . .


Re: [OOC] :l u c y:

@Magiko: I'm too lazy to respond to everything you just said so instead I'm going to nonchalantly touch you inappropriately and walk away like I've done nothing because that is always the answer to everything that ever happens anywhere.

Still I will respond to the whole age thing. Yea. Eight years old sucks because she can speak and ask for things and she's developing this attitude that makes me want to punch her in the mouth. Horrible I know but she's an annoying little girl.

Holy shit I'm going to do that. Vivianne now keeps Lucy in a closet. A closet FULL OF LOVE! *NodNod* And in that closet there will be plenty of fun things to play with.

I'm pretty sure anything is possible with four people. We can totally make this work. I CAN make this work. I will. It will be on my double bed in my basement with all my cute things and it'll be fucking sexy as shit. Like lesbian cookies; those are really good. Especially with chocolate in'em. Mmmmm. Chocolate.

Hey, your posts are pretty long and they make me jealous because I have to force myself ot think of things to type out in my posts so that they are as long as everyone Else's posts. *SadFace* You guys make me feel weak and insignificant.

@JuiceyBox: Doesn't every girl at least once in their life want to be a guy? There's so much less drama and shit to deal with. If I was a guy; I'd be a gay guy because I don't want no hormonal bitch clinging on my like some bear trap or something. Men are just so chill; biggest drama is when they insult each other and it's over in like five minutes. God I love hanging out with men.

Isn't Vivianne awesome! I love him. I just wanna make him come to life and snuggle with him in my basement with all my cute things around us. Ahhh snuggles. *Snuggles* I like snuggling.

@YoniBoni: I am? You would! YOU WANT TO?! Yea, lets do it. Love games all around. *Plays'LoveGame'ByLadyGaga* That song is catchy but extremely annoying. I want one of her outfits to great you in. One of the skimpiest ones I can find. And then I'll hug you in it but not give you anything else because I'm a bitchy tease and I like being that way.

Oh shit! I've gotta get ready then. Damn. *RunsToSetUp* You aren't giving me much time! WHHHHYYY?! *Snuggle* Just kidding. You can sleep on my bed until I get the closet ready. It'll be a party all over. All over.

@All: You're all my snuggle muffin lovers. <33333333333

Re: [OOC] :l u c y:

Maginekun: I can stalk you at your bedside just like Claude does to Alois—except with expressions on my face. Or in it, y'know. I kind of wish my bed was more comfortable. I think beds can fit a lot more people than what they describe. Singles can definitely fit three people if you're all sideways, or y'know... USA-CHAN. Honey-sempai's the most adorable character in Ouran, I love that show. I think it was the first anime I watched from start to finish (besides DBZ and Digimon, but they don't count). Speaking of which, I'm probably gonna go finish up Soul Eater because I'm on the last episode. Any animes' you guys recommend after that? I'm also a night owl. I have to take sleeping pills 'cause I can't sleep... I'll just lay there until 5:00 and wake up feeling like a ton of bricks hit me. All owls are night owls, I wonder where they got that term. Lawl. Night Crawler. Oou la la, X-Men.

Honestly, I tried babysitting kids that were younger than that, five and nine, and that little five year old turned into Tarzan whenever I came over. He'd climb the sides of the stairs or the bookshelf or whatever he could get his monkey hands on and I'd be like... wadjahdendalkd STOP!

<3 I love you guys. -love dance-

Viv should definitely make Lucy's bed in the closet, he'd hate that.

-pleasant mind breaking- Kufufufufu.

I always feel like I have to answer every little thing in the OOC so I end up typing more than I usually do in the actual RP—well, actually not really, but I find it easier to type here than thinking up a post. And my back is crying. Claude is definitely a creep who doesn't care about nature enough not to just kill them, besides he can always serve up whatever he decides to kill so it makes his butler duties easier. I figured if he was watching from the window, he'd probably do that. And Alois would totally go break some eggs like a little fiend.

SuckOnMyWhatWhatYes: Swaggers my favourite word. Lawl. I'm liking all the characters so far, so I'm pumped to start it. Me wants me some Roxas, I mean... next door neighbour person whose name isn't revealed yet. Also, Roxas is from Kingdom Hearts—an extremely smexy video game you should pick up RIGHT now. He's Sora's nobody, and he was in Organization 13. Go play nowww~!

Let's get this thang started, folks. <3

@Lozereeney: Dear Lozer, you are FRIGGIN' ADORABLE. Seriously. I'd definitely walk up to you to say hey on the streets if I didn't know you. Let's play some love games. I'm packing my bags now to move into yer' closet with MagiNekun—it'll be a party everyday. In my pants. Or just in the closet. Everywhere.

Ahhh, I love you guys.

Re: [OOC] :l u c y:

Snubibinoy: Haha. Swaggered. Anyway, thats cool. We'll have a little love triangle going on; adds to the plot. :D andddd..Usually I'll have something else utterly pointless to say, but today im out of wack. (Or it could be because I just woke up from a nap, and its 11:30.) Y'know. Eh? But.. I like Vivianne. He's chill. Awesome. Marvelous. Awesome, again. And any other positive adjetives I can think of. (Can you hear the excitement in my typing?!) I can. It's like, TAP TAP TAP TAP TAP TAP TAP!


Darling: Aren't I glad I SWAGGERED ( Yoni. Ahahah) on over here. :D and I had no idea that was Roxas! I thought it was just some random picture. Huh. Isn't Roxas from like, Final fantasy. Or something like that. I know the movie, I just can't think of the darn name. Ergh. Frustration?!

Literally, right when I finished half my character, I look on the OOC tab, and YOU SAY I CAN BE A GUY. (My character, that is.) And shlsidhfdjghjsdg. It's too late now, because I do things in the weirdest order. Don't you click the OOC, before, posting or doing anything just in case something important comes up? That'd be smart. I'm a foolish little truffle.

Anah: Awwww. I wanted to be a guy, but I respect(Love) Darling and I didn't want to be a controlling-pants and defy the almighty Darling's rules. But YEAH! I totally want to. I'll whiten my dentures and dye the greys in my hair before I come too! (I'm joking. Im not even close to the age of grey hair and wrinkley butts.)

Darling: Go on and accept my character because I feel like im holding up the entire roleplay.. It's only a little chunk im not done with anyway. It's all good. :D I'll get it done tomorrow because my vision is blurring. (I think I need glasses?!) But yeah, you can accept the brilliant Jaclynn. (I wish that was my name. ) >.>

Re: [OOC] :l u c y:

@Juicy: Ahh. Alright. I'll go creep it, though. Muwahahahahahahaaa!

Re: [OOC] :l u c y:

Ah! Darling, don't accept that character yet. I'm not done, but I can't finish it right now because I'm on my brothers itouch, and I have a shit load of homework. Don't reject her either though, xD I pinky promiseee I'll finish, but I can't reply back to y'all right now. My brother is demanding pancakes, and it took me well around five minutes to write this. Five minutes I will never get back. Evah.

Re: [OOC] :l u c y:

@Rezol: Hmm.... I don't mind. But can you stalk me up close... like in my bed? I recently discovered that a single CAN fit three people, as long as they all lay on their sides. xD Don't ask, don't tell. I don't think I'd have room for your teddy bear, babe. My bunny, Usa-chan would get jealous. Yeah, get that, eh? My grandma gave me this Floppity TY bunny when I was four and I've had it ever since. I still sleep with it. I renamed him Usa-chan because I realized he looks like the Usa-chan from Ouran High School Host Club, and I love Hunny-senpai. :D I would cuddle the teddy anyway, and think of you in the night when I don't sleep. Because I'm a night owl. Or something. Wait... aren't all owls night owls...? Okay, I'm a night hawk then. Cuz it sounds cool. :D

Ugh. Eight. It's an alright age if the kid's well-behaved. I baby-sit a nine-year-old and a four-year-old, sooo.... I hate kids. I really do. But probably not as much as I claim. Cuz I'm like that, yeah.

Of course there's no rape. We're both willing. I love you both! <3 Love love! -happy dance- Wait.... how come I have to live in the closet? OH!! Wouldn't it be great if Vivianne made a bed for Luceryn in the closet? Then he'd be like Rukia, in Bleach, but with permission and stuff.

Okay, so it's a foursome now? Is that a thing? Can it be managed between four chicks? Gah! I'm still pure and innocent, but I've been mindraped so many times! And I still can't manage to wrap my head around this. The images aren't bad, but its still totally mindbreaking me. x///x

Meh, I'm constantly forcing myself to type long posts. It's hard for me sometimes, but I always tell myself that I'm not allowed to submit until I have four paragraphs or two decently-sized ones. Alot of the time I go overboard, though... I think. My last post for Black Butler was... five paragraphs, but they were huge. I was in shock. I read it afterward and I was like, "I'm crazy. Where did that come from?" It was actually pretty creepy. I killed an unhatched swan.... Which reminds me, Honey's post for Claude scared me a little.... He's so nonchalant about killing things. Like when he killed that wolf in episode eight.... Creepy.

Re: [OOC] :l u c y:

@Magiko: You're an adorable person who wouldn't be able to live near me because I'd stalk you every five minutes of my life with a high zoom camera and a pair of binoculars. ^ ^ Because I love you of course I'd bring cookies and a cute little teddy for you to hug on at night so you feel like I'm there with you. (I want to be there with you) Your pictures will suit me just fine until I find you and kidnap you and keep you locked up in my closet with YoniBoni when I get her.

My sister's eight and super annoying but ya know how they are when they get older. Eug.

@YoniBoni: "I Wanna Rock With You. All Night." ~.^ Hell ya I wanna get with you so I can rock with you. It's cold in my house too and I can see your love hearts and they make me super happy so I'm writing love letters to send your way so you know that I care. (I care a lot.) You can come live in my closet with Magiko and I'll join you and then we can all snuggle on my double bed together to keep warm during cold winter nights.

Because I completely won't take advantage of any of that at all. No rape her. *InnocentWhistle*

@JuiceyBox: MY GIRL! You join us yea? And be a guy. It'd totally make this whole thing sooo much better. Gah, I feel like no one is posting but I can't unless someone wakes me up or else my whole post will be like; one paragraph long. (Talk about noob post.) If you want you can join YoniBoni, Magiko and me in my home. I have cute things in my basement if you would like. I'll send you a teddy so you have something to snuggle at night and remind you of me.

@ALL: Sexy Partay at my house. Bring yourselves because that's all that is needed to make it sexy. ~.^

Re: [OOC] :l u c y:

@Honey: Seriously serious? Cuz I was.... And that would just be weird if I were seriously serious about that... that and you weren't, but I'd probably just sit somewhere and pretend it never happened or that the thought ever crossed my mind in the least.... I'm rambling. Then again, I just spent the last few hours watching Ouran High School Host Club and singing the Namihage song. Yay for Vic! He's just so random! -sings- Namahage! Namahage! (That's a Shishou....)

Oooo.... When I'm back at home I'll ask my Mom if she can take pics on her phone of me and the twins! Together! Because we're cute. :D And then you can drown in drool over it. DEATH BY MOE!!! Or kawaii. Either way.

Yay! And it's strange because I usually don't like older women.... Or younger boys. But you're an older woman who looks like a younger boy.... -confusion- And Rezol is sooo cuuutteeee~! -fangirl squeel- It's the yummiest threesome EVER! Though, honestly, I'd like to see Thompson, Timber, and Cantebury in their alone time. Yeah, I finally remembered their names. xD

That sounds like a wonderful party. I'm gonna go bake some snugglemuffins in preparations while I bake my Yaoilemon pies. Which reminds me, you should see how the AloisxCiel fic is coming along. Mmmm.... Yaoi lemon. Shouta yaoi lemon. Awww.... Poor Ciel didn't want to go that far... but he will. When I get to that part. And I've started my non-existant-plot lemon of Claude and Alois, but I don't know what to call it. So far, I've gotten Claude half-naked and I'm excited. xD

O.O What... you mean a cross-dressing shouta brother? Is he cute? Can I eat him? He's not actually a cross-dressing shouta, is he? Boo. Well, that was anti-climatic.... :P

Mmmmm.... Shower sex. With Honey and Rezol. Mmmmm....

@Juicey: Yeah... I was going to go find you eventually and rape you into submission, but I guess I don't have to anymore. -kicks rocks, bored-

You know, I was gonna say.... You could play the neighbour as a boy if you wanted (especially if he looks like Roxas, though I'm personally a Marluxia fangirl.... Long story) because then this'd just basically be yaoi all around. And that makes me drool. But that's only because you're special and I'd make exceptions for you. :D

Re: [OOC] :l u c y:

@MagiNekun: -tempts in a very serious business way- Yes ma'am! Also, I'm stealing your kitties, jus' saying, or snapping quick pictures of them so I can just pretend I have some kitties. Aw, twin kitties!

That book much be backwards or something, but I've read stuff like that before, too. Strange. YAY FOR COMPATABLE THREESOMES. Tanaka. He can join too, but only if he supplies the tea. He can twirl, y'know. Argh, bad image.

Snugglemuffins and cookies and hugs and rapefest. I mean. Yeah, that's what I meant.

Unfortunately, I don't have anymore baby siblings but I have three retarded brothers. And I sometimes force my youngest brother into wearing really adorable clothes that I think guys' should wear, because he's my living not-Ken doll. And he doesn't even care, which is weird.

-shower stalking, commence-

@Lozer: I don't know why, but I laughed really hard at that get with you comment. Ah, I'm tired. I haven't slept in like two or three days and my eyes are burning, and my inspiration died out in the snow or something. It's real cold in the house, and I'm currently outside your window breathing against it so I can draw hearts, with our names in it. Yes.


@SuckOnMyDingDong: YOU better play the neighbour, right now, and I'm glad you swaggered your way over here to take a peek because we wanted to you here in the first place. Well, now that we have the neighbour we can continue on, and I'm going to have my dude crush on you. That's right.

ROXAS IS ADORABLE. Wow, I love him. That's a fab picture of him, too.

Re: [OOC] :l u c y:


I would totally play the neighbor! I'm not stalking, by the way. I SKIMMED OVER, D: and saw Juicey, and I was just so flattered that you included me that I'm going to play the neighbor for you. No need for bribary\sexual harrassment\potential injury.

I will volunteer, because I'm feeling oh so creative lately. But, is the neighbor a boy or girl? ( I bet you included it in the intro, im just a buttwipe who needs glasses that can't read. -_-' ) Or im just too lazy to go back and check. Either or, my brothah'.

*Did not edit because im too cool for editing.*

It's a girl. got it. Wish it was a boy though. I got this gorgous pictu-You know what? I'll show it to ya'll, because I love it.

I'm spreading the love.


It's so..weird, that I couldn't help myself. But im not using him. (Obviously, since the roles a girl.) I already got a picture for the girl though. *taps head* Al-ways ahead of the game...

Re: [OOC] :l u c y:

@Rezol: Yay! Well, I'm gonna send them soon. I have to find one that I like.... Of course, I pretty much gave Honey my random cosplay pics from two years ago. Uhmmm.... Here's one.... I'm so fluffily adorable, especially when I'm a neko. xD Wait, am I wearing the nekomimi in those pics? I'm not. Well... I kinda have limited time tonight until I get to my friend's place, and then I'll be back for awhile. So I'll let you see me as a neko then.

Aww! How old's your baby sister? Mine's three, and she's soooo cuutteee~! She's a ginger! And I freakin' love red hair. Almost as much as I love fourteen-year-old boys crossdressing (as long as they're Alois).

Mmm.... Shower threesome. My shower's only big enough for two, though.... D: But I've got alot of floor space in my room now that it's clean!

Well I send you a snugglemuffin, and even a cookie just for being my lover. And... Honey can have one too. But only the cookie. Well... maybe. No no, I'm just kidding. Snugglemuffins and cookies all around!

Woot! Tall people. I can jump on you without warning and wrap my arms and legs around you without fear of knocking you over! -dances- ...Hmm....Lets test that one. -tackleglomp/rapes-

Re: [OOC] :l u c y:

@Magiko: Fuck yea I want pictures of you to drool over. As soon as I find some good pics of myself I'll send them to you guys and I'll take pics with my cute stuff so you can see how awesome they are! I don't have a cat, I have a puppy named Corduroy who likes to nibble on things because he's teething. He can't come bother me and make me yell at him because I'm in tha basement and he's upstairs with my baby sister. ^.^

We shall be bi together and we shall drag YoniBoni in even if she doesn't want.

And I shall follow you both into the shower.

@YoniBoni: IT IS! I know that shit suck yea? You can exploit me all you want as long as I get to bring my cute things. Famous is famous hun and I don't care what kind as long as I get it. With you. Get it with you.


My teddies are always cute. I'm cute?! ^//^ Why thanks you adorable YoniBoni. I send you <3's and love and kisses and all things nice and lovey dovey. (You too Magico)

@Both: You guys make me feel fucking tall! I'm like 5'6" to 5'8". Fuck me. I hate being taller than everyone I know. But since you guys are short and cute it'll make me love you guys all the more and stuff you in my basement and see you everyday like the professional creeper I am. ^.^ And we're all compatible for each other! YAY US!


Re: [OOC] :l u c y:

@Honey: Haha, don't tempt me. If you're gonna say stuff like that, you'd better be serious. xD

I'm used to everyone being taller, sooo I figured you probably were. Yeah, it doesn't bother me that much. I've only ever had one friend who was shorter than me.... D:

Ohh... I've got four cats. George, who is seven, is an anti-social brat, and we call him Princess Bitch. By far he's the prettiest, anyway. He's white with tabby patches, and big green eyes. Then there's Yuuki (named after Kurosu Yuuki from VK, even though I hate her) who is... uhm... nine months old now; a calico. She's annoying. -dies- And then the twins, Angel and Serenity, who were both named after Criss Angel. Okay, Serenity's named after his house, but still. They're both black and white with these stripes up they're noses, but they curve off opposite sides of their faces. Kawai! They're only seven months. I love kitties!

Haha, my astrology book says that Taureans are good matches for Libras, but not the other way around for some reason. I think it might be a misprint, because there's a few in the book already. :S

Yay for threesomes~! No, wait. You ruined it. I suddenly had an image of Tanaka and it turned me off. x.x

Re: [OOC] :l u c y:

@Lozer: Sixteen is the legal age of consent now? I swear they've changed it like ten times. Someone must've been complaining or something. Now that you've mentioned that, I may have to kidnap you and exploit you... TO THE WORLD. On the internet, anyway. You'll be viral famous, I promise you that.

Lozereeney's beautiful basement tours, featuring delectably adorable cute things (which I cannot name, 'cause their way too damn cute) which are also surprisingly edible. However, you can't eat any because they all belong to Lozer, and you can't touch, or even look at it for longer than 10 seconds. Or it's business time~! Biting on the boob sounds exciting. WHAT IF I LIKE IT? HUH? WHAT THEN? That teddy bear better be adorable, just... like... you! -snuffles-

@MagiNekun: Yaaaaaay~! We can be adorable together, and we'll virtually date. No worries, I'm completely shallow too, I can't help it—it's not our faults. I mean, if someone's a delicious douche bag, their just douche bags. Who happen to be attractive. And then it's just a waste.

You are shorter than me! Yeeeee~! I'm used to everyone towering over me. As in, being taller than me. Not on me.

P.S. I wish I had a cat. My mum used to be a terrible person when I was just a little tyke, and she divorced my loverly dad and started dating some really stranger guys, so I had these two adorable looking cats: one shy black kitty with a white star on her stomach, affectionately dubbed Misty (Yes, yes, Misty from Pokemon) and another incredibly friendly calico kitty named Blaze. Both of these cats, I probably liked more than anyone as a kid. You could kick them down the stairs (not that I ever would have or did) and they'd still come purring up to you, they loved us kids. My little brother was a little twerp and used to torture them. Anyhow, my mum starts dating this large, carpenter-looking guy who had a son who was... allergic to cats. I'm telling you right now that Brandon isn't allergic to cats and I don't think he ever was, which really pisses me off. My mum decidedly tells me that she needs to get rid of my cats because Brandon, who doesn't even visit, is allergic to them. I bawl my eyes out because I love the cats more than her. Exaggeration, but y'know what I mean. Determined to find them a good home, I scrawled some awesome-looking posters and pinned them everywhere: in school, on boards, on trees, everywhere I walked. What does my mum do? She brings them to the SPCA without telling me, I asked her where they were, she said she didn't know. I had a weird feeling and went to the SPCA by myself, found them, bawled some more. End story: they found some good homes, and I lost my cats for no friggin' reason. I want some kitties.

Wine wine wine wine. Also, I'm a Libra. Mm, scales.

:] Why not? Hoh hoh hoh!

XD Those pictures have already added to my ADORABLE COLLECTION. Hurr hurr. Under my pillow.