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Be afraid of the Big Bad Wolf

0 · 408 views · located in Weathersby

a character in “Mad Mad World”, as played by Zenia


Name: Adolfius
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Story you are from: Red Riding Hood
What character you are: The big bad wolf
Do you know you are from a story: yes
Likes: Meat, pie, baked goods, bread, wine, wolves
Dislikes: Vegetables, people killing wolves, Red Hoods
Equipment: Backpack, clothes, side bag
Weapon: Claws, dagger, hands and feet, a small axe
Forms: Big bad wolf Image
Occupation: Hunter and woodsman
What is wrong with you: He has a bit of an anger problem and has an anger management class
Distinguishing characteristics:Not really much
Brief Background: He lives in an old cottage where his brother used to live. He is not the real Big Bad Wolf, his brother was, compared to him he is really tame, but that is comparing to coins when one is newer they are bound to be different. He loves the nature and came to Weatherby with the rest of the family. He hates girls in red after what has happened, he saw his big brother killed in front of him in a girl wearing a red hood. He hates the axe men and chops his own wood for with his axe and hunts in the woods. He also knows hand to hand, if they take his weapons he can still fight, he was trained by his brother for most of his life and self trained after his death. He is quick as well.

So begins...

Adolfius's Story


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#, as written by Zenia
It was a normal day for Adolfius, a few piercing rays of sunlight managed to break through the green foliage of the trees. He looked around a small hatchet on his hip as he looked for the fallen tree from the storm a while back. He hadnā€™t had time to cut it until now. He knew the forest by heart, but today it seemed differentā€¦ darker almost. He sniffed the air and frowned, it did not smell differentā€¦ but something was amiss. With a growl of anger he bared his teeth as he stormed through the woods drawing his hatchet from the loop in his belt. He froze as he heard footsteps, not humans from the sound of them, but a large beasts. He let out a wolfish growl as he walked over it to find a black bear in his path that made the guttural roar of a challenge. Most people would be terrified and run.

Adolfius was not most people. He grinned an almost primal grin as he walked over to the bear. ā€œSo you are the lurker in my woods are you? Last chance. Get out.ā€ He threatened the bear, as if it could understand the words of humans. The bear stares down at him and again makes a noise of challenge. Adolfius sighs as he changes the grip on his hatchet. ā€œAll right donā€™t say I didnā€™t warn you.ā€ He growls out as the bear swept a mighty paw at him. Adolfius leapt out of the way as it hit one of the trees tearing the bark and wood with ease. Adolfius sliced the paw with his hatchet making it roar out in pain, as it yanked his paw back a pained look on its face. Adolfius shook his head, ā€œOh no I am not letting you go! You challenged me in my neck of the woods! You should have stayed in your part of the woods!ā€ he growled at it as he sliced through the fur again. The bear swiped at him slashing his arm badly. He hissed in pain, but that seemed to make the boy angrier than anything else.
He jumped up and drew out his thin dagger as he stabbed it in the neck again and again. Trying to calm down, hearing the gurgles of the bear until finally the cries stop as blood oozed from the wound the bear stopped breathing as Adolfius cleaned his blade and hatchet on the fur. He looked at the dead bear a frown on his face as he contemplated what to do. He sighed and took out a gutting knife as he skinned the bears fur and hacked off the meat placing all he could in his large duffel bag. Heā€™d dry the meat and cook some tonight. He tore out the fangs, knowing he could sell that and the fur. He then walked away the fallen tree forgotten as he left.

He reached an old log cabin and flung the fur and duffel bag on the floor as he prepared the pot for stew and in the fire pit that used to dry meat. He looked at the fur and got it prepared as he waited for the stew to cook. As he saw it bubble he threw in some wild potatoes, carrots and herbs a delicious smell wafted through the chimney and out to the air. He stirred it with a large wooden spoon and sighed, he had made too much again it seemed, he kept on forgetting his brother was dead. Though for the things he had done he knew he should have been killed, but still it was his brother damn it. Killed by a girl in a red cloak. He clenched his fists tightly before he released them and finished the stew putting out the fire as he ladled some of the stew into his bowl and hungrily ate it slurping up the remains in his bowl and getting more.

By his fourth bowl he stopped and looked at the left overs. He knew the stew would last a while and it would take a while so for now he needed to go to town and sell the fur and fangs. He looked at his reflection in a shattered mirror and frowned, he was caked in blood and wearing his skins. Unacceptable in the town.

He got his spare outfit, a short jacket, black pants and black boots as he walked to the lake nearby. He stripped revealing some markings on his hips as he also took out his piercing on his lip. He dove in and cleaned the blood off of him and washed his black hair his eyes closed. He looked handsome, but in a dangerous animal sort of way. He then got out and dressed as he went to his out wearing no shirt as he grabbed the bear skin and fangs making sure he concealed the hole in the neck with a strong needle and thread as he cleaned the fangs of their blood. He grabbed a leather necklace with a fang of a predator and walked out of his cabin stuffing the fur in another bag. He whistled a song as he left and put his hair up into a spiky ponytail. He made sure he was presentable before he entered the town gates. He mainly sold wood here, but he also sometimes sold his game. Other than that he remained in the woods, in a self-sufficient life style, though some thought he shouldn't live such a solitary life style this young. Obviously he ignored those idiotsā€¦ where were they when his brother was murdered? They hadnā€™t take an interest in him until then after all, they are afraid all of them were afraidā€¦ after all who wouldnā€™t be afraid of the Big Bad Wolf. Or at least the younger brother of him. ā€œI suppose I have his role to fill nowā€¦ why canā€™t another in the family take his role?ā€ he thought to himself with a sigh, he just wanted to live in his woods and hunt without having anyone bother him. He walked in the town almost sauntering in with a wolf confidence.


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#, as written by Zenia
Adolfius glared at the cat as it slowly turned human, ā€œPoppyā€¦ I would say it is a pleasure to meet you, but I donā€™t like to lie.ā€ He stated keeping his anger in check as he shifted the bag on his back. ā€œWhat do you want now cat?ā€ he asked her with a glare. He had bad blood between her and him, they both lived in the forest and both had territories that overlapped. ā€œIf it is nothing important then may I suggest you take yourself somewhere else? Like Dominicā€™s shop and get some cream? I am busy.ā€ He remarked calmly as he shifted his weight on his feet, half closing his deep black eyes. He was used to these confrontations since his brother was killed, getting challenges to his familyā€™s hunting ground left and right. He had driven most off and killed the intruders that did not, but he could not keep all his families land, he was only still a young man, a young wolf, who had the potential to be alpha one day soon, but not now. And so Poppy had claimed some wrongful, no contract had been signed nor had he given any land willingly. He was furious about all of that. His family had been there for generations!

ā€œfirst that bitch in red and then this annoying felineā€¦ā€ he thought to himself angrily. His grip on his bag tightened before he relaxed his muscles, no need to get all worked up all over a feline. He moved to brush past her, deciding she was not worth his breath. He knew he would challenge her once in the woods, but here in the town he abided to the rules set in place, if he didnā€™t or if she didnā€™t then they would expose themselves as not human and none of them wanted thatā€¦


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#, as written by Zenia
Adolfius paused as he heard Poppy call out his name his black eyes still cold. When she mentioned his brothers grave he smirked, ā€œMy brother grave you say? Study up a bit more next time Poppy. My dear Brother doesnā€™t have a grave. Nice Acting though. Maybe you should try that on Dorthea or Belle. I am sure if you compliment Belle over and over she will give up her land.ā€ He commented. ā€œAs for the truceā€¦ if you were sincere Iā€™d take it, but seeing your track record with me, I highly doubt you are. Stay out of my land Poppy.ā€ He told her as a warning. ā€œPlus you seem to be living just fine, your coat proved that to me, you are well fed and can take care of yourself. As for helping me with my businessā€¦ no, I like working solo.ā€ He commented.

He turned to her a smirk on his face, ā€œBut thanks for saying you are sorry about my brothersā€™ death. Even if youā€™re insincere about it.ā€ He told her as he shifted the weight of the bag again. ā€œNow then I have to sell this.ā€ He said as he patted the bag. ā€œSame time tomorrow?ā€ he asked her, wondering if she was gonna bother him tomorrow. He respected Poppy as an enemy, he did have honor like that. For example if she was about to be run over by a car in her cat form heā€™d help herā€¦. Or laugh about it, he didnā€™t know which, it rightly depended on his mood. He frowned as he heard a car hit a building and saw a girl run out to another mangy cat. He turned to Poppy, ā€œA friend of yours?ā€ he asked her calmly, the cat wasā€¦ strange it didnā€™t smell normal. He watched as the cat ran off a weird grin on its face.