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Malice St. James

"I'm not twisted, I'm not demented, ha, well just a lil'bit."

0 · 601 views · located in Madam Eden's Academy for the Supernatural

a character in “Madam Eden's Academy for the Supernatural”, originally authored by MaliceInWonderland, as played by RolePlayGateway


She is a skinny,African-American vampire girl with an asymmetric haircut with a purple dyed strip that covers her eye. She dresses typically like a jester girl, hat and all. Her eyes are a fiery orange. She's about 5'6 and 130-140 lbs. Drawing to be added later but for now


She's nice but kinda schizo so you really can't tell what you're getting until you get it. She's child-like and so Be warned she has a temper just like one


She carries a teddy bear around called Fiend, It's enchanted so whenever she needs, it can grow large and terrorize whom ever her wrath is toward.


Name: Malice St. James
Age: appears 17
Gender: Female
Height: 5'6
Weight: 130-140
Talent/Power: Heightened Senses, Super Speed, Hyper-awarness, She can animate toys and inanimate objects.

Strengths: Vampric abilities
Weaknesses: Social Ineptitude. She is blissfully unaware of how she appears or comes off to people.

With her family killed when she was only the tender age of 3. Malice grew up not truly knowing where she belonged top that with being born a vampire, her slow aging made it impossible to stay in one place. For a long time it took a toll on her sanity. Her only friends were her mind and a teddy bear she's had for as long as she could remember.

So begins...

Malice St. James's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Alana Stone Character Portrait: Christopher Robin Robinson Character Portrait: Samuel and Lucas Delgado Character Portrait: Malice St. James Character Portrait: Dante Armstrong
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Today was the day, the day Madam Eden's Academy opened. Students were flocking in from all directions, including from the sky. Sign up sheets for clubs and activities fluttered around in the breeze. Many seemed to be gathering around a group of tables holding the class sign up sheets. The sheet read:






Maths (Compulsory)
English (Compulsory)
Science (Compulsory)
Special Ability Training (Compulsory)

Many were also gathering around a poster with the dorm rooms:

DORMITORY LIST (I only put in our character's dorms, * means NPC, and will be filled in by any new characters)

Girls Dorms:

Dorm 1 - Riley Miller and Luoona Snow

Dorm 2 - Rozeanna Elliott and Holly Allen

Dorm 3 - Alana Stone and Amara Delphi

Dorm 4 - Marlow Augustino and Malice St. James

Boys Dorms:

Dorm 1 - Christopher Robinson and Dante Armstrong

Dorm 2 - Alistair Wilson and Lacrimosa Kaiten

Dorm 3 - Samuel and Lucas Delgado

Dorm 4 - Dominic Moyer and Ossilet Write

Dorm 5 - Apollo Haven and Tajiku Usui

Dorm 6 - Samuel Lark and Jonah Helmer

There was also a few sign up sheets for clubs:



Football Team
Cheerleading Team
Math Team

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Malice St. James
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Samuel turns to a girl who says he smells like fire. Looking down at his shoes, seeing that were slightly smoking from the short distance he ran, he keeps his head down in embarrassment. "Oh, I'm sorry about happens some times" Samuel slightly looks up to see if she would react like his classmates who often glared at him for being different, but after taking a better look he saw she was wearing a green and purple jesters hat. He was intrigued by her unique attire and lifted his head up, feeling slightly less embarrassed. "I'm..uh...Samuel Lark" Samuel awkwardly offers his hand to the girl that stood beside him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Malice St. James
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Samuel was a bit creeped out by Malice leaning in to whisper and of course the strange looking blood covered teddy bear, but made sure not to let it show on his face as he know what is like to be ridiculed for being different. He was a bit curious as to see someone else with unique abilities. Sammy plays along as if this was a big secret, looking left and right before turning back to Malice and whispering "Yeah that would be awesome". Samuel smiles a bit and waits to see Malice's ability.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Malice St. James
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Samuel still in awe of the giant teddy bear froze up for a minute, with his eyes wide, and his mouth wide open. Happy to have met a someone at the school and partially afraid of what happens to people who aren't her friends Samuel stiffly nods his head while keeping an eye on the bear.

"Y-Yeah of course we're friends" Part of Samuel's foot had came out of his shoe because he was prepared to dash out of the academy, he looks down and slips his foot back in. Gaining composure of himself, he calms down and looks back at Malice. "So Malice, you have the ability to make inanimate objects..." he looks at the bear "no offense" "...come to life?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Malice St. James
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"Vampire?!" Samuel covers his mouth after the statement realizing how loud & offensive it might have been to the other unique inhabitants of the Academy. "I'm sorry about that, I'm not used to this kind of stuff, I was the only strang...unique one in my town" A bit embarrassed hoping not to upset the only friend he has in the academy he decides not to bother her with questions about being a vampire although he really wanted to know more. "Compared to you i really can't do much." He dashes around Malice at his full speed and stops behind her in almost no amount of time at all, then tapping her on the shoulder. "Nothing that cool, I'm just fast" Samuel says looking around at the others who surround him. Then smelling smoke again he realizes that his shoe has melted to the floor. "That's just my luck, Tennessee is just to hot of a place for me to run without my flame clothes"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Malice St. James Character Portrait: Dante Armstrong
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"mmm Emotion... from the books I've read holding up emotion is the best way to get approval, so you should know that I don't have much emotion going on" Dante told Robin, the kid was interesting but so plain nothing special his life seemed so normal while his so fragmented and broken. An idea that always floated in Dante's mind a longing for a understanding of how bad his life had become, the only thing that kept him motivated were the final word of Vladimir. "Continue the work I've done" The words still stood out in his head, clenching his fist as he remembered that day sitting up as Robin missed throwing his candy wrapper away then repeadly failing until he got it in.

"I'm not very coordinated haha" Robin said looking a bit embarrassed, Dante laughed softly and got off of the bed "Archery helps a ton, it focuses the mind." and before he could relax the word Vampire rung through his head, reaching under the bed and quickly snaching his sword biting the tip of his thumb to get alittle blood dripping Dante stormed out of the room. His eyes glowing crimson red holding his palm over his blade as he made his way to where the words came from, "Where is the vampire?" Dante spoke his blood dripping down the handle to the katana, eyeing through the crowed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Malice St. James Character Portrait: Dante Armstrong
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Malice eyes widen at the sudden appearance of the boy. "I suppose that's me!" She grinned but her grin slide away. "Curious...You smell of blood but're not a curious." She said slowly approaching the boy. The blood dripping from his thumb and katana pulling at her stomach. Her orange eyes flashing.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Christopher Robin Robinson Character Portrait: Malice St. James Character Portrait: Dante Armstrong
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Billard
"Hmmm I do need help with the whole focus thing. I can be rather scattered at times." Suddenly Robin felt a burst of anger erupt from Dante. The other boy grabbed his sword and charged out of the room whilst saying something about a vampire.
"Hey where are you going?" asked Robin worridly. Robin was very accepting of people no matter how weird they were but when they started roaming around with a giant sword, looking for something to stab, he started to grow uneasy. Robin shoved Dante's anger away from him trying to keep a clear head. He was fed up of other people's emotions messing up his mind.
Robin quickly scrambled after his roomate preparing to tackle him to the ground if things looked as though they were going to get out of control. Dante approached a strange looking girl in a old fashioned jester outfit. Not that there really a modern kind of jester outfit.
"Don't do anything reckless Dante," said Robin seriously. Suddenly Robin noticed the boy standing next to the jester vampire.
He's pretty cute Robin thought. He gave the boy a crooked smile completely forgetting about the intense scene going on between Dante and the girl.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Malice St. James Character Portrait: Dante Armstrong
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"Yeah of course i have other clothes, this what i like to call my "Samuel be a good boy or incinerate" outfit, but i only have one flame outfit, it keeps me from turning into a human fireball" Samuel smiles enjoying Malice's company. "By the way, were you a circus clown or something?" Samuel asks once again looking at Malice's jester's outfit.

Samuel takes off his other shoe and steps in between Dante and Malice, staring at Dante's sword. "You mind putting that away?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Christopher Robin Robinson Character Portrait: Malice St. James Character Portrait: Dante Armstrong
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Grunting at the sound of her voice, that insighted even more anger from him Dante drew the blade readying himself to attack "Your kind, I despise with a burning passion... If I didn't have a contract, I would surely kill you where your stand." He looked off to the side to see Robin quickly advancing towards him, Dante sighed and sheathed the sword throwing it to Robin. "Vampire, I would like to speak to you before any conflict arises I select you to be my median... you may decline but it will be a stupid choice" The glow never left Dante's eyes, the anger he felt towards vampires wouldn't stop either so making peace with one of them would iron out all the problems he could cause later. With all these other people around killing her now wouldn't solve any problems just cause more, looking back to the vampire and displaying a bit of his power creating a ring of blood around his palm. Taking it back in and sighing once more.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Christopher Robin Robinson Character Portrait: Malice St. James Character Portrait: Dante Armstrong
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Billard
Robin didn't even notice the sword being thrown at him and it hit him on the side of the head.
"Good thing that was sheathed," he mumbled scooping it off the ground. He sidled stealthily over to the boy with no shoes on.
"Hi I'm Robin Christopher... er Christopher Robin... call me Robin," he said hesitantly. "What's your name." Robin couldn't help having a dorky grin on his face as he stared at the other boy.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Christopher Robin Robinson Character Portrait: Malice St. James Character Portrait: Dante Armstrong
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Samuel realizing that he could no longer wait to receive his flame suit takes off his pants in shirt using his speed so no one would notice, tossing them in the air and running out of the academy, returning to his home, putting on his flame suit, and returning back to the academy the exact same time his clothes hit the floor, in a black skinny outfit made from durable material, his new shoes were also black with thickened metal at its bottom to prevent melting. Samuel picks up his clothes and holds it in his right arm. Staying completely silent as he stares at Dante with an unrelenting look on his face.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Christopher Robin Robinson Character Portrait: Malice St. James Character Portrait: Dante Armstrong
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Malice looked at Samuel, confused. " Samuel, I am afraid." She said.

"Your kind, I despise with a burning passion... If I didn't have a contract, I would surely kill you where your stand."

Malice frowned hard. "But...I don't understand." She said clenching Fiend to her chest tightly. "I don't know anything about vampire anything, and I truly don't know you." She said, shaking.

"Vampire, I would like to speak to you before any conflict arises I select you to be my median... you may decline but it will be a stupid choice"

Malice was so confused, that she hadn't even known Samuel has changed his clothes. "Samuel, What is he saying? I don't understand anything he's saying." She said, grabbing Samuel's hand

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Christopher Robin Robinson Character Portrait: Malice St. James Character Portrait: Dante Armstrong
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"Samuel I'm afraid"
"You have no reason to be" Samuel says trying to reassure Malice.

Samuel holding on to Malice's hand "He has some personal issues he has to solve, you've done nothing wrong"
Realizing that he was holding on to Malice's hand he loosens his grip out of shyness, smiling a bit.

Once returning with his suit Samuel notices Robin at his side, averting his stare from Dante he turns to Robin offering his hand. "My name is Samuel, sorry for disappearing when you talked to me." Samuel calms down and a bit.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Christopher Robin Robinson Character Portrait: Malice St. James Character Portrait: Dante Armstrong
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Laughing lightly he draws more blood creating a second blade, while the glow in his eyes intensified. "You... don't speak like you could save her from me, I am a nightmare for her kind. Humans are small fry to deal with compared to them, they are very deceiving " Pointing at the Vampire with the blood blade, even Dante didn't know that a vampire could be that clueless she had to know what he was speaking about. Hell he was lost in the woods for years and he knows more than she does, not a chance shrugging and holding the new blood blade at his side. " I don't think you are stupid, I would like to talk to you. About you being a vampire" Dante didn't even notice the blood trickling down this arm while he spoke readjusting the length of the blade.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Christopher Robin Robinson Character Portrait: Malice St. James Character Portrait: Dante Armstrong
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Samuel a bit irritated at Dante's smug remarks decides not to give him any chances at redemption now making him enemy number one. "I don't know you, neither do you know me, but what you do know is that since I'm here I'm more than just an average human, so why don't you think before going all psycho demon on us, I don' think the rest of the students here would appreciate the violence either"

Samuel turns to Christopher again "perhaps we should talk some other time...maybe when there's no signs of imminent violence" Sammy says smirking a bit.

Samuel turns to Malice after witnessing Dante's complete ignorance towards the blood on his arm and whispers "Hey if you don't feel safe talking to this guy you don't have to. Whatever you want to do is fine with me."

Samuel was a bit frightened now, he had never seen people with these abilities and he no longer felt safe amongst the unique individuals around him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Christopher Robin Robinson Character Portrait: Malice St. James Character Portrait: Dante Armstrong
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Samuel with his full attention on the situation at hand he walked beside Malice, grabbing her hand just in case Dante got violent, he could easily get both of them at safe distance in less than a second. Samuel thinking about how normal his life was just a few days ago before he came to the academy. Now he was holding hands with a vampire and walking towards something unknown that could potentially kill them both if he overestimated his super speed. He glanced at Malice to see if she was braver than him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Christopher Robin Robinson Character Portrait: Samuel and Lucas Delgado Character Portrait: Malice St. James Character Portrait: Dante Armstrong
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Absorbing the blood back into his thumb glancing down that them both, "So be it, if I find out about any humans being tampored with in the area... I will find you vampire." Dante spoke softly picking his katana from off the ground, watching Samuel take a defensive stance against him he shrugged off the humans action and laughed again. "why defend someone you just met she could be lying to the both of us." Dante posed the question and stood there beaming a deathlike gaze towards the girl, while grinning at Samuel. Watching him actually protect her is what interested him the most... why do something for some one you do not know, specifically when its a blood sucking race of sub-humans. Dante assumed the boys power was speed or teleportation from how he appeared faster than he could react, looking them both down while calming his blood colored eyes " I wish to talk to you alone , I promise not to harm you if you are peaceful." Dante said pushing his katana behind him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Malice St. James Character Portrait: Dante Armstrong Character Portrait: Roze Elliott
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Roze had finished packing, and was tired of waiting for Holly. She walked out of her dorm, and strolled the hallways. Not much to see, not much to do. She went outside again, in case another person needed some help. She walked out into what seemed to be a fight. A boy with a katana was talking to a girl dressed like a jester, but they didn't seem to be having a good time. A boy in a black outfit seemed to be defending her from the boy with the katana. The girl seemed a little scared, and was clutching a teddy bear. Roze panicked when she saw the boy with the katana had blood on him. She pointed at the ground below the boy, causing the ground below him to shake violently. Roze gasped at what she had done, and ran away as fast as she could, back to her room.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Christopher Robin Robinson Character Portrait: Malice St. James Character Portrait: Dante Armstrong
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"I'll be alright. I'll see you in classes, maybe?"
Samuel smiled at Malice "Yeah, hopefully"

He picked up his suitcase & giving one last look to Dante, he reluctantly began walking away from them towards Boys Dorm Room #6, whom he was suppose to share with, with Kaidan Young. Just before entering the room he remembered sort of rudely brushing off Christopher when he approached him. Wanting not to yell, Samuel places his suitcase on the ground and runs to Christopher, appearing in front of him in an instant. "Hey, I'm not doing anything right now if you want to hangout. I'll be in my room, Dorm #6" Samuel says not waiting for a reply, as he dashes back to the doorway of his room, once again picking up his suitcase and now entering his room.

Samuel enters the empty room realizing his roommate had still not arrived at the academy just yet. He places puts his suitcase on the bed he claims for himself and begins unpacking his things, clothes mostly but they weren't fire resistant, which was now considerably more of a problem to Samuel than before.
