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Sydney Donovan

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

0 · 465 views · located in Morrin

a character in “Marked for Death | Remake.”, as played by MaliceInWonderland


Sydney Donovan


Personal information and appearance.

Preferred nicknames:

Face claim:
Amandla Stenberg
Role: Child, protector or hunter?
Sexual preference: Optional.

Secondary occupation: If any. Non-child characters only.

Hair colour:
Brown, curly
Eye colour:
Brown (goes white when her powers are in use)


Abilities (children only).

Psychic Visions
1.) Destiny Vision-Theres are large visions that she cannot change the outcome of no matter what, if someone is going to die, that’s that. She can try to change when but not the how or the who. These visions come as they come and no matter what, she is forced to watch.
2.) Choice Visions or Mini Visions- Theses are short visions, that she can call on at will, like say if someone is about to do something she thinks is wrong, she can force a vision based on either choice.
3.)Remote Viewing- She can focus her thoughts on someone and somewhat locks on to where they are going. During these visions, she must have a pencil and paper in hand to draw out the

Quick Sketch

She is small and fast and knows how to hide and stay hidden.
She does what she is told and isn’t much for disobedience.
She scares easily and sometimes, becomes too afraid to move
Her destiny visions freezes her in place, making her vulnerable to attack


Sydney is a sweet girl, she is very creative and outgoing. She wants to help people if she can and as best she can. She doesn’t get very angry, just sad. She is sad, she gets very quiet, there were times she went days without a single word. She scares easily, due to the events leading up to now, and she can be a bit paranoid. She tends to cling to her protector -Insert Name Here- when she is afraid.

Drawing and Coloring
Making jewelry and friendship bracelets
Making friends
Being around others.

Destiny Visions
Being alone

Just about everything, but mostly being captured and killed.
Hobbies: Optional.
Drawing. She can sketch a face from memory
Paranoia-It’s disabling
Visions- They make it hard for her to sleep
Her eyes turn white when she has visions
she skips a bit when she walks
She bounces a little when she’s excited
She sucks on her thumb when she’s tired, a habit she’s been trying to break but given the circumstance
Overall personality.


So begins...

Sydney Donovan's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christine Gilbert Character Portrait: Timothy Jones Character Portrait: Sydney Donovan Character Portrait: Dakota "Shiloh" Kingsley Character Portrait: James Whitton Character Portrait: Xiulan Qi
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Xiulan Qi "Stay close." Xiulan ordered as she lead a group of childern and like minded adults toward an old house. It was tucked away in the mountians, far from where any Hunters could find them.

She still couldn't believe what ths little girl said was true. "They are coming for us. They want to take us from our bedrooms and execute us in our sleep if we don't do what they say." Little Sydney Donovan had cried to her. Thankfully, Xiulan knew about the girl's ability, like everyone in the village did but unlike most, she listened very closely to what the girl said.

They all knew what the townsfolk had felt about the childern. It was a little unnerving, their abilites but they were just childern, with the proper training they could be taught how to use them, help protect the town but no. The townsfolk took the mindset of Salem and branded them all dangerous. It was sick. Xiulan wasn't about to let that happen.

Another child would not die, Not while she was alive.

So when Sydney warned her about the attack, Xiulan was prepared. Her and a few others, grabbed the childern and left the town of Morrin.

Xiulan took noticed of the house coming into view. "Just up ahead." She said and lead them up to house.

Once then she stepped inside and checked the house. It was relatively untouched and all clear.

"Alright, everyone inside. Quickly." She said, still unsure if any Hunter's were following.

Sydney Donovan Sydney clung to someone's hand as she and the other 'supernatural' childern were lead off by Ms. Xiulan. Sydney was a little intimidated by her but she knew she could trust her. That's why she knew to tell her about the vision. It wasn't a Destiny Vision. Those she couldn't change. It was a Choice vision. She saw them make the decision before they actually made it. They had a choice do or don't. Evidently, they decided on 'Do'.

Sydeny was so frightened at this point she could hardly move. If it wasn't for the hand she was holding. She wouldn't be going anyway. "Just up ahead." Xiulan said and Syndey saw the house coming up.

Pretty soon, Xiulan checked it out and rushed them all inside. Sydney rushed in quickly, never letting go of the hand she was holding, trembing a bit, still terrified.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christine Gilbert Character Portrait: Kayleigh Jamison Arviss. Character Portrait: Timothy Jones Character Portrait: Sydney Donovan Character Portrait: Dakota "Shiloh" Kingsley Character Portrait: James Whitton
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Dylan Arniss.

Dylan looked up at Xiulan when she warned the group to stay close and said absolutely nothing in response. He was already trailing behind a little but he'd made it perfectly clear when the protectors found him that they had to keep their distance otherwise he'd be uncomfortable and would be more likely to lose his temper if they were approached by anyone else. They were just lucky he'd not threatened or attacked them at first; he might've done just that but he was so desperate for some positive attention that he jumped into their arms as soon as he was found. So here he was, moving into a house full of children like him and four adults that he wasn't familiar with.

However, despite his disliking for the other members of their so-called group, Sydney was the only one he could somewhat relate to in her fears and shyness. In fact, the poor kid was clung to him. Every now and then he would look down at her to make sure she was alright.

The woman spoke again but Dylan was too busy scanning their surroundings for any signs of the hunters, more specifically his older sister. He couldn't see her but he knew she was watching them from somewhere. 'I know you're there,' he mouthed in the direction of the forest. It seemed like the most obvious place she could hide at that time. Believe it or not, he knew his sister better than anyone, and knew exactly how her mind worked. Something like that would've pissed her right off.

They approached the building and naturally Dylan was one of the last to enter. The door was closed behind him and without so much as another word left to the rest of the group, he detached Sydney from his arm and attempted to smile at her, before leaving them all to it. He walked up the stairs and looked around curiously. Only one bathroom to be shared between all eight people in the house, and then four bedrooms. That should be fun. Although, if it was his choice, he'd choose to room with Sydney. She seemed like the type he could become friends with and hopefully learn from.

He picked out the bedroom he wanted and stepped inside. It was a plain room with two beds inside, both with grey and white covers. There were other pieces of brown furniture - basic ones - but that was pretty much it. The window was on the far side of the room, in between the two beds. He dibbed the one on the right side for himself, then leaned over and checked that the light switch was working; it was, but he turned it back off straight afterwards so he was sat in complete darkness with the curtains drawn. He closed the door before taking a seat on his bed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christine Gilbert Character Portrait: Kayleigh Jamison Arviss. Character Portrait: Timothy Jones Character Portrait: Sydney Donovan Character Portrait: Dakota "Shiloh" Kingsley Character Portrait: James Whitton
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#, as written by Mashotu
Timothy Jones

Timothy was scared and he didn't know what was going on. He had been following a group of other kids for awhile now, and he was pretty sure they were in danger. Feeling he wanted to protect them, he grasped up at Dakota's open hand, knowing she was scared as well. If someone point out he was scared, he'd say he wanted to comfort Dakota. Though, he was terrified at this point and wanted to just go hide with a squirrel family or something.

Once they reached the house, Timothy released the hand he was holding and bolted inside. The first thing he saw was a table. So he bolted under that. He curled up in a ball and hid his face. Okay... So maybe it wasn't too bad showing your scared...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christine Gilbert Character Portrait: Kayleigh Jamison Arviss. Character Portrait: Timothy Jones Character Portrait: Sydney Donovan Character Portrait: Dakota "Shiloh" Kingsley Character Portrait: James Whitton
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Kayleigh Arviss & Casper Morris.

As soon as Dylan started to look around she knew that he'd sussed out she was watching the group. He was just smart like that, which she had always hated about him. Not a whole lot could slip past him if he actually bothered to pay attention every once in a while. She managed to catch a glimpse of the words he was mouthing to her and a low growl erupted from her throat out of anger. She felt a hand on her shoulder but she knew who it was so she bothered not with Casper.

"When do we get to head in?" she asked, her voice still slightly hoarse from the growl. "As soon as they begin to trust me, Kay. Let's hope they drop their guard, 'cause it looks much more difficult than I might've thought." She nodded in response.

No sooner than that, he was gone. She turned around and allowed herself a small smirk. "Gets me every freaking time..." she muttered, before wafting the air where he was stood and deciding to just leave the 'Gifted Children' to it. He'd handle it from then on so there really was no point in her even being there.

Casper was stood inside the living room when a small boy darted inside and hid underneath a table. He left the kid to it and decided to just greet them as they all entered. "Welcome all!" he exclaimed, holding both arms up to emphasise his words. He lowered them slowly to his sides after a moment. "I see you all found the house alright? I hope it wasn't too difficult," he paused for a moment, "my name is Casper. I'm the owner of this here house."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christine Gilbert Character Portrait: Kayleigh Jamison Arviss. Character Portrait: Timothy Jones Character Portrait: Sydney Donovan Character Portrait: Dakota "Shiloh" Kingsley Character Portrait: James Whitton
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Xiulan Qi & Sydney DonovanXiulan heard a noise and as soon as she turned around, a young man stood in the living room. How was that even possible? The place was all clear. She checked it herself, there was no way he was hidden. Xiulan quickly dropped into her stance, Her arms raised, and her fists clenched. "Welcome all!" He said and she never once dropped her stance. "I see you all found the house alright? I hope it wasn't too difficult," He said and Xiulan narrowed her eyes. Who was this fool and where did he come from. This place was empty and had been for years. A Squatter maybe? No, She would have seen the place had been lived in. It wasn’t. It was than she felt arms going around her waist, she dropped her gaze for a moment to see a bushel of curly brown hair below her. Sydney. The girl scared easily, she knew that. ”I need you to step back, Sydney.” She told her and Sydney nodded, and did as she was told. She scanned the room for Dylan. She felt safe around him. This guy, she did not. She stepped back into James, she remembered him, the potter, she always wanted to see him make the vases and things. She clung to him until Dylan came back from wherever he was. ”Who are you?”Xiulan ordered. "my name is Casper. I'm the owner of this here house." He said Xiulan didn’t buy it for a moment. She didn’t trust him but she pretended to drop her guard by losing her stance. She still looked tense but she always did. “ How did you get in here than, There was no one here a moment ago, I checked myself.” she said and anyone that knew or knew of Xiulan, knew how meticulous she was. Nothing got past her...well except this man.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sydney Donovan Character Portrait: Xiulan Qi Character Portrait: Casper Luke Morris Character Portrait: Dylan James Arviss.
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Dylan Arviss & Casper Morris.

Dylan heard the unfamiliar voice from downstairs and almost immediately his senses were on alert. He wasn't even concerned about most of the group but he knew that Sydney would be frightened and so soon after the voice faded into a mumble, he jumped from his bed and walked downstairs, almost as if he was in a hurry. Once in the living room, he looked straight over at Sydney and held out his hand as if to call her over. His eyes were fixed to Casper though.

"How did you get in here then, there was no one here a moment ago, I checked myself," Xiulan said and a smirk lined Casper's lips. Oh, how many ways he could've answered that question, but none would work without him giving away his illusion, which was practically forbidden for a magician. "Magic, Dear," he replied simply, and with the flick of his wrist a deck of cards appeared in his palm. With his fingers he spread the cards out with ease. "Do you not recognise me? To my knowledge, I'm quite well-known in this town." He took a pause. "You should visit me in the streets sometime, you'd like my illusions."

Without so much as another word, he flicked his wrist to be rid of the cards and brushed past Xiulan to get to the kitchen. He walked down the hall and into the kitchen straight afterwards, before looking around. He took a look inside one of the cupboards and clicked his tongue. "I thought I'd restocked these shelves recently," he said with a sigh. "Looks like one of you will have to go on a shopping trip," he called all the way into the living room, letting the last word linger a little as he sang it out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sydney Donovan Character Portrait: Xiulan Qi Character Portrait: Casper Luke Morris Character Portrait: Dylan James Arviss.
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Xiulan Qi &Sydney Donovan Sydney looked up when she saw Dylan enter the room, he held out his hand and she took it quickly. She didn’t want to be so afraid of everything but she knew that people were dangerous. Some hated her for simply being her. She didn’t trust this man at all. Something in her told her not to and so she didn’t. "Magic, Dear," said Casper and a deck of cards appeared out of nowhere. Sydney jumped a bit but a small, barely visible smile tugged at her lips. Was he one of them? Was he special? Sydney watched the man idly.
"Do you not recognise me? To my knowledge, I'm quite well-known in this town." He asked and Xiulan held up her head. She knew of him, that meant little to her. The people of the village turned against these children over something that should have brought them together. He could be just the same. ”I know of you.” she said. "You should visit me in the streets sometime, you'd like my illusions." He said and she scoffed. Seriously, these children's lives are at stake and he wants them to see his foolish illusions. With that, he brushed past her and walked into the kitchen. He should be very glad there were a group of children in the room, or he would have been bleeding in a very uncomfortable spot.
Sydney looked up at Dylan. ”Is he like us?” She asked him, her voice a mere whisper. Oddly enough, it was the first word she spoke after she told Xiulan of the attack. She was depressed and when she was, she wouldn’t speak at all but between the magic trick and Dylan, she felt a little bit better.
”Don’t be alone with him.” Xiulan told the children and then looked to the adults. Each of you, Please, choose one child, keep them in your care, should we need to split up at any point, they will be yours to care for.” She said, she didn’t want to assume leadership but this was hitting too close to home for her. She was making this more personal than she should but to hell with it. Someone had to do it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sydney Donovan Character Portrait: Xiulan Qi Character Portrait: Casper Luke Morris Character Portrait: Dylan James Arviss.
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Dylan Arviss.

Dylan looked down at Sydney when he felt her eyes practically burning holes through him. "Is he like us?" she asked and out of pure instinct - without even realising he was doing it - he frowned, his lips forming a straight line. "Don't be silly, Syd, he's just an average human..." Dylan mumbled, his voice just as quiet as hers. "I've heard about and seen his type. They're called Magicians, interesting but they're all a bunch of tricksters and liars." Back in a time when his abilities were unbeknown to the world, and he wasn't hated by his family along with the rest of Morrin, he would come out and watch Casper, although he'd always stick to the shadows so as not to be pulled into the trick.

"Don't be alone with him," said Xiulan and he gave off no other response than a small scoff. To be honest, he didn't see the point in the protectors acting like they could ward off any force that attempted to attack the children. He was pretty damn sure he could defend himself in most situations, as his powers would act autonomously and defend him without him having anything to do with it. He managed to also catch what Xiulan said about the adults choosing a child to protect. Like Hell he was going to be assigned a protector who would most likely be breathing down his neck for most of the day.

He looked down at Sydney and squeezed her hand lightly. "Come on," he said softly, before making his way towards the stairs.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sydney Donovan Character Portrait: Xiulan Qi Character Portrait: Casper Luke Morris Character Portrait: Dylan James Arviss.
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Sydney Donovan"Don't be silly, Syd, he's just an average human..." Dylan said quietly "I've heard about and seen his type. They're called Magicians, interesting but they're all a bunch of tricksters and liars." He said and Sydney nodded. Liars. She had to keep that in mind when she saw him. It was then Xiulan gave the order to stay away from him. Sydney agreed, she didn’t trust him. ”Come on” Dylan said and she followed as he lead her toward the stairs.
Suddenly, she stopped dead, her hand gripped Dylan’s hard as her eyes glazed over white. A Destiny Vision. She hated these.
Behind the white over her eyes, she saw herself disobeying Xiulan. It wasn’t like her but there she was, Casper was showing her his card tricks. She herself was smiling and completely amazed and wanting more. She looked completely unafraid and fond of Casper.

With a gasp she was back, her head swam, as it always did after those type of visions and she tottered over to Dylan. ”He’s nice. Xiulan is wrong about him.” She said and something in the back of her mind still told her not to trust him. Something was wrong about him but there was no vision to prove it, the exact opposite actually. Her head hurt. ” I need to lay down.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kayleigh Jamison Arviss. Character Portrait: Sydney Donovan Character Portrait: Dakota "Shiloh" Kingsley Character Portrait: Jennova Rachel Ernstine Character Portrait: Casper Luke Morris Character Portrait: Dylan James Arviss.
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Casper Morris.

Casper let out a soft sigh as he closed the cupboard door. It was then that he heard Xiulan's command to not let the children be alone around him. He rolled his eyes at that. Something told him that he'd have to watch out for that one; she seemed quite attached to the children. I should've figured I'd have some trouble here, he thought, before shaking his head disapprovingly and making his way towards the door. However, before he could reach it, he heard the soft thud of feet on the countertop and he frowned a little as he turned.

"A... kitchen? What the hel-" the young girl cut her sentence short, seemingly when she noticed him staring at her. He was fighting the urge to tell her that she looked much prettier up close, but decided against it for obvious reasons. There was a lingering silence between the two of them, before Casper clapped his hands together. "Well, allow me to introduce myself," he said with a charming grin, "my name is Casper Morris, owner of this here house, and a very popular street magician." He took a pause as he walked a little closer. He held his hand out to her. "And you are?"

Dylan Arviss.

Dylan had just about managed to reach the stairs when Sydney just stopped in her tracks. He felt her hand tighten around his and her irises started to shift from chocolate-brown to white. He didn't know her well enough to suss out what was happening so he just decided to sit back and watch. He only needed to call someone if he thought she was in danger, and so far she seemed fine. After a long moment, Sydney let out a gasp and her eyes returned to their usual colour. She stumbled over to him and he held his arms out to catch her properly.

”He’s nice. Xiulan is wrong about him," she said and he frowned slightly upon hearing it. Despite Sydney's obvious liking for this new magician guy, Dylan was still wary of him and was pretty sure he couldn't him. "I wouldn't tell Xiulan if I were you, she'd have a hissy fit," he said, his voice monotonous, before he looked over to the living area where everyone was stood. "I need to lay down," Sydney continued and he nodded. "Let's get you to bed then, kiddo."

He shifted her so that he had one arm wrapped around her whilst the other held a soft grip on her hand. He lead her up the stairs and into his bedroom, before directing her over to the bed on the left side. With any luck, she'd like staying in the same room as him. She was the only person in the entire group that he'd be able to feel somewhat comfortable sleeping in the same room as. Once she was in the bed, he pulled the blanket over her until it reached just above her chest. "Let me know if you need anything, okay?"

Kayleigh Arviss.

Kayleigh was casually walking through the near-empty streets of Morrin when she noticed a large sign that said 'Freeze Joint' and hung above the door to a bar. She knew exactly who owned this bar. Another Hunter, like her. A sly smirk darkened her expression, before she decided to enter the bar behind a large group of people. She went straight to the bar and took a seat on one of the stools, trying to ignore the stairs she was getting off of the guy beside her. Eventually, she turned her head and he flashed her a devilish grin, to which she replied with a smile.

"Hey," he said, almost with a flirtatious tone to his voice. "Not interested in what you've got, mate, but good try." Kayleigh had to fight off the urge to giggle at his expression of puzzlement. If there was one thing she loved about bars, it was drunk men. She had no sexual interest in them but it was funny to watch them make drunken attempts to flirt with her.

After a moment, she turned to Jennova with a genuine smile. "Hey, Jen, how's business?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kayleigh Jamison Arviss. Character Portrait: Sydney Donovan Character Portrait: Dakota "Shiloh" Kingsley Character Portrait: Jennova Rachel Ernstine Character Portrait: Casper Luke Morris Character Portrait: Dylan James Arviss.
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Dylan was just about to leave Sydney to rest when he heard her speaking. "Dylan," she said and he turned to her, one brow arching slightly as she sat up. "Why do they hate us so much?" He could honestly say that the question had caught him slightly off guard and he didn't quite know how to answer it. He was considering going to tell Xiulan about this but decided against it. He couldn't rely on the Protectors to do everything for him. No, he wouldn't rely on them. "The townspeople, the Hunters... My parents..." she continued, "I don't understand." Just the sight of her crying was enough to soften Dylan's constant emotionless expression into a sad frown.

"Sydney," he said quietly as he walked over to the bed and slipped into it. He wrapped his arms around her and lay down, taking her with him. He stared up at the ceiling as he finally started to think about his answer to her questions. "People don't like things that they can't comprehend or control. They know that they can't order us around like they can with other people and it frightens them, so they hate us and do whatever they can to kill us." He let out a small sigh. "I don't understand why you're being brought into this... You do no harm to other people, whereas the rest of us can be seen as dangerous. You somehow got caught up in it, that's all."

He tightened his hold on her as he leaned down to nuzzle the top of her head. "We have only our own kind now, and there's not a whole lot we can do but survive," he took a pause, "hopefully the humans will see that you are no threat and accept you back as one of our own. I fear the rest of us will not get that chance."


Casper held onto her hand and watched her with a smile as she dropped from the counter, very skilfully I might add. "I'm Dakota Kingsley.. apparently a squatter here and well..." her voice trailed and Casper cocked an eyebrow, although it lowered itself slowly when he felt her unusually small hand slip from his. "Ah, Dakota... Interesting name, I must say," he commented as he slowly lowered his arm to his side. After that there was a lingering silence between the two of them but Casper didn't feel uncomfortable in the slightest, in fact he had taken this moment to study the girl properly. She was fairly short compared to his unusual height of 6'10" but she was still quite attractive nonetheless.

"So... 'Casper the Ghost' has taken up magic, eh? Finally retiring from the television I see... Would you be willing to show me some, Mr. Ex-Beloved-Childhood-Character?" she joked. Casper had to fight the frown that was creeping onto his brows. You wouldn't believe how often he would have to deal with Casper the Friendly Ghost jokes throughout his childhood and even to this day apparently. He bit his tongue to stop himself from commenting on that, and decided just to focus on the girl's request.

"Tell another Casper joke and I show you nothing," he threatened playfully, before pulling a pack of cards from one of the inside pockets in his jacket. He pulled the deck from its packet and then pulled a black pen from his pocket. With the hand that held the cards, he spread them out and held them to her, as he did with the black pen. "Pick any card from this deck, write your name on it, fold it into four and place it between your lips."


"Well it's going..." Jennova took a small pause and Kayleigh frowned slightly as she tried to follow her gaze, "very boring. I think I have found a distaste towards all men now." She let out a chuckle in response, before she ran her hands through her hair and leaned on the counter, putting her weight all on her elbows. "Oh, c'mon, you don't mean that," she joked, "besides, even if you were to change your preference, you'd probably attract the same amount of attention. You'd be surprised how many women can be as pig-like as men when it comes to being attracted to someone like you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Sydney Donovan Character Portrait: Dylan James Arviss.
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Dylan looked down at Sydney to see that she held a light frown on her face, which caused Dylan to return it with one of his own, purely because he enjoyed looking at her much more when her expression had been brightened by a smile. To his disappointment, she held no such emotions. "But I don't want to go back with them if they can't accept all of us..." she said, before lowering her head to his chest once more. An almost inaudible sigh broke through his lips and while he did want to say something at least a little bit comforting to his friend, he could think of nothing, so for the time being he would just have to remain silent.

"I don't think you... or any of us are dangerous. If we were wouldn't we just attack them?" she questioned and his eyes flicked down at her in that very same second. "I mean it's not like any of us hurt anybody, right?" The question alone had caught him way off guard and the sudden shifting of his glare to the ceiling did not help the situation as it pretty much made him look guilty. After a brief moment of silence, Dylan took a breath before deciding that he'd best tell her rather than her find out by snooping around in his thoughts.

"Well, Sydney..." he started, grumbling some before continuing, "before all of this, when I was a small child and my abilities were just starting to make themselves known, I lived in a rather... abusive family, so to speak, which did very little to trigger the power I held..." his voice trailed a little. "One day it all just went too far and my powers just sort of acted autonomously. My parents became deformed, their bodies so mangled that the police found it hard to even identify them."

Now, bearing in mind that no one else knew this story besides his sister, he found it fairly easy to admit this to Sydney. He knew she could be fairly understanding when she wanted to be and technically the whole incident was not his fault. His powers were autonomous and so they often acted against others when Dylan felt threatened or came under any physical pain. "That lead to my powers being noticed, actually. But aside from that incident, I've managed to stop the biokinetic abilities from acting out on their own, so I've never intentionally harmed anyone."

(Getting writer's block for Kayleigh. I'll write hers either a little later tonight or quickly in the morning before I go to work. Sorry 'bout this.)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sydney Donovan Character Portrait: Xiulan Qi Character Portrait: Jason Bloodstone Character Portrait: Dylan James Arviss.
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Syndey DonovanSyndey sat up some, so she could look Dylan in the eyes. It scared her a bit, his power but all his story did was reaffirm what she already believed. "That wasn't your fault. You were protecting yourself or rather your powers were protecting you and what you just said, about stopping them. That just means you really are a good person and so long as your safe, nothing bad will happen. Them running us out like this, that'll what causes any of our powers to become dangerous..." She said and then looked away. "Well, Maybe not mine...I can't protect myself even if I wanted to..."She murmured softly. She didn't want to hurt anyone, ever but she knew there were people out there that wanted to hurt her. All she could do was see it coming, sometimes, even that didn't help.

Xiulan QiXiulan turned as James spoke and she nodded in agreement. Unfortunately, none of them had any abilities, it wasn't like they knew how they worked. Sydney's seemed to be random, something that just happened as it did, Dylan's was defensive, She was the police officer on duty when his parents were killed. The poor child was covered in blood and looked completely terrified of himself. She had to admit feeling a bit of fear, as the human body did not look the way his parents had. It was truly the sickest thing she'd ever seen. Unlike the rest of Morrin, she didn't blame him, She saw his bruises, saw in his eyes the combination of fear and relief in his eyes that night. She felt bad then. She should have taken him with her, given him a place with her instead of leaving it up to the Morrin townspeople to figured out what to do with them. She blamed herself for the way things went for him. It was a habit of hers. Blaming her self for something terrible that happened to a child. It was then she decided. Dylan would be her charge from now on. She'd make damn sure he'd keep his humanity. She knew she couldn't give him a loving home but she could care for him, mayne even love him like he were her own, If he let her, something that she doubted the moment it crossed her mind.
"I agree but it's up to the childern. We needn't control their actions, they've had enough of that." She said and took a seat on the couch with a soft sigh.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kayleigh Jamison Arviss. Character Portrait: Sydney Donovan Character Portrait: Dakota "Shiloh" Kingsley Character Portrait: Jennova Rachel Ernstine Character Portrait: Casper Luke Morris Character Portrait: Dylan James Arviss.
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Dylan glanced quickly across to look at Sydney when she positioned herself to look down at him but he quickly averted his gaze back up to the ceiling. He could quite openly admit that Sydney knew more about his past than anyone, especially in so much detail, except for Xiulan who just so happened to be the one who found him first and was pretty much the only one out of the police that were sent to his house that actually pitied him, even though his parents lay mangled on the floor and he was sat there covered in blood.

She saw something within him at first glance than anyone had ever seen in him. Not even his sister - who had been evacuated from the building before him - saw in his eyes what Xiulan did. It was then that he felt oddly grateful to have someone like her around for him, to care for him and attempt to keep him in line. He figured that if he should ever be assigned a protector, she would be the one who he would feel most comfortable around. Plus, she seemed fairly quiet and he just knew that she wouldn't pester him for conversation like the others might. He could finally enjoy some peace and quiet with her around.

Dylan listened intently to Sydney's words and he nodded his head along. He knew full-well that his powers were autonomous and wanted to protect him, that the killing of his parents was never truly his fault and that they practically deserved what happened to them, but just the idea that the death of his parents was done by him - or his powers - was an extremely scary thought, and he couldn't help but feel slightly responsible for it.

"Sydney," he said softly, just after she made a comment about not being able to protect herself properly with the abilities that she held within her. He knew as well as she did that she couldn't keep herself safe from hard merely with psychic visions alone. "I will keep you safe," he said, his hand taking hers and holding a soft grip on it. "I'd sooner throw myself off of a bridge than have to live knowing that I couldn't do a thing to protect you, so I will train myself to recognise you not as an enemy but as someone that my abilities must also protect." He sat up some and pressed his forehead gently against hers, his eyelids slowly lowered to cover his eyes fully.

"...I promise."

Casper watched Dakota with a small smirk on his lips as she quickly tugged the card from her lips, presumably to check if her name was written on it or his, and the smile broadened on one side into a smirk when her expression changed from one of slight confusion to another of utter disbelief. It was exactly that reaction that he loved to see from those who took an interest in his illusions, and it gave him such pleasure to know that he was the one who had caused it. Words could not describe the feelings he felt when he saw the stunned but slightly quizzical expressions of other people, especially those who claim to be 'non-believers'.

"So.. are you going to tell me how you bloody did that? Or am I going to have to guess because 'a magician never reveals his secret'?" she asked but he needn't bother to reply to that because she'd basically just answered her own question, in a sense. As a magician who made his money off of puzzling others, it would be a bit stupid for him to explain how each trick was done, because then the illusion wouldn't be as... magical, for lack of a better word. People mainly went to see a magician to be tricked and left awestruck, wondering how on earth what they'd just witnessed could have possibly happened; telling people the secret behind the tricks would remove surprise, hence lessening their interest in magic as a whole.

If people lost interest, he lost money.

It was then that Dakota spoke up again, her puzzlement having shifted towards an almost mischievous smile. He raised a lone brow. "I can see why you're popular.. want to see a magic trick I can do?" she asked and his smirk returned some as he set the unfolded card back down on the kitchen counter. "You've peaked my curiosity now," he said, his voice dripping with a certain playful quality that most did get to hear, "so yes, I would love to see if you can leave me as puzzled as you were merely moments ago."

Kayleigh couldn't help but chuckle light-heartedly when Jennova made a comment about women being worth it due to their attractiveness. They certainly are, she thought, a warm smile creeping onto her lips without her even realising it. She was snapped from her thoughts when she heard the sound of wood tapping against wood and her eyes settled curiously on a box that had been placed in front of her, before glancing back up at Jennova for a moment. "On a new subject, you know that friend I have that works on bullets? Well, he's come up with a strange new type of bullet," she said and Kayleigh raised a lone brow, slightly confused. She'd heard about this 'friend' several times before but the guy still remained a mystery to her. "...Okay?" she mumbled.

The bullet that had been presented to Kayleigh looked like no other bullet she'd seen before. This one was transparent, holding a strangely-bright blue liquid inside of it. It truly was a sight to behold, but the question was what did it do exactly? Jennova spoke again and this time she had Kay's full attention. "I suppose you could say he likes movies too much and decided to get a fellow scientist to give him some kind of new formula," she said with a shrug. "He also wants me to try it out. I figured you'd want to see what it does." Kayleigh nodded her head. "You were right about that, Jen," she said in agreement but didn't press the issue any further. "Also, I never really paid attention on if you like guns, personally I think this Governnment Rebel should put this liquid on a blade."

With a smirk, Kayleigh moved her hand to Jeni's and warily took the bullet, actively ignoring the stares she was receiving from the guy sat a seat or two away from her. "Well, it's not that I don't like guns 'cause they're quite useful at times, but I just never got the chance to use one for real," she mumbled as she turned the bullet around to inspect it from all angles. She figured it must've contained something that weakened the so-called Gifted Children, and she hoped to God she'd get the chance to use it one day, especially on the little bugger she called a brother, the boy who had single-handedly killed both of their parents and had almost allowed his 'abilities' to do the same to her. All trust she bestowed in her brother was gone as soon as the police arrived and took her away from the bloody scene.

"Have you showed these to Eli, Casper or any of the others yet?" she asked after a moment of silence. "I'm sure they'd love them."