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Cecil Vogel

If you try hard enough, you can shift reality.

0 · 838 views · located in Little Maybelle

a character in “Masks of the Soul: Fragment of Truth”, as played by abiotrophy




Cecil Vogel
If you try hard enough, you can shift reality.*


The Vigilante

Which Masks do they possess?
Lazarus Weller



Physical Description
Cecil is, as befitting a person of his social standing, very concerned with how he appears, though he probably shouldnā€™t have to worry so much. Heā€™s inherited his motherā€™s good looks, complete with blond hair and kind blue eyes. His religious application of several beauty products have successfully kept his skin smooth and his cheeks pink. Fair-skinned but rosy-lipped, Cecil is indeed a very pretty boy.

Although he dons the same crisp style of clothing his high-powered lawyer of a father does, Cecilā€™s willowy frame is a stark contrast to his fatherā€™s broad-shouldered and massive size. Cecil, true to his German heritage, stands at a very tall 183 cm, but is hardly intimidating at his weight of 140 lbs. He walks gracefully to boot, making him much more approachable than his long-sleeved button-ups would normally allow.

Cecil often has a smile for anyone who speaks to him, and greets everyone in a soft-spoken tenor reminiscent of warm summer days. Speaking of warm days, when the weather wonā€™t allow for long-sleeved button-ups, Cecil dons a designer polo shirt with dark wash jeans with boat shoes.


Ceecee tries really hard to be a good son. All he wants to be or, or tries to be, is what his father wants him to be. He doesn't stop to think about much else - all that matters is what his father (and second to that, what everyone else) wants from him. What he wants is irrelevant. Everyone else's needs come first.

Unfortunately, what he really is inside is a far cry from what his aggressive, testosterone-driven father wants Cecil to be. This leads him to become a very conflicted individual, sometimes displaying sudden out-of-character behaviors consistent with his true nature when he can't handle it anymore.

Cecil often feels empty, which he finds odd, but shrugs it off as something everyone probably feels but never talks about. You know, one of those things. To society, however, Cecil Vogel is vibrant and can really connect with people, easily remembering who's named what and their middle names and who they married and their children and their parents' names and all their ages. He's brilliant, coming up with ingenious solutions, and funny, bringing strange ideas to the table all the time. Unforgettable - that's how to best describe him. He's boisterous and colorful, vulgar in only the most polite of ways, and unafraid of speaking his mind. He's pretty proud and confident, indolent but not too much, and makes everything look so easy and graceful it's unfair. He sometimes has bouts of quiet intensity - strange given how talkative he usually is - but that's not something society can't forgive.

Cecil attends all sorts of social functions with his mother, and seems to fluidly balance his extracurricular life with his major in toxicology. He studies at one of the prestigious universities present in Throme, and although he doesn't have the best grades (nor is he a particularly remarkable student), he makes up for it by actively participating in so many clubs he might as well be the jack of all trades of the university!

He's not particularly self-sacrificing and is actually a bit of a loafer in terms of groupwork. He hardly pulls any weight, preferring to cover the expenses for the group and be a go-fer instead of actually doing heavy research and writing, and is self-interested beyond all else. If he wasn't so friendly and charming, people would actually mind. (Actually, some people do mind, but at least he's trying to help.)

What people don't know, however, is that Cecil needs to use makeup to hide the dark circles under his eyes, marks born from night after night of sleepless texts drowned in caffeine and sugar rushes. He's studying so hard that if he was an average student, his diligence would have propelled him into becoming one of the top students at the university. Unfortunately, Cecil just isn't one of the sharper crayons in the box - something he has yet to come to terms with. It's not that he doesn't want to do the researching and writing in group papers; he can't. He barely has enough time to study and pass all his subjects. His outgoing nature is a trick he's discovered - he only needs to really attend a party at its prime, get shot by a few or more photographers, and talk to the largest personalities in the room for everyone to have noticed him at an event. After an hour or so, Cecil can easily slip out of the mess and return home to spend more time study.

In actuality, he spends all night and all of his weekends studying, when not being a go-fer for the various clubs he's joined. And being a go-fer doesn't take too much of his time - by this time, he knows the streets of Throme so well he can cut a usual 30-minute ride through Throme into a short 10-minute walk. He's really less busy than he pretends to be, honestly. It helps that his sister coordinates his tasks and plans his day with him meticulously, carefully leaving time for any sudden appointments that might come up. On that note, Cecil is pushing himself towards a death from severe exhaustion, and if he keeps up the pace of the person he's trying to be, Cecil won't last very long. He's no workaholic - he'd be content to play around on piles of leaves on crisp autumn days and maybe go to a ski resort during the winter holidays. It's just that if he wants his father happy, he can't afford to do that - no time.

The Cecil everyone sees is so fake, not even the well-thought out opinions he voices are his own; they're echoes and modified versions of his father's opinions. Cecil doesn't even like thinking about "important issues" like politics and law. Those ingenious solutions? Not his, either! They're his sister's - the witty and foxy Tatiana has a mind that works like a charm, so unlike Cecil's own.

Cecil is also very very trusting - although he tries to cover that up as much as he can, because his father disapproves of this nature. It's not like he can help it - he just doesn't think people would do bad things. He believes in a kinder world, a world that certainly doesn't jive with the one he actually lives in. The reason he's friendly is because he really does empathize well, and he remembers people because everyone is important to him. The beggar down the street is just as important as the highest judge in the country.

Cecil doesn't really know what he is. He knows he wants to help others - this much is true. It takes an iron determination to actually refuse to give the poor beggar anything, when all he wants is to give the beggar all his money, then go to a store, buy the beggar new clothes, then go with him to an expensive restaurant and treat him to a steak. Too bad his father doesn't see philanthropy as a just cause. This only adds to Cecil's feelings of inadequacy, and he suffers severe waves of guilt when he reflects on all the opportunities to help people he's missed. Furthermore, the feelings of needing to help leave Cecil confused and sometimes, when he can't resist the urge anymore, he actually gives in to it and is happy and yet angry with himself for not being the son his father wants him to be. Peachy, isn't it?

The harsh lights and pressure piled on him isn't to Cecil's taste, but what does a puppet really feel? A puppet is happy when his puppeteer thinks he's done a good job. Unfortunately, Cecil's father still thinks his son is too weak, too feeble, not strong enough to possibly become the tour de force his father wants him to be. Cecil, by all accounts, is trying his darnedest to be a good son, and naively believes that if someone tries hard enough, he can do whatever he wants. He just wants everyone to be happy, never mind his own happiness, never mind what he himself wants. Just...if everyone is happy. Perhaps that's what he really wants.

Someone give him a shooting star. This boy needs it before he kills himself of exhaustion.

Planning/Coordination ā€“ Throughout his life, Cecil has been juggling extracurricular activities with his studies. This makes him excellent at planning his schedule, and being very aware of the time it takes him to accomplish things.

Toxins/Poisons ā€“ Now this is something Cecil excels at. With a major in toxicology, what did you expect? He may not be the smartest kid, but heā€™s invested so many hours into studying heā€™s more than halfway decent in the application of poisons and where to find them. (Exams and theories, however, are an entirely different matter, as shown by his grades.)

Sense of Direction ā€“ From all the running around heā€™s been tasked to do, Cecil is much more familiar with the ins and outs of Throme than your average Joe. He knows the shortcuts that cut through the heart of the city and the alleys everybody forgets.

Cooking ā€“ Cecil isnā€™t half-bad at cooking, and loves his food very much indeed. Loves it almost as much as sharing it, in fact.

Gardening - Flowers and plants! If Cecil only had the time, he'd grow a garden so beautiful it'd make anyone who saw it think he/she stepped into heaven! (Or so Cecil thinks.)

Likes {Dislikes}
oDonating Partiesx
o Applied knowledge Theories, Exams, Gradesā€¦the whole school system, actuallyx
o Helping people Pressurex
o Cooking Booksx

o Friendly People Sportsx
o Flowers/Horticulture Gaudy/Expensive Objectsx
o Animals Studyingx
o Being a wallflower Being the Center of Attentionx

Cecil Vogel is the only son of Attorney Reinhart Vogel and his socialite wife Renee Vogel nee Ingram. Heā€™s the fourth of five siblings, the rest being sisters. His sisters are all growing up quite nicely (although some of them took after their father and look mannish), fitting well into their roles as politician, actress, model, and attorney-to-be, respectively.

All his life, heavy pressure has been piled on Cecil by his father. Reinhart found his son rather wimpy, given the boy would rather spend his time playing as opposed to studying or even playing sports, for heavenā€™s sake. Renee, on her part, tried to make Cecil feel better by telling him that if he just tried, he could do whatever his father wanted him to achieve between parading her beloved son through party after party. Cecil never dared speak out against his father, and has thus been living under his fatherā€™s imposing shadow his whole life. Although he failed the entrance exam to a prestigious school, he got in thanks to some strings getting pulled. Cue Cecil trying his darnedest to pass all his subjects.

He did. Barely. Unfortunately, his father thought this wasnā€™t enough and demanded his son participate in extracurriculars. Some of his teachers sympathized and gave him larger grades by virtue of his effort. Others barely passed him. It was all right. At least he was passing.

Then highschool came. Another entrance exam failed, another bribe passed, and another harrowing year spent trying to survive. Cecil was getting less and less sleep. He was an average student unfit for the school for the gifted he was enrolled in, and although he empathized with people excellently, he was less adept at making logical connections like his genius-classmates were. However, he put on a brave face and with the help of his model-sister Tatiana (to whom he is very close), he managed to appear brilliant and confident to everyone. Heā€™d plenty of friends, and he trusted them all, even after some of them stole credit from him.

His father thought him a fool. Cecil thought his father just lacked faith in people.

Reinhart wished his son would go and study medicine, and Cecil wanted veterinary medicine. They eventually settled on toxicology - under the pretense that Cecil preferred it over actual medicine, as it would help him understand and possibly find the cure for cancer. As of his late teens, his father had begun to fall for Cecilā€™s act, and it was coming together quite well.

Then his model-sister got pregnant and ran off with some hippie-artist to Shanghai, never to be heard from again save for the letter she left Cecil on his bureau.

Cecil didnā€™t understand why she left him, and why so suddenly. He didnā€™t even know she had a boyfriend. He understood, however, why she didnā€™t tell him about her boyfriend beforehand. Their father wouldnā€™t approve.

All Cecil wants is a chance to be born into some other family, or the chance to fade into darkness. His father was getting angrier, and Cecil bore the brunt of his fatherā€™s heat ā€“ now Cecil had to make up for the fact that his sister didnā€™t live the way their father wanted her to. Now Cecil had to coordinate everything on his own. Now Cecil had to ā€“

He found the mask in his satchel a week after his sister disappeared. It was a very dark time for Cecil, and the mask was, at first, some amusement for him. The mask eventually became his shield, a way of deflecting his fatherā€™s anger ā€“ when Cecil wore the mask, he was the son his father wanted: everything and more.

Over the years, he learned of the Grace Stone ā€“ and to Cecil, it was mesmerizing. Whatever it was, whatever it could do, Cecil was sure it would make his father - no, the world- happy.

All he needs to do is get it.

~No idea yet. Will be updated as soon as he meets someone.~


*The quote is by Christopher Meloni.

So begins...

Cecil Vogel's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cecil Vogel Character Portrait: Calanthia Rozenmare
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Cecil Vogel
Throme - Out and About

Sometimes, Cecil worried the weather would grow so dark it would blot out memories of Tania and the iced teas they spent drinking on hot summer afternoons. He worried for his plants, for his disowned sisterā€™s glimmering smile, and for his own fatherā€™s safety. But thatā€™s all he ever did ā€“ worry. He never actually went out and did something about it, and for that, he couldnā€™t forgive himself.

Cecil stared at his own hands, and peered outside the custom bulletproof windows of the Mercedes. The only sunshine these days ever brought were nothing but isolated rays bleeding through grim clouds. Sad, really.

The car slowed to a stop in front of a gardening store. Cecil preferred to walk around Throme most days, but given how temperamental the weather had gotten, heā€™d chosen to take the car. Besides, walks werenā€™t the same without Tatiana by his side. The chauffeur stepped out of the car, opened the umbrella, and ā€“ thump - the car door opened.

Rain spattered on Cecilā€™s crisp white button-up. What was that Tania used to tell him? That he was too pretty to ever really be strong? She was right, as always, butā€¦ Well, he was going to have to try, wasnā€™t he? Cecil drew a deep breath, closed his eyes and counted to three, puffed his chest out and ā€“

Cecil Vogel stepped out of the car, self-assured and calm, with long strides that betrayed no fear. Slung over his arm was a black suit jacket, and by his side was a chauffeur struggling to keep his boss safe from the persistent rain.


Aw man. Cecil maintained an unperturbed expression. Now, where was he supposed to get some fertilizer? Honestly, Cecil knew stores would be closing around the time he left home, but how was he to know how tough the traffic would get? Scratch that. He knew. He just didnā€™t want to admit that maybe heā€™d taken too long to study for his exam next week.

The blond scoffed and returned to the car, leaving the chauffeur scrabbling behind him. He ducked into the safe confines of the car and leaned back into the leather seat with an unhappy sigh.

Er. What now? Oh, right. He ought to give the driver instructions. Cecil crossed his legs and looked out the window, waiting for the driver. The poor man was dripping wet by the time he entered the car again, and Cecil almost handed the driver his jacket before stopping himself. First of all, Father would disapprove if he ever caught wind, which he would, eventually. Father always heard when Cecil did something wrong. Secondly, the driver would probably be too afraid to take it anyway. Reinhart Vogel had instilled a strict sense of fear in his employees, constantly reminding them of their supposed inferiority.

What was that? Oh yeah. ā€˜It is better to be feared and loved than just loved.ā€™ Or something like that. Cecil didnā€™t know, didnā€™t remember. He wasnā€™t very good with memorizing stuff. Besides, he had more important things to attend to ā€“ like how to spend the remaining hour and fifteen minutes heā€™d allotted for his break. After this, heā€™d have to go right back to studying before rushing to a dinner party being held by one of his fatherā€™s senior partners in the firm. Ack. He winced at the thought of his busy night. Heā€™d deal with that later ā€“ his schedule was flawless, anyway. For now, he just needed some place nice and cozy, some place that felt like home, but didnā€™t have his father or older sisters stomping about.

Maybe Eden was still open.

ā€œLetā€™s drop by Eden,ā€ Cecil said.

The driver glanced at Atty. Vogel's only son through the rear view mirror, opened his mouth to say something, but then thought better of it.

The car drove on in silence.

When they finally arrived at Eden, it was a little past six. Closed as well, Cecil thought. Still, he thought he saw someone moving behind all the flowers arranged by the window, and decided it would be worth getting out and taking a look. He was a regular at Eden ā€“ surely Ms. Rozenmare would take that into consideration?


Cecil bit his lip as the driver ran out into the rain and opened an umbrella for Cecil again. He had to stop with all these hopefullies. Father wouldnā€™t approve. Hope was for the weak. The strong knew the facts. There was no room for hope ā€“ just would or would not.

The car door opened again. This time, Cecil slipped into his suit jacket, buttoned it, and smoothed imagined creases away before stepped out of the car. Through sheets of rain pouring down over the umbrella, a stunning young man stood at Edenā€™s door.

He supposed the door wouldnā€™t be locked yet, if Ms. Rozenmare was still inside. Common courtesy wouldnā€™t hurt, though. He knocked at the door and patiently waited for the woman inside to take notice of him.

Her flowers were beautiful, as usual. He wondered if he could perhaps ask her where he could get peonies for his garden. He especially wanted blood red ones; they were so striking ā€“ or some orange Japanese lantern flowers. Those were equally beautiful. Cecil contained his excitement with a small cough and, after waiting a minute or so, peered through the window to see if Ms. Rozenmare had noticed someone at the door. If she didnā€™t, heā€™d have to knock again.

The setting changes from Throme to Little Maybelle


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cecil Vogel Character Portrait: Calanthia Rozenmare
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Calanthia Rozenmare
"When the chrysanthemum blooms, we shall chat until the rain stops..."


Little Maybelle - The Flower Shop, "Eden" - 6:45 PM - November 21 - Raining - Closing Hours

Inside the office of Eden's owner, a distinctive sullen mood could be felt. This was further enhanced by the falling rain which showed no signs of stopping anytime soon. There was no need for a psychic or a very emphatic person to take noticed of that. Calanthia leaned onto her chair with her eyes closed as she tried to ease her nerves after reading the irritating e-mail that was sent to her. She had made it clear that she did not want to be dragged into matters that were no longer her concerns. On the day that her brother died, she had ceased to care for anything else not related to her current career as a botanist and florist.

Releasing a soft sigh, Thia slowly opened her eyes of ash mauve. They had returned to its usual calm countenance. It seemed that the sudden outburst had never occurred to begin with. During this state, she reopened her laptop and immediately erased the said e-mail. She had also taken the liberty to block the e-mail address of the one who sent her such a nonsensical message. After doing so, she glanced at the wall clock once more to see that it was 15 minutes before 7 in the evening. From the sounds of the falling rain, there was no chance that she could leave the Eden without having a few scuffles with the current weather. She was about to release another sigh which was to show her frustration. However, the sound of a knock interrupted her do so.

"Who could that be? A guest at this late hour..."

Murmuring softly to herself, Thia exited her office and went towards the main doors of her shop. She wondered if an employee of hers had forgotten something. It was not hard to think that way as it had happened a few times. Although, they would have rather chosen to enter than have the courtesy to knock. Keeping herself wary especially when she had received that e-mail, she did not want to be taken surprised as of now. Slowly approaching the doors, she peeked behind the windows to see her guest. There was nothing wrong in being too careful. It was then she saw the familiar face of a regular customer of hers which instantly sedated her concerns. As a result, she opened the doors and greeted with her usual gentle smile. Although, she has a bit of concern. After all, it was quite a dreary weather and she was certain it was common knowledge that stores like hers were usually closed at this time of hour. So, she had concluded that there must some kind of important matter needed to be discussed.

"Good evening, Mr. Vogel. Is there something wrong? Before you answer that, please come inside."

Thia ushered the young son of the Vogel family inside her store along with her driver. She did not want both of them to catch cold. After doing so, she offered them to take their respective seats. In the process, she also took the opportunity to serve them a pair of steaming hot chrysanthemum tea along with towels to dry themselves. She had already prepared them beforehand as she had foresaw that she would be staying inside her store for quite some time. When the common courtesy was all done, she took a seat which was opposite of Cecil. She looked quite stunning with her pale gray Merino ruched turtleneck sweaterdress which reaches just a few centimeters above her knee partnered by a pair of black wedge booties to complete her look. It complemented her figure as her curly black locks were put into a half ponytail style as it cascaded around her face like gentle waves. Overall, it was not too much to say that she was a beauty to behold in her own right.

"So... what's the emergency that you would need to come to my store at such a time and weather? You are a treasured customer of mine. I would not like to see you ill or hurt if I could help it."

Asking with a sense of concern, Thia looked at those blue eyes of Cecil with her ash mauve eyes. She waited patiently for the answer to her inquiry. It was not like she did not want him inside her store. Actually, she was quite grateful for his presence right now. It helped her to take her mind off such unwanted matters. Furthermore, she seemed to be perpetually trapped in the store for the duration of the night unless the rain stops. So, his companion was well-appreciated. Even if she appears distant in her dealings with people, she still likes their company from time to time. After all, no one truly wants to be alone in the end which includes her.