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"With that drink, you've just destroyed your liver some more. I need you healthy. Stay that way."

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a character in “Masks of the Soul: Fragment of Truth”, as played by Nivosity



'There’s more to magic than just being a pretty illusion. Underneath that delicate veneer, there lies a death - yours.’

What Kind of Mask is it?:

If True, in what state of completion is it in?:

How do you create/transform with the mask?
To summon: Mirror, mirror, on the wall.
To transform: Reflect my death, show my fall.

Brief Description of Transformed State:
The first thing that is often noticed is her pale coloring. Her silver eyes are merely a shade darker than her pasty white skin, just like her hair. Crow cuts a strange character with her sharp, delicate, almost aristocratic features and white elaborate crown that perches on her head. Her hair frames her head, making her face look smaller than it really is. Her pale silver eyes are blank and seem to be looking through people, almost as though they were an experiment that was conforming with her expectations. She rarely shows emotion, and her face oftentimes appears to be frozen.

Crow wears a black shirt and skirt. Other than the white lines that decorate both pieces of clothing, the most obvious sections are the over-exaggerated cuffs that cover both hands. She goes around in long black stockings (sans shoes) and black fingerless gloves. Silver sparks are oftentimes emitted from her fingertips at the most inopportune time. The designs on her clothing move by themselves in complicated designs, and a crow motif is quite common. With her slight build that is almost completely lacking in muscle, it's obvious that she's not built for combat.

There is nothing more important to Crow than herself. Given the choice between sacrificing herself or living, she will always choose the choice that is more beneficial for herself. She isn’t above letting one of her ‘teammates’ lose their life if that can give her an opening or another second to cast a spell. She rarely thinks of others as humans. Instead, she believes that they are only worth the sum of benefits that they provide for herself. Also, Crow tends to be an elitist, if not a narcissist. She tends to view magical prowess as the most important thing that a person can possess and thinks of everyone else as an imbecile.

She is often quick to see the worst in people, being paranoid to an extreme. She will spend the majority of time with her teammates trying to find their weakness, just in case they turn. Every action of theirs that doesn’t directly benefit her will have her mind conjuring up future plots at her death. With almost an animalistic urge, Crow will keep a running tally of all imagined and exaggerated slights and has to persuade herself that killing them would be too much of a bother. This also leads her to keep her skills under wrap - preferring to pretend that she can’t do as much as she really can.

Her people skills leave much to be desired. Not only does she hate being touched (even as the initiator of the action), but also, she has the inability to talk directly to people - instead, she normally speaks over them. Crow rarely shows emotion, other than a bright dangerous-looking sparkle in her eyes when she sees someone's death arriving, especially from her hands. Cringing away from living bodies, she has a slight affinity with dead ones. On that hand, she is a slight health nut and often finds it important to make people stop smoking, drinking, or doing dangerous activities to - as she says, "keep their bodies in prime condition."

She has an urge to collect souvenirs - be they shards of bone, hairs, splinters, rocks, shiny objects, anything. Crow refuses to give up any of her little objects no matter what. She obviously loves magic and will do anything in her power to keep from doing it. Believing that everyone without it is far inferior to herself, she can be blind to other more conventional attacks. She hates hiding. Instead, she goes in guns blazing, drawing attention to herself.


Skills/Abilities when wearing mask:
Physical Durability
  • While she is physically slight, Crow is able to push on despite physical battering. It seems more a case of mind over matter than anything else. Unless her mind is somehow clouded, she will continuing working towards her goal, almost like a zombie. She seems to not need sleep, drink, or food or simply partake of it very infrequently.

Mental acuity
  • As your cliché mage, she learns and reacts quite quickly. It takes a lot for her to lose mental concentration, and she is also able to juggle up to three tasks in her head at the same time. Simultaneously casting spells is also possible, but sometimes has odd effects - for example, using Mistral concurrently with Lirael can oftentimes lead to disorienting bad-quality illusions.

  • There is always a strange smell around her. While it seems sickly sweet in some situations, when the air is stagnant, even the slightest whiff of her will be gut-wrenchingly disgusting. It resembles the stench of something decomposing. For those with queasy stomachs or more acute senses, this is debilitating. Crow seems to be not affected by it in the slightest.

Skills/Abilities of Transformed State:
Mistral - Minor
  • Illusions that are woven directly from the air. With quite a bit of effort, Crow is able to change the wavelengths of the light around her to show images that seem real. They can cover a distance of ten meters, but as this takes a lot of effort, Crow only uses this sparingly. It affects everyone in range, although if said person knows that it’s an illusion, they are able to pierce it. Looking carefully, details are often times difficult to see or not there completely - however, this depends on how well Crow is able to visualize her images.

    Lirael - Minor
    • Magical arrows that hone in to their target. Almost as though directed by some supernatural force (they’re literally controlled by Crow’s mind), she is able to pull energy out of the air and her surroundings. The range is so that she is able to reach everyone that she can see - but whether or not they hit is up to the target’s dexterity. These arrows are clear and almost see-through, but on closer inspection, they appear to be feathers. When they travel through the air, there is an audible keening sound that’s nearly musical.

    Avalon - Minor
    • A shining mirror-like waterfall of water that she uses primarily as a shield. It’s highly durable especially with magical attacks which are either deflected or neutralized depending on the velocity and power of said attack. While some stronger magical attacks may go through completely, they are often times much weaker than their original state. Avalon does very little when it comes to physical attacks, however - most of them passing through easily. Water is absorbed by the shield, which makes it stronger, while fire is dampened, but still goes through.

The major skill has not yet developed.

She needs nothing but the magic that literally sparkles at her fingertips. Without the necessary strength to effectively use a weapon of any kind, she will oftentimes go without. A strange Renaissance-style side sword can be summoned, but with a weight of 2 lbs 4 oz and total length of 38 inches, it’s more for posing with than anything else. The hilt resembles the mask itself - covered in gold curlicues and studded with diamonds. Under ultraviolet light, the blade's strange texture (it looks like a bird's feathers) becomes visible.

So begins...

Crow's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crow
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Hannah Lister | Throme

It was a beautiful day, all clean air and cool fresh breeze. Even though the rain might have been wet and generally horrible, it was great for the plants. And, oh, how wonderful would it be? Delicate little buds would slowly poke through the earth and start greeting the sun, growing stronger with every passing day. And, then, at the end of their development, flowers would open and nearly paint the world with their aroma~

These thoughts made her feel slightly better when... a few seconds later, she stepped right in the middle of a puddle and ended up with dripping socks and shoes. Well, at least she wouldn’t have to clean them. For a while, at least.

With her newly dampened footwear, she continued walking onwards towards the meeting area, wincing with every step. Almost as though an afterthought, the girl checked the neon blue watch on her left wrist - ‘Oh, sorry Liesel! I really am! I didn’t mean to be late’ - and immediately shifted to an all-out run, ignoring the huge puddle that was growing in her shoes. Her watch beeped again, and a message popped up with a flash of light. ‘TRANSFORM.’

Ducking quickly into a side road, she skidded to a stop, breathing heavily all the while. She was sure that the alley had some redeeming qualities - like the fact that it was slightly drier than the main street - even despite the overwhelming stench. Then, stretching out one hand, she spoke with an overly bright, almost singsongy, tone. “Mirror, mirror on the wall~” A mask slowly faded into existence, all shiny gold and silver swirls. Prettiful.

She placed it on her face, wide blue eyes poking out of the holes almost comically, before...

Crow | Dullahan Library

“Reflect my death, show my fall,” murmured a voice quietly. And with that, magic finally took effect. Blond hair lightened, blood drained from rosy red cheeks, and in the place of a young mortal stood Crow.

The first thing Crow noticed was that it was raining. And that rain was wet. And cold. The second thing she noticed was that she didn’t like it. And that she was miserable. And cold.

More importantly, there were no bodies on the street. None of the living variety either, no matter how temporary that state was. What there was was an overabundance of liquid.

What was she doing? Right. That building with the bound paper and ink scribbles. Nothing a few little magical tricks couldn’t bring down to the ground. Wouldn’t take very long either. But no, that was not the point. The point was something else - the health-killing, smoking woman had summoned her. And other living bodies, but she was the only one who mattered.

The rest of them could not whistle up a spell even if their minds depended on it. And they were going to slip a blade between her ribs. Kill her, they would try. They were jealous of her magic, while they were still in the realm of the mundane. She was sure of that. That was why she was going to do the same thing to them first. And it would be a fast, painful maneuver. Serves them right for looking at her the wrong way. She could nearly hear their traitorous thoughts.

Crow strode down the middle of the sidewalk, eyes unfocused and unblinking. With hardly a sidewise glance, she turned into the driveway of the book-building, down into the depths of its dry basement. Other than the puddles that were there, of course. At least, it was warmer, and she was not quite as miserable. Her hair, normally voluminous, was now plastered to her thin face, which was also practically dripping with fluid.

I do hope you’ll all forgive me for my lateness, as I was attending to rather…… delicate matters.” said a voice. Crow recognized the tone quite well. The moving cadaver was termed the King. No matter how much of an ass he was. Pretending that the royal bastard had not spoken (and he might as well not have), she stood in the center of the room, staring at the ginger destroyer of lungs.

Now that the one important actually-living magician was present (as in herself), the rest of them can tick off like robots. And do stuff. Because. Just because.

The setting changes from Throme to Dullahan Library

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crow Character Portrait: Cedric Valsche Character Portrait: Liesel Moringmer
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Liesel Moringmer; Dullahan Library Underground Car Park

A set of footsteps.

And then another.

Her usual smile was on her face before she knew it – oh, it was anything but pleasant. Those familiar with a Moringmer knew that, like any beast, teeth were never a friendly sign. The grin grew wider at Cedric’s… explanation, which went unacknowledged as slowly approached the newly arrived pair.

“Well, well, look who’s finally here!” she exclaimed, stepping up to the deck the Joker had left scattered on the ground. Crouching down, she flicked her finger and flipped the cards over one by one. “The King,” flip, “and the Ace,” flip. The King of Hearts and Ace of Spades were clear against the concrete. She blew the dust away, sighing through gritted teeth, before straightening.

Damn it, she really needed that smoke right about then or she was going to throttle someone.

“And it’s only half-past late.” It was her own words that sent Liesel past the ‘pleasant’ stage of her rage. Grin dying into a grimace, the woman closed her eyes and heaved a sigh. “Damn it, when there is a set time, there is a fucking reason! No message, no warning… you might have been caught in traffic or you might have been caught by Itex. How the hell am I supposed to know?” Her glare was turned to the king, who had been her fellow ‘strategist’ for quite some time now. “And I think you of all people know just how impossible any mission is with even one damn missing link… so where is that goddamn royal pain…”

Of course, Liesel meant the Queen… but she’d deal with that one later.

Now, the woman could have easily gone on her tirade for the next week and a half, but fortunately for the present pair, there was no time for that. She’d have to make it brief. “We’re out of time, so change of plans.” ‘Again…’. “There’s been a tip off that a certain warehouse by the river, a short ways off the pier, has something valuable to Itex. I don’t think I have to say that what’s valuable to Itex is valuable to us, hm?” Right, and she had the delivery to make… how to go about doing this... Liesel pondered a solution as her hand drifted to the package in her pocket. “Crow. You’ll head over first. I’ll send over her majesty when she arrives.” To the King, she signaled for him to be quiet and wait. “But be on your guard. I can’t assure the… reliability of this source. At least, not yet.”

She waited until the Ace was gone before addressing Cedric. “Now, don’t say a word, this is Torrings’ decision, not mine. You’re not going to be sticking around with me anymore,” she sighed, closing her eyes, looking almost weary… almost. Not quite. Liesel was a woman who needed no rest. “So, apparently you’re not needed here,” she stated slowly, circling around, trying to find the best way to approach the topic. In the end, she chose the only way she knew how: the direct approach. “You’re needed out on the field.”

She only gave the younger man a glance, a cursory gauge of reaction, before pulling the box from her pocket. “And we both know that’s pretty damn well impossible without a mask,” she continued. “And frankly, I don’t know what Torrings is thinking, as per damn usual, and in all honesty I think he’s acting like a goddamn fool…” Rambling. She needed to get to the point. With another sigh, she thrust the slender box towards the King and recited the proper phrase: “But I don’t have a choice. As Liesel Moringmer, proxy for Arthur Torrings, I gift this mask to you.”

With that said, there was no turning back. What the hell was Torrings thinking. She never knew. Never. “In case you haven’t put two and two together, that’s the moron’s mask. His. It’s complete, but it’s not originally yours, so the personality will be overwhelming. Before you head on to help out Crow at the warehouse, give it a test run. I’ve gifted the mask, so you should be able to sense it – can you hear the words ringing in your head?”

Well, Liesel was going off second-hand information, but she hoped that her understanding of the masks was accurate enough to let the King transform.

The setting changes from Dullahan Library to Throme


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caine Strauss Character Portrait: Crow Character Portrait: Cedric Valsche Character Portrait: Liesel Moringmer
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Crow | Dullahan Library -> Liron Pier

Sharp teeth bared into a smile meant anger - which was bad for the heart. Brought with it promises of future heart attacks. What a shame. She needed her bodies to be healthy in life.

And it’s only half-past late. Damn it, when there is a set time, there is a fucking reason! No message, no warning… you might have been caught in traffic or you might have been caught by Itex. How the hell am I supposed to know?

Yes, this was probably anger. Although whether or not Itex even had the means to capture a jinxflinger was doubtful. Very. There was a reason why magicians were always in demand. Because they were helpful.

And I think you -

Crow ignored whatever she said. There was no point. She was talking to the royal bastard who had no powers whatsoever. Really useless. Could be taken down with an arrow to the head. Probably aimed between the eyes. Would be simple enough.

Listening to the instructions to the warehouse with a quarter of one ear, Crow simply stood there, unmoving, not reacting, even as she inched her back closer to a wall. Always nice to have some backup. Her senses were at the top of her game - making her almost hypersensitive - and for a second, she was aware of the constant smell that always surrounded her.

So she was supposed to leave?

Exiting the room with the same blank expression that she used when entered, she paused after a few steps, just in turn to hear voices from inside start as soon as she left.

The two of them leaned together closely, whispering in each other’s ears with the appearance of common criminals. A tiny wavering smoke curled around their faces. ‘How soon are we going to do the deed. Well, of course, it will have to be done soon. Very soon. A poisoned blade will do the trick very well. Yes we have to be careful. The girl is only valuable to us dead.’ Faces marred with deadly smirks. A weapon fingered lovingly.

Yes, they had to be plotting against her. To destroy her life and steal her magic. They coveted her mask. They wanted her dead.

Arriving there did not take that much time. Walking in the center of the sidewalk, ignoring all of the little in number, hapless, brainless mortals that dared to be in her way. Fists clenched tightly, making her knuckles whiter than the rest of her skin, as she tried to drive back the urge to see them all to the loving embrace of death with a well-placed arrow.

The warehouse came into view faster than she expected. A quiet burbling from the river continued to annoy Crow even as she looked at the slightly open door that beckoned her closer.



Refusing to get any closer, Crow stood there and looked at the opening, half expecting to see skeletal fingers curl over the wood. Then, a few minutes later, she continued walking forwards. The Queen could have fun setting off the trap because Crow was not going to waste her life on any dangers. Not if she could help it.

Just ahead, a wooden surface jutted over the silver-blue surface of the water. Skin tingling with the feeling that someone was going to kill her, Crow strode closer, magical sparks dancing from her fingertips.

There was someone there.

A boy.

With black clothing and white hair. Almost like her. Drawing one of her Lirael arrows from the air around her, she flicked it into the air, aiming a few centimeters away from his face. A warning shot across the bow. And if he moved into its trajectory, it wouldn’t be too much of a loss anyways.

A few minutes later, the arrow was arching elegantly towards the pier, leaving a faint trail of light as it traveled. Keening the siren call of death as it went.

With deft movements, Crow continued to pull a second arrow out of the air, letting it sit dormant in her hand. Always good to be prepared. Tongue tripping through the complicated incantation to control her still-flying arrow, the magician looked at her target through disinterested eyes. ‘How would the body react?’

The setting changes from Throme to Liron River Pier

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caine Strauss Character Portrait: Crow
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Witless
Caine Strauss, Itex Moon; Liron River Pier

It was taking a while. Was everyone of this world as inept as his contact? How long had it been? They all should have made it here by now, the contact, the others... anybody at all. This was taking far too long, but Itex's orders were Itex's orders. They wouldn't be disobeyed, and Caine was not as inept as the others. He would wait as long as needed or until he could wait no longer. The drawing complete, Caine flipped to the next page and noted with slight confusion the dampness of the book. Oh, right. It was raining. Not that it mattered, the rain never seemed to bother him. It calmed him, actually, or tried to. Speaking of, how was Kaden dealing with the rain and his friends? Oh well, he couldn't make a huge mess of things, right? Not as badly as the last time...

No, it was no use worrying about things he couldn't fix at the moment. And at the moment the main problem was meeting anyone at the meeting place. Itex had done its job and cleared the area, so there was no one around. And who would want to be around during such a wet day at a pier? People surely had better things to do. But seriously, where was the contact? There was a package, correct? It needed to be received and delivered to Itex. The contact would meet them; he had no need to move from this spot. But the others should have been here... it took nowhere near this long to get here. Maybe it should be reported? That the... leader of this mission did so well that he never showed? Hanged Man, indeed... and where was the Hermit, being reclusive as its name implied? Idiots. If he'd have to complete this mission by himself... If there were... complications. Did they concern themselves with their own well-being? Idiots, the lot of them...

Caine closed his sketchpad, his pen pressed inside, and sat on the pier, his legs swinging back and forth as he listened to his surroundings. Rain, hitting the water. Ripples from what may be fish underneath the dock; their smell was pervasive as well. The wind blowing around him. No people. Not yet. He waited, and waited, and he waited some more. Eventually, after what seemed like forever, there was the sound of footsteps. Was it finally one of the others? Or was it the contact? The footsteps paused and continued toward him before stopping again.

Suddenly, a sound. A keening, a projectile? A projectile. And... muttering, an incantation? The Magician wasn't sent on this mission; was there another? An invoker of sorts? Curiouser and curiouser... Turning, his head cocked to listen, sightless eyes staring in the direction of the projectile inquisitively, he stood up, his sketchpad catching the projectile mid-flight, his body reacting in "surprise." His fingers felt the projectile, a feather? Confusion likely clear on his face, he spoke in an almost-quivering voice, "Who's there? W- What do you want from me?"

It was strange; if it were Itex, there would be no need for attack. If it were the contact, would there truly be need for attack? And would the contact have a mask, for what else allowed magic in this otherwise magic-less world? Was there a third party interested in Itex, and how had they heard of the meeting? Had their location been compromised? Well, Caine would get what information he could from this person, and then it could be taken care of. Killing was no problem... no problem at all...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caine Strauss Character Portrait: Crow Character Portrait: Calanthia Rozenmare
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Calanthia Rozenmare
"Why is that doing nothing seems to be such a luxury for me?"


Liron River Pier - 8:23 PM - November 21 - Raining


It would be wonderful if what Thia was seeing was just a mere illusion of the falling rain. The other reason was that her eyes were no longer the perfect 20/20 vision. Although, the two reasons she had provided herself were far from the truth of the happenings. At the same time, she was certain that her mental capability was not compromised at the moment considering what she had been through. There within her line of sight, she saw two rather unnoticeable individuals upon the pier. One seemed to be simply passing time despite the dreary weather. She would never understand people such like them who are not bothered by the seemingly unending rain. It was annoying and downright spiteful for her tastes. In any case, she also noticed another individual yet this one alarmed her greatly. Out of thin air, an arrow was crafted that should not have existed in all the known logic of the world.

"Magic...? It couldn't be..."

Her words came out of her lips much like a hushed whisper. Calla's grip on the handle of her umbrella tightened while her other hand held on sternly onto the provided stainless steel railing on the pedestrian bridge. Eyes of ash mauve widened in disbelief and surprise. The memories from the old times which she had desired to be effectively removed from her head played before her like a phantasm reserved only for her viewing pleasure. For the first time in her life, she wanted the sound of the rain to drown the voices from her past and the loud beating of her heart into nothing. Yet, there are certain wishes in life that no matter what one does, it will never come true. For in the end, life had always been the biggest disappointment of all.

"Get away. It is not your business. Don't get involve."

Thia kept repeating these words much like a protection mantra as she slowly faced the road before her. There was still a long way to go before she reaches the safety of her house. She had decided a long time ago that she would never get herself involved in all these fantasy matters reserved for the darkness. As she finally continued with her walk, a flashing glint caught the attention of her eyes. Instinctively, she looked towards it and saw the crafted arrow pierced through the air with the intention of hitting its predetermined target, a person. Her sense of morality could not allow her to simply stand by on the sidelines and do nothing. Especially when the one who crafted the magical arrows had another one in hand once more.

"You're a fool, Calla."

Upon saying that to herself, Calla threw away the umbrella as it was going to be a hindrance to her next actions. She propelled herself over the protective railings of the bridge and to jump down. Fortunately, the terrain was angular and littered with green foliage for a soft landing. She slid down allowing the combination of mud, grass, and rain to cling to her dress. There was a certain feeling that she would regret her actions later on. However, it was better than to allow her sense of right and wrong be the one to keep her awake all the way through the night. After all, she truly desired a good night sleep more than anything else.

"Stop right there! If you do not, I'm calling the police!"

To prove the authenticity of her threat, Thia showed her phone while placing it on her ears. She had already yet to press the number however, her finger just needed to press the button to make the call. In her mind, she knew that if her conclusion about the identity of this magic-wielding person was right. The police would not be able to handle this so easily. It would certain get messy. However, the only advantage was that these people who wield such unreasonable powers in science. They intend to keep it a secret from the general public. That was the ace that she was betting on and if it turns out to be a ripped off. Well, she could do of another plan.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caine Strauss Character Portrait: Crow Character Portrait: Calanthia Rozenmare
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Crow, Caine Strauss, and Calanthia Rozenmare | Liron River Pier
(Post co-written by Butterfly Princess and Witless)

The second arrow was launched through the air soon after - this time aimed at the silver object that floated there. Like a moon, but really, probably more like a familiar. Still murmuring foreign-sounding words under her breath, Crow snapped her eyes towards the new arriving body. It was of the female gender with -

What was that she was shouting about? Or holding?

No matter. Magic wasn't going to fear the interferings of some outside force. There was no way.

Allowing her sparkling fingers to weave through the air and pluck out yet another feather, she tossed it, singing, into the air at the object the new arrival was holding at the side of her head.

There was another keening, a feather aimed toward Caine? He listened to it in confusion, its trajectory not at all toward him. What was this person's goal? And there was another, some newcomer who had no idea what was happening... by the sounds of it, at least. The police, she said? Well, just another problem to get rid of. This was beginning to be a pain. When would anyone of use arrive? Caine sighed and turned his attention back to his attacker...


Caine clutched his ears in suprise, and, well, pain. That pocket of air, the feather... it was aimed at that? Why would someone make a device to explode air? And why would Kaden keep it hovering close to him?!? That idiot! The least he could have done was explained how it worked! Ouch! ...and there was another to complicate things... What would she do?

Searing pain radiated to the side of her face, Calla's eyes widened in surprise. Her cellphone just blew up into pieces. More importantly, she could feel the heat of it still remaining on her face. There was also the terrible ringing in her ears. Such an explosion could have shattered her earbuds, thankfully it didn't although, there is a bit of bleeding as expected from such a close proximation of explosion. Even some fragments stuck close to her skin, fortunately, it was not deep enough to be a scar issue in the future.


Looking at her hand, it was very burned and had cuts all over. She looked at the woman who was definitely behind such an act. This is why she hated being involved in such fantasy mumbo-jumbo. But, it just didn't sit well with her to just walk away from all of these. She swore that this was entirely Arthur's fault to begin with.

"This is why I hate Masks..."

Now that both were... well, taken care of, and that familiar certainly had an odd way of dying, Crow narrowed her pale eyes. "Hail there," she called out to the fellow on the bridge, disdain dripping from her uneven tone of voice. "Which name would your body like to carry in death and in life?" With her greeting done and over with, she stepped closer, merely a few meters away from the wooden platform now. "What brings thee to the home and haven of magic?"

Coldly looking forward, Crow saw that water lapped at the sides of the bank, even as more cold water poured down from the sky. It showed no signs of abating. None.

Who were these unwelcome intrusions anyways? Perhaps - this was the promised blade twixt the ribs that she had known was coming. Yes.

The ringing in Caine's ears was abating... "...Masks..." Wait. What had she just said? This newcomer, the one threatening to call, she knew of masks? Great, just great. More enemies and more to take care of. This was getting to be too much. Way too much. Oh, the first one was talking, was she?

Something about names, something about magic. What to answer, what to say? "I'm sorry, do I know you? Magic, you say? That's in... books, stories... paintings, right? Would you like to see?" The sketchpad was opened, his pen drawn. What would appear next?

A sound of cloth being ripped rang ever so briskly. Thia had a piece of her attire torn to wrap around her injured hand. It was still stinging yet it was something that could be ignored. On the other hand, she was also thankful for the falling rain as it managed to cleanse the trickling blood from her ear and face. Although, she hoped this will be the last time she would feel such a thing towards this dreary weather.

In any case, her main concern now was the white-haired girl who clearly had explosion and arrow issues. Scratch that, magic issues from the look of it. Calla glanced at the boy and took noticed of him showing his sketchpad. "I wonder..."

Blah blah blah.

Now that she asked the question, she didn't really know what was going to happen next.

What occurs when a traitor-assassin-betrayal is unveiled? Shouting, name calling, or even the debasement of magic?

Watching the distant horizon, she saw the round white building of some sorts perched on high stilts. Some inner voice in her head named whatever in this moronic magic-less world. Water tower. More importantly, -she vaugely caught sight a shadowy figure that sat there with bright red shoes dangling off the side.

Curious. This plot just got deeper. But whatever happened, against these mere mortals, magic would blow them all way without trouble. Arrows arching through the air, the sparkle of an extraworldly power - yes.

What, neither was doing anything? Hmm... was it even worth it anymore? The feather-arrow girl had this sickly-sweet smell about her that was really getting bothersome. It reminded Caine of that time- Nevermind. At what seemed to be some sort of standstill now, his hands went to sketching, the most recent thing of importance: the feather. It was probably a good representation, not that he could see it, with as much detail as could be managed with his pen and the degrading paper.

But really, did Itex expect him to handle two people on his own? Especially when their own contact was late? Screw them for screwing up everything! Really, they should have been more competent than Kaden at least... Or was everyone in this world so idiotic? Caine pulled the second feather out of his painting and twirled it around in his hand. Not that either had even seen the painting... What to do next?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caine Strauss Character Portrait: Crow Character Portrait: Calanthia Rozenmare
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Calanthia, Crow, Caine Strauss, and ??? | Liron River Pier
(Post co-written by Nivosity, Cienpher and Witless)

"You are truly an idiot, Calanthia."

This was the ringing statement within Thia's head. It seemed she was way out of her league and judged the situation wrongly. The boy suddenly took out a feather out of nowhere. Scratch that. He took it out from his sketchpad from her observations. This was just great. She was caught in between two mask-wielders. Describing this situation as mere getting out of hand is quite the insult. She should have just walked on, minding her own business. But NO, she had to play hero and let her morality took precedence than her safety. Now, look what got her? Injuries all over her face and a broken phone which contained important contacts for her business.

Upon recalling that, Calla's self-preservation slightly lowered itself closely to a nil. The girl just broke her phone. Her connections to important clients which she has yet to save on her laptop. Furthermore, she now also remembered that the falling rain continued to drench her. Everything about this situation was annoying. She could already fill her temper beginning to grow out of proportions. More importantly, this twist of events reminded her one of the person, she hated above all.

"I have enough of this hocus pocus. This is all that guy's fault to begin with!"

At the end of her statement, Thia took out a small handgun she always carry with her. It was safely secured in one of her boot and without much hesitation shot two bullets. One flew towards the feather-throwing woman and the other one towards the boy who she had ought to save before. Her mind was now corrupt by her rage and she blames the irony of this situation to one man in the end. Unknown to her, there was another onlooker who was witnessing this events from a distant perch with such stunning red shoes.

The said onlooker, meanwhile, looked down at the scene with eyebrows raised. Her chin was propped in her hand as she leaned (rather dangerously) forward, near pitching over the platform of the water tower, in interest - for once reality had far exceeded her expectations. This wasn't some trick. This wasn't some stage show. This was an outright candid happening, and either cosplayers took things a step too far... or her eyes weren't deceiving her and this was unnatural - magical? Hell, no, that word held too many light and happy connotations for what she was seeing.

This was fascinating... and she had no doubt that her little stray package was meant for those bizarre, outlandish figures.

But what of that girl with the gun? Reckless. That one didn't seem to have a plan at all - looked out of place too. Probably wasn't meant to be there.

However, when two shots rang out through the pier, the mysterious onlooker tensed. 'That princess has a death wish,' she thought, before tucking the package into the large inner pockets of her long coat and springing into action. Some might have called her cazy, the way she simply leapt off the ledge... but then again, most people didn't realize that she wasn't one of those thoughtless people who called themselves 'spontaneous' like it was a title of honor. No, she planned her 'spontaneity' meticulously.

As she fell, she grabbed the length of the ladder, merely wincing when the old peeling paint cut into her palms as she continued her rapid descent. "Oi, costumed freaks!" she shouted, catching footing on a rung and spinning to face them once close enough to the ground. They would be able to see her clearly now, pale brown eyes, eager grin, free dark hair and all. Her striking red shoes were a clear contrast to the dull paint of the water tower ladder. Bracing herself, with her free hand she pulled out the package from the inside of her coat, flamboyantly as if she were pulling a rabbit from a hat. "Gotta delivery for'ya!"

"That guy?" It wasn't Caine. He hadn't known this interrupting woman before this. As she fired another projectile with a bang, Caine dove aside immediately. Suddenly, the sound of someone coming closer, hitting the ground from a fall; he turned to face the newcomer. "Oi, costumed freaks! Gotta delivery for'ya!" Finally. That person had taken far too long to arrive. And of course she would arrive when there was not one but two distractions that had to be taken care of first. Itex had better compensate for this... This was more than they had prepared him for, and they were the ones at fault.

"It's about time..." Caine raised his hands to the two disturbances and spoke, "Ningens." From his hands came a spray of ice shards, darting at their respective targets. Meanwhile, he began walking toward the delivery woman, his cane forgotten on the pier (no need to keep up the blind act), it returned to ink. This had better be worth it, or he'd be getting much better assurances from Itex that things would go as planned the next time. As he neared the newly-appeared (late) woman, "That's for me, if you would."

Crow was feeling quite irritated the entire time.

Flying gunpowder and lead was a despicable trick. No honor in civilians at all. And the complete lack of magic? Shocking. Hateful. Horrible. Drawing another arrow in hand, she threw it at the strange flying cylinder - and as magic was so much more precise, the two impacted perfectly. The strange object shattered into hundreds and hundreds of pieces, litering the ground. The arrow fell on the ground, before disappearing in a few sparkles of light.

Then, things became more complicated. Yet another... mundane mortal moron entered the scene, mocking magicians with her obvious tricks. Disgusting, indeed. But as soon as the reverberations of her voice faded away, she had to defend from yet another attack. This time...


Throwing up Avalon haphazardly, she was grateful to see the majority - no, all - of the ice shards hit the reflective waterfall and get enveloped by the force of the water, before melting harmlessly and joining the torrent. Of course, that also meant that whatever the guy was doing.

And why in the world did she protect the first complication in the first place?

Pale white eyes narrowed. "I don't like dying," she stated with a frown. "But no matter, bodies. You'll be there soon enough." She hated defending. Absolutely. Yes.

The self-proclaimed messenger quickly stopped her grin and merely quirked a brow at the young man who approached. "Hm, so you're the one they're givin' this mission to?" she mused, letting out a long whistle for emphasis. "Got your luck cut out for ya." With that final remark, she flung the (carefully resealed) package to the said costumed freak. Of course there wasn't really a mission, but she knew her stuff - set the scene and run with it. Mention it now and her false little message inside the box would be that much more credible.

What, at least it was more credible than some little stone shard.

"Anyway, mind fillin' me in on the scene here?" Flat expression, flickering glance to the young woman off scene. "The higher ups'll wanna know." Okay, and that last line was a risk - who knew where this crazy's position in the It... (Itek? Damn, she forgot) hierarchy was and for all she knew, he could be the higher up... but she was curious. What was this group? Hell, she was already going in blind, so she might as well go all out.

In a world where fudamentals of logic and illusions cross the dimensions of reality, Thia really wondered if what she had assumed as existing does not belong in the realm of truth. Perhaps, it was also the other way around. Well in any case, such lingering thoughts did not matter at the moment. What was importnat was the fact that her apparitions of destruction were flatten with the wave of magic.

"This is why I never agreed to such a thing in the first place."

The meaning of those words lost in translation in the folds of her consciousness. Moreover, ice shards as the only viable identification of those crystalline projectiles she could think of. Actually, there are those glass toothpicks, marble spears, and the likes. However, she hardly consider the fact that people who think of themselves so highly with just the mere magnification of their egoistic fantasies.would lower themselves with such things. Well perhaps, they would. She would never know and really did not care to expand on that topic anymore. For now, those projectiles from the boy headed towards her as well. It would be in her best interest to dodge. Yet, her reaction time would not allow it.

"Am I going to die like this?"

Without flinching, Thia's ash mauve eyes became vacant resembling that of a lifeless doll. An acceptance of fate? Or the denial of consequence? Whatever it may be, the said shards were enveloped in a liquid glass object. Regaining her earlier fragmented attention, she noticed it to be of water. Soon, it was washed away with the falling rain into the nearby river.

"Did she just save me?"

Looking towards the direction of the arrow-maniac girl, Calla was not certain what to think now. Furthermore, she now noticed an arrival of someone. From the look of things, this was something she never wanted to be part of. As of now, the cozy office at her store was beginning to be a place of heaven for her. In any case, she knows when she had to pay her dues and such.


It was spoken with a slight tone of appreciation but more of a begruding inclination. Well, this was the one who destroyed her phone and even caused her injuries from the get-go. Seeing as of now, this place was out of her league. It was not a place for humans like her and that is just that.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caine Strauss Character Portrait: Crow Character Portrait: Calanthia Rozenmare
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Witless
Caine Strauss, Calanthia, Crow, and ??? | Liron River Pier
(post co-written by Nivosity, Cienpher, and Butterfly Princess)

"Hm, so you're the one they're givin' this mission to?" Something was tossed to Caine, and he grabbed it. The box. The package. It was slipped in his bag, and his attention was turned once again to his opponents. The projectiles had been stopped with the sound of water, and of course the lack of cries of pain helped confirm that. Well, if that didn't work... "Fulmen." The hands turned once more to his opponents, and from them shot bursts of electricity.

With a startled gasp, Caine's hands jerked back at the shock. That was going to be more dangerous than normal... Why, was there water around beside the river? Had one of the others done something he hadn't noticed? Well, they'd react to this attack at least... Meanwhile, the messenger was speaking again.

"The higher ups'll wanna know." Hmm? This messenger wanted an explanation? Of what was happening? If the higher ups wanted to know, they could be told by him. And believe me, they'd find out what happened here... When I question the disappearance of the leader and the third on such an important mission. This was not supposed to have as many complications, and of course the higher ups would be told. But now was not the time to hold idle conversation.

Taking the box away from the meeting place, Caine broke into a run, the memories of Kaden telling him when to turn, as he tried to lose the others. Once it was secured, the delivery could be completed...

Angry out of her mind, Crow was not in the best of moods to deal at the incoming wave of energy. The muffled thanks was just to be expected, as she was the magician in this scenario - but really, she paid it no mind.

What was the best way to get rid of this mage?

The lightning bolt spread, jumping from drop of water to drop of water before - whelp, getting a little charred isn't going to do anything, right? Angling her body so that the least amount of surface area was facing the wave of energy, she made sure that her left hand was stuck at her side and was rewarded by a - albeit irritating - shock. The energy transferred directly down the right side of her body, making it feel temporarily numb.

But mind over body, so she shook off the effects pretty quickly.

Then dancing fingers plucked two arrows this time and slung them through the air towards the running mage. What a shame. Magic was rare enough, but killing the apprentice would be necessary. Allowing the two to weave together, this time making sure that the singing of the arrows was deliberately confusing and slightly disorienting, she saw the two feathers speed through the air - faster than last time - one right after the other.

The fake messenger could only watch as the eccentric young man hurried off with the package. "Tch, knew that was pushing it," she sighed... but no, she was far from done. Her attention was drawn to the other figure, who seemed to be readying some magical attack. It was too dangerous to step in, but too interesting to miss - she'd adopt a spectator's seat once more.

Something sparkling caught by her vision, Thia's attention as she angled herself sideaways. There she saw bolts of lightning heading towards them. She instinctively opted to dodge which she did at the nick of time. Although, she could feel the close call as it passed ever so closely to her face. The fizzle of the air among with the watery environment they were in rather added a logical effect to the lightning sent from the boy's hands. Thinking about it, she smelled something singed and noticed that some portion of her hair were not so lucky to dodge the tender licks of lightning.

However, before she could do anything about it. Another set of feathers were released by the woman who had protected her from the earlier attack. This time all she could do was watch in silence and worry if it would connect with its intended target. It seemed that her morality was once more battling within her once more.

More feathers. They'd never hit with that sound. That one wouldn't hit him... Caine dodged to the side, muttered the command to his next spell: "Obturberis morerisque," and a shimmering emanated from him. There. If they weren't distracted by- Ouch! There was? Another one? It had hit Caine in the shoulder, cutting and drawing blood... that would need to be covered up soon, or he'd be as easy to follow as, well, kids who left breadcrumbs in a forest.

As he was saying, if they weren't distracted by whatever distractions resulted from that... it wasn't called a shield for nothing. It would help him get away, though they wouldn't forget about him. All that mattered was that it lasted long enough for him to complete his delivery. The box was safe. It was with him. Now, he only needed a return to the chat room... Then Kaden could be back to clean up his mess, and all would be good. There was no need to look back to see if they were still chasing; they wouldn't be for long, but he'd find out soon enough.

Coldly, approaching the runaway apprentice boy, Crow -

What was that?

Turning her head to the side, her cold, empty white eyes glanced down at the creaking wood floor of the pier. It was an annoyance, something to be destroyed, yes. But, there was somehing that she could just not remember.

The dark haired human was some sort of clue, right?

Oh, the apprenti -


The red shoes were really obnoxious. Really. Maybe it would be better if Crow helped the girl out of them. And destroyed them for good measure. Crow, stepping forward to do just that, suddenly remembered the package that was whipped out so flamboyantly.

Where had it gone in the first place?

She just couldn't remember. Even thinking about it was hard -

What was going on?!

The false messenger, who had been enjoying the spectacle, noticed the peculiar shift in the air as well. Her smile faded as she narrowed her pale brown eyes - strange. There seemed to be something like... a glitch in her memory? She knew that something was amiss because there was a hole in the mental print of her plan. She never had holes in her plans.

Her attention was diverted by the sound of weight on pavement, someone stepping towards her. Potential danger. Move.

In almost a reflexive response, the outsider spun on her heel to face the other 'costumed freak' - the girl - keeping wary watch for sudden movements. See, this false messenger knew the street life well. She didn't even forget to smile and pretend like she was calm, even though she was far, far from it. Inside, she was frantically searching for the missing piece of the puzzle - it almost felt as if she wasn't supposed to, with everything else, every movement, every sight and smell assaulting her senses, but she wasn't about to just gloss over the glaring inconsistency in her thoughts.

What was she missing... maybe this other girl had some answers. Oh, it was dangerous for sure - what could she do when the enemy could use magic? But hell, she was willing to take the risk.

"Hey," she started with a tilt of her head. "You there, freak number two - mind filling me in on what just happened?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caine Strauss Character Portrait: Crow Character Portrait: Kaden Jannsen Character Portrait: Calanthia Rozenmare
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Calanthia, Crow, Caine Strauss, and ??? | Liron River Pier

It seemed that the boy was now escaping the scene. However, he did not leave unscathed. One of the feathers connected with his skin and the sight of blood made Thia feel an amount of guilt. Still remembering the earlier events, she justified it as something deserving for his likes. Which goes to say, the woman who seemed to suffer a certain amount of anonymity both in the mind and presence appeared to be bothered. Thinking about it, this woman might have saved her yet, it does not change the fact that she destroyed her phone from the very beginning.

Fortunately, Cala was not able to linger on the emotions of irritation as the mysterious woman who had suddenly appeared out of nowhere was now before them. Along with that, the woman had a question. She would have taken the initiative to answer the query. Unfortunately, she was not also certain what was going on or why did she ever think to intervene on the matters where magic and mumbo jumbo ruled the possibility of all things.

Caine looked behind him, pausing in his run and listening. There didn't seem to be anyone following him. Now was the time to stop this infernal bleeding, give an end to the trail that would lead them to him. He could spare some more time using this wasteful power, but he was getting tired, from lack of energy and lack of stamina. Blood loss wasn't really a factor; it was a minor wound. Caine brought out his sketchpad and drew once more: a roll of bandages, used to cover his wound, stop it from bleeding, and above all stop that blood from falling. With a gasp, he drew it out and applied it, getting rid of the excess as ink, mixing with water and new-fallen blood on the ground. His time here was running out, and this disastrous mission would have to be completed soon. There'd be no more interruptions. Not if he could help it.

The bleeding stopped, Caine continued a ways, stumbling here and there in his fatigue. But that magician... who was she? Not that it mattered... Far enough from the trail, he muttered "finis" and took out the writing tablet and headphones Kaden had instructed him with, that he'd used so often before. For the second time that day, Kaden signed into the Itex voice chat and spoke. "Moon, signing in. There were t- two complications. Neither of them Itex. And I can't say much about your messenger. Or the rest of our crew... Hanged Man and Hermit never showed. I have the package, though. Where to?" Someone had to be on, right? Someone who knew what was happening, what to do? Because Caine sure didn't, and his time here was running ever shorter.

Freak number two? What was that supposed to mean?

Her eyes flickered towards the calm smile that the second mortal wore. Somehow she had the feeling that she was being mocked. Yes, somewhere behind that smile was a joke at Crow's expense. She balled her hands into fists, colorless sparks flying from her fingertips. Then, taking a step forward, she licked her pale lips. Her voice came out absolutely neutral. "What do you intend, mortal?"

Her fingers twitched again, violently. It just didn't feel right not to be slinging arrows and pulverizing the bodies. But, with the hole in her mental facilties, she needed some cannon fodder. Who knew what was going on right now? And there was something important going on.

"Mortal?" the stranger echoed, before giving into a bout of snickering. Spinning on her heel, she turned away from the masked woman, throwing out her arms. "Ahh, Throme really has become more interesting!" the mere human exclaimed, laughing all the while. Glancing back, she added, “I don’t ‘intend’ to do anything. I’m more of the spontaneous sort, myself.”

Lies. She never acted thoughtlessly.

“Do tell me though. What do you intend to do, hm?”

Reckless and sometimes, stubborn, those were Thia's ever present traits. However, she was not an idiot not to to understand the there is trouble brewing between the lady with red shoes and the woman with magic syndrome. She was certain things could get ugly in an instant with one wrong move. Still, she had no more energy to interefere with anything at all. The recent events had drained most of her spirit and more importantly, she was too cold and too battered to care anymore. Why was she here anyway? This was not her jurisdiction.

"I will leave you two now but I suggest you two do the same."

In the distance, one could heard the closing sound of sirens. It would proper to conclude that those were police cars and all. Cala did not find that odd as they did cause some ruckus with all the explosion and all. Even with the falling rain that could be used to mask such noises. There ws still a distinctive sound to differentiate it. Adding to that ongoing increase of crime rates in the city, the citizen and its security forces are quite vigilant nowadays. Turning her back at them, she walked away but not before stopping midway.

"I hope to never see all of you again."

After stating that, Calla continued on her way without looking back. She definitely would need to take a bath and to remember never to interfere with anything again. This was going to be the last time she would have an encounter with Masks and such things called magic. She returned to the pathway above and continued on her way wanting to take a cab, After all, she had no more energy left to walk towards her home.

Yes. The mortals were really laughing at Crow. Her white eyes narrowed as she took in the two females that dared tell the resident magician what to do. What courage. Stupid courage. She refused to answer, merely -

The damn apprentice.

It was all his fault.

So there had to be some magic going on, if he was able to escape without anyone remembering anything. With balled fists and pursed white lips, Crow twirled on the ball of her foot away from the red-shoed stranger. How would she be able to find him now? He had left with something - something important. There had to be some clue that would lead straight to him.

All the same, before she made her escape, she took careful note of her two new 'acquaintances', committing to memory their faces, their figures, their movements... because in a small world and an even smaller city like Throme, one never knew who they'd run into again. She'd learned to be careful.

With that done, the stranger merely gave a mock salute before darting off away from the pier.

The setting changes from Liron River Pier to Cherry Grove Park

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crow Character Portrait: Kaden Jannsen
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#, as written by Witless
Image??? and Kaden Jannsen ; Cherry Grove Park

"Yes, indeed," she stated, extremely calmly, all the while slipping the package back into the folds of her cloak, not mentioning it or its displeasing contents. Now, with her hands free, she took the advantage to draw the hood more firmly down over her face. "Now, Moon," she said, addressing the boy carefully, "which of these problems have come to your attention?" She'd go further if she could, but at the moment, this was more than enough.

Problems? There had been a few. "A leader who neglects his duties and mission. Complications and third parties disrupting what should be secret meetings. A... compromised messenger, was it? To name a few. Yes, problems, those." Similarly to today, not all had gone perfectly in the past, but these were the most immediate of faults. At the very least, with his response, she might say more? Kaden paused again, to let this cloaked woman say what she would.

She seemed to find this interesting, tilting her head a fraction to the side. "Yes, those are issues. Interesting that they are the first that come to your mind." As she prepared to continue, a mechanical beeping started, and she retrieved a small, silver phone from her cloak. Looking at its screen for a single moment, she then turned her attention back to the Moon. "There are yet others which serve as the root of these complications. Other members of Itex itself."

That was a strange ringtone. Ah, wait, what had she just said? Members of Itex were the root of the complications? "I- I see..." That was... surprising, to hear someone admit that. Just what was going on? Deserters, disrupted missions, secret meetings, disorder and disorganization... but people seemed to be taking charge, and things could get very interesting. As long as Kaden didn't take the wrong side in whatever conflict arrived (for where else could this be headed?), he might have a chance to move up in Itex. It said something that this woman chose to talk to him. Either he had showed promise... or he was disposable. Either way, good work was normally rewarded, so it was best to take opportunity as it arrived.

Other than a slight movement of her head, the woman remained perfectly still before she started spinning her tale, but still made sure to keep her voice absolutely calm. "Itex has been led through thick and thin by a leader of uncommon grace and intelligence. But, there are some for whom the pursuit of power is more important than any of Itex's dreams. They have entwined themselves in the hierarchy, and have created problems in our organization. Moon, some of the problems that you have noticed have doubtlessly been as a result of their meddling. But now, they are no longer happy with merely messing up our operations, and have placed their eye on the ultimate prize." She paused to give her next words some emphasis, a little bit of emotion trickling through. "Itex itself."

"They mean to replace our most noble leader with one of themselves, twist the ideals of Itex, and destroy the organization for their own nefarious purposes. They mean to turn everything we hold dear into a laughingstock."

Kaden stood there, completely dumbstruck. It wasn't that it was completely unexpected; there was bound to be some explanation for Itex's recent mistakes. What was so surprising was that it was actually said, even to someone so low as him. How deep was this threat? A full-on rebellion? Replacing the leader with... someone else? Changing everything, destroying the organization, even? Or just adjust it, using- abusing the trust of lower-class Itex who would have no idea what was going on. Who were these people manipulating everything? And... had he helped them? Had they manipulated him through information unsaid, playing him on both sides of this internal war? What in the world was happening here? Kaden's mind was reeling, as he was trying to make any sense out of this. What were they doing? What had they done? What had he done? important was that package?

Still obviously surprised but recovered somewhat, Kaden finally got a few words out. "This- this can't be allowed. Destroying the- the very fabric of Itex? How? Who? I... yes, they must be stopped. But how?" His mind still couldn't make sense of the situation, but he could at least understand that he needed to help this woman. This organization had become his life, and letting it fall without putting up a fight... he couldn't do that.

"How, indeed," she murmured. "There are numerous solutions to this one issue, true. However, despite the horrible implications of such a... group, Moon, there is much to gain for remaining loyal to the Itex cause, if you would be able to keep yourself informed on the actions of those in your tier. There is always a chance that they have been corrupted by power, and it would do much good to exorcise these thoughts." Throughout this entire speech, the woman kept her voice soft - even though there were no other people in the park to hear her words.

"Yes..." Kaden had calmed down some, and his eyes had hardened as he considered what must be done, if it were to come to that. "Staying informed is often good, and corruption not. Now that I know, I can keep an eye out, see what I will. Do what I can. I suppose the chat is not so safe anymore... Keh." His mouth turned down in distaste; betrayers were the worst, and that his comrades had done so... they probably expected him dead, did they, so they could rise up even higher. Well, he was used to enemies, in some part. Just... these were more dangerous than those of the past...

She listened to what he had to say cautiously, before finally speaking herself. It seemed as though she was pleased by his answer, and her tone softened somewhat. "Moon, you may be correct about the chat's lack of security. Assuming that the events are as dire as they seem, the upmost amount of care is be utilized in all communication through the medium, as the rebels may use this to strike at Itex through yet more dangerous methods if otherwise."

Great. So nothing at all was safe. How in the world did the higher ups let this happen in the first place? Inadequate leaders, them... well, eventually things would change, and Kaden would help bring that change. He turned to ask a question, "Ah. Well then. How do you suppose - "

She turned around suddenly; the folds of her cloak flapped in the breeze as she raised one hand for her subordinant to be quiet. "No, Moon. Now is not the proper time for these questions. There shall be further communication in the future, but do make sure that your interests remain with Itex and should that not happen... there are a few complications that may occur." Then, without waiting for a reply, she walked off into the growing gloom, but not before a final word. "You are dismissed. Stay out of any tangles."

Kaden watched the woman leave with growing frustration. What was that last bit about? What had he done that made her think he'd, what... betray Itex or something? Whyever would he do something so crackbrained as that? He looked up into the dark sky, the rain still pouring down in the dark of night, now not making any difference. He was already soaked to the bone, and he'd likely catch a cold after all this was done. Nothing was going right for him, was it. First, that stupid Moon persona ignores the rain and leaves his umbrella in the theater, and who knows what happened to that expensive balloon... Then, only unexpected complications show up, for the blind Moon to deal with, himself. Now this woman brushes him off after a last-minute talk in the freezing rain. He couldn't get home fast enough...

Kaden trudged back to the subway station in the rain, not bothering about anything but hoping the warm and dry of inside would start getting him into a better mood. What a long night, and he hadn't even faced his parents yet!

He didn't realize it, but just as he had left the area, a certain pasty-skinned sorceror showed up. Twisting her fingers through the air, she pulled out a sparkling white feather and aimed it, whistling, through the air. It hit no one, and her displeasure was nearly obvious. Just where had that apprentice boy disappeared to after pulling his trick?

Still, it was growing late, so at long last, Crow ceased her wanderings around the now darkening Throme. Tomorrow would bring another clue... and she'd turn him into a human pincushion sooner or later.