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Mass Effect: Colossus Project

Mass Effect: Colossus Project


Good pay, exciting adventures, and full insurance plans are the benefits that the new recruits to the Colossus Mercenary Corp get. Though when a simple retrieval mission becomes something else will the new squad live to reap the benefits?

2,700 readers have visited Mass Effect: Colossus Project since guru101 created it.

CortezHorse are listed as curators, giving them final say over any conflict & the ability to clean up mistakes.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


Galaxies, exploration, battle, adventure, glory, money. If you are searching for these things in a job then join the Colossus Mercenary Corporation and become part of a giant. We are now looking to fill all spots in a squad and are taking applications at this time. If you are accepted into our organization then you and your fellow squad mates will be sent on a trial mission to retrieve a meteorite that has crashed into Arvuna. This is a simple retrieval mission and will show us your potential as a squad. More information on the mission will be given after your acceptance. Thank you for your interest in joining the Colossus Mercenary Corporation and have a wonderful day.

This role play will have nothing to do with Shepard, Cerberus, Reapers or most anything dealing with the Mass Effect story line. I am just borrowing the universe, the technology, and the aliens (excluding my surprise to all of you wonderful role players) for the role play. So if you want to play a game where you fight Cerberus, or fight against the reaper hordes then I apologize but this isn't that type of game. The story will be of my own creation taking hopefully minimally from the actual story of the Mass Effect games, yes that stuff will have happened and will probably be happening and if the rp goes on long enough may even effect my story but otherwise we probably wont touch the game. Also the time will be right around the end of Mass Effect 2 where reapers haven't attacked yet. Tech is the same with the cooling clips and such.

Ok for the character submissions I require a try out post and a character application. You can PM me both and if you get accepted then you can just copy and paste the character skeleton and submit it. For your try out post you will be writing with your character. Your character will enter one room where the walls are lined with every weapon imaginable from sniper rifles to high tech swords. You will then enter the virtual reality room where a training program of your choice comes on. Be creative and make the training program whatever shows your characters skills as well as your writing skills. I will be judging you on your writing abilities, character profile, as well as your past history. I understand that sometimes you get stuck into crappy rp's and can't post much into them but I'm tired of getting players that will drop out in 10 seconds flat so I'm going to do my research and make sure people I accept don't have a bad history of not sticking with role plays. You can write me the best intro post in the history of man but if you've got a bad attitude or have dropped out of your last 20 role-plays after only one post then your chances of being accepted are very slim.

Here is the outline for your characters job application.





Birth date (every member of Colossus Corp is allowed their birthday off):



Appearance (Please attach a picture here so the security personnel may have a reference to allow you access to our facility. If you have no picture then please provide a detailed description.):

Experience with weaponry (if applying for medical or engineering position then what equipment do you have experience with?):

Personality (We here at Colossus Corp wish our members to be able to work well together and co-exist peacefully):

Past work experience: ( you can write this live your character is being interviewed, you list past jobs, you can write a short work history. Whatever you want. Be creative.

You can check out my co-gm's application for her character. it doesn't have to be long and can be humorous if you want.

In order of importance of how I will be determining if I will accept you into the rp or not is

1. Past history with role plays and personality
2. Writing skill
3. Character profile
4. Time. If two people are of equal standing in my eyes and I can only choose one then I will have to go with the person who submitted their profile first.

Toggle Rules

Ahhh the rules page this, my friends, will probably grow and expand as the role-play goes on so expect more rules to pop up. I will inform you with an ooc post if I put any new rules up.

1. Be courteous, and respectful
2. Have high quality posts (spell check is not hard to come by anymore and you can Google a thesaurus if you have a problem with repeating words too much)
3. Do not act superior to any other role player. I don't care if you’re just some bum that's got good writing skills or a famous author you need to treat each other as equals and help each other in as respectful a manner as possible.
4. If you can’t handle constructive criticism then don't apply.
5. Be active in the OOC boards and keep track because I be making important announcements and if the rp drags on posting there will at least allow me to know that you are still alive.
6. Be dedicated to this rp. I want at least one post every other day but if you cannot then please inform me. If you have a good reason then I won’t mind. I understand that there is such a thing as a personal life and I have one as well. It's quite busy too since I'm a full time college student. So don't be scared of me, and if you’re going to drop out then please tell me before you do so that I can figure out a way to keep it from stopping the rp. I won’t bite your head off I promise.
7. If you have an idea as to how I can make the role play flow smoother then tell me =) I have no problem with people giving me ideas. This role-play is for your enjoyment so remember that.
8. If you have problems with another player then do talk it out with them in a civil manner. If need be then I can try and help settle the argument.
9. Post in the appropriate areas. If you’re in the space ship the post in the space ship. Not the planet, or jungle, etc.
10. READ EVERY POST! I cannot emphasize this enough. You need to read all posts.
11. RESPOND TO EVERYONE! If someone makes an action that should be noticed by your character then comment on that or at the very least make your character acknowledge the fact that they are ignoring them. You don't have to go into detail about your response but if someone talks to you then you NEED to either show that your character is intentionally ignoring them or respond. If someone jumps up, strips butt naked and then runs through the cafeteria yelling at the top of their lungs then you need to acknowledge that the character did that. How your character reacts, whether it be shock, humor, anger, apathy, or something else is totally up to you but you still need to react.
12. I will make an ooc category for the rules of battle.
13. swearing is allowed as long as it isn't excessive. you cant cuss like.... well Jack. Thats a prime example of what you cannot write like.
14. Romance is allowed, and even encouraged, as well as kissing and hugging but no sex. If you wanna go that far then do it over skype or something. As per the Role Play Gateways rules sex is not allowed.
15. When you post I require at least one paragraph.

Browse All » 6 Settings to roleplay in


Kronos by RolePlayGateway

Kronos is the ship the CMC mercenary squad uses. More information will be put up when I have more time.


Arvuna by RolePlayGateway

Arvuna is the moon of Dranen and a thriving water world.

Jiwa Island

Jiwa Island by RolePlayGateway

Beautiful beaches, lush forests, blue sky, and an even bluer sea make this island a beautiful vacation spot. The abundance of carnivorous wild life, and poisonous insects on the other hand make it a bit less inviting.

Colossus Mercenary Corporation HQ

Colossus Mercenary Corporation HQ by RolePlayGateway

The head quarters of the Colossus Mercenary Corporation

CMC HQ Lobby

CMC HQ Lobby by RolePlayGateway

The lobby of the CMC. On the 5th floor of the building it contains its own miniature casino and for this special occasion it has been closed down to welcome the new mercenaries.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


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#, as written by guru101
Draith walked into the private lobby and looked around taking in everything at once with his keen yellow eyes. The women were laughing and the slots were making their customary plinking sound but the Krogan couldn't stop to enjoy the festivities with the women, he had business to do. He made a B-line to the seating area where the large buffet and the new recruits were waiting. He didn't know how long they had been waiting there and honestly he didn't care. He turned to his companion, Ava, and raised his eye ridge in a questioning manner to her as if asking her what she thought. A Quarian, Geth, and a Turian on a team was one of the more unusual teams he'd had before but that wouldn't stop him from doing his job. Before Ava could give a reply to his silent question Draith walked over and addressed the group.

"Welcome to the CMC Head quarters. I was told that I was taking a new squad out to break them in and I'm assuming that would be you three" He said with a bit of distaste. "I am Urdnot Draith your squad leader, call me Draith, and this" he gestured to Ava behind him "is Avaline Walsh. Before you start asking questions I have a few things to say. I don't put up with back talk, you can disagree with me but if you disrespect me then I will not hesitate to put you in your proper place." He eyed all the new recruits for a few seconds before continuing "I am supposed to take you out on a mission to Arvuna, the water world, to recover a damn rock that one of our customers want. All I know is that it's a meteor comprised of various amounts of unknown metal, besides that I'm in the dark. So there's your mission briefing. We leave in two hours. Got anything else to add Ava?" he asked looking down to his companion


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Avaline followed behind her boss, Draith, as they made their way through the crowds of the casino. The sounds of coins and glasses clinking, light music and muddled conversation was everywhere. It wasn't noisy and erratic like, say, Afterlife on Omega was, this place was enjoyable. However Ava had always enjoyed the chaos of battle than a place like this so Omega really was more her scene. She stuck out like a sore thumb here, what with her ragged jeans, old boots, white shirt and facial piercings. Thankfully she wasn't alone in this sea of snoots, she could tell Draith was just as ready to get out of here and head below.

Their new recruits soon came into view and Ava couldn't help but raise an amused brow at the amount of diversity of the small group. It was like a fucking after school special or something, be sensitive to all races. The thought made her grin as they came to stand in front of the table and Draith began his usual, I give zero fucks about all of you and all I want is for you to listen and don't cause me trouble speech. He rambled through the brief of the mission in record time before addressing her. "I think you about summed it up my fearless leader. Any questions you got while Draith isn't around, come to me, got it? Good. So, follow along my dear lambs and rattle off any questions you have while we walk." As long as these three could stand Kyvar then they'd more than likely be able to stick around for the simple retrieval mission. The grungy batarian had a way of running everyone away though, which is exactly why he wasn't allowed to come on their first meeting trips.

The setting changes from CMC HQ Lobby to Mass Effect Universe

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#, as written by Nogond
Varal'zhan looked at the group as they walked of all the members in the group only one started a raging fire inside him. There was a Geth among them, "A GETH? Why is there a Geth here of l places." He thought. He looked at the geth to make sure that his eyes weren't deceiving him. It was still there so it couldn't be a illusion. He thought of what to do. Neither the krogan squad leader or the woman seemed to care that it was there.

His body became tense and he didn't know what to do, but he couldn't let this "thing" just walk there like he was one of them. He needed to do something. Clouded by anger Varal'zhan's biotics flared up and surrounded him in the usual blue field and he said in a slow and threatening voice, "Give me a good reason why there is a geth or by the homeworld I will crush it with my powers."

The setting changes from Mass Effect Universe to CMC HQ Lobby


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ragnarök Character Portrait: Draith Character Portrait: Varal'zhan
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0.00 INK

Ragnarök: He turned to the enraged quarian and began to speak in a cold, mettalic voice. "Through me the way is to the city dolent;Through me the way is to eternal dole; Through me the way among the people lost. Justice incited my sublime Creator; Created me divine Omnipotence, The highest Wisdom and the primal Love. Before me there were no created things,Only eterne, and I eternal last.All hope abandon, ye who enter in!" the huge geth then stretched to his full 12 foot height and continued among the group neither caring for nor noticing the clinking glasses and festive mood in the air, instead choosing to run through in his head the twelve possible ways to calm the quarian down. Ragnarok swiped a hand over his modified M-98 and waited whilst keeping his mind in fluid motion, reciting the inferno in his head as a sniper trick and keeping a vested intrest in the quarian.

The setting changes from CMC HQ Lobby to Mass Effect Universe

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Kyril looked up as he saw his two new "owners" walk in. According to the Warden, he'd been "bought" by some corporation. Next thing he knew, he'd been put through a very realistic simulation and then directed into this room. He'd been there the longest, having waited several hours and ordering several glasses of Turian brandy, supposedly on the house. Looking up, he saw krogan, a human, a quarian, and a geth. The last two were a very peculiar combination, and had a high chance of fatality for one of them. The krogan rambled on about some job they had been given, and then the rather sassy human made some remarks and told them to follow her. Maybe it was all the alcohol in his system, or perhaps he just didn't care, Kyril pulled out his M-12 and pointed it at the human.

" That so? And why should I even come along with you? I could kill both of you right here and leave. I don't know much that can survive a couple shots to the face."

The quarian and the geth had started bickering, and surprisingly enough, the quarian was a biotic. " And you two shut up, especially you flashlight head."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ragnarök Character Portrait: Varal'zhan
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0.00 INK

Ragnarök turned to the turian, unsuprised by the former prisoner's wariness of the "flashlight head". Angry at the moniker, he lashed out with lightning fast speed. First reaching for the M-12 with one hand, and sending the punch with the other, aiming straight for the nose ridge. Though his internal consensus had warned him about the consequences later, violence was the choice that he made now, the geth acting in rage, rather than logic.

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#, as written by guru101
Draith heaved a sigh and turned around when he heard "Give me a good reason why there is a geth or by the homeworld I will crush it with my powers." Before he could calm the Quarian that had spoken down though, Ragnarock the geth began to rant something that sounded like an insult at the Quarian. Before Draith could even begin to really process what was happening the Turian, Kyril he though his name to be, pointed a gun at Ava and began demanding to know why he should even come along with the group. Draith's eyes widened in anger at having a gun pointed at him but the anger turned to surprise as the Geth struck out a Kyril for his passing insult. Draith's temper snapped at that and he let out a roar or rage as his biotics flared into life around him. He cast a stasis field onto the group as a whole hoping that it would take a hold of everyone and would freeze them long enough to let him get a word in edge wise. He had never been disrespected this much by one of his groups before and he sure as hell wasn't going to let it happen now in a crowded casino with all the CMC workers watching him.

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Ava's eyebrows shot up in surprise when she heard the quarian, Varal she believed his name was, threaten to crush their geth teamate. Before either her or Draith could intervene in the age old argument, the geth began spouting nonsense then a gun was pointed at her head by the turian. Ok, what the fuck was going on here. Oh great, and now the geth is trying to fight with the turian! She gritted her teeth at the sheer lack of control their newbies were already showing and thankfully Draith flared his biotics in an attempt to seperate their bickering. Placing a hand on his shoulder, she locked eyes with him for a second before she began speaking quickly, hoping to disarm the situation before an all out brawl started in the middle of the crowd.

"What the hell do any of you think you're doing?! We're in the middle of a crowded, and I repeat crowded, casino with bystanders ALL AROUND! You can't even hold in your raging hormones until we get to our station below? You're all soldiers to some degree so act like it for god sakes! Jesus, mercenary doesn't mean a moron who will fight and bitch at any chance they get! And you" She faced the turian Kyril and folded her arms. "You really wanna pop one off in my head and end back in Purgatory then fine, by all means do so because that's exactly where you'll end up if you off me in front of, and once again I emphasize, this crowd you all have attracted. Be part of our team and earn wages you can spend how you want or go back to being a slave at that hell hole of a prison because frankly I don't care where you go. Now once again." She slapped an elevator button on the wall to emphasize her anger as she spoke and angrily gestured for them to enter the small box when it opened. "you can kick the shit out of each other AFTER we're out of the public eye." Damn, for once there was a huge fight and Kyvar hadn't been the source of it. He'd be sorely disappointed.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ragnarök Character Portrait: Draith
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0.00 INK

Ragnarök: He dropped his head, letting his sniper instincts kick in. Following the others to the elevator, he stood in the far right corner. Watching. Waiting. Finally choosing to speak, he spoke to Draith. "This different world we're going to...Why need a sniper in a remote jungle climate, with thousands of carnivorus species?" Two vanguards and a squad leader would suffice, but a sniper, A sniper'd only be of use if expecting heavy opposition and/or backup for a huge firefight. In case A, the Isle we are planning to go to is a heavily guarded paramilitary/mercenary outpost or base. In case B, another team or faction is also planning to get to our objective. Thoughts?" He folded his huge, massive arms and lifted his head briefly. If Geth had expressions, Ragnarök's would be of curiosity. Simultaneously, however, he was also downloading any available information on their locale to his omni-tool.

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Kuril listened to the human lecture him and then the geth attempted to smach him in the face. Although drunk, Kuril had been trained to fight for a very long time and survived much more lethal scenarios. With honed reflexes, he ducked the punch and stumbled back into the wall, waving his gun wildly. The Krogan had cast a statsis field stopping all of them. Running possible outcomes through his head, Kuril realized nearly every single one would end up with him dead, thrown back into Purgatory or another hellhole, or on the run from the law. After mulling over his predicament, he said,

" So you're saying that if I work for you, I'll get paid, and I won't ever need to worry about retuning back to the hellhole the Blue Sun's run?"

He felt the statsis field wear off and he holstered his gun, but all the same looked cautiously at the geth.

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#, as written by Nogond
Varal'zhan was still very angered. They never told him why there was a Geth there, but there was work to be done so in a more calm attempt to gain more knowledge he looked at the Geth and said, "Geth why are you here? I thought your "Kind" prefered my homeworld over the rest of the galaxy."

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Ragnarök responded in kind. "I am here, Varal'zhan, because I broke away from the geth collective. I am here as an individual, I am here as a fully sentient single geth unit. I am here as a sniper. I am here because I want to be. My name is Ragnarök" He rose back to his full 12 foot height and let them take in the fact that he was clearly a modified Geth Prime. "I know your name, Varal'zhan, because I downloaded your file. Check your omni-tool, I sent you mine." The huge geth sat back on his haunches and began to truly take in their casino surrounding. Batarians were cheating at poker, credit chits were being thrown about like frag grenades of old. Ragnarök noticed 12 different spaces he could kill anybody from and not get caught. Security was lax here in the casino, but he had the suspicion that there was far, far more security where they were headed. Rising back he sent his file to everyone else's omni-tool. Then the huge Geth began to speak. "My name is Ragnarök. I am one of the few fully sentient single geth units in existence, with 13,000 programs in me. I was origionally platformed as a Geth Prime. Legion came along and modified me into a Geth Prime Sniper. I am the only one in existence. Questions?"

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Arcs are bundles of posts from any location, allowing you to easily capture sub-plots which might be spread out across multiple locations.

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You can create Quests with various rewards, encouraging your players to engage with specific plot lines.

Add Setting » 6 Settings for your players to play in

Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!


Kronos by RolePlayGateway

Kronos is the ship the CMC mercenary squad uses. More information will be put up when I have more time.


Arvuna by RolePlayGateway

Arvuna is the moon of Dranen and a thriving water world.

Jiwa Island

Jiwa Island by RolePlayGateway

Beautiful beaches, lush forests, blue sky, and an even bluer sea make this island a beautiful vacation spot. The abundance of carnivorous wild life, and poisonous insects on the other hand make it a bit less inviting.

Colossus Mercenary Corporation HQ

Colossus Mercenary Corporation HQ by RolePlayGateway

The head quarters of the Colossus Mercenary Corporation

CMC HQ Lobby

CMC HQ Lobby by RolePlayGateway

The lobby of the CMC. On the 5th floor of the building it contains its own miniature casino and for this special occasion it has been closed down to welcome the new mercenaries.

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Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


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Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

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By marking a character as abandoned, you can offer them to your players as pre-made character sheets.

Character Portrait: Kyvar
0 sightings Kyvar played by CortezHorse
Character Portrait: Avaline Walsh
0 sightings Avaline Walsh played by CortezHorse

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in Mass Effect: Colossus Project. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

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View All » Add Character » 7 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Draith
Character Portrait: Kuril Mindon
Character Portrait: Varal'zhan
Character Portrait: Ragnarök


Character Portrait: Ragnarök

Modified Geth Prime; Sniper of the team.

Character Portrait: Varal'zhan

"You have no idea what I have gone through."

Character Portrait: Kuril Mindon
Kuril Mindon

Huh? Alright, fine..just don't send me back there. ( Medic)

Character Portrait: Draith

Squad leader


Character Portrait: Ragnarök

Modified Geth Prime; Sniper of the team.

Character Portrait: Kuril Mindon
Kuril Mindon

Huh? Alright, fine..just don't send me back there. ( Medic)

Character Portrait: Varal'zhan

"You have no idea what I have gone through."

Character Portrait: Draith

Squad leader

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Ragnarök

Modified Geth Prime; Sniper of the team.

Character Portrait: Varal'zhan

"You have no idea what I have gone through."

Character Portrait: Draith

Squad leader

Character Portrait: Kuril Mindon
Kuril Mindon

Huh? Alright, fine..just don't send me back there. ( Medic)

View All » Places


Kronos by RolePlayGateway

Kronos is the ship the CMC mercenary squad uses. More information will be put up when I have more time.


Arvuna by RolePlayGateway

Arvuna is the moon of Dranen and a thriving water world.

Jiwa Island

Jiwa Island by RolePlayGateway

Beautiful beaches, lush forests, blue sky, and an even bluer sea make this island a beautiful vacation spot. The abundance of carnivorous wild life, and poisonous insects on the other hand make it a bit less inviting.

Colossus Mercenary Corporation HQ

Colossus Mercenary Corporation HQ by RolePlayGateway

The head quarters of the Colossus Mercenary Corporation

CMC HQ Lobby

CMC HQ Lobby by RolePlayGateway

The lobby of the CMC. On the 5th floor of the building it contains its own miniature casino and for this special occasion it has been closed down to welcome the new mercenaries.

CMC HQ Lobby

CMC HQ Lobby Owner: RolePlayGateway

The lobby of the CMC. On the 5th floor of the building it contains its own miniature casino and for this special occasion it has been closed down to welcome the new mercenaries.

Colossus Mercenary Corporation HQ

The head quarters of the Colossus Mercenary Corporation


Mass Effect Universe Arvuna Owner: RolePlayGateway

Arvuna is the moon of Dranen and a thriving water world.


Mass Effect Universe Kronos Owner: RolePlayGateway

Kronos is the ship the CMC mercenary squad uses. More information will be put up when I have more time.

Jiwa Island

Arvuna Jiwa Island Owner: RolePlayGateway

Beautiful beaches, lush forests, blue sky, and an even bluer sea make this island a beautiful vacation spot. The abundance of carnivorous wild life, and poisonous insects on the other hand make it a bit less inviting.

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Re: Mass Effect: Colossus Project

Is this rp still going? I'd love to join, given permission of course.

Re: [OOC] Mass Effect: Colossus Project

ok the role play is starting in two days! I'll be sending out pm's on monday to remind everyone.

Re: [OOC] Mass Effect: Colossus Project

were going to wait until the 10th then start up or before if we have filled all the positions. Don't worry I'm not going to let this rp die off before even starting but I want at least two more people before I'll feel comfortable starting =). trust me I hate it when roleplays die before they even start so I wont let it happen.

Re: [OOC] Mass Effect: Colossus Project

so have any other people signed up or are we going to start?

[OOC] Mass Effect: Colossus Project

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Mass Effect: Colossus Project"

Hello everyone! Please I encourage all to post on the ooc. Ask questions, give suggestions, talk amongst yourselves, make friends, have fun!