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Giovanni Napoli

0 · 609 views · located in Masuta Academy

a character in “Masuta Academy”, as played by SugarPlum22


General Information


Giovanni (Gio) Napoli



Blood Type

Family Business

3rd Year


Hair and Eyes
He has taupe-colored eyes and dark blue hair.

Dressing Style
Varies from all types of different outfit styles. Comfortable to formal to lazy-day wear.

Weight and Height
61 kg (135 lbs) and 192 cm (6'2)





Giovanni is a popular boy for his friendly side. Although he tends to get in trouble for falling asleep or sometimes eating his lunch in class. He also teases Camryn a lot. Despite his playful and teasing nature, Gio has shown a considerable amount of kindness - especially towards those he cares for. Despite his popularity, he has never once had a girlfriend. Roland has pointed out that his "friendly" nature to everyone (mainly girls) may eventually hurt the one he will really care for (a girlfriend/a girl he likes or likes him).



Paris, France



Extra Info
On the basketball team, Co-Captain.
Has a white cat named Pui.

In School: English 3, Trigonometry, Modern World Studies, Physics, Game Design, Cooking
After School: Dance, Basketball

So begins...

Giovanni Napoli's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katherine Prescott Character Portrait: Sasha Pavlichenko Character Portrait: Eliab Othniel Character Portrait: Camryn Shaffer Character Portrait: Roland Croisseux Character Portrait: Giovanni Napoli
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Roland Croisseux and Giovanni Napoli

Roland had been in basketball practice for half an hour. While most of the teammates were practicing passes and free throws, he and is Italian friend, Giovanni, were doing a one on one match against each other. Once it was time to leave, the two friends headed off into the locker room to grab their things. Then they went back to the dorms to take a shower.

After feeling refreshed and clean, Roland ignored his homework and instead he went and “borrowed” his dad’s car, a 1969 ZL1 Camaro. He drove out of the Academy’s front gate and into the city of London.


Camryn Shaffer

After a half hour of cheer leading practice, Camryn went back to her dorm room to take a shower and change. She really didn’t like cheer-leading, but Roland wanted her to do it since he was the “all-star” basketball player at the Academy, plus her master. Once she showered and a change of a new set of clothes were taken care of, she got started on the small amount homework, knowing Roland wasn't going to do his and take hers before class began to copy it.


Sasha Pavlichenko

After her Photography class, Sasha went back to her dorm to compete the little homework she had. “I need to find a master, or mistress, I was going to ask that one girl. What was her name? Oh yeah Asami, but it seemed like she went back home. I think she couldn’t handle everything yet because of her health problems. She thought out loud, leaning back in her desk chair.


Katherine Prescott

Katherine opened her eyes, hearing a boy’s voice complimenting her on how she played. When she turned around on the seat, Eliab was sitting down a bit away, with a guitar next to him. “Oh, thank you.” She smiled, a little blush from the applause fazed onto her cheeks. She got up and walked over to Eliab, taking the empty seat that was next to him. “You like the guitar, right?” She said, glancing down at the guitar.

The setting changes from London, England to Masuta Academy


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katherine Prescott Character Portrait: Sasha Pavlichenko Character Portrait: Charles Aaron Character Portrait: Rebecca Othniel Character Portrait: Eliab Othniel Character Portrait: Camryn Shaffer
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Katherine Prescott

Placing some money on the table, Katherine along with Eliab and Rebecca got up and left the little poetry pub. As they were walking down the street, Kat was thinking about what they could go see. "Let's see now…." She muttered to herself, slightly looking up to the sky. She almost continued walking on without noticing that the Othniel siblings had stopped. It wasn't until she heard the two laugh, that she noticed they were petting a French bulldog, or at least Eliab was.

Kat went back over to the two. She gave a little chuckle hearing Rebecca say that her brother was an animal whisperer. "That's quite a talent. Tell me. Do the animals whisper back?" She joked, as they started walking down the street again.

When he inquired any particular thing she wanted to see, Katherine shook her head. "No, not really. I mean, of course I want to see like everything. But I just don't know what." She said, her Finish accent coming through. She was now listing places off in her head. There's Big Ben, the London Eye, Buckingham Palace. "Tar…Traf..lgar…Trafalagar…Square…" She murmured, trying to pronounce the place. Tower Bridge, Hyde Park "No it's too late for a park…"

With a sigh, Kat hung her head in defeat. "I have no idea…I chose the poetry pub place. You guys decided where to go next." She lifted her head to look at the two.

Roland Croisseux and Giovanni Napoli

Roland cracked his neck, something out of habit, before looking at Charles. "I always act like a bloody idiot!" He joked, placing his left foot on one of the empty chairs and his left elbow on top of his knee, while resting his chin in the palm of him left hand. His right hand was on his hip, as he glared down at the red-haired boy.

"Listen. I don't take orders form an underclassman. Ya'got that!" Ro scowled, as he was poked again with the crutches. "Look here you…" He ceased ahold of the crutch, but Giovanni was quickly able to take it away from him.

"You did have a bit more drinks than you said." Gio lightly said, his hand on Roland's shoulder. "Ro, come on. Let's just go." He handed Charles the crutch back.

With a 'tsk' from Roland and a jerk of the head, he removed his foot from the chair and turn to leave with Giovanni. A sigh of slight relief escaped Gio as they left, since he was able to prevent a fight that would of ended badly for Charles.

Sasha Pavlichenko

"I'm glad there was no fight…" Sasha said, as Charles took the other empty seat. "I mean, don't get me wrong you look like you could take him. But having crutches right now, would of put you at a slight disadvantage." She told him, with a shrug.

After the sour mood lifted, Sasha smiled scanning the menu. "What to eat, what to eat…" She was looking at two items: the Herb Spaetzle and the Chestnut Pasta. Not knowing which to get.

Camryn Shaffer

Thankfully Roland did as he was told in the morning. He dropped Camryn off at the hotel her family was staying at, only to drive back to the Academy to pick up Giovanni and go out drinking again. Sometimes Cam wondered why she put up with his crap.

Cam had spent the past five and a half hours with her family, catching up and whatnot. She said her goodbyes and made note to stop by next weekend for her mother's birthday.

Leaving the hotel, Camryn had to pause, as a not-so-familiar boy bowed his head in front of her and said "Konnichiwa, Camryn-senpai."

Cam knew little Japanese, but she knew 'Konnichiwa' meant 'Hello'. "Ah, hello to you too." She smiled, though feeling a bit bad she didn't know the boy's name. "I'm sorry, but what's your name?"

Léon Croisseux

Léon was working in his office, or at least was suppose to be working in he office. Instead, the Headmaster was out tending to his privet garden in the greenhouse. There were piles upon piles of unread and untouched paperwork scattered across his whole office space. Most likely, you couldn't even see the floor because of all the papers and books laying around.

Léon knew he had to get the preparations ready for the Back-to-School dance that'll be held next Friday. But the lazy Headmaster felt no need to rush these things. As he would rather spend time in his garden than anything else.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katherine Prescott Character Portrait: Sasha Pavlichenko Character Portrait: Charles Aaron Character Portrait: Rebecca Othniel Character Portrait: Eliab Othniel Character Portrait: Camryn Shaffer
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Eliab Looked at his watch and saw the time. "Well, since we don't have time for a park, we might as well head back to campus."

This gave Rebecca an idea. "And, why don't we head over to Eliab's dorm? We'll have time before curfew for something."

Eliab gave a questioning look towards his sister. "Hva er vinkel med dette?" What's your angle with this?

Rebecca smirked. "Ingenting. Det er bare du fikk noen hyggelig gizmoer som du brukte til å prank meg. Jeg er sikker på at hun ønsker å ta en titt." Nothing. It's just you got some nice gizmos that you used to prank me. I'm sure she'd like to take a look.

"Hva om ting du brukt på meg, da?" What about the stuff you used on me, then?

"Kanskje neste gang." Maybe next time.

Over at Eliab's dorm, Rebecca began showing Kat the different gadgets her brother used in pranks, much to Eliab's annoyance. He knew she was trying to help, yet he also realized she could take things a little too far, sometimes.

Rebecca brought out one of her favorites that was used on her. "This one just cracked me up when it activated! I stepped on the button without realizing it while practicing on my own for gymnastics, and down came these fake waffles from so many different directions, and afterwards came a recording being played. It was from a scene in an episode of Invader Zim!"

She brought out the recorder and played the exact thing she was talking about: Gir going, "Guess who made waffles?"

Eliab could not help but laugh along with Rebecca, then say, "Kind of funny you thought it was hilarious, considering how dedicated a gymnast you are."


Charles grit his teeth at how Roland was about to fight him in a restaurant, of all places, let alone while the half-Scotsman was in no condition for such a confrontation. Not only that, but taking someone's crutch away? That was low, and it seemed to have sealed Charles' dislike towards the person. It was great that Giovanni was there to intervene, which meant at least one of the two he could trust.

Agatha, though, at the moment of seeing a near-confrontation, froze stiffly as she heard the voices of hatred in Athens, all over again in her mind. The particular memory was of when her grandfather on her mother's side, whom was still alive, pointed his cane at one of the anti-Turk advocates with an explanation of how Jesus demanded love even for enemies, only to have his cane snatched from him and nearly used to smack him upside the head while being branded a traitor. Thankfully, nobody was hurt, that day, but it caused quite a riot in town due to people being outraged at the idea of attacking an elderly person. The poor Grecian young woman only got out of her day-nightmare when Charles poked her in the shoulder before sitting next to Sasha.

When Charles looked at the menu, he spotted a particular type of wine on the menu (which is a bit on the sweet side and semi-sparkling). "Ah, so they have Moscato here, eh? One won't hurt, and I'm not going to overdo it like that French idiot, whom was begging for trouble from both the owner of this place and the cops!"

Agatha interjected with, "You were kind of egging him on my poking him, though..."

"True. Well, anyway, let's forget about that." What am I saying? This will stay with me for a while.

Agatha went with a root beer (since she never got used to the alcohol in the wines she saw fellow Greeks drinking back in Athens), plus some Sorrentina. Charles, on the other hand, ordered a glass of Moscato and a plate of Piadina, which was basically Italian Flatbread, this one having Fontina and Prosciutto included on there, as well as tomato and basil, among other things. Charles used the time all three had to come up with wacky thing to talk about to make the ladies smile and possibly laugh, including a moment where someone misunderstood that he was referring to a baby bird when he said "chick".

"You should have seen the lad's when he realized what I actually meant! Absolutely priceless! That's the dumbing down of society for you!"

Agatha, after some hard laughing, nodded. "Without a shadow of doubt!"

Once everyone was finished, Charles paid for everyone's meals, pluss added the tip, and called for Kenneth (his uncle's chauffer), to pick them up. Once he hung up, he glanced over, with a mischievous smile, towards Sasha. "Don't have to worry about paying for a cab ride, this time."

Waiting along the curb, they spotted the limo, a slim man who appeared to be in his late thirties coming out of it to open the door for the trio. "You know the etiquette, sir."

Charles chuckled with eyes rolling, "Yeah, I know, Kenneth. It's not like I forget to use such manners or anything, but anyway..." The red-head stepped aside. "Ladies first."

Agatha decided to let Sasha go in first, stepping right behind her before Charles got in last. And, of course, what ride with Kenneth would not be complete without the two guys teasing each other along the way? Among other things teased about was how Charles's hair (which stopped at the shoulders) could possibly make people mistake him for a girl, which always brought laughs to both of them.

Charles shrugged. "It's always like this between Ken and I."



Akira placed a hand behind his neck in embarrassment. "Oh! Gomen'nasi! I forgot to introduce myself!" Looking back at Cameryn, he stated, "Well, anyway, my name is Akira Sasaki." He held his hands up in protest. "And no, the Vice Headmaster is my aunt, not my mother. I tend to get that a lot, so I'm just pointing it out so we're clear." Lowering his hands, he added, "Anyway, I think we have the same dance class, don't we? As well as a couple others before that?"

True to what his first name implies, Akira is indeed smart, which showed in his being in Trigonometry class with the girl. He was also in her Physics, Cooking, and Modern World Studies classes. Granted, Akira could cook, though he was not yet familiar with non-Asian dishes, having learned mainly how to cook Japanese meals before transferring to Masuta Academy. As for sports, he mainly played baseball (try-outs were next week).

Looking at his watch, he knew Aiko (his aunt) would arrive at the spot he was told to be at, soon. "Well, it's close to time, so you want to come along with me? Where she's picking me up is not far from here. It beats waiting for a cab, anyway, even if marginally." Facepalming himself, he gave an explanation. "A word of warning: Aunt Aiko finds it hard to resist whatever she finds cute. In that sense, she is pretty annoying."


Image Image

Aiko winded up organizing Leon's papers all day, which was such a drag. She knew the headmaster slacked off, yet she never imagined he'd leave such a mess in his laziness. At this point, he definitely could not handle it all on his own. It was honestly rather fortunate thawt Aiko was organizing things for a student council of representatives from different clubs (teams counted as clubs, as well) meant for organizing events and such, which would alleviate some of the burden off Leon's shoulders, aside from finances, disciplinary action on troublemakers, scheduling, and some other stuff not covered by the student council, that is. She believed she finally had everything thought out, except for one thing: who to nominate as Student President, Student Vice President, Student Secretary, and Student Treasurer. She would work out the details, later. For now, at least, everything was organized.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katherine Prescott Character Portrait: Sasha Pavlichenko Character Portrait: Charles Aaron Character Portrait: Rebecca Othniel Character Portrait: Eliab Othniel Character Portrait: Camryn Shaffer
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Katherine Prescott

"Ah, alright. But I need to...go and do something at around 5. So, I'll be leaving then." Katherine informed the two.

On the way back to the Academy, Kat stared out the window of the cab. The Othniel siblings were talking about something to each other in Norwegian. She was too busy planning out things in her head than to pay attention to what they were saying.

At Eliab's dorm, Rebecca was showing the brunette all the different gadgets that Eliab had used in pranks on her. A few of the gizmos were quite interesting. Much more complex and well thought out that how she and her brothers pranked each other.

Rebecca looked like she really loved explaining what each of the machines did. In fact, it seemed like she was the only one talking. Eliab had commented now and then, but Rebecca was doing much of the talking. Not that Katherine minded, even though she felt comfortable around the two, she couldn't help but be her shy self and stay quiet. Only joining in slight conversation when she was addressed to.

When Rebecca brought out one of, what she called, her favorites; she seemed to enjoy telling what it did. Playing the little recording afterwards, the three started laughing.

Kat's phone buzzed in her pocket. She took it out and turned off the alarm. It was almost five. She got up from her place on the floor and put her phone back into her pocket. "Well, it looks like it's time for me to get going." Pausing to look at the two. "Thank you for having me over, Eliab." She smiled, giving her head a little bow, before she went out of the room.

The brunette was back in her own dorm, but only for a second. She already had everything she needed together, so all she had to do was grab her stuff and go.

Katherine was on her way to the lake in the forest, which almost surrounded the whole Academy. Her shoes lightly clicked along the wooden pathway. She glanced up at the sky and frowned a bit. "It better not rain..." Muttering to herself, as she reached the lake. Though it was only a thirty minute walk to get there, it took her almost an hour because of the stuff she had with her.

Kat had a case, almost the size of herself, and a backpack. She placed them down and opened the case, taking out a folded up easel. Setting up the easel, she also took out a small folding chair and a canvas. She put the canvas on the easel and the chair in front of it. Sitting down, she grabbed the backpack and unzipped it. Inside was an assortment of different colored paints and pastels, brushes and pencils.

"Alrighty, finally ready." She told herself, looking at the view in front of her. The sun was setting behind her, casting a cotton candy pink color across the sky. The moon rose up just above the trees that were behind the waterfall. It was a full moon, supposedly to be the closest to the Earth. There was no wind, but there were rain clouds coming in. "Better get started..." She mumbled, beginning her painting by sketching out the details of everything before it got dark.

Sasha Pavlichenko

Sasha decided to get the herb spaetzle with some water. She wasn't really a soda or wine person. So she usually got water or lemonade at restaurants. The food seemed to come in no time. As they ate, Charles talked about the most random of thing, causing the girls to laugh and smile.

When they were done, Charles was the one who paid for their meal, despite Sasha's plead to let her help pay. She wasn't use to letting others, mainly just non-family members, pay for things she got. For example, going out to eat. She would always either pay for her own food or pitch in some.

The three were now outside, waiting for their ride, which Charles had set up."Well than, that's the last time I'll ever handle the transportation when you're around, Charles." She smiled, chuckling lightly to herself.

Seeing the limo surprised Sasha. She kept forgetting that the Academy was mainly filled with rich students. Not that she really cared. She was the first to enter the limo, Agatha getting in after her, than Charles.

The ride back to the Academy was one filled with more laughter. Sasha had agreed with Kenneth on when looking at Charles from the back, he really did look like a girl.

Camryn Shaffer

Camryn let out a little laugh as the boy seemed to be a bit embarrassed. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Akira. I'm Camryn, but I guessed you already knew that." She smiled, as he told her that the Vice Headmaster, Aiko Sasaki, wasn't his mother but his aunt. "Ah, I was just about to ask that."

Thinking for a moment, Cam nodded her head. "Yeah, I think I've seen you in almost all my classes. Except for cheer. Unless you're a cheerleader disguised as a female, to avoid the embarrassment of being a male cheerleader." She laughed at that.

"Already?" Camryn questioned, as Akira inquired that it was almost curfew tome for the Academy. "I guess I could use a ride back. Roland's suppose to come and pick me up. But knowing him, he most likely got himself drunk off his ass somewhere." She sighed, shaking her head lightly.

The wait for the Vice Headmaster wasn't a long one. But before Aiko got there, Akira informed Cam that his aunt was very fond of cute things. "So, what I'm getting at is that you think I'm cute." She said, nonchalantly.

Once Aiko arrived, Camryn quietly got in the car. A minute or two after they started the ride back to the Academy, Cam looked over at Akira. "Hey Akira. This may sound like an odd request, but remember we have our cooking class test sometime next week. The one where we need to learn a new dish we've never done before on our own? You know how to cook Japanese style. Right? I was wondering if you'd like to help me out on a Japanese dish. In return, I can help you on an Australian dish."

Roland Croisseux

When Roland and Giovanni got back to Ro's. Gio decline Rolands offer to stay and hang out some more. Instead, Gio took his car keys and left the room.

He was now laying across he bed. He had papers scattered out all over. By the look of it, he seemed somewhat sober. He was copying down Camryn's notes and homework that his missed and didn't do. Music was blaring to keep the annoying sound of silence away.

Not so surprisingly, Roland finished copying Cam's stuff in no time. He was now left with nothing to do. So he decided to go practice in the gym until it was time for the Academy to locked. He quickly changed into his uniform, turned off his music and left.

After practicing alone for half an hour, Ro texted Giovanni to come and join him. As he was bored being alone.

Giovanni Napoli

After getting back to the Academy, Giovanni decided to take a shower. Once done, he went over to his desk and started on hie homework. He didn't have a lot to do, so he finished pretty fast. He received a text from Roland, telling him to change into uniform and go to the gym.

Having nothing else to do, Gio changed into his basketball uniform. He head over to the gym so he could practice a little with Roland. They couldn't stay long, as the school was going to close soon and curfew was just around the corner.

Léon Croisseux

It was almost time to close the front gates for the Academy. Well, there was still about two hours before he had to do so. Léon headed back to his office, locking up he private garden as he left.

Upon entering his office, Léon noticed it was slightly cleaner and organized than how he left it. "Hmp...Aiko must of came in here to get something, but ended up cleaning...As always." He took quick look around and frowned. "Now where did she move my coffee cup?"

The Headmaster searched his office trying to find his cup. The thought of Aiko might have taken the cup to wash it, didn't cross his mind. It was a light blue cup with a pink bunny print on it. How and why he has such a cup is a mystery to everyone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katherine Prescott Character Portrait: Sasha Pavlichenko Character Portrait: Charles Aaron Character Portrait: Rebecca Othniel Character Portrait: Eliab Othniel Character Portrait: Camryn Shaffer
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((I'll have to separate this into two posts because my reply is so big.))

Rebecca went to the sports area and changed into her red leotard she always wore for practicing. After coming out, she gave a quick glance towards the basketball room and noticed two tall boys practicing basketball in there. She has seen the black-haired one flirt with other girls before, which was kind of funny to her since it told her the guy was not her type (if she even had one). After some personal practice in the gymnastics room, it eventually hit her that her brother was jogging within the forest, just off campus. With the weather that was forecasted on TV, Eliab could get wet. She thus went back to the girls' lockers and grabbed her stuff, only bothering to put some sports pants of hers over the lower portion of her leotard before she went outside.

Once outside the sports building, she put on her raincoat in case of rain, then made her way towards the forest in a hurry. Being a gymnast, her tremendous strength and endurance (for her age and size) enabled her to not tire out as easily as most of her peers. Why'd you pick this time, of all times, to go for that jog, big brother? Where did you head off to over there?


Speaking of whom, Eliab was already deep in the forest by the time the rain clouds came, which he noticed starting to form. Well, I guess I better get back to my dorm before it rains. Walking along the wooden pathway, he spotted someone in the distance. One push of his glasses closer to his eyes, and he was able to make out who it was. Why is Katherine laying down when there's an easel there she could be working some art on? It doesn't seem like her, to my knowledge. Oh, well. I better stick with her and make sure nobody takes advantage of her or anything else harmful like that. Out here, there isn't any surveillance, meaning things could go wrong if not careful.

Walking a little closer, he called out with a grin, "Katherine, I don't think that is the best of spots to be taking a nap! We need to get going, anyway; it will rain, soon!" No response. Not even the slightest bit of movement, as far as he could tell. Eliab's heart sank at the realization there was something terribly wrong with the situation. Inching closer while surveying his surroundings in case of a stalker, his anxiety built up. "K-Kat!? Y-You all right!?" Once he was close enough to see more clearly the brunette's condition, his eyes widened in shock.


Meanwhile, Charles opened the limo door for the Agatha and Sasha to come out. Agatha nodded with a small grin at how gentlemanly the boy could be. Now that the Grecian girl thought about it, that boy, clearly Italian by the accent, who kept a fight from breaking out earlier was sort of nice, too, even if he was drunk, at the time. Agatha saw plenty kinds of drunk during the wild nights in Athens, and she supposed the Italian boy's drunkenness was more a happy drunk than one which could induce violence. That thought brought her some relief. Granted, she would never drink, herself, for health reasons. However, maybe that person that was with Ro could at least become a good friend.

Charles walked with both Agatha and Sasha for a bit to be sure nobody hit on them or anything like that. If he knew one thing, it was that shallow guys often picked targets that were not already accompanied by other guys. He certainly did not want a repeat of what happened at the restaurant. Once at the front door to the girls' dorm, Charles stopped and grinned softly. "Well, lassies, looks like from here, you two should be okay. With rain coming soon, I think the lads would rather be in their own dorms. Besides, with it getting closer to curfew, well, you know. See you later."

Agatha waved lightly before glancing towards Sasha. "Well, this was an interesting day, was it not?" After waving to Sasha, she went to her own dorm, where she still had that bag from the candy store she and Andrew went to the evening they met via Anna-Beth. She doubted she would be throwing it away at any point, as it was a keepsake to her since her time with Andrew was so special. With homework completed early, the teenaged half-Greek girl took a shower before slipping into her pajamas for the night, which was simply a shirt which kept her hands out of sight and went halfway down to her thighs. Holding a stuffed kitty in her arms, she went to sleep.

((I'll wait on your post before mentioning the others. I tagged people without actually mentioning them in here, sorry. ^^; ))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katherine Prescott Character Portrait: Sasha Pavlichenko Character Portrait: Charles Aaron Character Portrait: Eliab Othniel Character Portrait: Roland Croisseux Character Portrait: Giovanni Napoli
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Katherine Prescott

About half an hour later, Katherine had finished the pencil sketch of her drawing. Everything was sketched out with fairly good detail. It was getting darker quicker than she expected, probably because of the rain clouds. Letting out a sigh, was lucky enough to have taken pictures of the scenery with her phone before she started. "Guess I'll pack up." She got up, folded the chair, and put it back inside the case as well as the canvas. She just tossed her pencil and eraser in her backpack, zipping it up.

Taking a moment, Kat stretched her arms over her head and took a deep breath. But once she lowered her arms, she started getting light-headed. She placed her right hand on her forehead, the feeling of dizziness washing over her. "Crap..." She muttered, remembering that she had forgotten to take her medicine after eating. she felt as if her legs could no longer hold herself up. She laid her left hand down on the open easel to steady herself, though she missed and fell forward. She didn't have enough time to react, so she ended up falling on top of her left arm. She also got a small cut on the right side of her forehead. She stirred a tad, but her body felt to heavy to move.

Some time later there was a voice in the distance. It was muffled by the loud buzzing sound in Katherine's ear, yet somehow familiar. She wanted to look around, but everything was black. She tried to move or even speak, but she couldn't bring herself to do so. When Eliab reached Kat, she had passed out completely. A minute or two after being found, the rain clouds drew closer and darker. It began raining lightly, then started getting heavier.

Sasha Pavlichenko

After getting back to the Academy, Charles walked the girls the the dormitory. Sasha waved bye to him before turning towards Agatha. "Yes, a very interesting day indeed." She nodded, walking off in to the small kitchen on the first floor after Agatha left. She wasn't exactly hungry, but she wasn't tired either. She had no homework to do nor did she want to read. The girl was just bored out of her mind. She decided to look around and see what the kitchen had to offer her. Opening the freezer, she found a small tub of strawberry ice-cream. Smiling, she took out a bowl from one of the cabinets and filled it half way with ice-cream. Putting the tub back, she went up to her room.

Once in her dorm room Sasha plopped down on her bed and turned her TV on. She flipped through the channels trying to find something to watch. She ended up stopping on Supernatural. She finished her ice-cream in one episode. Getting up, she placed the bowl in her (bathroom) sink. Then she took a quick shower. When finished, she put on her pajamas, which were plaid green cotton pants and a regular black shirt. With the light off, she jumped on her bed and buried herself in the blankets.

Roland Croisseux and Giovanni Napoli

A good hour and a half later, the boys were sprawled on the floor. They were both all sweaty and breathing heavily. "Ah, might as well hit the hay...After another shower that is." Giovanni said, hulling himself up. Now in a sitting position, he looked to Roland and sighed. "You know, you're an awfully rude and flirtatious drunkard. You should probably try and fix that. Or not girl will stay with you for longer than a week."

Roland glared at his best friend. He rolled backwards then forwards to get himself to sit up. "Well excuse me for taking after my father." He rolled his eyes, slowly standing. "And hey! Last relationship I had was longer than a week!" He said, thinking back to it. "It was like...a month."

"More like half a month. Surprised she even stuck with you that long." Gio got up on his feet now. "Anyways, lets get going. I don't want the night guard to catch us again. The school year barely even started and we're already on the school's 'most wanted' list." He laughed, placing the towel he had around his neck.

"Alright, alright it was half a month. Whatever." Ro stood up, shaking his hair in the towel, then leaving it on top of his head. "Fine, let's get out of here."

The boys left the gym and went to their own rooms. After the two took a shower, they went to bed.

((Oh! I was thinking that since the pathway through the woods goes all the way around the lake, Rebecca could go the opposite way then what Eliab goes. That way when Eliab carries Katherine back to his dorm, Rebecca could stumble upon Kat's art supplies and bring them back to her own dorm. Just a thought, what do you think?))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katherine Prescott Character Portrait: Sasha Pavlichenko Character Portrait: Charles Aaron Character Portrait: Eliab Othniel Character Portrait: Camryn Shaffer Character Portrait: Roland Croisseux
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0.00 INK

Sasha Pavlichenko

Sasha hadn't woken up nearly as early as she wanted to. She had meant to wake up around five to go take pictures of the sun rise, but her alarm failed to go off at the right time. Instead it buzzed an hour later, making the girl very upset. "Tomorrow! I'll definitely go tomorrow!" She said with determination as she got dressed. She wore a simple outfit that consisted of faded black skinny jeans, a red plaid long-sleeved flannel (with the sleeves rolled up just below her elbows). Her hair was down, reaching to her waist, and was a bit curly as she had her hair in braids when she went to bed and just took them out.

The girl had no plans to do anything with her friends, so she looked about in her room trying to find an inspiration of sorts to give her an idea. Spotting her camera on the desk, she smiled. "Well, even though I can't get the sun rise, I could go and take some nature pictures in the garden. I did want to do that the first time, but I didn't have my camera than." Nodding with her decision, she grabbed her camera and left her dorm room, heading for the garden.

After about six pictures in, Sasha noticed something she thought was highly amusing. Charles was sound asleep sitting on one the the benches. Quietly getting closer, she drew her camera up and took a photo of a sleeping Charles. She let out a small giggle because of it. She had to admit he looked so peaceful like that. She almost didn't want to wake him, but she knew the sprinklers to water the plants would go off soon.

"Hey Charles." Sasha said, lightly poking his shoulder. "Hey sleepyhead, you outta wake up before the sprinklers com on. She informed him in a somewhat soothing voice. "You don't want to get soaked now, do ya?" Her Russian accent leaked through, as she continued to poke Charles's shoulder.

Giovanni Napoli

Giovanni got up early, as usual, though he decided not to go to morning practice. So he texted Roland that he won't be going. Instead he dressed in casual clothes; his favorite jeans (which had holes in the knees), a dark grey hoodie, and his green converse. Then he ran a brush through his hair and headed out to the cafeteria.

Roland Croisseux

The only reason Roland got up this morning was because he received a text from Giovanni, which said he was skipping practice, that woke him up. "Good, I didn't want to go anyways." He muttered, dragging himself out of bed since he was already awake. He got dressed with out any effort. Jeans, a plain v-neck shirt, a dull jacket zipped up less than half way, and shoes. He left his dorm room, not even bothering to comb his hair.

Ro arrived at the cafeteria shortly after Giovanni, who already had his breakfast and was sitting down at an empty table. Once Roland got his food, he also grabbed an extra cup of coffee, knowing Camryn will soon be coming to get some. They were almost out of coffee, so it was a good thing he took two before they ran out.

Camryn Shaffer

Getting up was probably the hardest and worse part of the day for Camryn. Heck, everyone hates getting up, but she really isn't a morning person. It took the girl an hour after waking up to finally crawl out of bed. She chose to not put much effort in her appearance, so she wore a blue tank top under a baggie navy blue hoodie (which in fact is Roland's), black sweatpants, and dark gray toms. She put her hair up in a messy bun, as she didn't want to brush it.

Going through the halls of the dormitory, she was greeted by a "Good morning." from Agatha. Camryn gave her and Vice Headmaster Aiko an emotionless look before saying "Whatever" and walking away. It wasn't her fault she seen rude to the Grecian girl, it was the mornings fault. Mornings always made her a bit too grumpy.

The pink-haired Australian scanned the dormitory's kitchen, but found barely anything to eat and no coffee. "To the cafeteria..." She mumbled, making her way to the cafeteria. If she didn't get her morning coffee fix soon, she'd be in a bad mood all day long.

Entering the cafeteria, Cam spotted Roland and Giovanni, which they waved her over. "Can I at least get some coffee first..." She growled, as she walked over to the table. "What?" She was glaring at Ro, who had a quirky smiles on.

"Here, I got you some nice hot coffee. Now what do we say?" Roland joked, holding up the coffee cup.

"Give. Me." Cam replied, snatching the cup from Roland and sitting down. She took her for first sip and instantly felt relaxed. "Ah! Much better~"

Léon Croisseux

Léon had been asleep in front of his desk. He was sitting on his leather chair and his arms were laying on the desk, his head resting on top of them. Surprisingly, the Headmaster as up all night trying to do some of the manys of paperwork he had. But he had quit doing it around two in the morning, as there was too much work he had to do that he couldn't handle. He was still wearing his clothes from the previous day.

Katherine Prescott

Katherine was fast asleep, dreaming away, when a piercing alarm sounded. This woke the girl up and the noise stopped. She rubbed her eyes before opening them, blinking a few times until her sight was adjusted to the light. She gently set herself up in the bed, since her body still ached. A wave of dizziness washed over her and she felt her cheeks flushed (and not the blushing kind), which stood out because of her pale (almost white) face.

Kat turned her head to the now awake boy in the chair, a bit surprised to see that her savior was Eliab. She could tell right away that he'd been crying for a while, despite the tears in his eyes now. His nose was a tad red, his eyes pink and puffy. He looked as if he was crying all night. She wanted to ask what was wrong, but he spoke first.

It took the brunette a minute to realize Eliab was speaking Norwegian and another two minutes to translate what he was saying. She whispered a "Good morning" and she slumped back to lean against the back of the bed. When he mentioned a cut on her forehead, she reached up and touched it, wincing as she did so. How bad did I look? How bad do I like now? She thought, seeing how scared he looked when he told her how he found her.

Katherine then noticed Eliab's hand held out to her. Suggesting that they should go to the infirmary. Hesitant at first, she took his hand, but lowered it onto her lap. "N-No, I'm fine. R-Really." She lied, truth is she felt like crap. Seeing the disbelieving look on Eliab's face, Kay tried to look okay, but failed. Signing, she said, "O-Okay, I'm not all that fine...But I don't want to go to the infirmary." His face now showed confusion, so she continued. "My parents told the Headmaster, Vice, and the nurses about my...condition. They said if I go to the infirmary for anything bad that happened to me, they would want to be informed right away..." Her slight grip on Eliab's hand tighten, but not much as she still felt weak. "If I go to the infirmary like this, they'd call and tell my parents...You would think it's no big deal, right? Wrong. When my parents find out, they'll come and take me home. They'll lecture me about how they knew going to school would be bad for me because of my health. I'll be bedridden until they say I'm well enough to go back outside." She stopped, tears now filling her eyes. "I-I don't want to leave...I've met so many lovely friends...a-and I don't have to worry about stupid bodyguards (another story for another time) scaring people away from me here... Please, please... Don't make me go..." She said, sniffing in between sentences try not to cry. But nevertheless, the tears did run down her cheeks.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katherine Prescott Character Portrait: Sasha Pavlichenko Character Portrait: Charles Aaron Character Portrait: Rebecca Othniel Character Portrait: Eliab Othniel Character Portrait: Camryn Shaffer
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Agatha tilted her head sideways in confusion as to why Cameryn was behaving that way. Sure, a ton of people were not entirely awake, yet, but Cameryn was being especially grumpy. Shrugging, the Grecian decided to poke Aiko with, "Hello? Miss Sasaki? Time to wake up."

Aiko finally got out of her fantasy after five pokes. Looking around, the woman spotted Agatha and told her with a cheerful tone, "Oh! Gomen, Amaranth-Chan! Was there something you needed?"

Agatha's Greek accent leaked as she timidly said, "N-no, Miss Sasaki, I was just concerned since you entered that trance, is all. I-I'll be going, now."

Making her way to the cafeteria, she spotted Cameryn at a table with Roland and Giovanni, where the red-head angrily snatched a cup of coffee from a mischievous Roland (the scary boy, in her book), right before taking a sip and instantly feeling calmer. Agatha could not help but giggle softly at the scene, it was a bit comical to see Cameryn like this in the morning. She worried for her health, though, given that too much caffeine could make someone moody or sick. The Grecian decided to sit alone due to not even wanting to be near Roland. Besides, she always had breakfast alone in the morning so not to disturb anyone's business, added to the fact she was never that much of a talker.

Her breakfast consisted of some blueberry bagels and strawberry cream cheese, along with a fruit salad containing an array of melons, grapes, and citrus fruit. To drink, she got herself some grape juice and chocolate almondmilk. As she ate, she certainly hoped the trio did not come to her, since she did not want to have to deal with Roland.


Meanwhile, Akira made had just gotten his own breakfast when he noticed Cameryn in a grumpy mood before snatching a cup of coffee and taking a sip. The scene sort of annoyed him with how Roland teased her with the coffee, but what could he do? To himself, in Japanese, he said, "I hope that issue does not become serious."


Aiko elected to head on over to Leon's office to check on him, only to notice him sound asleep in the same clothes he wore yesterday. In all honesty, she found him quite cute whenever he was asleep like that. Poor Miss Sasaki felt her urges come in and fought them as hard as she could, closed-mouth smiled apparent. In the end, her emotions won out and she let out a loud and enthusiastic, "Kawaii!~" She instantly regretted that and went into apologetic mode. "Gomen'nasai! Gomen'nasai! I tried to keep quiet, Leon-kun! Honest!" She now shook her arms wildly as she explained herself further. "I just can't help it whenever there is something moe going on! I know I should get a grip on it, but it's just so hard!" Clasping her hands onto her cheeks, blushing furiously in embarrassment, she calmed herself and had a sad expression on her face. "I'll just, uh... be checking on some things, Leon-kun..." With that, she went out the door to her own office to get some of her own paperwork completed. She had no idea that her sad and apologetic faces often had this puppy-like innocence about them that could charm many a man.


Charles had no idea he had an mischievous bystander taking a picture of him in his sleep, as he was having a dream where he was working on a landscape project and putting in the finishing touches. There to thank him was... Sasha? It was weird: he thought for sure, before he fell asleep, that Anna-Beth would be part of whatever dream he had, if at all. Why it was the Russian red-head was beyond him. He had to admit, though: Sasha did have a sweetness and charm of her own. What was weirder still in the dream was the fact he was poked repeatedly, afterwards. That was what caused him to wake up, though, however groggily he did so. "Huh?... Wha...?" He heard Sasha's voice, somewhat soothing, telling him that the sprinkles would come on, soon.

"Okay..." He was now fully awake, yet, so it did not register that he was in the academy gardens, yet. Of course, whereas Sasha got out of the way in time, the poor half-Scotsman suddenly got sprayed with water as he used his crutches to walk. He instantly spurted out frantically in Scottish, "What the hell! Is there a malfunction in the irrigation, already!?" He then noticed Sasha in front of him, still dry, and smirked, now speaking in English. "Oh. Now, I get it. You didn't want this to happen." Getting out of the way of the sprinklers, he saw that he was not too wet; just his face was covered in water. "You know, they got the sprinklers installed wrong: there shouldn't be any water getting on the benches or pathways, or even spraying high above the ground, for that matter. Oh, well. Eliab and I can fix that during Landscape & Horticulture class."

His smirk now gone, he thought out loud, "Speaking of water, there is an indoor pool not far from campus. I could sure go for a swim, right about now. Would be avoiding some of the drama at this hour, too." He then looked at his crutches he still had, his ankle next. "Oh, I forgot: I can't really do that until this ankle heals up." He sighed before adding, "What to do... what to do..." He glanced towards Sasha with an embarrassed look. "Uh... well, the reason I was sleeping on that bench there is that I was up most of the night reviewing botanical names. Being the heir to a large-scale landscaping company can put a lot of pressure on you, you know?"


Eliab saw Katherine lower his hand to her lap and wondered what was going on. He obviously did not believe her when she said she was okay, as it was obvious she was not. "Katherine..." He did not say her name loud, it was closer to a whisper. His eyes widened at her saying she did not want to go, which prompted him to say, "What's the matter?" He listened intently while she explained the scenario. He answered her question with a shrug and a casual, "Sure, why not?" Kat saying wrong startled him a little, yet what frightened him even more on the inside was what she said about her parents being overprotective. Okay, he heard her mention bodyguards once before, but now it was becoming too much to think about. He wanted to believe she was making the story up, yet he knew in his heart, by seeing her tears and feeling her grip on his hand tighten slightly, that she was telling the truth.

Upon thinking about it more clearly, he got out of his chair, leaned a little closer (but not too much), and placed his free hand on her shoulder nearest him. All the while, he smiled softly, but his eyes were of sadness, even with no tears, this time. Calmly and soothingly, he told her, "Then, I'll look after you." He gently pulled her into a hug as he continued. "Trust me, everything's going to be okay. We'll bring you back to health without your parents even realizing what happened. So, please, don't cry."


Rebecca made it to the door to Eliab's dorm without stopping once, causing her to take heavy breaths. Even with her athleticism, she realized the urgent sprint would still be tiring. Okay... okay... just, relax... He should be here, by now... everything'll be cool...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katherine Prescott Character Portrait: Sasha Pavlichenko Character Portrait: Charles Aaron Character Portrait: Eliab Othniel Character Portrait: Camryn Shaffer Character Portrait: Roland Croisseux
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0.00 INK

Camryn Shaffer

After finishing her coffee, Camryn realized she didn't get anything to eat since Roland called her over right as she got to the cafeteria. Getting up from the table, without a word, she went in line to get some breakfast. Once she got some food, Cam saw Akira sitting alone. "Eh, Ro won't mind." She shrugged going over to the table where Akira was at. "Mind if I sit here?" She asked him and when she got the 'okay' she took a seat across Akira. "Oh, I don't remember if I thanked you last night, so Thanks. And in return, is there anything you'd like me to help you with?"

Giovanni Napoli and Roland Croisseux

Watching Camryn leave the table, Giovanni spotted the girl from last night. "Hey, Ro. We should go over there an apologize to that girl for what happened last night." He said, pointing to Agatha. "And while we're at it, the other two when we see them next."

Roland didn't looked up from his food. "I don't remember last night. So, no."

"Well, I do. So let's go apologize." Gio got up from his spot, as Roland stayed silent. "Fine. Whatever. I'll go do it." He sighed, walking over to Agatha.

Once Roland finished his food, he got up from the table and left the cafeteria. He headed back to his dorm.

Standing on the opposite side of the table from Agatha, Giovanni cleared his throat to get her attention, before saying. "Hey, um about last night. I just wanted to apologize for Roland's bad behavior. He's a horrible drunk and I'm sure he didn't mean to be so rude to you and your friends." He scratched the back of his head, slightly annoyed he was the one apologizing and not Roland. But what needs to be done, has to be done.

Léon Croisseux

Hearing a loud and rather annoying shout, woke Leon up. He slightly lifted his head up from his desk to see an apologetic Aiko in front of him. He was only slightly listening to the VH's (Vice Headmaster) explanation, as he was still half asleep. Just when Miss Sasaki calmed herself, Leon was about to say that 'it didn't matter, he needed to get up anyways'; she was already out the door and in her own office.

Taking a deep breath, Leon stretched his arms and back, then let it out. "Well, might as well go to my room and get ready for the day.." He got up from his desk and left id office, which lead into Aiko's office. "Miss Sasaki, I'll be taking my leave." Was all he said, before heading out.

Back at his room, Leon took a rather long shower, before changing into his usual attire. Which consist of a navy blue button-up shirt, a black pea coat, dark gray pants, a dark green scarf, and black shoes. Before going back to his office to finish up the devastating about of paperwork, he got himself a cup of Blue Mountain coffee. Though it was in a regular coffee mug and not his favorite 'special' one since he left it in his office.

Sasha Pavlichenko

Sasha couldn't help but laugh when the sprinklers went off and sprayed Charles in the face. He shouted in a different language. Scottish maybe? "I tried to warn you." She told him, smirking. When he mentioned that the sprinkler system was installed wrong, she shrugged. "Well, I don't think it matters that the pathway's getting wet, but I get the benches since they're wooden and could rot."

After Charles mentioned the indoor pool, Sasha though it was a great idea; but with his injured ankle, she guessed going swimming wasn't the best to do. "No, not really." She answered, as she doesn't have the pressure of being an heir to a family business. "Now, back to things to do. So swimming and staying in the garden are out of the question. What else is there to do at this school?"

Katherine Prescott

Katherine was still feeling a bit dazed when Eliab got up and placed his hand on her shoulder. She wiped her eyes once he told her he'd look after her. "Really? You'd do that for me?" What she didn't expect was for Eliab to gently pull her into a hug. And what he said after surprised her even more. A wave of weariness came over her as she hugged him back. She didn't know what to say and she felt to tired to think of something. The only thing that came out of her mouth was a quiet "Thanks..." before her arms slowly fell from his back. She had fallen asleep with her head resting on Eliab's shoulder.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katherine Prescott Character Portrait: Sasha Pavlichenko Character Portrait: Charles Aaron Character Portrait: Rebecca Othniel Character Portrait: Eliab Othniel Character Portrait: Camryn Shaffer
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0.00 INK

Akira noticed Cameryn coming and waved. when asked if she could sit with him, he said, "Go ahead." He responded to her gratitude with, "Doutitamashite." You're welcome. He heard her ask if he needed help with anything, to which he placed a hand at the back of his neck and told her, "I can't think of anything, right now, Senpai." He ate some more of his natto (using chopsticks) and swallowed before continuing with an embarrassed look. "Although... I still haven't thought of anything for cooking class."


Agatha noticed a tall boy coming her way and immediately noticed who: the Italian boy from the restaurant. He obviously felt some stress from what happened, and the fact Roland was not apologizing, instead. She smiled softly before saying, "Va tutto bene." It's all right. Her eyes widened in surpirse at the fact this was the first time she spoke in Italian to someone else. Before, it was her way of saying something out loud without anyone knowing what she said. Of course, it was too late, now. Besides, judging from the accent, he knew the language, as well. "Oh, Oh, pardon per stupire voi. Mia madre era dall'Italia, mio padre dalla Grecia." Oh, pardon me for surprising you. My mother was from Italy, my father from Greece. Her smile returning, she said in English (her Greek accent leaking out), "My name's Agatha. What's yours?"


Charles shrugged when she responded to the negative on knowing what it is like. He knew not everyone could relate. Hearing her question on what else is there to do in school he thought for a moment. "Hmm... I have some videos and DVDs, if you like watching stuff. I'd recommend a volume of Monty Python's Flying Circus, but that is... geared towards a male audience. I don't know how Agatha is able to watch it. Maybe she covers her eyes during some parts. Anyway... Maybe Eliab has a DVD set of The Cosby Show we can borrow from him. That show would be more appropriate for both genders to watch. Then again, he has not really been seen coming in the boys' dorms, last night, which is not like him." Sighing, he concluded, "Well, first thing's first: we need to be sure he is okay." Playfully nudging the pink-head, he added, "Then, if he's fine, we can all go eat breakfast together and watch something after that."


Eliab heard Katherine utter her thanks before he realized her arms were slipping down his back. He wondered if she was growing even more tired, which her head resting upon his shoulder confirmed it. This is awkward... His face went redder than it already was. Freeing one of his arms while using the other to keep holding her, he removed the blankets for a moment before cradling her and placing her on the bed with her head on the pillow. After that, he tucked her in. He was about to head out the dorm door to look for Kat's things when he heard a few knocks. Who could that be? He opened it to reveal his sister.

Rebecca went frantic. "Hvor pokker der du, storebror? Miss Sasaki sa du ikke ta hovedinngangen til denne flersengsrom bygningen! hva har skjedd?" Where the heck where you, big brother? Miss Sasaki said you did not take the main entrance to this dormitory building! What happened?

Eliab placed a hand on his sister's mouth before silently saying, "Vil du være stille? Katherine er sover!" Will you be quiet? Katherine is asleep! He let go after that.

Rebecca went wide-eyed at what she just heard, and only after a moment of hesitation did she quietly pose the query, "Har du seriøst...?" Did you seriously...?

Eliab placed his right palm on his forehead. "Som ser jeg ut? Jagger? Selvfølgelig ikke! Hun var bevisstløs på tre veien og blødninger fra pannen!" Who do I look like? Jagger? Of course, not! She was unconscious on the wooden pathway and bleeding from the forehead!

This nearly caused Rebecca to raise her voice, yet she kept it low. "Blod? Jeg trodde det var maling!" Blood? I thought that was paint!

Eliab pointed a finger at the girl. "Hva gjorde du gjør ute i regnet, uansett, Rebecca?" What were you doing out in the rain, anyway, Rebecca?

This time, Rebecca raised her voice, but just a little. "Ser for deg! Det er det!" Looking for you! That's what!

Eliab's eye twitched in furstration. "Innser du at du kunne ha fått syke eller skadet?" Do you realize you could have gotten sick or hurt?

Rebecca was now a bit louder when she remarked with, "Jeg kan håndtere selv, vet du! Det er ikke som når vi var bare barn!" I can handle myself, you know! It's not like when we were just kids! Upon seeing Eliab turn his head in a calm sadness, Rebecca calmed down as well and told him, "Uh... Beklager, jeg sa det uten å tenke." Uh... Sorry, I said that without thinking.

Eliab shrugged. "Ikke bekymre deg om det. Uansett, hvor er Kats ting, nå? Jeg var i skogen.?" Don't worry about it. Anyway, where is Kat's stuff, now? I was in the woods.

"I mitt dorm. Kom igjen." In my dorm. Come on.


In her office, Aiko managed to do most of her own paperwork without distraction, but then thoughts revolving around Leon came to mind. She quickly brushed them away, yet she did not deny she had a crush on him and never gathered the courage to admit. One day, she will.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katherine Prescott Character Portrait: Sasha Pavlichenko Character Portrait: Charles Aaron Character Portrait: Rebecca Othniel Character Portrait: Eliab Othniel Character Portrait: Camryn Shaffer
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Camryn Shaffer

"Well, if you want I could teach you an Australian meal?" Camryn suggested, having a small smile. She took a bit out of her cinnamon toast, before saying "And please, enough with the Senpai. Just call me Camryn." She then thought for a short second. "Actually call me Cam, that's what everyone calls me anyways." She finished her toast and started eating her fruit bowl.

Giovanni Napoli

Giovanni was a bit taken back when the girl spoke Italian, just like he did. "Well, I'm glad he didn't offend you." He sighed in a bit of relief. "Sorpresa? Credo di essere stato un po 'scioccato si sapeva italiana. Che città era tua madre da? Entrambi i miei genitori sono in Italia. Mia madre è siciliana e mio padre da Venezia." Surprise? I guess I was a bit shocked you knew Italian. What city was you mother from? Both my parents are from Italy. My mother is from Sicily and my father from Venice.

Gio decided to take a seat at the table, there was no point in him just standing there if he continued to talk with the girl. When she spoke in English, he grinned a bit. "Ah, I can hear the Greek in your voice. I'm Giovanni. Please to meet you Agatha." He smiled at her, placing his elbows on the table, linking his hands together, and resting his chin on them.

Sasha Pavlichenko

"I've seen rather a few of the Monty Python. I find it very entertaining actually." Sasha smiled, letting out a small quiet chuckle. "The Cosby show is also a great watch." She then thought for a bit about Eliab not being seen coming in last night. "Hmmm, the same goes for Katherine apparently. She didn't come in last night according to a couple of the girls in the dormitory." She paused, her eyes slightly widening."I hope nothing bad happened to them!" Nodding, she agreed to check on Eliab before doing anything. "Let's hope Eliab and Katherine are both alright, and if they are, we definitely should all go get something to eat for breakfast, then watch something."

Katherine Prescott

Katherine weaved in and out of consciousness. She first noticed that she was laying back down in the bed. Then she noticed there was another voice in the room. A female one, though she couldn't tell who's voice it was. The conversation between the two was in Norwegian, but she couldn't grasp any of it. Except for the last bit, about her stuff being in the girl's dorm.

After a while, she heard the door opening. Forcing herself to stay conscious, Kat sat up just a little. Her vision was slightly blurry, so she still couldn't recognize who the other girl was. "Wait...Eliab..." Her voice came out in a scratchy whisper. "Could you please...bring back my...medicine..." She chocked out the last word, she hatted saying it. "It's in my backpack...the one that was left the's in a little black bag..." Her head started spinning, this was taking a lot of effort out of her. She ended up sliding back down in the bed, loosing consciousness again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katherine Prescott Character Portrait: Sasha Pavlichenko Character Portrait: Charles Aaron Character Portrait: Rebecca Othniel Character Portrait: Eliab Othniel Character Portrait: Camryn Shaffer
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Akira nodded to her suggestion, but then felt totally embarrassed when Camryn told him not to call her senpai, anymore. Crap! I keep forgetting that I'm not in Japan, anymore! Note to self: need to remember to address fellow students at higher grade levels as I would anyone else. Placing a hand behind his neck with a timid laugh, he told the girl, "Sorry, Cam. I guess I'm still adjusting to life in Britain. I'll keep in mind what you said." Akira nearly completed eating his natto, at this point. One last bite, and all that was left was to finish up with the green tea he had. "Well, Cam, I imagine the lessons can wait until are stomachs are empty enough for it. What do you want to do in the meantime?"


Agatha nodded with her smile still on her face. "Same with you." Upon thinking about where her mother was from, her grin faltered a little. "My mother traveled from Rome to Athens, where I was born and raised. She absolutely loved art and gardening. My father was a Greek Orthodox missionary." Pulling on the chain around her neck (which was relatively hidden) she revealed an Eastern Orthodox cross hanging from it. "He would wear this very same necklace all the time." Her smile now completely disappeared as she lowered the hand displaying the cross. "I... I'm sorry. Talking about my parents brings up violent memories of their deaths back at Athens. And... to be brutally honest, seeing Roland grab the crutch the way he did brought back another memory from before that. You see, my family had a knack for peacefully protesting the heated atmosphere of politics between Greece and Turkey, despite all the negative feedback. That's all I can bring myself to say on the topic."

Before the conversation could go any further, one of the basketball team members ran up to Giovanni with a frantic, "Gio! Our Trainer went ill, this morning!"

Agatha tilted her head sideways. "Trainer?"

The boy responded by saying, "The one who gives medical attention to the athletes on the team. He's the guy who helps relieve any pain from the exercise involved in both practice and the games." The boy turned back towards Giovanni. "What're we going to do if somebody gets injured, mate!?"

Agatha stood up with her hand on her chest, posing the query, "Maybe I could be of help?" She resumed by stating, "I volunteered a lot for a Greek Orthodox church in Athens. Medical duties were among a number of things I have conducted there."

Eliab and Rebecca heard Katherine from just outside the bedroom of the dorm. The poor brunette mentioned her medicine and in what luggage to find it. The Othniel siblings figured it was best to hurry and get the medicine for her. Right after exiting the boys dorms, Eliab and Rebecca were met by Charles and Sasha.

Charles berated him in anxiety with,. "What were you thinking, mate, not returning to the building at the appointed time and worrying the bloody crap out of us!? We heard Kat was not at the girls' dorms, so something had to have happened to both of you! What gives!?"

Eliab simply walked around him while replying. "Sorry, Charles, but I have to retrieve Katherine's medicine. She was unconscious in the woods when I spotted her there, last night. Now, if you'll excuse me..."

Charles interrupted by posing the query, "Shouldn't that be handled by the nurse?"

"No good," Eliab answered. "I offered taking her to the infirmary, but she's too afraid of that due to family matters."

Charles' eyes widened. "How serious is her condition?"

Eliab simply said, "Not right now, okay?"

Rebecca looked towards Charles while shrugging. "No use, Chuck. Once he sets his mind on helping someone, he won't stop until he completes the task."

Charles simply froze where he was for a moment. "Holy..." Once he could move, he walked alongside Sasha while saying, "Now that I can think on it, Eliab's face shows signs of a lot of crying. Must've been that serious. At least we know Kat's alive."


At the girls' dormitories, Rebecca let her brother into her dorm and handed him the backpack. Halfway back to the boys' dorms, she said to Eliab, "I'll go get you two something to eat."

"Make sure Kat gets something light."

"I know, big brother! I'm not stupid!"

Eliab next told Rebecca, "Also, do you mind lending her some of your clothes when you get the chance? Sorry for delaying your gymnastics practice, by the way."

Rebecca shrugged. "Don't worry about it. Taking care of someone takes precedence. And, after practice, today, I'll go fetch some clothes from my dorm." With that, she headed off to the cafeteria.

Eliab reentered his own dorm and entered the bedroom, placing the backpack on his lap as he brought out the bag Katherine mentioned before setting the backpack down on the floor. He showed the black bag while saying, "Rebecca will come by with breakfast. Later in the day, she'll even lend you some of her clothes." He next opened the bag as he asked, "Is there any medication you think you need, at the moment, or can it wait?" He wanted to be sure he was not messing up.


At the cafeteria, Charles waited in line with Sasha. "Well, Sasha, I guess we shouldn't bother Eliab all that much until Kat feels better, don't you agree? If what we saw and heard of him does not prove he loves her, nothing does."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katherine Prescott Character Portrait: Sasha Pavlichenko Character Portrait: Charles Aaron Character Portrait: Rebecca Othniel Character Portrait: Eliab Othniel Character Portrait: Camryn Shaffer
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Camryn Shaffer

When Akira apologized, Camryn let out a small laugh."It's all good." She smiled, finishing off her fruit bowl. "You are quite right. We wait until lunch when we are hungry again to do the next meal lesson." She said excitedly, then started thinking of things to do. "Well, lets see. Its still overcast outside because of the rain last night, so if we go off Academy grounds, we'll need to bring umbrellas just in case it starts raining again." She paused, still thinking. "There's not that much to do here, if you think about it, since most of the school is all closed up until Monday." She couldn't think of anything to do until lunch, so she asked Akira "Have you got anywhere in London you'd like to see?

Giovanni Napoli

Giovanni looked at Agatha in slight shock. "I'm truly sorry. I didn't know." He lowered his head just a bit, his bangs falling in front of his face and covering a small portion of his eyes. "I'll definitely have a talk with Ro later..." He whispered, hopefully quiet enough that Agatha didn't hear him.

Gio's head then shot up when he heard the frantic voice of Trevor, one of the guys on the basketball team. "Again? Damn, that kid is always sick. How'd we get stuck with him anyways?" He asked, slightly irritated that Cole, the trainer, had more sick days than actually showing up.

"Well Coach said he was the only one with some medical training who wanted to be on the team. And since he sucked so much at basketball, Coach made him out nurse." Trevor laughed, as his answer calmed his nerves a bit. Then he looked to Agatha when she questioned what a trainer was. To which he explained.

Considering Agatha's offer to become the new trainer, Giovanni sighed. "We'll have to ask Coach..." He paused, looking at Agatha, "...and Roland, as he is the team captain." He stood up and looked about in the cafeteria, Roland no where to be seen. "Probably in his dorm." He grumbled, turning to Trevor. "Go take Agatha and ask Coach to see if its alright. I'll go make sure with Ro." Looking at Agatha now. "Unless you'd like to join me?"

Sasha Pavlichenko

Sasha kept quiet when Charles and Eliab talked, or what seemed like a little argument. When the Othniel siblings left, and Charles could move again, they walked to the cafeteria. She then started thinking."I do hope Katherine is alright, but I wonder why she's afraid to go to the infirmary? I mean, what kind of family matter would prevent her from not wanting to get checked up on with the nurse?" She asked, mainly to herself, as they went inside the cafeteria.

Now waiting in line to get food, Sasha gave a little smile at Charles' opinion. "I think its funny how practically everyone knows Eliab is madly in love with Katherine, but Kat herself." With saying that, she giggled lightly. "What has happened to her is a serious situation, but how he acts about it is oh so cute."

Katherine Prescott

Katherine was in a light sleep, but when the door to Eliab's dorm room opened then closed, she woke up. Her vision was not as blurry as it was before, just a bit fuzzy now. She slowly sat herself up, as Eliab reached the bed, and blinked a few times to get rid of the little black dots in her vision. Which was from a small light headiness she got from sitting up. "Thank you." She mumbled, as Eliab told her Rebecca was getting something for her to eat and some clothes she could where. When he asked her what medication she needed, it took her a bit to remember. Before talking, she closed her eyes, keeping them shut as she spoke. "Umm I need the bottle of iron supplements...its the uhh...bigger bottle of the two in there." Kat brought her right hand up and gently rubbed her right side temple. "I needa...I need to take them with water." Stopping, she lowered her hand down to her side. "I also need to do my insulin...after I have eaten something...but could you give me that uhh...that little machine in there...I need to umm...check my blood or uhh sugar level..." She told Eliab, having an easier time speaking, but having a slight difficulty remembering exactly what she needed. "I really appreciate all that you're doing." She said quietly, opening her eyes and looking at Eliab.

Roland Croisseux

After he got back to his dorm, Roland had taken another shower. He had not remembered if he already took one before getting breakfast or not. Then he amped up his music and cleaned his dorm room up some. Once he finished, Ro decided to take an early Saturday morning nap.

Léon Croisseux

Léon had returned to his office with a nice cup of hot Blue Mountain coffee. He sat down at his desk and stared miserably at the pile of paperwork he still had to do. "Alright! Let's finish these!" He told himself, for a little encouragement, as he started on one paper after another.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katherine Prescott Character Portrait: Sasha Pavlichenko Character Portrait: Charles Aaron Character Portrait: Rebecca Othniel Character Portrait: Eliab Othniel Character Portrait: Camryn Shaffer
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Akira took a sip of his tea as he thought about where he wanted to go. "Well, there is the British Museum. I hear it contains millions of artifacts that can be viewed. We do not need to pay anything for entry, it's totally free." Finishing up the last of his green tea, he ask Cameryn, "Want to go see what they have on display? I'll pay for the taxi."

Agatha thought for a moment on going to see Roland. On the one hand, she was still a little scared of him. On the other, she could not let a chance to help people pass her by. Besides, she did not want Roland to be talked to too harshly for what happened, if he even remembered.

"Okay, I'll go with you, Giovanni."

At the boys dorm, Agatha was a little nervous. She did not want to give a bad first impression, which made the encounter with Roland all the more important. She wanted to show both boys that she held no personal grudge. However, as Roland appeared before her eyes, her fear sunk in as she hid behind Giovanni, clinging to him by the shirt.

Charles chuckled some at what Sasha said about practically everyone knew about Eliab's crush on Katherine. "Bloody hell! Word does travel fast, it seems!" Smirking towards Sasha, he added, "And, yes, Eliab's reaction to the whole thing is rather heartwarming." Charles got himself the typical English breakfast: a bowl of cereal with milk, some toast, orange juice, and a cup of coffee. Sitting down with Sasha after they both paid for their meals, he thought about what to do. "Let's see... We were already at the garden. Perhaps London Zoo would be fitting?"

Rebecca wasted no time in selecting and paying for all three breakfasts. One was for Eliab, another for Katherine, the final for herself, of course. Having the gracefulness her years of gymnastics training granted her, she made her way back to Eliab's dorm.

Eliab listened carefully to what needed to be brought out for Kat and took them out of the bag. First the bottle of iron supplements, next the insulin, and finally the machine to check the blood sugar levels. I wonder if she has Type-1 diabetes, where she was born with it, or Type-2, where she ate sugary or fatty foods so much, she became diabetic that way. It's probably too rude to ask, anyway. Hearing Katherine's words of gratitude, Eliab smiled softly towards her with, "No problem." He handed the machine, then went to the kitchen to get a cup of water for Kat and brought it to her when he returned, also reading the label for the iron supplements before handing the right amount to Katherine.

To keep matters from being silent the whole time, the blond boy decided to tell Katherine more about his Boston terrier, Davy. He started off with how Davy would "ruff" Eliab up whenever it was time for a walk, and how excited the dog got whenever Eliab asked if he wanted a "walkie". He even mentioned how Davy was always eager to get outside to bark at the storm whenever lightning and thunder struck. Not to mention, the numerous laughs the whole household got whenever seeing Davy chase shiny lights moving about because of the sunlight reflecting off of certain items, or whenever a flashlight was on.

Finally, Rebecca was in the dorm with the food. "A bit of tomato soup ought to help. Also got the bread."

Eliab saw all three bowls and nodded. "It won't hurt her stomach, so that's a plus."

Katherine was given one bowl, next Eliab, and the final went to Rebecca. They divided the bread evenly so all three could enjoy. To drink, there was orange juice. After breakfast, Eliab made sure Katherine got her insulin.

Friday night was no easy night for Amnon, mainly because it was difficult to keep Shabbat while still being back at his dorm by curfew. The Messianic Jew seriously considered finding people of similar beliefs to celebrate Shabbat with. It was still going on since it was Saturday. Masuta was diverse in regards to ethnicity and belief systems, so chances are, he could find at least someone. It would not guarantee upholding school rules about curfew and when to go to bed (it was unlikely they would be upheld often, anyway, considering the nature of Shabbat), but at least it would remove the need to be off campus. The biggest issue was finding somebody to fill in as the de facto rabbi (de facto because he/she would not actually be ordained to do it, since it would be a high school student performing the duties). Amnon already had the equipment in his dorm, meaning that would be no problem.

Deep in thought as to how to go about setting everything up, he accidentally bumped into a girl that was more than a foot shorter than him. Thankfully, he caught her right on time. "Sorry, miss! I didn't see you, there! I... was kind of lost in thought, for a moment..."

Aiko was about to go in Leon's office to speak to him about something when she heard him try to motivate himself to complete the paperwork he had stacked up. She decided it was best to wait until the man made himself available. Sure, Leon could get on her nerves, sometimes, when it came to work. Then again, poor Aiko did find the French man cute in his own way. Just thinking about it made her heart pound a little. the trouble was, she feared what could happened if she opened up about such feelings. Would it end up a distraction, in the end, or would the scenario made be manageable? Too many questions, too few answers.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katherine Prescott Character Portrait: Sasha Pavlichenko Character Portrait: Charles Aaron Character Portrait: Rebecca Othniel Character Portrait: Eliab Othniel Character Portrait: Camryn Shaffer
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Camryn Shaffer

"British Museum it is." Camryn smiled, as she finished off the last of her juice. She then got up from the table to throw her trash away. "It's strange, I've lived here for 10 years and I've only been to the museum once." She said, slightly to herself. "Anyways, are you sure you wanna pay for the taxi? I mean, I don't mind pitching in a few bucks." Before exiting the cafeteria, she thought for a moment. "I can even see if Roland will give us a ride. And if he doesn't, I could always just take his car." Cam laughed. It was always funny to her whenever she took Ro's car without permission or just because he didn't want to take her somewhere.

Giovanni Napoli and Roland Croisseux

"Alright then, let's go." Giovanni said, as he and Agatha left the cafeteria. It took them a few short minutes to reach the boy's dormitory. Once in front of Roland's dorm door, Gio knocked. "Oi Ro! Open up!" He called out, waiting a few seconds only to hear a loud snore from the other side of the door. "Ugh, for crying out loud. He's sleeping.." He banged on the door louder. "Hey! Roland! Get your lazy ass up and open this god damn door!" He shouted this time. After another minute or two, there was a low grumbling noise, feet shuffling across the floor, then the sound of the door's lock coming undone.

Roland opened up the door, shirtless, and since his hair was still wet when he took a nap, it made for some serious bedhead. "Can I help you?" He muttered. "I was in the middle of a good nap." Yawning, he stretched his arms up.

"You just wake up 3 hours ago, you don't need a nap." Gio said, just as Agatha hid behind him, and clung to his shirt. "Look you're scaring Agatha. Go put a shirt on."

With a sigh, Ro left to get a shirt. When he came back, Gio surprised him by putting him in a headlock. Which was easy for Giovanni since he was 7 inches taller then Roland. "Okay, so this here is Agatha." Gio turned Ro around so they were facing Agatha. "And Agatha, as you may know, this is Roland."

"Yo." Was all that Roland said to Agatha before he tried to look up at Giovanni. "So what do you guys want?"

Gio released Ro and straightened up. "Well Agatha here has something she'd like to ask you."

Sasha Pavlichenko

"Well not only does word travel fast, it's also obvious by the way Eliab looks at Katherine and how he acts around her." Sasha smiled, getting herself the same breakfast as Charles. Once she paid for her meal, she took a seat across from him. "Hmm, the London Zoo? That seems like a great place to spend the day!" She smiled .

Katherine Prescott

As Eliab left to get some water, Katherine pricked her finger with the machine so it could read her blood sugar levels. She waited a short moment until the machine beeped. "'s fairly low.." She mumbled to herself, just as Eliab came back with a cup of water. Placing the machine on the end table, she took the cup and two of the iron supplements from Eliab. "Thanks" Placing the two pills in her mouth, she took a big gulp of water, swallowing them both.

Kat wasn't really up for talking just yet. So when Eliab started talking about his Boston Terrier, Davy, she kept quiet through most of it. There was the occasional comment about her own dog, Goldie, acting much of the same as Davy, but other then that the girl did't talk. She rather enjoyed just listening to someone else's stories, than telling people about her own.

Once Rebecca came back with the food, Katherine gladly took the bowl of tomato soup from her and took the first spoon full right away, after she had blown on it took cool it down some. The warmth of the soup sliding down her throat and into her stomach made her slight aching stomach feel better. It even helped the lightheaded feeling she had as well.

Each spoon full of soup and bite of bread she had, had made her feel a whole lot better. There was even a bit of color returning to her pale skin. Though that might be because of the hot soup making her cheeks a little flushed. When she was done eating, Kat placed a new insulin cartridge into the insulin pen, then click on a new pen needle. She turn the dial on the end of the pen to the number of units she needed to take. Pausing, she glanced at Rebecca and Eliab. She was a bit uncomfortable with having them in the same room as she was about to take her insulin. Only because she always did it when she was alone or with her doctor when she was too young to do it herself.

With a deep breath, Katherine realized it was silly of her to get embarrassed over taking insulin in front of others. Blushing slighting, she lifted the shirt up, just enough to insert the needle into her left abdomen. She press the button on the end of the pen to deliver the dose and counted to five, before she removed the needle. She grabbed her little bag bag and took out a needle-deposit baggie that was thick enough so when she disposed of the needle, it wouldn't poke out, and put it back in the bag. She then just tossed the empty insulin cartage into the bag as well as her insulin pen and blood sugar machine. Zipping her black bag shut, she placed it back on the end table, leaving her iron supplement pill bottle out next to her medicine bag.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katherine Prescott Character Portrait: Sasha Pavlichenko Character Portrait: Charles Aaron Character Portrait: Rebecca Othniel Character Portrait: Eliab Othniel Character Portrait: Camryn Shaffer
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Akira raised an eyebrow when Camryn said she could pitch in a few bucks. Doesn't she mean 'pounds'? This is the United Kingdom, after all. hearing Cameryn next tell him about Roland's car honestly left him laughing for a moment. And, that idiot lets her? Now, that is interesting. The laughter was replaced with confusion, however. "Wait. Is he a relative of yours?" Akira was always cautious not to cross any boundaries. Being a straight A student (due to a combination of his entire family putting pressure on him and he himself wanting to succeed), he was one to analyze the situation, most of the time. Other times, he could be an utter hothead. As a side note, stress is what turned all his hair grayish white. At least, Aiko was not so hard on him, unlike his mother.

Waiting until Camryn explained the scenario, Akira thought for a moment. "Maybe Aunt Aiko can take us, if she is not busy. Knowing her, however, she is probably going to be working closely with Headmaster Crossieux just to keep him focused, or so she tells me. If not that, then she is definitely cooking up some sort of plan to play cupid as we speak. Heaven knows who her target pairing is. It gets old real quick just watching her do that kind of stuff." Shuddering at that instant, he made up his mind. "You know, that discouraged me from giving her a call, now. She will just go all ship-mode on us, like yesterday. Let's see about borrowing Roland's car."

Agatha sort of felt bad for Roland having been put in that headlock. She had one eye open to see that, only letting go of Giovanni's shirt when he informed Roland that she had something to say. The Grecian straightened her composure enough to display some confidence in spite of her timid nature sinking in. "Well, I heard the trainer for the basketball team has gone ill, and... well... if you don't mind, I'd like to help out."

Agatha gripped the cross at her chest tightly with one hand as she continued. "I volunteered at an Orthodox Church in Athens often, and dealt with plenty of ailments. I even received training while doing so. If there is anything I can do, I am more than willing to."

Charles smiled at Sasha's answer. "Nice! London Zoo it is, then! Kenneth can take us there!" Upon both of them finishing breakfast, Charles used his crutches to walk with Sasha to the front before calling for Kenneth to come over. When Kenneth arrive, Charles let Sasha in first, then got in after her. At the zoo, Kenneth provided the umbrella for the two of them before driving away. Charles paid for the tickets for the two of them. "Any animal you want to see, first?"

Amnon watched as Noel tended to watering awkwardly. He felt bad for her, now, since she seemed embarrassed, somehow. At first, he did not know what to do, but seeing her run out of oxygen caused him to help her to a bench. That was when he had a closer look at the girl's eyes. He looked in Noel's eyes for an instant with admiration. "Wow... You have beautiful eyes."

Were Noel to try to run off in embarrassment about her eyes, Amnon would run after her in a concerned matter, shouting, "Wait, wait a minute! I did not say that in any sarcastic way! I actually meant it! I'm really sorry for the misunderstanding!"

Catching up to her, Amnon would hug her in an effort to comfort her while saying, "There is nothing to be ashamed of, Noel."

Eliab and Rebecca were relieved when they saw Katherine recovering. Both siblings looked sideways as Kat took her insulin, so not to make her too awkward. With that out of the way, Eliab tried to think of something to discuss. "So... I guess you were unconscious because you did not take your insulin last evening?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katherine Prescott Character Portrait: Sasha Pavlichenko Character Portrait: Charles Aaron Character Portrait: Rebecca Othniel Character Portrait: Eliab Othniel Character Portrait: Camryn Shaffer
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Camryn Shaffer, Roland Croisseux, and Giovanni Napoli

Camryn smiled a sweet, sincere smile. "Ah, yes. We are brother and sister. Or well, he's my adoptive brother that is." She said, getting up from the table. "It's a pretty long story, so I'll tell you in the car." She nodded, as if agreeing with herself. "Leon? I mean, Headmaster Crossieux actually doing work? Now that'll be a first." She giggled, as she threw her trash away. "Yesterday...What had happened again?" She asked, since Akira and his aunt Aiko spoke in Japanse and Cam didn't catch a word they were saying.

Once they exited, the two headed for the boy's dormitory. Which was only a short five minute walk and another two minutes to reach Roland's dorm room. The door was already opened and there were other voices coming from within. A male, which was probably Giovanni, and a female voice Camryn didn't recognized.


"What? Trevor is sick again?" Roland growled, clearly irritated. "That's it I'm kicking him off the team!" He said, in a half shout. "You, um, Agatha." He slightly glared at her, only because he was mad. "You said you want to help out correct?" He asked in a bit harsh tone. He had barely heard or even listened to what she had said as she spoke a bit quietly. Though that didn't matter to him.

Giovanni slightly laughed at Roland's reaction to Trevor being sick. Though when Ro got a bit hostile towards Agatha, Gio placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, giving her a little pull back away from Ro. "Calm down Ro, she's not to blame. She only wants to help us."

Roland took a deep breath to steady his nerves. "Well congratulations, you are now the basketball's new trainer." He said, running his hands through his jet black hair.

Just then, Camryn walked into the dorm room and saw everyone standing in the middle of the den. They seemed to have finished discussing whatever it was, so she just went on ahead and grabbed Roland's arm. "I'll be borrowing him for a moment." Was all she said, before dragging him off to the side next to Akira.

"Cam, what're-" Roland was cut off by being jerked off to the side.

"Well, we're leaving anyways, so you can have him as long as you want Cam." He said and steered Agatha out the door.

"Wait. Gio" He turned to Giovanni, but it was too late, he and Agatha had already left the room.


Giovanni and Agatha were now in the hall, away from the noise coming from Roland's dorm room. "So, Congrats on becoming our new trainer." Gio said, removing his hand from the girl's shoulder. "We'll be in your care." He smiled down at her.

Thinking for a moment, "Is there anything you'd like to do?" He asked, then realized that maybe she didn't want to spend the whole day with him. After all, he had only meant to apologize on behalf of Roland, then see if Ro was okay with her being their new trainer. His duty was done, he no longer needed to be bothering the poor girl. "Ah, how rude of me. I guess after all that has happened this early in the morning, you'd like to be alone for a bit." He said.

Stopping at the front door of the boy's dormitory building. "This is where we will part our ways." He smiled again, then bowed for no reason. "It was a pleasure to have met you today Agatha. I hope the rest of your day goes swimmingly." And with that, he turned to walk off back up the stairs.


"Either you drive us to the British Museum, or you give me your keys so I can drive us." Camryn said, letting go of Roland and crossing her arms over her chest.

Ro sighed, except for the gym to practice, he didn't feel like going anywhere today. Walking over to the couch, he leaned back and fell onto the cushions. "The keys are where they usually are. Hanging on the nail by the door." His eyes were closed now. He new Cam was still looking at him, so he pointed at her. "If you screwed up my car, I'll kill you. Dork." He warned her, as his impala just got an upgrade.

"Thanks Bro! Don't worry, I won't mess up your precious impala." She smiled, taking the keys from the nail. "Let's go Akira." She smiled, closing the door behind them.

Sasha Pavlichenko

Getting into the car, Sasha thought for a moment. "I don't know! All of them. At once!" She laughed, giving the question a bit more thought. "Umm, how about we just start on one side, then go in a circle to see everything." She smiled, glancing out the window, watching the old European building go by. "We can go look at all the animals on, let's say, the right side first. Then go get lunch, and then go around on the left side." She looked back at Charles now. "Hopefully we'll be able to finish in a day. I hear the zoo is quite large. We might have to just do one side on day, then come back and to the other side."

Katherine Prescott

Some more color returned to Katherine's pale skin. "Yeah, not taking my insulin is part of it. The other part is that I was already feeling a tab bit under the weather yesterday." She sighed, drinking the rest of her water. "Not the smartest of ideas to go outside when feeling ill. Especially when it's about to rain." She said, following a small fit of coughing.

"I'm sorry Eliab...Rebecca. I must be a burden for you two." Kat sat herself up, now sitting completely up. "I don't want you to go another night without a bed again Eliab." She told him, swinging her feet over the edge of the bed. "I best be getting to my own dorm room." She tried standing, but couldn't hold herself up for more than a second. She sat back down onto the bed, sighing again.

The brunette drew her knees up, hugging her legs. "I'm such an idiot.." She muttered, placing her head between her knees. "I can't even take care of myself properly without someone else helping me.." Her tone was a bit louder then a whisper, but still quiet. She remembered the second day of school where she had an panic attack in the middle of the cafeteria. Freaking out over not having her medication. It's only been a short while since school has even started and she has already caused too much trouble. She wanted to cry, but forced herself not to. As it might just result in her being more a burden the the Othniel siblings.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katherine Prescott Character Portrait: Sasha Pavlichenko Character Portrait: Charles Aaron Character Portrait: Rebecca Othniel Character Portrait: Eliab Othniel Character Portrait: Camryn Shaffer
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Eliab was taken by surprise when Kat hugged him and brushed her face against his shoulder. The gesture honestly left him blushing. Her apology was equally unexpected. The Israeli-Norwegian-American felt some degree of relief, however, knowing that the burden crisis was averted a bit. Hugging her back, and calming down the blush, Eliab told her, "There is nothing to be sorry about. She and I would have argued, anyway. It's a sibling thing, you know?" Smiling softly, he thought about how to divert from the thoughts on the argument and burden bit. "Why don't we watch a little bit of Pokémon? Good thing I got it on DVD. Let me get that and the DVD player."

Good thing romance is not the focus in that old anime show. Otherwise, I'd be in big trouble, and in more ways than one. Eliab wanted to lift up the mood without giving away any hints as to his crush on Katherine. The last thing he needed, now, was an awkward situation. Getting up, the Israeli-Norwegian-American searched his things for the DVD player and the DVD with what he had in mind. It contained the 29th episode of Pokémon, where Ash and Brock participated in a tournament for fighting Pokémon so to help a girl bring her father back to his senses.

((link to it provided here: ))

Eliab popped it in and let Katherine watch it. Eliab's angle with this was to distract Katherine from all the negativity. If he could do that, the brunette could possibly heal faster. Of course, he had to keep the mood from returning to a negative state once the atmosphere became positive.

Rebecca returned with the clothes for Katherine, which were pretty much T-shirts and knee-lengths skirts to go along with the sets of underwear, nothing fancy. The tan-skinned girl did not even utter a word, just nodded prior to storming off. She did not even talk to her teammates, simply got ready with her leotard and started practicing nonstop to let off steam.

It was during a water break of the voluntary practice, Rebecca still having at it despite sweating hard, that the other girls on the gymnastics team noticed Roland coming in. As expected, some of the girls swooned a little, while others were either scoffing or indifferent. Rebecca's back was towards Roland as she heard footsteps coming closer. The worn out girl realized if anything were to occur unexpectedly, she would be too exhausted for anymore than one punch.

One of the female gymnasts called out to Rebecca with, "Hey, Becky! I think Roland wants to talk to you!"

Rebecca did not say anything, at first, because she was doubled over from exhaustion. Finally, when given water by another of her teammates, she drank it and was rejuvenated enough to start up a conversation. "Enjoying the view, Ro?" Rebecca smirked some at the realization she was getting a little naughty with her words, and she half expected the poor boy to be flustered after hearing her teasing query. "Oh, I get it. You came here to find some gal to stare at or to get under the skirt of. Uh-huh, I see how it is." She crossed her arms in a huff as she continued the mischievous act.

One of the male gymnasts in the area walked up to Roland and whispered, "Run, mate. She's already built a reputation for baiting guys into a punch in the gut if they so much as flirt with her."

Rebecca nearly chuckled when she heard the whisper. She did not know what was said exactly, yet she figured it was some warning to the poor French basketball player. She turned around to walk forward, hips swaying a bit, her left pushing the semi-long ponytail towards the back of her neck (it went down between her shoulders). "On second thought, I am burnin' up, here! I'd sure love to be someplace where I can cool off!" She realized it was a gamble to behave in such a teasing manner, yet if Roland could at least restrain certain urges he could feel, then she would consider him worth her time. She knew he was French, thus she tested him further by exclaiming with a fake yawn, "Je suis si fatigué!" I am so tired! (Not that there was much pretending to it, as she truly was tired.)

She next fell forward towards the boy. If he caught her, she would breathe heavily to make herself seem more tired than she honestly was. One of the more hedonistic of the gymnasts gave a sly grin, knowing Rebecca was testing Roland, but getting the wrong idea on what.

Akira remained silent the whole time, not actually wanting to mention what Aiko and him talked about. It was not until they were in the impala that Akira finally said something. "Aunt Aiko was basically admiring the two of us, so I told her, 'Idiot! What are you imagining? Let's go already'. Then, she apologized and the car started moving. That's pretty much it. She's always like that, internally shipping pairs of people all the friggin' time. So annoying." Looking out the window, he added another explanation. "You see, back in Japan, complaining is a sign of selfishness. That's why I hesitated to explain, this time. If I were to complain too much, I would appear very selfish. So, if I'm silent when somebody asks what is wrong, you know why I am silent."

They were not even close to the zoo, and already Sasha was enthusiastic. Charles chuckled a little. "Well, my energetic friend, the zoo is kind of large. Maybe seeing just half or less of it per day would be nice. And, lunch is my treat." Looking out the window, Charles said, "So, any good pictures of the gardens, this time? I believe you had that goal." He turned his head towards her and smirked. "You didn't takes photos of my nap, did you? Mischievous little lass."

Amnon heard Noel's explanation, which left him shocked. Someone mocked her? This cute little Italian girl? What could have possessed whoever it was? Calming down, he said, "Don't worry about it." He looked around. "Worry about your cat. Where is he? Back in Israel, there are stray cats like you wouldn't believe because we simply tried to solve a pest problem with mice and rats. Or, was that just Jerusalem?"

Agatha smiled back at Giovanni as he spoke, and was thinking on what to do together when he made up his mind. That made her look up, surprised. And then, there was something odd happening in her chest. Oh, no! Not again! Please, not again! I was already disappointed by rushing, before! What would Andrew make of all this!? What would he think!? Then again, I can't mope around forever! What do I do!? All those thoughts rushed at once and instantly, then she went up to Gio and said, "Uh... Giovanni?" She had both hands together as she shyly posed the query, "D-Do you like to swim?" I hope he doesn't get the wrong idea.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katherine Prescott Character Portrait: Sasha Pavlichenko Character Portrait: Charles Aaron Character Portrait: Rebecca Othniel Character Portrait: Eliab Othniel Character Portrait: Camryn Shaffer
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Katherine Prescott

Katherine let out a little giggle. "Yeah." She knew exactly what the 'sibling thing' was, she and her brothers would always argue over the littlest things. When Eliab asked about watching Pokémon, the girl's face lit up some. "Pokémon! I haven't seen that in forever!" She smiled, lightly clapped her hands together, as he got up to retrieve the DVD and the DVD player.

Kat was sitting up in the middle of the bed, but scooted over so there was enough space of Eliab to sit down next to her. It may have hurt a bit for her to move, but Eliab wasn't paying attention, so she felt a bit relieve as he might of told her not to move. "Here, sit." She told him, patting the spot next to her, after he started the show. It was a small habit of hers. Back home, whenever the Prescott siblings wanted to watch a movie or TV show, they'd all go into one sibling's room and crowd onto the bed.

In the middle of the episode, Rebecca came back with a set of clothes for the brunette. She placed them on the end table next to Katherine . "Thank you Rebecca." But the girl only nodded before leaving the room. Kat let out a quiet sigh, but tried to not let it get to her. Rebecca was probably still mad at Eliab, which he told Kat that it wasn't her fault they argued. With that in mind, she returned her attention back to Pokémon, hoping Eliab didn't read too much into her sigh.

Giovanni Napoli

Giovanni was half was up the first flight of stairs when Agatha called out his name. He turned around to find her standing at the bottom of the stairway instead of at the door where he left her. By her posture, she seemed to be a bit nervous, maybe. "Yes?" He questioned, walking back down the stairs to stand in front of her. She then asked if he liked swimming. "Um, yeah I like swimming." At first he thought the question was a bit odd, but then realized why she had asked that. "Ah, are you inviting me to swim with you?" He smiled, it was a normal smile, that didn't give any secret meaning to it.

Gio looked down at what he was wearing: a dark grey hoodie, jeans, and green converse. "Hmm. Need to change first….Wait just a second." He rushed up the stairs and to his dorm. He pulled off his hoodie, which he wasn't wearing a shirt underneath, so he put on a red tank. Next his pants came off in exchange for some blue swim shorts. He debated whether or not to wear anything on his feet, and decided against it. Leaving his dorm, he made it back down stairs in only minutes. "Now, let's get you over to your dorm so you can change. Well, unless you want to swim in that." He pointed to what she was wearing, letting out a low chuckle. They then left the boy's dormitory and headed over to the girl's dormitory.

Roland Croisseux

After awhile, Roland decided to hit the gym to do a little bit of basketball practice. He was already in uniform so he didn’t have to waste time changing. He grabbed his basketball and headed out his dorm room, locking it behind him. It didn't take him long to get to the gymnasium. But sadly it was already being occupied by the gymnastics team. He placed his basketball down and scanned the area for anyone he knew. That's when he spotted her

Walking towards a group of female gymnasts, Ro heard the giggles and "fangirling" from some of the other females he passed. This made a heart-striking smile appear, causing a few of the girls to squeal. "Hey, that girl over there. She's that guy...Eliab's sister correct? Um what's her name...Rebecca is it?" He had asked the group of girls. Which they confirmed with a nod and called her over.

The first thing Rebecca said to him was if he enjoyed the view. "Ahh, yes I am actually." Roland smirked back before continuing, "But not as much as I enjoy viewing my magnificent self in the mirror." He then gave a troubled look. "Which reminds me. You don't happen to have a mirror handy? I haven't seen my handsome face in over 5 minutes!" He completely ignored the comment about finding some girl to stare at or get under the skirt of.

Just then one of the male gymnasts went up to Ro and whispered a warning about Rebecca. Though this new information didn’t phase him at all. His gaze never left the gymnast, as she came forward. He looked her over once, twice. Not really checking her out. Before she stopped in front of him. She displayed a little act of being 'so tired' that she even spoke it in French. This gave him the perfect idea.

When Rebecca fell forward, Roland did in fact catch her. "Pauvre princesse. Ici, laissez-moi vous porte." Poor princess. Here, let me carry you He said in French, guessing she didn't know much French. He then proceeded to pick her up bridal/princess style, restraining her enough that she couldn’t squirm. "Maintenant, le temps de vous apporter un endroit pour se rafraîchir" Now, time to bring you somewhere to cool off. His own mischievous grin crept out, as he carried her out the gymnasium's door. It was only a few seconds before he came across the pool. He stepped right up to the edge of the pool, still firmly holding onto Rebecca so she couldn't get away. "You better hold your breath now." He warned her, just before he tossed the poor girl into the pool.

Camryn Shaffer

The walk to the car was a quiet one. It wasn't until they got into the impala, did Akira explain what Aiko said yesterday. "Hehe, your Aunt is so cute." She giggled, smiling as she started up the impala. When he explained the Japanese custom of not complaining, as it is a sign of selfishness, she couldn't understand why it was like that. "That's stupid." She commented, frowning a bit. "I find complaining as a way to relieve stress. Whether it's to someone else or to yourself." Glancing over at Akira, she continued. "I complain a lot to myself in my dorm. Usually about Roland. So I guess that makes me selfish." She looked back and kept her eyes on the road, driving towards the British Museum. "But you would too if you knew just how irritatingly annoying that guy can get." This made a smirk appear. "I'd say, since you're no longer in Japan, go ahead and complain all you want. It won't make you appear selfish here. I'll even volunteer to be you're complaining buddy. Got a complaint you'd like to say? Well, just come find me!"

Sasha Pavlichenko

"Okay, so try to do half of the zoo today. Lunch is far enough that we could probably see 1/3 of the half. But too close to see 1/2 of the half. So we'll see the umm...I think the gorillas and umm prey birds (birds of prey) are the closest to the entrance, so we'll see those first, then go eat, and after that we'll go see the bottom section of the zoo." She was still looking at Charles when looked out the window. "Ahh, yes that was the goal I had in mind. And yes, I did take a lot of good pictures of the gardens. Soon to be the zoo as well!" When he turned back towards her, she beamed a smile. "Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't. You'll never know." She then stuck a playful tongue out at him, setting her camera on the other side of her so he couldn't grab it.

(Map of the London Zoo: So looking at this, they'd be going left of the entrance to the gorillas, then down to where the otters and all that are)

Léon Croisseux

After what felt like hours, but was really only half an hour. Léon let his head fall to his desk, causing a rather hard 'bang'. "Oww…" He barley even did a third of what was left. "Ugh...I hate paperwork...I can't do this anymore!!!" He pressed the small red call button on is desk. It lit up and sent a somewhat annoying buzzing sound over to Aiko's desk. This was his way of getting her to come see him without him having to get up and get her or yell put for her.

Once he heard the door opened, he glanced up to make sure it was his Vice Headmaster. "Aiko…." He whined, his voice muffled by him being face down on the desk. "There's too much work!!! I can't do it anymore!!" He complained, weakly slamming a fist onto the desk.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katherine Prescott Character Portrait: Sasha Pavlichenko Character Portrait: Charles Aaron Character Portrait: Rebecca Othniel Character Portrait: Eliab Othniel Character Portrait: Camryn Shaffer
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Aiko heard the buzz to head over to Léon's office and giggled. Oh, dear! I bet I know what he is going to say! He is so silly when it comes to this! She walked with a cheerful demeanor about her as she entered the Headmaster's room. Immediately, she heard the usual complaint from him, her smile never fading a bit. "You always say that, Léon! Besides, Didn't I mention that you'd have help, soon?" She then turned around and pretended to pout with her arms crossed. "Hmph! And, to think you don't trust me!" She waited for Léon's reaction and giggled at whatever his response was prior to turning around in her usual happy-go-lucky mood while pointing a finger. "Well, I know something that may motivate you! Why don't we make a bet?"

She then gave a wink to him in a flirtatious manner. "If at least half of the paperwork is done by the night of the Halloween Dance, I will treat you to a little surprise! If not, then you wear cat ears and have to say "Nya" at that dance! What do you say?"

Akira went wide-eyed when Camryn expressed her disapproval of the Japanese custom. It was kind of an odd experience for him. Since he was a child, he was taught that expressing an opinion against the norm would only generate chaos. It has been so ingrained in his head, just as much as apologizing on behalf of his family and people (which was not uncommon in Japan), that he thought nothing of it. At least, nothing of it until this moment. It made him chuckle after he thought on what Camryn said. "You sure you can understand Japanese? Well, anyway, thank you."

Charles saw Sasha's smile, which he honestly thought was cute, followed by her mischievous answer. Her tongue sticking out and the camera pushed away indicated she did indeed take a picture of him while he was sleeping on the bench. This made him laugh a little. "Figures." Once they were at the zoo, Charles paid for the tickets and they were both inside and looking at the animals. While they were eating lunch together, the red-haired half-Scotsman decided to strike up conversation with, "So, what brought you here to Britain from Russia?"

Agatha smiled a bit shyly and nodded at Giovanni's question of whether she was inviting him to swim with her. She waited for him and then went to her dorm to get changed out of her blouse, T-shirt (which she always wears under her blouse to keep the boys from staring at her bra (her breasts were of modest size)) jeans, bra, and panties and into a light blue, one-piece swimsuit with a low cut to it so that most of her butt was covered (aside from very little of each butt cheek), with no cleavage showing at her chest. She wondered if she should wear shorts, then decided upon her athletic shorts which only went as far as the top of her thighs, then came out to meet Gio.

Agatha could mentally hear her cousin, Aeneas, telling her in her to be more confident in her body. Of course, she would always wonder if it was Aeneas' perverted mind speaking, or if he was honestly trying to help, or a little of both. Merely thinking on that made her mentally giggle, though she did not utter a sound aloud.

At the pool, Agatha removed the shorts, walked towards the edge, and went headfirst into the water. She then, out of habit, she made a swift forward stroke to and from her starting point, three times. Once she stopped and realized Giovanni was nearby, she blushed in embarrassment and said to him, "Sorry, I sometimes forget people are present when I swim." She decided to talk to him about family and whatnot while they swam, her mostly talking about her Yia Yia (grandmother) and cousin since her grandmother was a nice and motherly old woman to be around, plus her cousin (Aeneas) was rather comedic in his perverted and energetic demeanor while still having a sensitive heart.

Rebecca pretended to be flattered the whole time (that having any other option when she was rendered incapable of moving), at least until she was thrown into the swimming pool where Agatha and Giovanni already were. Agatha was the first to wade her way to the Isreali-Syrian-Norwegian girl and ask, "Are you all right, Rebecca?"

Rebecca gave no response as she came out of the swimming pool without the emotional mask she had to put on; she could almost swear she was becoming like Eliab sometimes with those masks. Her face showed all manner of embarrassment and anger. Since she knew Roland was French and spoke it, she used the language impulsively (she learned how to speak it fluently from David). "Tout droit, vous perverti, vaniteux secousse! Ne pense pas que je n'ai pas oublié votre commentaire sur mes fesses, ou ce qui vous a dit plus tard ! Puisque vous avez déjà vu venir, ici, il va, et il va faire mal!" All right, you perverted, conceited jerk! Don't think I haven't forgotten your comment on my butt, or what you said afterwards! Since you already saw it coming, here it goes, and it's gonna hurt!

Right before the blow, Rebecca halted when she heard a familiar adult voice. It was her own mother, Thea. (picture shown below.) Rebecca knew better than to pull anything in front her. Thea spoke in a sweet, yet firm voice in Norwegian. "Kjæresten! Hva jeg si om stansing folk?" Sweetie! What did I say about punching people?


Rebecca immediately pulled back her fist in shame as she answered her mother with, "Å ikke... Jeg vet, mor..." To not to... I know, mom...

Thea responded back in a curious tone. "Så, hvorfor gjør du disse voldelige ting, Rebecca?" Then, why do you do these violent things, Rebecca?

"Jeg vet ikke." I don't know

Thea giggled due to knowing why Rebecca behaves the way she does. In her daughter's mind, if a guy could put up with her antics and not be perverted, then they would be worth her time. So, Thea knew just what to say. "Det er ikke bra nok, kjære! Hvordan skal du slå seg ned med rett mann hvis du holder gjør det?" That's not good enough, sweetie! How are you going to settle down with the right man if you keep doing it?

That query left Rebecca speechless. Mischievous and rough as she was, she was inwardly a hopeless romantic. There was that, and she had to admit in her mind Roland was handsome. Of course, she barely knew him, so her feelings towards the boy would have to be sorted out as time progressed.

Thea's smile grew wider when no answer came, meaning she said her piece and convinced her daughter she had to clean up her act. With that, out of the way, she waved at Ro and said, "And, you must be Roland! Leon always said he wanted a boy with that name! You are nearly the exact spitting image of him!" She next noticed something about his eyes "And yet, you have Louise's eyes! I always knew she and Leon would make such a cute couple! And, speaking of cute couples..." Thea spontaneously went over and hugged Ro and Rebecca tightly, to Rebecca's further embarrassment. "Seeing you two with your antics is just so adorable! I saw you two heading to this pool and followed!"

Rebecca turned to Roland with, "Désolé, Roland, ma mère est un peu un romantique désespéré. Et, je pense qu'elle a rencontré tes parents pendant sa quatrième année de l'école secondaire. Lorsqu'elle a appris que votre père était le directeur de Messier, elle est allée sur et sur eux, et comment elle était à la fois de grands amis. Mon père, cependant, n'a jamais vraiment aimé vôtre." [/I]Sorry, Roland, my mom is a bit of a hopeless romantic. And, I think she met your parents during her fourth year of high school. When she heard that your dad was the headmaster of Masuta, she went on and on about them and how she was great friends with both. My dad, however, never really liked yours.[/I]

Agatha could not help but laugh softly at the scene. She whispered to Giovanni, "At least nobody was hurt."

Thea let go then finally explained why she was at the academy, pulling out a small bag with pills. "Anyway, Rebecca, I came by to give you your medicine. I hope you've been remembering to take it."

Rebecca rolled her eyes before stating, "Yes, mom." Once she had her eyes on her mother again, however, she noticed the woman was deep in thought with a mischievous grin about her. Rebecca and Eliab knew that their mother would, whenever she spotted a likely pairing, would often start imagining how a relationship would play out between the two people she thought of, including a bit of sexuality followed by pregnancy. Just thinking on the sexual scene playing in their mother's head left the Othniel siblings flustered, especially if it involved one of them and another person. Rebecca immediately went neon as she anxiously shouted, "Mom, no! That is way too naughty to be thinking about concerning Ro and me!" She then laughed nervously and whispered in French to Roland, "Et, maintenant qu'elle pense à une grossesse. Encore une fois, elle est un romantique désespéré." And, now she's thinking about a pregnancy. Again, she's a hopeless romantic.

Thea left the pool and it seemed like she was headed home. At least, that is what Rebecca thought. She was actually headed for the boys dorm to check on Eliab.

Speaking of whom, after that episode of Pokémon, he put up the DVD and the player. He then talked about his cousin, Amnon, leaving out why he left Israel since Katherine was not in the best of conditions. He mentioned how Amnon is not someone with much of a sense of humor and how he is very much analytical and an observant Messianic Jew. Eliab even recalled the time when at a family reunion he and Rebecca told jokes to each other and Amnon did not get it at all. There were other topics Eliab talked about, as well, such as how Rebecca would bait boys that flirted with her prior to punching them in the gut, plus the fact Eliab himself always kept count out of habit. "That's why I always carry a first-aid kit full of equipment."

Just then, the dorm door was knocked, to which Eliab jumped and whispered, to Katherine, "I'll be right back. Don't worry, I won't let them in." Opening the dorm door, his eyes widened. "Mom!?"

Thea smiled brightly, hugging her son enthusiastically. "Oh, don't talk like that, sweetie! What's wrong with me checking on you?"

Eliab laughed nervously, "Nothing, at all, just surprised."

Thea's thick Norwegian accent leaked as she spoke. "Well, how are you? No trouble, I hope?"

Eliab, with his Southern accent, answered back, "No, not really, though I don't think it's the best time to come in, right now."

Thea pouted while posing the query, "Oh? Why not?"

Eliab knew he had to think fast, or his mother would see Kat and ask what was going on, then he would be forced to tell the truth, which meant Thea would insist Eliab take her to the nurse that instant. In order to avoid that, Eliab told only half the truth. "Uh, a friend and I were just watching anime for a bit, and it is pretty much all buddies, today. Plus, we're study buddies, so... yeah."

His mother did not believe him. Thea realized there was more going on than meets the eye. "Is this friend... female?"

Eliab instinctively raised his hands while shouting, "Yes, but it's not what you think!" He was about to react to his mother's sudden fantasy of him and whomever it was, yet he realized this was his opportunity to push her away from the door so she would not take notice of Katherine. "Uh, now that you know nothing naughty or scary is up, why don't you just go check on Amnon? You know how much he loves gardens."

Once Thea was gone, Eliab closed the door gently so not to arouse suspicion, breathing a sigh of relief. "Det var en nær." That was a close one. Walking on back over to Katherine, he told her, "That was my mom. She was checking on me. Don't worry, she didn't spot you. I'm not about to see you get forced out of the Academy by your parents over something there is no need to overreact about."

Amnon smiled warmly while responding to Noel's explanation with, "Don't worry about it!" He stroked Felix's head while messing with Noel's hair a little out of playfulness (the closest he will ever come to being mischievous). He then sat Noel back onto a bench and spoke in Italian. "Eliab e Rebecca sempre dirmi che sono così grave, che non posso prendere uno scherzo, che significa. Oh, Beh, sono i miei cugini. Poiché non li ho incontrato fino a questo anno scolastico, la maggior parte di quello che so di loro proviene dalle lettere scambiate da mio padre e la loro. Originariamente, il nonno aveva lo stesso cognome come il mio, dato che sono fratelli. Ma, cambiò il suo cognome da Chaikin a Othniel così per cercare di dimenticare la guerra dei sei giorni." Eliab and Rebecca always tell me I am so serious, I cannot take a joke, whatever that means. Oh, well, they are my cousins. Since I have not met them until this school year, most of what I know of them comes from letters exchanged by my father and theirs. Originally, their grandfather had the same last name as mine, since they are brothers. But, he changed his last name from Chaikin to Othniel so to try to forget the Six-Day War.

It was while hugging Noel some more to calm her down a bit, that Thea found them on the bench in the garden. "Ah, Amnon! How's my skinny nephew? And, who's your friend?"

Amnon smiled and said, "Doing okay, Aunt Thea! This girl is Noel, and her cat is Felix!" Turning to Noel, he said, "Noel, this is Aunt Thea, Eliab and Rebecca's mother."

Thea adoringly petted Felix in a way only she knew how which could calm any cat. "And he's such an adorable kitty! She's got great taste! Noel is quite a cutie-pie, too!" Then, with her perceptive eyes, Thea noticed Noel was not in the best of health. "Oh, how cute you two would be together! Of course, she does not strike me as the type to be a candidate for childbirth, but there's always adoption, and there are many anal sex position for the wedding night." With blunt mode activated, there was no stopping her as she put a hand under her chin and smiled mischievously. "Like, maybe, lioness."

Amnon let go of Noel and protested with, "I just met her, and I'm not exactly the sexual type!" He was blushing red as a rose.

Thea raised her hand in front of her with, "Hey! I can dream, can I?" This left Amnon laughing nervously, hoping she would stop fantasizing.

"Ehehehe... Aunt Thea is very blunt about these things, and is a hopeless romantic, on top of that. Sorry if she is making you awkward, Noel."