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only one shot

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a character in “Mech Fights Daily!”, as played by HeadShotzHero7


Skelly (Piolt)
Mech name:Shotz
rank in team:Defence men
Age:(Nothing under 20) 26
Weapons on mech:lazer Sniper (left arm) Built in heated Sword (right arm used for cutting bots to pieces)
Best match type: (Only one of the match types you can be best at) One V One
Worst match type: (Can only be bad at one) Team Matches
Mech Model: Locked up Fire Fly Gen2


A Lone Wolf style fighter who barly ever talks but has a 99% Hit count A deadly Sniper


His Mech is 12 feet tall and has a pulse drive for quick movements in the cockpit theres a sight used for sniping his enemies


As a child he was always alone he only talked to his older sister who was taken from him by a black mech thats all he could remember he lived in poverty and now he wants revenge

So begins...

Dinamus's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rachel Roth Character Portrait: Mark Muhlan Character Portrait: Asuki Shangurai Character Portrait: Dinamus Character Portrait: John Groshman
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Dinamus in his Flight suit Sat at the back corner of the party waiting to see what the pros would do dinamus was always a statistic type of person he didnt like the fame but he had been told if he can win the fights he can save his sister. dinamus watched as mark and asuki walked down the red carpet he then remembered his sister and him playing at the park as kids suddenly he lokk to his left where he saw rachel and dinamus slowly moved through the crowed like a shark in water he looked over to his right and out of the window he saw a Black Mech He reached to his hand gun that he had slipped in with but thought about his sister and halted this Bot was not the same as the one that stole his sister from him This on looked much Stronger On the front in little Printing it Said C-9-1-1.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mark Muhlan Character Portrait: Dinamus
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Mark saw the pilot headed to the C-9-1-1 parked up front, and jumped onto the C-9-1-1 P.O.S' leg, and climbed up the ladder and banged on the cockpit window, and pointed to the boy climbing up. By the looks of it, he was an athlete on a team, so he shouted out "What team?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raven Roth Character Portrait: Mark Muhlan Character Portrait: Dinamus Character Portrait: Michael Kerensky
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While the party was carrying on, Michael sat at a table in the far corner, keeping a close eye on his teammates. He wasn't really too keen on getting his picture taken by the press, so instead he usually went in through a back entrance so he could have a drink in peace. The most noteworthy thing so far was that shifty manager of theirs showing off a new toy. Damn thing didn't look as if it'd be able to stand up to even one shot from a gauss rifle, Mike thought. In his eyes, a true mech was one that could actually withstand being buried in ordinance, not some fancy little ballerina made of tinfoil.

Suddenly, he saw movement in the crowd. Someone was moving towards the teammates, and Mike was too far away to directly intervene. With this in mind, he just sat back in his chair, waiting to see how this would play out. If the stranger had hostile intentions, then at least he'd be outnumbered two to one, right?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raven Roth Character Portrait: Rachel Roth Character Portrait: Mark Muhlan Character Portrait: Dinamus
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Raven nodded "Yeah for you maybe and yeah Reaper needs a few more weapons. Can I change out of this dress now?" She asked looking at it in disgust.

Rachel followed the boy Dinamus and saw what he did she ran after him and then kicked him in the face with her high heeled boot(if taken) she would land perfectly on her feet and yell "What are you doing!?" Her stance would shift as she got ready to fight him.

(if not taken) She would land in a cat stance as she missed his face and would stand up with a smirk "Your good. But why are you here!?" She would ask her stance shifting to a fight stance just incase he answered her wrong.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raven Roth Character Portrait: Rachel Roth Character Portrait: Mark Muhlan Character Portrait: Dinamus Character Portrait: Michael Kerensky Character Portrait: Josh Scamming
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She nodded "All systems check." She told him.

Rachel bushed a button on her bracelet and a dome appeared behind her protecting her from the blast. She sighed and spoke into her wrist watch. "Raven we have a major problem down here. C-9-1-1 blew up. Some punk kid was here and blew it up. he shot the guards too."

Raven nodded "You did good Rach get the hell out of there." She told her from her wrist watch. then looked at Mark "Show time. C9 just blew up." She said then called all the Junkies telling them the same thing as she hopped into Reaper. "Reaper. You good to go kick some ass?" She asked her loyal companion. Reaper went into a fighting stance and She smiled. "Then let's go." She told him and Reaper blasted off.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rachel Roth Character Portrait: Dinamus
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((Raven's the older sister whos in her robot Reaper about to kick whoever touched the robot C-9-1-1 ass. Rachel is the younger sister who is at the party. Ima guess you meant Rachel tho. Sorry that the names are so similar and confusing ))

Rachel looked at him "How do I know you didn't blow up C9. Why shouldn't I call my older sister right now and say I have the person who blew him up." She challenged. Rachel may be younger then Raven but she wasn't stupid and when she got her head straight she could be really smart about a situation.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raven Roth Character Portrait: Rachel Roth Character Portrait: Mark Muhlan Character Portrait: Dinamus Character Portrait: Michael Kerensky
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Rachel glowered at him "Wait!" She called out but it was to late he was gone. She ran outside trying to follow him but only to see his mech fly off. She crossed her arms in objection "I hate secrets." She said angrily and stomped back into the party to wait for Raven.

Raven called on her radio to her sister "I sense a disturbance in the force little sister, You okay?" She asked her as she sat back in her chair trying to relax and calm her nevers. Raven and her sister had a connection that most siblings didn't. They could feel when something was wrong with each other and at times if it was strong enough what the other felt. They called it "A disturbance in the force."

Rachel sighed "Your 19. I'm 17. I'm only two years younger then you." She reminded her sister tartly. "And I'm okay. Just some pilot guy. He knew my name and was at the scene of the crime even shot some people to get inside where C9 was." She admitted.

Raven sat up "He didn't hurt you did he? He didn't touch you? Threaten you? Make any sort of moves on you? What did his mech look like?" She asked finally.

Rachel sighed "I would have broke his fingers if he tried to hurt or touch me. Threaten me not really. Least not that I know of. Moves nah. His mech was a offense one by the looks of it. It have a nova sword as a right arm, and had some big guns and stuff."

Raven glowered and said only one name outloud for all to hear "Dinamus."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raven Roth Character Portrait: Mark Muhlan Character Portrait: Dinamus Character Portrait: Michael Kerensky
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Raven laughed at Mike's words "Yes, Yes I did." She answered his unasked question. Raven sighed "He shot the guards watching over C9 and was at the scene of the crime when it blew up and he knew Rachel's name." She glowered. "You should help me with my mech sometime." She told him.

She heard Mark's voice boom in spouting orders to just go to sleep. She was not at all happy with the orders. But rebelling wouldn't do much good.

She glowered but nodded "As you command." She said to him. "Mikey. See you tomorrow." She told him and with that reaper jetted off into the sky. Reaper picked up Rachel and then they flew home.


Rachel was in the stands cheering her sister on with a smile on her face.

Raven walked to Mark's side to hear his motivational speech or plan.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raven Roth Character Portrait: Rachel Roth Character Portrait: Mark Muhlan Character Portrait: Dinamus Character Portrait: Michael Kerensky
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Raven stayed where she was "SO what were you doing shooting the guards? Gonna sell parts or take them for your robot? You killed two men with families and children." She told him calmly and yet her tone had a edge.

Rachel stayed in the stands.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raven Roth Character Portrait: Rachel Roth Character Portrait: Dinamus Character Portrait: Michael Kerensky
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Raven looked at Micheal and looked down the way a child would when they were in trouble. She let out a sigh of defeat. She walked to the side of the room trying to calm her nerves. She couldn't sleep the night before. She was worried. If it wasn't the D man then who was it? Was someone gunning for her team? What if something happened to Rachel? She could never live with herself. All those questions swarmed inside her mind making it hard for her to sleep.

Rachel's voice began spouting from the radio "I feel a disturbance in the force. Talk to me." Raven jumped at the sound of her sisters voice and fell off the the chair she was sitting in and hit her head on the wall. "Okay one Owww! Two It's nothing you need to worry about. I'm okay." Raven answered her sister. Rachel could be heard laughing when she said oww, which seemed to help Raven calm down cause she smiled.
"You worry too much Raven." Rachel told her. "I worry enough." Raven protested. "Nope you worry way way way to much!" Rachel told her her voice taking on a more kiddy tone then got serious "Ever sense mum and pa died when we were-"
Raven panicked and covered her watch so no one could hear the rest.She never told the team about her past.
"I'm going to take this outside." Raven told the team and walked rather quickly outside.

When she was outside she would sigh in relief and uncover her watch "Yeah. I know. But I couldn't be a kid and take care of you and everything else now could i?" She asked. Rachel sighed "You tried..." She told her. Raven smiled a bit and nodded "I always made time for you, yeah." She admitted. She could feel Rachel smiling "That's why everything is going to be okay! Cause you protected me and everyone else your whole life! You kick ass! So why worry!?" She said. Raven sighed, shook her head and just laughed "You totally contradicted yourself Rach." She told her. Rachel boomed in "Nah-uh." Which Raven replied with a "Uh-huh." And they kept that up for awhile and then they both laughed. "What am I going to do with you Rachel?" Raven asked her. "Love me forever and ever." Rachel replied. Raven smiled "I think I can do that." She told her. Then turned the wrist radio off and looked around then walked back inside and sat down.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raven Roth Character Portrait: Rachel Roth Character Portrait: Mark Muhlan Character Portrait: Dinamus
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Raven looked at the d man and nodded. She then heard Marks words and sighed. She was going to have to talk to him later that was for damn sure but for now she'd do as he commanded. She smiled and pushed a button speaking to her mech "It's show time." She said with a smile. Reaper appeared in seconds. She smiled "You ready for this?" Reaper went into a fighting stance and she smiled more. "Then let's go kick some ass!" She said and jumped into the air doing a flip and landing in her mechs hands. Reaper twisted around and floated to the top. Raven smiled and waved at everyone and blew kisses the fans screamed out. Reapers chest plate opened and Raven did a backflip landing perfectly inside her robot. The chest plate closed and she smield "All systems check. Let's make some noise boys!" She told the team. Reaper got into a fight stance. "Mark common calm down. Your stress levels are making it hard for your Mech. Were going to win this. You know that. If it's more then you know I'm here to talk. Your a great leader and everything and it's the least I can do." She told him trying to calm him down so his mech didn't end up suffering. "Let's kick some ass and show this team that the Iron Junkies don't play games!" She told the team as reaper flew up into the air his back armor sparkled in the suns rays as he got into a fighting stance then flew down by Mark's side.

Rachel began screaming for her sister and Mark holding up a sign that said "Iron Junkies"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raven Roth Character Portrait: Mark Muhlan Character Portrait: Dinamus
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Raven nodded "I love the smell of oil in the morning and the sight of charred robots and sparking diodes in the morning. It get's me pumped!" She told him "As for dinner duh!" She told him with a smile. "D-Man I call the big guy to the left. Melee Vs. Melee. And if you touch reaper I'll kick your ass two weeks to Sunday! And chop off your balls with a butter knife and feed them to Mikey's iguana!" She hissed. She hated his threats. She loved reaper. She made him from scratch. She put her blood into this robot and he was like her brother. She then got relaxed again "So Mark that leaves the guy on the right. Leader Vs. Leader." She smiled. "Sweet."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raven Roth Character Portrait: Mark Muhlan Character Portrait: Dinamus
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Raven answered his question without thought her voice would chill anyone to the bone as she spoke "I'd torture them for information as to where my sister was and then I'd kill them in the most brutal way possible." Her eyes narrowed "So this is the one. The man who took your sister all those years ago..D-Man Reaper can catch the guy. I have a compartment just for him. Make sure nothing is left of his mech." She ordered as she waited.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raven Roth Character Portrait: Rachel Roth Character Portrait: Mark Muhlan Character Portrait: Asuki Shangurai Character Portrait: Ali Partks Character Portrait: Sorvon Arfin
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Raven smiled "And the D-Man saves the day!" She cheered and then got to work taking off Shotz shoulder thrusters and putting em on Reaper. When she removed them she smiled at Shotz "I'll bring em right back S-Factor." She promised then sighed "Dinamus when ya gonna make The S-Factor here into a sinoer bot like reaper and Ace?" She said gesturing towards her robot and Mark's. She called Mark's robot Ace. She had a nickname for almost everyone. Dinamus was D-Man, Micheal was Mikey, Mark was Boss dude or The M'ster, Reaper 9,000 was Reaper or Reap. Rachel was Rach, Shotz was S Factor, Warlord was War, John was Jay, Joey was the Joe, Josh was J-Man, Dusty was Dust, Ali was The Ali-Gator, Asuki was ZuZu, And Sorvon was Sora. It was pretty crazy how she knew everyone and yet barely talked to them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raven Roth Character Portrait: Rachel Roth Character Portrait: Dinamus
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Raven blinked and then turned away "Oh......" Was all she said as she walked away from the them all. Rachel still clinging to her side walked with her. Her happiness at winning was completely gone now. She walked to reaper "I'm going to go back home." She said in a pained tone and then pushed a button on her watch and Reaper blasted off. She went to her apartments. And began studying for her college exams. Rachel followed her lead and began studying for her high school tests. Both in silence. Both feeling guilty about blaming Dinamus and both not wanting him to go but not daring to say it outloud. Raven did what she always did in any situation that she could not stop. She began beating herself up about it and worrying until she was stressed out to the max and having a anxiety attacks. She started thinking about how she was the one to tell him to go for it and kill that man. She began thinking about blaming him for blowing up her robot. She thought of every argument they ever had. She then began to throw herself in her studies to escape. Rachel just threw herself in her studies and forced herself not to think about it. She would go play with her friends later and Raven would most likely work on reaper.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raven Roth Character Portrait: Dinamus
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Raven looked at Dinamus "Your rescueing me......will it effect getting your sister back?" I ask my eyes prying into his so he knew I knew what was going on.