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Mihail Abram

Teacher | "If you do your work properly then I promise not to punish you."

0 · 1,013 views · located in Misaki Creek Academy

a character in “Misaki Creek| An All Boys Academy”, as played by Akantha



Mihail Abram

Djinn Age: 113 Years, Human Years; 26 Years old.


Psychology Teacher, Concealment 101


General Looks:
Mihail is a fairly tall man among men his age but is only 5' 5" with a lean yet well built physique, light coloured skin, long blond hair and cloudy blue eyes when unlit. When he activates his power they turn electric blue and bright. Upon a closer look you can notice that Mihail's eyes are slightly slitted and when his emotions rise beyond control you can see the slits very clearly but for the most part he looks very human. His typical attire consists on black pants, shoes and shirt, with a Funeral Parlor long coat, being black with a red middle strip. He wears his hair up in a ponytail during the day and only lets it down when he's stressed or in his room. He also wears white cotton gloves on both hands at all times unless he's going to sleep. Lastly, Mihail has a tattoo between his shoulder on his back depicting a rose with a circle of thorns around it.

Supernatural Affliction:
Mihail is a Djinn who has been permanently bound to his human body. He can still astral travel like most djinn but is unable to stay in the astral plane for too long without killing his humanoid body. The binding was created by an old human master who has died many years ago. However, the binding did not break with his masters death and can only be broken if he remembers his true name. Anyhow, Djinn are humanoid creatures with a hidden place of tattooed skin on their bodies that prefer to live in large ruins with a lot of places to hide or like to travel the world. They feed on human blood and can poison their victims with a touch and in spirit form (or rather a non-manifested form) they can feed on the aether which is like natural unrefined energy. Mihail has trouble feeding on aether because he is trapped in his human body and cannot travel out of it long enough to gather enough energy to support him for longer than perhaps six hours at most. Nevertheless, their poison causes reality-altering hallucinations and can be used either to kill their victims quickly, or to leave victims in a coma-like state while the djinn feeds on their blood over a long period of time. This is why Mihail wears gloves on both hands to prevent his students from accidentally hurting themselves. If they cannot feed on the blood then one last resort is to have a person who can draw on natural energy willingly offer aetheric force to him but that drains the person and can lead to the person dying if Mihail can't control himself.

Djinn are best classified as genies and are able to read a person's mind to learn their deepest desires; however, the djinn do not truly grant wishes like the genies of lore. Instead, they send their victims into a fantasy universe where they believe their wish has been granted while the djinn can drink their blood slowly over the course of days. Time passes slowly enough in the fantasy universe that the djinn's victims will feel as if they're living an entire lifetime before their physical bodies die.

The only power the djinn has that would be looked upon as good willed is the power to heal any ailment with purifying fire. However, as the devious creatures they are, they're often tricked into using this power instead of giving it willingly since it does not benefit them in any way. A Djinn does not give without receiving.

Lastly when djinn access their powers, their eyes glow and their tattoos move and extend down their arms. Some cases where a Djinn is strong enough, other manifestations of power emerge. In Mihail's case his eyes glow bright blue and his tattoos glow and grow to cover his arms and hands in what appears to be thorny vines. At the root of the thorny vines is a lotus flower that blooms when he is receiving or expending power. The tattoo has a somewhat tribal appearance as only the flower is in color and the petals are a shade of orange, pink, and blue. His hair also becomes closer to the color that his hair in his actual djinni form is, which is a clean white.

★ Piano
★ Great Poker-Face
★ Holds His Liquor
★ Speaks Romanian
★ Persuasion

★ Flowers
★ Silence
★ Classical Music
★ Chopin
★ Koi Fish
★ Swimming
★ Hot Tea
★ Cats & Dogs & Most Other Creatures.
★ Touching Others Unless Needed
★ Sweet Food
★ Bonfires
★ Relationships
★ Soda
★ Cake


Mihail is very mysterious, being seen as cranky, emotionless, and sarcastic. He usually tries to hide his emotions and has gotten good at it but most times he simply forgets to hide them and is very expressive when startled or emotional. He can always come up with a witty (albeit harsh) remark, specifically in reply to most of the students antics and attempts at humor during class time. His appearance and attitude appears to be that of an uptight, slightly fashionable, gentleman. However, as much as he may seem slightly distant and anti-social, others describe him as a "jerk with a heart of gold." Other rumors about him include his very active sexual life, only the one-night stands and casual sex, and the rumors of him being a hardass teacher.

Mihail is often mature when he handles situations and he handles them immediately having a high intolerance of jokes and play. Since Mihail very blunt, never sugarcoating, when it comes to difficult matters. He often doesn't mind giving his own advice to others about various subjects, and generally stays cool and calm, even in desperate situations. He is, however, also the most emotionally-restrained of his kind, appearing secretive and distant; he does not allow any of his fellow teachers into his room and spends most of his time by himself, usually reading or writing. Even though he is serious and cautious about his emotions, the reason for his emotional restraint is due to the mistrust he has in others. He isn't used to having friends or having to hold conversations because for the longest time he was simply a genie in servitude. Therefore, if his trust were to be betrayed it is likely that it would never be regained and the grudge held forever. Mihail may be very emotionally restrained and in control but he releases his stress in the form of smoking cigarettes and casual sex with his many very casual lovers.
In several instances throughout the years, contrary to his usual behavior, he does show more emotion — such as making humorous comments along with some of the joking students when he tolerates it. Furthermore, Mihail is known to sometimes be shocked at trivial things like how enjoyable having a conversation underneath the cherry trees at lunch. Also, contrary to his usual poker face Mihail is definitely not an emotionless man. Mihail is actually very emotional and sincere and is often flustered by other people's attempts to get close to him. If he didn't have a poker face he would have blushed every time a vulgar comment was made about him. However, Mihail doesn't trust others easily either and this creates problems for him because it's easier just to push people away than to worry about being betrayed. Nevertheless Mihail does indeed care greatly about the people he is attached to as seen when he actually smiles around them.

Concerning love and relationships, Mihail runs hot and cold when it comes to love because he finds it hard to believe in unstable emotions like 'love.' Mihail would prefer to believe in things like having friends with benefits or one night stands to fulfill the needs of his body and then keep a distance from others. He has a hard time trusting his lover and often doubts the authenticity of his lover's feelings becoming insecure and cold. In most of his relationships he usually would push the person away until they became fed up with his harsh treatment. This troubles Mihail as he truly does care for his partners but cannot find the words to tell them that he didn't mean all those cruel words, even if it only meant saying three words that were already buried away in his heart. His insecurities wear away at him until he can't properly express his emotions to his lover. Thankfully, he doesn't fall in love easily and takes many casual lovers as being a Djinn, he finds it the easiest way to fulfill his sexual and physical/hunger needs.

Lastly, the djinn can be calculating, mischievous, and creative as well, often finding unique ways to get him a decent meal even without having a sexual relationship. Although many people who are close to him would like to say he's a bit of a sadist with a knack for cruel punishments, since he is creative his punishments are also refreshingly horrible for his students.
★ Fire
★ Skinwalkers
★ Mages
★ Being Betrayed
★ Starving

★ Iron Metal
★ Kindness
★ Savory Food
★ Mages
★ His True Name
★ Starving
★ Emotions

★ Finding Out His True Name
★ Teaching the Students
★ Finding a Partner
★ Surviving


So begins...

Mihail Abram's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mihail Abram Character Portrait: Kito Viltrol Character Portrait: Hiroshi Tatsuno
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#, as written by Akantha


The sunlight filtered in through the dark blue curtains fluttering from the open window on the other side of the room. Birds chirped, singing songs of the rising sun as morning arrived. Mihail stirred underneath his cream-colored covers and pulled the pillow closer to his body, hugging it closely. A small grumble escaped his lips and his eyes squeezed shut, straining against the forces of the sunlight streaking across his face. After a few minutes of tossing and turning, Mihail allowed himself to be called to wakefulness by the birdsong outside. His eyes open revealing cloudy gray-blue eyes that took in his surroundings with wariness as if he didn't completely recognize where he was. Mihail was not a morning person tended to be groggy and often slow in the time between waking up and his first coffee. If other people came around they usually received grumpy mumbles and sluggish glares. He stretched his arms above his head, reveling in the way his muscles unwound after laying still for so long. The djinn was still getting used to having a human body and the responsibilities that came with it even after year or two. It was a hard transition to go from being a spirit of the aether who felt mother nature's warm embrace and raced across the colorful skies as pure unbridled energy to being a solid vulnerable human, a shell of what used to be. A human body was more trouble than it was worth too. For one, it always felt unclean and tired and always needed sustenance, whether that sustenance be aetheric because of his djinni nature or processed food. Sometimes he ached to belong to nature and feel invincible again but he was bound by this body and until he remembered his name he would stay this way. Mihail leaned his elbows on his knees as he sat on the edge of his bed and gazed down at the hardwood floor, collecting himself slowly.

Mihail cursed under his breath as he remembered that today was the first day of school. Soon, the freshman and returning students would be entering the school grounds to begin or continue their education as high school students. Mihail pushed off the bed and stumbled towards the bathroom to take a shower. He couldn't waste any more time just sitting around or he would be late to the commencement ceremony at nine. Soon he was under the spray of scalding water and stepping out refreshened and smelling decently nice as a flowery smell wafted from his hair. He didn't mind the smell however because he liked the scent of flowers and this particular scent was like honey and roses. Mihail dried himself off and stepped up to the bathroom mirror and proceeded to brush his teeth while his gaze floated over his features briefly. His blonde hair was mostly dry and hung down over his shoulders just a bit, with a few strands in his bangs annoying him endlessly by getting in his eyes. His gaze was more alert now that he had showered but still seemed distracted since he hadn't had any caffeine yet. Mihail finished brushing his teeth and turned to go back inside the main room of his condo.

The condo was minimalistic with very few sentimental items. There were no photos of family or even posters on the walls. His white and cream bedsheets were in disarray and the light blue and white-striped walls which were oddly calming surrounded him. The floors were covered in a beautiful polished oak and nothing piled on the wood. In fact, Mihail kept his room immaculate and not even dust rested on any of the furniture even though Mihail always had the window open for fresh air. He wasn't claustrophobic but he preferred the natural air from outside as compared to the air conditioning. Now that he was aware and somewhat awake, he caught the scent of cherry blossoms in the room. Mihail walked to the window, keeping to the side and out of sight, to peer out curiously at the cherry blossom trees blooming in the distance. Some of the petals were drifting on the wind and this elicited a slight smile from him before it vanished when he turned away.

Mihail dressed in black slacks, a white dress shirt, dark blue tie, and black indoor loafers before wandering back to the mirror in the bathroom. He reached up to tie his hair in a suitably professional ponytail and after scrutinizing himself in the mirror to assure quality he strode to the door of his apartment and opened it to go outside. The djinn strode through the halls towards the teachers lounge where he was sure to find some coffee. When he arrived, his gaze flitted over the occupants already inside. The headmaster sipped his coffee on the couch, looking comfortable and thoughtful. Mihail reluctantly pulled his gaze away from the headmaster, Hiroshi, and peered over at Kito Vitrol who was the history teacher at Misaki Creek. Mihail debated on saying hello to the both of them before he figured that he was too grumpy to manage a polite greeting yet. So, instead, he walked over to the coffeemaker and poured himself a hot mug of black coffee with no sugar and no creamer. He loved the bitter taste. While taking a cautious sip from the blue mug as he strode over to the couch, he relished the awareness he received from the dark liquid. The fog over his mind completely faded after a few more gulps of the coffee. He let his gaze settle on Hiroshi as he lowered his mug to his lap. "Morning." It was short and to the point, his usual greeting since he hated adding 'good' in front of 'morning'. Why greet with 'good morning' when it was neither a happy greeting nor an actual pleasant morning. Mihail figured it was the usual human complexity. He preferred it simple and frank. Mihail looked to the clock on the wall and scowled. He wasn't ready to face hordes of student just yet with his grumpiness.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mihail Abram Character Portrait: Kito Viltrol Character Portrait: Hiroshi Tatsuno Character Portrait: Rien
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"I wish that I never wake up, but not all wishes can come true."

Rrrring!!! Rrrring!!! Rrrring!!!

A shrill melody echoed within the hollow white room. The notes bounded off the walls without much of a hindrance. Window was slightly ajar which the morning light utilized to its advantage to creep inside the lackluster domain. As it brightened the dark room, it revealed it to be mostly empty. It was far more easy to describe what it does have than what it doesn't have. The said room has a closet, white curtains, a king-sized bed, and the unrelenting source of that piercing sound. There were no touches which would signify who the owner of this bedroom. Hmmm... may be that is exactly the right symbolism to describe the one who claims this dreary chamber.

Rrrring!!! Rrrring!!! Rrrring!!!

There was movement from the bed situated at the very center of the room. Seemingly endless white sheets seemed to glow as the rays of light dawned upon it. What was most interesting was the figure sprawled on top of it. A sylphlike form wearing a white long-sleeved collared shirt, which was unbuttoned allowing the showcase of such smooth porcelain skin, and semi-loose blue pants. The chest exposed for anyone's eyes rose with such an even pacing. Messy sky blue hair rested much like a heavenly crown upon the pillows. In entirety, the personage was sleeping with such unguarded expression befitting of an ethereal princess. Too bad, it is a prince.

Rrrring!!! Rrrring!!! Rrrring!!!

Blooming like a flower, revealing brilliant blue eyes which held a nonchalant expression, the figure looked at the corner of his eyes towards the origins of the sound. It took only a few seconds before he seemingly ignored it and gazed at the fluttering lights shown through the translucent white curtains. It seemed that morning has finally come. Another wish. Another dream had remained distant and impossible from his reach. A new day has come for him, only to remind that life will go on for him. He was getting exhausted every time, but that was simply how it is for someone like him.

Rrrring!!! Rrrring!!! Rrrring!!!

There it was again. He graceful stood from his bed and turned off his dutiful alarm clock. It had been a while since he had heard its sound. He had set it up because of the day today. The beginning of a new semester, a new school year. He will once again play his part as a teacher to the young ones. He walked towards his windows and parted the curtain for him to see the scenery outside. It was breathtaking as the fragile pink blossoms dance with the wind to signify the start of spring. He stood there for a few good minutes before taking a step back. He needs to prepare himself since there will be a general assembly and so he did without much of a hassle.

Once done, he exited his room and made his way through the halls. He now wore a white suit with a black collared inner shirt. There was also a black ribbon which seemed to have remained untied. He wasn't really much attached to what he looks like in the first place. Lucky him, he still looks dastardly beautiful and matched with his inherent liquid grace movements. He is a lovely sight to anyone's pleasure. This hasn't changed through the years. Still, many had indeed change in this school since he had come. It was understandable since time had never stopped. He envies that because even objects which has no life are able to experience the touch of grandfather time.

Those thoughts evaporated soon enough when he stopped before the door to the Teacher's Lounge. He entered and saw three familiar faces. There was the Headmaster, Mr. Vitrol, and Mr. Abram. They appear to enjoy some caffeine this early morning. Anyway, he did what he had always done ever since. "Good morning, Headmaster Tatsuno. Mr. Viltrol. Mr. Abram." He said while bowing his head in proper politeness. His tone also held a distant warmth which was simply by etiquette. He then went towards a bowl of colorful candies placed near the coffeemaker. He took a piece and elegantly unwrapped it cover and delicately placed it inside his mouth. The sweetness filled him and for now, that was enough for him to ignore the others inside the room momentarily or the fact he is a teacher.