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Ozzie Murks

"... What does it mean, to be perfect...?"

0 · 565 views · located in Monstrum, 666 Devil Road Transylvania

a character in “Monstrum's Asylum for Developing Monsters”, as played by Alle9009


Name:Ozzie Murks

Age: 15 years old

Gender: male

race: Ragdoll Humanoid

Can use magic | yes
potion making - he's not too bad with making potions and the like. He's not magical, but most potions don't exactly require magic. He's not really too bad at it.

racial abilities:
Separating limbs - he can separate his limbs without dying, and can reattach them at will. Although his limbs are separated from his body, he can still control them. If they're lost, he can just sever the connection and use a new one, by sewing the body part onto himself after doing a small ritual on it.
Functional immortality - the only way to kill him is by destroying the head. Otherwise he'll just get himself a new body, from different dead limbs. The body parts he gets that goes through the ritual turns from different coloured and different sized dead flesh to living flesh, matching his skin and tissue. He can even replace organs, although it'd be a bit of a pain. However, he does age, albiet at a much slower rate than others.
Durability - he's extremely durable, mainly because his sense of pain is dulled. However, that means that unless he isn't careful he can burn himself without realising it.

appearance: He's got orange hair that looks like the too-ripe skin of an orange in the sunset. His eyes are a dark brown, and his skin is a natural light tan, although it has an unhealthy pallor from sitting in the dark for so long. His body is covered in small, black scars that look like stitches - one looping around his right eye, another scar curving down his cheek to end at his ear - they're everywhere, and have been since birth. Although his height is average, he's got the long, lean build of a marathon runner, and is a lot stronger than he looks.

Student or teacher?

Backstory: He was born to the average ragdollian family and lived an average life until he was six, which was when his parents died. Don't ask how. Ozzie was then sent over to a friend of the family without much ado, which was when he learned about magic. He spent the days helping out at the store, and as he got older he took an interest in magic. He couldn't do it, but his adoptive mother taught him how to do potions. He took to it with great enthusiasm, and all was well.

When he turned fifteen, he was sent by his foster mother to Monstrum academy both as a way to learn more about monster culture, learn how to integrate with humans and to gather data on others so that he'd be able to learn and upgrade on sales. And also to get a degree and ambition after graduating high school, because as nice as running a shop might be he's only doing it because he doesn't really know what to do with his life.

So begins...

Ozzie Murks's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shame Eclipse Character Portrait: Sen Jumin Character Portrait: Brienne Showalter Character Portrait: Beau Geste Bellatroix Character Portrait: Aiko "The Doll" Nozaki Character Portrait: Kaen Phokus
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Kaen Phokus

The fight unfortunately did not last as long as Kaen had hoped. Technically by his own rules, Shame won the bout with a single strike to Randal's back. A potentially paralyzing hit if the spine was severed, and she did not use magic to attack only to move so she had not broken the rules. However the fact that she was not in full control of her magic troubled him, and showed just how much she needed more training.

Randal however had just broken Kaen's rules, as he was about to attack with a powerful magic strike and Kaen was not having it in his classroom. His movements were enhanced with a quick spell as he appeared next to the two sparring students and moved his hands faster than they could possibly react to. In his open palms was piece of sticky note each with a seal drawn on them. These he slapped across the cheeks of both students and sent them flying into the far wall with great effect. The enchantment of the ring would follow them long enough that neither would have lasting wounds but they might ache for awhile afterwards.

"What the hell do you think your doing? Both of you, see me at my magic dueling class tonight 2nd Period. For the record Shame won that fight. Now, all of you get out of my classroom!" He bellowed the last part at the entire class and from the look on his face it was obvious that "no" was not an acceptable answer. As soon as he finished the bell for the end of the period rang and so began passing period.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shame Eclipse Character Portrait: Miki Haruko Character Portrait: Sen Jumin Character Portrait: Brienne Showalter Character Portrait: Beau Geste Bellatroix Character Portrait: Aiko "The Doll" Nozaki
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Kaen Phokus (Edited)

Now that Kaen was finished with his first class he had a mission to complete. He quickly left the classroom and followed the most mischievous energy in the school. By doing so he soon found Imdius and a group of students outside the headmasters office.

He went right up to the demon teacher and peeked over his shoulder, trying to see what was his source of amusement today. It seemed a group of kids was his current focus, and he even recognized one of them... Gem was his name if Kaen remembered right. That was when Kaen suddenly started laughing off to the side and gives Imdius a little room. "Aww man, you get to chaperon the Student Council? Never pegged you as a part of the system, Imdius. Do you actually care for our beloved students? No, I bet this was Monstrum's idea." His sarcastic banter was all part of the relationship between the two teachers; they had known each other for decades and for Kaen it was a form of rivalry between them.

He didn't know or care if Imdius shared this outlook, Kaen would use it as an excuse to do some stupid things once in awhile and it was always fun for the demon as long as something got chaotic. It was about then that Kaen got his first look at a few of the students and leaned around the demon to look at them. He spotted one in particular that caught his eye. "So the royal brat of the pit comes to Monstrum, unless i'm hallucinating and that isn't the prince of demons over there. You really got your work laid out for you, don't you Imdius?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Miki Haruko Character Portrait: Brienne Showalter Character Portrait: Aiko "The Doll" Nozaki Character Portrait: Gem Kenji Character Portrait: Ozzie Murks
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Ozzie yawned and stretched, finally finished with preparing his things. He walked out of the room, nose buried in a book. He'd been a bit late, and it didn't help that he'd gotten lost to boot. Finally seeing the headmaster's office, he ran for the door with a sense of relief, reaching it just as it opened to allow a black-haired man to step out. Pleased, Ozzie waited until he and whoever else was behind him came out before entering the room with a smile, shutting the door behind him.

The smile on Ozzie's face dimmed as he glanced around at the people inside the room. Not because of the unnatural looks, though! After all, he was the same as them, with the scars that looked like stitches running all over his body. Instead, what weirded him out was that it seemed a fight had already broken out, with the Harpy as the injured party. It was only the first day of school, right? What on earth?

The pink-haired girl he'd seen earlier was healing it, though. Standing to the side, Ozzie leant against the wall and opened his book uncertainly, unsure if he should say or do anything.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Miki Haruko Character Portrait: Brienne Showalter Character Portrait: Beau Geste Bellatroix Character Portrait: Kaen Phokus Character Portrait: Imdius Character Portrait: Gem Kenji
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ImageAiko Nozaki
"An email to Putin?.." Aiko was stopped in her tracks yet again, growing even more confused than before - Imdius had given her a seemingly impossible task, how does a simple secretary like her email the president of Russia and tell him that he needed to 'seek the seven Dragon Balls' if he wished to contact Imdius again. Aiko didn't even know what 'Dragon Balls' were, and for a moment a very lewd image came to her mind - she wouldn't put it past Imdius to possess such a thing.

Shaking off the lewd imagery, Aiko gave a quick nod and sat at her desk to begin the email, feeling slightly relieved now that the medkit was no longer needed due to the arrival of a presumed new student with very long, very pink hair. Just as she managed to make sense of what she was typing, Aiko's mobile rang, rattling against her chest from within her breast pocket, "H-hello?!" Aiko quickly answered, still quite flustered over her building workload, she still had yet to find Randal, "You're on the moon?! H-how?! Neil Armstrong's footprints? I-I.." as she spoke Aiko wracked her brain nervously for a solution, wondering how she could get Imdius out of yet another tricky situation, "U-uhm..just..make new ones? N-no one should notice, right?" she felt a bit guilty for suggesting such a thing, but it was the only idea she could think of that didn't require a tremendous amount of effort.

The arrival of a very notable figure within the office put Aiko on edge, and once the phone conversation with Imdius had ended, she'd get up from her desk and hurry over to her appointed target with her head lowered in a bow, "M-mister Randal..Sir, your father asked me to-" but it seemed the Headmaster's son wasn't listening at all. He was instead enthralled with the long-pink-haired student whom was healing the harpy. Aiko looked around the room helplessly, noticing that another student had joined the mass - she just hoped nothing more would go ary. With a moment to build up her courage having passed, Aiko took a sharp breath, preparing herself for the worst, and cleared her throat "Mister Randal, please listen." Aiko raised her hand to place on Randal's shoulder, attempting to get his attention.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Miki Haruko Character Portrait: Brienne Showalter Character Portrait: Beau Geste Bellatroix Character Portrait: Aiko "The Doll" Nozaki Character Portrait: Kaen Phokus Character Portrait: Imdius
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A man who Miki wasn't sure was actually a teacher or not, groaned and slumped forward. He seemed quite annoyed at her presence which made her feel awkward even more. But at least she knew she was in the right place, although in its current state it certainly did not look like the head office. The teacher's next words caught her off guard though as he had a go at her for offering to heal a wounded student. Miki was very confused and too surprised to be really hurt by his words. "Little...shit?" She muttered to herself, uncertain of how to reply to that. She couldn't recall ever being spoken to that way before and by the time she realised she was cross with how he spoke to her, he was gone. Miki's face went red as her cheeks puffed up with air, her lips pursed tightly shut and her eyebrows furrowed. She was angry, on her first day too. She almost looked as though she was holding her breath to stop herself from exploding. Her mind unintentionally blocking out the conversations around her until she finally calmed herself, letting out a long sigh.

A much taller than herself woman reassured her that it was fine however, which caused Miki to smile. She was calm now and would certainly not go off at a teacher on her first day and get in trouble. That would be silly, no matter how tempting it was. Perhaps it was a good thing the rude teacher left before she could retaliate. Although she had yet to discover a student was now missing. Miki looked up at the woman who she would assume was another teacher and gave a firm, confident nod, smiling. Before moving to the Harpy, she looked around at the others in the room; noticing a teacher talking to a student who she now knew was a dragon, amazing how well he hid it. Another female with long black hair was searching for something until she received a phone call. She was pretty cute Miki had to admit and she had to force herself to stop staring. How embarrassing.

Back to what was important, Miki approached the Harpy with a gentle smile, looking into her eyes with her own soft, pale violet eyes. "Hi, I'm Miki Haruko, it's nice to meet you. I just wanted to reassure you I'm going to try and heal your wound." Miki certainly did not want to freak out the girl with what her hair was going to do. Miki gently wrapped a handful of her long, pink hair around the wound. Considering it wasn't somewhere like her arm or leg, the wrapping was a bit more tedious. Miki then inhaled deeply, closing her eyes as she did so, then slowly exhaled. As she exhaled her hair began to grow in length, slowly hardening almost like a cast, a cast made completely of vines. After a few seconds, the vines began to softer and her hair returned to its normal length, slowly creeping away and unwrapping itself from around the Harpy's shoulder. "You may get a mere bruise but apart from that the injury and hopefully the pain too is gone." Although she was confident, depending on how bad the injury was determined how well she would heal her target. Miki felt quite proud about helping the girl, standing quite confidently with a bit of a grin on her face. The Harpy was mighty cute too. She needed to stop herself from staring at cute people, it surely wasn't healthy.

Miki then noticed the teacher who was speaking with dragon boy had left and the office began to slowly repair itself. She watched as bits of glass and wires fixed themselves, moving back into their rightful place in awe. The place was full of surprises and Miki could feel excitement and energy slowly build up inside her, like she could do laps around the school if it built up any further. Being in a new place was both scary and exciting, made her want to throw up glitter. The tall woman then said her goodbyes and left the room. "Meeting with the Headmaster?" The female's words distracted Miki from her day dream. So the students in the office were there to see the Headmaster. She was curious about what for but wasn't sure who to ask. Perhaps the cute girl with the long black hair?

It was then that she almost didn't notice someone was talking to her, so caught up in the events around her. Miki turned to look up at another male student. "Cutie?" She muttered to herself, looking left then right, was he speaking to her? She tilted her head slightly to the side, studying the male, a rather confused look on her face for a moment as she wasn't sure how to react. "New to the school? Oh! Yes, um. I'm assuming you are too?" She had to collect herself for a moment there, almost spacing out with disbelief and a bit of embarrassment for being casually called cute. "Sorry! I didn't introduce myself, I'm Miki Haruko, it's a pleasure to meet you." Miki smiled a most charming smile before noticing the black haired female from earlier about to place her hand on the male's shoulder, trying to get his attention by saying his name. "Am I correct to assume your name is Randal?" She spoke once more with a short, soft chuckle before gesturing to behind him. He was obviously oblivious to the poor girl trying to get his attention. Quite distracted at the moment she hadn't yet noticed the other male observing the room from the wall to the side.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Miki Haruko Character Portrait: Brienne Showalter Character Portrait: Aiko "The Doll" Nozaki Character Portrait: Gem Kenji Character Portrait: Randal Monstrum Character Portrait: Ozzie Murks
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Brienne pursed her lips uncertainly. This place seemed determined to test her willpower left and right. Closing her eyes, she steadied herself amid the flurry of Imdius' insults and antics and the entrance of several more people. By the time she opened them again, Bellatroix vanished from the room, a decidedly pink girl stood nearby, a young man near-ish to her, and someone who looked like a botched patchwork procedure did its best to put him back together and nearly failed. Xue was gone and the headmaster's office finally looked empty enough to enter once she could extricate herself from this mess of people. All at once, she just wanted a long, restful nap. Rubbing her forehead with her right wing, she refocused on the present.

The pink girl's words finally rolled through her brain. "Miki Haruko?" That's a name she'd remember. "Uh, thanks, but I-" oh. Brienne looked on curiously as Miki wrapped her hair around her shoulder. It lengthened and twisted into... vines? Definitely vines. The pain leeched from her arm slowly, the edges of her wound itching as the skin and muscles knitted back together. Resisting the urge to rub at it with her wing, she waited for the pink-hair girl to unwrap the hair from her shoulder. Though blood still clotted her black feathers, it felt fine to fly with.

Again, she wondered what kind of crazy place she'd gotten into.

Rolling her left shoulder a few times, the harpy offered, "Thanks Miki. I appreciate that." There wasn't the slightest hint of sarcasm in her voice. An ability like that would have come in handy more than once on some of her foresting trips. Getting injured in the woods far away from civilization was never fun. Without any form of human guise, Brienne couldn't visit a normal hospital either.

With her odd half-hopping, bird-walk, she sidled up next to Gem. "Hey, let's go talk to the headmaster now. The sooner we get this chat over with, the sooner we can get back to class." As the words left her mouth, Brienne knew she might just head to her room for that nap she wanted. Either way, first things first, she needed to get this done with before anything else. Scooting closer to the door, she decided to take initiative again. Fiddling with the round door handle proved easier said than done. The smooth surface slipped and slid between her silken feathers with a soft, whispery hiss. Crouching down, she hooked it under the underside of her arm, squeezed it close to her body, then leaned back to turn the handle. Pulling it open some, she shoved her foot into the gap, then let go of the handle. Stuffing her wing into the gap next, she opened it wider.

The whole process to about twenty seconds, and looked absolutely foolish. Oh, to have hands.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Miki Haruko Character Portrait: Sen Jumin Character Portrait: Brienne Showalter Character Portrait: Aiko "The Doll" Nozaki Character Portrait: Kaen Phokus Character Portrait: Gem Kenji
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#, as written by Ky-Lin
Rook smiled at the teachers invitation to his sparring matches, feeling more included already at the school that he had sentenced himself to. He didnt really know how he was going to tell the man who was actually paying attention to him and being kind that he didnt fight. It wasnt that he couldnt or didnt like it, although he didnt enjoy even friendly sparring matches, its just that he couldnt fight what so ever. When he did, things got dangerous incredibly quick and he cant control anything at all, a beast would wake inside him and people would get hurt. Maybe he could watch though, support from the sidelines or something along the lines of that and it would be a way he could make friends or something. He was going to tell the teacher as much but he was already leaving to wherever it was he was going. He watched as he left before turning to see the events of the room. It seemed a bit chaotic but this is probably how the school always is. The chaos is probably added to a bit for every year since there a new people and things with a different mindset and behaviors. But at least it seems that his decision to come here was a good one so far.

When everything settled a bit he made his exit, smiling and giving a quiet wave as he left the others to their business with the Headmaster. He went around wandering the halls since there seemed to be a free period now, he wasnt sure because he hadnt checked the schedule for himself at all. Oh well, first days were meant to break rules and to figure things out anyways and he didnt mind not doing as he should every once in a while. A little while later he came across a familiar face and went to him, in the quiet fashion he had honed after centuries of hiding among the nothingness of the mountains. "If I remember correctly werent you going to find your dorm? I can help you if you would like since I was just over there before the interesting little meet up back there."