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Lai J. Kashenkai

"I'm more of the badass of the family...the better half."

0 · 644 views · located in University for Specially Gifted

a character in “My dream college isn't actually for humans!?”, as played by Nami L'Chi




Lai Jaymes Kashenkai
"I'm the better half of my brother... the one kept in the darkness."



Vampire Noble [Male]




|Physical Description|
Lai is just a bit shorter than his brother Lea. Comming up at about 5'7 he weighs 147lbs. He's a bit paler in complexion with his twin. Though they both have tattoos below their eyes so when they were teens, their friends and family could tell them apart. Though Lai's eyes are blue, his hair is the same shade of red as Lea's. It's usually caught in a long pony, and is a bit thinner. His roots are the same shade of ebony black as his brothers. He's gotten sleeves of tattoos all on his arms, and even on his abdomen.

Romantic Interest

Unsure of yet

Polar opposite of his brother Lai is charming and casual with everyone. There is an air of badassery around him, and that suits him fine. He doesn’t mind being the black sheep of the family. He's not much of an authority figure, in fact he hates any authority figure around him that tries making him do something he doesn't want to do. He won't apologize for what he does to anyone unless it purposly puts them in harms way.

|I like...|

|But I don't like...|
-Bad Music


Growing up the black sheep of the pair, didn't help Lai's self confidence. Praying that he would be the one to get the wolf gene, he hoped that would make his parents proud. Unfortunatly his brother, that seemed to excell in everything got the gene meaning Lai grew up in the shadows of his brother. Though Lea never left him out or forgot him... Lai felt as if his parents did. Around the time of his 17th birthday, he was tired of living in the shadows, and he went and did some minor crimes [that of course landed him in Juvie]. While in prison he met a vampire, and there got his chance. The vampire took pity on him, and showed him some form of emotion, giving the teen the gift of the damned.

When he was released, he got in contact with his brother, and begged him to speak to whoever he needed to so he could get in the same college with him. Luckily, Miss Bathory accepted, and that is how Lai is now paired with his brother Lea.. [of course they stay in seperate dorms.]


|Skills and Abilities|
He's got the ability to control certain currents of electricity throughout his body. Though this has drawbacks, for the current goes along with his temper.
He has his twin telepathy [this does exist! ask them!] with his brother Lea, he can only tell if the brother is hurt or in trouble. [the second part rarely ever happens] of course the occasional mood swing occurs as well.

|Theme Song|
Fix Me: Ten Years

It's taken a lifetime to lose my way
A lifetime of yesterdays
All the wasted time on my hands turns to sand
And fades in the wind

Crossing lines, small crimes
Taking back what is mine

I'm fine in the fire
I feed on the friction
I'm right where I should be
Don't try and fix me
I'm fine in the fire
I feed on the friction
I'm right where I should be
Don't try and fix me

So lost for so long to find to my way
I failed to follow, I'm out of place

Crossing lines, small crimes
Taking back what is mine

I'm fine in the fire
I feed on the friction
I'm right where I should be
Don't try and fix me
I'm fine in the fire
I feed on the friction
I'm right where I should be
Don't try and fix me

I'm fine in the fire
I feed on the friction
I'm right where I should be
Don't try and fix me

I'm fine in the fire
I feed on the friction
I'm right where I should be
Don't try and fix me
I'm fine in the fire
I feed on the friction
I'm right where I should be
Don't try and fix me
I'm fine in the fire
I feed on the friction
I'm right where I should be
Don't try and fix me


So begins...

Lai J. Kashenkai's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaoron Ligsten Character Portrait: Lydia Winters Character Portrait: Lai J. Kashenkai Character Portrait: Alexander "Zero" Roland Character Portrait: Lucas Character Portrait: Selene Savage
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#, as written by Ever

A small sigh escapes the petite red-head but the sound had gotten lost in the loud bustle of the airport terminal. She had been on layover for more than an hour and each ticking by second resonated in her mind which had only aggravated her further. "Why can't these bloody airplanes be as efficient as they are in the movies?!" comes the small hiss through gritted teeth in an attempt to let out her frustration. Trying to relinquish the pent up anger inside her, she turns the glossy magazine page with a tad bit more force than originally intended, resulting in a tear. Lydia gives a small smirk of satisfaction at the now rendered useless page as she tosses aside the latest volume of Artist Weekly onto the empty bench seat next to her. "All flight 129 passengers, please board. The plane is ready for takeoff. I repeat: All flight 129 passengers, please board. The plane is ready for takeoff. Thank you.. Those simple words that filtered through the grainy intercom immediately cleared up the clouds of anger within Lydia, encouraging a bright smile from the young girl. Slinging the crumpled carry-on over her slender shoulder, Lydia follows the stream of her fellow airplane mates, a broad smile never leaving her fine features.

Once inside the darkened plane, she quickly scurries to the first-class compartments, much to the flight attendant's ushering. Standing in the middle of the dimmed aisle, her emerald green eyes blink in awe seeing the long stretch of individually closed doors and she couldn't help but have her eyebrows knit in confusion. Isn't this an airplane.... comes the confused thoughts in her mind as she wanders down the aisle, eyes trained on the golden plates above each door that signified the number. Finally, she reaches the door 1C, pausing briefly outside of it before sliding the grated door open with a hesitant tug. Mouth dropping, she splutters out "W-w-w-what!" in surprise seeing the cabin before her. A bright pink flush creeps it way onto her face as she became aware of some passengers peeking their heads out of their own little worlds to stare at the young red-head with a mix between confusion and amusement. Before any more embarrassing statements manages to escape her, Lydia quickly ducks into her assigned cabin.

It had been already an hour into the flight and Lydia already begun to feel the anxiety. A small-town California girl was going to go to a college in Europe! Not to mention, it was THE college; everyone's dream college: University for Specially Gifted! What would they think of me!? And I'm going to be there on the 3rd day of school too! 'The new girl'! With a groan, Lydia begins to wring her hands in distress at the very thought of being the new person. Ever since she could remember, she had always possessed this fear of being the new kid. It was only when one of her sharp fingernails cut the tender skin on her palm did she stop her mini anxiety panic attack. A slew of curses escape from the baby pink lips that graced her features as the crimson blood started to well up from the cut. With a heavy sigh, Lydia presses a tissue forcibly against her wounded palm, wincing just slightly at the sharp pain. "Oh Lydia. Every time you're alone, why is it that you always get hurt?!" she demands of herself with a disappointed shake of her head. It was then, after her scolding, her thoughts begun to drift to her application to U.f.S.G. Not even two days after she submitted her application was she accepted into the school, something of which had confused her terribly. As far Lydia knew, none of her friends, no matter how many times they re-sent their forms, ever heard word back from the prestigious school. So why had I? comes the thought that had been replaying in her mind since the day she was accepted. Sure, Lydia could paint. But looking at academics, she suffered greatly in mathematics during her highschool years to the point of nearly failing the class! Yet here she was; a mediocre student going to a world-wide renowned school. Before these thoughts could continue, a yawn fled from its confines, much to her surprise. Before Lydia knew it, those emerald green eyes fluttered closed and she was off to dreamland.


Lucas stretches happily in the sunshine, a smile of happiness plastering its way onto his face causing one fang to slip out between his lips. Even the sharp poke of the freshly cut grass couldn't dampen his mood of happiness. God, it felt good to be back! came his ecstatic thought. Honestly, he didn't mind U.f.S.G like he did his high school, it was actually kinda fun to interact with other werewolves. However, it was the first day of a new school year so not many students had arrived yet. Instead of catching up on his school work from the summer, like he was suppose to, Lucas currently was slacking off under his favorite tree on campus; an old oak with sprawling branches. Nice days like these aren't meant to be wasted on school work.. resonated the reasoning portion of his mind. After all, this was the best part about U.f.S.G; it's always so green and full of life. Giving a content sigh, Lucas rests his weary head on his interlocked hands, his eyes closing hearing the soft songs of the birds above him. This was life.

Suddenly, his navy blue eyes open in alarm, filled with disgust and repulsive hate. Giving a small sniff of the air lightly, his nose wrinkled at the stench that attacked his senses before spatting out "Vampires." Sitting up in annoyance, Lucas scans the campus trying to figure out which one of them had disturbed his lovely bliss. His eyes finally land on the culprit, causing Lucas's typically smiling eyes to narrow into ones filled with hate: Kaoron Ligsten. The pureblood. Giving a slight scoff, he spits onto the grass next to him as if he just had tasted some thing foul. Voice venomous, he bites out "Of course. The more powerful they are, the worse they smell." Though, that wasn't necessarily true seeing Lucas's opinion was, indeed, quite bias. His detest for Kaoron went beyond that of what was normal for the typical werewolf-vampire relationship; he absolutely despised that kid. There was something about the haughty Pureblood that made his blood boil! Though, even if he was a Beta werewolf, Lucas knew he'd never be able to take on Kaoron and win. And that just pissed him off more than anything.

Getting up begrudgingly, Lucas roughly shoves his hands into his jean pockets before grumbling to himself in his discontent. While walking in a wide berth past the Pureblood, his nose still wrinkled in disgust, he mustered enough brave to send the kid the most repulsive sneer he could. Feeling urgency to be with his pack, Lucas desperately searched the grounds for any signs of his werewolf pals, not liking being alone so close to one of the most powerful beings on campus. In midst of his discomfort, another scent flooded it's way into his nose causing his eyes to narrow: Alexander Roland. Yet another Vampire he despised for his power and his blood. Where are they?! came his desperate thoughts as he looked around the campus, realization hitting him hard: He was on the Vampire's side of campus.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lai J. Kashenkai Character Portrait: Lea E. Kashenkai Character Portrait: Lucas
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Lee smiled as the warm sun was on his face. It had been a while since he had even been outside. Rolling his shoulders he'd look around the new campus curious as to any new faces around here. There had been rumours according to Lai...his twin. He'd eye the vampires as him and Lai were walking the campus together. His red hair surrounded his shoulders as he noticed a familliar dark hared male. "Lucas! Dude! What you doing on this side of the campus?" He'd call out seeing the man walking around as if he was searching for someone.

Lee had learned to accept vampires. He didn't have to like them, or even care about them. He just had to accept that they existed and they drank blood. The only reason he would even have changed his mind about this was his twin. Lai..the social reject of society... well human society that is. Had met a 'friend' in prison who gave him the gift.

He felt a hand on his shoulder. "Lee... know how vampires feel about you on this side... you're the Alpha and all." Lai's cool voice would say as he followed his brothers eyes onto Lucas.

Lee shrugged his brothers hand off his shoulder. "I know...and I have to go." Suddenly his voice wasn't warm at all, it was detached. He would wait for Lucas before he did anything though.


Lai sighed and nodded, he'd adjust his bag and smile. " Goodbye Brother." He'd start walking off to the dorms, he'd seen his brothers, and he wasn't envious of them at all. He liked his dorms just fine. They were better than the ones in prison. Sighing he'd collapse on the couch and close his eyes.

Lee just didn't understand the vampires like Lai did. Then again Lai didn't understand the wolves like Lee did. They were twins but they were completely different. Sighing he'd just sit here and think about all the things him and his brother went through.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lai J. Kashenkai Character Portrait: Lea E. Kashenkai
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Walking back to the werewolves campus he'd glare at anyone who gave him the wrong look. He saw what happened, yet.. he didn't do anything about it. The tension seemed to wash away now hat he was with his own kind. Still something seemed to bother him. Lai was a vampire and yet he didn't seem to do anything...about the whole situation.

Lea loved Lai though... and he knew deep down Lai loved him. He'd walk down to his favourite tree, and plopped down closing his eyes.


Sighing he'd wander around his dorm, looking for things to do. Since there was nothing to do, he laid down on his bed, and stared up at the ceiling.

((SORRY ITS SO SHORt.... >.>))

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaoron Ligsten Character Portrait: Lydia Winters Character Portrait: Lai J. Kashenkai Character Portrait: Lea E. Kashenkai Character Portrait: Alexander "Zero" Roland Character Portrait: Lilly Cellest
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#, as written by Ever
Lydia eagerly fidgeted on the black leather couch in the back of the limousine, biting her lower lip repeatedly. I'm going to be at one of the most prestigious schools in the only a few minutes! came her excited thoughts, only causing her fidget more at the very prospect. In an attempt to quell this anxiousness bubbling over, Lydia absentmindedly started leaf through the instructional packet, a gift from the Headmaster. However, the petite redhead couldn't bring herself to concentrate on the words as her thoughts began to wander yet again. In the haze of joy that was washing over the human girl's mind, Lydia nearly missed the door being opened. Nearly.

Almost bursting out of the limo, the girl greedily took in the sight of the campus, all breathe fleeing her in amazement. The next several minutes passed in a blur of a mix between shock and an itching happiness as she was led through the nearly deserted campus to the headmaster's office. There, as she was debriefed on college life, the bubbly girl only took away this: keep your nose clean and get good grades. When a four page contract was pushed across the heavy oak desk to stop in front of her, Lydia Winters never gave it much thought on what it was for. She merely signed her name in the designated spots, drowning in her happiness. Perhaps it was the worst mistake this girl could ever have made or perhaps it was the best.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaoron Ligsten Character Portrait: Lydia Winters Character Portrait: Lai J. Kashenkai Character Portrait: Alexander "Zero" Roland Character Portrait: Selene Savage
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A smile grew on his face as he heard the thought that came across the being. Of course, that was invasion of privacy, but he couldn’t help himself but laugh in his own head. Kaoron felt pretty safe about himself; even though that he was only 18, the thought of being defeated wasn’t a thing in his mind. He only made a “tsk” before looked back towards the dorm, sending a mental message to everyone within the dorm.

“The human arrived
 get yourself along and get out of your rooms, you lazy people.” He chuckled softly, looking back towards to the being.

“They should arrive soon. If anything, they might have been gone the whole night.” He shrugged. To be honest with himself, he could have felt people’s aura, but even himself, he felt lazy to care about who is and not inside of the dorm. Besides, he didn’t think that it was his job to direct the others in their lives, even if he is somewhat of the leader of the group of vampires. Longer he thought about it, more he thought that he might have to do it.

There was a human going to reside near bloodsuckers. He doesn’t look forward to when one of his companions got all frenzy on the girl. He doesn’t like violence, nor does he like the girl for the moment. Humans sound fun to hang around; he never experienced it, since he was so closed on his family and the importance of it. Although, it never really bothered him. There was a nifty place called the Internet. Of course, he had to disguise himself, since vampires are either being of a totally rejected because of some book he never read, being called fake because humans mostly think vampires doesn’t exist, which is ironic, and ultimately praised. He did get asked to be married at some point.

Any ways, enough his life, and he preferred to concentrate more on who will be there or not. For now, he only counted that human and himself. The others are somewhere. He only sighed softly, thinking maybe one or two have gone during the night, which wouldn’t be surprising. What is surprising is that this year, it would be the first time there will be a human. He didn’t know why is that, maybe getting a lesson out of it, or just keep warm blood if anyone needs, though it is said that they can’t draw blood from her unless him and the human accepts it. ‘More leadership to come
yay.’ He though sarcastically.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaoron Ligsten Character Portrait: Lydia Winters Character Portrait: Lai J. Kashenkai Character Portrait: Lea E. Kashenkai Character Portrait: Alexander "Zero" Roland Character Portrait: Lilly Cellest
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"Kylie Galen looked up from the slice of pepperoni pizza on the fine china plate and tried to ignore the ghost swinging the bloody sword right behind her grandfather and great-aunt. Her new found family members were 
 good people, but a tad on the proper side. And proper people probably wouldn't appreciate an uninvited ghost getting their dining room walls bloody.
The spirit, a female, dark flowing hair, in her early thirties, stopped in mid-swing and stared directly at Kylie. You kill or be killed. It’s really rather simple. The words reverberated in Kylie’s head. They were communicating telepathically, and considering the topic being discussed, that was probably for the best.
That’s not simple, Kylie shot back. And I’m trying to eat, so would you mind leaving?
That’s rude, the ghost said. You’re supposed to help spirits. You need to abide by your guidelines.
Kylie twisted the cloth napkin she’d placed in her lap. Okay, was there something written in the rule books about a ghost whisperer having to be polite to obnoxious spirits?
Oh, wait, she didn't have a freaking rule book, or guidelines. She was winging it. Winging everything, in fact: ghost whispering, being a supernatural, being someone’s girlfriend.
Being someone’s ex-girlfriend!
Lately it felt like she was winging her whole damned life, and making a fine mess of things, too. Like her decision to leave Shadow Falls, the camp/recently turned boarding school for paranormal teens. It had felt like the right thing to do at the time.

Losing concentration, Maria stopped her reading and proceeded to look out the window. She had arrived at the University, the prior night. Not having any time to explore, she went directly to the office and then to her new assigned dorm. Apparently, she was in "luck" yesterday because she got to her dorm room but nobody was around to greet her. Though, this made her goal of meeting new people, much more difficult. Being a shy girl was something Maria wasn't proud of; due to the fact that she couldn't go and talk to some stranger right out of the bat like other girls.

Resting her head on the palm of her hand, she returned her gaze to the instruments on the room. She could see a few guitar cases, a piano and other instruments she hasn't got time to try and play. Maria looked back at the words on the book, now resting on her lap. A small sigh could be heard coming out of her mouth. "Why did I have to come here? I don't see the difference between this school and a normal one..." Another sigh could be heard coming from her; closing the book on her lap she went back to look out the window. The day was beautiful, the blue sky had almost no clouds and the birds could be seen flying around. If she weren't so timid, she would have been outside trying to meet new "friends" or talk with some of the other vampires around. Though, she doesn't judge much on species; to her friends came in different varieties. She also heard about the news of a human being accepted to the school. Many of her fellow peers were very shocked about it, but not her. It was bound to happen, besides that is why they were being educated; to become part of human society. She looked at the clock in the room and became thoughtful. "My first class should be starting soon.... Shaking her head, a sad smile appeared on her face. Deciding to skip her first class, she snapped out of her thoughts. She knew she was braking school rules by not going to lass, but it was her first day. She'll come up with some excuse later; besides it wasn't like she was going to skip all of her classes on her first day. That would surely draw negative attention to her persona and she wasn't looking for any type of attention. Standing up from her spot, she walked to the guitar cases and picked one up. Taking the guitar, she placed it on her lap and started to tune it. After completing this task, she proceeded to play one of her favorite melodies. Playing this, she started to sing the lyrics to the song. Although, she mixed it up by inserting some spanish into the song.

“When the night has come and the land is dark. Y la luna es la luz que brilla ante mĂ­. Miedo no, no tendrĂ©, oh I won’t, no me asustare. Just as long as you stand, stand by me. And darling, darling stand by me, oh stand by me. Oh stand, junto a mĂ­, junto a mĂ­.

Y aunque las montañas o el cielo caiga. No voy a preocuparme porque se, que tu estas, junto a mĂ­. No llorare, no llorare oh, I won’t shed a tear. Porque se, que tu estas junto a mi. And darling, darling stand by me, oh stand by me. Oh stand, stand by me, stand by me.

And darling, darling stand by me, oh stand by me. Oh stand, junto a mí, junto a mí. And darling, darling stand by me, oh stand by me. Oh stand, junto a mí, junto a mí.”

Maria had a great singing voice, but she was extremely shy. This prevent her from performing in front of anyone. Though at the moment she was so into the song that, if anyone were to come in she wouldn't be able to notice.[/center]